
2010 Irish budget

The 2010 Irish Budget refers to the delivery of a government budget by the Government of Ireland on 9 December 2009, its third in fourteen months. It was also the third overall budget to be delivered by Fianna Fáil's Brian Lenihan as Minister for Finance.

2010 (2010) Irish budget
Presented9 December 2009
Parliament30th Dáil
Government28th Government of Ireland
Minister for FinanceBrian Lenihan
WebsiteBudget 2010
‹ 2009

The 2010 Budget was described by commentators in Ireland and around the world in unusually harsh terms as €4 billion was removed from the country's national deficit. It was characterised by pay cuts for public sector workers and cuts in social welfare. According to the BBC, social welfare cuts had not been implemented by the country since 1924.[1] The cuts prompted at least one angry outburst in Dáil Éireann, the principal chamber of the Oireachtas (Irish parliament). Among the other initiatives unveiled in this Budget was a car scrappage scheme as well as a new carbon tax.

The post-budget debate was interrupted by a famous use of unparliamentary language by Green Party TD Paul Gogarty, an example which attracted international attention.[1][2][3]

Background edit

The budget for 2010 occurred in the context of a major recession, which followed the Irish financial crisis. It also followed the difficult 2009 budget, which led to widespread protests, as well as a supplementary emergency budget in April 2009. This meant that the 2010 budget was the third to be delivered by the Finance Minister in only fourteen months.

Budget summary edit

The following are the main points of Budget 2010.[4]

  • 4% cut in social welfare payments, excluding the state old age pension
  • Child benefit decreased by €16 each month, although welfare-dependent families remain unchanged
  • 20–21 year-olds Jobseekers' Allowance decreased to €100 per week in the event of these not having any dependents, 22–24 year-olds Jobseekers' Allowance decreased to €150 per week, the latter point also applying to anyone who does not take a job when offered
  • 5–10% cut in public sector pay
  • Carbon tax introduced
  • High end VAT reduced from 21.5% to 21%
  • Each item on medical card prescription to cost 50c after April 2010
  • Higher income tax for PAYE earners (Due to tax credits being cut)
  • A new Universal Social Charge (USC) to replace the Health levy portion of PRSI
  • At least €70 million towards those affected by recent flooding and to the prevention of similar disasters in future

Excise duties on beer and cider were decreased by 12 cent, excise duties on a half-glass of spirits were decreased by 14 cent and a bottle of wine was decreased by 60 cent, with a warning from the Finance Minister that these reductions were open to being recalled if consumers did not benefit.[5] Due to an increase in the smuggling of tobacco into Ireland, prices of tobacco remained unaltered.[5]

A year-long car scrappage scheme was unveiled targeting vehicles which had been in use for more than a decade, with a €1,500 reduction in vehicle registration tax relief available for those who availed of this scheme (but only "under certain conditions").[5]

The salary of the Taoiseach was decreased by 20 per cent on a permanent basis.[6]

Arts edit

The arts budget decreased by 6 per cent to €166 million from the previous year's €178 million.[7]

Culture Ireland received €4.083 million and the Irish Film Board received €19.31 million, both the same as figures from 2007.[7] The Arts Council received €69.15 million, a decrease of 6 per cent.[7] Section 481's tax relief for film and television production was not affected.[7] The Zoological Society of Ireland's grant of €3 million for funding Dublin Zoo remained the same.[7] However, the National Gallery of Ireland's grant was decreased by 7 per cent leaving it with an annual total of €10.17 million.[7]

Sport edit

The Government allocated €115 million for sport, a decrease from the previous year's €127 million.[7]

The Irish Sports Council received funding of €49.7 million, a decrease of 4 per cent.[7] €59.2 million was allocated to horse and greyhound racing, a decrease of 13 per cent.[7] The Sports Capital Programme received €48 million, down from €56 million the previous year.[7] Aviva Stadium development funding will increase from €1.5 million to €4.5 million. Funding for Abbotstown's National Sports Campus increased by 20 per cent.[7] The National Aquatic Centre received the rest.[7]

Tourism edit

The Government allocated more than €155 million for tourism, an increase of 2 per cent from the previous year's Budget.[8] €22 million of this was dedicated to tourist attractions.[8] "Imaginative initiatives", including rail discounts for senior visiting citizens, were announced.[8]

Reaction edit

Taoiseach Brian Cowen said the Government would "do whatever was necessary to stabilise the deficit" and that "a job needed to be done", whilst maintaining that the Budget was "well received".[9] Fine Gael's Richard Bruton responded to Brian Lenihan's claim that "the worst is over" by comparing the statement to former U.S. President George W. Bush declaring "mission accomplished" on the Iraq War in 2003.[10] His colleague Alan Shatter accused the Government of buying off children with alcohol: "Forget the food and milk — let them drink beer", describing it as being from "the Marie Antoinette school of politics" and asking "which comedian was employed to author this bizarre document".[11] The Labour Party's Joan Burton described it as "a sort of Top Gear lads Budget" with cheaper alcohol and cars being made available.[11] Sinn Féin's leader in the Dáil Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin described anyone who had constructed Budget 2010 as "economically illiterate".[11] His colleague Arthur Morgan bemoaned how the Budget benefited "the corrupt banker".[11]

ICTU General Secretary David Begg was "shocked", claiming the Budget would cause Ireland's economy to fall further into recession.[12] IBEC Director General Danny McCoy described the Budget as "a turning point" and one which would place Ireland "on a sustainable path".[12][13]

The Irish Nurses Organisation described the public servant pay decrease as "grossly unfair, short-sighted, damaging and provocative" and would lead to "grave hardship".[12] The Irish National Teachers' Organisation said those involved in the public sector would "pay for Government's disastrous handling of the economy" and that "hardworking public servants and their families had been squeezed yet again to pay the price of the economic crisis".[12] IMPACT said the Budget was the same as "sacrificing long-term public service reform for short-term political expediency".[12] The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors said the Budget was an "attack on its members".[12] The Construction Industry Federation said the loss of almost €1 billion was "a blow to jobs in its sector".[12] The Irish Hotels Federation was grateful for the Government's "strong and decisive action".[12] The Irish Hospital Consultants Association later revealed its willingness to agree 15% pay cut announced by the Finance Minister for its members in his Budget 2010.[14]

The National Campaign for the Arts expressed relief and pleasure that it had not been affected very much by the Budget. Youth Work Ireland described the targeting of young people as "pure cynicism [...] a cynical move when contrasted with the 30,000 young people turned away from education courses last October".[12] Drinks Industry Group of Ireland Chairman Kieran Tobin said reductions on the cost of alcohol would be "a great relief" and would "repatriate some of the revenue currently being lost to cross-border trade".[12] Anti-smoking lobbyists ASH Ireland criticised the lack of increase in the price of tobacco.[12] Friends of the Earth described the carbon tax being implemented as "an important piece of the jigsaw in tackling climate change".[12] Oxfam Ireland CEO Jim Clarken spoke of being "extremely disappointed that the Government have piled further cuts on the massive 24% cut applied earlier this year" and accused the Irish government having "yet again, broken a promise to the world's poor".[12]

Political Correspondent for The Irish Times Harry McGee dubbed it "the most austere Budget in the history of the State".[10] The Irish Examiner said it "can only be described as one of the toughest Budgets in the history of the State".[15] The BBC called it "one of the most severe budgets in the Republic's history".[16] The New York Times referred to it as the "harshest budget in generations".[17]

Global investors approved the measures introduced by Brian Lenihan, with Irish government bonds receiving a boost following the Budget.[18] Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson announced two days after the delivery of Budget 2010 that she would be happy to take a 10 per cent reduction in her pension, a further 10 per cent added to what she had previously offered earlier that year.[6]

Former RTÉ Economics Correspondent turned Fine Gael TD George Lee gave his view in the Galway Independent the following week under the headline: "not fair, not clever and not going to fix economy".[19] Lee was critical of the proposed car scrappage scheme, saying it would benefit only the likes of France, Germany and Japan where the new cars would be imported from.[19] He also condemned what he called "the crazy result of this decision is that an office cleaner in the Department of Finance will take a greater proportionate pay cut after tax than Minister Lenihan" and that the pay cut for Ministers announced in this Budget included the cut they had given themselves in the previous Budget in April 2009.[19][20]

Social Welfare Bill and "unparliamentary language" controversy edit

Attempts by the government to quickly legalise the Social Welfare Bill proposed in the Budget before the weekend were met with disapproval from the Opposition.

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny criticised the Government for "acting in a disgraceful manner" and challenged them, "If you think you can come in here and do whatever you want you have another thing coming".[21] Labour Party leader Eamon Gilmore suggested the Government would "round up its six strays and get here this evening to vote on the measure", in a thinly veiled reference to supporting Independents as well as those within Fianna Fáil who had lost the whip.[22] Jimmy Devins and Eamon Scanlon were specifically referred to by Gilmore as "the two strays from Sligo".[23] Independent Jackie Healy-Rae replied to critics of his and his fellow Independents stance in supporting the Budget that they would be "glad to have us" on their side too if required to pass a vote.[21]

Labour Party deputy Róisín Shortall suggested that "there is no obligation on them [backbenchers and Independents] to support this. They are not under a whip. It's their choice. If they vote for these (measures), well then they have to face the consequences in their constituency".[24] Green Party deputy Paul Gogarty said, "It's regrettable but necessargy [sic]. And everyone on this side of the house is going to stand by it, because it has to be done".[24]

"It [the expletive] was a genuine emotive response to someone questioning your integrity. I said it. I apologised for it [...] it’s probably too much to ask for, but I do hope that what I said in my speech will be covered, rather than just the lyrics of a Lily Allen song".

Paul Gogarty tries to explain the reasons behind his use of expletives in the Dáil Chamber.[25]

Gogarty was later condemned and forced to apologise for his use of "unparliamentary language" after he yelled "Fuck you, Deputy Stagg, fuck you" at veteran Labour Party TD Emmet Stagg during the debate on the Social Welfare Bill on 11 December 2009.[3][26][27][28][29][30] Fine Gael Senator Frances Fitzgerald remarked, "If only Paul Gogarty got as upset about carers, blind pensioners and dole recipients as he does about perceived slights to his ego."[25] Fine Gael deputy Lucinda Creighton called for the expulsion of Gogarty from the House.[22] Ceann Comhairle Séamus Kirk, requesting the need for "decent standards", sent the expletives to the Dáil Committee on Procedure and Privileges.[25] It was discovered that "fuck" was not actually contained alongside such terms as "brat"; "buffoon"; "communist"; "coward"; "fascist"; "guttersnipe"; "hypocrite"; "rat"; "scumbag"; "scurrilous" and "yahoo" in Salient Rulings of the Chair, an 83-page document governing parliamentary language.[2]

Green Party deputies were described as "less than pleased" at Gogarty's conduct.[22] Green Party leader John Gormley later commented on the incident: "It was unacceptable language. He should not have said it. He has apologised and withdrawn the remarks. I have not had an opportunity to speak to him as yet. It is over. He has apologised now."[23] Stagg was not bothered, citing "a thick skin" and the "development of a hide".[25] Gogarty received a positive response from his constituents and went on to feature on Operation Transformation the following month.[31]

The Social Welfare Bill passed by 81 to 75 votes on the evening of 11 December.[23] Government deputies who missed the vote included former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, former Ceann Comhairle John O'Donoghue and Donegal North-East deputies Jim McDaid and Niall Blaney.[23]

Estimated total receipts edit

Estimated tax receipts edit

Estimated of tax receipts for fiscal year 2010 are €31.930 billion (−1.9%).[32]

Rank Category € millions
1 Total 31,930
2 Income tax 11,979
3 Value added tax 10,460
4 Excise 4,525
5 Stamp duties 975
6 Capital gains tax 340
7 Capital Acquisitions Tax 240
8 Customs 200

Non-tax revenue edit

Estimated of non-tax revenue for fiscal year 2010 are €2.355 billion (+182.4%).[32]

Rank Category € millions
1 Total 2,355
2 Credit Institutions Scheme 1,000
3 Central Bank Surplus Scheme 640
4 National Lottery Surplus 272
5 Dividends 176
6 Winding up of Ulysses Securitisation 140
7 Other Receipts 127

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ a b "Irish MP's F-word outburst sparks parliament review". BBC. 15 December 2009. Retrieved 15 December 2009.
  2. ^ a b Katie Cassidy (15 December 2009). "MP's F-Bomb Prompts Banned Words Review". Sky News. Archived from the original on 2 February 2013. Retrieved 16 December 2009.
  3. ^ a b Henry McDonald in Dublin and Larry Elliott (11 December 2009). "Ireland faces bitterness over public sector pay cuts". The Guardian. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  4. ^ . RTÉ. 9 December 2009. Archived from the original on 14 December 2009. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  5. ^ a b c "Drink duties fall, scrappage scheme for cars". RTÉ. 9 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  6. ^ a b "Robinson to take reduction in State pension". RTÉ. 11 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "In short". The Irish Times. 10 December 2009. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  8. ^ a b c "More tourism money to promote Ireland". RTÉ. 9 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  9. ^ "Budget 'well received' insists Taoiseach". RTÉ. 10 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  10. ^ a b Harry McGee (9 December 2009). "Few surprises in much-leaked Budget". The Irish Times. Retrieved 11 December 2009. It may have been the most austere Budget in the history of the State. The arithmetic may have been brutally stark. [...] Fine Gael's Richard Bruton quickly spotted the potential hubris inherent in that claim. In the best line of his response, he said that Lenihan claiming the worst was over was like George W Bush declaring "mission accomplished" on the Iraq war in the early summer of 2003.
  11. ^ a b c d "Opposition mourns 'missed opportunity'". RTÉ. 9 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "Budget 'does nothing to create employment'". RTÉ. 9 December 2009. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  13. ^ "IBEC lauds Budget as 'turning point' in economy". Irish Examiner. 9 December 2009. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  14. ^ "Consultants will accept 15% pay cut". RTÉ. 12 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  15. ^ "Lenihan delivers toughest Budget in years". Irish Examiner. 9 December 2009. Retrieved 27 December 2009.
  16. ^ "Tough 2010 Irish budget unveiled". BBC. 9 December 2009. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  17. ^ Sarah Lyall (9 December 2009). "Irish Wince as a Budget Proposal Cuts to the Bone". The New York Times. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  18. ^ Pat Boyle (11 December 2009). "Backing for Budget as spread on Irish bonds narrows". Irish Independent. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  19. ^ a b c George Lee (16 December 2009). "Budget 2010 not fair, not clever and not going to fix economy". Galway Independent. Retrieved 16 December 2009.[permanent dead link]
  20. ^ "Lee slams tax measures in Budget". Irish Examiner. 11 December 2009. Retrieved 27 December 2009.
  21. ^ a b "Dáil sparks fly over 'fast-track' social welfare bill". Irish Examiner. 12 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  22. ^ a b c Michael O'Regan (12 December 2009). "Stunning outburst shakes the House as Gogarty undone by his tormentors". The Irish Times. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  23. ^ a b c d Mary Minihan (12 December 2009). "Dáil passes social welfare cuts after heated debate turns ugly". The Irish Times. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  24. ^ a b "Dáil to vote this evening on social welfare cuts". Irish Examiner. 11 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  25. ^ a b c d Mary Minihan (12 December 2009). "Expletive a 'genuine emotive response' to questioning of sincerity, TD insists". The Irish Times. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  26. ^ Michael O'Regan and Marie O'Halloran (11 December 2009). "Gogarty apologises for Dáil expletive". The Irish Times. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  27. ^ "Gogarty sorry for 'unparliamentary language'". RTÉ. 11 December 2009. Retrieved 11 December 2009.
  28. ^ Shaun Connolly (12 December 2009). "Green TD sees red and turns Dáil blue". Irish Examiner. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  29. ^ . TV3. 11 December 2009. Archived from the original on 13 December 2009. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  30. ^ Michael Brennan (12 December 2009). "Opposition lit his short fuse 24 hours before explosion". Irish Independent. Retrieved 12 December 2009.
  31. ^ Kevin Doyle (31 December 2009). "Gogarty's F-word rant wins pat on back from voters". Evening Herald. Archived from the original on 18 February 2013. Retrieved 15 January 2010.
  32. ^ a b Department of Finance: Estimates of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31 December 2010

External links edit

  • Irish Government Budget 2010 website

2010, irish, budget, 2010, irish, budget, refers, delivery, government, budget, government, ireland, december, 2009, third, fourteen, months, also, third, overall, budget, delivered, fianna, fáil, brian, lenihan, minister, finance, 2010, 2010, irish, budgetpre. The 2010 Irish Budget refers to the delivery of a government budget by the Government of Ireland on 9 December 2009 its third in fourteen months It was also the third overall budget to be delivered by Fianna Fail s Brian Lenihan as Minister for Finance 2010 2010 Irish budgetPresented9 December 2009Parliament30th DailGovernment28th Government of IrelandPartyFianna FailGreen PartyProgressive DemocratsMinister for FinanceBrian LenihanWebsiteBudget 2010 20092011 The 2010 Budget was described by commentators in Ireland and around the world in unusually harsh terms as 4 billion was removed from the country s national deficit It was characterised by pay cuts for public sector workers and cuts in social welfare According to the BBC social welfare cuts had not been implemented by the country since 1924 1 The cuts prompted at least one angry outburst in Dail Eireann the principal chamber of the Oireachtas Irish parliament Among the other initiatives unveiled in this Budget was a car scrappage scheme as well as a new carbon tax The post budget debate was interrupted by a famous use of unparliamentary language by Green Party TD Paul Gogarty an example which attracted international attention 1 2 3 Contents 1 Background 2 Budget summary 2 1 Arts 2 2 Sport 2 3 Tourism 3 Reaction 4 Social Welfare Bill and unparliamentary language controversy 5 Estimated total receipts 5 1 Estimated tax receipts 5 2 Non tax revenue 6 See also 7 References 8 External linksBackground editThe budget for 2010 occurred in the context of a major recession which followed the Irish financial crisis It also followed the difficult 2009 budget which led to widespread protests as well as a supplementary emergency budget in April 2009 This meant that the 2010 budget was the third to be delivered by the Finance Minister in only fourteen months Budget summary editThe following are the main points of Budget 2010 4 4 cut in social welfare payments excluding the state old age pension Child benefit decreased by 16 each month although welfare dependent families remain unchanged 20 21 year olds Jobseekers Allowance decreased to 100 per week in the event of these not having any dependents 22 24 year olds Jobseekers Allowance decreased to 150 per week the latter point also applying to anyone who does not take a job when offered 5 10 cut in public sector pay Carbon tax introduced High end VAT reduced from 21 5 to 21 Each item on medical card prescription to cost 50c after April 2010 Higher income tax for PAYE earners Due to tax credits being cut A new Universal Social Charge USC to replace the Health levy portion of PRSI At least 70 million towards those affected by recent flooding and to the prevention of similar disasters in future Excise duties on beer and cider were decreased by 12 cent excise duties on a half glass of spirits were decreased by 14 cent and a bottle of wine was decreased by 60 cent with a warning from the Finance Minister that these reductions were open to being recalled if consumers did not benefit 5 Due to an increase in the smuggling of tobacco into Ireland prices of tobacco remained unaltered 5 A year long car scrappage scheme was unveiled targeting vehicles which had been in use for more than a decade with a 1 500 reduction in vehicle registration tax relief available for those who availed of this scheme but only under certain conditions 5 The salary of the Taoiseach was decreased by 20 per cent on a permanent basis 6 Arts edit The arts budget decreased by 6 per cent to 166 million from the previous year s 178 million 7 Culture Ireland received 4 083 million and the Irish Film Board received 19 31 million both the same as figures from 2007 7 The Arts Council received 69 15 million a decrease of 6 per cent 7 Section 481 s tax relief for film and television production was not affected 7 The Zoological Society of Ireland s grant of 3 million for funding Dublin Zoo remained the same 7 However the National Gallery of Ireland s grant was decreased by 7 per cent leaving it with an annual total of 10 17 million 7 Sport edit The Government allocated 115 million for sport a decrease from the previous year s 127 million 7 The Irish Sports Council received funding of 49 7 million a decrease of 4 per cent 7 59 2 million was allocated to horse and greyhound racing a decrease of 13 per cent 7 The Sports Capital Programme received 48 million down from 56 million the previous year 7 Aviva Stadium development funding will increase from 1 5 million to 4 5 million Funding for Abbotstown s National Sports Campus increased by 20 per cent 7 The National Aquatic Centre received the rest 7 Tourism edit The Government allocated more than 155 million for tourism an increase of 2 per cent from the previous year s Budget 8 22 million of this was dedicated to tourist attractions 8 Imaginative initiatives including rail discounts for senior visiting citizens were announced 8 Reaction editTaoiseach Brian Cowen said the Government would do whatever was necessary to stabilise the deficit and that a job needed to be done whilst maintaining that the Budget was well received 9 Fine Gael s Richard Bruton responded to Brian Lenihan s claim that the worst is over by comparing the statement to former U S President George W Bush declaring mission accomplished on the Iraq War in 2003 10 His colleague Alan Shatter accused the Government of buying off children with alcohol Forget the food and milk let them drink beer describing it as being from the Marie Antoinette school of politics and asking which comedian was employed to author this bizarre document 11 The Labour Party s Joan Burton described it as a sort of Top Gear lads Budget with cheaper alcohol and cars being made available 11 Sinn Fein s leader in the Dail Caoimhghin o Caolain described anyone who had constructed Budget 2010 as economically illiterate 11 His colleague Arthur Morgan bemoaned how the Budget benefited the corrupt banker 11 ICTU General Secretary David Begg was shocked claiming the Budget would cause Ireland s economy to fall further into recession 12 IBEC Director General Danny McCoy described the Budget as a turning point and one which would place Ireland on a sustainable path 12 13 The Irish Nurses Organisation described the public servant pay decrease as grossly unfair short sighted damaging and provocative and would lead to grave hardship 12 The Irish National Teachers Organisation said those involved in the public sector would pay for Government s disastrous handling of the economy and that hardworking public servants and their families had been squeezed yet again to pay the price of the economic crisis 12 IMPACT said the Budget was the same as sacrificing long term public service reform for short term political expediency 12 The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors said the Budget was an attack on its members 12 The Construction Industry Federation said the loss of almost 1 billion was a blow to jobs in its sector 12 The Irish Hotels Federation was grateful for the Government s strong and decisive action 12 The Irish Hospital Consultants Association later revealed its willingness to agree 15 pay cut announced by the Finance Minister for its members in his Budget 2010 14 The National Campaign for the Arts expressed relief and pleasure that it had not been affected very much by the Budget Youth Work Ireland described the targeting of young people as pure cynicism a cynical move when contrasted with the 30 000 young people turned away from education courses last October 12 Drinks Industry Group of Ireland Chairman Kieran Tobin said reductions on the cost of alcohol would be a great relief and would repatriate some of the revenue currently being lost to cross border trade 12 Anti smoking lobbyists ASH Ireland criticised the lack of increase in the price of tobacco 12 Friends of the Earth described the carbon tax being implemented as an important piece of the jigsaw in tackling climate change 12 Oxfam Ireland CEO Jim Clarken spoke of being extremely disappointed that the Government have piled further cuts on the massive 24 cut applied earlier this year and accused the Irish government having yet again broken a promise to the world s poor 12 Political Correspondent for The Irish Times Harry McGee dubbed it the most austere Budget in the history of the State 10 The Irish Examiner said it can only be described as one of the toughest Budgets in the history of the State 15 The BBC called it one of the most severe budgets in the Republic s history 16 The New York Times referred to it as the harshest budget in generations 17 Global investors approved the measures introduced by Brian Lenihan with Irish government bonds receiving a boost following the Budget 18 Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson announced two days after the delivery of Budget 2010 that she would be happy to take a 10 per cent reduction in her pension a further 10 per cent added to what she had previously offered earlier that year 6 Former RTE Economics Correspondent turned Fine Gael TD George Lee gave his view in the Galway Independent the following week under the headline not fair not clever and not going to fix economy 19 Lee was critical of the proposed car scrappage scheme saying it would benefit only the likes of France Germany and Japan where the new cars would be imported from 19 He also condemned what he called the crazy result of this decision is that an office cleaner in the Department of Finance will take a greater proportionate pay cut after tax than Minister Lenihan and that the pay cut for Ministers announced in this Budget included the cut they had given themselves in the previous Budget in April 2009 19 20 Social Welfare Bill and unparliamentary language controversy editAttempts by the government to quickly legalise the Social Welfare Bill proposed in the Budget before the weekend were met with disapproval from the Opposition Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny criticised the Government for acting in a disgraceful manner and challenged them If you think you can come in here and do whatever you want you have another thing coming 21 Labour Party leader Eamon Gilmore suggested the Government would round up its six strays and get here this evening to vote on the measure in a thinly veiled reference to supporting Independents as well as those within Fianna Fail who had lost the whip 22 Jimmy Devins and Eamon Scanlon were specifically referred to by Gilmore as the two strays from Sligo 23 Independent Jackie Healy Rae replied to critics of his and his fellow Independents stance in supporting the Budget that they would be glad to have us on their side too if required to pass a vote 21 Labour Party deputy Roisin Shortall suggested that there is no obligation on them backbenchers and Independents to support this They are not under a whip It s their choice If they vote for these measures well then they have to face the consequences in their constituency 24 Green Party deputy Paul Gogarty said It s regrettable but necessargy sic And everyone on this side of the house is going to stand by it because it has to be done 24 It the expletive was a genuine emotive response to someone questioning your integrity I said it I apologised for it it s probably too much to ask for but I do hope that what I said in my speech will be covered rather than just the lyrics of a Lily Allen song Paul Gogarty tries to explain the reasons behind his use of expletives in the Dail Chamber 25 Gogarty was later condemned and forced to apologise for his use of unparliamentary language after he yelled Fuck you Deputy Stagg fuck you at veteran Labour Party TD Emmet Stagg during the debate on the Social Welfare Bill on 11 December 2009 3 26 27 28 29 30 Fine Gael Senator Frances Fitzgerald remarked If only Paul Gogarty got as upset about carers blind pensioners and dole recipients as he does about perceived slights to his ego 25 Fine Gael deputy Lucinda Creighton called for the expulsion of Gogarty from the House 22 Ceann Comhairle Seamus Kirk requesting the need for decent standards sent the expletives to the Dail Committee on Procedure and Privileges 25 It was discovered that fuck was not actually contained alongside such terms as brat buffoon communist coward fascist guttersnipe hypocrite rat scumbag scurrilous and yahoo in Salient Rulings of the Chair an 83 page document governing parliamentary language 2 Green Party deputies were described as less than pleased at Gogarty s conduct 22 Green Party leader John Gormley later commented on the incident It was unacceptable language He should not have said it He has apologised and withdrawn the remarks I have not had an opportunity to speak to him as yet It is over He has apologised now 23 Stagg was not bothered citing a thick skin and the development of a hide 25 Gogarty received a positive response from his constituents and went on to feature on Operation Transformation the following month 31 The Social Welfare Bill passed by 81 to 75 votes on the evening of 11 December 23 Government deputies who missed the vote included former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern former Ceann Comhairle John O Donoghue and Donegal North East deputies Jim McDaid and Niall Blaney 23 Estimated total receipts editEstimated tax receipts edit Estimated of tax receipts for fiscal year 2010 are 31 930 billion 1 9 32 Rank Category millions 1 Total 31 930 2 Income tax 11 979 3 Value added tax 10 460 4 Excise 4 525 5 Stamp duties 975 6 Capital gains tax 340 7 Capital Acquisitions Tax 240 8 Customs 200 Non tax revenue edit Estimated of non tax revenue for fiscal year 2010 are 2 355 billion 182 4 32 Rank Category millions 1 Total 2 355 2 Credit Institutions Scheme 1 000 3 Central Bank Surplus Scheme 640 4 National Lottery Surplus 272 5 Dividends 176 6 Winding up of Ulysses Securitisation 140 7 Other Receipts 127See also edit2009 Irish emergency budget an earlier Budget delivered by the Irish Government in 2009References edit a b Irish MP s F word outburst sparks parliament review BBC 15 December 2009 Retrieved 15 December 2009 a b Katie Cassidy 15 December 2009 MP s F Bomb Prompts Banned Words Review Sky News Archived from the original on 2 February 2013 Retrieved 16 December 2009 a b Henry McDonald in Dublin and Larry Elliott 11 December 2009 Ireland faces bitterness over public sector pay cuts The Guardian Retrieved 12 December 2009 Budget 2010 cuts 4bn in public spending RTE 9 December 2009 Archived from the original on 14 December 2009 Retrieved 11 December 2009 a b c Drink duties fall scrappage scheme for cars RTE 9 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b Robinson to take reduction in State pension RTE 11 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b c d e f g h i j k l In short The Irish Times 10 December 2009 Retrieved 11 December 2009 a b c More tourism money to promote Ireland RTE 9 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 Budget well received insists Taoiseach RTE 10 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b Harry McGee 9 December 2009 Few surprises in much leaked Budget The Irish Times Retrieved 11 December 2009 It may have been the most austere Budget in the history of the State The arithmetic may have been brutally stark Fine Gael s Richard Bruton quickly spotted the potential hubris inherent in that claim In the best line of his response he said that Lenihan claiming the worst was over was like George W Bush declaring mission accomplished on the Iraq war in the early summer of 2003 a b c d Opposition mourns missed opportunity RTE 9 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b c d e f g h i j k l m Budget does nothing to create employment RTE 9 December 2009 Retrieved 11 December 2009 IBEC lauds Budget as turning point in economy Irish Examiner 9 December 2009 Retrieved 11 December 2009 Consultants will accept 15 pay cut RTE 12 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 Lenihan delivers toughest Budget in years Irish Examiner 9 December 2009 Retrieved 27 December 2009 Tough 2010 Irish budget unveiled BBC 9 December 2009 Retrieved 11 December 2009 Sarah Lyall 9 December 2009 Irish Wince as a Budget Proposal Cuts to the Bone The New York Times Retrieved 11 December 2009 Pat Boyle 11 December 2009 Backing for Budget as spread on Irish bonds narrows Irish Independent Retrieved 11 December 2009 a b c George Lee 16 December 2009 Budget 2010 not fair not clever and not going to fix economy Galway Independent Retrieved 16 December 2009 permanent dead link Lee slams tax measures in Budget Irish Examiner 11 December 2009 Retrieved 27 December 2009 a b Dail sparks fly over fast track social welfare bill Irish Examiner 12 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b c Michael O Regan 12 December 2009 Stunning outburst shakes the House as Gogarty undone by his tormentors The Irish Times Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b c d Mary Minihan 12 December 2009 Dail passes social welfare cuts after heated debate turns ugly The Irish Times Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b Dail to vote this evening on social welfare cuts Irish Examiner 11 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 a b c d Mary Minihan 12 December 2009 Expletive a genuine emotive response to questioning of sincerity TD insists The Irish Times Retrieved 12 December 2009 Michael O Regan and Marie O Halloran 11 December 2009 Gogarty apologises for Dail expletive The Irish Times Retrieved 12 December 2009 Gogarty sorry for unparliamentary language RTE 11 December 2009 Retrieved 11 December 2009 Shaun Connolly 12 December 2009 Green TD sees red and turns Dail blue Irish Examiner Retrieved 12 December 2009 Green TD turns Dail air blue TV3 11 December 2009 Archived from the original on 13 December 2009 Retrieved 12 December 2009 Michael Brennan 12 December 2009 Opposition lit his short fuse 24 hours before explosion Irish Independent Retrieved 12 December 2009 Kevin Doyle 31 December 2009 Gogarty s F word rant wins pat on back from voters Evening Herald Archived from the original on 18 February 2013 Retrieved 15 January 2010 a b Department of Finance Estimates of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31 December 2010External links editIrish Government Budget 2010 website Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title 2010 Irish budget amp oldid 1223216959, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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