
German–Polish declaration of non-aggression

The German–Polish declaration of non-aggression (German: Erklärung zwischen Deutschland und Polen über den Verzicht auf Gewaltanwendung, Polish: Deklaracja między Polską a Niemcami o niestosowaniu przemocy),[1] also known as the German–Polish non-aggression pact, was an agreement between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic that was signed on 26 January 1934 in Berlin.[2] Both countries pledged to resolve their problems by bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict for a period of 10 years. The agreement effectively normalised relations between Poland and Germany, which had been strained by border disputes arising from the territorial settlement in the Treaty of Versailles. Germany effectively recognised Poland's borders and moved to end an economically-damaging customs war between the two countries that had taken place over the previous decade.[3]

German–Polish declaration of non-aggression
German Ambassador Hans-Adolf von Moltke, Polish leader Józef Piłsudski, German Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and Polish Foreign Minister Józef Beck meeting in Warsaw on 15 June 1934, five months after issuing the declaration.
Signed26 January 1934
LocationBerlin, Germany
LanguagesPolish, German


In 1925, under the Locarno treaties, it was agreed that France would never send forces into Germany outside of its own occupation zone in the Rhineland and that both Britain and Italy would guarantee the Franco-German border against any attempt to change it from either side.[4] The purpose of the Locarno treaties was to make it impossible for France to occupy the Ruhr as had happened in 1923. From the Polish perspective, the Locarno treaties were a diplomatic disaster, as Britain and Italy refused to make the same guarantees for Germany's eastern border while theoretically both Britain and Italy would declare war on France if the French should move French Army troops into Germany beyond the Rhineland.[4][5] Under the terms of the Franco-Polish defensive alliance of 1921, France was supposed to start an offensive from the Rhineland occupation zone into the north German plain if Germany should invade Poland, but the Locarno treaties had effectively gutted the provisions of the Franco-Polish alliance.[4] The British Foreign Secretary Austen Chamberlain had pushed for the Locarno treaties as a way for Germany to peacefully revise the Treaty of Versailles in eastern Europe.[5] Chamberlain believed that as long as the Poles had a great power like France as their ally, they would never hand over the areas that Germany was claiming such as the Polish Corridor and Upper Silesia, but if Franco-German relations improved, then that would weaken the Franco-Polish alliance and force the Poles to yield to the force majeure of Germany's power.[5] From the early 1920s onward, British foreign policy aimed to revise aspects of the Treaty of Versailles in favor of the Reich, such as the eastern borders Versailles had imposed on Germany, in exchange for German acceptance of the other aspects of the Versailles settlement of which the British approved.[5] The way that the French largely yielded to British demands at the Locarno conference was seen as a betrayal in Poland.

The French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand carried out a foreign policy aimed at a rapprochement with Germany, which caused much alarm in Warsaw.[6] As long as the Rhineland was occupied by the French Army, it served as a form of "collateral" if Germany should violate the Treaty of Versailles and placed the French in a strong position to launch an offensive to the Ruhr and launch an offensive into the North German Plain. In 1928, Briand accepted the offer by German Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann that France would end the occupation of the Rhineland five years early with the French to pull out of the Rhineland by June 1930 instead of June 1935 as the Treaty of Versailles had called for.[7] Briand's plans for an early end of the Rhineland occupation in exchange for better relations with the Reich were vehemently opposed by Polish diplomats, who wanted the French to stay in the Rhineland until 1935.[7] The Poles did not expect the Germans to abide by the Treaty of Versailles, and it was believed that with the end of the French occupation that the Rhineland would remilitarized in the near-future..[7] In turn, if the Germans constructed defensive works along the Franco-German border, that in turn would allow Germany to focus its might entirely against Poland. Besides for opposing the plans for an early end of the Rhineland occupation, Piłsudski wanted France to strengthen its alliance with Poland, and was much offended when Briand rejected his plans as he preferred better relations with Berlin over Warsaw.[8]

It has been said that Piłsudski's reason for seeking the declaration with Germany was his concern over France's Maginot Line.[9] Until 1929, French plans had called for a French offensive into the North German Plain, in conjunction with offensives from Poland and Czechoslovakia.[9] The construction of the Maginot Line, which began in 1929, indicated the French Army's preference for a strictly-defensive stance, which would leave its eastern allies on their own.[9] From Piłsudski's viewpoint, in the light of France's military plans, a non-aggression agreement with Germany would be the best choice for Poland.

One of the most noted of Józef Piłsudski's foreign policies was his rumoured proposal to France to declare war on Germany after Adolf Hitler had come to power, in January 1933. Some historians speculate that Piłsudski may have sounded out France on the possibility of joint military action against Germany, which had been openly rearming in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. France's refusal might have been one of the reasons that Poland signed the declaration.[10][11][12][13][14] However, the argument that the declaration had been forced on Piłsudski by French refusal to wage a "preventive war" has been disputed by historians, who point out that there is no evidence in French or Polish diplomatic archives that such a proposal was ever advanced..[15] Under the terms of the Treaty of Locarno, if France invaded Germany, both Italy and Britain would had declared war on France. Historians noted that when in late October 1933, rumours of a Polish "preventive-war" proposal were reported in Paris, their source was the Polish embassy, which had informed French reporters that Poland had proposed a "preventive war" to France and Belgium, but Poland and Germany had already been secretly negotiating. It has been argued that Piłsudski had the Polish embassy start rumours about a "preventive war" to pressure the Germans, who were demanding for Poland to abrogate its 1921 Franco-Polish alliance.[15] The declaration would specifically exclude that alliance.[16]


A detente began between Poland and Germany in early 1933. On the Polish side this was promoted by Beck making what Moltke interpreted as "a veiled proposal for direct contact with Germany" in April 1933. Hitler for his part encouraged this by stating on 2 May 1933 by saying to Wysocki that he did not "...share the view that questions Poland's right to exist...", and then on 17 May saying in a speech to the Reichstag that he did not believe that it was possible to "...make Germans out of Poles...". This was followed by a lessening of tensions around Danzig in July 1933, with Piłsudski instructing Beck to explore options for further talks. In September of the same year talks were held between Beck on the Polish side, and Neurath and Goebbels on the German side, as part of the general conclave on disarmament in Geneva.[17]

The German-Polish rapprochement was temporarily interrupted by the German withdrawal from the Geneva disarmament talks in October 1933. However, by the next month the Polish ambassador in Berlin had already asked Hitler whether the loss of security caused to Poland by Germany's exit from the talks might be compensated by "...direct German-Polish relations...". Hitler responded to this by stating that he saw Poland as "an outpost against Asia", and proposed a declaration excluding the possibility of war between the two countries. The German side proposed a draft declaration to this effect that was accepted in principle by the Polish government, and after a month the talks on the text of the agreement were quickly concluded in January 1934.[18]

The declaration


The German foreign ministry insisted that the agreement be called a "declaration" rather than a "pact" as "pact" was seen as implying that there was no conflict of interest between the parties. Additionally, the Germans believed that the term "pact" might imply recognition of the German-Polish border.[19] Despite this the agreement is still referred to as a "pact" in some documents.[2]

Effect of the declaration

"The German Government and the Polish Government consider that the time has come to introduce a new phase in the political relations between Germany and Poland by a direct understanding between State and State. They have, therefore, decided to lay down the principles for the future development of these relations in the present declaration."

English translation of opening of declaration[20]

Under the declaration, Poland and Germany agreed to normalise relations. Until the declaration Germany had withheld normalisation without first settling the question of the German-Polish border.[21] Instead the issue of the border, and particularly of the Danzig Corridor was put to one side and both sides agreed not to use force to settle their dispute.[2] The agreement also included clauses guarding Poland's relations with France under the Franco-Polish alliance,[22] and under their membership of the League of Nations.[23]

An additional benefit Poland received from the declaration was that it enabled the Polish foreign minister, Józef Beck, to have a line of direct communication with Berlin regarding developments in the Free City of Danzig. This allowed Beck to avoid having to communicate directly with the League of Nations regarding the city, which was then governed by the League of Nations high commissioner, Seán Lester.[24] Poland was also able to extract a promise by Germany to accept a quota of Polish coal during the negotiation of the agreement.[25]

For Germany, the agreement was the first major Concordat reached during the Nazi era, and gave Adolf Hitler an agreement that he could present domestically as a diplomatic success, and internationally as a sign of his pacific intent. It also helped signal a weakening in the French-led alliances surrounding Germany, particularly through the secrecy in which it had been negotiated.[23]


International reactions

The British government was generally pleased by the German-Polish declaration. They believed this removed a dangerous threat to peace.[26]

In Czechoslovakia the agreement angered the Czechoslovak political elite.[27] Announcement of the declaration came just four days after discussions between Jozef Beck and the Czech foreign minister, Edvard Beneš. Beneš, speaking to Joseph Addison (the British ambassador in Prague), claimed that the agreement was a "stab in the back" and went on to say that it showed that Poland was a "useless country" that deserved another partition.[28] At the time Beneš was particularly angered by reports in the Polish government-controlled and right-wing press accusing the Czechs of mistreating Poles in the Trans-Olza region and perceived Polish encouragement of Slovak nationalists.[29]

The conclusion of the declaration led to accusations from France that the French government had not been kept fully advised of the progress of negotiations between Poland and Germany. The French government had been kept informed of progress during the preliminary phase of the talks in late 1933, but this had not been kept up during the later part of the talks, though the French were given a detailed explanation of the agreement and its motives by the Polish government soon after it being signed. French public opinion about the agreement was negative.[30] French critics of the deal believed it indicated that Poland might be an unreliable ally.[26]

The signing of the treaty came as a surprise to the US government despite the US administration's previous advocacy of a Polish-German agreement. Some sections of US public opinion also saw the agreement as signalling Polish support for Germany.[31]

Similarly the signing of the agreement caused concern in the USSR, with commentary in Izvestia questioning whether the agreement represented a concession by Germany or was simply a German manoeuvre, and expressing the belief that the agreement was merely temporary.[32] To allay any fears of a war against the Soviet Union, on 5 May 1934, Poland renewed the Soviet–Polish Non-Aggression Pact, which had been first signed on 25 July 1932. It was extended until 31 December 1945 despite Hitler’s repeated suggestion to form a German-Polish alliance against the Soviets. A report on the declaration by the Soviet ambassador in Warsaw, Vladimir Osvieyenko, pointed out that the agreement contained no secret terms.[33]

German denunciation

German and Soviet officers shaking hands following the invasion

German policy changed drastically in late 1938, after the annexation of Sudetenland sealed the fate of Czechoslovakia, and Poland became Hitler's next target. In October 1938, German Foreign Minister Joachim Ribbentrop presented Poland with the proposition of renewing the agreement in exchange for allowing the Free City of Danzig to be annexed by Germany and the construction of an extraterritorial motorway and railway through the Polish Corridor, with Germany accepting Poland's postwar borders.[34] Since Poland refused, Hitler denounced the declaration unilaterally on 28 April 1939[35] during an address before the Reichstag while Germany renewed its territorial claims in Poland. A note to Poland from the German government on 28 April 1939 expressed the view that their denunciation was justified by the signing of the Anglo-Polish alliance.[36] After another few months of rising tension and the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, which contained a secret protocol by which Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Poland between them, Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 which initiated World War II, with the Soviets invading Poland shortly after on 17 September 1939.[citation needed]



The historical significance of the agreement has been a matter of controversy.[37] The British historian Hugh Seton-Watson, writing in 1945, stated that the 1934 declaration “marked the beginning of German-Polish active cooperation in an aggressive policy in Eastern Europe.”[38] Similarly AJP Taylor writing in his 1961 book The Origins of the Second World War considered that the declaration had removed the possibility of Polish support for France, thus freeing Hitler to take further actions.[39]

Later historians have been less critical of the agreement. The American historian Anna Cienciala wrote in 1975 that the agreement, together with the Polish-Soviet non-aggression pact, formed a "policy of equilibrium" whereby Poland's leadership sought to preserve Poland's independence by balancing Poland's relations with Germany and the Soviet Union and thus avoid coming under the control of either, and pointed to Pilsudski's refusal on multiple occasions to ally with Germany against the Soviet Union as evidence of this.[21] Piotr S. Wandycz writing in 1986 criticised the view of AJP Taylor as giving insufficient weight to the assurances the declaration gave regarding Poland's alliance with France, and not taking into account that both Beck and Piłsudski were aware that the agreement would not hold for long. Wandycz also noted that Taylor had not had the advantage of seeing later-published material in which Piłsudski had expressed his view on the declaration to close associates.[39]


On 1 September 2009, on the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War, Russia's foreign intelligence agency, the SVR, declassified documents it said were gathered by undercover agents between 1935 and 1945 allegedly showing that Poland secretly conspired with Germany against the Soviet Union. The SVR claimed that Poland had pursued an anti-Soviet foreign policy from the mid-1930s. The documents were compiled by a former senior KGB officer who cited a report from an unidentified Soviet agent purporting that in 1934, Poland and Germany had agreed a secret protocol whereby Poland would remain neutral if Germany attacked the Soviet Union. In response, Polish historians said that there was no evidence that this protocol existed. Mariusz Wolos, an academic at the Polish Academy of Sciences stated that "Nothing similar has ever turned up in archives in Germany. Just because some agent wrote it doesn't mean it's true. There isn't much new here. The documents [released by the SVR] simply confirm what British, German and Russian historians already know".[40]


  1. ^ Kuberski, Hubert. "Hubert Kuberski: Polsko-niemiecka deklaracja o niestosowaniu przemocy". INSTYTUT PAMIĘCI NARODOWEJHUBERT KUBERSKI: POLSKO-NIEMIECKA DEKLARACJA O NIESTOSOWANIU PRZEMOCY - HISTORIA Z IPN -. Retrieved 16 March 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Cienciala, Anna M. (1 March 1967). "The Significance of the Declaration of Non-Aggression of January 26, 1934, in Polish-German and International Relations: A Reappraisal". East European Quarterly. 1 (1). ProQuest 1297351025. Retrieved 13 February 2021.
  3. ^ Anna M. Cienciala, "The Foreign Policy of Józef Piłsudski and Józef Beck, 1926–1939: Misconceptions and Interpretations," The Polish Review (2011) 56#1 pp. 111–151 online
  4. ^ a b c Cienciala 1999, p. 54.
  5. ^ a b c d Schuker 1999, pp. 48–49.
  6. ^ Wandycz 2011, p. 378-379.
  7. ^ a b c Wandycz 2011, p. 379.
  8. ^ Wandycz 2011, p. 379-380.
  9. ^ a b c Wandycz 2011, p. 384.
  10. ^ Torbus, Tomasz (1999). Poland. Nelles Guide: Explore the world. Hunter. p. 25. ISBN 3-88618-088-3.
  11. ^ Quester, George H. (2000). Nuclear Monopoly. Transaction Publishers. p. 27. ISBN 0-7658-0022-5. Citing: Watt, Richard M. (1998) [1979]. Bitter Glory: Poland and Its Fate, 1918-1939. Hippocrene Books. pp. 321–2. ISBN 978-0781806732.
  12. ^ Urbankowski, Bohdan (1997). Józef Piłsudski: Marzyciel i strateg [Józef Piłsudski: Dreamer and Strategist] (in Polish). Vol. 1. Warsaw: Alfa. pp. 539–540. ISBN 978-83-7001-914-3.
  13. ^ Rothwell, Victor (2001). Origins of the Second World War. Manchester University Press. p. 92. ISBN 0-7190-5958-5.
  14. ^ Smogorzewski, Kazimierz Maciej. "Józef Piłsudski". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 3 March 2018.
  15. ^ a b Wandycz 2011, p. 381-382.
  16. ^ (in Polish) Dariusz Baliszewski, Ostatnia wojna marszałka, Tygodnik "Wprost", Nr 1148 (28 November 2004), Polish, retrieved on 24 March 2005
  17. ^ Evans, William Scott (1962). Alliance against Hitler; the origins of the Franco-Soviet pact. Duke University Press. pp. 88–89. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
  18. ^ Evans, William Scott (1962). Alliance against Hitler; the origins of the Franco-Soviet pact. Duke University Press. pp. 156–157. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
  19. ^ Cienciala, Anna M. (2011). "The Foreign Policy of Józef Piłsudski and Józef Beck, 1926–1939: Misconceptions and Interpretations" (PDF). The Polish Review. LVI (1–2): 115. Retrieved 13 February 2021.
  20. ^ The British War Bluebook
  21. ^ a b Cienciała, Anna M. (1975). "Polish Foreign Policy, 1926–1939. "Equilibrium": Stereotype and Reality". The Polish Review. 20 (1): 48–49. JSTOR 27920631. Retrieved 14 February 2021 – via JSTOR.
  22. ^ Jędrzejewicz, Wacław (Winter 1966). "The Polish Plan for a "Preventative War" against Germany in 1933". The Polish Review. 11 (1): 90. JSTOR 25776646. Retrieved 14 February 2021.
  23. ^ a b Weinberg, Gerhard L. (2010). Hitler's Foreign Policy, 1933–1939 The Road to World War II. Enigma Books. pp. 59–60. ISBN 9781929631919. Retrieved 16 February 2021.
  24. ^ McNamara, Paul (May–June 2009). "Could This Irishman Have Stopped Hitler?". History Ireland. Wordwell Ltd. 17 (3): 34–35. JSTOR 27726010. Retrieved 14 February 2021.
  25. ^ Weinberg, Gerhard L. (2010). Hitler's Foreign Policy, 1933–1939 The Road to World War II. Enigma Books. p. 58. ISBN 9781929631919. Retrieved 16 February 2021.
  26. ^ a b Weinberg, Gerhard L. (2010). Hitler's Foreign Policy, 1933–1939 The Road to World War II. Enigma Books. p. 142. ISBN 9781929631919. Retrieved 16 February 2021.
  27. ^ Lukes, Igor (1996). Czechoslovakia Between Stalin and Hitler The Diplomacy of Edvard Benes in the 1930s. Oxford University Press. p. 136. ISBN 9780199880256. Retrieved 2 March 2021.
  28. ^ Goldstein, Erik; Lukes, Igor (2012). The Munich Crisis, 1938: Prelude to World War II. Routledge. p. 54. ISBN 9781136328398. Retrieved 2 March 2021.
  29. ^ Steiner, Zara (2011). The Triumph of the Dark: European International History 1933–1939. Oxford University Press. pp. 65–66. ISBN 9780199212002. Retrieved 2 March 2021.
  30. ^ Bicki, Roman D. (Autumn 1969). "The Remilitarization of the Rhineland and Its Impact on the French-Polish Alliance". The Polish Review. 14 (4): 48. JSTOR 25776873. Retrieved 15 February 2021.
  31. ^ Wandycz, Piotr S. (2009). "The Second Republic, 1921–1939". The Polish Review. 54 (2): 168. JSTOR 25779809. Retrieved 15 February 2021.
  32. ^ Kulski, W. W. (1978). "The Soviet Union, Germany And Poland". The Polish Review. 23 (1): 54. JSTOR 25777543. Retrieved 15 February 2021.
  33. ^ Kornat, Marek (December 2009). "Choosing Not to Choose in 1939: Poland's Assessment of the Nazi-Soviet Pact". The International History Review. 31 (4): 774. doi:10.1080/07075332.2009.9641172. JSTOR 40647041. S2CID 155068339. Retrieved 15 February 2021.
  34. ^ von Wegener, Alfred (September 2017). "The Origins of This War: a German View". Foreign Affairs (July 1940).
  35. ^ Brown, Robert J. (2004). Manipulating the Ether: The Power of Broadcast Radio in Thirties America. p. 173. ISBN 978-078642066-7.
  36. ^ "The German Note to Poland". Bulletin of International News. 16 (9): 13–15. 1939. JSTOR 25642470. Retrieved 15 February 2021.
  37. ^ "Józef Piłsudski's policy of maintaining the European status quo". The Warsaw Institute Review. 31 October 2019. Retrieved 4 March 2021.
  38. ^ Seton-Watson, Hugh (1945). Eastern Europe Between the Wars, 1918–1941. The University Press. p. 388. ISBN 9781001284781. Retrieved 4 March 2021.
  39. ^ a b Wandycz, Piotr S. (1986). "Poland between East and West". In Martel, Gordon (ed.). The Origins of the Second World War reconsidered : the A.J.P. Taylor debate after twenty-five years. Allen & Unwin. pp. 191–192. ISBN 0049400843. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
  40. ^ Harding, Luke (1 September 2009). "Fury as Russia presents 'evidence' Poland sided with Nazis before war". The Guardian. Retrieved 2 March 2021.


  • Wandycz, Piotr Stean (2001) [1988]. The Twilight of French Eastern Alliances. 1926–1936. French-Czechoslovak-Polish relations from Locarno to the remilitarization of the Rheinland. Princeton University Press. ISBN 1-59740-055-6..
  • Wandycz, Piotr (2011). "Poland and the Origins of the Second World War". In Frank McDonough (ed.). The Origins of the Second World War. London: Continuum. pp. 374–393.
  • Anna M. Cienciala, "The Foreign Policy of Józef Piłsudski and Józef Beck, 1926-1939: Misconceptions and Interpretations," The Polish Review (2011) 56#1 pp. 111–151 in JSTOR
  • Cienciala, Anna (1999). "The Munich Crisis, 1938". In Igor Lukes and Erik Goldstein (ed.). The Munich crisis of 1938: Plans and Strategy in Warsaw in the context of Wester appeasement of Germany. London: Frank Cass.
  • Schuker, Stephan (1999). "The End of Versailles". In Gordon Martel (ed.). The Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered A.J.P. Taylor And The Historians. London: Routledge.
  • "Text of German-Polish Agreement of January 26, 1934", The British War Bluebook – via Avalon Project

External links

  • Text of the treaty (in Polish)
  • text about Polish foreign policy (in Czech)

german, polish, declaration, aggression, german, erklärung, zwischen, deutschland, polen, über, verzicht, gewaltanwendung, polish, deklaracja, między, polską, niemcami, niestosowaniu, przemocy, also, known, german, polish, aggression, pact, agreement, between,. The German Polish declaration of non aggression German Erklarung zwischen Deutschland und Polen uber den Verzicht auf Gewaltanwendung Polish Deklaracja miedzy Polska a Niemcami o niestosowaniu przemocy 1 also known as the German Polish non aggression pact was an agreement between Nazi Germany and the Second Polish Republic that was signed on 26 January 1934 in Berlin 2 Both countries pledged to resolve their problems by bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict for a period of 10 years The agreement effectively normalised relations between Poland and Germany which had been strained by border disputes arising from the territorial settlement in the Treaty of Versailles Germany effectively recognised Poland s borders and moved to end an economically damaging customs war between the two countries that had taken place over the previous decade 3 German Polish declaration of non aggressionGerman Ambassador Hans Adolf von Moltke Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski German Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck meeting in Warsaw on 15 June 1934 five months after issuing the declaration Signed26 January 1934LocationBerlin GermanySignatoriesJozef Lipski Konstantin von NeurathPartiesPoland GermanyLanguagesPolish German Contents 1 Background 2 Negotiations 3 The declaration 3 1 Naming 3 2 Effect of the declaration 4 Aftermath 4 1 International reactions 4 2 German denunciation 5 Legacy 5 1 Historiography 5 2 Russia 6 References 7 Sources 8 External linksBackground EditIn 1925 under the Locarno treaties it was agreed that France would never send forces into Germany outside of its own occupation zone in the Rhineland and that both Britain and Italy would guarantee the Franco German border against any attempt to change it from either side 4 The purpose of the Locarno treaties was to make it impossible for France to occupy the Ruhr as had happened in 1923 From the Polish perspective the Locarno treaties were a diplomatic disaster as Britain and Italy refused to make the same guarantees for Germany s eastern border while theoretically both Britain and Italy would declare war on France if the French should move French Army troops into Germany beyond the Rhineland 4 5 Under the terms of the Franco Polish defensive alliance of 1921 France was supposed to start an offensive from the Rhineland occupation zone into the north German plain if Germany should invade Poland but the Locarno treaties had effectively gutted the provisions of the Franco Polish alliance 4 The British Foreign Secretary Austen Chamberlain had pushed for the Locarno treaties as a way for Germany to peacefully revise the Treaty of Versailles in eastern Europe 5 Chamberlain believed that as long as the Poles had a great power like France as their ally they would never hand over the areas that Germany was claiming such as the Polish Corridor and Upper Silesia but if Franco German relations improved then that would weaken the Franco Polish alliance and force the Poles to yield to the force majeure of Germany s power 5 From the early 1920s onward British foreign policy aimed to revise aspects of the Treaty of Versailles in favor of the Reich such as the eastern borders Versailles had imposed on Germany in exchange for German acceptance of the other aspects of the Versailles settlement of which the British approved 5 The way that the French largely yielded to British demands at the Locarno conference was seen as a betrayal in Poland The French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand carried out a foreign policy aimed at a rapprochement with Germany which caused much alarm in Warsaw 6 As long as the Rhineland was occupied by the French Army it served as a form of collateral if Germany should violate the Treaty of Versailles and placed the French in a strong position to launch an offensive to the Ruhr and launch an offensive into the North German Plain In 1928 Briand accepted the offer by German Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann that France would end the occupation of the Rhineland five years early with the French to pull out of the Rhineland by June 1930 instead of June 1935 as the Treaty of Versailles had called for 7 Briand s plans for an early end of the Rhineland occupation in exchange for better relations with the Reich were vehemently opposed by Polish diplomats who wanted the French to stay in the Rhineland until 1935 7 The Poles did not expect the Germans to abide by the Treaty of Versailles and it was believed that with the end of the French occupation that the Rhineland would remilitarized in the near future 7 In turn if the Germans constructed defensive works along the Franco German border that in turn would allow Germany to focus its might entirely against Poland Besides for opposing the plans for an early end of the Rhineland occupation Pilsudski wanted France to strengthen its alliance with Poland and was much offended when Briand rejected his plans as he preferred better relations with Berlin over Warsaw 8 It has been said that Pilsudski s reason for seeking the declaration with Germany was his concern over France s Maginot Line 9 Until 1929 French plans had called for a French offensive into the North German Plain in conjunction with offensives from Poland and Czechoslovakia 9 The construction of the Maginot Line which began in 1929 indicated the French Army s preference for a strictly defensive stance which would leave its eastern allies on their own 9 From Pilsudski s viewpoint in the light of France s military plans a non aggression agreement with Germany would be the best choice for Poland One of the most noted of Jozef Pilsudski s foreign policies was his rumoured proposal to France to declare war on Germany after Adolf Hitler had come to power in January 1933 Some historians speculate that Pilsudski may have sounded out France on the possibility of joint military action against Germany which had been openly rearming in violation of the Treaty of Versailles France s refusal might have been one of the reasons that Poland signed the declaration 10 11 12 13 14 However the argument that the declaration had been forced on Pilsudski by French refusal to wage a preventive war has been disputed by historians who point out that there is no evidence in French or Polish diplomatic archives that such a proposal was ever advanced 15 Under the terms of the Treaty of Locarno if France invaded Germany both Italy and Britain would had declared war on France Historians noted that when in late October 1933 rumours of a Polish preventive war proposal were reported in Paris their source was the Polish embassy which had informed French reporters that Poland had proposed a preventive war to France and Belgium but Poland and Germany had already been secretly negotiating It has been argued that Pilsudski had the Polish embassy start rumours about a preventive war to pressure the Germans who were demanding for Poland to abrogate its 1921 Franco Polish alliance 15 The declaration would specifically exclude that alliance 16 Negotiations EditA detente began between Poland and Germany in early 1933 On the Polish side this was promoted by Beck making what Moltke interpreted as a veiled proposal for direct contact with Germany in April 1933 Hitler for his part encouraged this by stating on 2 May 1933 by saying to Wysocki that he did not share the view that questions Poland s right to exist and then on 17 May saying in a speech to the Reichstag that he did not believe that it was possible to make Germans out of Poles This was followed by a lessening of tensions around Danzig in July 1933 with Pilsudski instructing Beck to explore options for further talks In September of the same year talks were held between Beck on the Polish side and Neurath and Goebbels on the German side as part of the general conclave on disarmament in Geneva 17 The German Polish rapprochement was temporarily interrupted by the German withdrawal from the Geneva disarmament talks in October 1933 However by the next month the Polish ambassador in Berlin had already asked Hitler whether the loss of security caused to Poland by Germany s exit from the talks might be compensated by direct German Polish relations Hitler responded to this by stating that he saw Poland as an outpost against Asia and proposed a declaration excluding the possibility of war between the two countries The German side proposed a draft declaration to this effect that was accepted in principle by the Polish government and after a month the talks on the text of the agreement were quickly concluded in January 1934 18 The declaration EditNaming Edit The German foreign ministry insisted that the agreement be called a declaration rather than a pact as pact was seen as implying that there was no conflict of interest between the parties Additionally the Germans believed that the term pact might imply recognition of the German Polish border 19 Despite this the agreement is still referred to as a pact in some documents 2 Effect of the declaration Edit The German Government and the Polish Government consider that the time has come to introduce a new phase in the political relations between Germany and Poland by a direct understanding between State and State They have therefore decided to lay down the principles for the future development of these relations in the present declaration English translation of opening of declaration 20 Under the declaration Poland and Germany agreed to normalise relations Until the declaration Germany had withheld normalisation without first settling the question of the German Polish border 21 Instead the issue of the border and particularly of the Danzig Corridor was put to one side and both sides agreed not to use force to settle their dispute 2 The agreement also included clauses guarding Poland s relations with France under the Franco Polish alliance 22 and under their membership of the League of Nations 23 An additional benefit Poland received from the declaration was that it enabled the Polish foreign minister Jozef Beck to have a line of direct communication with Berlin regarding developments in the Free City of Danzig This allowed Beck to avoid having to communicate directly with the League of Nations regarding the city which was then governed by the League of Nations high commissioner Sean Lester 24 Poland was also able to extract a promise by Germany to accept a quota of Polish coal during the negotiation of the agreement 25 For Germany the agreement was the first major Concordat reached during the Nazi era and gave Adolf Hitler an agreement that he could present domestically as a diplomatic success and internationally as a sign of his pacific intent It also helped signal a weakening in the French led alliances surrounding Germany particularly through the secrecy in which it had been negotiated 23 Aftermath EditInternational reactions Edit The British government was generally pleased by the German Polish declaration They believed this removed a dangerous threat to peace 26 In Czechoslovakia the agreement angered the Czechoslovak political elite 27 Announcement of the declaration came just four days after discussions between Jozef Beck and the Czech foreign minister Edvard Benes Benes speaking to Joseph Addison the British ambassador in Prague claimed that the agreement was a stab in the back and went on to say that it showed that Poland was a useless country that deserved another partition 28 At the time Benes was particularly angered by reports in the Polish government controlled and right wing press accusing the Czechs of mistreating Poles in the Trans Olza region and perceived Polish encouragement of Slovak nationalists 29 The conclusion of the declaration led to accusations from France that the French government had not been kept fully advised of the progress of negotiations between Poland and Germany The French government had been kept informed of progress during the preliminary phase of the talks in late 1933 but this had not been kept up during the later part of the talks though the French were given a detailed explanation of the agreement and its motives by the Polish government soon after it being signed French public opinion about the agreement was negative 30 French critics of the deal believed it indicated that Poland might be an unreliable ally 26 The signing of the treaty came as a surprise to the US government despite the US administration s previous advocacy of a Polish German agreement Some sections of US public opinion also saw the agreement as signalling Polish support for Germany 31 Similarly the signing of the agreement caused concern in the USSR with commentary in Izvestia questioning whether the agreement represented a concession by Germany or was simply a German manoeuvre and expressing the belief that the agreement was merely temporary 32 To allay any fears of a war against the Soviet Union on 5 May 1934 Poland renewed the Soviet Polish Non Aggression Pact which had been first signed on 25 July 1932 It was extended until 31 December 1945 despite Hitler s repeated suggestion to form a German Polish alliance against the Soviets A report on the declaration by the Soviet ambassador in Warsaw Vladimir Osvieyenko pointed out that the agreement contained no secret terms 33 German denunciation Edit German and Soviet officers shaking hands following the invasionGerman policy changed drastically in late 1938 after the annexation of Sudetenland sealed the fate of Czechoslovakia and Poland became Hitler s next target In October 1938 German Foreign Minister Joachim Ribbentrop presented Poland with the proposition of renewing the agreement in exchange for allowing the Free City of Danzig to be annexed by Germany and the construction of an extraterritorial motorway and railway through the Polish Corridor with Germany accepting Poland s postwar borders 34 Since Poland refused Hitler denounced the declaration unilaterally on 28 April 1939 35 during an address before the Reichstag while Germany renewed its territorial claims in Poland A note to Poland from the German government on 28 April 1939 expressed the view that their denunciation was justified by the signing of the Anglo Polish alliance 36 After another few months of rising tension and the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union which contained a secret protocol by which Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Poland between them Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 which initiated World War II with the Soviets invading Poland shortly after on 17 September 1939 citation needed Legacy EditHistoriography Edit The historical significance of the agreement has been a matter of controversy 37 The British historian Hugh Seton Watson writing in 1945 stated that the 1934 declaration marked the beginning of German Polish active cooperation in an aggressive policy in Eastern Europe 38 Similarly AJP Taylor writing in his 1961 book The Origins of the Second World War considered that the declaration had removed the possibility of Polish support for France thus freeing Hitler to take further actions 39 Later historians have been less critical of the agreement The American historian Anna Cienciala wrote in 1975 that the agreement together with the Polish Soviet non aggression pact formed a policy of equilibrium whereby Poland s leadership sought to preserve Poland s independence by balancing Poland s relations with Germany and the Soviet Union and thus avoid coming under the control of either and pointed to Pilsudski s refusal on multiple occasions to ally with Germany against the Soviet Union as evidence of this 21 Piotr S Wandycz writing in 1986 criticised the view of AJP Taylor as giving insufficient weight to the assurances the declaration gave regarding Poland s alliance with France and not taking into account that both Beck and Pilsudski were aware that the agreement would not hold for long Wandycz also noted that Taylor had not had the advantage of seeing later published material in which Pilsudski had expressed his view on the declaration to close associates 39 Russia Edit On 1 September 2009 on the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War Russia s foreign intelligence agency the SVR declassified documents it said were gathered by undercover agents between 1935 and 1945 allegedly showing that Poland secretly conspired with Germany against the Soviet Union The SVR claimed that Poland had pursued an anti Soviet foreign policy from the mid 1930s The documents were compiled by a former senior KGB officer who cited a report from an unidentified Soviet agent purporting that in 1934 Poland and Germany had agreed a secret protocol whereby Poland would remain neutral if Germany attacked the Soviet Union In response Polish historians said that there was no evidence that this protocol existed Mariusz Wolos an academic at the Polish Academy of Sciences stated that Nothing similar has ever turned up in archives in Germany Just because some agent wrote it doesn t mean it s true There isn t much new here The documents released by the SVR simply confirm what British German and Russian historians already know 40 References Edit Kuberski Hubert Hubert Kuberski Polsko niemiecka deklaracja o niestosowaniu przemocy INSTYTUT PAMIeCI NARODOWEJHUBERT KUBERSKI POLSKO NIEMIECKA DEKLARACJA O NIESTOSOWANIU PRZEMOCY HISTORIA Z IPN Retrieved 16 March 2021 a b c Cienciala Anna M 1 March 1967 The Significance of the Declaration of Non Aggression of January 26 1934 in Polish German and International Relations A Reappraisal East European Quarterly 1 1 ProQuest 1297351025 Retrieved 13 February 2021 Anna M Cienciala The Foreign Policy of Jozef Pilsudski and Jozef Beck 1926 1939 Misconceptions and Interpretations The Polish Review 2011 56 1 pp 111 151 online a b c Cienciala 1999 p 54 a b c d Schuker 1999 pp 48 49 Wandycz 2011 p 378 379 a b c Wandycz 2011 p 379 Wandycz 2011 p 379 380 a b c Wandycz 2011 p 384 Torbus Tomasz 1999 Poland Nelles Guide Explore the world Hunter p 25 ISBN 3 88618 088 3 Quester George H 2000 Nuclear Monopoly Transaction Publishers p 27 ISBN 0 7658 0022 5 Citing Watt Richard M 1998 1979 Bitter Glory Poland and Its Fate 1918 1939 Hippocrene Books pp 321 2 ISBN 978 0781806732 Urbankowski Bohdan 1997 Jozef Pilsudski Marzyciel i strateg Jozef Pilsudski Dreamer and Strategist in Polish Vol 1 Warsaw Alfa pp 539 540 ISBN 978 83 7001 914 3 Rothwell Victor 2001 Origins of the Second World War Manchester University Press p 92 ISBN 0 7190 5958 5 Smogorzewski Kazimierz Maciej Jozef Pilsudski Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Retrieved 3 March 2018 a b Wandycz 2011 p 381 382 in Polish Dariusz Baliszewski Ostatnia wojna marszalka Tygodnik Wprost Nr 1148 28 November 2004 Polish retrieved on 24 March 2005 Evans William Scott 1962 Alliance against Hitler the origins of the Franco Soviet pact Duke University Press pp 88 89 Retrieved 12 December 2022 Evans William Scott 1962 Alliance against Hitler the origins of the Franco Soviet pact Duke University Press pp 156 157 Retrieved 12 December 2022 Cienciala Anna M 2011 The Foreign Policy of Jozef Pilsudski and Jozef Beck 1926 1939 Misconceptions and Interpretations PDF The Polish Review LVI 1 2 115 Retrieved 13 February 2021 The British War Bluebook a b Cienciala Anna M 1975 Polish Foreign Policy 1926 1939 Equilibrium Stereotype and Reality The Polish Review 20 1 48 49 JSTOR 27920631 Retrieved 14 February 2021 via JSTOR Jedrzejewicz Waclaw Winter 1966 The Polish Plan for a Preventative War against Germany in 1933 The Polish Review 11 1 90 JSTOR 25776646 Retrieved 14 February 2021 a b Weinberg Gerhard L 2010 Hitler s Foreign Policy 1933 1939 The Road to World War II Enigma Books pp 59 60 ISBN 9781929631919 Retrieved 16 February 2021 McNamara Paul May June 2009 Could This Irishman Have Stopped Hitler History Ireland Wordwell Ltd 17 3 34 35 JSTOR 27726010 Retrieved 14 February 2021 Weinberg Gerhard L 2010 Hitler s Foreign Policy 1933 1939 The Road to World War II Enigma Books p 58 ISBN 9781929631919 Retrieved 16 February 2021 a b Weinberg Gerhard L 2010 Hitler s Foreign Policy 1933 1939 The Road to World War II Enigma Books p 142 ISBN 9781929631919 Retrieved 16 February 2021 Lukes Igor 1996 Czechoslovakia Between Stalin and Hitler The Diplomacy of Edvard Benes in the 1930s Oxford University Press p 136 ISBN 9780199880256 Retrieved 2 March 2021 Goldstein Erik Lukes Igor 2012 The Munich Crisis 1938 Prelude to World War II Routledge p 54 ISBN 9781136328398 Retrieved 2 March 2021 Steiner Zara 2011 The Triumph of the Dark European International History 1933 1939 Oxford University Press pp 65 66 ISBN 9780199212002 Retrieved 2 March 2021 Bicki Roman D Autumn 1969 The Remilitarization of the Rhineland and Its Impact on the French Polish Alliance The Polish Review 14 4 48 JSTOR 25776873 Retrieved 15 February 2021 Wandycz Piotr S 2009 The Second Republic 1921 1939 The Polish Review 54 2 168 JSTOR 25779809 Retrieved 15 February 2021 Kulski W W 1978 The Soviet Union Germany And Poland The Polish Review 23 1 54 JSTOR 25777543 Retrieved 15 February 2021 Kornat Marek December 2009 Choosing Not to Choose in 1939 Poland s Assessment of the Nazi Soviet Pact The International History Review 31 4 774 doi 10 1080 07075332 2009 9641172 JSTOR 40647041 S2CID 155068339 Retrieved 15 February 2021 von Wegener Alfred September 2017 The Origins of This War a German View Foreign Affairs July 1940 Brown Robert J 2004 Manipulating the Ether The Power of Broadcast Radio in Thirties America p 173 ISBN 978 078642066 7 The German Note to Poland Bulletin of International News 16 9 13 15 1939 JSTOR 25642470 Retrieved 15 February 2021 Jozef Pilsudski s policy of maintaining the European status quo The Warsaw Institute Review 31 October 2019 Retrieved 4 March 2021 Seton Watson Hugh 1945 Eastern Europe Between the Wars 1918 1941 The University Press p 388 ISBN 9781001284781 Retrieved 4 March 2021 a b Wandycz Piotr S 1986 Poland between East and West In Martel Gordon ed The Origins of the Second World War reconsidered the A J P Taylor debate after twenty five years Allen amp Unwin pp 191 192 ISBN 0049400843 Retrieved 12 December 2022 Harding Luke 1 September 2009 Fury as Russia presents evidence Poland sided with Nazis before war The Guardian Retrieved 2 March 2021 Sources EditWandycz Piotr Stean 2001 1988 The Twilight of French Eastern Alliances 1926 1936 French Czechoslovak Polish relations from Locarno to the remilitarization of the Rheinland Princeton University Press ISBN 1 59740 055 6 Wandycz Piotr 2011 Poland and the Origins of the Second World War In Frank McDonough ed The Origins of the Second World War London Continuum pp 374 393 Anna M Cienciala The Foreign Policy of Jozef Pilsudski and Jozef Beck 1926 1939 Misconceptions and Interpretations The Polish Review 2011 56 1 pp 111 151 in JSTOR Cienciala Anna 1999 The Munich Crisis 1938 In Igor Lukes and Erik Goldstein ed The Munich crisis of 1938 Plans and Strategy in Warsaw in the context of Wester appeasement of Germany London Frank Cass Schuker Stephan 1999 The End of Versailles In Gordon Martel ed The Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered A J P Taylor And The Historians London Routledge Text of German Polish Agreement of January 26 1934 The British War Bluebook via Avalon ProjectExternal links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to German Polish declaration of non aggression Text of the treaty in Polish text about Polish foreign policy in Czech Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title German Polish declaration of non aggression amp oldid 1167563357, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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