
Household debt

Household debt is the combined debt of all people in a household, including consumer debt and mortgage loans. A significant rise in the level of this debt coincides historically with many severe economic crises and was a cause of the U.S. and subsequent European economic crises of 2007–2012. Several economists have argued that lowering this debt is essential to economic recovery in the U.S. and selected Eurozone countries.[1][2][3]

Household debt in Great Britain 2008-10

Overview Edit

Household debt relative to disposable income and GDP.

Household debt can be defined in several ways, based on what types of debt are included. Common debt types include home mortgages, home equity loans, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards. Household debt can also be measured across an economy, to measure how indebted households are relative to various measures of income (e.g., pre-tax and disposable income) or relative to the size of the economy (GDP).

The burden of debt can also be measured in terms of the amount of interest it generates relative to the income of the borrower. For example, the U.S. Federal Reserve measures the "household debt service ratio" (DSR), an estimate of the ratio of debt payments to disposable personal income. Debt payments consist of the estimated required payments on outstanding mortgage and consumer debt. The Fed also measures the "financial obligations ratio" (FOR), which adds automobile lease payments, rental payments on tenant-occupied property, homeowners' insurance, and property tax payments to the debt service ratio. Homeowner and renter FORs are calculated by applying homeowner and renter shares of payments and income derived from the Survey of Consumer Finances and Current Population Survey to the numerator and denominator of the FOR. The homeowner mortgage FOR includes payments on mortgage debt, homeowners' insurance, and property taxes, while the homeowner consumer FOR includes payments on consumer debt and automobile leases.[4]

Historical perspective Edit

In the 20th century, spending on consumer durables rose significantly. Household debt rose as living standards rose, and consumers demanded an array of durable goods. These included major durables like high-end electronics, vehicles, and appliances, that were purchased with credit. Easy credit encouraged a shift from saving to spending.

Households in developed countries significantly increased their household debt relative to their disposable income and GDP from 1980 to 2007 — one of the many factors behind the U.S. and European crises of 2007–2012. Research indicates that U.S. household debt increased from 43% to 62% of GDP from 1982 to 2000.[5] Looking at the early years of the 21st century, many industrialized countries, with a notable exception of Germany, experienced a major spike of household debt versus GDP around 2007–8, with the United States leading up to 2007; by 2017, the American ratio was second only to that of the United Kingdom.[6]

U.S. households made significant progress in deleveraging (reducing debt) post-crisis, much of it due to foreclosures and financial institution debt write-downs. By some measures, consumers began to add certain types of debt again in 2012, a sign that the economy may be improving as this borrowing supports consumption.[7]

Global economic impact Edit

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported in April 2012:

"Household debt soared in the years leading up to the Great Recession. In advanced economies, during the five years preceding 2007, the ratio of household debt to income rose by an average of 39 percentage points, to 138 percent. In Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Norway, debt peaked at more than 200 percent of household income. A surge in household debt to historic highs also occurred in emerging economies such as Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania. This occurred largely because the central banks implemented a prolonged period of artificially low policy interest rates, temporarily increasing the amount of debt that could be serviced with a given income. The leveraging up fueled a consumption boom that, ironically, boosted GDP in the countries in question, but represented not a sustainable 'boost to aggregate demand' but instead a mere pulling forward of consumption, as people took on new 30-40 year debt to pay for current year expenditures.

The predictable fallout of this policy is the slow growth that these countries are experiencing today. At the time, the concurrent boom in both house prices and the stock market - as the prices of financed and financial assets were bid up by virtue of the same low rates - meant that household debt relative to assets held broadly stable, which masked households' growing exposure to the eventual sharp fall in asset prices. House prices in particular were vulnerable to sharp movements in policy rates in countries in which most mortgages are adjustable-rate, as 30-40 year loans are highly rate sensitive, house purchases are financed at 80-95% of the price, and only 4-5% of homes change owners in a year.

Despite this low volume, the appraisal rules in most countries limit the number of times that a sale can serve as a comp only in terms of time (12 months), not the number of times that a given sale can be used as a comp - because of this, a "cash out refi boom" followed the low-rate-driven-price-increase - this was the primary vehicle through which developed countries' households leveraged up. On the supply side, home builders are also financed at short rates (in the US, Prime). Their cost of capital was effectively cut in half by virtue of the central bank rate cuts, enabling them to overbuild in response to the rise in prices - with all the new supply making the eventual price collapse worse than it would otherwise have been.

In short, the entire episode was straight out of Ludwig von Mises' 'Human Action', Chapter 20, with the new twist that most of the debt was incurred on the consumer side. When rising consumer prices forced the central banks to allow policy rates to rise back up toward market rates, the wind propping up house prices was taken away. House prices immediately declined, ushering in the global financial crisis. Many households, who had reduced their savings out of a belief in the "wealth effect," saw their wealth shrink relative to their debt, and, with less income and more unemployment, especially in the previously booming real estate sector, found it harder to meet mortgage payments. "Strategic defaults" became common, as homeowners with significant negative equity simply abandoned the home and the debt.

By the end of 2011, real house prices had fallen from their peak by about 41% in Ireland, 29% in Iceland, 23% in Spain and the United States, and 21% in Denmark. Household defaults, underwater mortgages (where the loan balance exceeds the house value), foreclosures, and fire sales became endemic to a number of economies. Household deleveraging by paying off debts or defaulting on them has begun in some countries. It has been most pronounced in the United States, where about two-thirds of the debt reduction reflects defaults.

Of note, Germany, in which almost all mortgages carry 10 year pricing, and in which the 10 year interest rate did not decline during the 2000s, no housing bubble occurred at all. Also, in Canada, in which most mortgages are ARMs but 3-5 year, and which experienced a muted drop in intermediate-term rates, the housing bubble was more muted than in neighboring US.[2][8]

Statistics Edit

World Edit

Among OECD countries, the larger share of all household debt is represented by mortgages, the incidence of which varies across countries, between 60% and 90% of total household debt.[9] Scandinavian countries show the highest aggregate level household debt in OECD countries, their household debt is mostly composed of mortgages, and the use of consumer credit is almost absent.[10]

2020 Q1 Household debt[11]
No. Country % of GDP
1   South Korea 97.9%
2   United Kingdom 84.4%
3   Hong Kong 82.5%
4   United States 75.6%
5   Thailand 70.2%
6   Malaysia 68.3%
7   China 58.8%
8   Japan 57.2%
9   Singapore 52.4%
10   Lebanon 50.7%

United States Edit

Total US household debt by type
Mortgage, student loan, auto loan, and credit card debt in the U.S.

U.S. household (HH) debt (measured by the FRED variable "CMDEBT")[12] rose relative to both GDP and disposable income over the 1980 to 2011 period.

  • Household debt as a % disposable income rose from 68% in 1980 to a peak of 128% in 2007, prior to dropping to 112% by 2011.
  • Household debt as a % nominal GDP rose from 47% in 1980 to a peak of 94% in 2009, prior to dropping to 77% in 2012.[13]
  • U.S. household debt rose from nearly zero in the 1950s to $13.8 trillion in 2008, before declining to $12.9 trillion by Q2 2012.[14]

Consumer credit outstanding includes credit cards, auto loans, student loans, and other types of household debt, but excludes mortgages. It rose from 14.0% GDP in January 1990 to 18.0% GDP by January 2009. It fell to a trough of 16.4% GDP in July 2010 and was back up to 17.5% GDP by January 2013.[15]

U.S. economic impact Edit

Contribution to the 2008 financial crisis Edit

This increase in debt from 1980 to 2007 enabled spending that stimulated the economy, arguably "papering over" or hiding the sustainable economic growth rate excluding this increase in leverage. This debt overhang then began holding back the economy as consumers paid down debt (which reduces economic activity) rather than spending.[16]

Paul Krugman wrote in December 2010: "The root of our current troubles lies in the debt American families ran up during the Bush-era housing bubble. Twenty years ago, the average American household’s debt was 83 percent of its income; by a decade ago, that had crept up to 92 percent; but by late 2007, debts were 130 percent of income. All this borrowing took place both because banks had abandoned any notion of sound lending and because everyone assumed that house prices would never fall. And then the bubble burst. What we’ve been dealing with ever since is a painful process of 'deleveraging': highly indebted Americans not only can't spend the way they used to, they're having to pay down the debts they ran up in the bubble years. This would be fine if someone else were taking up the slack. But what's actually happening is that some people are spending much less while nobody is spending more—and this translates into a depressed economy and high unemployment. What the government should be doing in this situation is spending more while the private sector is spending less, supporting employment while those debts are paid down. And this government spending needs to be sustained: we're not talking about a brief burst of aid; we’re talking about spending that lasts long enough for households to get their debts back under control. The original Obama stimulus wasn’t just too small; it was also much too short-lived, with much of the positive effect already gone."[17]

In April 2009, U.S. Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen discussed the situation: "Once this massive credit crunch hit, it didn’t take long before we were in a recession. The recession, in turn, deepened the credit crunch as demand and employment fell, and credit losses of financial institutions surged. Indeed, we have been in the grips of precisely this adverse feedback loop for more than a year. A process of balance sheet deleveraging [paying down debt] has spread to nearly every corner of the economy. Consumers are pulling back on purchases, especially on durable goods, to build their savings. Businesses are cancelling planned investments and laying off workers to preserve cash. And, financial institutions are shrinking assets to bolster capital and improve their chances of weathering the current storm. Once again, Minsky understood this dynamic. He spoke of the paradox of deleveraging, in which precautions that may be smart for individuals and firms—and indeed essential to return the economy to a normal state—nevertheless magnify the distress of the economy as a whole."[18]

The policy prescription of Ms Yellen's predecessor Mr Bernanke was to increase the money supply and artificially reduce interest rates. This stoked another debt and asset bubble. Mr Krugman's policy was to ensure that such borrowing took place at the federal government level, to be repaid via taxes on the individuals who he admitted were already overburdened with their own debts. These policies were arguably a mere return to the policies that inflated the debt bubble in the first place.

Economists Atif Mian and Amir Sufi wrote in 2014 that:

  • Historically, severe economic downturns are almost always preceded by a sharp increase in household debt.
  • U.S. household spending declines were largest in geographic areas with a combination of higher household debt and larger price declines.
  • When housing prices fall, poorer homeowners (with a larger proportion of their net worth in their home) are hit the hardest financially and reduce their consumption relatively more than wealthier households.
  • Declines in residential investment preceded the recession and were followed by reductions in household spending and then non-residential business investment as the recession worsened.[3]

Effects on economic growth Edit

Ezra Klein wrote in August 2011: "[W]hat distinguishes crises like this one from typical recessions is household debt. When the financial markets collapsed, household debt was nearly 100 percent of GDP. It’s now down to 90 percent. In 1982, which was the last time we had a big recession, the household-debt-to-GDP ratio was about 45 percent. That means that in this crisis, indebted households can’t spend, which means businesses can’t spend, which means that unless government steps into the breach in a massive way or until households work through their debt burden, we can’t recover. In the 1982 recession, households could spend, and so when the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates and made spending attractive, we accelerated out of the recession. The utility of calling this downturn a “household-debt crisis” is it tells you where to put your focus: you either need to make consumers better able to pay their debts, which you can do through conventional stimulus policy like tax cuts and jobs programs, or you need to make their debts smaller so they're better able to pay them, which you can do by forgiving some of their debt through policies like [mortgage principal reduction] or eroding the value of their debt by increasing inflation. I’ve heard various economist make various smart points about why we should prefer one approach or the other, and it also happens to be the case that the two policies support each other and so we don't actually need to choose between them. All of these solutions, of course, have drawbacks: if you put the government deeper into debt in order to help households now, you increase the risk of a public-debt crisis later. That's why it's wise to pair further short-term stimulus with a large amount of long-term deficit reduction. If you force banks to swallow losses or face inflation now, you need to worry about whether they'll be able to keep lending at a pace that will support recovery over the next few years. But as we’re seeing, not doing enough isn't a safe strategy, either."[19]

Economist Amir Sufi at the University of Chicago argued in July 2011 that a high level of household debt was holding back the U.S. economy. Households focused on paying down private debt are not able to consume at historical levels. He advocates mortgage write-downs and other debt-related solutions to re-invigorate the economy when household debt levels are exceptionally high.[20] Several European countries also had high household debt levels relative to historical averages leading up to the European sovereign-debt crisis. Recent research also supports the view that excessive household leverage has contributed to the weakness in consumption.[21]

Effects on employment Edit

Rana Foroohar wrote in July 2012: "[R]esearch shows that the majority of job losses in the U.S. since the Great Recession were due to lower consumer spending because of household debt, a decline that resulted in layoffs at U.S. firms. Parting back debt is the precursor to greater spending and greater growth."[22]

Effects on economic recovery Edit

Neil Irwin explained the economic effects of rising consumer credit outstanding (i.e., all types of household debt other than mortgages) in July 2013: "Americans are finally feeling more confident about the economy and thus willing to take on debt. Lenders, meanwhile, are growing more comfortable extending loans. The spending enabled by this rising consumer debt can help create a virtuous cycle in which more demand for goods and services creates more jobs, which creates rising income. Indeed, more borrowing by households (and the spending that results) is likely offsetting some of the pain caused by federal spending cuts and deficit reduction."[23]

Reducing household debt Edit

Household debt can be challenging to reduce. Major approaches include:

  • Paying down debt over time from income or accumulated savings, if available
  • Debt write-down or refinancing via negotiation, bankruptcy or government bailout
  • Inflation, although if wage increases do not exceed inflation, this approach is mostly academic

Paying off debt from income or savings Edit

Since most middle income households have the majority of their wealth invested in their home, paying down debt from income can take a decade or longer when a housing bubble bursts, as it did for much of the developed world in 2007–2012. For example, this debt accumulated over a 30-year period (1980–2007 peak) in the U.S. and much of the increase was mortgage-related.

Debt restructuring or write-down Edit

Debt can sometimes be reduced by negotiation with creditors or by a legal bankruptcy process, which can result in dismissal of certain types of debt such as credit cards. Some lenders may agree to write down mortgage values (reducing the homeowner's obligation) rather than taking even larger losses in foreclosure.[24] Economist Joseph Stiglitz argued for a rapid bankruptcy process for homeowners, to allow debts to be written down.[25]

Economists Joseph Stiglitz and Mark Zandi both advocated significant mortgage refinancing or write-downs in August 2012. They explained that more than four million Americans lost their homes since the housing bubble began bursting in 2006. An additional 3.5 million homeowners are in the foreclosure process or are so delinquent on payments that they will be soon. Roughly 13.5 million homeowners are underwater (in negative equity), meaning they owe more than their home is now worth, increasing the odds that millions more will lose their homes. The household debt and foreclosures are significantly holding back the economy.[26]

Economists Kenneth S. Rogoff and Carmen M. Reinhart wrote in April 2013: "In the United States, we support reducing mortgage principal on homes that are underwater (where the mortgage is higher than the value of the home). We have also written about plausible solutions that involve moderately higher inflation and “financial repression” — pushing down inflation-adjusted interest rates, which effectively amounts to a tax on bondholders. This strategy contributed to the significant debt reductions that followed World War II.[27]

Professor Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago) advocated a mortgage debt for equity swap in July 2009, where the mortgage debt would be written down in exchange for the bank taking an interest in future appreciation of the home upon sale (a debt-for-equity swap).[28] Fund Manager John Hussman also advocated debt-for-equity swaps for households and banks during April 2009.[29]

Journalist Steven Clemons wrote in July 2012: "The Great Recession of 2008–2009, from which there are still repercussions in the US and global economies, resulted from a massive surge in consumer loans—98% in just five years—and ... the combined total of US business and consumer loans is basically at the same level as at the moment this crisis hit." He argued for debt forgiveness or restructuring to help stimulate the economy.[30][31]

During the Great Depression, the U.S. created the Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), which acquired and refinanced one million delinquent mortgages between 1933 and 1936.[32]

Inflation Edit

If wages increase due to inflation, but debts remain fixed, the debts can be more easily repaid. Economists may advocate increasing inflation to help reduce the debt burden in highly leveraged economies. For example, economist Kenneth Rogoff has advocated both mortgage write-downs and inflation during August 2011: "I argued that the only practical way to shorten the coming period of painful deleveraging and slow growth would be a sustained burst of moderate inflation, say, 4–6% for several years. Of course, inflation is an unfair and arbitrary transfer of income from savers to debtors. But, at the end of the day, such a transfer is the most direct approach to faster recovery. Eventually, it will take place one way or another, anyway, as Europe is painfully learning." He also suggested that the government could take an equity interest in the homes in exchange for paying down the mortgages.[33]

Charts of U.S. household debt variables Edit

US consumer debt
  • FRED – Household Debt to GDP Ratio
  • FRED - Mortgage and Consumer Credit Debt Relative to GDP
  • FRED - Household Debt Dollars (CMDEBT)
  • FRED - Change in Household Debt Dollars by Quarter (CMDEBT)
  • FRED – Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income (TDSP)
  • FRED – Household Financial Obligations as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income (FODSP)

Household over-indebtedness Edit

While it is challenging to define over-indebtedness, definitions of over-indebtedness tend to have a few core elements in common. The first one refers to the capacity to meet the expenses associated with the contracted financial commitments. Over-indebtedness implies an inability to meet such recurring expenses. Second, this inability is structural. This is the time dimension, which holds that the definition must capture persistent and ongoing financial problems and exclude one-off occurrences that arise due to forgetfulness, for instance. The third core element refers to standard of living. The household must be unable to meet contracted commitments without reducing its minimum standard of living expenses. Fourth, comes illiquidity. The household is unable to remedy the situation by recourse to (financial and non-financial) assets and other financial sources such as credit. Lastly, all contracted financial commitments are included, among them mortgage and consumer credit commitments, utility and telephone bills as well as rent payments (recurring expenses).[34]

Causes of over-indebtedness can be diverse. A 'risky life event' (for example, unemployment, relationship break-up, leaving the parental home, business failure, illness or unexpected home repairs. Such events can trigger income and expenditure shocks) can lie at the root, sometimes instantly turning indebtedness into over-indebtedness. Other households have unconsciously, or consciously, gradually become over-committed. They make use of available forms of credit, sometimes without realizing that they might not be able to repay in the future. Lack of financial management skills and aggressive marketing by lenders may both lie at the origin of this. Another potential cause includes escalating consumption habits. The third group of people are the least well-off. They need to obtain credit in order to attain a reasonable standard of living. They are frequently subject to relatively high interest rates. Potential consequences for the over-indebted household include financial hardship, depression, poor health, relationship breakdown, exclusion from basic financial services, a strain on social relations, absenteeism at work and lack of organizational commitment, a feeling of insecurity.[35]

Responses to household over-indebtedness can be preventive, alleviative and rehabilitative. Preventive measures include financial education and regulation. An example of the last is the European Union's "Directive on Credit Agreements for Consumers Household debt advisory services". It stipulates, for example, that lenders should list the interest rates they change in a homogenized way (yearly rates) and that paper contracts should be signed for debts above a certain amounts, thus inhibiting for example impulsive borrowing through SMS-loans. Alleviative measures include debt advisory services, which aim to help households getting their finances back on track, mainly by means of information provision, budget planning and balancing, help with legal arrangements, negotiation with creditors, providing psychological support by having someone to talk to, and even by effectively, voluntarily taking over the managing of a household's finances. Rehabilitative measures include consumer bankruptcy and legal debt settlement procedures. While precise arrangements vary largely between countries, in general such procedures work as follows. During such procedures, the over-indebted household hands over all income above a minimum threshold to the creditors/state and is cleared of its debts after the period, varying in length from for example 1 year in the UK to 5 in Portugal and 12 in Ireland.[36]

External References Edit

  • Federal Reserve Bank of New York - Quarterly Report on Household Credit and Debt
  • McKinsey & Company – Debt and Deleveraging – 2012 Update
  • How to Predict the Next Financial Crisis-Clemons and Vague-July 2012
  • Mian and Sufi – What Explains High Unemployment? The Deleveraging – Aggregate Demand Hypothesis-October 2011
  • Krugman and Eggertsson – Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap: A Fisher‐Minsky‐Koo approach – Revised February 2011
  • Haliassos, Michael. Household Portfolios. Second Edition Ed. Steven Durlauf and Lawrence Blume. Palgrave Macmillan,2008 The New Palgrave Dictionary of *EconomicsOnline..Palgrave Macmillan. 9 Sept. 2011. <http:/www.dictionary of economics.com>.
  • Bertola, Giuseppe, Richard Disney, and Charles Grant. The Economics of Consumer Credit. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2006. N. pag. Print.
  • Agarwal, Sumit, and Brent W. Ambrose. Household Credit Usage. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. N. pag. Print.
  • Olney, Martha L. Buy Now Pay Later. Chapel Hill Ans London: The North Carolina Press, 1991. Print.
  • Schutz, Howard G., Pamela C. Baird, and Glenn R. Hawkes. Lifestyles and Consumer Behavior of Older Americans. New York: Praeger Publishing, 1979. Print.
  • Kasser, Tim, and Allen D. Kanner. Psychology and Consumer Culture. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004. Print.

References Edit

  1. ^ NYT-Paul Krugman-Block those Metaphors-December 2010
  2. ^ a b IMF-Report Extract Chapter 3 – April 2012
  3. ^ a b Mian, Atif and, Sufi, Amir (2014). House of Debt. University of Chicago. ISBN 978-0-226-08194-6.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. ^ U.S. Federal Reserve-Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios
  5. ^ Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Welfare Implications of the Transition to High Household Debt, November 2006
  6. ^ Graphics by Nicolas Rapp. "10 Years after the Great Recession, New Threats Have Appeared". Analytics: Seeing Trends in the Data. Fortune (Paper periodical): 11. 1 October 2018.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  7. ^ NYT-Rise in Household Debt Might Be Sign of a Strengthening Recovery-Annie Lowrey-October 2012
  8. ^ . Archived from the original on 2013-03-07. Retrieved 2012-07-13.
  9. ^ Comelli, Martino (2021). "The impact of welfare on household debt". Sociological Spectrum: 1–23. doi:10.1080/02732173.2021.1875088. Retrieved 27 February 2021.
  10. ^ Comelli, Martino (2021). "Why northern Europe is so indebted". ECPR The Loop.
  11. ^ "Global Debt Monitor - Sharp spike in debt ratios" (PDF). Institute of International Finance. July 16, 2020.
  12. ^ Fred Database-CMDEBT Variable-Retrieved July 2012
  13. ^ FRED-Household Debt as Percent of GDP-Retrieved September 2013
  14. ^ U.S. Federal Reserve-FRED Database-Retrieved July 2012
  15. ^ Federal Reserve Database-Consumer Credit as % GDP-Retrieved July 2013
  16. ^ Project Syndicate-Joseph Stiglitz-To Cure the Economy-October 2011
  17. ^ NYT=-Paul Krugman-Block those Economic Metaphors-December 2010
  18. ^ Federal Reserve-Janet Yellen-A Minsky Meltdown-April 2009
  19. ^ Washington Post-Ezra Klein-It's the Household Debt, Stupid-August 2011
  20. ^ Bloomberg-Household Debt is at Heart of Weak U.S. Economy-July 2011
  21. ^ Brookings Institution, Is a Household Debt Overhang Holding Back Consumption?, Spring 2012 2012-10-31 at the Wayback Machine
  22. ^
  23. ^ Washington Post-Neil Irwin-Consumer Debt is Soaring-July 2013
  24. ^ NYT-Joe Nocera-November 2011
  25. ^ Justice for Some Project Syndicate-Joseph Stiglitz-Justice for Some-November 2010
  26. ^ NYT-Stiglitz and Zandi-The One Housing Solution Left-Mass Mortgage Refinancing-August 2012
  27. ^ NYT-Reinhart and Rogoff-Debt, Growth and the Austerity Debate-April 2013
  28. ^ "Time For A New Mortgage Plan: Debt-For-Equity Swaps-July 2009". Archived from the original on 2013-01-18. Retrieved 2012-07-12.
  29. ^ Hussman Funds Newsletter-John Hussman-April 2009
  30. ^ The Atlantic-Economic Growth Idea: Forgive or Restructure Debt U.S. Citizens Hold-Clemons-July 2012
  31. ^ The Atlantic-Clemons and Vague-How to Predict the Next Financial Crisis-July 2012
  32. ^ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis-The Federal Response to Home Mortgage Distress: Lessons from the Great Depression-June 2008
  33. ^ Project Syndicate-Kenneth Rogoff-The Second Great Contraction-August 2011
  34. ^ European Commission 2008 Towards a common operational European definition of over-indebtedness
  35. ^ Eurofound 2010 Managing household debts: Social service provision in the EU
  36. ^ Eurofound 2012 Household debt advisory services in the European Union

household, debt, examples, perspective, this, article, deal, primarily, with, united, states, represent, worldwide, view, subject, improve, this, article, discuss, issue, talk, page, create, article, appropriate, december, 2013, learn, when, remove, this, temp. The examples and perspective in this article deal primarily with the United States and do not represent a worldwide view of the subject You may improve this article discuss the issue on the talk page or create a new article as appropriate December 2013 Learn how and when to remove this template message Household debt is the combined debt of all people in a household including consumer debt and mortgage loans A significant rise in the level of this debt coincides historically with many severe economic crises and was a cause of the U S and subsequent European economic crises of 2007 2012 Several economists have argued that lowering this debt is essential to economic recovery in the U S and selected Eurozone countries 1 2 3 Household debt in Great Britain 2008 10 Contents 1 Overview 2 Historical perspective 3 Global economic impact 4 Statistics 4 1 World 4 2 United States 5 U S economic impact 5 1 Contribution to the 2008 financial crisis 5 2 Effects on economic growth 5 3 Effects on employment 5 4 Effects on economic recovery 6 Reducing household debt 6 1 Paying off debt from income or savings 6 2 Debt restructuring or write down 6 3 Inflation 7 Charts of U S household debt variables 8 Household over indebtedness 9 External References 10 ReferencesOverview Edit nbsp Household debt relative to disposable income and GDP Household debt can be defined in several ways based on what types of debt are included Common debt types include home mortgages home equity loans auto loans student loans and credit cards Household debt can also be measured across an economy to measure how indebted households are relative to various measures of income e g pre tax and disposable income or relative to the size of the economy GDP The burden of debt can also be measured in terms of the amount of interest it generates relative to the income of the borrower For example the U S Federal Reserve measures the household debt service ratio DSR an estimate of the ratio of debt payments to disposable personal income Debt payments consist of the estimated required payments on outstanding mortgage and consumer debt The Fed also measures the financial obligations ratio FOR which adds automobile lease payments rental payments on tenant occupied property homeowners insurance and property tax payments to the debt service ratio Homeowner and renter FORs are calculated by applying homeowner and renter shares of payments and income derived from the Survey of Consumer Finances and Current Population Survey to the numerator and denominator of the FOR The homeowner mortgage FOR includes payments on mortgage debt homeowners insurance and property taxes while the homeowner consumer FOR includes payments on consumer debt and automobile leases 4 Historical perspective EditIn the 20th century spending on consumer durables rose significantly Household debt rose as living standards rose and consumers demanded an array of durable goods These included major durables like high end electronics vehicles and appliances that were purchased with credit Easy credit encouraged a shift from saving to spending Households in developed countries significantly increased their household debt relative to their disposable income and GDP from 1980 to 2007 one of the many factors behind the U S and European crises of 2007 2012 Research indicates that U S household debt increased from 43 to 62 of GDP from 1982 to 2000 5 Looking at the early years of the 21st century many industrialized countries with a notable exception of Germany experienced a major spike of household debt versus GDP around 2007 8 with the United States leading up to 2007 by 2017 the American ratio was second only to that of the United Kingdom 6 U S households made significant progress in deleveraging reducing debt post crisis much of it due to foreclosures and financial institution debt write downs By some measures consumers began to add certain types of debt again in 2012 a sign that the economy may be improving as this borrowing supports consumption 7 Global economic impact EditThe International Monetary Fund IMF reported in April 2012 Household debt soared in the years leading up to the Great Recession In advanced economies during the five years preceding 2007 the ratio of household debt to income rose by an average of 39 percentage points to 138 percent In Denmark Iceland Ireland the Netherlands and Norway debt peaked at more than 200 percent of household income A surge in household debt to historic highs also occurred in emerging economies such as Estonia Hungary Latvia and Lithuania This occurred largely because the central banks implemented a prolonged period of artificially low policy interest rates temporarily increasing the amount of debt that could be serviced with a given income The leveraging up fueled a consumption boom that ironically boosted GDP in the countries in question but represented not a sustainable boost to aggregate demand but instead a mere pulling forward of consumption as people took on new 30 40 year debt to pay for current year expenditures The predictable fallout of this policy is the slow growth that these countries are experiencing today At the time the concurrent boom in both house prices and the stock market as the prices of financed and financial assets were bid up by virtue of the same low rates meant that household debt relative to assets held broadly stable which masked households growing exposure to the eventual sharp fall in asset prices House prices in particular were vulnerable to sharp movements in policy rates in countries in which most mortgages are adjustable rate as 30 40 year loans are highly rate sensitive house purchases are financed at 80 95 of the price and only 4 5 of homes change owners in a year Despite this low volume the appraisal rules in most countries limit the number of times that a sale can serve as a comp only in terms of time 12 months not the number of times that a given sale can be used as a comp because of this a cash out refi boom followed the low rate driven price increase this was the primary vehicle through which developed countries households leveraged up On the supply side home builders are also financed at short rates in the US Prime Their cost of capital was effectively cut in half by virtue of the central bank rate cuts enabling them to overbuild in response to the rise in prices with all the new supply making the eventual price collapse worse than it would otherwise have been In short the entire episode was straight out of Ludwig von Mises Human Action Chapter 20 with the new twist that most of the debt was incurred on the consumer side When rising consumer prices forced the central banks to allow policy rates to rise back up toward market rates the wind propping up house prices was taken away House prices immediately declined ushering in the global financial crisis Many households who had reduced their savings out of a belief in the wealth effect saw their wealth shrink relative to their debt and with less income and more unemployment especially in the previously booming real estate sector found it harder to meet mortgage payments Strategic defaults became common as homeowners with significant negative equity simply abandoned the home and the debt By the end of 2011 real house prices had fallen from their peak by about 41 in Ireland 29 in Iceland 23 in Spain and the United States and 21 in Denmark Household defaults underwater mortgages where the loan balance exceeds the house value foreclosures and fire sales became endemic to a number of economies Household deleveraging by paying off debts or defaulting on them has begun in some countries It has been most pronounced in the United States where about two thirds of the debt reduction reflects defaults Of note Germany in which almost all mortgages carry 10 year pricing and in which the 10 year interest rate did not decline during the 2000s no housing bubble occurred at all Also in Canada in which most mortgages are ARMs but 3 5 year and which experienced a muted drop in intermediate term rates the housing bubble was more muted than in neighboring US 2 8 Statistics EditWorld Edit Among OECD countries the larger share of all household debt is represented by mortgages the incidence of which varies across countries between 60 and 90 of total household debt 9 Scandinavian countries show the highest aggregate level household debt in OECD countries their household debt is mostly composed of mortgages and the use of consumer credit is almost absent 10 2020 Q1 Household debt 11 No Country of GDP1 nbsp South Korea 97 9 2 nbsp United Kingdom 84 4 3 nbsp Hong Kong 82 5 4 nbsp United States 75 6 5 nbsp Thailand 70 2 6 nbsp Malaysia 68 3 7 nbsp China 58 8 8 nbsp Japan 57 2 9 nbsp Singapore 52 4 10 nbsp Lebanon 50 7 United States Edit nbsp Total US household debt by type nbsp Mortgage student loan auto loan and credit card debt in the U S U S household HH debt measured by the FRED variable CMDEBT 12 rose relative to both GDP and disposable income over the 1980 to 2011 period Household debt as a disposable income rose from 68 in 1980 to a peak of 128 in 2007 prior to dropping to 112 by 2011 Household debt as a nominal GDP rose from 47 in 1980 to a peak of 94 in 2009 prior to dropping to 77 in 2012 13 U S household debt rose from nearly zero in the 1950s to 13 8 trillion in 2008 before declining to 12 9 trillion by Q2 2012 14 Consumer credit outstanding includes credit cards auto loans student loans and other types of household debt but excludes mortgages It rose from 14 0 GDP in January 1990 to 18 0 GDP by January 2009 It fell to a trough of 16 4 GDP in July 2010 and was back up to 17 5 GDP by January 2013 15 U S economic impact EditMain article subprime mortgage crisis Contribution to the 2008 financial crisis Edit This increase in debt from 1980 to 2007 enabled spending that stimulated the economy arguably papering over or hiding the sustainable economic growth rate excluding this increase in leverage This debt overhang then began holding back the economy as consumers paid down debt which reduces economic activity rather than spending 16 Paul Krugman wrote in December 2010 The root of our current troubles lies in the debt American families ran up during the Bush era housing bubble Twenty years ago the average American household s debt was 83 percent of its income by a decade ago that had crept up to 92 percent but by late 2007 debts were 130 percent of income All this borrowing took place both because banks had abandoned any notion of sound lending and because everyone assumed that house prices would never fall And then the bubble burst What we ve been dealing with ever since is a painful process of deleveraging highly indebted Americans not only can t spend the way they used to they re having to pay down the debts they ran up in the bubble years This would be fine if someone else were taking up the slack But what s actually happening is that some people are spending much less while nobody is spending more and this translates into a depressed economy and high unemployment What the government should be doing in this situation is spending more while the private sector is spending less supporting employment while those debts are paid down And this government spending needs to be sustained we re not talking about a brief burst of aid we re talking about spending that lasts long enough for households to get their debts back under control The original Obama stimulus wasn t just too small it was also much too short lived with much of the positive effect already gone 17 In April 2009 U S Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen discussed the situation Once this massive credit crunch hit it didn t take long before we were in a recession The recession in turn deepened the credit crunch as demand and employment fell and credit losses of financial institutions surged Indeed we have been in the grips of precisely this adverse feedback loop for more than a year A process of balance sheet deleveraging paying down debt has spread to nearly every corner of the economy Consumers are pulling back on purchases especially on durable goods to build their savings Businesses are cancelling planned investments and laying off workers to preserve cash And financial institutions are shrinking assets to bolster capital and improve their chances of weathering the current storm Once again Minsky understood this dynamic He spoke of the paradox of deleveraging in which precautions that may be smart for individuals and firms and indeed essential to return the economy to a normal state nevertheless magnify the distress of the economy as a whole 18 The policy prescription of Ms Yellen s predecessor Mr Bernanke was to increase the money supply and artificially reduce interest rates This stoked another debt and asset bubble Mr Krugman s policy was to ensure that such borrowing took place at the federal government level to be repaid via taxes on the individuals who he admitted were already overburdened with their own debts These policies were arguably a mere return to the policies that inflated the debt bubble in the first place Economists Atif Mian and Amir Sufi wrote in 2014 that Historically severe economic downturns are almost always preceded by a sharp increase in household debt U S household spending declines were largest in geographic areas with a combination of higher household debt and larger price declines When housing prices fall poorer homeowners with a larger proportion of their net worth in their home are hit the hardest financially and reduce their consumption relatively more than wealthier households Declines in residential investment preceded the recession and were followed by reductions in household spending and then non residential business investment as the recession worsened 3 Effects on economic growth Edit Ezra Klein wrote in August 2011 W hat distinguishes crises like this one from typical recessions is household debt When the financial markets collapsed household debt was nearly 100 percent of GDP It s now down to 90 percent In 1982 which was the last time we had a big recession the household debt to GDP ratio was about 45 percent That means that in this crisis indebted households can t spend which means businesses can t spend which means that unless government steps into the breach in a massive way or until households work through their debt burden we can t recover In the 1982 recession households could spend and so when the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates and made spending attractive we accelerated out of the recession The utility of calling this downturn a household debt crisis is it tells you where to put your focus you either need to make consumers better able to pay their debts which you can do through conventional stimulus policy like tax cuts and jobs programs or you need to make their debts smaller so they re better able to pay them which you can do by forgiving some of their debt through policies like mortgage principal reduction or eroding the value of their debt by increasing inflation I ve heard various economist make various smart points about why we should prefer one approach or the other and it also happens to be the case that the two policies support each other and so we don t actually need to choose between them All of these solutions of course have drawbacks if you put the government deeper into debt in order to help households now you increase the risk of a public debt crisis later That s why it s wise to pair further short term stimulus with a large amount of long term deficit reduction If you force banks to swallow losses or face inflation now you need to worry about whether they ll be able to keep lending at a pace that will support recovery over the next few years But as we re seeing not doing enough isn t a safe strategy either 19 Economist Amir Sufi at the University of Chicago argued in July 2011 that a high level of household debt was holding back the U S economy Households focused on paying down private debt are not able to consume at historical levels He advocates mortgage write downs and other debt related solutions to re invigorate the economy when household debt levels are exceptionally high 20 Several European countries also had high household debt levels relative to historical averages leading up to the European sovereign debt crisis Recent research also supports the view that excessive household leverage has contributed to the weakness in consumption 21 Effects on employment Edit Rana Foroohar wrote in July 2012 R esearch shows that the majority of job losses in the U S since the Great Recession were due to lower consumer spending because of household debt a decline that resulted in layoffs at U S firms Parting back debt is the precursor to greater spending and greater growth 22 Effects on economic recovery Edit Neil Irwin explained the economic effects of rising consumer credit outstanding i e all types of household debt other than mortgages in July 2013 Americans are finally feeling more confident about the economy and thus willing to take on debt Lenders meanwhile are growing more comfortable extending loans The spending enabled by this rising consumer debt can help create a virtuous cycle in which more demand for goods and services creates more jobs which creates rising income Indeed more borrowing by households and the spending that results is likely offsetting some of the pain caused by federal spending cuts and deficit reduction 23 Reducing household debt EditHousehold debt can be challenging to reduce Major approaches include Paying down debt over time from income or accumulated savings if available Debt write down or refinancing via negotiation bankruptcy or government bailout Inflation although if wage increases do not exceed inflation this approach is mostly academicPaying off debt from income or savings Edit Since most middle income households have the majority of their wealth invested in their home paying down debt from income can take a decade or longer when a housing bubble bursts as it did for much of the developed world in 2007 2012 For example this debt accumulated over a 30 year period 1980 2007 peak in the U S and much of the increase was mortgage related Debt restructuring or write down Edit Debt can sometimes be reduced by negotiation with creditors or by a legal bankruptcy process which can result in dismissal of certain types of debt such as credit cards Some lenders may agree to write down mortgage values reducing the homeowner s obligation rather than taking even larger losses in foreclosure 24 Economist Joseph Stiglitz argued for a rapid bankruptcy process for homeowners to allow debts to be written down 25 Economists Joseph Stiglitz and Mark Zandi both advocated significant mortgage refinancing or write downs in August 2012 They explained that more than four million Americans lost their homes since the housing bubble began bursting in 2006 An additional 3 5 million homeowners are in the foreclosure process or are so delinquent on payments that they will be soon Roughly 13 5 million homeowners are underwater in negative equity meaning they owe more than their home is now worth increasing the odds that millions more will lose their homes The household debt and foreclosures are significantly holding back the economy 26 Economists Kenneth S Rogoff and Carmen M Reinhart wrote in April 2013 In the United States we support reducing mortgage principal on homes that are underwater where the mortgage is higher than the value of the home We have also written about plausible solutions that involve moderately higher inflation and financial repression pushing down inflation adjusted interest rates which effectively amounts to a tax on bondholders This strategy contributed to the significant debt reductions that followed World War II 27 Professor Luigi Zingales University of Chicago advocated a mortgage debt for equity swap in July 2009 where the mortgage debt would be written down in exchange for the bank taking an interest in future appreciation of the home upon sale a debt for equity swap 28 Fund Manager John Hussman also advocated debt for equity swaps for households and banks during April 2009 29 Journalist Steven Clemons wrote in July 2012 The Great Recession of 2008 2009 from which there are still repercussions in the US and global economies resulted from a massive surge in consumer loans 98 in just five years and the combined total of US business and consumer loans is basically at the same level as at the moment this crisis hit He argued for debt forgiveness or restructuring to help stimulate the economy 30 31 During the Great Depression the U S created the Home Owners Loan Corporation HOLC which acquired and refinanced one million delinquent mortgages between 1933 and 1936 32 Inflation Edit If wages increase due to inflation but debts remain fixed the debts can be more easily repaid Economists may advocate increasing inflation to help reduce the debt burden in highly leveraged economies For example economist Kenneth Rogoff has advocated both mortgage write downs and inflation during August 2011 I argued that the only practical way to shorten the coming period of painful deleveraging and slow growth would be a sustained burst of moderate inflation say 4 6 for several years Of course inflation is an unfair and arbitrary transfer of income from savers to debtors But at the end of the day such a transfer is the most direct approach to faster recovery Eventually it will take place one way or another anyway as Europe is painfully learning He also suggested that the government could take an equity interest in the homes in exchange for paying down the mortgages 33 Charts of U S household debt variables Edit nbsp US consumer debtFRED Household Debt to GDP Ratio FRED Mortgage and Consumer Credit Debt Relative to GDP FRED Household Debt Dollars CMDEBT FRED Change in Household Debt Dollars by Quarter CMDEBT FRED Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income TDSP FRED Household Financial Obligations as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income FODSP Household over indebtedness EditWhile it is challenging to define over indebtedness definitions of over indebtedness tend to have a few core elements in common The first one refers to the capacity to meet the expenses associated with the contracted financial commitments Over indebtedness implies an inability to meet such recurring expenses Second this inability is structural This is the time dimension which holds that the definition must capture persistent and ongoing financial problems and exclude one off occurrences that arise due to forgetfulness for instance The third core element refers to standard of living The household must be unable to meet contracted commitments without reducing its minimum standard of living expenses Fourth comes illiquidity The household is unable to remedy the situation by recourse to financial and non financial assets and other financial sources such as credit Lastly all contracted financial commitments are included among them mortgage and consumer credit commitments utility and telephone bills as well as rent payments recurring expenses 34 Causes of over indebtedness can be diverse A risky life event for example unemployment relationship break up leaving the parental home business failure illness or unexpected home repairs Such events can trigger income and expenditure shocks can lie at the root sometimes instantly turning indebtedness into over indebtedness Other households have unconsciously or consciously gradually become over committed They make use of available forms of credit sometimes without realizing that they might not be able to repay in the future Lack of financial management skills and aggressive marketing by lenders may both lie at the origin of this Another potential cause includes escalating consumption habits The third group of people are the least well off They need to obtain credit in order to attain a reasonable standard of living They are frequently subject to relatively high interest rates Potential consequences for the over indebted household include financial hardship depression poor health relationship breakdown exclusion from basic financial services a strain on social relations absenteeism at work and lack of organizational commitment a feeling of insecurity 35 Responses to household over indebtedness can be preventive alleviative and rehabilitative Preventive measures include financial education and regulation An example of the last is the European Union s Directive on Credit Agreements for Consumers Household debt advisory services It stipulates for example that lenders should list the interest rates they change in a homogenized way yearly rates and that paper contracts should be signed for debts above a certain amounts thus inhibiting for example impulsive borrowing through SMS loans Alleviative measures include debt advisory services which aim to help households getting their finances back on track mainly by means of information provision budget planning and balancing help with legal arrangements negotiation with creditors providing psychological support by having someone to talk to and even by effectively voluntarily taking over the managing of a household s finances Rehabilitative measures include consumer bankruptcy and legal debt settlement procedures While precise arrangements vary largely between countries in general such procedures work as follows During such procedures the over indebted household hands over all income above a minimum threshold to the creditors state and is cleared of its debts after the period varying in length from for example 1 year in the UK to 5 in Portugal and 12 in Ireland 36 External References EditFederal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Report on Household Credit and Debt McKinsey amp Company Debt and Deleveraging 2012 Update How to Predict the Next Financial Crisis Clemons and Vague July 2012 Mian and Sufi What Explains High Unemployment The Deleveraging Aggregate Demand Hypothesis October 2011 Krugman and Eggertsson Debt Deleveraging and the Liquidity Trap A Fisher Minsky Koo approach Revised February 2011 Haliassos Michael Household Portfolios Second Edition Ed Steven Durlauf and Lawrence Blume Palgrave Macmillan 2008 The New Palgrave Dictionary of EconomicsOnline Palgrave Macmillan 9 Sept 2011 lt http www dictionary of economics com gt Bertola Giuseppe Richard Disney and Charles Grant The Economics of Consumer Credit Cambridge The MIT Press 2006 N pag Print Agarwal Sumit and Brent W Ambrose Household Credit Usage New York Palgrave Macmillan 2007 N pag Print Olney Martha L Buy Now Pay Later Chapel Hill Ans London The North Carolina Press 1991 Print Schutz Howard G Pamela C Baird and Glenn R Hawkes Lifestyles and Consumer Behavior of Older Americans New York Praeger Publishing 1979 Print Kasser Tim and Allen D Kanner Psychology and Consumer Culture Washington DC American Psychological Association 2004 Print References Edit NYT Paul Krugman Block those Metaphors December 2010 a b IMF Report Extract Chapter 3 April 2012 a b Mian Atif and Sufi Amir 2014 House of Debt University of Chicago ISBN 978 0 226 08194 6 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link U S Federal Reserve Household Debt Service and Financial Obligations Ratios Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Welfare Implications of the Transition to High Household Debt November 2006 Graphics by Nicolas Rapp 10 Years after the Great Recession New Threats Have Appeared Analytics Seeing Trends in the Data Fortune Paper periodical 11 1 October 2018 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint others link NYT Rise in Household Debt Might Be Sign of a Strengthening Recovery Annie Lowrey October 2012 McKinsey Debt and deleveraging The global credit bubble and its economic consequences Updated July 2011 Archived from the original on 2013 03 07 Retrieved 2012 07 13 Comelli Martino 2021 The impact of welfare on household debt Sociological Spectrum 1 23 doi 10 1080 02732173 2021 1875088 Retrieved 27 February 2021 Comelli Martino 2021 Why northern Europe is so indebted ECPR The Loop Global Debt Monitor Sharp spike in debt ratios PDF Institute of International Finance July 16 2020 Fred Database CMDEBT Variable Retrieved July 2012 FRED Household Debt as Percent of GDP Retrieved September 2013 U S Federal Reserve FRED Database Retrieved July 2012 Federal Reserve Database Consumer Credit as GDP Retrieved July 2013 Project Syndicate Joseph Stiglitz To Cure the Economy October 2011 NYT Paul Krugman Block those Economic Metaphors December 2010 Federal Reserve Janet Yellen A Minsky Meltdown April 2009 Washington Post Ezra Klein It s the Household Debt Stupid August 2011 Bloomberg Household Debt is at Heart of Weak U S Economy July 2011 Brookings Institution Is a Household Debt Overhang Holding Back Consumption Spring 2012 Archived 2012 10 31 at the Wayback Machine Time Magazine Foroohar Digging out of the Debt Hole July 2012 Washington Post Neil Irwin Consumer Debt is Soaring July 2013 NYT Joe Nocera November 2011 Justice for Some Project Syndicate Joseph Stiglitz Justice for Some November 2010 NYT Stiglitz and Zandi The One Housing Solution Left Mass Mortgage Refinancing August 2012 NYT Reinhart and Rogoff Debt Growth and the Austerity Debate April 2013 Time For A New Mortgage Plan Debt For Equity Swaps July 2009 Archived from the original on 2013 01 18 Retrieved 2012 07 12 Hussman Funds Newsletter John Hussman April 2009 The Atlantic Economic Growth Idea Forgive or Restructure Debt U S Citizens Hold Clemons July 2012 The Atlantic Clemons and Vague How to Predict the Next Financial Crisis July 2012 Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis The Federal Response to Home Mortgage Distress Lessons from the Great Depression June 2008 Project Syndicate Kenneth Rogoff The Second Great Contraction August 2011 European Commission 2008 Towards a common operational European definition of over indebtedness Eurofound 2010 Managing household debts Social service provision in the EU Eurofound 2012 Household debt advisory services in the European Union Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Household debt amp oldid 1171546938, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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