
Executive compensation

Executive compensation is composed of both the financial compensation (executive pay) and other non-financial benefits received by an executive from their employing firm in return for their service. It is typically a mixture of fixed salary, variable performance-based bonuses (cash, shares, or call options on the company stock) and benefits and other perquisites all ideally configured to take into account government regulations, tax law, the desires of the organization and the executive.[1]

The three decades from the 1980s saw a dramatic rise in executive pay relative to that of an average worker's wage in the United States,[2] and to a lesser extent in a number of other countries. Observers differ as to whether this rise is a natural and beneficial result of competition for scarce business talent that can add greatly to stockholder value in large companies, or a socially harmful phenomenon brought about by social and political changes that have given executives greater control over their own pay.[3][4] Recent studies have indicated that executive compensation should be better aligned with social goals[5] (e.g. public health goals[6]). The rate of executive pay is an important part of corporate governance, and is often determined by a company's board of directors.


In a modern corporation, the CEO and other top executives are often paid a salary, which is predetermined and fixed, plus an array of incentives (bonuses) commonly referred to as the variable component of the remuneration package.

The variable component of compensation or remuneration can be broken down into three time frames:

Short-term incentives (STIs)

As employees rise through the ranks in the business, it is likely that short-term incentives are added to their total remuneration package. The combination of Fixed Pay and Short Term Incentive is referred to as Total Cash Compensation (TCC). Short-term incentives usually are formula driven and have some performance criteria attached (typically pre-agreed KPIs) depending on the role of the executive. For example, the Sales Director's performance related bonus may be based on incremental revenue growth; a CEO's could be based on incremental profit margin and/or revenue growth. Bonuses are after-the-fact (not formula driven) and often discretionary. Short-term incentives can also take various other forms, namely, fringe benefits, employee benefits and paid expenses (perquisites). Common fringe benefits can vary from meal plans to health insurance cover, retirement plans, company cars and even interest-free loans for the purchase of housing. Fringe benefits are also often tax deductible for the employee. The level of STI relative to basic salary is typically a function of seniority eg. a junior executive may have an STI that is capped at 10% of basic salary whereas for a senior executive, it may rise to 50% or more.

Medium-term incentives (MTIs)

Medium-term incentives are often associated with the delivery of corporate strategic goals and therefore extend beyond the scope of short-term incentives. The performance of the company in achieving the pre-determined targets is the basis for the benefit which is usually cash.[5] There is often no determination of an individual's contribution to achieving the targets - the performance is calculated purely at the corporate level. As with STIs, the weight of the MTIs relative to the basic salary is dependent on seniority. Because deployment of corporate strategies typically covers a 2-5 year period, the MTIs are only paid out when an assessment of the achievement is possible. This feature is therefore seen as supporting employee retention. MTIs are not common, most publicly listed companies disclose only STIs and LTIs, although purists may argue that one or both of these are more aligned to a medium term reward (e.g STIs are often deferred for a number of years, and LTIs are often measured over a period of only 3 years).

Long-term incentives (LTIPs)

The most common form of LTIs in the US are stock options. In Australia Performance Rights are more common - see below. This is where executives are given options to buy shares in their employment company, often at a significant discount, but at some point in the future. To reach that point in the future, the time taken is defined as the vesting period. The number of options granted is subject to the company's performance relative to very high-level metrics such as total shareholder return versus a select number of other listed companies. These can be very valuable incentives - in 2017, S&P 1500 named executives held $31.4 billion of in-the-money stock options.[7]

A Performance Right also known as a Zero Exercise Priced Option (or ZEPO) is the right to receive a share in the company at some time in the future if a performance metric is achieved. Typical performance metrics are financial ratios (e.g. Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth, Return on Equity (ROE), etc) and/or use some form of Total Shareholder Return (TSR) metric

Vesting refers to the period of time before the recipient exercises the right to take ownership of the shares for a pre-determined price and realize value. Vesting can occur in two ways: "single point vesting" (vesting occurring on one date), and "graded vesting" (which occurs over a period of time) and which maybe "uniform" (e.g., 20% of the options vest each year for the next 5 years) or "non-uniform" (e.g., 20%, 30% and 50% of the options vest each year for the next three years). If the company has performed well and the actual share price at the time of vesting has grown to be higher than the strike price (the pre-agreed purchase price), the executive can realise a capital gain should he/she sell the stock and pocket the proceeds. If the share price is lower than the strike price at vesting, it is unlikely the executive would exercise his option immediately, if at all. Following the vesting period, the options can be exercised for a pre-determined period, typically a 10 year period, before they lapse.

Vesting refers to the number of options or rights that convert to shares in accordance with the performance criteria. Typical practice would be for 50% of the options or rights to vest at some pre-determined target (e.g. if TSR is at least the median of the comparator group), and 100% to vest at some pre-determined stretch target (e.g. if TSR is at least at the 75th percentile of the comparator group). Below target results in zero vesting. "Cliff vesting" refers to the portion below 50% (it fell off the cliff).

Supporters of stock options say they align the interests of the CEOs with those of shareholders, since options are valuable only if the stock price remains above the option's strike price. This form of incentive is also designed to reward long term service of an individual and is an important retention tool. Stock options are now counted as a corporate expense (non-cash), which impacts a company's income statement and makes the distribution of options more transparent to shareholders. Critics of stock options charge that they are granted without justification as there is little reason to align the interests of CEOs with those of shareholders.[8] Empirical evidence[9] shows since the wide use of stock options, executive pay relative to workers has dramatically risen. Moreover, executive stock options contributed to the accounting manipulation scandals of the late 1990s and abuses such as the options backdating of such grants.[10] Finally, researchers have shown [11] there to be relationships between executive stock options and stock buybacks, implying that executives use corporate resources to inflate the stock prices before they exercise their options. Stock options also may incentivise executives to engage in risk-seeking behaviour. This is because the value of a call options increases with increased volatility (see options pricing). Stock options also present a potential up-side gain (if the stock price goes up) for the executive, but no downside risk (if the stock price does down, the option is simply not exercises). Stock options therefore can incentivise excessive risk-seeking behaviour that can lead to catastrophic corporate failures.

Another way executives are incentivised over the long term is with restricted stock, which is stock given to an executive that cannot be sold until certain conditions are met and has the same value as the market price of the stock at the time of the grant. As the relative size of stock option grants has been reduced, the number of companies granting restricted stock (either alongside stock options or in lieu of) has increased.[12] Restricted stock has its detractors, too, as it has value even when the stock price falls.

Restricted stock is an increasingly common element of the Short Term Incentive (STI). The STI is often dependent on performance against Key Performance Indicators, which are reported to the Board by management. There is increasing shareholder lobbying for "clawback" provisions to enable the company to recapture rewards that were improperly received. Deferring realisation of the reward for one or more years gives the Board more ability to re-capture the reward in such circumstances. Technically recapturing deferred STI before it vests is a "malus" rather than a clawback.

As an alternative to simple vested restricted stock, companies have been adding performance type features to their grants.[1] These grants, which could be called performance shares, do not vest or are not granted until these conditions are met. The performance conditions could be based on, for example, earnings per share or return on equity.[1]


The levels of compensation in all countries has been rising dramatically over the past decades. Not only is it rising in absolute terms, but also in relative terms. In 2007, the world's highest paid chief executive officers and chief financial officers were American. They made 400 times more than average workers—a gap 20 times bigger than it was in 1965.[13] In 2019 the highest paid CEO was Tesla's Elon Musk at $595.3 million[14] The U.S. has the world's highest CEO's compensation relative to manufacturing production workers. According to one 2005 estimate the U.S. ratio of CEO's to production worker pay is 39:1 compared to 31.8:1 in UK; 25.9:1 in Italy; 24.9:1 in New Zealand.[15] This trend continues to rise.[16]

Mathematical Formula

In a globalised world economy, all businesses compete with one another to hire their CEO from the same talent pool. In its most simple form, the talent of any individual CEO is determined by the percentage increase in profit margins the individual is expected to bring to the firm.[17] The desired outcome of this is that, in part due to efficient allocation of resources in the economy, the largest firm will be matched with similarly the best CEO, the second largest firm will be matched with the second best CEO and so forth. While there have been numerous methods for formulating executive compensation, some complex and some very basic, the method proposed by Xavier Gabaix[17] is a good reference point. It is worth noting that results vary significantly after share options, bonuses and benefits are taken into consideration.

The compensation of CEO number   equates to:



  is the wages of the  th best talented CEO,
  is the size of that firm,
  is the size of the reference firm (e.g., the size of the median firm in the S&P 500),
  for constant returns to scale,[18]
  = the power law parameter in the distribution of CEO compensation, and
  denotes a constant, dependent on model parameters, such as the scarcity of talent, assuming the wages of the least talented CEO are zero. (Of course, few CEOs work for nothing. However, All models are wrong, but some are useful, and this may still be useful.[19]

Consider, for example, a firm that is 27 times bigger than the median firm and suppose that   = 2/3. The CEO's remuneration would be 3 times larger than the median CEO's compensation. Should the size of all the firms increase 27 times, however, the compensation of the CEO for the company that is 27 times larger, will increase 27 times over. This formula exhibits a strong correlation between the rise in executive compensation and the rise in value of the S&P 500.


The explosion in executive pay has become controversial, criticized not only by those on the left,[20] but by proponents of shareholder capitalism such as Peter Drucker, John Bogle,[21][22] Warren Buffett[13] also.

The idea that stock options and other alleged pay-for-performance are driven by economics has also been questioned. According to economist Paul Krugman,

"Today the idea that huge paychecks are part of a beneficial system in which executives are given an incentive to perform well has become something of a sick joke. A 2001 article in Fortune, "The Great CEO Pay Heist" encapsulated the cynicism: You might have expected it to go like this: The stock isn't moving, so the CEO shouldn't be rewarded. But it was actually the opposite: The stock isn't moving, so we've got to find some other basis for rewarding the CEO.` And the article quoted a somewhat repentant Michael Jensen [a theorist for stock option compensation]: `I've generally worried these guys weren't getting paid enough. But now even I'm troubled.'"[23][24]

Recently, empirical evidence showed that compensation consultants only further exacerbated the controversy. A study of more than 1,000 US companies over six years finds "strong empirical evidence" that executive compensation consultants have been hired as a "justification device" for higher CEO pay.[25]

Defenders of high executive pay say that the global war for talent and the rise of private equity firms can explain much of the increase in executive pay. For example, while in conservative Japan a senior executive has few alternatives to his current employer, in the United States it is acceptable and even admirable for a senior executive to jump to a competitor, to a private equity firm, or to a private equity portfolio company. Portfolio company executives take a pay cut but are routinely granted stock options for the ownership of ten percent of the portfolio company, contingent on a successful tenure. Rather than signaling a conspiracy, defenders argue, the increase in executive pay is a mere byproduct of supply and demand for executive talent. However, U.S. executives make substantially more than their European and Asian counterparts.[13]

United States

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has asked publicly traded companies to disclose more information explaining how their executives' compensation amounts are determined. The SEC has also posted compensation amounts on its website[26] to make it easier for investors to compare compensation amounts paid by different companies. It is interesting to juxtapose SEC regulations related to executive compensation with Congressional efforts to address such compensation.[27]

Since the 1990s, CEO compensation in the US has outpaced corporate profits, economic growth and the average compensation of all workers. Between 1980 and 2004, Mutual Fund founder John Bogle estimates total CEO compensation grew 8.5% year, compared to corporate profit growth of 2.9%/year and per capita income growth of 3.1%.[28][29] By 2006 CEOs made 400 times more than average workers—a gap 20 times bigger than it was in 1965.[13] As a general rule, the larger the corporation, the larger the CEO compensation package.[30]

The share of corporate income devoted to compensating the five highest paid executives of (each) public firms more than doubled from 4.8% in 1993–1995 to 10.3% in 2001–2003.[31] The pay for the five top-earning executives at each of the largest 1500 American companies for the ten years from 1994 to 2004 is estimated at approximately $500 billion in 2005 dollars.[32]

As of late March 2012, USA Today's tally showed the median CEO pay of the S&P 500 for 2011 was $9.6 million.[33]

Lower level executives also have fared well. About 40% of the top 0.1% income earners in the United States are executives, managers, or supervisors (and this does not include the finance industry) — far out of proportion to less than 5% of the working population that management occupations make up.[34]

A study by University of Florida researchers found that highly paid CEOs improve company profitability as opposed to executives making less for similar jobs.[35] However, a review of the experimental and quasi-experimental research relevant to executive compensation, by Philippe Jacquart and J. Scott Armstrong, found opposing results. In particular, the authors conclude that "the notion that higher pay leads to the selection of better executives is undermined by the prevalence of poor recruiting methods. Moreover, higher pay fails to promote better performance. Instead, it undermines the intrinsic motivation of executives, inhibits their learning, leads them to ignore other stakeholders, and discourages them from considering the long-term effects of their decisions on stakeholders"[36] Another study by Professors Lynne M. Andersson and Thomas S. Batemann published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior found that highly paid executives are more likely to behave cynically and therefore show tendencies of unethical performance.[37]


In Australia, shareholders can vote against the pay rises of board members, but the vote is non-binding. Instead the shareholders can sack some or all of the board members.[38] Australia's corporate watchdog, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has called on companies to improve the disclosure of their remuneration arrangements for directors and executives.[39]


A 2012 report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives demonstrated that the top 100 Canadian CEOs were paid an average of C$8.4 million in 2010, a 27% increase over 2009, this compared to C$44,366 earned by the average Canadian that year, 1.1% more than in 2009.[40] The top three earners were automotive supplier Magna International Inc. founder Frank Stronach at C$61.8 million, co-CEO Donald Walker at C$16.7 million and former co-CEO Siegfried Wolf at C$16.5 million.[40]


In 2008, Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission's "Eurogroup" of finance ministers, called excessive pay a "social scourge" and demanded action.[41] In 2013, there was a push by then European Commissioner for Internal market and Services, Michel Barnier, to legislate that shareholder be given votings rights to challenge executive pay,[42] similar to regulations enforceable in Australia. The European Union as a whole, lags other OECD nations in the regulation of executive compensation, however individual member nations have stepped up and taken it upon themselves to increase regulatory measures.

United Kingdom

Although executive compensation in the UK is said to be "dwarfed" by that of corporate America, it has caused public upset.[43] In response to criticism of high levels of executive pay, the Compass organisation set up the High Pay Commission. Its 2011 report described the pay of executives as "corrosive".[44]

In December 2011/January 2012 two of the country's biggest investors, Fidelity Worldwide Investment, and the Association of British Insurers, called for greater shareholder control over executive pay packages.[45] Dominic Rossi of Fidelity Worldwide Investment stated, "Inappropriate levels of executive reward have destroyed public trust and led to a situation where all directors are perceived to be overpaid. The simple truth is that remuneration schemes have become too complex and, in some cases, too generous and out of line with the interests of investors." Two sources of public anger were Barclays, where senior executives were promised million-pound pay packages despite a 30% drop in share price; and Royal Bank of Scotland where the head of investment banking was set to earn a "large sum" after thousands of employees were made redundant.[45]


Since the early 2000s, companies in Asia are following the U.S. model in compensating top executives, with bigger paychecks plus bonuses and stock options.[46] However, with a great diversity in stages of development in listing rules, disclosure requirements and quality of talent, the level and structure of executive pay is still very different across Asia countries.[47] Disclosures on top executive pay is less transparent compared to that in the United Kingdom. Singapore and Hong Kong stock exchange rules are the most comprehensive, closely followed by Japan's, which has stepped up its requirements since 2010.[48]


Executive compensation in China still differs from compensation in Europe and the U.S. but the situation is changing rapidly. Based on a research paper by Conyon,[49] executive compensation in China is mostly composed of salaries and bonuses, as stock options and equity incentives are relatively rare elements of a Chinese senior manager's compensation package. Since 2016 Chinese-listed companies were required to report total compensation of their top managers and board members. However, transparency and what information companies choose to release to the public varies greatly. Chinese private companies usually implement a performance-based compensation model, whereas State-owned enterprises apply a uniform salary-management system. Executive compensation for Chinese executives reached US$150 000 on average and increased by 9.1% in 2017.[50]


There are a number of strategies that could be employed as a response to the growth of executive compensation.

  • Extend the vesting period of executives' stock and options.[51] Current vesting periods can be as short as three years, which encourages managers to inflate short-term stock price at the expense of long-run value, since they can sell their holdings before a decline occurs.[52]
  • As passed in the Swiss referendum "against corporate Rip-offs" of 2013, investors gain total control over executive compensation, and the executives of a board of directors. Institutional intermediaries must all vote in the interests of their beneficiaries and banks are prohibited from voting on behalf of investors.
  • Disclosure of salaries is the first step, so that company stakeholders can know and decide whether or not they think remuneration is fair. In the UK, the Directors' Remuneration Report Regulations 2002[53] introduced a requirement into the old Companies Act 1985, the requirement to release all details of pay in the annual accounts. This is now codified in the Companies Act 2006. Similar requirements exist in most countries, including the U.S., Germany, and Canada.[citation needed]
  • A say on pay - a non-binding vote of the general meeting to approve director pay packages, is practised in a growing number of countries. Some commentators have advocated a mandatory binding vote for large amounts (e.g. over $5 million).[54] The aim is that the vote will be a highly influential signal to a board to not raise salaries beyond reasonable levels. The general meeting means shareholders in most countries. In most European countries though, with two-tier board structures, a supervisory board will represent employees and shareholders alike. It is this supervisory board which votes on executive compensation.[citation needed]
  • Another proposed reform is the bonus–malus system, where executives carry down-side risk in addition to potential up-side reward.
  • Progressive taxation is a more general strategy that affects executive compensation, as well as other highly paid people. There has been a recent trend to cutting the highest bracket tax payers, a notable example being the tax cuts in the U.S.[citation needed] For example, the Baltic States have a flat tax system for incomes.[citation needed] Executive compensation could be checked by taxing more heavily the highest earners, for instance by taking a greater percentage of income over $200,000.
  • Maximum wage is an idea which has been enacted in early 2009 in the United States, where they capped executive pay at $500,000 per year for companies receiving extraordinary financial assistance from the U.S. taxpayers. The argument is to place a cap on the amount that any person may legally make, in the same way as there is a floor of a minimum wage so that people can not earn too little.[55]
  • Debt Like Compensation - If an executive is compensated exclusively with equity, he will take risks to benefit shareholders at the expense of debtholders. Thus, there are several proposals to compensate executives with debt as well as equity, to mitigate their risk-shifting tendencies.[56][57][58]
  • Indexing Operating Performance is a way to make bonus targets business cycle independent. Indexed bonus targets move with the business cycle and are therefore fairer and valid for a longer period of time.
  • Two strikes - In Australia an amendment to the Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Bill 2011[59] puts in place processes to trigger a re-election of a Board where a 25% "no" vote by shareholders to the company's remuneration report has been recorded in two consecutive annual general meetings. When the second "no" vote is recorded at an AGM, the meeting will be suspended and shareholders will be asked to vote on whether a spill meeting is to be held. This vote must be upheld by at least a 50% majority for the spill (or re-election process) to be run. At a spill meeting all directors current at the time the remuneration report was considered are required to stand for re-election.[60]
  • Independent non-executive director setting of compensation is widely practised.[61] An independent remuneration committee is an attempt to have pay packages set at arms' length from the directors who are getting paid.
  • In March 2016, the Israeli Parliament set a unique law that effectively sets an upper bound to executive compensation in financial firms. According to the Law, an annual executive compensation greater than 2.5 million New Israeli Shekel (approximately US$650,000) cannot be granted by a financial corporation if it is more than 35 times the lowest salary paid by the corporation.[62]
  • In the United States, clawback provisions may exist due to Dodd-Frank and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.[63]

See also


  • Xavier Gabaix (September 2008). "Power Laws in Economics and Finance" (PDF). National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series. National Bureau of Economic Research (14299). doi:10.3386/W14299. ISSN 0898-2937. Wikidata Q105902569.


  1. ^ a b c Ellig, Bruce R. (2002). The complete guide to executive compensation. ISBN 9780071399722.
  2. ^ see, for one example, The Guardian, August 4, 2005, "US executive pay goes off the scale"
  3. ^ Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried, Pay Without Performance (2004)
  4. ^ Krugman, Paul, The Conscience of a Liberal, W W Norton & Company, 2007, 143-148
  5. ^ a b Rodgers, W.; Gago, S. (2003). "A model capturing ethics and executive compensation". Journal of Business Ethics. 48 (2): 189–202. doi:10.1023/B:BUSI.0000004589.34756.8a. hdl:10016/12260. S2CID 154639819.
  6. ^ J.M. Pearce and D. Denkenberger, “Aligning Executive Incentives with Global Public Health Goals” Progress in Health Sciences 5(2), 16-23 (2015).
  7. ^ Tortoriello, Richard (28 October 2020). "In the Money: What Really Motivates Executive Performance?" (PDF). S&P Global Quantamental Research.
  8. ^ Hall, Brian J.; Murphy, Kevin J. (2003). "The Trouble with Stock Options". The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 17 (3): 49–70. doi:10.1257/089533003769204353. ISSN 0895-3309. JSTOR 3216822.
  9. ^ "CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978: Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time". Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved 2020-10-28.
  10. ^ Henriques, Diana B. (1992-09-21). "Business Fraud of the 90's: Falsifying Corporate Data (Published 1992)". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2020-10-29.
  11. ^ O'Connor, Joseph P.; Priem, Richard L.; Coombs, Joseph E.; Gilley, K. Matthew (2006). "Do CEO Stock Options Prevent or Promote Fraudulent Financial Reporting?". The Academy of Management Journal. 49 (3): 483–500. doi:10.2307/20159777. ISSN 0001-4273. JSTOR 20159777.
  12. ^ "CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978: Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time". Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved 2020-10-28.
  13. ^ a b c d "Letter From Washington: As U.S. rich-poor gap grows, so does public outcry". Bloomberg News. International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2007-02-18.
  14. ^ Melin, ers; Sam, Cedric. "These Are America's Highest Paid CEOs". Bloomberg.com. Retrieved 2020-10-28.
  15. ^ Landy, Heather, "Behind the Big Paydays", The Washington Post, November 15, 2008
  16. ^ "CEO compensation surged 14% in 2019 to $21.3 million: CEOs now earn 320 times as much as a typical worker". Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved 2020-10-28.
  17. ^ a b Gabaix (2008).
  18. ^ Gabaix (2008, expression (28)).
  19. ^ Gabaix (2008, expression (33)).
  20. ^ "3 Bills to Rein in Executive Pay". Inequality.org. Retrieved 2020-10-28.
  21. ^ The Executive Compensation System is Broken John C. Bogle| December 2005
  22. ^ A Crisis of Ethic Proportions By JOHN C. BOGLE wsj.com April 21, 2009
  23. ^ The Great CEO Pay Heist Executive 25 June 2001, Fortune
  24. ^ Krugman, Paul, The Conscience of a Liberal, 2007, p.148
  25. ^ "Compensation consultants lead to higher CEO pay". 11 November 2014. Retrieved 18 August 2016.
  26. ^ The Securities and Exchange Commission website
  27. ^ Kenneth Rosen, Who Killed Katie Couric? And Other Tales from the World of Executive Compensation Reform, 76 Fordham Law Review 2907 (2007)
  28. ^ Reflections on CEO Compensation by John C. Bogle| Academy of Management| May 2008
  29. ^ Pay Madness At Enron Dan Ackman, 03.22.2002
  30. ^ Kevin Hallock, `Dual Agency: Corporate Boards with Reciprocally Interlocking Relationships,` in Executive Compensation and Shareholder Value: Theory and Evidence, ed. Jennifer Carpenter and David Yermack (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999) p.58
  31. ^ Based on the ExecuComp database of 1500 companies. Bebchuk, Lucian; Grinstein, Yaniv (April 2005). "The Growth of Executive Pay" (PDF). Harvard University: John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business.
  32. ^ Based on the ExecuComp database , from Bebchuk and Fried, Pay Without Performance (2004), (p.9-10)
  33. ^ CEO pay rises again in 2011, while workers struggle to find work By Matt Krantz and Barbara Hansen, USA TODAY. Updated 31 March 2012
  34. ^ Jobs and Income Growth of Top Earners and the Causes of Changing Income Inequality: Evidence from U.S. Tax Return Data Jon Bakija, Adam Cole, Bradley T. Heim| March 2012
  35. ^ Cathy Keen (2009-12-17). . University of Florida News. ufl.edu. Archived from the original on 2010-06-09.
  36. ^ Jacquart, Philippe; Armstrong, J. Scott (2013). "Are Top Executives Paid Enough? An Evidence Based Review". Interfaces. 43. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2207600. S2CID 9545536.
  37. ^ Batemann, Thomas. "Journal of Organizational Behavior". 18 (5). {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)[dead link]
  38. ^ "Shareholders told to oust directors". Business Day. The Age. 28 February 2009. Archived from the original on 8 July 2012. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  39. ^ . Media Release: 12–34MR. ASIC. 29 February 2012. Archived from the original on 9 March 2014. Retrieved 10 March 2014.
  40. ^ a b Highest-paid Canadian CEOs got 27 per cent pay hike Dana Flavelle| thestar.com 2| January 2012
  41. ^ Executive pay in Europe| Jun 12th 2008
  42. ^ "Barnier Targets Executive Pay After Banker Bonus Victory". Bloomberg.com. 2014-04-09. Retrieved 2020-10-28.
  43. ^ "US executive pay goes off the scale" The Guardian, August 4, 2005
  44. ^ High pay of UK executives corrosive, report says, BBC News
  45. ^ a b In Britain, Rising Outcry Over Executive Pay That Makes ‘People’s Blood Boil’ By JULIA WERDIGIER| nytimes.com 22 January 2012| accessed 2 April 2012
  46. ^ "Spreading the Yankee Way of Pay".
  47. ^ "Deliberating on the Best Executive Compensation Practices and Strategies in SEA: Kevin Ong Goes Candid". Retrieved 16 August 2016.
  48. ^ "Executive Remuneration Disclosures in Asia" (PDF). Retrieved 16 August 2016.
  49. ^ "Executive Compensation in China". Retrieved 29 July 2017.
  50. ^ "Executive Compensation in China: An Overview". Retrieved 29 July 2017.
  51. ^ How to Fix Executive Compensation by Alex Edmans, 27 February 2012
  52. ^ When Bosses Take The Short-Term View by The Economist, 8 February 2014
  53. ^ SI 2002/1986
  54. ^ Failing Banks' Executive Pay May Face New Rules
  55. ^ Dietl, H., Duschl, T. and Lang, M. (2010): "Executive Salary Caps: What Politicians, Regulators and Managers Can Learn from Major Sports Leagues", University of Zurich, ISU Working Paper Series No. 129.
  56. ^ Alex Edmans and Qi Liu (2011): Inside Debt Review of Finance
  57. ^ Why It Pays to Link Executive Compensation with Corporate Debt 7 July 2010 Knowledge@Wharton
  58. ^ Alon Raviv and Elif Ciamarra Sisli (2010): Executive compensation, risk taking and the state of the economy Journal of Financial Stability
  59. ^ Quest, Two strikes rule passed by Senate Accessed 30 December 2011
  60. ^ Allion Legal, Remuneration Reform: How does the '2 strikes' rule affect your Company and your Board?[permanent dead link] Accessed 30 December 2011
  61. ^ Choosing a Strategic Compensation Consultant By Brent Longnecker, Kevin Kuschel, & Josh Whittaker, June 21, 2016
  62. ^ Do Executive Compensation Contracts Maximize Firm Value? Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment By Menachem (Meni) Abudy, Dan Amiram, Oded Rozenbaum and Efrat Shust, 30 June 2017.
  63. ^ Governance, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate; Regulation, Financial (7 July 2019). "The State of Play on Clawbacks and Forfeitures Based on Misconduct". corpgov.law.harvard.edu. Retrieved 2020-03-15.

Further reading


  • Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried, Pay without performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation (2006)
  • Steven Bavaria, "Too Greedy for Adam Smith: CEO Pay and the Demise of Capitalism" (2015)

Policy papers

  • Allaire, Yvan Executive compensation Pay for value: Cutting the Gordian Knot of Executive Compensation (March 2013) Institute for governance (IGOPP)

Journal articles

  • Edmans, Alex; Gabaix, Xavier; Jenter, Dirk (July 2017). "Executive Compensation: A Survey of Theory and Evidence" (PDF). NBER Working Paper No. 23596. doi:10.3386/w23596.
  • Frydman, Carola; Saks, Raven E. (2007-01-18). (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-05-11. Retrieved 2010-01-13.
  • Bebchuk, Lucian; Grinstein, Yaniv (April 2005). "The Growth of Executive Pay" (PDF). Harvard University: John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Business.
  • Yoram Landskroner and Alon Raviv, 'The 2007-2009 Financial Crisis and Executive Compensation: An Analysis and a Proposal for a Novel Structure' SSRN 1420991
  • Kenneth Rosen, 'Who Killed Katie Couric? And Other Tales from the World of Executive Compensation Reform' (2007) 76 Fordham Law Review 2907 SSRN 1125295
  • Carola Frydman '' (2008) Center for Economic Studies
  • Helen Murlis and Clive Wright, '' (2014) Centre For Progressive Leadership White Paper

Newspaper articles

  • Sean O'Grady, (24.3.2008) The Independent
  • Louise Story, "Windfall Is Seen as Bank Bonuses Are Paid in Stock" (7.11.2009) The New York Times
  • "'Chief executives' pay rises to £2.5m average" (4.8.2005) The Guardian

External links

  • Cost-Cutting Strategies in the Downturn: 2009 Pulse Survey
  • 2012 Executive Pay Rankings by ExecutivePay.info
  • Forbes.com - Executive Pay (updated with 2004 pay)
  • America's Highest Paid CEOs
  • High Pay Commission
  • 466 Hours of Worker Overtime Equals One Hour of CEO Pay | NerdWallet Investing—NerdWallet.com (December 6, 2013)

executive, compensation, this, article, about, executive, general, compensation, executives, executive, united, states, composed, both, financial, compensation, executive, other, financial, benefits, received, executive, from, their, employing, firm, return, t. This article is about executive pay in general For compensation of executives in the US see Executive pay in the United States Executive compensation is composed of both the financial compensation executive pay and other non financial benefits received by an executive from their employing firm in return for their service It is typically a mixture of fixed salary variable performance based bonuses cash shares or call options on the company stock and benefits and other perquisites all ideally configured to take into account government regulations tax law the desires of the organization and the executive 1 The three decades from the 1980s saw a dramatic rise in executive pay relative to that of an average worker s wage in the United States 2 and to a lesser extent in a number of other countries Observers differ as to whether this rise is a natural and beneficial result of competition for scarce business talent that can add greatly to stockholder value in large companies or a socially harmful phenomenon brought about by social and political changes that have given executives greater control over their own pay 3 4 Recent studies have indicated that executive compensation should be better aligned with social goals 5 e g public health goals 6 The rate of executive pay is an important part of corporate governance and is often determined by a company s board of directors Contents 1 Types 1 1 Short term incentives STIs 1 2 Medium term incentives MTIs 1 3 Long term incentives LTIPs 2 Levels 3 Mathematical Formula 4 Controversy 4 1 United States 4 2 Australia 4 3 Canada 4 4 Europe 4 5 United Kingdom 4 6 Asia 4 7 China 5 Regulation 6 See also 7 References 8 Notes 9 Further reading 9 1 Books 9 2 Policy papers 9 3 Journal articles 9 4 Newspaper articles 10 External linksTypes EditSee also Employee stock option Golden parachute and Performance related pay In a modern corporation the CEO and other top executives are often paid a salary which is predetermined and fixed plus an array of incentives bonuses commonly referred to as the variable component of the remuneration package The variable component of compensation or remuneration can be broken down into three time frames short term incentives STIs medium term incentives MTIs long term incentive plans LTIPs Short term incentives STIs Edit As employees rise through the ranks in the business it is likely that short term incentives are added to their total remuneration package The combination of Fixed Pay and Short Term Incentive is referred to as Total Cash Compensation TCC Short term incentives usually are formula driven and have some performance criteria attached typically pre agreed KPIs depending on the role of the executive For example the Sales Director s performance related bonus may be based on incremental revenue growth a CEO s could be based on incremental profit margin and or revenue growth Bonuses are after the fact not formula driven and often discretionary Short term incentives can also take various other forms namely fringe benefits employee benefits and paid expenses perquisites Common fringe benefits can vary from meal plans to health insurance cover retirement plans company cars and even interest free loans for the purchase of housing Fringe benefits are also often tax deductible for the employee The level of STI relative to basic salary is typically a function of seniority eg a junior executive may have an STI that is capped at 10 of basic salary whereas for a senior executive it may rise to 50 or more Medium term incentives MTIs Edit Medium term incentives are often associated with the delivery of corporate strategic goals and therefore extend beyond the scope of short term incentives The performance of the company in achieving the pre determined targets is the basis for the benefit which is usually cash 5 There is often no determination of an individual s contribution to achieving the targets the performance is calculated purely at the corporate level As with STIs the weight of the MTIs relative to the basic salary is dependent on seniority Because deployment of corporate strategies typically covers a 2 5 year period the MTIs are only paid out when an assessment of the achievement is possible This feature is therefore seen as supporting employee retention MTIs are not common most publicly listed companies disclose only STIs and LTIs although purists may argue that one or both of these are more aligned to a medium term reward e g STIs are often deferred for a number of years and LTIs are often measured over a period of only 3 years Long term incentives LTIPs Edit The most common form of LTIs in the US are stock options In Australia Performance Rights are more common see below This is where executives are given options to buy shares in their employment company often at a significant discount but at some point in the future To reach that point in the future the time taken is defined as the vesting period The number of options granted is subject to the company s performance relative to very high level metrics such as total shareholder return versus a select number of other listed companies These can be very valuable incentives in 2017 S amp P 1500 named executives held 31 4 billion of in the money stock options 7 A Performance Right also known as a Zero Exercise Priced Option or ZEPO is the right to receive a share in the company at some time in the future if a performance metric is achieved Typical performance metrics are financial ratios e g Earnings Per Share EPS growth Return on Equity ROE etc and or use some form of Total Shareholder Return TSR metricVesting refers to the period of time before the recipient exercises the right to take ownership of the shares for a pre determined price and realize value Vesting can occur in two ways single point vesting vesting occurring on one date and graded vesting which occurs over a period of time and which maybe uniform e g 20 of the options vest each year for the next 5 years or non uniform e g 20 30 and 50 of the options vest each year for the next three years If the company has performed well and the actual share price at the time of vesting has grown to be higher than the strike price the pre agreed purchase price the executive can realise a capital gain should he she sell the stock and pocket the proceeds If the share price is lower than the strike price at vesting it is unlikely the executive would exercise his option immediately if at all Following the vesting period the options can be exercised for a pre determined period typically a 10 year period before they lapse Vesting refers to the number of options or rights that convert to shares in accordance with the performance criteria Typical practice would be for 50 of the options or rights to vest at some pre determined target e g if TSR is at least the median of the comparator group and 100 to vest at some pre determined stretch target e g if TSR is at least at the 75th percentile of the comparator group Below target results in zero vesting Cliff vesting refers to the portion below 50 it fell off the cliff Supporters of stock options say they align the interests of the CEOs with those of shareholders since options are valuable only if the stock price remains above the option s strike price This form of incentive is also designed to reward long term service of an individual and is an important retention tool Stock options are now counted as a corporate expense non cash which impacts a company s income statement and makes the distribution of options more transparent to shareholders Critics of stock options charge that they are granted without justification as there is little reason to align the interests of CEOs with those of shareholders 8 Empirical evidence 9 shows since the wide use of stock options executive pay relative to workers has dramatically risen Moreover executive stock options contributed to the accounting manipulation scandals of the late 1990s and abuses such as the options backdating of such grants 10 Finally researchers have shown 11 there to be relationships between executive stock options and stock buybacks implying that executives use corporate resources to inflate the stock prices before they exercise their options Stock options also may incentivise executives to engage in risk seeking behaviour This is because the value of a call options increases with increased volatility see options pricing Stock options also present a potential up side gain if the stock price goes up for the executive but no downside risk if the stock price does down the option is simply not exercises Stock options therefore can incentivise excessive risk seeking behaviour that can lead to catastrophic corporate failures Another way executives are incentivised over the long term is with restricted stock which is stock given to an executive that cannot be sold until certain conditions are met and has the same value as the market price of the stock at the time of the grant As the relative size of stock option grants has been reduced the number of companies granting restricted stock either alongside stock options or in lieu of has increased 12 Restricted stock has its detractors too as it has value even when the stock price falls Restricted stock is an increasingly common element of the Short Term Incentive STI The STI is often dependent on performance against Key Performance Indicators which are reported to the Board by management There is increasing shareholder lobbying for clawback provisions to enable the company to recapture rewards that were improperly received Deferring realisation of the reward for one or more years gives the Board more ability to re capture the reward in such circumstances Technically recapturing deferred STI before it vests is a malus rather than a clawback As an alternative to simple vested restricted stock companies have been adding performance type features to their grants 1 These grants which could be called performance shares do not vest or are not granted until these conditions are met The performance conditions could be based on for example earnings per share or return on equity 1 Levels EditThe levels of compensation in all countries has been rising dramatically over the past decades Not only is it rising in absolute terms but also in relative terms In 2007 the world s highest paid chief executive officers and chief financial officers were American They made 400 times more than average workers a gap 20 times bigger than it was in 1965 13 In 2019 the highest paid CEO was Tesla s Elon Musk at 595 3 million 14 The U S has the world s highest CEO s compensation relative to manufacturing production workers According to one 2005 estimate the U S ratio of CEO s to production worker pay is 39 1 compared to 31 8 1 in UK 25 9 1 in Italy 24 9 1 in New Zealand 15 This trend continues to rise 16 Mathematical Formula EditIn a globalised world economy all businesses compete with one another to hire their CEO from the same talent pool In its most simple form the talent of any individual CEO is determined by the percentage increase in profit margins the individual is expected to bring to the firm 17 The desired outcome of this is that in part due to efficient allocation of resources in the economy the largest firm will be matched with similarly the best CEO the second largest firm will be matched with the second best CEO and so forth While there have been numerous methods for formulating executive compensation some complex and some very basic the method proposed by Xavier Gabaix 17 is a good reference point It is worth noting that results vary significantly after share options bonuses and benefits are taken into consideration The compensation of CEO number n displaystyle n equates to w n D n S n g b S n b displaystyle w n D n S n gamma b S n b where w n displaystyle w n is the wages of the n displaystyle n th best talented CEO S n displaystyle S n is the size of that firm S n displaystyle S n is the size of the reference firm e g the size of the median firm in the S amp P 500 g 1 displaystyle gamma 1 for constant returns to scale 18 g b displaystyle gamma b the power law parameter in the distribution of CEO compensation and D n displaystyle D n denotes a constant dependent on model parameters such as the scarcity of talent assuming the wages of the least talented CEO are zero Of course few CEOs work for nothing However All models are wrong but some are useful and this may still be useful 19 Consider for example a firm that is 27 times bigger than the median firm and suppose that b displaystyle b 2 3 The CEO s remuneration would be 3 times larger than the median CEO s compensation Should the size of all the firms increase 27 times however the compensation of the CEO for the company that is 27 times larger will increase 27 times over This formula exhibits a strong correlation between the rise in executive compensation and the rise in value of the S amp P 500 Controversy EditThe explosion in executive pay has become controversial criticized not only by those on the left 20 but by proponents of shareholder capitalism such as Peter Drucker John Bogle 21 22 Warren Buffett 13 also The idea that stock options and other alleged pay for performance are driven by economics has also been questioned According to economist Paul Krugman Today the idea that huge paychecks are part of a beneficial system in which executives are given an incentive to perform well has become something of a sick joke A 2001 article in Fortune The Great CEO Pay Heist encapsulated the cynicism You might have expected it to go like this The stock isn t moving so the CEO shouldn t be rewarded But it was actually the opposite The stock isn t moving so we ve got to find some other basis for rewarding the CEO And the article quoted a somewhat repentant Michael Jensen a theorist for stock option compensation I ve generally worried these guys weren t getting paid enough But now even I m troubled 23 24 Recently empirical evidence showed that compensation consultants only further exacerbated the controversy A study of more than 1 000 US companies over six years finds strong empirical evidence that executive compensation consultants have been hired as a justification device for higher CEO pay 25 Defenders of high executive pay say that the global war for talent and the rise of private equity firms can explain much of the increase in executive pay For example while in conservative Japan a senior executive has few alternatives to his current employer in the United States it is acceptable and even admirable for a senior executive to jump to a competitor to a private equity firm or to a private equity portfolio company Portfolio company executives take a pay cut but are routinely granted stock options for the ownership of ten percent of the portfolio company contingent on a successful tenure Rather than signaling a conspiracy defenders argue the increase in executive pay is a mere byproduct of supply and demand for executive talent However U S executives make substantially more than their European and Asian counterparts 13 United States Edit Main article Executive compensation in the United StatesThe U S Securities and Exchange Commission SEC has asked publicly traded companies to disclose more information explaining how their executives compensation amounts are determined The SEC has also posted compensation amounts on its website 26 to make it easier for investors to compare compensation amounts paid by different companies It is interesting to juxtapose SEC regulations related to executive compensation with Congressional efforts to address such compensation 27 Since the 1990s CEO compensation in the US has outpaced corporate profits economic growth and the average compensation of all workers Between 1980 and 2004 Mutual Fund founder John Bogle estimates total CEO compensation grew 8 5 year compared to corporate profit growth of 2 9 year and per capita income growth of 3 1 28 29 By 2006 CEOs made 400 times more than average workers a gap 20 times bigger than it was in 1965 13 As a general rule the larger the corporation the larger the CEO compensation package 30 The share of corporate income devoted to compensating the five highest paid executives of each public firms more than doubled from 4 8 in 1993 1995 to 10 3 in 2001 2003 31 The pay for the five top earning executives at each of the largest 1500 American companies for the ten years from 1994 to 2004 is estimated at approximately 500 billion in 2005 dollars 32 As of late March 2012 USA Today s tally showed the median CEO pay of the S amp P 500 for 2011 was 9 6 million 33 Lower level executives also have fared well About 40 of the top 0 1 income earners in the United States are executives managers or supervisors and this does not include the finance industry far out of proportion to less than 5 of the working population that management occupations make up 34 A study by University of Florida researchers found that highly paid CEOs improve company profitability as opposed to executives making less for similar jobs 35 However a review of the experimental and quasi experimental research relevant to executive compensation by Philippe Jacquart and J Scott Armstrong found opposing results In particular the authors conclude that the notion that higher pay leads to the selection of better executives is undermined by the prevalence of poor recruiting methods Moreover higher pay fails to promote better performance Instead it undermines the intrinsic motivation of executives inhibits their learning leads them to ignore other stakeholders and discourages them from considering the long term effects of their decisions on stakeholders 36 Another study by Professors Lynne M Andersson and Thomas S Batemann published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior found that highly paid executives are more likely to behave cynically and therefore show tendencies of unethical performance 37 Australia Edit In Australia shareholders can vote against the pay rises of board members but the vote is non binding Instead the shareholders can sack some or all of the board members 38 Australia s corporate watchdog the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has called on companies to improve the disclosure of their remuneration arrangements for directors and executives 39 Canada Edit A 2012 report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives demonstrated that the top 100 Canadian CEOs were paid an average of C 8 4 million in 2010 a 27 increase over 2009 this compared to C 44 366 earned by the average Canadian that year 1 1 more than in 2009 40 The top three earners were automotive supplier Magna International Inc founder Frank Stronach at C 61 8 million co CEO Donald Walker at C 16 7 million and former co CEO Siegfried Wolf at C 16 5 million 40 Europe Edit In 2008 Jean Claude Juncker president of the European Commission s Eurogroup of finance ministers called excessive pay a social scourge and demanded action 41 In 2013 there was a push by then European Commissioner for Internal market and Services Michel Barnier to legislate that shareholder be given votings rights to challenge executive pay 42 similar to regulations enforceable in Australia The European Union as a whole lags other OECD nations in the regulation of executive compensation however individual member nations have stepped up and taken it upon themselves to increase regulatory measures United Kingdom Edit Although executive compensation in the UK is said to be dwarfed by that of corporate America it has caused public upset 43 In response to criticism of high levels of executive pay the Compass organisation set up the High Pay Commission Its 2011 report described the pay of executives as corrosive 44 In December 2011 January 2012 two of the country s biggest investors Fidelity Worldwide Investment and the Association of British Insurers called for greater shareholder control over executive pay packages 45 Dominic Rossi of Fidelity Worldwide Investment stated Inappropriate levels of executive reward have destroyed public trust and led to a situation where all directors are perceived to be overpaid The simple truth is that remuneration schemes have become too complex and in some cases too generous and out of line with the interests of investors Two sources of public anger were Barclays where senior executives were promised million pound pay packages despite a 30 drop in share price and Royal Bank of Scotland where the head of investment banking was set to earn a large sum after thousands of employees were made redundant 45 Further information CEO compensation among charities in the United Kingdom Asia Edit Since the early 2000s companies in Asia are following the U S model in compensating top executives with bigger paychecks plus bonuses and stock options 46 However with a great diversity in stages of development in listing rules disclosure requirements and quality of talent the level and structure of executive pay is still very different across Asia countries 47 Disclosures on top executive pay is less transparent compared to that in the United Kingdom Singapore and Hong Kong stock exchange rules are the most comprehensive closely followed by Japan s which has stepped up its requirements since 2010 48 China Edit Executive compensation in China still differs from compensation in Europe and the U S but the situation is changing rapidly Based on a research paper by Conyon 49 executive compensation in China is mostly composed of salaries and bonuses as stock options and equity incentives are relatively rare elements of a Chinese senior manager s compensation package Since 2016 Chinese listed companies were required to report total compensation of their top managers and board members However transparency and what information companies choose to release to the public varies greatly Chinese private companies usually implement a performance based compensation model whereas State owned enterprises apply a uniform salary management system Executive compensation for Chinese executives reached US 150 000 on average and increased by 9 1 in 2017 50 Regulation EditThere are a number of strategies that could be employed as a response to the growth of executive compensation Extend the vesting period of executives stock and options 51 Current vesting periods can be as short as three years which encourages managers to inflate short term stock price at the expense of long run value since they can sell their holdings before a decline occurs 52 As passed in the Swiss referendum against corporate Rip offs of 2013 investors gain total control over executive compensation and the executives of a board of directors Institutional intermediaries must all vote in the interests of their beneficiaries and banks are prohibited from voting on behalf of investors Disclosure of salaries is the first step so that company stakeholders can know and decide whether or not they think remuneration is fair In the UK the Directors Remuneration Report Regulations 2002 53 introduced a requirement into the old Companies Act 1985 the requirement to release all details of pay in the annual accounts This is now codified in the Companies Act 2006 Similar requirements exist in most countries including the U S Germany and Canada citation needed A say on pay a non binding vote of the general meeting to approve director pay packages is practised in a growing number of countries Some commentators have advocated a mandatory binding vote for large amounts e g over 5 million 54 The aim is that the vote will be a highly influential signal to a board to not raise salaries beyond reasonable levels The general meeting means shareholders in most countries In most European countries though with two tier board structures a supervisory board will represent employees and shareholders alike It is this supervisory board which votes on executive compensation citation needed Another proposed reform is the bonus malus system where executives carry down side risk in addition to potential up side reward Progressive taxation is a more general strategy that affects executive compensation as well as other highly paid people There has been a recent trend to cutting the highest bracket tax payers a notable example being the tax cuts in the U S citation needed For example the Baltic States have a flat tax system for incomes citation needed Executive compensation could be checked by taxing more heavily the highest earners for instance by taking a greater percentage of income over 200 000 Maximum wage is an idea which has been enacted in early 2009 in the United States where they capped executive pay at 500 000 per year for companies receiving extraordinary financial assistance from the U S taxpayers The argument is to place a cap on the amount that any person may legally make in the same way as there is a floor of a minimum wage so that people can not earn too little 55 Debt Like Compensation If an executive is compensated exclusively with equity he will take risks to benefit shareholders at the expense of debtholders Thus there are several proposals to compensate executives with debt as well as equity to mitigate their risk shifting tendencies 56 57 58 Indexing Operating Performance is a way to make bonus targets business cycle independent Indexed bonus targets move with the business cycle and are therefore fairer and valid for a longer period of time Two strikes In Australia an amendment to the Corporations Amendment Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration Bill 2011 59 puts in place processes to trigger a re election of a Board where a 25 no vote by shareholders to the company s remuneration report has been recorded in two consecutive annual general meetings When the second no vote is recorded at an AGM the meeting will be suspended and shareholders will be asked to vote on whether a spill meeting is to be held This vote must be upheld by at least a 50 majority for the spill or re election process to be run At a spill meeting all directors current at the time the remuneration report was considered are required to stand for re election 60 Independent non executive director setting of compensation is widely practised 61 An independent remuneration committee is an attempt to have pay packages set at arms length from the directors who are getting paid In March 2016 the Israeli Parliament set a unique law that effectively sets an upper bound to executive compensation in financial firms According to the Law an annual executive compensation greater than 2 5 million New Israeli Shekel approximately US 650 000 cannot be granted by a financial corporation if it is more than 35 times the lowest salary paid by the corporation 62 In the United States clawback provisions may exist due to Dodd Frank and the Sarbanes Oxley Act 63 See also EditAgency cost Corporate owned life insurance Golden handshake Golden parachute Options backdating Proxy Advisor Remuneration We are the 99 References EditXavier Gabaix September 2008 Power Laws in Economics and Finance PDF National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series National Bureau of Economic Research 14299 doi 10 3386 W14299 ISSN 0898 2937 Wikidata Q105902569 Notes Edit a b c Ellig Bruce R 2002 The complete guide to executive compensation ISBN 9780071399722 see for one example The Guardian August 4 2005 US executive pay goes off the scale Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried Pay Without Performance 2004 Krugman Paul The Conscience of a Liberal W W Norton amp Company 2007 143 148 a b Rodgers W Gago S 2003 A model capturing ethics and executive compensation Journal of Business Ethics 48 2 189 202 doi 10 1023 B BUSI 0000004589 34756 8a hdl 10016 12260 S2CID 154639819 J M Pearce and D Denkenberger Aligning Executive Incentives with Global Public Health Goals Progress in Health Sciences 5 2 16 23 2015 Tortoriello Richard 28 October 2020 In the Money What Really Motivates Executive Performance PDF S amp P Global Quantamental Research Hall Brian J Murphy Kevin J 2003 The Trouble with Stock Options The Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 3 49 70 doi 10 1257 089533003769204353 ISSN 0895 3309 JSTOR 3216822 CEO compensation has grown 940 since 1978 Typical worker compensation has risen only 12 during that time Economic Policy Institute Retrieved 2020 10 28 Henriques Diana B 1992 09 21 Business Fraud of the 90 s Falsifying Corporate Data Published 1992 The New York Times ISSN 0362 4331 Retrieved 2020 10 29 O Connor Joseph P Priem Richard L Coombs Joseph E Gilley K Matthew 2006 Do CEO Stock Options Prevent or Promote Fraudulent Financial Reporting The Academy of Management Journal 49 3 483 500 doi 10 2307 20159777 ISSN 0001 4273 JSTOR 20159777 CEO compensation has grown 940 since 1978 Typical worker compensation has risen only 12 during that time Economic Policy Institute Retrieved 2020 10 28 a b c d Letter From Washington As U S rich poor gap grows so does public outcry Bloomberg News International Herald Tribune Retrieved 2007 02 18 Melin ers Sam Cedric These Are America s Highest Paid CEOs Bloomberg com Retrieved 2020 10 28 Landy Heather Behind the Big Paydays The Washington Post November 15 2008 CEO compensation surged 14 in 2019 to 21 3 million CEOs now earn 320 times as much as a typical worker Economic Policy Institute Retrieved 2020 10 28 a b Gabaix 2008 Gabaix 2008 expression 28 Gabaix 2008 expression 33 3 Bills to Rein in Executive Pay Inequality org Retrieved 2020 10 28 The Executive Compensation System is Broken John C Bogle December 2005 A Crisis of Ethic Proportions By JOHN C BOGLE wsj com April 21 2009 The Great CEO Pay Heist Executive 25 June 2001 Fortune Krugman Paul The Conscience of a Liberal 2007 p 148 Compensation consultants lead to higher CEO pay 11 November 2014 Retrieved 18 August 2016 The Securities and Exchange Commission website Kenneth Rosen Who Killed Katie Couric And Other Tales from the World of Executive Compensation Reform 76 Fordham Law Review 2907 2007 Reflections on CEO Compensation by John C Bogle Academy of Management May 2008 Pay Madness At Enron Dan Ackman 03 22 2002 Kevin Hallock Dual Agency Corporate Boards with Reciprocally Interlocking Relationships in Executive Compensation and Shareholder Value Theory and Evidence ed Jennifer Carpenter and David Yermack Boston Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999 p 58 Based on the ExecuComp database of 1500 companies Bebchuk Lucian Grinstein Yaniv April 2005 The Growth of Executive Pay PDF Harvard University John M Olin Center for Law Economics and Business Based on the ExecuComp database from Bebchuk and Fried Pay Without Performance 2004 p 9 10 CEO pay rises again in 2011 while workers struggle to find work By Matt Krantz and Barbara Hansen USA TODAY Updated 31 March 2012 Jobs and Income Growth of Top Earners and the Causes of Changing Income Inequality Evidence from U S Tax Return Data Jon Bakija Adam Cole Bradley T Heim March 2012 Cathy Keen 2009 12 17 Paying CEOs more than other CEOs results in stockholder dividends University of Florida News ufl edu Archived from the original on 2010 06 09 Jacquart Philippe Armstrong J Scott 2013 Are Top Executives Paid Enough An Evidence Based Review Interfaces 43 doi 10 2139 ssrn 2207600 S2CID 9545536 Batemann Thomas Journal of Organizational Behavior 18 5 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help dead link Shareholders told to oust directors Business Day The Age 28 February 2009 Archived from the original on 8 July 2012 Retrieved 10 March 2014 ASIC calls for better executive remuneration disclosure Media Release 12 34MR ASIC 29 February 2012 Archived from the original on 9 March 2014 Retrieved 10 March 2014 a b Highest paid Canadian CEOs got 27 per cent pay hike Dana Flavelle thestar com 2 January 2012 Executive pay in Europe Jun 12th 2008 Barnier Targets Executive Pay After Banker Bonus Victory Bloomberg com 2014 04 09 Retrieved 2020 10 28 US executive pay goes off the scale The Guardian August 4 2005 High pay of UK executives corrosive report says BBC News a b In Britain Rising Outcry Over Executive Pay That Makes People s Blood Boil By JULIA WERDIGIER nytimes com 22 January 2012 accessed 2 April 2012 Spreading the Yankee Way of Pay Deliberating on the Best Executive Compensation Practices and Strategies in SEA Kevin Ong Goes Candid Retrieved 16 August 2016 Executive Remuneration Disclosures in Asia PDF Retrieved 16 August 2016 Executive Compensation in China Retrieved 29 July 2017 Executive Compensation in China An Overview Retrieved 29 July 2017 How to Fix Executive Compensation by Alex Edmans 27 February 2012 When Bosses Take The Short Term View by The Economist 8 February 2014 SI 2002 1986 Failing Banks Executive Pay May Face New Rules Dietl H Duschl T and Lang M 2010 Executive Salary Caps What Politicians Regulators and Managers Can Learn from Major Sports Leagues University of Zurich ISU Working Paper Series No 129 Alex Edmans and Qi Liu 2011 Inside Debt Review of Finance Why It Pays to Link Executive Compensation with Corporate Debt 7 July 2010 Knowledge Wharton Alon Raviv and Elif Ciamarra Sisli 2010 Executive compensation risk taking and the state of the economy Journal of Financial Stability Quest Two strikes rule passed by Senate Accessed 30 December 2011 Allion Legal Remuneration Reform How does the 2 strikes rule affect your Company and your Board permanent dead link Accessed 30 December 2011 Choosing a Strategic Compensation Consultant By Brent Longnecker Kevin Kuschel amp Josh Whittaker June 21 2016 Do Executive Compensation Contracts Maximize Firm Value Evidence from a Quasi Natural Experiment By Menachem Meni Abudy Dan Amiram Oded Rozenbaum and Efrat Shust 30 June 2017 Governance Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Regulation Financial 7 July 2019 The State of Play on Clawbacks and Forfeitures Based on Misconduct corpgov law harvard edu Retrieved 2020 03 15 Further reading EditBooks Edit Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried Pay without performance The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation 2006 Steven Bavaria Too Greedy for Adam Smith CEO Pay and the Demise of Capitalism 2015 Policy papers Edit Allaire Yvan Executive compensation Pay for value Cutting the Gordian Knot of Executive Compensation March 2013 Institute for governance IGOPP Journal articles Edit Edmans Alex Gabaix Xavier Jenter Dirk July 2017 Executive Compensation A Survey of Theory and Evidence PDF NBER Working Paper No 23596 doi 10 3386 w23596 Frydman Carola Saks Raven E 2007 01 18 Historical Trends in Executive Compensation 1936 2005 PDF Archived from the original PDF on 2012 05 11 Retrieved 2010 01 13 Bebchuk Lucian Grinstein Yaniv April 2005 The Growth of Executive Pay PDF Harvard University John M Olin Center for Law Economics and Business Yoram Landskroner and Alon Raviv The 2007 2009 Financial Crisis and Executive Compensation An Analysis and a Proposal for a Novel Structure SSRN 1420991 Kenneth Rosen Who Killed Katie Couric And Other Tales from the World of Executive Compensation Reform 2007 76 Fordham Law Review 2907 SSRN 1125295 Carola Frydman Learning from the Past Trends in Executive Compensation over the Twentieth Century 2008 Center for Economic Studies Helen Murlis and Clive Wright Taking a Broader Perspective on Executive Pay 2014 Centre For Progressive Leadership White PaperNewspaper articles Edit Sean O Grady Economist Stiglitz blames crunch on flawed City bonuses system 24 3 2008 The Independent Louise Story Windfall Is Seen as Bank Bonuses Are Paid in Stock 7 11 2009 The New York Times Chief executives pay rises to 2 5m average 4 8 2005 The GuardianExternal links EditCost Cutting Strategies in the Downturn 2009 Pulse Survey 2012 Executive Pay Rankings by ExecutivePay info Forbes com Executive Pay updated with 2004 pay 2011 Executive PayWatch America s Highest Paid CEOs Why CEOs earn 400 times average employee salaries CanadianBusiness com High Pay Commission 466 Hours of Worker Overtime Equals One Hour of CEO Pay NerdWallet Investing NerdWallet com December 6 2013 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Executive compensation amp oldid 1125322073, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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