
Circle of fifths

In music theory, the circle of fifths is a way of organizing the 12 chromatic pitches as a sequence of perfect fifths. (This is strictly true in the standard 12-tone equal temperament system — using a different system requires one interval of diminished sixth to be treated as a fifth). If C is chosen as a starting point, the sequence is: C, G, D, A, E, B (=C), F (=G), C (=D), A, E, B, F. Continuing the pattern from F returns the sequence to its starting point of C. This order places the most closely related key signatures adjacent to one another. It is usually illustrated in the form of a circle.

Circle of fifths showing major and minor keys


The circle of fifths organizes pitches in a sequence of perfect fifths, generally shown as a circle with the pitches (and their corresponding keys) in a clockwise progression. Musicians and composers often use the circle of fifths to describe the musical relationships between pitches. Its design is helpful in composing and harmonizing melodies, building chords, and modulating to different keys within a composition.[1]

Using the system of just intonation, a perfect fifth consists of two pitches with a frequency ratio of 3:2, but generating twelve successive perfect fifths in this way does not result in a return to the pitch class of the starting note. To adjust for this, instruments are generally tuned with the equal temperament system. Twelve equal-temperament fifths lead to a note exactly seven octaves above the initial tone—this results in a perfect fifth that is equivalent to seven equal-temperament semitones.

The top of the circle shows the key of C Major, with no sharps or flats. Proceeding clockwise, the pitches ascend by fifths. The key signatures associated with those pitches also change: the key of G has one sharp, the key of D has 2 sharps, and so on. Similarly, proceeding counterclockwise from the top of the circle, the notes change by descending fifths and the key signatures change accordingly: the key of F has one flat, the key of B has 2 flats, and so on. Some keys (at the bottom of the circle) can be notated either in sharps or in flats.

Starting at any pitch and ascending by a fifth generates all twelve tones before returning to the beginning pitch class (a pitch class consists of all of the notes indicated by a given letter regardless of octave—all "C"s, for example, belong to the same pitch class). Moving counterclockwise, the pitches descend by a fifth, but ascending by a perfect fourth will lead to the same note an octave higher (therefore in the same pitch class). Moving counter-clockwise from C could be thought of as descending by a fifth to F, or ascending by a fourth to F.

Structure and use

Diatonic key signatures

Each of the twelve pitches can serve as the tonic of a major or minor key, and each of these keys will have a diatonic scale associated with it. The circle diagram shows the number of sharps or flats in each key signature, with the major key indicated by a capital letter and the minor key indicated by a lower-case letter. Major and minor keys that have the same key signature are referred to as relative major and relative minor of one another.

Modulation and chord progression

Tonal music often modulates to a new tonal center whose key signature differs from the original by only one flat or sharp. These closely-related keys are a fifth apart from each other and are therefore adjacent in the circle of fifths. Chord progressions also often move between chords whose roots are related by perfect fifth, making the circle of fifths useful in illustrating the "harmonic distance" between chords.

The circle of fifths is used to organize and describe the harmonic function of chords. Chords can progress in a pattern of ascending perfect fourths (alternately viewed as descending perfect fifths) in "functional succession". This can be shown "...by the circle of fifths (in which, therefore, scale degree II is closer to the dominant than scale degree IV)".[2] In this view the tonic is considered the end point of a chord progression derived from the circle of fifths.

ii–V–I progression, in C, illustrating the similarity between them
Subdominant, supertonic seventh, and supertonic chords

According to Richard Franko Goldman's Harmony in Western Music, "the IV chord is, in the simplest mechanisms of diatonic relationships, at the greatest distance from I. In terms of the [descending] circle of fifths, it leads away from I, rather than toward it."[3] He states that the progression I–ii–V–I (an authentic cadence) would feel more final or resolved than I–IV–I (a plagal cadence). Goldman[4] concurs with Nattiez, who argues that "the chord on the fourth degree appears long before the chord on II, and the subsequent final I, in the progression I–IV–viio–iii–vi–ii–V–I", and is farther from the tonic there as well.[5] (In this and related articles, upper-case Roman numerals indicate major triads while lower-case Roman numerals indicate minor triads.)

Circle closure in non-equal tuning systems

Using the exact 3:2 ratio of frequencies to define a perfect fifth (just intonation) does not quite result in a return to the pitch class of the starting note after going around the circle of fifths. Equal temperament tuning produces fifths that return to a tone exactly seven octaves above the initial tone and makes the frequency ratio of each half step the same. An equal-tempered fifth has a frequency ratio of 27/12:1 (or about 1.498307077:1), approximately two cents narrower than a justly tuned fifth at a ratio of 3:2.

Ascending by justly tuned fifths fails to close the circle by an excess of approximately 23.46 cents, roughly a quarter of a semitone, an interval known as the Pythagorean comma. In Pythagorean tuning, this problem is solved by markedly shortening the width of one of the twelve fifths, which makes it severely dissonant. This anomalous fifth is called the wolf fifth – a humorous reference to a wolf howling an off-pitch note. The quarter-comma meantone tuning system uses eleven fifths slightly narrower than the equally tempered fifth, and requires a much wider and even more dissonant wolf fifth to close the circle. More complex tuning systems based on just intonation, such as 5-limit tuning, use at most eight justly tuned fifths and at least three non-just fifths (some slightly narrower, and some slightly wider than the just fifth) to close the circle. Other tuning systems use up to 53 tones (the original 12 tones and 42 more between them) in order to close the circle of fifths.


Circle of fifths in Idea grammatikii musikiyskoy (Moscow, 1679)
Heinichen's musical circle (German: Musicalischer Circul) (1711)

The circle of fifths developed in the late 1600s and early 1700s to theorize the modulation of the Baroque era (see § Baroque era).

The first circle of fifths diagram appears in the Grammatika (1677) of the composer and theorist Nikolay Diletsky, who intended to present music theory as a tool for composition.[6] It was "the first of its kind, aimed at teaching a Russian audience how to write Western-style polyphonic compositions."

A circle of fifths diagram was independently created by German composer and theorist Johann David Heinichen in his Neu erfundene und gründliche Anweisung (1711),[7] which he called the "Musical Circle" (German: Musicalischer Circul).[8][9] This was also published in his Der General-Bass in der Composition (1728).

Heinichen placed the relative minor key next to the major key, which did not reflect the actual proximity of keys. Johann Mattheson (1735) and others attempted to improve this—David Kellner (1737) proposed having the major keys on one circle, and the relative minor keys on a second, inner circle. This was later developed into chordal space, incorporating the parallel minor as well.[10]

Some sources imply that the circle of fifths was known in antiquity, by Pythagoras.[11][12][13] This is a misunderstanding and an anachronism.[14] Tuning by fifths (so-called Pythagorean tuning) dates to Ancient Mesopotamia;[15] see Music of Mesopotamia § Music theory, though they did not extend this to a twelve note scale, stopping at seven. The Pythagorean comma was calculated by Euclid and by Chinese mathematicians (in the Huainanzi); see Pythagorean comma § History. Thus, it was known in antiquity that a cycle of twelve fifths was almost exactly seven octaves (more practically, alternating ascending fifths and descending fourths was almost exactly an octave). However, this was theoretical knowledge, and was not used to construct a repeating twelve-tone scale, nor to modulate. This was done later in meantone temperament and twelve-tone equal temperament, which allowed modulation while still being in tune, but did not develop in Europe until about 1500.


In musical pieces from the Baroque music era and the Classical era of music and in Western popular music, traditional music and folk music, when pieces or songs modulate to a new key, these modulations are often associated with the circle of fifths.

In practice, compositions rarely make use of the entire circle of fifths. More commonly, composers make use of "the compositional idea of the 'cycle' of 5ths, when music moves consistently through a smaller or larger segment of the tonal structural resources which the circle abstractly represents."[16] The usual practice is to derive the circle of fifths progression from the seven tones of the diatonic scale, rather from the full range of twelve tones present in the chromatic scale. In this diatonic version of the circle, one of the fifths is not a true fifth: it is a tritone (or a diminished fifth), e.g. between F and B in the "natural" diatonic scale (i.e. without sharps or flats). Here is how the circle of fifths derives, through permutation from the diatonic major scale:

Diatonic scale and the circle of fifths derived from it – major

And from the (natural) minor scale:

Diatonic scale and the circle of fifths derived from it – minor

The following is the basic sequence of chords that can be built over the major bass-line:

Circle of fifths chord progression – major

And over the minor:

Circle of fifths chord progression – minor

Adding sevenths to the chords creates a greater sense of forward momentum to the harmony:

Circle of fifths chord progression – minor with added sevenths

Baroque era

According to Richard Taruskin, Arcangelo Corelli was the most influential composer to establish the pattern as a standard harmonic "trope": "It was precisely in Corelli's time, the late seventeenth century, that the circle of fifths was being 'theorized' as the main propellor of harmonic motion, and it was Corelli more than any one composer who put that new idea into telling practice."[17]

The circle of fifths progression occurs frequently in the music of J. S. Bach. In the following, from Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, BWV 51, even when the solo bass line implies rather than states the chords involved:

Bach from Cantata 51

Handel uses a circle of fifths progression as the basis for the Passacaglia movement from his Harpsichord suite No. 6 in G minor.

Handel Passacaille from Suite in G minor bars 1–4

Baroque composers learnt to enhance the "propulsive force" of the harmony engendered by the circle of fifths "by adding sevenths to most of the constituent chords." "These sevenths, being dissonances, create the need for resolution, thus turning each progression of the circle into a simultaneous reliever and re-stimulator of harmonic tension... Hence harnessed for expressive purposes."[18] Striking passages that illustrate the use of sevenths occur in the aria "Pena tiranna" in Handel's 1715 opera Amadigi di Gaula:


– and in Bach's keyboard arrangement of Alessandro Marcello's Concerto for Oboe and Strings.


Nineteenth century

During the nineteenth century, composers made use of the circle of fifths to enhance the expressive character of their music. Franz Schubert's poignant Impromptu in E flat major, D 899, contains such a passage:


– as does the Intermezzo movement from Mendelssohn's String Quartet No.2 (with the ii° substituted by iv):


Robert Schumann's evocative "Child falling asleep" from his Kinderszenen springs a surprise at the end of the progression: the piece ends on an A minor chord, instead of the expected tonic E minor.


In Wagner's opera, Götterdämmerung, a cycle of fifths progression occurs in the music which transitions from the end of the prologue into the first scene of Act 1, set in the imposing hall of the wealthy Gibichungs. "Status and reputation are written all over the motifs assigned to Gunther",[19] chief of the Gibichung clan:


Jazz and popular music

The enduring popularity of the circle of fifths as both a form-building device and as an expressive musical trope is evident in the number of "standard" popular songs composed during the twentieth century. It is also favored as a vehicle for improvisation by jazz musicians.

The song opens with a pattern of descending phrases – in essence, the hook of the song – presented with a soothing predictability, almost as if the future direction of the melody is dictated by the opening five notes. The harmonic progression, for its part, rarely departs from the circle of fifths.[20]

Related concepts

Diatonic circle of fifths

The diatonic circle of fifths is the circle of fifths encompassing only members of the diatonic scale. Therefore, it contains a diminished fifth, in C major between B and F. See structure implies multiplicity. The circle progression is commonly a circle of fifths through the diatonic chords, including one diminished chord. A circle progression in C major with chords I–IV–viio–iii–vi–ii–V–I is shown below.


Chromatic circle

The circle of fifths is closely related to the chromatic circle, which also arranges the twelve equal-tempered pitch classes in a circular ordering. A key difference between the two circles is that the chromatic circle can be understood as a continuous space where every point on the circle corresponds to a conceivable pitch class, and every conceivable pitch class corresponds to a point on the circle. By contrast, the circle of fifths is fundamentally a discrete structure, and there is no obvious way to assign pitch classes to each of its points. In this sense, the two circles are mathematically quite different.

However, the twelve equal-tempered pitch classes can be represented by the cyclic group of order twelve, or equivalently, the residue classes modulo twelve,  . The group   has four generators, which can be identified with the ascending and descending semitones and the ascending and descending perfect fifths. The semitonal generator gives rise to the chromatic circle while the perfect fifth gives rise to the circle of fifths.

Relation with chromatic scale

The circle of fifths drawn within the chromatic circle as a star dodecagram.[29]

The circle of fifths, or fourths, may be mapped from the chromatic scale by multiplication, and vice versa. To map between the circle of fifths and the chromatic scale (in integer notation) multiply by 7 (M7), and for the circle of fourths multiply by 5 (P5).

Here is a demonstration of this procedure. Start off with an ordered 12-tuple (tone row) of integers

(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

representing the notes of the chromatic scale: 0 = C, 2 = D, 4 = E, 5 = F, 7 = G, 9 = A, 11 = B, 1 = C, 3 = D, 6 = F, 8 = G, 10 = A. Now multiply the entire 12-tuple by 7:

(0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77)

and then apply a modulo 12 reduction to each of the numbers (subtract 12 from each number as many times as necessary until the number becomes smaller than 12):

(0, 7, 2, 9, 4, 11, 6, 1, 8, 3, 10, 5)

which is equivalent to

(C, G, D, A, E, B, F, C, G, D, A, F)

which is the circle of fifths. This is enharmonically equivalent to:

(C, G, D, A, E, B, G, D, A, E, B, F).

Enharmonic equivalents, theoretical keys, and the spiral of fifths

If enharmonic notes are not equivalent, as in just intonation, fifths form a spiral, not a circle.
A sequence of just fifths on a chromatic circle fail to close (the size of the gap is the Pythagorean comma), resulting in a "broken" circle of fifths.

Equal temperament tuning does not use the exact 3:2 ratio of frequencies that defines a perfect fifth, whereas the system of just intonation uses this exact ratio. Ascending by fifths in equal temperament leads to a return to the starting pitch class—starting with a C and ascending by fifths leads to another C after twelve iterations. This does not occur if an exact 3:2 ratio is used (just intonation). The adjustment made in equal temperament tuning is called the Pythagorean comma. Because of this difference, pitches that are enharmonically equivalent in equal temperament tuning (e.g., D and C) are not equivalent when using just intonation.

In just intonation the sequence of fifths can therefore be visualized as a spiral, not a circle—a sequence of twelve fifths results in a "comma pump" by the Pythagorean comma, visualized as going up a level in the spiral. See also § Circle closure in non-equal tuning systems.

Without enharmonic equivalence, continuing a sequence of fifths results in notes with double accidentals (double sharps or double flats). When using equal temperament, these can be replaced by an enharmonically equivalent note.

Keys with double sharps or flats in the key signatures are called theoretical keys—their use is extremely rare. Notation in these cases is not standardized.


The default behaviour of LilyPond (pictured above) writes single sharps or flats in the circle-of-fifths order, before proceeding to double sharps or flats. This is the format used in John Foulds' A World Requiem, Op. 60,[30] which ends with the key signature of G major, as displayed above. The sharps in the key signature of G major here proceed C, G, D, A, E, B, F .

Single sharps or flats in the key signature are sometimes repeated as a courtesy, e.g. Max Reger's Supplement to the Theory of Modulation, which contains D minor key signatures on pp. 42–45. These have a B at the start and also a B  at the end (with a double-flat symbol), going B, E, A, D, G, C, F, B . The convention of LilyPond and Foulds would suppress the initial B. Sometimes the double signs are written at the beginning of the key signature, followed by the single signs. For example, the F key signature is notated as B , E, A, D, G, C, F. This convention is used by Victor Ewald,[31] by the program Finale (software), and by some theoretical works.

See also


  1. ^ Michael Pilhofer and Holly Day (23 Feb 2009). "The Circle of Fifths: A Brief History", www.dummies.com.
  2. ^ Nattiez 1990, p. 225.
  3. ^ Goldman 1965, p. 68.
  4. ^ Goldman 1965, chapter 3.
  5. ^ Nattiez 1990, p. 226.
  6. ^ Jensen 1992, pp. 306–307
  7. ^ Johann David Heinichen, Neu erfundene und gründliche Anweisung (1711), p. 261
  8. ^ Barnett 2002, p. 444.
  9. ^ Lester 1989, pp. 110–112.
  10. ^ Lerdahl, Fred (2005). Tonal Pitch Space. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 42. ISBN 0195178297.
  11. ^ "The Circle of Fifths Complete Guide!". 17 January 2021.
  12. ^ "The Circle of Fifths made clear".
  13. ^ "Dummies - Learning Made Easy".
  14. ^ Fraser, Peter A. (2001), (PDF), pp. 9, 13, archived from the original (PDF) on 1 July 2013, retrieved 24 May 2020
  15. ^ Dumbrill, Richard J. (2005). The archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East. Victoria, B.C. p. 18. ISBN 978-1412055383.
  16. ^ Whittall, A. (2002, p. 259) "Circle of Fifths", article in Latham, E. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Music. Oxford University Press.
  17. ^ Taruskin 2010, p. 184.
  18. ^ Taruskin 2010, p. 188.
  19. ^ Scruton, R. (2016, p. 121) The Ring of Truth: The Wisdom of Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung. London, Allen Lane.
  20. ^ Gioia 2012, p. 115.
  21. ^ Gioia 2012, p. 16.
  22. ^ Scott, Richard J. (2003, p. 123) Chord Progressions for Songwriters. Bloomington Indiana, Writers Club Press.
  23. ^ Kostka, Stefan; Payne, Dorothy; Almén, Byron (2013). Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Twentieth-century Music (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 46, 238. ISBN 978-0-07-131828-0.
  24. ^ "You Never Give Me Your Money" (1989, pp. 1099–1100, bars 1–16) The Beatles Complete Scores. Hal Leonard.
  25. ^ Oakes, Tim (June 1980). "Mike Oldfield". International Musician and Recording World. Retrieved 19 February 2021 – via Tubular.net.
  26. ^ Fekaris, D. and Perren, F. J. (1978) "I Will Survive". Polygram International Publishing.
  27. ^ Tennant, N. and Lowe, C. (1987, bars 1–8) "It's a Sin." Sony/ATV Music Publishing (UK) Ltd.
  28. ^ Moroder, G., Bellote, P. and Summer, D. (1975, bars 11–14) "Love to Love you, Baby" 1976, Bulle Music
  29. ^ McCartin 1998, p. 364.
  30. ^ "Foulds, John, A World Requiem, Op. 60, pp. 153ff".
  31. ^ "Ewald, Victor, Quintet No 4 in A, Op. 8 for Brass Quintet [211.01]".


  • Barnett, Gregory (2002). "Tonal Organization in Seventeenth-century Music Theory.". In Thomas Christensen (ed.). The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 407–455.
  • Gioia, Ted (2012). The Jazz Standards: A Guide to the Repertoire. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199769155.
  • Goldman, Richard Franko (1965). Harmony in Western Music. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Jensen, Claudia R. (Summer 1992). "A Theoretical Work of Late Seventeenth-Century Muscovy: Nikolai Diletskii's "Grammatika" and the Earliest Circle of Fifths". Journal of the American Musicological Society. 45 (2): 305–331. doi:10.2307/831450. JSTOR 831450.
  • Lester, Joel (1989). Between Modes and Keys: German theory 1592–1802. Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press.
  • McCartin, Brian J. (November 1998). . The College Mathematics Journal. 29 (5): 354–370. doi:10.1080/07468342.1998.11973971. JSTOR 2687250. Archived from the original on 2008-05-17. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  • Nattiez, Jean-Jacques (1990). Music and Discourse: Toward a Semiology of Music, translated by Carolyn Abbate. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-02714-5. (Originally published in French, as Musicologie générale et sémiologie. Paris: C. Bourgois, 1987. ISBN 2-267-00500-X).
  • Taruskin, Richard (2010). The Oxford History of Western Music: Music in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Oxford University Press.

Further reading

  • D'Indy, Vincent (1903). Cours de composition musicale. Paris: A. Durand et fils.
  • Lester, Joel. Between Modes and Keys: German Theory, 1592–1802. 1990.
  • Miller, Michael. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory, 2nd ed. [Indianapolis, IN]: Alpha, 2005. ISBN 1-59257-437-8.
  • Purwins, Hendrik (2005)."Profiles of Pitch Classes: Circularity of Relative Pitch and Key—Experiments, Models, Computational Music Analysis, and Perspectives". Ph.D. thesis. Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin.
  • Purwins, Hendrik, Benjamin Blankertz, and Klaus Obermayer (2007). "Toroidal Models in Tonal Theory and Pitch-Class Analysis". in: Computing in Musicology 15 ("Tonal Theory for the Digital Age"): 73–98.

External links

  • Decoding the Circle of Vths
  • Interactive Circle of Fifths
  • Interactive Circle of Fifths Composing Tool
  • Interactive circle of fifths for guitarists

circle, fifths, music, theory, circle, fifths, organizing, chromatic, pitches, sequence, perfect, fifths, this, strictly, true, standard, tone, equal, temperament, system, using, different, system, requires, interval, diminished, sixth, treated, fifth, chosen,. In music theory the circle of fifths is a way of organizing the 12 chromatic pitches as a sequence of perfect fifths This is strictly true in the standard 12 tone equal temperament system using a different system requires one interval of diminished sixth to be treated as a fifth If C is chosen as a starting point the sequence is C G D A E B C F G C D A E B F Continuing the pattern from F returns the sequence to its starting point of C This order places the most closely related key signatures adjacent to one another It is usually illustrated in the form of a circle Circle of fifths showing major and minor keys Contents 1 Definition 2 Structure and use 2 1 Diatonic key signatures 2 2 Modulation and chord progression 2 3 Circle closure in non equal tuning systems 3 History 4 Use 4 1 Baroque era 4 2 Nineteenth century 4 3 Jazz and popular music 5 Related concepts 5 1 Diatonic circle of fifths 5 2 Chromatic circle 5 3 Relation with chromatic scale 5 4 Enharmonic equivalents theoretical keys and the spiral of fifths 6 See also 7 Notes 7 1 References 8 Further reading 9 External linksDefinition EditThe circle of fifths organizes pitches in a sequence of perfect fifths generally shown as a circle with the pitches and their corresponding keys in a clockwise progression Musicians and composers often use the circle of fifths to describe the musical relationships between pitches Its design is helpful in composing and harmonizing melodies building chords and modulating to different keys within a composition 1 Using the system of just intonation a perfect fifth consists of two pitches with a frequency ratio of 3 2 but generating twelve successive perfect fifths in this way does not result in a return to the pitch class of the starting note To adjust for this instruments are generally tuned with the equal temperament system Twelve equal temperament fifths lead to a note exactly seven octaves above the initial tone this results in a perfect fifth that is equivalent to seven equal temperament semitones The top of the circle shows the key of C Major with no sharps or flats Proceeding clockwise the pitches ascend by fifths The key signatures associated with those pitches also change the key of G has one sharp the key of D has 2 sharps and so on Similarly proceeding counterclockwise from the top of the circle the notes change by descending fifths and the key signatures change accordingly the key of F has one flat the key of B has 2 flats and so on Some keys at the bottom of the circle can be notated either in sharps or in flats Starting at any pitch and ascending by a fifth generates all twelve tones before returning to the beginning pitch class a pitch class consists of all of the notes indicated by a given letter regardless of octave all C s for example belong to the same pitch class Moving counterclockwise the pitches descend by a fifth but ascending by a perfect fourth will lead to the same note an octave higher therefore in the same pitch class Moving counter clockwise from C could be thought of as descending by a fifth to F or ascending by a fourth to F source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Circle of fifths clockwise within one octave source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Circle of fifths counterclockwise within one octaveStructure and use EditDiatonic key signatures Edit Each of the twelve pitches can serve as the tonic of a major or minor key and each of these keys will have a diatonic scale associated with it The circle diagram shows the number of sharps or flats in each key signature with the major key indicated by a capital letter and the minor key indicated by a lower case letter Major and minor keys that have the same key signature are referred to as relative major and relative minor of one another Modulation and chord progression Edit Tonal music often modulates to a new tonal center whose key signature differs from the original by only one flat or sharp These closely related keys are a fifth apart from each other and are therefore adjacent in the circle of fifths Chord progressions also often move between chords whose roots are related by perfect fifth making the circle of fifths useful in illustrating the harmonic distance between chords The circle of fifths is used to organize and describe the harmonic function of chords Chords can progress in a pattern of ascending perfect fourths alternately viewed as descending perfect fifths in functional succession This can be shown by the circle of fifths in which therefore scale degree II is closer to the dominant than scale degree IV 2 In this view the tonic is considered the end point of a chord progression derived from the circle of fifths ii V I progression in C illustrating the similarity between them source source source Subdominant supertonic seventh and supertonic chords According to Richard Franko Goldman s Harmony in Western Music the IV chord is in the simplest mechanisms of diatonic relationships at the greatest distance from I In terms of the descending circle of fifths it leads away from I rather than toward it 3 He states that the progression I ii V I an authentic cadence would feel more final or resolved than I IV I a plagal cadence Goldman 4 concurs with Nattiez who argues that the chord on the fourth degree appears long before the chord on II and the subsequent final I in the progression I IV viio iii vi ii V I and is farther from the tonic there as well 5 In this and related articles upper case Roman numerals indicate major triads while lower case Roman numerals indicate minor triads Circle closure in non equal tuning systems Edit Using the exact 3 2 ratio of frequencies to define a perfect fifth just intonation does not quite result in a return to the pitch class of the starting note after going around the circle of fifths Equal temperament tuning produces fifths that return to a tone exactly seven octaves above the initial tone and makes the frequency ratio of each half step the same An equal tempered fifth has a frequency ratio of 27 12 1 or about 1 498307077 1 approximately two cents narrower than a justly tuned fifth at a ratio of 3 2 Ascending by justly tuned fifths fails to close the circle by an excess of approximately 23 46 cents roughly a quarter of a semitone an interval known as the Pythagorean comma In Pythagorean tuning this problem is solved by markedly shortening the width of one of the twelve fifths which makes it severely dissonant This anomalous fifth is called the wolf fifth a humorous reference to a wolf howling an off pitch note The quarter comma meantone tuning system uses eleven fifths slightly narrower than the equally tempered fifth and requires a much wider and even more dissonant wolf fifth to close the circle More complex tuning systems based on just intonation such as 5 limit tuning use at most eight justly tuned fifths and at least three non just fifths some slightly narrower and some slightly wider than the just fifth to close the circle Other tuning systems use up to 53 tones the original 12 tones and 42 more between them in order to close the circle of fifths History Edit Circle of fifths in Idea grammatikii musikiyskoy Moscow 1679 Heinichen s musical circle German Musicalischer Circul 1711 The circle of fifths developed in the late 1600s and early 1700s to theorize the modulation of the Baroque era see Baroque era The first circle of fifths diagram appears in the Grammatika 1677 of the composer and theorist Nikolay Diletsky who intended to present music theory as a tool for composition 6 It was the first of its kind aimed at teaching a Russian audience how to write Western style polyphonic compositions A circle of fifths diagram was independently created by German composer and theorist Johann David Heinichen in his Neu erfundene und grundliche Anweisung 1711 7 which he called the Musical Circle German Musicalischer Circul 8 9 This was also published in his Der General Bass in der Composition 1728 Heinichen placed the relative minor key next to the major key which did not reflect the actual proximity of keys Johann Mattheson 1735 and others attempted to improve this David Kellner 1737 proposed having the major keys on one circle and the relative minor keys on a second inner circle This was later developed into chordal space incorporating the parallel minor as well 10 Some sources imply that the circle of fifths was known in antiquity by Pythagoras 11 12 13 This is a misunderstanding and an anachronism 14 Tuning by fifths so called Pythagorean tuning dates to Ancient Mesopotamia 15 see Music of Mesopotamia Music theory though they did not extend this to a twelve note scale stopping at seven The Pythagorean comma was calculated by Euclid and by Chinese mathematicians in the Huainanzi see Pythagorean comma History Thus it was known in antiquity that a cycle of twelve fifths was almost exactly seven octaves more practically alternating ascending fifths and descending fourths was almost exactly an octave However this was theoretical knowledge and was not used to construct a repeating twelve tone scale nor to modulate This was done later in meantone temperament and twelve tone equal temperament which allowed modulation while still being in tune but did not develop in Europe until about 1500 Use EditIn musical pieces from the Baroque music era and the Classical era of music and in Western popular music traditional music and folk music when pieces or songs modulate to a new key these modulations are often associated with the circle of fifths In practice compositions rarely make use of the entire circle of fifths More commonly composers make use of the compositional idea of the cycle of 5ths when music moves consistently through a smaller or larger segment of the tonal structural resources which the circle abstractly represents 16 The usual practice is to derive the circle of fifths progression from the seven tones of the diatonic scale rather from the full range of twelve tones present in the chromatic scale In this diatonic version of the circle one of the fifths is not a true fifth it is a tritone or a diminished fifth e g between F and B in the natural diatonic scale i e without sharps or flats Here is how the circle of fifths derives through permutation from the diatonic major scale source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Diatonic scale and the circle of fifths derived from it major And from the natural minor scale source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Diatonic scale and the circle of fifths derived from it minor The following is the basic sequence of chords that can be built over the major bass line source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Circle of fifths chord progression major And over the minor source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Circle of fifths chord progression minor Adding sevenths to the chords creates a greater sense of forward momentum to the harmony source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Circle of fifths chord progression minor with added sevenths Baroque era Edit According to Richard Taruskin Arcangelo Corelli was the most influential composer to establish the pattern as a standard harmonic trope It was precisely in Corelli s time the late seventeenth century that the circle of fifths was being theorized as the main propellor of harmonic motion and it was Corelli more than any one composer who put that new idea into telling practice 17 The circle of fifths progression occurs frequently in the music of J S Bach In the following from Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen BWV 51 even when the solo bass line implies rather than states the chords involved source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Bach from Cantata 51 Handel uses a circle of fifths progression as the basis for the Passacaglia movement from his Harpsichord suite No 6 in G minor source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Handel Passacaille from Suite in G minor bars 1 4 Baroque composers learnt to enhance the propulsive force of the harmony engendered by the circle of fifths by adding sevenths to most of the constituent chords These sevenths being dissonances create the need for resolution thus turning each progression of the circle into a simultaneous reliever and re stimulator of harmonic tension Hence harnessed for expressive purposes 18 Striking passages that illustrate the use of sevenths occur in the aria Pena tiranna in Handel s 1715 opera Amadigi di Gaula source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file and in Bach s keyboard arrangement of Alessandro Marcello s Concerto for Oboe and Strings source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Nineteenth century Edit During the nineteenth century composers made use of the circle of fifths to enhance the expressive character of their music Franz Schubert s poignant Impromptu in E flat major D 899 contains such a passage source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file as does the Intermezzo movement from Mendelssohn s String Quartet No 2 with the ii substituted by iv source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Robert Schumann s evocative Child falling asleep from his Kinderszenen springs a surprise at the end of the progression the piece ends on an A minor chord instead of the expected tonic E minor source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file In Wagner s opera Gotterdammerung a cycle of fifths progression occurs in the music which transitions from the end of the prologue into the first scene of Act 1 set in the imposing hall of the wealthy Gibichungs Status and reputation are written all over the motifs assigned to Gunther 19 chief of the Gibichung clan source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Jazz and popular music Edit The enduring popularity of the circle of fifths as both a form building device and as an expressive musical trope is evident in the number of standard popular songs composed during the twentieth century It is also favored as a vehicle for improvisation by jazz musicians Bart Howard Fly Me to the Moon The song opens with a pattern of descending phrases in essence the hook of the song presented with a soothing predictability almost as if the future direction of the melody is dictated by the opening five notes The harmonic progression for its part rarely departs from the circle of fifths 20 Jerome Kern All the Things You Are 21 Ray Noble Cherokee Many jazz musicians have found this particularly challenging as the middle eight progresses so rapidly through the circle creating a series of II V I progressions that temporarily pass through several tonalities 22 Kosmo Prevert and Mercer Autumn Leaves 23 The Beatles You Never Give Me Your Money 24 non primary source needed Mike Oldfield Incantations 25 Carlos Santana Europa Earth s Cry Heaven s Smile citation needed Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive 26 non primary source needed Pet Shop Boys It s a Sin 27 non primary source needed Donna Summer Love to Love you Baby 28 non primary source needed Related concepts EditDiatonic circle of fifths Edit Main article Circle progression The diatonic circle of fifths is the circle of fifths encompassing only members of the diatonic scale Therefore it contains a diminished fifth in C major between B and F See structure implies multiplicity The circle progression is commonly a circle of fifths through the diatonic chords including one diminished chord A circle progression in C major with chords I IV viio iii vi ii V I is shown below source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file Chromatic circle Edit Main article Chromatic circle The circle of fifths is closely related to the chromatic circle which also arranges the twelve equal tempered pitch classes in a circular ordering A key difference between the two circles is that the chromatic circle can be understood as a continuous space where every point on the circle corresponds to a conceivable pitch class and every conceivable pitch class corresponds to a point on the circle By contrast the circle of fifths is fundamentally a discrete structure and there is no obvious way to assign pitch classes to each of its points In this sense the two circles are mathematically quite different However the twelve equal tempered pitch classes can be represented by the cyclic group of order twelve or equivalently the residue classes modulo twelve Z 12 Z displaystyle mathbb Z 12 mathbb Z The group Z 12 displaystyle mathbb Z 12 has four generators which can be identified with the ascending and descending semitones and the ascending and descending perfect fifths The semitonal generator gives rise to the chromatic circle while the perfect fifth gives rise to the circle of fifths Relation with chromatic scale Edit Main article Chromatic scale The circle of fifths drawn within the chromatic circle as a star dodecagram 29 The circle of fifths or fourths may be mapped from the chromatic scale by multiplication and vice versa To map between the circle of fifths and the chromatic scale in integer notation multiply by 7 M7 and for the circle of fourths multiply by 5 P5 Here is a demonstration of this procedure Start off with an ordered 12 tuple tone row of integers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 representing the notes of the chromatic scale 0 C 2 D 4 E 5 F 7 G 9 A 11 B 1 C 3 D 6 F 8 G 10 A Now multiply the entire 12 tuple by 7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 and then apply a modulo 12 reduction to each of the numbers subtract 12 from each number as many times as necessary until the number becomes smaller than 12 0 7 2 9 4 11 6 1 8 3 10 5 which is equivalent to C G D A E B F C G D A F which is the circle of fifths This is enharmonically equivalent to C G D A E B G D A E B F Enharmonic equivalents theoretical keys and the spiral of fifths Edit Main article Theoretical key If enharmonic notes are not equivalent as in just intonation fifths form a spiral not a circle A sequence of just fifths on a chromatic circle fail to close the size of the gap is the Pythagorean comma resulting in a broken circle of fifths Equal temperament tuning does not use the exact 3 2 ratio of frequencies that defines a perfect fifth whereas the system of just intonation uses this exact ratio Ascending by fifths in equal temperament leads to a return to the starting pitch class starting with a C and ascending by fifths leads to another C after twelve iterations This does not occur if an exact 3 2 ratio is used just intonation The adjustment made in equal temperament tuning is called the Pythagorean comma Because of this difference pitches that are enharmonically equivalent in equal temperament tuning e g D and C are not equivalent when using just intonation In just intonation the sequence of fifths can therefore be visualized as a spiral not a circle a sequence of twelve fifths results in a comma pump by the Pythagorean comma visualized as going up a level in the spiral See also Circle closure in non equal tuning systems Without enharmonic equivalence continuing a sequence of fifths results in notes with double accidentals double sharps or double flats When using equal temperament these can be replaced by an enharmonically equivalent note Keys with double sharps or flats in the key signatures are called theoretical keys their use is extremely rare Notation in these cases is not standardized source Audio playback is not supported in your browser You can download the audio file The default behaviour of LilyPond pictured above writes single sharps or flats in the circle of fifths order before proceeding to double sharps or flats This is the format used in John Foulds A World Requiem Op 60 30 which ends with the key signature of G major as displayed above The sharps in the key signature of G major here proceed C G D A E B F Single sharps or flats in the key signature are sometimes repeated as a courtesy e g Max Reger s Supplement to the Theory of Modulation which contains D minor key signatures on pp 42 45 These have a B at the start and also a B at the end with a double flat symbol going B E A D G C F B The convention of LilyPond and Foulds would suppress the initial B Sometimes the double signs are written at the beginning of the key signature followed by the single signs For example the F key signature is notated as B E A D G C F This convention is used by Victor Ewald 31 by the program Finale software and by some theoretical works See also EditApproach chord Sonata form Well temperament Circle of fifths text table Pitch constellation Multiplicative group of integers modulo n Multiplication music Notes Edit Michael Pilhofer and Holly Day 23 Feb 2009 The Circle of Fifths A Brief History www dummies com Nattiez 1990 p 225 Goldman 1965 p 68 Goldman 1965 chapter 3 Nattiez 1990 p 226 Jensen 1992 pp 306 307 Johann David Heinichen Neu erfundene und grundliche Anweisung 1711 p 261 Barnett 2002 p 444 Lester 1989 pp 110 112 Lerdahl Fred 2005 Tonal Pitch Space New York Oxford University Press p 42 ISBN 0195178297 The Circle of Fifths Complete Guide 17 January 2021 The Circle of Fifths made clear Dummies Learning Made Easy Fraser Peter A 2001 The Development of Musical Tuning Systems PDF pp 9 13 archived from the original PDF on 1 July 2013 retrieved 24 May 2020 Dumbrill Richard J 2005 The archaeomusicology of the Ancient Near East Victoria B C p 18 ISBN 978 1412055383 Whittall A 2002 p 259 Circle of Fifths article in Latham E ed The Oxford Companion to Music Oxford University Press Taruskin 2010 p 184 Taruskin 2010 p 188 Scruton R 2016 p 121 The Ring of Truth The Wisdom of Wagner s Ring of the Nibelung London Allen Lane Gioia 2012 p 115 Gioia 2012 p 16 Scott Richard J 2003 p 123 Chord Progressions for Songwriters Bloomington Indiana Writers Club Press Kostka Stefan Payne Dorothy Almen Byron 2013 Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Twentieth century Music 7th ed New York McGraw Hill pp 46 238 ISBN 978 0 07 131828 0 You Never Give Me Your Money 1989 pp 1099 1100 bars 1 16 The Beatles Complete Scores Hal Leonard Oakes Tim June 1980 Mike Oldfield International Musician and Recording World Retrieved 19 February 2021 via Tubular net Fekaris D and Perren F J 1978 I Will Survive Polygram International Publishing Tennant N and Lowe C 1987 bars 1 8 It s a Sin Sony ATV Music Publishing UK Ltd Moroder G Bellote P and Summer D 1975 bars 11 14 Love to Love you Baby 1976 Bulle Music McCartin 1998 p 364 Foulds John A World Requiem Op 60 pp 153ff Ewald Victor Quintet No 4 in A Op 8 for Brass Quintet 211 01 References Edit Barnett Gregory 2002 Tonal Organization in Seventeenth century Music Theory In Thomas Christensen ed The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory Cambridge Cambridge University Press pp 407 455 Gioia Ted 2012 The Jazz Standards A Guide to the Repertoire Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199769155 Goldman Richard Franko 1965 Harmony in Western Music New York W W Norton Jensen Claudia R Summer 1992 A Theoretical Work of Late Seventeenth Century Muscovy Nikolai Diletskii s Grammatika and the Earliest Circle of Fifths Journal of the American Musicological Society 45 2 305 331 doi 10 2307 831450 JSTOR 831450 Lester Joel 1989 Between Modes and Keys German theory 1592 1802 Stuyvesant Pendragon Press McCartin Brian J November 1998 Prelude to Musical Geometry The College Mathematics Journal 29 5 354 370 doi 10 1080 07468342 1998 11973971 JSTOR 2687250 Archived from the original on 2008 05 17 Retrieved 2008 07 29 Nattiez Jean Jacques 1990 Music and Discourse Toward a Semiology of Music translated by Carolyn Abbate Princeton New Jersey Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 02714 5 Originally published in French as Musicologie generale et semiologie Paris C Bourgois 1987 ISBN 2 267 00500 X Taruskin Richard 2010 The Oxford History of Western Music Music in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Oxford University Press Further reading EditD Indy Vincent 1903 Cours de composition musicale Paris A Durand et fils Lester Joel Between Modes and Keys German Theory 1592 1802 1990 Miller Michael The Complete Idiot s Guide to Music Theory 2nd ed Indianapolis IN Alpha 2005 ISBN 1 59257 437 8 Purwins Hendrik 2005 Profiles of Pitch Classes Circularity of Relative Pitch and Key Experiments Models Computational Music Analysis and Perspectives Ph D thesis Berlin Technische Universitat Berlin Purwins Hendrik Benjamin Blankertz and Klaus Obermayer 2007 Toroidal Models in Tonal Theory and Pitch Class Analysis in Computing in Musicology 15 Tonal Theory for the Digital Age 73 98 External links EditDecoding the Circle of Vths Interactive Circle of Fifths Interactive Circle of Fifths Composing Tool Interactive circle of fifths for guitarists Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Circle of fifths amp oldid 1155039738, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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