
Compartmental models in epidemiology

Compartmental models are a very general modelling technique. They are often applied to the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases. The population is assigned to compartments with labels – for example, S, I, or R, (Susceptible, Infectious, or Recovered). People may progress between compartments. The order of the labels usually shows the flow patterns between the compartments; for example SEIS means susceptible, exposed, infectious, then susceptible again.

The origin of such models is the early 20th century, with important works being that of Ross[1] in 1916, Ross and Hudson in 1917,[2][3] Kermack and McKendrick in 1927[4] and Kendall in 1956.[5] The Reed–Frost model was also a significant and widely-overlooked ancestor of modern epidemiological modelling approaches.[6]

The models are most often run with ordinary differential equations (which are deterministic), but can also be used with a stochastic (random) framework, which is more realistic but much more complicated to analyze.

Models try to predict things such as how a disease spreads, or the total number infected, or the duration of an epidemic, and to estimate various epidemiological parameters such as the reproductive number. Such models can show how different public health interventions may affect the outcome of the epidemic, e.g., what the most efficient technique is for issuing a limited number of vaccines in a given population.

The SIR model Edit

The SIR model[7][8][9][10] is one of the simplest compartmental models, and many models are derivatives of this basic form. The model consists of three compartments:

S: The number of susceptible individuals. When a susceptible and an infectious individual come into "infectious contact", the susceptible individual contracts the disease and transitions to the infectious compartment.
I: The number of infectious individuals. These are individuals who have been infected and are capable of infecting susceptible individuals.
R for the number of removed (and immune) or deceased individuals. These are individuals who have been infected and have either recovered from the disease and entered the removed compartment, or died. It is assumed that the number of deaths is negligible with respect to the total population. This compartment may also be called "recovered" or "resistant".

This model is reasonably predictive[11] for infectious diseases that are transmitted from human to human, and where recovery confers lasting resistance, such as measles, mumps and rubella. It has also been used outside of epidemiology, for example in modeling the spread of song popularity , political influence , rumors and gun ownership. [12]

Spatial SIR model simulation. Each cell can infect its eight immediate neighbors.

These variables (S, I, and R) represent the number of people in each compartment at a particular time. To represent that the number of susceptible, infectious and removed individuals may vary over time (even if the total population size remains constant), we make the precise numbers a function of t (time): S(t), I(t) and R(t). For a specific disease in a specific population, these functions may be worked out in order to predict possible outbreaks and bring them under control.[11]

As implied by the variable function of t, the model is dynamic in that the numbers in each compartment may fluctuate over time. The importance of this dynamic aspect is most obvious in an endemic disease with a short infectious period, such as measles in the UK prior to the introduction of a vaccine in 1968. Such diseases tend to occur in cycles of outbreaks due to the variation in number of susceptibles (S(t)) over time. During an epidemic, the number of susceptible individuals falls rapidly as more of them are infected and thus enter the infectious and removed compartments. The disease cannot break out again until the number of susceptibles has built back up, e.g. as a result of offspring being born into the susceptible compartment.[citation needed]

Yellow=Susceptible, Maroon=Infectious, Teal=Recovered

Each member of the population typically progresses from susceptible to infectious to recovered. This can be shown as a flow diagram in which the boxes represent the different compartments and the arrows the transition between compartments, i.e.

States in an SIR epidemic model and the rates at which individuals transition between them

Transition rates Edit

For the full specification of the model, the arrows should be labeled with the transition rates between compartments. Between S and I, the transition rate is assumed to be d(S/N)/dt = -βSI/N2, where N is the total population, β is the average number of contacts per person per time, multiplied by the probability of disease transmission in a contact between a susceptible and an infectious subject, and SI/N2 is the fraction of those contacts between an infectious and susceptible individual which result in the susceptible person becoming infected. (This is mathematically similar to the law of mass action in chemistry in which random collisions between molecules result in a chemical reaction and the fractional rate is proportional to the concentration of the two reactants).[citation needed]

Between I and R, the transition rate is assumed to be proportional to the number of infectious individuals which is γI. This is equivalent to assuming that the probability of an infectious individual recovering in any time interval dt is simply γdt. If an individual is infectious for an average time period D, then γ = 1/D. This is also equivalent to the assumption that the length of time spent by an individual in the infectious state is a random variable with an exponential distribution. The "classical" SIR model may be modified by using more complex and realistic distributions for the I-R transition rate (e.g. the Erlang distribution[13]).

For the special case in which there is no removal from the infectious compartment (γ=0), the SIR model reduces to a very simple SI model, which has a logistic solution, in which every individual eventually becomes infected.

The SIR model without birth and death Edit

A single realization of the SIR epidemic as produced with an implementation of the Gillespie algorithm and the numerical solution of the ordinary differential equation system (dashed)

The dynamics of an epidemic, for example, the flu, are often much faster than the dynamics of birth and death, therefore, birth and death are often omitted in simple compartmental models. The SIR system without so-called vital dynamics (birth and death, sometimes called demography) described above can be expressed by the following system of ordinary differential equations:[8][14]

The SIR model

where   is the stock of susceptible population,   is the stock of infected,   is the stock of removed population (either by death or recovery), and   is the sum of these three.

This model was for the first time proposed by William Ogilvy Kermack and Anderson Gray McKendrick as a special case of what we now call Kermack–McKendrick theory, and followed work McKendrick had done with Ronald Ross.[citation needed]

This system is non-linear, however it is possible to derive its analytic solution in implicit form.[7] Firstly note that from:


it follows that:


expressing in mathematical terms the constancy of population  . Note that the above relationship implies that one need only study the equation for two of the three variables.

Secondly, we note that the dynamics of the infectious class depends on the following ratio:


the so-called basic reproduction number (also called basic reproduction ratio). This ratio is derived as the expected number of new infections (these new infections are sometimes called secondary infections) from a single infection in a population where all subjects are susceptible.[15][16] This idea can probably be more readily seen if we say that the typical time between contacts is  , and the typical time until removal is  . From here it follows that, on average, the number of contacts by an infectious individual with others before the infectious has been removed is:  

There is also an effective reproduction number   , which is similarly defined but in a population made up of both susceptible and infected individuals. The basic reproduction rate   quantifies the initial contagiousness of the disease, but the effective reproduction number   is a time-dependent rate. [17]

By dividing the first differential equation by the third, separating the variables and integrating we get


where   and   are the initial numbers of, respectively, susceptible and removed subjects. Writing   for the initial proportion of susceptible individuals, and   and   for the proportion of susceptible and removed individuals respectively in the limit   one has


(note that the infectious compartment empties in this limit). This transcendental equation has a solution in terms of the Lambert W function,[18] namely


This shows that at the end of an epidemic that conforms to the simple assumptions of the SIR model, unless  , not all individuals of the population have been removed, so some must remain susceptible. A driving force leading to the end of an epidemic is a decline in the number of infectious individuals. The epidemic does not typically end because of a complete lack of susceptible individuals.

The role of both the basic reproduction number and the initial susceptibility are extremely important. In fact, upon rewriting the equation for infectious individuals as follows:


it yields that if:




i.e., there will be a proper epidemic outbreak with an increase of the number of the infectious (which can reach a considerable fraction of the population). On the contrary, if




i.e., independently from the initial size of the susceptible population the disease can never cause a proper epidemic outbreak. As a consequence, it is clear that both the basic reproduction number and the initial susceptibility are extremely important.

The force of infection Edit

Note that in the above model the function:


models the transition rate from the compartment of susceptible individuals to the compartment of infectious individuals, so that it is called the force of infection. However, for large classes of communicable diseases it is more realistic to consider a force of infection that does not depend on the absolute number of infectious subjects, but on their fraction (with respect to the total constant population  ):


Capasso[19] and, afterwards, other authors have proposed nonlinear forces of infection to model more realistically the contagion process.

Exact analytical solutions to the SIR model Edit

In 2014, Harko and coauthors derived an exact so-called analytical solution (involving an integral that can only be calculated numerically) to the SIR model.[7] In the case without vital dynamics setup, for  , etc., it corresponds to the following time parametrization




with initial conditions


where   satisfies  . By the transcendental equation for   above, it follows that  , if   and  .

An equivalent so-called analytical solution (involving an integral that can only be calculated numerically) found by Miller[20][21] yields


Here   can be interpreted as the expected number of transmissions an individual has received by time  . The two solutions are related by  .

Effectively the same result can be found in the original work by Kermack and McKendrick.[4]

These solutions may be easily understood by noting that all of the terms on the right-hand sides of the original differential equations are proportional to  . The equations may thus be divided through by  , and the time rescaled so that the differential operator on the left-hand side becomes simply  , where  , i.e.  . The differential equations are now all linear, and the third equation, of the form   const., shows that   and   (and   above) are simply linearly related.

A highly accurate analytic approximant of the SIR model as well as exact analytic expressions for the final values  ,  , and   were provided by Kröger and Schlickeiser,[9] so that there is no need to perform a numerical integration to solve the SIR model (a simplified example practice on COVID-19 numerical simulation using Microsoft Excel can be found here [22]), to obtain its parameters from existing data, or to predict the future dynamics of an epidemics modeled by the SIR model. The approximant involves the Lambert W function which is part of all basic data visualization software such as Microsoft Excel, MATLAB, and Mathematica.

While Kendall[5] considered the so-called all-time SIR model where the initial conditions  ,  , and   are coupled through the above relations, Kermack and McKendrick[4] proposed to study the more general semi-time case, for which   and   are both arbitrary. This latter version, denoted as semi-time SIR model,[9] makes predictions only for future times  . An analytic approximant and exact expressions for the final values are available for the semi-time SIR model as well.[10]

Numerical solutions to the SIR model with approximations Edit

Numerical solutions to the SIR model can be found in the literature. An example is using the model to analyze COVID-19 spreading data. [22] [23] Three reproduction numbers can be pulled out from the data analyzed with numerical approximation,

the basic reproduction number:
the real-time reproduction number:
and the real-time effective reproduction number:

  represents the speed of reproduction rate at the beginning of the spreading when all populations are assumed susceptible, e.g. if   and   meaning one infectious person on average infects 0.4 susceptible people per day and recovers in 1/0.2=5 days. Thus when this person recovered, there are two people still infectious directly got from this person and  , i.e. the number of infectious people doubled in one cycle of 5 days. The data simulated by the model with   or real data fitted will yield a doubling of the number of infectious people faster than 5 days because the two infected people are infecting people. From the SIR model, we can tell that   is determined by the nature of the disease and also a function of the interactive frequency between the infectious person   with the susceptible people   and also the intensity/duration of the interaction like how close they interact for how long and whether or not they both wear masks, thus, it changes over time when the average behavior of the carriers and susceptible people changes. The model use   to represent these factors but it indeed is referenced to the initial stage when no action is taken to prevent the spread and all population is susceptible, thus all changes are absorbed by the change of  .

  is usually more stable over time assuming when the infectious person shows symptoms, she/he will seek medical attention or be self-isolated. So if we find   changes, most probably the behaviors of people in the community have changed from their normal patterns before the outbreak, or the disease has mutated to a new form. Costive massive detection and isolation of susceptible close contacts have effects on reducing   but whose efficiencies are under debate. This debate is largely on the uncertainty of the number of days reduced from after infectious or detectable whichever comes first to before a symptom shows up for an infected susceptible person. If the person is infectious after symptoms show up, or detection only works for a person with symptoms, then these prevention methods are not necessary, and self-isolation and/or medical attention is the best way to cut the   values. The typical onset of the COVID-19 infectious period is in the order of one day from the symptoms showing up, making massive detection with typical frequency in a few days useless.

  does not tell us whether or not the spreading will speed up or slow down in the latter stages when the fraction of susceptible people in the community has dropped significantly after recovery or vaccination.   corrects this dilution effect by multiplying the fraction of the susceptible population over the total population. It corrects the effective/transmissible interaction between an infectious person and the rest of the community when many of the interaction is immune in the middle to late stages of the disease spreading. Thus, when  , we will see an exponential-like outbreak; when  , a steady state reached and no number of infectious people changes over time; and when  , the disease decays and fades away over time.

Using the differential equations of the SIR model and converting them to numerical discrete forms, one can set up the recursive equations and calculate the S, I, and R populations with any given initial conditions but accumulate errors over a long calculation time from the reference point. Sometimes a convergence test is needed to estimate the errors. Given a set of initial conditions and the disease-spreading data, one can also fit the data with the SIR model and pull out the three reproduction numbers when the errors are usually negligible due to the short time step from the reference point.[22][23] Any point of the time can be used as the initial condition to predict the future after it using this numerical model with assumption of time-evolved parameters such as population,  , and  . However, away from this reference point, errors will accumulate over time thus convergence test is needed to find an optimal time step for more accurate results.

Among these three reproduction numbers,   is very useful to judge the control pressure, e.g., a large value meaning the disease will spread very fast and is very difficult to control.   is most useful in predicting future trends, for example, if we know the social interactions have reduced 50% frequently from that before the outbreak and the interaction intensities among people are the same, then we can set  . If social distancing and masks add another 50% cut in infection efficiency, we can set  .   will perfectly correlate with the waves of the spreading and whenever  , the spreading accelerates, and when  , the spreading slows down thus useful to set a prediction on the short term trends. Also, it can be used to directly calculate the threshold population of vaccination/immunization for the herd immunity stage by setting  .

The SIR model with vital dynamics and constant population Edit

Consider a population characterized by a death rate   and birth rate  , and where a communicable disease is spreading.[8] The model with mass-action transmission is:


for which the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) is:


In this case, we can derive a basic reproduction number:


which has threshold properties. In fact, independently from biologically meaningful initial values, one can show that:


The point EE is called the Endemic Equilibrium (the disease is not totally eradicated and remains in the population). With heuristic arguments, one may show that   may be read as the average number of infections caused by a single infectious subject in a wholly susceptible population, the above relationship biologically means that if this number is less than or equal to one the disease goes extinct, whereas if this number is greater than one the disease will remain permanently endemic in the population.

The SIR model Edit

Diagram of the SIR model with initial values  , and rates for infection   and for recovery  
Animation of the SIR model with initial values  , and rate of recovery  . The animation shows the effect of reducing the rate of infection from   to  . If there is no medicine or vaccination available, it is only possible to reduce the infection rate (often referred to as "flattening the curve") by appropriate measures such as social distancing.

In 1927, W. O. Kermack and A. G. McKendrick created a model in which they considered a fixed population with only three compartments: susceptible,  ; infected,  ; and recovered,  . The compartments used for this model consist of three classes:[4]

  •   is used to represent the individuals not yet infected with the disease at time t, or those susceptible to the disease of the population.
  •   denotes the individuals of the population who have been infected with the disease and are capable of spreading the disease to those in the susceptible category.
  •   is the compartment used for the individuals of the population who have been infected and then removed from the disease, either due to immunization or due to death. Those in this category are not able to be infected again or to transmit the infection to others.

The flow of this model may be considered as follows:


Using a fixed population,   in the three functions resolves that the value   should remain constant within the simulation, if a simulation is used to solve the SIR model. Alternatively, the analytic approximant[9] can be used without performing a simulation. The model is started with values of  ,   and  . These are the number of people in the susceptible, infected and removed categories at time equals zero. If the SIR model is assumed to hold at all times, these initial conditions are not independent.[9] Subsequently, the flow model updates the three variables for every time point with set values for   and  . The simulation first updates the infected from the susceptible and then the removed category is updated from the infected category for the next time point (t=1). This describes the flow persons between the three categories. During an epidemic the susceptible category is not shifted with this model,   changes over the course of the epidemic and so does  . These variables determine the length of the epidemic and would have to be updated with each cycle.


Several assumptions were made in the formulation of these equations: First, an individual in the population must be considered as having an equal probability as every other individual of contracting the disease with a rate of   and an equal fraction   of people that an individual makes contact with per unit time. Then, let   be the multiplication of   and  . This is the transmission probability times the contact rate. Besides, an infected individual makes contact with   persons per unit time whereas only a fraction,   of them are susceptible. Thus, we have every infective can infect   susceptible persons, and therefore, the whole number of susceptibles infected by infectives per unit time is  . For the second and third equations, consider the population leaving the susceptible class as equal to the number entering the infected class. However, a number equal to the fraction   (which represents the mean recovery/death rate, or   the mean infective period) of infectives are leaving this class per unit time to enter the removed class. These processes which occur simultaneously are referred to as the Law of Mass Action, a widely accepted idea that the rate of contact between two groups in a population is proportional to the size of each of the groups concerned. Finally, it is assumed that the rate of infection and recovery is much faster than the time scale of births and deaths and therefore, these factors are ignored in this model.[24]

Steady-state solutions Edit

The expected duration of susceptibility will be   where   reflects the time alive (life expectancy) and   reflects the time in the susceptible state before becoming infected, which can be simplified[25] to:


such that the number of susceptible persons is the number entering the susceptible compartment   times the duration of susceptibility:


Analogously, the steady-state number of infected persons is the number entering the infected state from the susceptible state (number susceptible, times rate of infection)   times the duration of infectiousness  :


Other compartmental models Edit

There are many modifications of the SIR model, including those that include births and deaths, where upon recovery there is no immunity (SIS model), where immunity lasts only for a short period of time (SIRS), where there is a latent period of the disease where the person is not infectious (SEIS and SEIR), and where infants can be born with immunity (MSIR). Compartmental models can also be used to model multiple risk groups, and even the interaction of multiple pathogens.[26]

Variations on the basic SIR model Edit

The SIS model Edit

Yellow=Susceptible, Maroon=Infected

Some infections, for example, those from the common cold and influenza, do not confer any long-lasting immunity. Such infections may give temporary resistance but do not give long-term immunity upon recovery from infection, and individuals become susceptible again.

SIS compartmental model

We have the model:


Note that denoting with N the total population it holds that:


It follows that:


i.e. the dynamics of infectious is ruled by a logistic function, so that  :


It is possible to find an analytical solution to this model (by making a transformation of variables:   and substituting this into the mean-field equations),[27] such that the basic reproduction rate is greater than unity. The solution is given as


where   is the endemic infectious population,  , and  . As the system is assumed to be closed, the susceptible population is then  .

Whenever the integer nature of the number of agents is evident (populations with fewer than tens of thousands of individuals), inherent fluctuations in the disease spreading process caused by discrete agents result in uncertainties.[28] In this scenario, the evolution of the disease predicted by compartmental equations deviates significantly from the observed results. These uncertainties may even cause the epidemic to end earlier than predicted by the compartmental equations.

As a special case, one obtains the usual logistic function by assuming  . This can be also considered in the SIR model with  , i.e. no removal will take place. That is the SI model.[29] The differential equation system using   thus reduces to:


In the long run, in the SI model, all individuals will become infected.

The SIRD model Edit

Diagram of the SIRD model with initial values   and the rates of infection  , recovery   and mortality  
Animation of the SIRD model with initial values  , and rates of recovery   and mortality  . The animation shows the effect of reducing the rate of infection from   to  . If there is no medicine or vaccination available, it is only possible to reduce the infection rate (often referred to as "flattening the curve") by measures such as "social distancing".

The Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered-Deceased model differentiates between Recovered (meaning specifically individuals having survived the disease and now immune) and Deceased.[15] The SIRD model has semi analytical solutions based on the four parts method.[30] This model uses the following system of differential equations:


where   are the rates of infection, recovery, and mortality, respectively.[31]

The SIRV model Edit

The Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered-Vaccinated model is an extended SIR model that accounts for vaccination of the susceptible population.[32] This model uses the following system of differential equations:

A cartoon for the SIRV model

where   are the rates of infection, recovery, and vaccination, respectively. For the semi-time initial conditions  ,  ,   and constant ratios   and   the model had been solved approximately.[32] The occurrence of a pandemic outburst requires   and there is a critical reduced vaccination rate   beyond which the steady-state size  of the susceptible compartment remains relatively close to  . Arbitrary initial conditions satisfying   can be mapped to the solved special case with  .[32]

The numerical solution of this model to calculate the real-time reproduction number   of COVID-19 can be practiced based on information from the different populations in a community.[23] Numerical solution is a commonly used method to analyze complicated kinetic networks when the analytical solution is difficult to obtain or limited by requirements such as boundary conditions or special parameters. It uses recursive equations to calculate the next step by converting the numerical integration into Riemann sum of discrete time steps e.g., use yesterday's principal and interest rate to calculate today's interest which assumes the interest rate is fixed during the day. The calculation contains projected errors if the analytical corrections on the numerical step size are not included, e.g. when the interest rate of annual collection is simplified to 12 times the monthly rate, a projected error is introduced. Thus the calculated results will carry accumulative errors when the time step is far away from the reference point and a convergence test is needed to estimate the error. However, this error is usually acceptable for data fitting. When fitting a set of data with a close time step, the error is relatively small because the reference point is nearby compared to when predicting a long period of time after a reference point. Once the real-time   is pulled out, one can compare it to the basic reproduction number  . Before the vaccination,   gives the policy maker and general public a measure of the efficiency of social mitigation activities such as social distancing and face masking simply by dividing  . Under massive vaccination, the goal of disease control is to reduce the effective reproduction number  , where   is the number of susceptible population at the time and   is the total population. When  , the spreading decays and daily infected cases go down.

The MSIR model Edit

For many infections, including measles, babies are not born into the susceptible compartment but are immune to the disease for the first few months of life due to protection from maternal antibodies (passed across the placenta and additionally through colostrum). This is called passive immunity. This added detail can be shown by including an M class (for maternally derived immunity) at the beginning of the model.

MSIR compartmental model

To indicate this mathematically, an additional compartment is added, M(t). This results in the following differential equations:


Carrier state Edit

Some people who have had an infectious disease such as tuberculosis never completely recover and continue to carry the infection, whilst not suffering the disease themselves. They may then move back into the infectious compartment and suffer symptoms (as in tuberculosis) or they may continue to infect others in their carrier state, while not suffering symptoms. The most famous example of this is probably Mary Mallon, who infected 22 people with typhoid fever. The carrier compartment is labelled C.


The SEIR model Edit

For many important infections, there is a significant latency period during which individuals have been infected but are not yet infectious themselves. During this period the individual is in compartment E (for exposed).

SEIR compartmental model

Assuming that the latency period is a random variable with exponential distribution with parameter   (i.e. the average latency period is  ), and also assuming the presence of vital dynamics with birth rate   equal to death rate   (so that the total number   is constant), we have the model:


We have   but this is only constant because of the simplifying assumption that birth and death rates are equal; in general   is a variable.

For this model, the basic reproduction number is:


Similarly to the SIR model, also, in this case, we have a Disease-Free-Equilibrium (N,0,0,0) and an Endemic Equilibrium EE, and one can show that, independently from biologically meaningful initial conditions


it holds that:


In case of periodically varying contact rate   the condition for the global attractiveness of DFE is that the following linear system with periodic coefficients:


is stable (i.e. it has its Floquet's eigenvalues inside the unit circle in the complex plane).

The SEIS model Edit

The SEIS model is like the SEIR model (above) except that no immunity is acquired at the end.


In this model an infection does not leave any immunity thus individuals that have recovered return to being susceptible, moving back into the S(t) compartment. The following differential equations describe this model:


The MSEIR model Edit

For the case of a disease, with the factors of passive immunity, and a latency period there is the MSEIR model.


The MSEIRS model Edit

An MSEIRS model is similar to the MSEIR, but the immunity in the R class would be temporary, so that individuals would regain their susceptibility when the temporary immunity ended.


Variable contact rates Edit

It is well known that the probability of getting a disease is not constant in time. As a pandemic progresses, reactions to the pandemic may change the contact rates which are assumed constant in the simpler models. Counter-measures such as masks, social distancing and lockdown will alter the contact rate in a way to reduce the speed of the pandemic.

In addition, Some diseases are seasonal, such as the common cold viruses, which are more prevalent during winter. With childhood diseases, such as measles, mumps, and rubella, there is a strong correlation with the school calendar, so that during the school holidays the probability of getting such a disease dramatically decreases. As a consequence, for many classes of diseases, one should consider a force of infection with periodically ('seasonal') varying contact rate


with period T equal to one year.

Thus, our model becomes


(the dynamics of recovered easily follows from  ), i.e. a nonlinear set of differential equations with periodically varying parameters. It is well known that this class of dynamical systems may undergo very interesting and complex phenomena of nonlinear parametric resonance. It is easy to see that if:


whereas if the integral is greater than one the disease will not die out and there may be such resonances. For example, considering the periodically varying contact rate as the 'input' of the system one has that the output is a periodic function whose period is a multiple of the period of the input. This allowed to give a contribution to explain the poly-annual (typically biennial) epidemic outbreaks of some infectious diseases as interplay between the period of the contact rate oscillations and the pseudo-period of the damped oscillations near the endemic equilibrium. Remarkably, in some cases, the behavior may also be quasi-periodic or even chaotic.

SIR model with diffusion Edit

Spatiotemporal compartmental models describe not the total number, but the density of susceptible/infective/recovered persons. Consequently, they also allow to model the distribution of infected persons in space. In most cases, this is done by combining the SIR model with a diffusion equation


where  ,   and   are diffusion constants. Thereby, one obtains a reaction-diffusion equation. (Note that, for dimensional reasons, the parameter   has to be changed compared to the simple SIR model.) Early models of this type have been used to model the spread of the black death in Europe.[34] Extensions of this model have been used to incorporate, e.g., effects of nonpharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing.[35]

Interacting Subpopulation SEIR Model Edit

As social contacts, disease severity and lethality, as well as the efficacy of prophylactic measures may differ substantially between interacting subpopulations, e.g., the elderly versus the young, separate SEIR models for each subgroup may be used that are mutually connected through interaction links.[33] Such Interacting Subpopulation SEIR models have been used for modeling the COVID-19 pandemic at continent scale to develop personalized, accelerated, subpopulation-targeted vaccination strategies[36] that promise a shortening of the pandemic and a reduction of case and death counts in the setting of limited access to vaccines during a wave of virus Variants of Concern.

SIR Model on Networks Edit

The SIR model has been studied on networks of various kinds in order to model a more realistic form of connection than the homogeneous mixing condition which is usually required. A simple model for epidemics on networks in which an individual has a probability p of being infected by each of his infected neighbors in a given time step leads to results similar to giant component formation on Erdos Renyi random graphs.[37]

SIRSS model - combination of SIR with modelling of social stress Edit

Dynamics of epidemics depend on how people's behavior changes in time. For example, at the beginning of the epidemic, people are ignorant and careless, then, after the outbreak of epidemics and alarm, they begin to comply with the various restrictions and the spreading of epidemics may decline. Over time, some people get tired/frustrated by the restrictions and stop following them (exhaustion), especially if the number of new cases drops down. After resting for some time, they can follow the restrictions again. But during this pause the second wave can come and become even stronger than the first one. Social dynamics should be considered. The social physics models of social stress complement the classical epidemics models.[38]

An example of using the numerical SIR model to fit the COVID-19 data (from U.S. CDC) in the state of Ohio, U.S.A.   fitted using the SIR and the SIRV model are both shown. Note that although the SIR model can model an individual wave, a more complex model like SIRSS would better model multiple waves.[22][23]

The simplest SIR-social stress (SIRSS) model is organised as follows. The susceptible individuals (S) can be split in three subgroups by the types of behavior: ignorant or unaware of the epidemic (Sign), rationally resistant (Sres), and exhausted (Sexh) that do not react on the external stimuli (this is a sort of refractory period). In other words: S(t) = Sign(t) + Sres(t) + Sexh(t). Symbolically, the social stress model can be presented by the "reaction scheme" (where I denotes the infected individuals):

  •  mobilization reaction (the autocatalytic form here means that the transition rate is proportional to the square of the infected fraction I);
  •  exhaustion process due to fatigue from anti-epidemic restrictions;
  •  slow relaxation to the initial state (end of the refractory period).

The main SIR epidemic reaction


has different reaction rate constants   for Sign, Sres, and Sexh. Presumably, for Sres,   is lower than for Sign and Sign.

The differences between countries are concentrated in two kinetic constants: the rate of mobilization and the rate of exhaustion calculated for COVID-19 epidemic in 13 countries.[38] These constants for this epidemic in all countries can be extracted by the fitting of the SIRSS model to publicly available data [39]

The KdV-SIR equation Edit

Based on the classical SIR model, a Korteweg-de Vries (KdV)–SIR equation and its analytical solution have been proposed to illustrate the fundamental dynamics of an epidemic wave, the dependence of solutions on parameters, and the dependence of predictability horizons on various types of solutions.[40] The KdV-SIR equation is written as follows:







  indicates the initial value of the state variable  . Parameters  (σ-naught) and   (R-naught) are the time-independent relative growth rate and basic reproduction number, respectively.  presents the maximum of the state variables  (for the number of infected persons). An analytical solution to the KdV-SIR equation is written as follows:


which represents a solitary wave solution.

Modelling vaccination Edit

The SIR model can be modified to model vaccination.[41] Typically these introduce an additional compartment to the SIR model,  , for vaccinated individuals. Below are some examples.

Vaccinating newborns Edit

In presence of a communicable diseases, one of the main tasks is that of eradicating it via prevention measures and, if possible, via the establishment of a mass vaccination program. Consider a disease for which the newborn are vaccinated (with a vaccine giving lifelong immunity) at a rate  :


where   is the class of vaccinated subjects. It is immediate to show that:


thus we shall deal with the long term behavior of   and  , for which it holds that:


In other words, if


the vaccination program is not successful in eradicating the disease, on the contrary, it will remain endemic, although at lower levels than the case of absence of vaccinations. This means that the mathematical model suggests that for a disease whose basic reproduction number may be as high as 18 one should vaccinate at least 94.4% of newborns in order to eradicate the disease.

Vaccination and information Edit

Modern societies are facing the challenge of "rational" exemption, i.e. the family's decision to not vaccinate children as a consequence of a "rational" comparison between the perceived risk from infection and that from getting damages from the vaccine. In order to assess whether this behavior is really rational, i.e. if it can equally lead to the eradication of the disease, one may simply assume that the vaccination rate is an increasing function of the number of infectious subjects:


In such a case the eradication condition becomes:


i.e. the baseline vaccination rate should be greater than the "mandatory vaccination" threshold, which, in case of exemption, cannot hold. Thus, "rational" exemption might be myopic since it is based only on the current low incidence due to high vaccine coverage, instead taking into account future resurgence of infection due to coverage decline.

Vaccination of non-newborns Edit

In case there also are vaccinations of non newborns at a rate ρ the equation for the susceptible and vaccinated subject has to be modified as follows:


leading to the following eradication condition:


Pulse vaccination strategy Edit

This strategy repeatedly vaccinates a defined age-cohort (such as young children or the elderly) in a susceptible population over time. Using this strategy, the block of susceptible individuals is then immediately removed, making it possible to eliminate an infectious disease, (such as measles), from the entire population. Every T time units a constant fraction p of susceptible subjects is vaccinated in a relatively short (with respect to the dynamics of the disease) time. This leads to the following impulsive differential equations for the susceptible and vaccinated subjects:


It is easy to see that by setting I = 0 one obtains that the dynamics of the susceptible subjects is given by:


and that the eradication condition is:


The influence of age: age-structured models Edit

Age has a deep influence on the disease spread rate in a population, especially the contact rate. This rate summarizes the effectiveness of contacts between susceptible and infectious subjects. Taking into account the ages of the epidemic classes   (to limit ourselves to the susceptible-infectious-removed scheme) such that:


(where   is the maximum admissible age) and their dynamics is not described, as one might think, by "simple" partial differential equations, but by integro-differential equations:




is the force of infection, which, of course, will depend, though the contact kernel   on the interactions between the ages.

Complexity is added by the initial conditions for newborns (i.e. for a=0), that are straightforward for infectious and removed:


but that are nonlocal for the density of susceptible newborns:

compartmental, models, epidemiology, compartmental, models, very, general, modelling, technique, they, often, applied, mathematical, modelling, infectious, diseases, population, assigned, compartments, with, labels, example, susceptible, infectious, recovered,. Compartmental models are a very general modelling technique They are often applied to the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases The population is assigned to compartments with labels for example S I or R Susceptible Infectious or Recovered People may progress between compartments The order of the labels usually shows the flow patterns between the compartments for example SEIS means susceptible exposed infectious then susceptible again The origin of such models is the early 20th century with important works being that of Ross 1 in 1916 Ross and Hudson in 1917 2 3 Kermack and McKendrick in 1927 4 and Kendall in 1956 5 The Reed Frost model was also a significant and widely overlooked ancestor of modern epidemiological modelling approaches 6 The models are most often run with ordinary differential equations which are deterministic but can also be used with a stochastic random framework which is more realistic but much more complicated to analyze Models try to predict things such as how a disease spreads or the total number infected or the duration of an epidemic and to estimate various epidemiological parameters such as the reproductive number Such models can show how different public health interventions may affect the outcome of the epidemic e g what the most efficient technique is for issuing a limited number of vaccines in a given population Contents 1 The SIR model 1 1 Transition rates 1 2 The SIR model without birth and death 1 2 1 The force of infection 1 2 2 Exact analytical solutions to the SIR model 1 2 3 Numerical solutions to the SIR model with approximations 1 3 The SIR model with vital dynamics and constant population 1 4 The SIR model 1 5 Steady state solutions 1 6 Other compartmental models 2 Variations on the basic SIR model 2 1 The SIS model 2 2 The SIRD model 2 3 The SIRV model 2 4 The MSIR model 2 5 Carrier state 2 6 The SEIR model 2 7 The SEIS model 2 8 The MSEIR model 2 9 The MSEIRS model 2 10 Variable contact rates 2 11 SIR model with diffusion 2 12 Interacting Subpopulation SEIR Model 2 13 SIR Model on Networks 2 14 SIRSS model combination of SIR with modelling of social stress 2 15 The KdV SIR equation 3 Modelling vaccination 3 1 Vaccinating newborns 3 2 Vaccination and information 3 3 Vaccination of non newborns 3 4 Pulse vaccination strategy 4 The influence of age age structured models 5 Other considerations within compartmental epidemic models 5 1 Vertical transmission 5 2 Vector transmission 5 3 Others 6 Deterministic versus stochastic epidemic models 7 See also 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External linksThe SIR model EditThe SIR model 7 8 9 10 is one of the simplest compartmental models and many models are derivatives of this basic form The model consists of three compartments S The number of susceptible individuals When a susceptible and an infectious individual come into infectious contact the susceptible individual contracts the disease and transitions to the infectious compartment I The number of infectious individuals These are individuals who have been infected and are capable of infecting susceptible individuals R for the number of removed and immune or deceased individuals These are individuals who have been infected and have either recovered from the disease and entered the removed compartment or died It is assumed that the number of deaths is negligible with respect to the total population This compartment may also be called recovered or resistant This model is reasonably predictive 11 for infectious diseases that are transmitted from human to human and where recovery confers lasting resistance such as measles mumps and rubella It has also been used outside of epidemiology for example in modeling the spread of song popularity political influence rumors and gun ownership 12 nbsp Spatial SIR model simulation Each cell can infect its eight immediate neighbors These variables S I and R represent the number of people in each compartment at a particular time To represent that the number of susceptible infectious and removed individuals may vary over time even if the total population size remains constant we make the precise numbers a function of t time S t I t and R t For a specific disease in a specific population these functions may be worked out in order to predict possible outbreaks and bring them under control 11 As implied by the variable function of t the model is dynamic in that the numbers in each compartment may fluctuate over time The importance of this dynamic aspect is most obvious in an endemic disease with a short infectious period such as measles in the UK prior to the introduction of a vaccine in 1968 Such diseases tend to occur in cycles of outbreaks due to the variation in number of susceptibles S t over time During an epidemic the number of susceptible individuals falls rapidly as more of them are infected and thus enter the infectious and removed compartments The disease cannot break out again until the number of susceptibles has built back up e g as a result of offspring being born into the susceptible compartment citation needed nbsp Yellow Susceptible Maroon Infectious Teal RecoveredEach member of the population typically progresses from susceptible to infectious to recovered This can be shown as a flow diagram in which the boxes represent the different compartments and the arrows the transition between compartments i e nbsp States in an SIR epidemic model and the rates at which individuals transition between themTransition rates Edit For the full specification of the model the arrows should be labeled with the transition rates between compartments Between S and I the transition rate is assumed to be d S N dt bSI N2 where N is the total population b is the average number of contacts per person per time multiplied by the probability of disease transmission in a contact between a susceptible and an infectious subject and SI N2 is the fraction of those contacts between an infectious and susceptible individual which result in the susceptible person becoming infected This is mathematically similar to the law of mass action in chemistry in which random collisions between molecules result in a chemical reaction and the fractional rate is proportional to the concentration of the two reactants citation needed Between I and R the transition rate is assumed to be proportional to the number of infectious individuals which is gI This is equivalent to assuming that the probability of an infectious individual recovering in any time interval dt is simply gdt If an individual is infectious for an average time period D then g 1 D This is also equivalent to the assumption that the length of time spent by an individual in the infectious state is a random variable with an exponential distribution The classical SIR model may be modified by using more complex and realistic distributions for the I R transition rate e g the Erlang distribution 13 For the special case in which there is no removal from the infectious compartment g 0 the SIR model reduces to a very simple SI model which has a logistic solution in which every individual eventually becomes infected The SIR model without birth and death Edit nbsp A single realization of the SIR epidemic as produced with an implementation of the Gillespie algorithm and the numerical solution of the ordinary differential equation system dashed The dynamics of an epidemic for example the flu are often much faster than the dynamics of birth and death therefore birth and death are often omitted in simple compartmental models The SIR system without so called vital dynamics birth and death sometimes called demography described above can be expressed by the following system of ordinary differential equations 8 14 d S d t b I S N d I d t b I S N g I d R d t g I displaystyle left begin aligned amp frac dS dt frac beta IS N 6pt amp frac dI dt frac beta IS N gamma I 6pt amp frac dR dt gamma I end aligned right nbsp nbsp The SIR modelwhere S displaystyle S nbsp is the stock of susceptible population I displaystyle I nbsp is the stock of infected R displaystyle R nbsp is the stock of removed population either by death or recovery and N displaystyle N nbsp is the sum of these three This model was for the first time proposed by William Ogilvy Kermack and Anderson Gray McKendrick as a special case of what we now call Kermack McKendrick theory and followed work McKendrick had done with Ronald Ross citation needed This system is non linear however it is possible to derive its analytic solution in implicit form 7 Firstly note that from d S d t d I d t d R d t 0 displaystyle frac dS dt frac dI dt frac dR dt 0 nbsp it follows that S t I t R t constant N displaystyle S t I t R t text constant N nbsp expressing in mathematical terms the constancy of population N displaystyle N nbsp Note that the above relationship implies that one need only study the equation for two of the three variables Secondly we note that the dynamics of the infectious class depends on the following ratio R 0 b g displaystyle R 0 frac beta gamma nbsp the so called basic reproduction number also called basic reproduction ratio This ratio is derived as the expected number of new infections these new infections are sometimes called secondary infections from a single infection in a population where all subjects are susceptible 15 16 This idea can probably be more readily seen if we say that the typical time between contacts is T c b 1 displaystyle T c beta 1 nbsp and the typical time until removal is T r g 1 displaystyle T r gamma 1 nbsp From here it follows that on average the number of contacts by an infectious individual with others before the infectious has been removed is T r T c displaystyle T r T c nbsp There is also an effective reproduction number R e displaystyle R e nbsp which is similarly defined but in a population made up of both susceptible and infected individuals The basic reproduction rate R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp quantifies the initial contagiousness of the disease but the effective reproduction number R e displaystyle R e nbsp is a time dependent rate 17 By dividing the first differential equation by the third separating the variables and integrating we get S t S 0 e R 0 R t R 0 N displaystyle S t S 0 e R 0 R t R 0 N nbsp where S 0 displaystyle S 0 nbsp and R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp are the initial numbers of respectively susceptible and removed subjects Writing s 0 S 0 N displaystyle s 0 S 0 N nbsp for the initial proportion of susceptible individuals and s S N displaystyle s infty S infty N nbsp and r R N displaystyle r infty R infty N nbsp for the proportion of susceptible and removed individuals respectively in the limit t displaystyle t to infty nbsp one has s 1 r s 0 e R 0 r r 0 displaystyle s infty 1 r infty s 0 e R 0 r infty r 0 nbsp note that the infectious compartment empties in this limit This transcendental equation has a solution in terms of the Lambert W function 18 namely s 1 r R 0 1 W s 0 R 0 e R 0 1 r 0 displaystyle s infty 1 r infty R 0 1 W s 0 R 0 e R 0 1 r 0 nbsp This shows that at the end of an epidemic that conforms to the simple assumptions of the SIR model unless s 0 0 displaystyle s 0 0 nbsp not all individuals of the population have been removed so some must remain susceptible A driving force leading to the end of an epidemic is a decline in the number of infectious individuals The epidemic does not typically end because of a complete lack of susceptible individuals The role of both the basic reproduction number and the initial susceptibility are extremely important In fact upon rewriting the equation for infectious individuals as follows d I d t R 0 S N 1 g I displaystyle frac dI dt left R 0 frac S N 1 right gamma I nbsp it yields that if R 0 S 0 gt N displaystyle R 0 cdot S 0 gt N nbsp then d I d t 0 gt 0 displaystyle frac dI dt 0 gt 0 nbsp i e there will be a proper epidemic outbreak with an increase of the number of the infectious which can reach a considerable fraction of the population On the contrary if R 0 S 0 lt N displaystyle R 0 cdot S 0 lt N nbsp then d I d t 0 lt 0 displaystyle frac dI dt 0 lt 0 nbsp i e independently from the initial size of the susceptible population the disease can never cause a proper epidemic outbreak As a consequence it is clear that both the basic reproduction number and the initial susceptibility are extremely important The force of infection Edit Note that in the above model the function F b I displaystyle F beta I nbsp models the transition rate from the compartment of susceptible individuals to the compartment of infectious individuals so that it is called the force of infection However for large classes of communicable diseases it is more realistic to consider a force of infection that does not depend on the absolute number of infectious subjects but on their fraction with respect to the total constant population N displaystyle N nbsp F b I N displaystyle F beta frac I N nbsp Capasso 19 and afterwards other authors have proposed nonlinear forces of infection to model more realistically the contagion process Exact analytical solutions to the SIR model Edit In 2014 Harko and coauthors derived an exact so called analytical solution involving an integral that can only be calculated numerically to the SIR model 7 In the case without vital dynamics setup for S u S t displaystyle mathcal S u S t nbsp etc it corresponds to the following time parametrization S u S 0 u displaystyle mathcal S u S 0 u nbsp I u N R u S u displaystyle mathcal I u N mathcal R u mathcal S u nbsp R u R 0 r ln u displaystyle mathcal R u R 0 rho ln u nbsp for t N b u 1 d u u I u r g N b displaystyle t frac N beta int u 1 frac du u mathcal I u quad rho frac gamma N beta nbsp with initial conditions S 1 I 1 R 1 S 0 N R 0 S 0 R 0 u T lt u lt 1 displaystyle mathcal S 1 mathcal I 1 mathcal R 1 S 0 N R 0 S 0 R 0 quad u T lt u lt 1 nbsp where u T displaystyle u T nbsp satisfies I u T 0 displaystyle mathcal I u T 0 nbsp By the transcendental equation for R displaystyle R infty nbsp above it follows that u T e R R 0 r S S 0 displaystyle u T e R infty R 0 rho S infty S 0 nbsp if S 0 0 displaystyle S 0 neq 0 nbsp and I 0 displaystyle I infty 0 nbsp An equivalent so called analytical solution involving an integral that can only be calculated numerically found by Miller 20 21 yields S t S 0 e 3 t I t N S t R t R t R 0 r 3 t 3 t b N 0 t I t d t displaystyle begin aligned S t amp S 0 e xi t 8pt I t amp N S t R t 8pt R t amp R 0 rho xi t 8pt xi t amp frac beta N int 0 t I t dt end aligned nbsp Here 3 t displaystyle xi t nbsp can be interpreted as the expected number of transmissions an individual has received by time t displaystyle t nbsp The two solutions are related by e 3 t u displaystyle e xi t u nbsp Effectively the same result can be found in the original work by Kermack and McKendrick 4 These solutions may be easily understood by noting that all of the terms on the right hand sides of the original differential equations are proportional to I displaystyle I nbsp The equations may thus be divided through by I displaystyle I nbsp and the time rescaled so that the differential operator on the left hand side becomes simply d d t displaystyle d d tau nbsp where d t I d t displaystyle d tau Idt nbsp i e t I d t displaystyle tau int Idt nbsp The differential equations are now all linear and the third equation of the form d R d t displaystyle dR d tau nbsp const shows that t displaystyle tau nbsp and R displaystyle R nbsp and 3 displaystyle xi nbsp above are simply linearly related A highly accurate analytic approximant of the SIR model as well as exact analytic expressions for the final values S displaystyle S infty nbsp I displaystyle I infty nbsp and R displaystyle R infty nbsp were provided by Kroger and Schlickeiser 9 so that there is no need to perform a numerical integration to solve the SIR model a simplified example practice on COVID 19 numerical simulation using Microsoft Excel can be found here 22 to obtain its parameters from existing data or to predict the future dynamics of an epidemics modeled by the SIR model The approximant involves the Lambert W function which is part of all basic data visualization software such as Microsoft Excel MATLAB and Mathematica While Kendall 5 considered the so called all time SIR model where the initial conditions S 0 displaystyle S 0 nbsp I 0 displaystyle I 0 nbsp and R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp are coupled through the above relations Kermack and McKendrick 4 proposed to study the more general semi time case for which S 0 displaystyle S 0 nbsp and I 0 displaystyle I 0 nbsp are both arbitrary This latter version denoted as semi time SIR model 9 makes predictions only for future times t gt 0 displaystyle t gt 0 nbsp An analytic approximant and exact expressions for the final values are available for the semi time SIR model as well 10 Numerical solutions to the SIR model with approximations Edit Numerical solutions to the SIR model can be found in the literature An example is using the model to analyze COVID 19 spreading data 22 23 Three reproduction numbers can be pulled out from the data analyzed with numerical approximation the basic reproduction number R 0 b 0 g 0 displaystyle R 0 frac beta 0 gamma 0 nbsp dd the real time reproduction number R t b t g t displaystyle R t frac beta t gamma t nbsp dd and the real time effective reproduction number R e b t S g t N displaystyle R e frac beta t S gamma t N nbsp dd R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp represents the speed of reproduction rate at the beginning of the spreading when all populations are assumed susceptible e g if b 0 0 4 d a y 1 displaystyle beta 0 0 4day 1 nbsp and g 0 0 2 d a y 1 displaystyle gamma 0 0 2day 1 nbsp meaning one infectious person on average infects 0 4 susceptible people per day and recovers in 1 0 2 5 days Thus when this person recovered there are two people still infectious directly got from this person and R 0 2 displaystyle R 0 2 nbsp i e the number of infectious people doubled in one cycle of 5 days The data simulated by the model with R 0 2 displaystyle R 0 2 nbsp or real data fitted will yield a doubling of the number of infectious people faster than 5 days because the two infected people are infecting people From the SIR model we can tell that b displaystyle beta nbsp is determined by the nature of the disease and also a function of the interactive frequency between the infectious person I displaystyle I nbsp with the susceptible people S displaystyle S nbsp and also the intensity duration of the interaction like how close they interact for how long and whether or not they both wear masks thus it changes over time when the average behavior of the carriers and susceptible people changes The model use S I displaystyle SI nbsp to represent these factors but it indeed is referenced to the initial stage when no action is taken to prevent the spread and all population is susceptible thus all changes are absorbed by the change of b displaystyle beta nbsp g displaystyle gamma nbsp is usually more stable over time assuming when the infectious person shows symptoms she he will seek medical attention or be self isolated So if we find R t displaystyle R t nbsp changes most probably the behaviors of people in the community have changed from their normal patterns before the outbreak or the disease has mutated to a new form Costive massive detection and isolation of susceptible close contacts have effects on reducing 1 g displaystyle 1 gamma nbsp but whose efficiencies are under debate This debate is largely on the uncertainty of the number of days reduced from after infectious or detectable whichever comes first to before a symptom shows up for an infected susceptible person If the person is infectious after symptoms show up or detection only works for a person with symptoms then these prevention methods are not necessary and self isolation and or medical attention is the best way to cut the 1 g displaystyle 1 gamma nbsp values The typical onset of the COVID 19 infectious period is in the order of one day from the symptoms showing up making massive detection with typical frequency in a few days useless R t displaystyle R t nbsp does not tell us whether or not the spreading will speed up or slow down in the latter stages when the fraction of susceptible people in the community has dropped significantly after recovery or vaccination R e displaystyle R e nbsp corrects this dilution effect by multiplying the fraction of the susceptible population over the total population It corrects the effective transmissible interaction between an infectious person and the rest of the community when many of the interaction is immune in the middle to late stages of the disease spreading Thus when R e gt 1 displaystyle R e gt 1 nbsp we will see an exponential like outbreak when R e 1 displaystyle R e 1 nbsp a steady state reached and no number of infectious people changes over time and when R e lt 1 displaystyle R e lt 1 nbsp the disease decays and fades away over time Using the differential equations of the SIR model and converting them to numerical discrete forms one can set up the recursive equations and calculate the S I and R populations with any given initial conditions but accumulate errors over a long calculation time from the reference point Sometimes a convergence test is needed to estimate the errors Given a set of initial conditions and the disease spreading data one can also fit the data with the SIR model and pull out the three reproduction numbers when the errors are usually negligible due to the short time step from the reference point 22 23 Any point of the time can be used as the initial condition to predict the future after it using this numerical model with assumption of time evolved parameters such as population R t displaystyle R t nbsp and g displaystyle gamma nbsp However away from this reference point errors will accumulate over time thus convergence test is needed to find an optimal time step for more accurate results Among these three reproduction numbers R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp is very useful to judge the control pressure e g a large value meaning the disease will spread very fast and is very difficult to control R t displaystyle R t nbsp is most useful in predicting future trends for example if we know the social interactions have reduced 50 frequently from that before the outbreak and the interaction intensities among people are the same then we can set R t 0 5 R 0 displaystyle R t 0 5R 0 nbsp If social distancing and masks add another 50 cut in infection efficiency we can set R t 0 25 R 0 displaystyle R t 0 25R 0 nbsp R e displaystyle R e nbsp will perfectly correlate with the waves of the spreading and whenever R e gt 1 displaystyle R e gt 1 nbsp the spreading accelerates and when R e lt 1 displaystyle R e lt 1 nbsp the spreading slows down thus useful to set a prediction on the short term trends Also it can be used to directly calculate the threshold population of vaccination immunization for the herd immunity stage by setting R t R 0 displaystyle R t R 0 nbsp The SIR model with vital dynamics and constant population Edit Consider a population characterized by a death rate m displaystyle mu nbsp and birth rate L displaystyle Lambda nbsp and where a communicable disease is spreading 8 The model with mass action transmission is d S d t L m S b I S N d I d t b I S N g I m I d R d t g I m R displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp Lambda mu S frac beta IS N 8pt frac dI dt amp frac beta IS N gamma I mu I 8pt frac dR dt amp gamma I mu R end aligned nbsp for which the disease free equilibrium DFE is S t I t R t L m 0 0 displaystyle left S t I t R t right left frac Lambda mu 0 0 right nbsp In this case we can derive a basic reproduction number R 0 b m g displaystyle R 0 frac beta mu gamma nbsp which has threshold properties In fact independently from biologically meaningful initial values one can show that R 0 1 lim t S t I t R t DFE L m 0 0 displaystyle R 0 leq 1 Rightarrow lim t to infty S t I t R t textrm DFE left frac Lambda mu 0 0 right nbsp R 0 gt 1 I 0 gt 0 lim t S t I t R t EE g m b m b R 0 1 g b R 0 1 displaystyle R 0 gt 1 I 0 gt 0 Rightarrow lim t to infty S t I t R t textrm EE left frac gamma mu beta frac mu beta left R 0 1 right frac gamma beta left R 0 1 right right nbsp The point EE is called the Endemic Equilibrium the disease is not totally eradicated and remains in the population With heuristic arguments one may show that R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp may be read as the average number of infections caused by a single infectious subject in a wholly susceptible population the above relationship biologically means that if this number is less than or equal to one the disease goes extinct whereas if this number is greater than one the disease will remain permanently endemic in the population The SIR model Edit nbsp Diagram of the SIR model with initial values S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 textstyle S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 nbsp and rates for infection b 0 4 textstyle beta 0 4 nbsp and for recovery g 0 04 textstyle gamma 0 04 nbsp nbsp Animation of the SIR model with initial values S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 textstyle S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 nbsp and rate of recovery g 0 04 textstyle gamma 0 04 nbsp The animation shows the effect of reducing the rate of infection from b 0 5 textstyle beta 0 5 nbsp to b 0 12 textstyle beta 0 12 nbsp If there is no medicine or vaccination available it is only possible to reduce the infection rate often referred to as flattening the curve by appropriate measures such as social distancing In 1927 W O Kermack and A G McKendrick created a model in which they considered a fixed population with only three compartments susceptible S t displaystyle S t nbsp infected I t displaystyle I t nbsp and recovered R t displaystyle R t nbsp The compartments used for this model consist of three classes 4 S t displaystyle S t nbsp is used to represent the individuals not yet infected with the disease at time t or those susceptible to the disease of the population I t displaystyle I t nbsp denotes the individuals of the population who have been infected with the disease and are capable of spreading the disease to those in the susceptible category R t displaystyle R t nbsp is the compartment used for the individuals of the population who have been infected and then removed from the disease either due to immunization or due to death Those in this category are not able to be infected again or to transmit the infection to others The flow of this model may be considered as follows S I R displaystyle color blue mathcal S rightarrow mathcal I rightarrow mathcal R nbsp Using a fixed population N S t I t R t displaystyle N S t I t R t nbsp in the three functions resolves that the value N displaystyle N nbsp should remain constant within the simulation if a simulation is used to solve the SIR model Alternatively the analytic approximant 9 can be used without performing a simulation The model is started with values of S t 0 displaystyle S t 0 nbsp I t 0 displaystyle I t 0 nbsp and R t 0 displaystyle R t 0 nbsp These are the number of people in the susceptible infected and removed categories at time equals zero If the SIR model is assumed to hold at all times these initial conditions are not independent 9 Subsequently the flow model updates the three variables for every time point with set values for b displaystyle beta nbsp and g displaystyle gamma nbsp The simulation first updates the infected from the susceptible and then the removed category is updated from the infected category for the next time point t 1 This describes the flow persons between the three categories During an epidemic the susceptible category is not shifted with this model b displaystyle beta nbsp changes over the course of the epidemic and so does g displaystyle gamma nbsp These variables determine the length of the epidemic and would have to be updated with each cycle d S d t b S I N displaystyle frac dS dt frac beta SI N nbsp d I d t b S I N g I displaystyle frac dI dt frac beta SI N gamma I nbsp d R d t g I displaystyle frac dR dt gamma I nbsp Several assumptions were made in the formulation of these equations First an individual in the population must be considered as having an equal probability as every other individual of contracting the disease with a rate of a displaystyle a nbsp and an equal fraction b displaystyle b nbsp of people that an individual makes contact with per unit time Then let b displaystyle beta nbsp be the multiplication of a displaystyle a nbsp and b displaystyle b nbsp This is the transmission probability times the contact rate Besides an infected individual makes contact with b displaystyle b nbsp persons per unit time whereas only a fraction S N displaystyle S N nbsp of them are susceptible Thus we have every infective can infect a b S b S displaystyle abS beta S nbsp susceptible persons and therefore the whole number of susceptibles infected by infectives per unit time is b S I displaystyle beta SI nbsp For the second and third equations consider the population leaving the susceptible class as equal to the number entering the infected class However a number equal to the fraction g displaystyle gamma nbsp which represents the mean recovery death rate or 1 g displaystyle 1 gamma nbsp the mean infective period of infectives are leaving this class per unit time to enter the removed class These processes which occur simultaneously are referred to as the Law of Mass Action a widely accepted idea that the rate of contact between two groups in a population is proportional to the size of each of the groups concerned Finally it is assumed that the rate of infection and recovery is much faster than the time scale of births and deaths and therefore these factors are ignored in this model 24 Steady state solutions Edit The expected duration of susceptibility will be E min T L T S displaystyle operatorname E min T L mid T S nbsp where T L displaystyle T L nbsp reflects the time alive life expectancy and T S displaystyle T S nbsp reflects the time in the susceptible state before becoming infected which can be simplified 25 to E min T L T S 0 e m d x d x 1 m d displaystyle operatorname E min T L mid T S int 0 infty e mu delta x dx frac 1 mu delta nbsp such that the number of susceptible persons is the number entering the susceptible compartment m N displaystyle mu N nbsp times the duration of susceptibility S m N m l displaystyle S frac mu N mu lambda nbsp Analogously the steady state number of infected persons is the number entering the infected state from the susceptible state number susceptible times rate of infection l b I N displaystyle lambda tfrac beta I N nbsp times the duration of infectiousness 1 m v displaystyle tfrac 1 mu v nbsp I m N m l l 1 m v displaystyle I frac mu N mu lambda lambda frac 1 mu v nbsp Other compartmental models Edit There are many modifications of the SIR model including those that include births and deaths where upon recovery there is no immunity SIS model where immunity lasts only for a short period of time SIRS where there is a latent period of the disease where the person is not infectious SEIS and SEIR and where infants can be born with immunity MSIR Compartmental models can also be used to model multiple risk groups and even the interaction of multiple pathogens 26 Variations on the basic SIR model EditThe SIS model Edit nbsp Yellow Susceptible Maroon InfectedSome infections for example those from the common cold and influenza do not confer any long lasting immunity Such infections may give temporary resistance but do not give long term immunity upon recovery from infection and individuals become susceptible again nbsp SIS compartmental modelWe have the model d S d t b S I N g I d I d t b S I N g I displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp frac beta SI N gamma I 6pt frac dI dt amp frac beta SI N gamma I end aligned nbsp Note that denoting with N the total population it holds that d S d t d I d t 0 S t I t N displaystyle frac dS dt frac dI dt 0 Rightarrow S t I t N nbsp It follows that d I d t b g I b N I 2 displaystyle frac dI dt beta gamma I frac beta N I 2 nbsp i e the dynamics of infectious is ruled by a logistic function so that I 0 gt 0 displaystyle forall I 0 gt 0 nbsp b g 1 lim t I t 0 b g gt 1 lim t I t 1 g b N displaystyle begin aligned amp frac beta gamma leq 1 Rightarrow lim t to infty I t 0 6pt amp frac beta gamma gt 1 Rightarrow lim t to infty I t left 1 frac gamma beta right N end aligned nbsp It is possible to find an analytical solution to this model by making a transformation of variables I y 1 displaystyle I y 1 nbsp and substituting this into the mean field equations 27 such that the basic reproduction rate is greater than unity The solution is given as I t I 1 V e x t displaystyle I t frac I infty 1 Ve chi t nbsp where I 1 g b N displaystyle I infty 1 gamma beta N nbsp is the endemic infectious population x b g displaystyle chi beta gamma nbsp and V I I 0 1 displaystyle V I infty I 0 1 nbsp As the system is assumed to be closed the susceptible population is then S t N I t displaystyle S t N I t nbsp Whenever the integer nature of the number of agents is evident populations with fewer than tens of thousands of individuals inherent fluctuations in the disease spreading process caused by discrete agents result in uncertainties 28 In this scenario the evolution of the disease predicted by compartmental equations deviates significantly from the observed results These uncertainties may even cause the epidemic to end earlier than predicted by the compartmental equations As a special case one obtains the usual logistic function by assuming g 0 displaystyle gamma 0 nbsp This can be also considered in the SIR model with R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp i e no removal will take place That is the SI model 29 The differential equation system using S N I displaystyle S N I nbsp thus reduces to d I d t I N I displaystyle frac dI dt propto I cdot N I nbsp In the long run in the SI model all individuals will become infected The SIRD model Edit nbsp Diagram of the SIRD model with initial values S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 displaystyle S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 nbsp and the rates of infection b 0 4 displaystyle beta 0 4 nbsp recovery g 0 035 displaystyle gamma 0 035 nbsp and mortality m 0 005 displaystyle mu 0 005 nbsp nbsp Animation of the SIRD model with initial values S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 textstyle S 0 997 I 0 3 R 0 0 nbsp and rates of recovery g 0 035 textstyle gamma 0 035 nbsp and mortality m 0 005 textstyle mu 0 005 nbsp The animation shows the effect of reducing the rate of infection from b 0 5 textstyle beta 0 5 nbsp to b 0 12 textstyle beta 0 12 nbsp If there is no medicine or vaccination available it is only possible to reduce the infection rate often referred to as flattening the curve by measures such as social distancing The Susceptible Infectious Recovered Deceased model differentiates between Recovered meaning specifically individuals having survived the disease and now immune and Deceased 15 The SIRD model has semi analytical solutions based on the four parts method 30 This model uses the following system of differential equations d S d t b I S N d I d t b I S N g I m I d R d t g I d D d t m I displaystyle begin aligned amp frac dS dt frac beta IS N 6pt amp frac dI dt frac beta IS N gamma I mu I 6pt amp frac dR dt gamma I 6pt amp frac dD dt mu I end aligned nbsp where b g m displaystyle beta gamma mu nbsp are the rates of infection recovery and mortality respectively 31 The SIRV model Edit The Susceptible Infectious Recovered Vaccinated model is an extended SIR model that accounts for vaccination of the susceptible population 32 This model uses the following system of differential equations d S d t b t I S N v t S d I d t b t I S N g t I d R d t g t I d V d t v t S displaystyle begin aligned amp frac dS dt frac beta t IS N v t S 6pt amp frac dI dt frac beta t IS N gamma t I 6pt amp frac dR dt gamma t I 6pt amp frac dV dt v t S end aligned nbsp nbsp A cartoon for the SIRV modelwhere b g v displaystyle beta gamma v nbsp are the rates of infection recovery and vaccination respectively For the semi time initial conditions S 0 1 h N displaystyle S 0 1 eta N nbsp I 0 h N displaystyle I 0 eta N nbsp R 0 V 0 0 displaystyle R 0 V 0 0 nbsp and constant ratios k g t b t displaystyle k gamma t beta t nbsp and b v t b t displaystyle b v t beta t nbsp the model had been solved approximately 32 The occurrence of a pandemic outburst requires k b lt 1 2 h displaystyle k b lt 1 2 eta nbsp and there is a critical reduced vaccination rate b c displaystyle b c nbsp beyond which the steady state size S displaystyle S infty nbsp of the susceptible compartment remains relatively close to S 0 displaystyle S 0 nbsp Arbitrary initial conditions satisfying S 0 I 0 R 0 V 0 N displaystyle S 0 I 0 R 0 V 0 N nbsp can be mapped to the solved special case with R 0 V 0 0 displaystyle R 0 V 0 0 nbsp 32 The numerical solution of this model to calculate the real time reproduction number R t displaystyle R t nbsp of COVID 19 can be practiced based on information from the different populations in a community 23 Numerical solution is a commonly used method to analyze complicated kinetic networks when the analytical solution is difficult to obtain or limited by requirements such as boundary conditions or special parameters It uses recursive equations to calculate the next step by converting the numerical integration into Riemann sum of discrete time steps e g use yesterday s principal and interest rate to calculate today s interest which assumes the interest rate is fixed during the day The calculation contains projected errors if the analytical corrections on the numerical step size are not included e g when the interest rate of annual collection is simplified to 12 times the monthly rate a projected error is introduced Thus the calculated results will carry accumulative errors when the time step is far away from the reference point and a convergence test is needed to estimate the error However this error is usually acceptable for data fitting When fitting a set of data with a close time step the error is relatively small because the reference point is nearby compared to when predicting a long period of time after a reference point Once the real time R t displaystyle R t nbsp is pulled out one can compare it to the basic reproduction number R 0 displaystyle R 0 nbsp Before the vaccination R t displaystyle R t nbsp gives the policy maker and general public a measure of the efficiency of social mitigation activities such as social distancing and face masking simply by dividing R t R 0 displaystyle frac R t R 0 nbsp Under massive vaccination the goal of disease control is to reduce the effective reproduction number R e R t S N lt 1 displaystyle R e frac R t S N lt 1 nbsp where S displaystyle S nbsp is the number of susceptible population at the time and N displaystyle N nbsp is the total population When R e lt 1 displaystyle R e lt 1 nbsp the spreading decays and daily infected cases go down The MSIR model Edit For many infections including measles babies are not born into the susceptible compartment but are immune to the disease for the first few months of life due to protection from maternal antibodies passed across the placenta and additionally through colostrum This is called passive immunity This added detail can be shown by including an M class for maternally derived immunity at the beginning of the model nbsp MSIR compartmental modelTo indicate this mathematically an additional compartment is added M t This results in the following differential equations d M d t L d M m M d S d t d M b S I N m S d I d t b S I N g I m I d R d t g I m R displaystyle begin aligned frac dM dt amp Lambda delta M mu M 8pt frac dS dt amp delta M frac beta SI N mu S 8pt frac dI dt amp frac beta SI N gamma I mu I 8pt frac dR dt amp gamma I mu R end aligned nbsp dd Carrier state Edit Some people who have had an infectious disease such as tuberculosis never completely recover and continue to carry the infection whilst not suffering the disease themselves They may then move back into the infectious compartment and suffer symptoms as in tuberculosis or they may continue to infect others in their carrier state while not suffering symptoms The most famous example of this is probably Mary Mallon who infected 22 people with typhoid fever The carrier compartment is labelled C nbsp The SEIR model Edit For many important infections there is a significant latency period during which individuals have been infected but are not yet infectious themselves During this period the individual is in compartment E for exposed nbsp SEIR compartmental modelAssuming that the latency period is a random variable with exponential distribution with parameter a displaystyle a nbsp i e the average latency period is a 1 displaystyle a 1 nbsp and also assuming the presence of vital dynamics with birth rate L displaystyle Lambda nbsp equal to death rate N m displaystyle N mu nbsp so that the total number N displaystyle N nbsp is constant we have the model d S d t m N m S b I S N d E d t b I S N m a E d I d t a E g m I d R d t g I m R displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp mu N mu S frac beta IS N 8pt frac dE dt amp frac beta IS N mu a E 8pt frac dI dt amp aE gamma mu I 8pt frac dR dt amp gamma I mu R end aligned nbsp We have S E I R N displaystyle S E I R N nbsp but this is only constant because of the simplifying assumption that birth and death rates are equal in general N displaystyle N nbsp is a variable For this model the basic reproduction number is R 0 a m a b m g displaystyle R 0 frac a mu a frac beta mu gamma nbsp Similarly to the SIR model also in this case we have a Disease Free Equilibrium N 0 0 0 and an Endemic Equilibrium EE and one can show that independently from biologically meaningful initial conditions S 0 E 0 I 0 R 0 S E I R 0 N 4 S 0 E 0 I 0 R 0 S E I R N displaystyle left S 0 E 0 I 0 R 0 right in left S E I R in 0 N 4 S geq 0 E geq 0 I geq 0 R geq 0 S E I R N right nbsp it holds that R 0 1 lim t S t E t I t R t D F E N 0 0 0 displaystyle R 0 leq 1 Rightarrow lim t to infty left S t E t I t R t right DFE N 0 0 0 nbsp R 0 gt 1 I 0 gt 0 lim t S t E t I t R t E E displaystyle R 0 gt 1 I 0 gt 0 Rightarrow lim t to infty left S t E t I t R t right EE nbsp In case of periodically varying contact rate b t displaystyle beta t nbsp the condition for the global attractiveness of DFE is that the following linear system with periodic coefficients d E 1 d t b t I 1 g a E 1 d I 1 d t a E 1 g m I 1 displaystyle begin aligned frac dE 1 dt amp beta t I 1 gamma a E 1 8pt frac dI 1 dt amp aE 1 gamma mu I 1 end aligned nbsp is stable i e it has its Floquet s eigenvalues inside the unit circle in the complex plane The SEIS model Edit The SEIS model is like the SEIR model above except that no immunity is acquired at the end S E I S displaystyle color blue mathcal S to mathcal E to mathcal I to mathcal S nbsp dd dd In this model an infection does not leave any immunity thus individuals that have recovered return to being susceptible moving back into the S t compartment The following differential equations describe this model d S d t L b S I N m S g I d E d t b S I N ϵ m E d I d t e E g m I displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp Lambda frac beta SI N mu S gamma I 6pt frac dE dt amp frac beta SI N epsilon mu E 6pt frac dI dt amp varepsilon E gamma mu I end aligned nbsp dd The MSEIR model Edit For the case of a disease with the factors of passive immunity and a latency period there is the MSEIR model M S E I R displaystyle color blue mathcal M to mathcal S to mathcal E to mathcal I to mathcal R nbsp dd d M d t L d M m M d S d t d M b S I N m S d E d t b S I N e m E d I d t e E g m I d R d t g I m R displaystyle begin aligned frac dM dt amp Lambda delta M mu M 6pt frac dS dt amp delta M frac beta SI N mu S 6pt frac dE dt amp frac beta SI N varepsilon mu E 6pt frac dI dt amp varepsilon E gamma mu I 6pt frac dR dt amp gamma I mu R end aligned nbsp dd The MSEIRS model Edit An MSEIRS model is similar to the MSEIR but the immunity in the R class would be temporary so that individuals would regain their susceptibility when the temporary immunity ended M S E I R S displaystyle color blue mathcal M to mathcal S to mathcal E to mathcal I to mathcal R to mathcal S nbsp dd dd Variable contact rates Edit It is well known that the probability of getting a disease is not constant in time As a pandemic progresses reactions to the pandemic may change the contact rates which are assumed constant in the simpler models Counter measures such as masks social distancing and lockdown will alter the contact rate in a way to reduce the speed of the pandemic In addition Some diseases are seasonal such as the common cold viruses which are more prevalent during winter With childhood diseases such as measles mumps and rubella there is a strong correlation with the school calendar so that during the school holidays the probability of getting such a disease dramatically decreases As a consequence for many classes of diseases one should consider a force of infection with periodically seasonal varying contact rate F b t I N b t T b t displaystyle F beta t frac I N quad beta t T beta t nbsp with period T equal to one year Thus our model becomes d S d t m N m S b t I N S d I d t b t I N S g m I displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp mu N mu S beta t frac I N S 8pt frac dI dt amp beta t frac I N S gamma mu I end aligned nbsp the dynamics of recovered easily follows from R N S I displaystyle R N S I nbsp i e a nonlinear set of differential equations with periodically varying parameters It is well known that this class of dynamical systems may undergo very interesting and complex phenomena of nonlinear parametric resonance It is easy to see that if 1 T 0 T b t m g d t lt 1 lim t S t I t D F E N 0 displaystyle frac 1 T int 0 T frac beta t mu gamma dt lt 1 Rightarrow lim t to infty S t I t DFE N 0 nbsp whereas if the integral is greater than one the disease will not die out and there may be such resonances For example considering the periodically varying contact rate as the input of the system one has that the output is a periodic function whose period is a multiple of the period of the input This allowed to give a contribution to explain the poly annual typically biennial epidemic outbreaks of some infectious diseases as interplay between the period of the contact rate oscillations and the pseudo period of the damped oscillations near the endemic equilibrium Remarkably in some cases the behavior may also be quasi periodic or even chaotic SIR model with diffusion Edit Spatiotemporal compartmental models describe not the total number but the density of susceptible infective recovered persons Consequently they also allow to model the distribution of infected persons in space In most cases this is done by combining the SIR model with a diffusion equation t S D S 2 S b I S N t I D I 2 I b I S N g I t R D R 2 R g I displaystyle begin aligned amp partial t S D S nabla 2 S frac beta IS N 6pt amp partial t I D I nabla 2 I frac beta IS N gamma I 6pt amp partial t R D R nabla 2 R gamma I end aligned nbsp 33 where D S displaystyle D S nbsp D I displaystyle D I nbsp and D R displaystyle D R nbsp are diffusion constants Thereby one obtains a reaction diffusion equation Note that for dimensional reasons the parameter b displaystyle beta nbsp has to be changed compared to the simple SIR model Early models of this type have been used to model the spread of the black death in Europe 34 Extensions of this model have been used to incorporate e g effects of nonpharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing 35 Interacting Subpopulation SEIR Model Edit As social contacts disease severity and lethality as well as the efficacy of prophylactic measures may differ substantially between interacting subpopulations e g the elderly versus the young separate SEIR models for each subgroup may be used that are mutually connected through interaction links 33 Such Interacting Subpopulation SEIR models have been used for modeling the COVID 19 pandemic at continent scale to develop personalized accelerated subpopulation targeted vaccination strategies 36 that promise a shortening of the pandemic and a reduction of case and death counts in the setting of limited access to vaccines during a wave of virus Variants of Concern SIR Model on Networks Edit The SIR model has been studied on networks of various kinds in order to model a more realistic form of connection than the homogeneous mixing condition which is usually required A simple model for epidemics on networks in which an individual has a probability p of being infected by each of his infected neighbors in a given time step leads to results similar to giant component formation on Erdos Renyi random graphs 37 SIRSS model combination of SIR with modelling of social stress Edit Dynamics of epidemics depend on how people s behavior changes in time For example at the beginning of the epidemic people are ignorant and careless then after the outbreak of epidemics and alarm they begin to comply with the various restrictions and the spreading of epidemics may decline Over time some people get tired frustrated by the restrictions and stop following them exhaustion especially if the number of new cases drops down After resting for some time they can follow the restrictions again But during this pause the second wave can come and become even stronger than the first one Social dynamics should be considered The social physics models of social stress complement the classical epidemics models 38 nbsp An example of using the numerical SIR model to fit the COVID 19 data from U S CDC in the state of Ohio U S A R t displaystyle R t nbsp fitted using the SIR and the SIRV model are both shown Note that although the SIR model can model an individual wave a more complex model like SIRSS would better model multiple waves 22 23 The simplest SIR social stress SIRSS model is organised as follows The susceptible individuals S can be split in three subgroups by the types of behavior ignorant or unaware of the epidemic Sign rationally resistant Sres and exhausted Sexh that do not react on the external stimuli this is a sort of refractory period In other words S t Sign t Sres t Sexh t Symbolically the social stress model can be presented by the reaction scheme where I denotes the infected individuals S i g n 2 I S r e s 2 I displaystyle color blue mathcal S ign 2 mathcal I to mathcal S res 2 mathcal I nbsp mobilization reaction the autocatalytic form here means that the transition rate is proportional to the square of the infected fraction I S r e s S e x h displaystyle color blue mathcal S res to mathcal S exh nbsp exhaustion process due to fatigue from anti epidemic restrictions S e x h S i g n displaystyle color blue mathcal S exh to mathcal S ign nbsp slow relaxation to the initial state end of the refractory period The main SIR epidemic reaction S I 2 I displaystyle color blue mathcal S mathcal I to mathcal 2I nbsp has different reaction rate constants b displaystyle beta nbsp for Sign Sres and Sexh Presumably for Sres b displaystyle beta nbsp is lower than for Sign and Sign The differences between countries are concentrated in two kinetic constants the rate of mobilization and the rate of exhaustion calculated for COVID 19 epidemic in 13 countries 38 These constants for this epidemic in all countries can be extracted by the fitting of the SIRSS model to publicly available data 39 The KdV SIR equation Edit Based on the classical SIR model a Korteweg de Vries KdV SIR equation and its analytical solution have been proposed to illustrate the fundamental dynamics of an epidemic wave the dependence of solutions on parameters and the dependence of predictability horizons on various types of solutions 40 The KdV SIR equation is written as follows d 2 I d t s o 2 I 3 2 s o 2 I m a x I 2 0 displaystyle frac d 2 I dt sigma o 2 I frac 3 2 frac sigma o 2 I max I 2 0 nbsp Here s o g R o 1 displaystyle sigma o gamma R o 1 nbsp R o b g S o N displaystyle R o frac beta gamma frac S o N nbsp andI m a x S o 2 R o 1 2 R o 2 displaystyle I max frac S o 2 frac R o 1 2 R o 2 nbsp S o displaystyle S o nbsp indicates the initial value of the state variable S displaystyle S nbsp Parameters s o displaystyle sigma o nbsp s naught and R o displaystyle R o nbsp R naught are the time independent relative growth rate and basic reproduction number respectively I m a x displaystyle I max nbsp presents the maximum of the state variables I displaystyle I nbsp for the number of infected persons An analytical solution to the KdV SIR equation is written as follows I I m a x s e c h 2 s o 2 t displaystyle I I max sech 2 left frac sigma o 2 t right nbsp which represents a solitary wave solution Modelling vaccination EditThe SIR model can be modified to model vaccination 41 Typically these introduce an additional compartment to the SIR model V displaystyle V nbsp for vaccinated individuals Below are some examples Vaccinating newborns Edit In presence of a communicable diseases one of the main tasks is that of eradicating it via prevention measures and if possible via the establishment of a mass vaccination program Consider a disease for which the newborn are vaccinated with a vaccine giving lifelong immunity at a rate P 0 1 displaystyle P in 0 1 nbsp d S d t n N 1 P m S b I N S d I d t b I N S m g I d V d t n N P m V displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp nu N 1 P mu S beta frac I N S 8pt frac dI dt amp beta frac I N S mu gamma I 8pt frac dV dt amp nu NP mu V end aligned nbsp where V displaystyle V nbsp is the class of vaccinated subjects It is immediate to show that lim t V t N P displaystyle lim t to infty V t NP nbsp thus we shall deal with the long term behavior of S displaystyle S nbsp and I displaystyle I nbsp for which it holds that R 0 1 P 1 lim t S t I t D F E N 1 P 0 displaystyle R 0 1 P leq 1 Rightarrow lim t to infty left S t I t right DFE left N left 1 P right 0 right nbsp R 0 1 P gt 1 I 0 gt 0 lim t S t I t E E N R 0 1 P N R 0 1 P 1 displaystyle R 0 1 P gt 1 quad I 0 gt 0 Rightarrow lim t to infty left S t I t right EE left frac N R 0 1 P N left R 0 1 P 1 right right nbsp In other words if P lt P 1 1 R 0 displaystyle P lt P 1 frac 1 R 0 nbsp the vaccination program is not successful in eradicating the disease on the contrary it will remain endemic although at lower levels than the case of absence of vaccinations This means that the mathematical model suggests that for a disease whose basic reproduction number may be as high as 18 one should vaccinate at least 94 4 of newborns in order to eradicate the disease Vaccination and information Edit Modern societies are facing the challenge of rational exemption i e the family s decision to not vaccinate children as a consequence of a rational comparison between the perceived risk from infection and that from getting damages from the vaccine In order to assess whether this behavior is really rational i e if it can equally lead to the eradication of the disease one may simply assume that the vaccination rate is an increasing function of the number of infectious subjects P P I P I gt 0 displaystyle P P I quad P I gt 0 nbsp In such a case the eradication condition becomes P 0 P displaystyle P 0 geq P nbsp i e the baseline vaccination rate should be greater than the mandatory vaccination threshold which in case of exemption cannot hold Thus rational exemption might be myopic since it is based only on the current low incidence due to high vaccine coverage instead taking into account future resurgence of infection due to coverage decline Vaccination of non newborns Edit In case there also are vaccinations of non newborns at a rate r the equation for the susceptible and vaccinated subject has to be modified as follows d S d t m N 1 P m S r S b I N S d V d t m N P r S m V displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp mu N 1 P mu S rho S beta frac I N S 8pt frac dV dt amp mu NP rho S mu V end aligned nbsp leading to the following eradication condition P 1 1 r m 1 R 0 displaystyle P geq 1 left 1 frac rho mu right frac 1 R 0 nbsp Pulse vaccination strategy Edit This strategy repeatedly vaccinates a defined age cohort such as young children or the elderly in a susceptible population over time Using this strategy the block of susceptible individuals is then immediately removed making it possible to eliminate an infectious disease such as measles from the entire population Every T time units a constant fraction p of susceptible subjects is vaccinated in a relatively short with respect to the dynamics of the disease time This leads to the following impulsive differential equations for the susceptible and vaccinated subjects d S d t m N m S b I N S S n T 1 p S n T n 0 1 2 d V d t m V V n T V n T p S n T n 0 1 2 displaystyle begin aligned frac dS dt amp mu N mu S beta frac I N S quad S nT 1 p S nT amp amp n 0 1 2 ldots 8pt frac dV dt amp mu V quad V nT V nT pS nT amp amp n 0 1 2 ldots end aligned nbsp It is easy to see that by setting I 0 one obtains that the dynamics of the susceptible subjects is given by S t 1 p 1 1 p E m T E m M O D t T displaystyle S t 1 frac p 1 1 p E mu T E mu MOD t T nbsp and that the eradication condition is R 0 0 T S t d t lt 1 displaystyle R 0 int 0 T S t dt lt 1 nbsp The influence of age age structured models EditAge has a deep influence on the disease spread rate in a population especially the contact rate This rate summarizes the effectiveness of contacts between susceptible and infectious subjects Taking into account the ages of the epidemic classes s t a i t a r t a displaystyle s t a i t a r t a nbsp to limit ourselves to the susceptible infectious removed scheme such that S t 0 a M s t a d a displaystyle S t int 0 a M s t a da nbsp I t 0 a M i t a d a displaystyle I t int 0 a M i t a da nbsp R t 0 a M r t a d a displaystyle R t int 0 a M r t a da nbsp where a M displaystyle a M leq infty nbsp is the maximum admissible age and their dynamics is not described as one might think by simple partial differential equations but by integro differential equations t s t a a s t a m a s a t s a t 0 a M k a a 1 t i a 1 t d a 1 displaystyle partial t s t a partial a s t a mu a s a t s a t int 0 a M k a a 1 t i a 1 t da 1 nbsp t i t a a i t a s a t 0 a M k a a 1 t i a 1 t d a 1 m a i a t g a i a t displaystyle partial t i t a partial a i t a s a t int 0 a M k a a 1 t i a 1 t da 1 mu a i a t gamma a i a t nbsp t r t a a r t a m a r a t g a i a t displaystyle partial t r t a partial a r t a mu a r a t gamma a i a t nbsp where F a t i 0 a M k a a 1 t i a 1 t d a 1 displaystyle F a t i cdot cdot int 0 a M k a a 1 t i a 1 t da 1 nbsp is the force of infection which of course will depend though the contact kernel k a a 1 t displaystyle k a a 1 t nbsp on the interactions between the ages Complexity is added by the initial conditions for newborns i e for a 0 that are straightforward for infectious and removed i t 0 r t 0 0 displaystyle i t 0 r t 0 0 nbsp but that are nonlocal for the density of susceptible newborns s t 0 0 a M f s a s a t f mrow clas, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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