
Gloria Guardia

Gloria Guardia (1940 – 13 May 2019) was a Panamanian novelist, essayist and journalist whose works received recognition in Latin America, Europe, Australia and Japan. She was a Fellow at the Panamanian Academy of Letters and Associate Fellow at the Spanish Royal Academy, the Colombian and the Nicaraguan Academy of Letters

Early life and education

Guardia was born in 1940. She was the youngest daughter of the Panamanian Consulting Engineer Carlos A. Guardia, co-founder of AIDIS, (Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering), and descendant of Sebastian de la Guardia (c. 1640), one of Panamanian Founding Fathers. Her mother, Olga Zeledon, a native of Nicaragua, was the youngest daughter of the country's national hero, Benjamin Zeledón and his wife Ester Ramirez Jerez.

In 1958, Guardia graduated from Roycemorel-School, an independent, nonsectarian college preparatory school located in Evanston, Illinois. In 1960, she studied Philosophy and literature at the Complutense University in Madrid and Spanish literature and Iberoamerica at Madrid's Instituto de Cultura Hispánica. In the United States, she received a Bachelor of Arts degree "cum laude" from Vassar College in 1962 and a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University in 1968. That year, she presented a dissertation for a Ph.D. degree on Comparative Literature: Estudio sobre el pensamiento poético de Pablo Antonio Cuadra, which was revised for publication at Editorial Gredos, Madrid,


Literary contributions

Her literary works include novels, essays, short stories and critical studies. She has been awarded several national and international literary awards for her works, including one from the Society of Spanish and Iberoamerican Writers in 1961, the Ricardo Miró National Prize for an essay or novel in 1966, the Central American Novel Prize in 1976, two awards (essay and short story) from the magazine Lotería in 1971 and 1996 and the National Short Story Award from the city of Bogotá, Colombia, in 1996. The jury underlined the fact that one of the reasons for selecting the book for this particular award was that it was the first postmodern short-story book ever to be published in the region. In 2000, her novel Libertad en llamas was short listed for the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Novel Prize in Mexico. In 2007, the Rockefeller Foundation selected her to be one of their novelist-in-residence at The Bellagio Center, where she wrote her novel El jardín de las cenizas, third part of the trilogy Maramargo. In 2014 her novel En el corazón de la noche was launched in Buenos Aires and second and third editions were launched by Penguin Random House in Bogota and Spain respectively. Her short stories appeared in Spain, the U.S., France, England, Italy, Poland and Japan.

International contributions

From 1975 to 1995, she worked as a syndicated columnist for several periodicals, including La Prensa, Panama America, and Cambio. She served as ABC News correspondent in Panama and as consultant at Canal (channel) 5 (FETV) in Panama. In 1990 she collaborated on the twenty-first edition of the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy (DRAE) and the second edition of the Dictionary of Colombianismos for the Colombian Academy. She was the founder of the Panamanian chapter of the PEN-International and served as one of the seven executive council members of PEN from 1997 to 2002. Until 2004, she was a member of the Board of Trustees of the PEN International foundation. She also served as an International Vice President at PEN International.

Personal life

Guardia's husband was Ricardo Alfaro, grandson of former Panamanian Presidents, Ricardo J. Alfaro and Alcibiades Arosemena. They had a daughter, Cristina Alfaro Carlis (Mrs. E. Scott Carlis) who lives with her husband and children in Los Ángeles, California and San Juan Capistrano, California. There were two grandchildren. Guardia and her husband divided their time between Bogotá, Panama City and Los Angeles.

She died in Bogota, 13 May 2019.[1]


  • APENAS AYER (Memoires) Managua: Anema Editores, 2018.
  • EN EL CORAZÓN DE LA NOCHE (Novel) Madrid: Grijalbo, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, 2017.
  • EN EL CORAZÓN DE LA NOCHE (Novel) Bogotá: Grijalbo, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, 2016.
  • EN EL CORAZÓN DE LA NOCHE. (Novel) Buenos Aires: Editorial Victoria Ocampo, 2014.
  • EL JARDÍN DE LAS CENIZAS. (Novel) Cali: Alfaguara, 2011. Tercera Parte de la trilogía MARAMARGO.
  • EL ÚLTIMO JUEGO. (Novel) San José: Alfaguara, 2009. (4a edición yprimera de Alfaguara)Primera parte de la trilogía MARAMARGO.
  • ROGELIO SINÁN A LA LUZ DE LAS NUEVAS PROPUESTAS CRÍTICAS SOBRE LA NARRATIVA LATINOAMERICANA Essay) en Rogelio Sinán, Plenilunio, Sin novedad en Shanghai, Colección Clásica, N° 237, Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 2007 (Premio Nacional del Libro,CENAL, Venezuela, Categoría "Prólogo", 2007)..
  • LOBOS AL ANOCHECER. (Novel) Bogotá: Alfaguara, 2006. 2ª edición, San José: Alfaguara, 2006, 3ª edición, Cali,Alfaguara, 2011. Segunda Parte de la trilogía MARAMARGO.
  • PABLO ANTONIO CUADRA: POETA Y PENSADOR CRISTIANO (Essay) Cistercium, Revista Cisterciense del Centro Internacional de Estudios Místicos, abril-junio de 2004, N° 235. Catabria: Ediciones Monte Casino; y San José: PENSAR, 2007.
  • LA MIRADA DE ORFEO EN DANTE Y DARÍO (Essay) en DANTE EN AMÉRICA LATINA Casino: Universitá degli Studi di Cassino, 2007; Lengua, Revista de la Academia Nicaragüense de la Lengua, 2ª época, N° 33, Managua, junio de 2008.
  • ALTERACIONES DEL DARIEN: POEMA FUNDACIONAL DE UNA REALIDAD NUEVA. (Essay) Revista iberoamericana, ISSN 0034-9631, Nº. 196, 2001 (Número dedicado la literatura y cultura panameña), pags. 443-450.
  • LIBERTAD EN LLAMAS (Novel) México/Barcelona: Plaza y Janés, 1999, Finalista, Premio Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara (FIL), 2000.
  • ASPECTOS DE CREACIÓN EN LA NOVELA CENTROAMERICANA (Essay). Colección Encuentros. Washington, D. C. Centro Cultural del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Tomo 29, septiembre de 1998. Traducción al Inglés, ASPECTS OF CREATION IN THE CENTRAL AMERICAN NOVEL. Traductora, Marguerite Feitlowitz, Washington, D. C. IDB Cultural Center, Volume 29, September, 1998.
  • LA PALABRA MITOPOÉTICA EN LA OBRA DE PABLO ANTONIO CUADRA (Essay) Discurso de recepción en la Academia Colombiana de la Lengua. Bogotá: Boletín de la Academia Colombiana de la Lengua, Tomo XLVII, Número 198, octubre, noviembre, diciembre de 1997.
  • LA CARTA (Nouvella). Salta: Biblioteca de Textos Universitarios, 1997. Segunda edición, Managua: Centro Nicaragüense de Escritores y Agencia para el Desarrollo (NORAD), 2000.
  • CARTAS APÓCRIFAS (Short Stories) Bogotá: Tercer Mundo Editores, 1997. Premio Nacional de Cuento, Ciudad de Bogotá, 1996. Segunda edición, Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Javeriana, 2005.
  • APROXIMACIÓN A LIBRE Y CAUTIVA DE STELLA SIERRA (Ensayo). Panamá: Publi-Impresos López, 1990.
  • LA MUJER EN LA ACADEMIA (Essay). Discurso de recepción en la Academia Panameña de la Lengua. Panamá: Editorial Myriam Bermúdez, 1989.
  • LA BÚSQUEDA DEL ROSTRO (Collected Essays). Panamá: Editorial Signos, 1984.
  • EL ÚLTIMO JUEGO (Novel a) San José: Editorial Universitaria, 1977. Premio Centroamericano de Novela, EDUCA, 1976. Russian Translation: Moscow, Joven Guardia, 1981. Tercera edición, Panamá: Biblioteca de la Nacionalidad, Autoridad del Canal, 1999. Cuarta edición, San José: Alfaguara (en prensa).
  • ROGELIO SINÁN: UNA REVISIÓN DE LA VANGUARDIA EN PANAMÁ (Essay). Panamá: Litho-Impresora Panamá, S.A. 1975.
  • CON ERNESTO CARDENAL (testimonio con fotografías de Sandra Eleta) Panamá: Editora Litográfica, 1974. AQUELLOS AÑOS DE SOLENTINAME. Managua: Ediciones Centroamericanas ANAMÁ, 2000.
  • ESTUDIO SOBRE EL PENSAMIENTO POÉTICO DE PABLO ANTONIO CUADRA (Dissertation). Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1971.
  • POR QUÉ FRACASÓ EL TEATRO DE UNAMUNO. Humboldt (Hamburgo) N° XX, año V, 1964.
  • TINIEBLA BLANCA (Novel). Madrid: Editorial Clásica y Moderna. Medalla de oro de la Sociedad de Escritores Españoles e Iberoamericanos, 1961.
  • [editar] AntologíasAndradi, Esther, edit. COMER CON LA MIRADA. Gloria Guardia, "Cena criolla". Buenos Aires: Ediciones Desde la Gente, 2008 .
  • Menton, Seymour: EL CUENTO HISPANOAMERICANO, Gloria Guardia, "Recado desde Estocolmo". México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2003.
  • Rincón, Carlos y Sarah de Mojica, editores. LECTORES Y AUTORES DEL QUIJOTE! 2 tomos, Gloria Guardia, Sobre las mil zarandajas que... Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Javeriana, 2005.
  • Suárez, Mercedes, edit. LA AMÉRICA REAL Y LA AMÉRICA MÁGICA A TRAVÉS DE SU LITERATURA, Segunda Edición aumentada. Fragmento de EL ULTIMO JUEGO, Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, 2004; LETRAS Y ARTE DE NUESTRA AMÉRICA: Bogotá/Madrid: Convenio Andrés Bello & Villegas Editores, 2004.


  • Andradi, Esther, edit. COMER CON LA MIRADA. Gloria Guardia, Cena criolla. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Desde la Gente, 2008.
  • De León, Oliver Gilberto, LITERATURAS IBÉRICAS (French Editions= Francia: Editions Ophrys, 1984, 2014.
  • Giraldo, Luz Mary, Selección y Prólogo. CUENTAN. Gloria Guardia, Isak Dinisen: La venganza de la verdad. Medellín: Sílaba Editores, 2010. Premio "Montserrat Ordóñez" 2012, Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
  • Hillar, Anna, PhD, editor and translator. GREAT SPANISH AND LATIN ) AMERICAN SHORT STORIES OF THE 20TH CENTURY, GRANDES CUENTOS ESPAÑOLES Y LATINOAMERICANOS DEL SIGLO XX. A Dual Languages Book. Gloria Guardia, "Otra vez Bach", "Once Again Bach", New York: Dover Publications, 2013.
  • Menton, Seymour: EL CUENTO HISPANOAMERICANO, Gloria Guardia, Recado desde Estocolmo. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2003.
  • Muñoz, Willy, editor. Antología de cuentistas centroamericanas, Gloria a Guardia, Otra vez Bach., 2005.
  • Palma, Milagros, editeur, Milagros Esguerra, préface: ECRITURES DE FEMMES D'AMERIQUE LATINE EN FRANCE. ESCRITURAS DE MUJER DE AMÉRICA LATINA EN FRANCIA. Paris; Índigo & Cote Femmes Editions, 1986.
  • Rincón, Carlos y Sarah de Mojica, editores. LECTORES Y AUTORES DEL QUIJOTE! 2 tomos, Gloria Guardia, " Sobre las mil zarandajas que..." Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Javeriana, 2005.
  • Suárez, Mercedes, edit. LA AMÉRICA REAL Y LA AMÉRICA MÁGICA A TRAVÉS DE SU LITERATURA, Segunda Edición aumentada. Fragmento de EL ÚLTIMO JUEGO, Salamanca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca, 2004; LETRAS Y ARTE DE NUESTRA AMÉRICA: Bogotá/Madrid: Convenio Andrés Bello & Villegas Editores, 2004.

Awards and honours

  • Honor Scholarship, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1958–61, 1962–63
  • Medalla de oro de la Sociedad de Escritores Españoles e Iberoamericanos, Madrid, 1961.
  • B.A. (Bachelor of Arts, "Cum Laude") Vassar College, 1963.
  • Honor Fellowsip, Organization of American States (OAS) to attend Graduate School, Columbia University, City of New York 1965–1968.
  • National Book Award, Essay, "Ricardo Miró", Panamá, 1966.
  • National Book Award, Novel, "RIcardo Miró, Panamá, 1966.
  • Central American Book Award (EDUCA), San José, 1977.
  • Fellow, Academia Panameña de la Lengua, Panamá, 1985.
  • Associate Fellow, Spanish Royal Academy, Madrid, 1989.
  • National Short Story Award, Ciudad de Bogotá", Colombia, Colombia, 1997.
  • Associate Fellow, Colombian Academy of Letters, Bogota, 1997.
  • Keys of The City of Miami, EE.UU, 1997.
  • Nicaragua's Most Distinguished Citizen, Orden Rubén Darío, Nicaragua, 2000.
  • International Who's Who's of Women, 2002.
  • Front Runner Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz's Book Award, Feria Internacional del Libro (FIL), de Guadalajara, México,1999.
  • List of Vassar College People, Famous Alumni, Writers, 2003.
  • International Vice President, PEN International, London, 2006.
  • Associate Fellow, Nicaragua's Academy of Letters, Managua, Nicaragua, 2007.
  • Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Center, 2007.
  • National Book Award (Essay), (CENAL), Venezuela, 2007.
  • Continental Who's Who's, 2014.
  • Bristol Who's Who, 2015.
  • Columbia University's Who's Who of Distinguished Alumni, 2015.


  1. ^ "PEN International mourns the death of friend and Vice-President Gloria Guardia de Alfaro (1940-2019)". pen-international.org. 14 May 2019. Retrieved 11 April 2020.

External links

  • Gloria Guardia reads from her work and is interviewed by Georgette M. Dorn
  • PEN International UK
  • Royal Spanish Academy of Letters (in Spanish)
  • Biblioteca Nacional de Panamá (in Spanish)
  • Vassar College
  • (in Spanish) 2013-11-20 at the Wayback Machine
  • (in Spanish)
  • (in Spanish)
  • (in Spanish)
  • Guardia, Gloria En el corazón de la noche, Sinopsis, (in Spanish)

gloria, guardia, this, article, includes, list, references, related, reading, external, links, sources, remain, unclear, because, lacks, inline, citations, please, help, improve, this, article, introducing, more, precise, citations, february, 2015, learn, when. This article includes a list of references related reading or external links but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations February 2015 Learn how and when to remove this template message Gloria Guardia 1940 13 May 2019 was a Panamanian novelist essayist and journalist whose works received recognition in Latin America Europe Australia and Japan She was a Fellow at the Panamanian Academy of Letters and Associate Fellow at the Spanish Royal Academy the Colombian and the Nicaraguan Academy of Letters Contents 1 Early life and education 2 Career 2 1 Literary contributions 2 2 International contributions 3 Personal life 4 Bibliography 4 1 Anthologies 5 Awards and honours 6 References 7 External linksEarly life and education EditGuardia was born in 1940 She was the youngest daughter of the Panamanian Consulting Engineer Carlos A Guardia co founder of AIDIS Inter American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering and descendant of Sebastian de la Guardia c 1640 one of Panamanian Founding Fathers Her mother Olga Zeledon a native of Nicaragua was the youngest daughter of the country s national hero Benjamin Zeledon and his wife Ester Ramirez Jerez In 1958 Guardia graduated from Roycemorel School an independent nonsectarian college preparatory school located in Evanston Illinois In 1960 she studied Philosophy and literature at the Complutense University in Madrid and Spanish literature and Iberoamerica at Madrid s Instituto de Cultura Hispanica In the United States she received a Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude from Vassar College in 1962 and a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University in 1968 That year she presented a dissertation for a Ph D degree on Comparative Literature Estudio sobre el pensamiento poetico de Pablo Antonio Cuadra which was revised for publication at Editorial Gredos Madrid Career EditLiterary contributions Edit Her literary works include novels essays short stories and critical studies She has been awarded several national and international literary awards for her works including one from the Society of Spanish and Iberoamerican Writers in 1961 the Ricardo Miro National Prize for an essay or novel in 1966 the Central American Novel Prize in 1976 two awards essay and short story from the magazine Loteria in 1971 and 1996 and the National Short Story Award from the city of Bogota Colombia in 1996 The jury underlined the fact that one of the reasons for selecting the book for this particular award was that it was the first postmodern short story book ever to be published in the region In 2000 her novel Libertad en llamas was short listed for the Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Novel Prize in Mexico In 2007 the Rockefeller Foundation selected her to be one of their novelist in residence at The Bellagio Center where she wrote her novel El jardin de las cenizas third part of the trilogy Maramargo In 2014 her novel En el corazon de la noche was launched in Buenos Aires and second and third editions were launched by Penguin Random House in Bogota and Spain respectively Her short stories appeared in Spain the U S France England Italy Poland and Japan International contributions Edit From 1975 to 1995 she worked as a syndicated columnist for several periodicals including La Prensa Panama America and Cambio She served as ABC News correspondent in Panama and as consultant at Canal channel 5 FETV in Panama In 1990 she collaborated on the twenty first edition of the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy DRAE and the second edition of the Dictionary of Colombianismos for the Colombian Academy She was the founder of the Panamanian chapter of the PEN International and served as one of the seven executive council members of PEN from 1997 to 2002 Until 2004 she was a member of the Board of Trustees of the PEN International foundation She also served as an International Vice President at PEN International Personal life EditGuardia s husband was Ricardo Alfaro grandson of former Panamanian Presidents Ricardo J Alfaro and Alcibiades Arosemena They had a daughter Cristina Alfaro Carlis Mrs E Scott Carlis who lives with her husband and children in Los Angeles California and San Juan Capistrano California There were two grandchildren Guardia and her husband divided their time between Bogota Panama City and Los Angeles She died in Bogota 13 May 2019 1 Bibliography EditAPENAS AYER Memoires Managua Anema Editores 2018 EN EL CORAZoN DE LA NOCHE Novel Madrid Grijalbo Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial 2017 EN EL CORAZoN DE LA NOCHE Novel Bogota Grijalbo Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial 2016 EN EL CORAZoN DE LA NOCHE Novel Buenos Aires Editorial Victoria Ocampo 2014 EL JARDIN DE LAS CENIZAS Novel Cali Alfaguara 2011 Tercera Parte de la trilogia MARAMARGO EL ULTIMO JUEGO Novel San Jose Alfaguara 2009 4a edicion yprimera de Alfaguara Primera parte de la trilogia MARAMARGO ROGELIO SINAN A LA LUZ DE LAS NUEVAS PROPUESTAS CRITICAS SOBRE LA NARRATIVA LATINOAMERICANA Essay en Rogelio Sinan Plenilunio Sin novedad en Shanghai Coleccion Clasica N 237 Caracas Biblioteca Ayacucho 2007 Premio Nacional del Libro CENAL Venezuela Categoria Prologo 2007 LOBOS AL ANOCHECER Novel Bogota Alfaguara 2006 2ª edicion San Jose Alfaguara 2006 3ª edicion Cali Alfaguara 2011 Segunda Parte de la trilogia MARAMARGO PABLO ANTONIO CUADRA POETA Y PENSADOR CRISTIANO Essay Cistercium Revista Cisterciense del Centro Internacional de Estudios Misticos abril junio de 2004 N 235 Catabria Ediciones Monte Casino y San Jose PENSAR 2007 LA MIRADA DE ORFEO EN DANTE Y DARIO Essay en DANTE EN AMERICA LATINA Casino Universita degli Studi di Cassino 2007 Lengua Revista de la Academia Nicaraguense de la Lengua 2ª epoca N 33 Managua junio de 2008 ALTERACIONES DEL DARIEN POEMA FUNDACIONAL DE UNA REALIDAD NUEVA Essay Revista iberoamericana ISSN 0034 9631 Nº 196 2001 Numero dedicado la literatura y cultura panamena pags 443 450 LIBERTAD EN LLAMAS Novel Mexico Barcelona Plaza y Janes 1999 Finalista Premio Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara FIL 2000 ASPECTOS DE CREACIoN EN LA NOVELA CENTROAMERICANA Essay Coleccion Encuentros Washington D C Centro Cultural del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo Tomo 29 septiembre de 1998 Traduccion al Ingles ASPECTS OF CREATION IN THE CENTRAL AMERICAN NOVEL Traductora Marguerite Feitlowitz Washington D C IDB Cultural Center Volume 29 September 1998 LA PALABRA MITOPOETICA EN LA OBRA DE PABLO ANTONIO CUADRA Essay Discurso de recepcion en la Academia Colombiana de la Lengua Bogota Boletin de la Academia Colombiana de la Lengua Tomo XLVII Numero 198 octubre noviembre diciembre de 1997 LA CARTA Nouvella Salta Biblioteca de Textos Universitarios 1997 Segunda edicion Managua Centro Nicaraguense de Escritores y Agencia para el Desarrollo NORAD 2000 CARTAS APoCRIFAS Short Stories Bogota Tercer Mundo Editores 1997 Premio Nacional de Cuento Ciudad de Bogota 1996 Segunda edicion Bogota Editorial Pontificia Javeriana 2005 ROGELIO SINAN UNA REFLEXIoN CRITICA EN TORNO A LA CONTRIBUCIoN DEL LIBRO ONDA A LA POESIA PANAMENA DEL SIGLO XX Essay PANAMA 90 ANOS DE REPUBLICA Panama Impresora de la Nacion 1994 APROXIMACIoN A LIBRE Y CAUTIVA DE STELLA SIERRA Ensayo Panama Publi Impresos Lopez 1990 LA MUJER EN LA ACADEMIA Essay Discurso de recepcion en la Academia Panamena de la Lengua Panama Editorial Myriam Bermudez 1989 LA BUSQUEDA DEL ROSTRO Collected Essays Panama Editorial Signos 1984 EL ULTIMO JUEGO Novel a San Jose Editorial Universitaria 1977 Premio Centroamericano de Novela EDUCA 1976 Russian Translation Moscow Joven Guardia 1981 Tercera edicion Panama Biblioteca de la Nacionalidad Autoridad del Canal 1999 Cuarta edicion San Jose Alfaguara en prensa ROGELIO SINAN UNA REVISIoN DE LA VANGUARDIA EN PANAMA Essay Panama Litho Impresora Panama S A 1975 CON ERNESTO CARDENAL testimonio con fotografias de Sandra Eleta Panama Editora Litografica 1974 AQUELLOS ANOS DE SOLENTINAME Managua Ediciones Centroamericanas ANAMA 2000 ESTUDIO SOBRE EL PENSAMIENTO POETICO DE PABLO ANTONIO CUADRA Dissertation Madrid Editorial Gredos 1971 EL TRIPTICO TEMATICO EN LA POESIA DE MIGUEL HERNANDEZ Essay Humboldt Hamburgo N XXI ano VIII 1967 POR QUE FRACASo EL TEATRO DE UNAMUNO Humboldt Hamburgo N XX ano V 1964 TINIEBLA BLANCA Novel Madrid Editorial Clasica y Moderna Medalla de oro de la Sociedad de Escritores Espanoles e Iberoamericanos 1961 editar AntologiasAndradi Esther edit COMER CON LA MIRADA Gloria Guardia Cena criolla Buenos Aires Ediciones Desde la Gente 2008 Menton Seymour EL CUENTO HISPANOAMERICANO Gloria Guardia Recado desde Estocolmo Mexico Fondo de Cultura Economica 2003 Rincon Carlos y Sarah de Mojica editores LECTORES Y AUTORES DEL QUIJOTE 2 tomos Gloria Guardia Sobre las mil zarandajas que Bogota Editorial Pontificia Javeriana 2005 Suarez Mercedes edit LA AMERICA REAL Y LA AMERICA MAGICA A TRAVES DE SU LITERATURA Segunda Edicion aumentada Fragmento de EL ULTIMO JUEGO Salamanca Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca 2004 LETRAS Y ARTE DE NUESTRA AMERICA Bogota Madrid Convenio Andres Bello amp Villegas Editores 2004 Anthologies Edit Andradi Esther edit COMER CON LA MIRADA Gloria Guardia Cena criolla Buenos Aires Ediciones Desde la Gente 2008 Bareiro Saguier Ruben ANTOLOGIA DEL CUENTO LATINOAMERICANO VOL 4 MONTEVIDEO 2008 De Leon Oliver Gilberto LITERATURAS IBERICAS French Editions Francia Editions Ophrys 1984 2014 Giraldo Luz Mary Seleccion y Prologo CUENTAN Gloria Guardia Isak Dinisen La venganza de la verdad Medellin Silaba Editores 2010 Premio Montserrat Ordonez 2012 Latin American Studies Association LASA Hillar Anna PhD editor and translator GREAT SPANISH AND LATIN AMERICAN SHORT STORIES OF THE 20TH CENTURY GRANDES CUENTOS ESPANOLES Y LATINOAMERICANOS DEL SIGLO XX A Dual Languages Book Gloria Guardia Otra vez Bach Once Again Bach New York Dover Publications 2013 Menton Seymour EL CUENTO HISPANOAMERICANO Gloria Guardia Recado desde Estocolmo Mexico Fondo de Cultura Economica 2003 Munoz Willy editor Antologia de cuentistas centroamericanas Gloria a Guardia Otra vez Bach 2005 Palma Milagros editeur Milagros Esguerra preface ECRITURES DE FEMMES D AMERIQUE LATINE EN FRANCE ESCRITURAS DE MUJER DE AMERICA LATINA EN FRANCIA Paris Indigo amp Cote Femmes Editions 1986 Rincon Carlos y Sarah de Mojica editores LECTORES Y AUTORES DEL QUIJOTE 2 tomos Gloria Guardia Sobre las mil zarandajas que Bogota Editorial Pontificia Javeriana 2005 Suarez Mercedes edit LA AMERICA REAL Y LA AMERICA MAGICA A TRAVES DE SU LITERATURA Segunda Edicion aumentada Fragmento de EL ULTIMO JUEGO Salamanca Ediciones de la Universidad de Salamanca 2004 LETRAS Y ARTE DE NUESTRA AMERICA Bogota Madrid Convenio Andres Bello amp Villegas Editores 2004 Awards and honours EditHonor Scholarship Vassar College Poughkeepsie New York 1958 61 1962 63 Medalla de oro de la Sociedad de Escritores Espanoles e Iberoamericanos Madrid 1961 B A Bachelor of Arts Cum Laude Vassar College 1963 Honor Fellowsip Organization of American States OAS to attend Graduate School Columbia University City of New York 1965 1968 National Book Award Essay Ricardo Miro Panama 1966 National Book Award Novel RIcardo Miro Panama 1966 Central American Book Award EDUCA San Jose 1977 Fellow Academia Panamena de la Lengua Panama 1985 Associate Fellow Spanish Royal Academy Madrid 1989 National Short Story Award Ciudad de Bogota Colombia Colombia 1997 Associate Fellow Colombian Academy of Letters Bogota 1997 Keys of The City of Miami EE UU 1997 Nicaragua s Most Distinguished Citizen Orden Ruben Dario Nicaragua 2000 International Who s Who s of Women 2002 Front Runner Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz s Book Award Feria Internacional del Libro FIL de Guadalajara Mexico 1999 List of Vassar College People Famous Alumni Writers 2003 International Vice President PEN International London 2006 Associate Fellow Nicaragua s Academy of Letters Managua Nicaragua 2007 Fellow Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center 2007 National Book Award Essay CENAL Venezuela 2007 Continental Who s Who s 2014 Bristol Who s Who 2015 Columbia University s Who s Who of Distinguished Alumni 2015 References Edit PEN International mourns the death of friend and Vice President Gloria Guardia de Alfaro 1940 2019 pen international org 14 May 2019 Retrieved 11 April 2020 External links EditGloria Guardia reads from her work and is interviewed by Georgette M Dorn PEN International UK Royal Spanish Academy of Letters in Spanish Biblioteca Nacional de Panama in Spanish Vassar College 1 in Spanish Archived 2013 11 20 at the Wayback Machine in Spanish in Spanish in Spanish Guardia Gloria En el corazon de la noche Sinopsis in Spanish Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Gloria Guardia amp oldid 1127259665, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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