
Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange

Réginald Marie Garrigou-Lagrange OP (French: [gaʁigu lagʁɑ̃ʒ]; 21 February 1877 – 15 February 1964) was a French Dominican friar, philosopher and theologian. Garrigou-Lagrange was a neo-Thomist theologian, recognized along with Édouard Hugon and Martin Grabmann as distinguished theologians of the 20th century.[1] As professor at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, he taught dogmatic and spiritual theology in Rome from 1909 to 1959. There he wrote The Three Ages of the Interior Life (Les trois âges de la vie intérieure) in 1938.

Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Garrigou-Lagrange as a young priest
Gontran-Marie Garrigou Lagrange

(1877-02-21)21 February 1877
Died15 February 1964(1964-02-15) (aged 86)
Burial placeCampo Verano
EducationUniversity of Bordeaux (medicine), University of Paris (philosophy)
ChurchCatholic Church
OrdainedSeptember 28, 1902 (priest)
Writingssee below

Life edit

Gontran-Marie Garrigou Lagrange was born in Auch, near Toulouse, France on 21 February 1877. His father François Garrigou-Lagrange, was a civil servant. Lagrange was the relative of Henri Lasserre, a historian, through his mother, Cleménce Lasserre and his paternal grand-uncle was Maurice-Marie-Matthieu Garrigou. Although Lagrange's family was Catholic, the young boy didn't show signs of remarkable piety as was seen in the late nineteenth century of those who would later become saints.

He went to many different schools but one of them was the lycée at Tarbes in which he studied philosophy for about a year. While studying at Tarbes, he wrote an essay on the problem of pain, in the essay he mentions the intellectual, moral and artistic advantages of suffering, but not the religious significance of suffering.[2] After completing his final years in school, he began apprehending a vocation in medicine and thus he commenced his medical studies at the University of Bordeaux in 1896. While studying medicine at Bordeaux, he experienced what he described as a religious conversion after reading Life, Science, and Art by the Breton writer Ernest Hello (1828–85). He would later recall to his Dominican confrere, Rosaire Gagnebet:

I was able to glimpse how the doctrine of the Catholic Church is the absolute Truth concerning God and his intimate life and concerning the human person, his origin and his supernatural destiny. I saw in a wink of an eye that it was not a truth relative to our time and place but an absolute truth that will not change but will become more and more apparent up to the time when we see God face to face. A ray of light shone before my eyes and made clear the words of the Lord: "The heavens and the earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." I understood that this truth must bear fruit like the grain of wheat in good soil..."[3][2]

Friar edit

Lagrange went through a discernment process, which led him to discern many religious orders but culminated in him joining the Dominican Order; he joined the Dominicans of the Paris province at Amiens in the fall of 1897. Father Constant, a novice master, who plausibly educated Garrigou during his time in the novitiate, was renowned to be an austere friar, but "one who greatly loved the Order and knew how to lead others to love it." In the Dominican Order, it was requisite for a novice to become a priest to continue his journey as a friar, thus after he finished his novitiate the young novice went to the studium in Flavigny to begin his philosophical and theological studies under Ambroise Gardeil [fr] to prepare for the priesthood. Lagrange and Gardeil shared a close relationship which would last until Gardeil died in 1938. Lagrange was ordained a priest on September 28, 1902.

While at the Sorbonne, Garrigou was able to attend lectures that included Emile Durkheim, Gabriel Séailles, and Lucien Levy-Bruhl; later in life, he would recall that he had been present at a lecture where Alfred Loisy rehearsed his trademark theme; "Jesus preached the kingdom of God, and it was the Church that came". As fate would have it, it was at the Sorbonne in which Garrigou would meet the young Bergsonian – destined to become a major proponent of Thomism – Jacques Maritain where they would have a good relationship throughout the 1930s to 1940s. While Garrigou was teaching the history of philosophy, the studium moved many times because of the anti-clerical laws of the administration of Emile Combes, which affected Garrigou's political outlook.

In 1906, the deteriorating health of Etienne Hugueny caused him to resign from his post and Garrigou was called to ascend to the chair of dogmatic theology at Le Saulchoir. This change was a decisive moment in Garrigou's life which would allow him to devote himself to the study of philosophy which he would relish. As a subsequent result of this change, Garrigou commenced his approfondissement in the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas and other Thomists who would guide him throughout his life. It was here where Garrigou wrote his first book, Le sens commun, la philosophie de l'etre et les formules domatiques, a critique of Eduard Le Roy attempt to interpret the dogmas of the church with a Bergsonian hermeneutic which led Le Roy to downplay the Church's emphasis on radical dogmatic continuity throughout history. In 1909, Master General Hyacinthe Cormier recognized his abilities and assigned him to the Angelicum where he continued teaching dogmatic theology until his retirement in 1959. In 1917 a special professorship in ascetical and mystical theology was created for him at the Angelicum, the first of its kind anywhere in the world.[4]

Death edit

As Garrigou began to lose energy, he was moved to the priory of Santa Sabina in Rome subsequently moved to the Fraternitè Sacerdotale Canadienne and died there on 15 February 1964. Benoît Lavaud said:

He leaves us in parting, along with his monumental written oeuvre, an admirable example of religious life and of fidelity to his vocation, to work and to the love of the truth, to apostolic zeal, docility to the Church, to abandon to the will of the Lord whom he served for so long and who just called him to Himself: Euge, serve bone."[5]

Thought edit

He is best known for his spiritual theology. His magnum opus in the field is The Three Ages of the Interior Life (Les trois ages de la vie intérieure),[6] in which he propounded the thesis that infused contemplation and the resulting mystical life are in the normal way of holiness of Christian perfection. This influenced the section entitled "Chapter V: The Universal Call to Holiness in the Church" in the Second Vatican Council's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen gentium.[7]

He synthesized the highly abstract writings of St. Thomas Aquinas with the experiential writings of St. John of the Cross, attempting to show they are in perfect harmony with each other.[8]

Father Garrigou-Lagrange, the leading proponent of "strict observance Thomism", attracted wider attention when in 1946 he wrote against the Nouvelle théologie theological movement, criticizing elements of it as Modernist.[9]

He is also said to be the drafter of Pope Pius XII's 1950 encyclical Humani generis, subtitled "Concerning Some False Opinions Threatening to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine".[10]

In politics, like many neo-scholastic theologians of his time, Garrigou-Lagrange was a strong supporter of the far-right movement Action Française and he also sympathized with Vichy France. In 1941 he praised the French collaborationist regime and its Chief of State Pétain in a letter written to his former disciple Jacques Maritain: "I am entirely with the Marshal, I see him as the Father of the patrie, blessed with a good sense verging on genius, and as a truly providential man".[11]

Influence edit

L'Osservatore Romano of 9–10 December 1950 lists Garrigou-Lagrange among the names of the preparatory commission for the definition of the Assumption of Mary.[12]

Garrigou-Lagrange taught many Catholic theologians during his academic career at the Angelicum. He also supervised the doctoral research of Marie-Dominique Chenu, who was ordained in 1919 and completed his doctorate in theology in 1920 with a dissertation entitled De contemplatione.[13] In the period between World War II and the Cold War Garrigou-Lagrange was the "torchbearer of orthodox Thomism" against Modernism.[14] In 1926 he served as the definitive consulter to Pope Pius XI in declaring John of the Cross a doctor of the church.[15]

He is commonly held to have influenced the decision in 1942 to place the privately circulated book Une école de théologie: le Saulchoir (Étiolles 1937) by Marie-Dominique Chenu, O.P., on the Vatican's Index Librorum Prohibitorum as the culmination of a polemic within the Dominican Order between the Angelicum supporters of speculative scholasticism and the French revival Thomists who were more attentive to historical hermeneutics.[16]

Garrigou-Lagrange gave the retreat in Paris which attracted Yves Congar to leave the diocesan seminary in order to join the Dominicans.[17] Later, Congar's methodology was suspected of Modernism because it seemed to derive more from religious experience than from syllogistic analysis.[18]

Garrigou-Lagrange also supervised the doctoral research of Maurice Zundel who completed his dissertation in 1927 with a dissertation entitled L'Influence du nominalisme sur la pensée chrétienne.[19]

Perhaps the most famous of his students was the future Pope John Paul II, who was supervised by Garrigou-Lagrange for his doctoral research in the mid-1940s at the Angelicum, and whose encyclical Fides et Ratio is attributed to his training under Garrigou-Lagrange.

Garrigou-Lagrange died on 15 February 1964 in Rome. The International Dominican Foundation (IDF) established Réginald de Rocquois Foundation in his memory at Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas where he taught most of his career, which grants annual Réginald de Rocquois scholarships.[20]

Works edit

He produced 28 books and hundreds of articles. Among the most famous works are:

Commentaries on the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas
  • The One God, commentary on Summa Theologica I.1-26. PDF.
  • The Trinity and God the Creator, commentary on Summa Theologica I.27-119. PDF.
  • Beatitude (1951), commentary on Summa Theologica I-II.1-54.
  • Grace (1947), commentary on Summa Theologica I-II.109-114. PDF.
  • The Theological Virtues - Vol. 1: Faith (1948, English retranslation scheduled for 2018), commentary on Summa Theologica II-II.1-16.
  • Christ the Saviour (1945), commentary on Summa Theologica III.1-26, 31-59. PDF.
  • De Eucharistia (1943, English trans. scheduled for 2018)
Theological works
  • Christian Perfection and Contemplation according to St Thomas Aquinas and St John of the Cross (1923)
  • God, His Existence and Nature: A Thomistic Solution of Certain Agnostic Antinomies (1914)
  • See also Pierre Duhem's appendix to it: "Note sure la valeur des principes de l'inertie et de la conservation de l'énergie"
  • Life Everlasting
  • The Sense of Mystery: Clarity and Obscurity in the Intellectual Life (trans. 2017, publ. by Emmaus Academic), French original: Le sens du mystère et le clair-obsur intellectuel (1934)
  • Life Everlasting and Immensity of the Soul (1947)
  • The Love of God and the Cross of Jesus (1929)
  • Predestination (1936) scanned version.
  • The Priest in Union with Christ (1948)
  • Providence (1932)
  • Our Saviour and His Love for Us (1933)
  • The Three Ages of the Interior Life: Prelude of Eternal Life (1938), synthesis of Christian Perfection and Contemplation and Love of God and the Cross of Jesus (online)
  • The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life (1938)
  • Essenza e attualità del tomismo (1945) (in Italian)
  • On Divine Revelation: The Teaching of the Catholic Faith (trans. 2022, publ. by Emmaus Academic), Latin original: De Revelatione per Ecclesiam Catholicam proposita (final edition in 1950)
  • Principles of Catholic Apologetics, translated (in abridged form) and rearranged by Thomas Joseph Walshe from Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange's De Revelatione (see below)
Marian works
  • The Mother of the Saviour and our Interior Life (1948). scanned version.
Philosophical works
  • Reality: A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought PDF. ePub. Free Audiobook.
  • Le sens commun: la philosophie de l’être et les formules dogmatiques (4th ed., 1936). English translation as Thomistic Common Sense: The Philosophy of Being and the Development of Doctrine (2021, Emmaus Academic)
  • Le realism du principe de finalité (1932). English translation as The Order of Things: The Realism of the Principle of Finality (2020, Emmaus Academic)
  • Philosophizing in Faith: The Beginning and End of Wisdom Volume of collected, annotated, and translated articles, published by Cluny Media in 2019
Works in Latin (originals)
  • De Revelatione per Ecclesiam Catholicam proposita – Theologia Fundamentalis secundum S. Thomae Doctrinam (Volume I & Volume II)
Works in Spanish (translated)
  • Dios: Su existencia solución tomista de las antinomias agnósticas (Volumen I & Volumen II)
  • El realismo del principio de finalidad
  • El Salvador y su amor por nosotros
  • El Sentido Común (Original in French: Le sens commun)
  • El Sentido del Misterio
  • La Madre del Salvador y nuestra vida interior
  • La Predestinacion de los Santos y la Gracia
  • La providencia y la confianza en Dios
  • La Santificacion del Sacerdote
  • La síntesis tomista
  • Las tres edades de la vida interior
  • La Unión del sacerdote con Cristo Sacerdote y Victima
  • La vida eterna y La profundidad del alma
  • Complete bibliography
  • Nearly all his works in Latin, English, French, Italian, and Spanish are downloadable here.[21]

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Romero Carrasquillo, Francisco J. (16 June 2007). "Maritain's Thought and Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange". Ite ad Thomam: "Go to Thomas!". Retrieved 17 June 2013.
  2. ^ a b Gagnebet, Marie-Rosaire (1965). "L'Oeuvre du P. Garrigou-Lagrange: Itineraire intellectuel et spirituel vers Dieu". Angelicum. 42 (1/2): 9–10. JSTOR 44620127 – via JSTOR.
  3. ^ The Sacred Monster of Thomism by Richard Peddicord (Physical book on Amazon, not to be confounded with the online pdf since they aren't the same.)
  4. ^ Michael L. Coulter; Richard S. Myers; Joseph A. Varacalli (2012). Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy: Supplement. Scarecrow Press. pp. 124–. ISBN 978-0-8108-8266-9.
  5. ^ Lavaud, 'Le Pere Garrigou-Lagrange," 199
  6. ^ The Three Ages of the Interior Life Online text.
  7. ^ Mullady, Brian (2 April 2009). "Rehabilitation of Garrigou-Lagrange". Retrieved 26 July 2012.
  8. ^ "A saint in Heaven", by Fr. Thomas Crean, http://www.christendom-awake.org/pages/thomas-crean/saint-in-heaven.htm Accessed 4-10-2012
  9. ^ See "Where is the New Theology Leading Us?" 2013-10-04 at the Wayback Machine. See also his later article "The structure of the encyclical Humani generis" and
  10. ^ "No one has ever found a 'smoking gun' proving that Garrigou-Lagrange shared in ghost-writing Humani generis or has ever fixed his exact contribution. But, as noted above, it is plain that he had a major role in its gestation." "Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange: Defending the Faith from Pascendi dominici gregis to Humani generis", Michael Kerlin, US Catholic Historian, Vol. 25, No. 1, Winter, 2007, 111.
  11. ^ Shortall, Sarah (2021). Soldiers of God in a Secular World: Catholic Theology and Twentieth-Century. Harvard University Press. p. 93. ISBN 9780674269613.
  12. ^ Accessed 2-6-2013
  13. ^ Praeambula Fidei: Thomism And the God of the Philosophers, Ralph McInerny, 2006, https://books.google.com/books?id=3FY1gtVu37sC&pg=PA108 Accessed 24 May 2012; Nouvelle Théologie and Sacramental Ontology: A Return to Mystery, Hans Boersma, 2009, 136 https://books.google.com/books?id=514HmFl5y9AC&pg=PA136 Accessed 24 May 2012
  14. ^ "Treccani - la cultura italiana | Treccani, il portale del sapere". www.treccani.it. Retrieved 10 September 2013.
  15. ^ "Garrigou-Lagrange . Il tomista d'assalto". www.avvenire.it. 15 February 2014. Retrieved 17 February 2014.
  16. ^ http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/le-eredita-2-i-postumi-della-crisi-modernista_(Cristiani-d'Italia)/ Accessed 10 September 2013; Y. Congar, Chrétiens désunis. Principes d’un œcuménisme catholique, Paris 1937; The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, 304, https://books.google.com/books?id=7DmZB8fy_wcC&pg=PA303 Accessed November 13, 2012; https://books.google.com/books?id=3FY1gtVu37sC&pg=PA38 Accessed 10 September 2013
  17. ^ Fergus Kerr, Twentieth-Century Catholic Theologians, (Blackwell, 2007), p10.
  18. ^ http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/le-eredita-2-i-postumi-della-crisi-modernista_(Cristiani-d'Italia)/ Accessed 10 September 2013; Y. Congar, Chrétiens désunis. Principes d’un œcuménisme catholique, Paris 1937; The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, 304, https://books.google.com/books?id=7DmZB8fy_wcC&pg=PA303 Accessed November 13, 2012
  19. ^ . Archived from the original on 25 August 2013. Retrieved 27 August 2013. Accessed 26 August 2013
  20. ^ "IDF Serving the Dominican Order and the Church" (PDF). IDF News, International Dominican Foundation. July 2012. Retrieved 23 July 2014.
  21. ^ The server is not always on, so if the link times out, try again later.

Further reading edit

  • Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald (2013). The Essence & Topicality of Thomism. ISBN 9781304416186.
  • Nichols, Aidan (2008). Reason with piety: Garrigou-Lagrange in the service of Catholic thought. Naples, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University. ISBN 9781932589498.
  • Peddicord, Richard (2004). The sacred monster of Thomism : an introduction to the life and legacy of Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange. South Bend Ind.: St. Augustine's Press. ISBN 978-1-58731-752-1.

External links edit

  • "A Saint in Heaven" by Fr. Thomas Crean, O.P.
  • Audiobook of his Reality, digitally read at a fast pace
  • Complete bibliography of all his works (in Italian)
  • The Last Battle of Lagrange by Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P.
  • An obituary, by his disciple, Fr Marie-Rosaire Gagnebet, O.P. (in French)

réginald, garrigou, lagrange, 18th, 19th, century, roman, catholic, saint, priest, maurice, marie, matthieu, garrigou, confused, with, gustave, garrigou, félix, garrigou, réginald, marie, garrigou, lagrange, french, gaʁigu, lagʁɑ, february, 1877, february, 196. For 18th to 19th century Roman Catholic saint and priest see Maurice Marie Matthieu Garrigou Not to be confused with Gustave Garrigou or Felix Garrigou Reginald Marie Garrigou Lagrange OP French gaʁigu lagʁɑ ʒ 21 February 1877 15 February 1964 was a French Dominican friar philosopher and theologian Garrigou Lagrange was a neo Thomist theologian recognized along with Edouard Hugon and Martin Grabmann as distinguished theologians of the 20th century 1 As professor at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas he taught dogmatic and spiritual theology in Rome from 1909 to 1959 There he wrote The Three Ages of the Interior Life Les trois ages de la vie interieure in 1938 Reginald Garrigou LagrangeOPGarrigou Lagrange as a young priestBornGontran Marie Garrigou Lagrange 1877 02 21 21 February 1877Auch FranceDied15 February 1964 1964 02 15 aged 86 Rome ItalyBurial placeCampo VeranoEducationUniversity of Bordeaux medicine University of Paris philosophy ChurchCatholic ChurchOrdainedSeptember 28 1902 priest Writingssee below Contents 1 Life 1 1 Friar 1 2 Death 2 Thought 3 Influence 4 Works 5 See also 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External linksLife editGontran Marie Garrigou Lagrange was born in Auch near Toulouse France on 21 February 1877 His father Francois Garrigou Lagrange was a civil servant Lagrange was the relative of Henri Lasserre a historian through his mother Clemence Lasserre and his paternal grand uncle was Maurice Marie Matthieu Garrigou Although Lagrange s family was Catholic the young boy didn t show signs of remarkable piety as was seen in the late nineteenth century of those who would later become saints He went to many different schools but one of them was the lycee at Tarbes in which he studied philosophy for about a year While studying at Tarbes he wrote an essay on the problem of pain in the essay he mentions the intellectual moral and artistic advantages of suffering but not the religious significance of suffering 2 After completing his final years in school he began apprehending a vocation in medicine and thus he commenced his medical studies at the University of Bordeaux in 1896 While studying medicine at Bordeaux he experienced what he described as a religious conversion after reading Life Science and Art by the Breton writer Ernest Hello 1828 85 He would later recall to his Dominican confrere Rosaire Gagnebet I was able to glimpse how the doctrine of the Catholic Church is the absolute Truth concerning God and his intimate life and concerning the human person his origin and his supernatural destiny I saw in a wink of an eye that it was not a truth relative to our time and place but an absolute truth that will not change but will become more and more apparent up to the time when we see God face to face A ray of light shone before my eyes and made clear the words of the Lord The heavens and the earth will pass away but my words will not pass away I understood that this truth must bear fruit like the grain of wheat in good soil 3 2 Friar edit Lagrange went through a discernment process which led him to discern many religious orders but culminated in him joining the Dominican Order he joined the Dominicans of the Paris province at Amiens in the fall of 1897 Father Constant a novice master who plausibly educated Garrigou during his time in the novitiate was renowned to be an austere friar but one who greatly loved the Order and knew how to lead others to love it In the Dominican Order it was requisite for a novice to become a priest to continue his journey as a friar thus after he finished his novitiate the young novice went to the studium in Flavigny to begin his philosophical and theological studies under Ambroise Gardeil fr to prepare for the priesthood Lagrange and Gardeil shared a close relationship which would last until Gardeil died in 1938 Lagrange was ordained a priest on September 28 1902 While at the Sorbonne Garrigou was able to attend lectures that included Emile Durkheim Gabriel Seailles and Lucien Levy Bruhl later in life he would recall that he had been present at a lecture where Alfred Loisy rehearsed his trademark theme Jesus preached the kingdom of God and it was the Church that came As fate would have it it was at the Sorbonne in which Garrigou would meet the young Bergsonian destined to become a major proponent of Thomism Jacques Maritain where they would have a good relationship throughout the 1930s to 1940s While Garrigou was teaching the history of philosophy the studium moved many times because of the anti clerical laws of the administration of Emile Combes which affected Garrigou s political outlook In 1906 the deteriorating health of Etienne Hugueny caused him to resign from his post and Garrigou was called to ascend to the chair of dogmatic theology at Le Saulchoir This change was a decisive moment in Garrigou s life which would allow him to devote himself to the study of philosophy which he would relish As a subsequent result of this change Garrigou commenced his approfondissement in the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas and other Thomists who would guide him throughout his life It was here where Garrigou wrote his first book Le sens commun la philosophie de l etre et les formules domatiques a critique of Eduard Le Roy attempt to interpret the dogmas of the church with a Bergsonian hermeneutic which led Le Roy to downplay the Church s emphasis on radical dogmatic continuity throughout history In 1909 Master General Hyacinthe Cormier recognized his abilities and assigned him to the Angelicum where he continued teaching dogmatic theology until his retirement in 1959 In 1917 a special professorship in ascetical and mystical theology was created for him at the Angelicum the first of its kind anywhere in the world 4 Death edit As Garrigou began to lose energy he was moved to the priory of Santa Sabina in Rome subsequently moved to the Fraternite Sacerdotale Canadienne and died there on 15 February 1964 Benoit Lavaud said He leaves us in parting along with his monumental written oeuvre an admirable example of religious life and of fidelity to his vocation to work and to the love of the truth to apostolic zeal docility to the Church to abandon to the will of the Lord whom he served for so long and who just called him to Himself Euge serve bone 5 Thought editHe is best known for his spiritual theology His magnum opus in the field is The Three Ages of the Interior Life Les trois ages de la vie interieure 6 in which he propounded the thesis that infused contemplation and the resulting mystical life are in the normal way of holiness of Christian perfection This influenced the section entitled Chapter V The Universal Call to Holiness in the Church in the Second Vatican Council s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen gentium 7 He synthesized the highly abstract writings of St Thomas Aquinas with the experiential writings of St John of the Cross attempting to show they are in perfect harmony with each other 8 Father Garrigou Lagrange the leading proponent of strict observance Thomism attracted wider attention when in 1946 he wrote against the Nouvelle theologie theological movement criticizing elements of it as Modernist 9 He is also said to be the drafter of Pope Pius XII s 1950 encyclical Humani generis subtitled Concerning Some False Opinions Threatening to Undermine the Foundations of Catholic Doctrine 10 In politics like many neo scholastic theologians of his time Garrigou Lagrange was a strong supporter of the far right movement Action Francaise and he also sympathized with Vichy France In 1941 he praised the French collaborationist regime and its Chief of State Petain in a letter written to his former disciple Jacques Maritain I am entirely with the Marshal I see him as the Father of the patrie blessed with a good sense verging on genius and as a truly providential man 11 Influence editL Osservatore Romano of 9 10 December 1950 lists Garrigou Lagrange among the names of the preparatory commission for the definition of the Assumption of Mary 12 Garrigou Lagrange taught many Catholic theologians during his academic career at the Angelicum He also supervised the doctoral research of Marie Dominique Chenu who was ordained in 1919 and completed his doctorate in theology in 1920 with a dissertation entitled De contemplatione 13 In the period between World War II and the Cold War Garrigou Lagrange was the torchbearer of orthodox Thomism against Modernism 14 In 1926 he served as the definitive consulter to Pope Pius XI in declaring John of the Cross a doctor of the church 15 He is commonly held to have influenced the decision in 1942 to place the privately circulated book Une ecole de theologie le Saulchoir Etiolles 1937 by Marie Dominique Chenu O P on the Vatican s Index Librorum Prohibitorum as the culmination of a polemic within the Dominican Order between the Angelicum supporters of speculative scholasticism and the French revival Thomists who were more attentive to historical hermeneutics 16 Garrigou Lagrange gave the retreat in Paris which attracted Yves Congar to leave the diocesan seminary in order to join the Dominicans 17 Later Congar s methodology was suspected of Modernism because it seemed to derive more from religious experience than from syllogistic analysis 18 Garrigou Lagrange also supervised the doctoral research of Maurice Zundel who completed his dissertation in 1927 with a dissertation entitled L Influence du nominalisme sur la pensee chretienne 19 Perhaps the most famous of his students was the future Pope John Paul II who was supervised by Garrigou Lagrange for his doctoral research in the mid 1940s at the Angelicum and whose encyclical Fides et Ratio is attributed to his training under Garrigou Lagrange Garrigou Lagrange died on 15 February 1964 in Rome The International Dominican Foundation IDF established Reginald de Rocquois Foundation in his memory at Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas where he taught most of his career which grants annual Reginald de Rocquois scholarships 20 Works editHe produced 28 books and hundreds of articles Among the most famous works are Commentaries on the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas The One God commentary on Summa Theologica I 1 26 PDF The Trinity and God the Creator commentary on Summa Theologica I 27 119 PDF Beatitude 1951 commentary on Summa Theologica I II 1 54 Grace 1947 commentary on Summa Theologica I II 109 114 PDF The Theological Virtues Vol 1 Faith 1948 English retranslation scheduled for 2018 commentary on Summa Theologica II II 1 16 Christ the Saviour 1945 commentary on Summa Theologica III 1 26 31 59 PDF De Eucharistia 1943 English trans scheduled for 2018 Theological works Christian Perfection and Contemplation according to St Thomas Aquinas and St John of the Cross 1923 God His Existence and Nature A Thomistic Solution of Certain Agnostic Antinomies 1914 See also Pierre Duhem s appendix to it Note sure la valeur des principes de l inertie et de la conservation de l energie Life Everlasting The Sense of Mystery Clarity and Obscurity in the Intellectual Life trans 2017 publ by Emmaus Academic French original Le sens du mystere et le clair obsur intellectuel 1934 Life Everlasting and Immensity of the Soul 1947 The Love of God and the Cross of Jesus 1929 Predestination 1936 scanned version The Priest in Union with Christ 1948 Providence 1932 Our Saviour and His Love for Us 1933 The Three Ages of the Interior Life Prelude of Eternal Life 1938 synthesis of Christian Perfection and Contemplation and Love of God and the Cross of Jesus online The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life 1938 Essenza e attualita del tomismo 1945 in Italian On Divine Revelation The Teaching of the Catholic Faith trans 2022 publ by Emmaus Academic Latin original De Revelatione per Ecclesiam Catholicam proposita final edition in 1950 Principles of Catholic Apologetics translated in abridged form and rearranged by Thomas Joseph Walshe from Fr Reginald Garrigou Lagrange s De Revelatione see below Marian works The Mother of the Saviour and our Interior Life 1948 scanned version Philosophical works Reality A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought PDF ePub Free Audiobook Le sens commun la philosophie de l etre et les formules dogmatiques 4th ed 1936 English translation as Thomistic Common Sense The Philosophy of Being and the Development of Doctrine 2021 Emmaus Academic Le realism du principe de finalite 1932 English translation as The Order of Things The Realism of the Principle of Finality 2020 Emmaus Academic Philosophizing in Faith The Beginning and End of Wisdom Volume of collected annotated and translated articles published by Cluny Media in 2019 Works in Latin originals De Revelatione per Ecclesiam Catholicam proposita Theologia Fundamentalis secundum S Thomae Doctrinam Volume I amp Volume II Works in Spanish translated Dios Su existencia solucion tomista de las antinomias agnosticas Volumen I amp Volumen II El realismo del principio de finalidad El Salvador y su amor por nosotros El Sentido Comun Original in French Le sens commun El Sentido del Misterio La Madre del Salvador y nuestra vida interior La Predestinacion de los Santos y la Gracia La providencia y la confianza en Dios La Santificacion del Sacerdote La sintesis tomista Las tres edades de la vida interior La Union del sacerdote con Cristo Sacerdote y Victima La vida eterna y La profundidad del alma Other Complete bibliography Nearly all his works in Latin English French Italian and Spanish are downloadable here 21 See also editConsecration and entrustment to MaryReferences edit Romero Carrasquillo Francisco J 16 June 2007 Maritain s Thought and Fr Garrigou Lagrange Ite ad Thomam Go to Thomas Retrieved 17 June 2013 a b Gagnebet Marie Rosaire 1965 L Oeuvre du P Garrigou Lagrange Itineraire intellectuel et spirituel vers Dieu Angelicum 42 1 2 9 10 JSTOR 44620127 via JSTOR The Sacred Monster of Thomism by Richard Peddicord Physical book on Amazon not to be confounded with the online pdf since they aren t the same Michael L Coulter Richard S Myers Joseph A Varacalli 2012 Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought Social Science and Social Policy Supplement Scarecrow Press pp 124 ISBN 978 0 8108 8266 9 Lavaud Le Pere Garrigou Lagrange 199 The Three Ages of the Interior Life Online text Mullady Brian 2 April 2009 Rehabilitation of Garrigou Lagrange Retrieved 26 July 2012 A saint in Heaven by Fr Thomas Crean http www christendom awake org pages thomas crean saint in heaven htm Accessed 4 10 2012 See Where is the New Theology Leading Us Archived 2013 10 04 at the Wayback Machine See also his later article The structure of the encyclical Humani generis and No one has ever found a smoking gun proving that Garrigou Lagrange shared in ghost writing Humani generis or has ever fixed his exact contribution But as noted above it is plain that he had a major role in its gestation Reginald Garrigou Lagrange Defending the Faith from Pascendi dominici gregis to Humani generis Michael Kerlin US Catholic Historian Vol 25 No 1 Winter 2007 111 Shortall Sarah 2021 Soldiers of God in a Secular World Catholic Theology and Twentieth Century Harvard University Press p 93 ISBN 9780674269613 Accessed 2 6 2013 Praeambula Fidei Thomism And the God of the Philosophers Ralph McInerny 2006 https books google com books id 3FY1gtVu37sC amp pg PA108 Accessed 24 May 2012 Nouvelle Theologie and Sacramental Ontology A Return to Mystery Hans Boersma 2009 136 https books google com books id 514HmFl5y9AC amp pg PA136 Accessed 24 May 2012 Treccani la cultura italiana Treccani il portale del sapere www treccani it Retrieved 10 September 2013 Garrigou Lagrange Il tomista d assalto www avvenire it 15 February 2014 Retrieved 17 February 2014 http www treccani it enciclopedia le eredita 2 i postumi della crisi modernista Cristiani d Italia Accessed 10 September 2013 Y Congar Chretiens desunis Principes d un œcumenisme catholique Paris 1937 The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism 304 https books google com books id 7DmZB8fy wcC amp pg PA303 Accessed November 13 2012 https books google com books id 3FY1gtVu37sC amp pg PA38 Accessed 10 September 2013 Fergus Kerr Twentieth Century Catholic Theologians Blackwell 2007 p10 http www treccani it enciclopedia le eredita 2 i postumi della crisi modernista Cristiani d Italia Accessed 10 September 2013 Y Congar Chretiens desunis Principes d un œcumenisme catholique Paris 1937 The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism 304 https books google com books id 7DmZB8fy wcC amp pg PA303 Accessed November 13 2012 Maurice Zundel Biographie Archived from the original on 25 August 2013 Retrieved 27 August 2013 Accessed 26 August 2013 IDF Serving the Dominican Order and the Church PDF IDF News International Dominican Foundation July 2012 Retrieved 23 July 2014 The server is not always on so if the link times out try again later Further reading editGarrigou Lagrange Reginald 2013 The Essence amp Topicality of Thomism ISBN 9781304416186 Nichols Aidan 2008 Reason with piety Garrigou Lagrange in the service of Catholic thought Naples FL Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University ISBN 9781932589498 Peddicord Richard 2004 The sacred monster of Thomism an introduction to the life and legacy of Reginald Garrigou Lagrange South Bend Ind St Augustine s Press ISBN 978 1 58731 752 1 External links edit A Saint in Heaven by Fr Thomas Crean O P Audiobook of his Reality digitally read at a fast pace Complete bibliography of all his works in Italian The Last Battle of Lagrange by Fr Albert Kallio O P An obituary by his disciple Fr Marie Rosaire Gagnebet O P in French Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Reginald Garrigou Lagrange amp oldid 1220792874, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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