
Relational algebra

In database theory, relational algebra is a theory that uses algebraic structures for modeling data, and defining queries on it with a well founded semantics. The theory was introduced by Edgar F. Codd.

The main application of relational algebra is to provide a theoretical foundation for relational databases, particularly query languages for such databases, chief among which is SQL. Relational databases store tabular data represented as relations. Queries over relational databases often likewise return tabular data represented as relations.

The main purpose of relational algebra is to define operators that transform one or more input relations to an output relation. Given that these operators accept relations as input and produce relations as output, they can be combined and used to express complex queries that transform multiple input relations (whose data are stored in the database) into a single output relation (the query results).

Unary operators accept a single relation as input. Examples include operators to filter certain attributes (columns) or tuples (rows) from an input relation. Binary operators accept two relations as input and combine them into a single output relation. For example, taking all tuples found in either relation (union), removing tuples from the first relation found in the second relation (difference), extending the tuples of the first relation with tuples in the second relation matching certain conditions, and so forth.

Other more advanced operators can also be included, where the inclusion or exclusion of certain operators gives rise to a family of algebras.

Introduction edit

Relational algebra received little attention outside of pure mathematics until the publication of E.F. Codd's relational model of data in 1970. Codd proposed such an algebra as a basis for database query languages. (See section Implementations.)

Relational algebra operates on homogeneous sets of tuples   where we commonly interpret m to be the number of rows in a table and n to be the number of columns. All entries in each column have the same type. Five primitive operators of Codd's algebra are the selection, the projection, the Cartesian product (also called the cross product or cross join), the set union, and the set difference.

Set operators edit

The relational algebra uses set union, set difference, and Cartesian product from set theory, but adds additional constraints to these operators.

For set union and set difference, the two relations involved must be union-compatible—that is, the two relations must have the same set of attributes. Because set intersection is defined in terms of set union and set difference, the two relations involved in set intersection must also be union-compatible.

For the Cartesian product to be defined, the two relations involved must have disjoint headers—that is, they must not have a common attribute name.

In addition, the Cartesian product is defined differently from the one in set theory in the sense that tuples are considered to be "shallow" for the purposes of the operation. That is, the Cartesian product of a set of n-tuples with a set of m-tuples yields a set of "flattened" (n + m)-tuples (whereas basic set theory would have prescribed a set of 2-tuples, each containing an n-tuple and an m-tuple). More formally, R × S is defined as follows:


The cardinality of the Cartesian product is the product of the cardinalities of its factors, that is, |R × S| = |R| × |S|.

Projection (Π) edit

A projection is a unary operation written as   where   is a set of attribute names. The result of such projection is defined as the set that is obtained when all tuples in R are restricted to the set  .

Note: when implemented in SQL standard the "default projection" returns a multiset instead of a set, and the Π projection to eliminate duplicate data is obtained by the addition of the DISTINCT keyword.

Selection (σ) edit

A generalized selection is a unary operation written as   where φ is a propositional formula that consists of atoms as allowed in the normal selection and the logical operators   (and),   (or) and   (negation). This selection selects all those tuples in R for which φ holds.

To obtain a listing of all friends or business associates in an address book, the selection might be written as  . The result would be a relation containing every attribute of every unique record where isFriend is true or where isBusinessContact is true.

Rename (ρ) edit

A rename is a unary operation written as   where the result is identical to R except that the b attribute in all tuples is renamed to an a attribute. This is simply used to rename the attribute of a relation or the relation itself.

To rename the "isFriend" attribute to "isBusinessContact" in a relation,   might be used.

There is also the   notation, where R is renamed to x and the attributes   are renamed to  .[1]

Joins and join-like operators edit

Natural join (⨝) edit

Natural join (⨝) is a binary operator that is written as (RS) where R and S are relations.[a] The result of the natural join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names. For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their natural join:[citation needed]

Note that neither the employee named Mary nor the Production department appear in the result.

This can also be used to define composition of relations. For example, the composition of Employee and Dept is their join as shown above, projected on all but the common attribute DeptName. In category theory, the join is precisely the fiber product.

The natural join is arguably one of the most important operators since it is the relational counterpart of the logical AND operator. Note that if the same variable appears in each of two predicates that are connected by AND, then that variable stands for the same thing and both appearances must always be substituted by the same value (this is a consequence of the idempotence of the logical AND). In particular, natural join allows the combination of relations that are associated by a foreign key. For example, in the above example a foreign key probably holds from Employee.DeptName to Dept.DeptName and then the natural join of Employee and Dept combines all employees with their departments. This works because the foreign key holds between attributes with the same name. If this is not the case such as in the foreign key from Dept.Manager to Employee.Name then these columns must be renamed before taking the natural join. Such a join is sometimes also referred to as an equijoin (see θ-join).

More formally the semantics of the natural join are defined as follows:


where Fun(t) is a predicate that is true for a relation t (in the mathematical sense) iff t is a function (that is, t does not map any attribute to multiple values). It is usually required that R and S must have at least one common attribute, but if this constraint is omitted, and R and S have no common attributes, then the natural join becomes exactly the Cartesian product.

The natural join can be simulated with Codd's primitives as follows. Assume that c1,...,cm are the attribute names common to R and S, r1,...,rn are the attribute names unique to R and s1,...,sk are the attribute names unique to S. Furthermore, assume that the attribute names x1,...,xm are neither in R nor in S. In a first step the common attribute names in S can be renamed:


Then we take the Cartesian product and select the tuples that are to be joined:


Finally we take a projection to get rid of the renamed attributes:


θ-join and equijoin edit

Consider tables Car and Boat which list models of cars and boats and their respective prices. Suppose a customer wants to buy a car and a boat, but she does not want to spend more money for the boat than for the car. The θ-join (⋈θ) on the predicate CarPriceBoatPrice produces the flattened pairs of rows which satisfy the predicate. When using a condition where the attributes are equal, for example Price, then the condition may be specified as Price=Price or alternatively (Price) itself.

In order to combine tuples from two relations where the combination condition is not simply the equality of shared attributes it is convenient to have a more general form of join operator, which is the θ-join (or theta-join). The θ-join is a binary operator that is written as   or   where a and b are attribute names, θ is a binary relational operator in the set {<, ≤, =, ≠, >, ≥}, υ is a value constant, and R and S are relations. The result of this operation consists of all combinations of tuples in R and S that satisfy θ. The result of the θ-join is defined only if the headers of S and R are disjoint, that is, do not contain a common attribute.

The simulation of this operation in the fundamental operations is therefore as follows:

Rθ S = σθ(R × S)

In case the operator θ is the equality operator (=) then this join is also called an equijoin.

Note, however, that a computer language that supports the natural join and selection operators does not need θ-join as well, as this can be achieved by selection from the result of a natural join (which degenerates to Cartesian product when there are no shared attributes).

In SQL implementations, joining on a predicate is usually called an inner join, and the on keyword allows one to specify the predicate used to filter the rows. It is important to note: forming the flattened Cartesian product then filtering the rows is conceptually correct, but an implementation would use more sophisticated data structures to speed up the join query.

Semijoin (⋉ and ⋊) edit

The left semijoin is a joining similar to the natural join and written as   where   and   are relations.[b] The result is the set of all tuples in   for which there is a tuple in   that is equal on their common attribute names. The difference from a natural join is that other columns of   do not appear. For example, consider the tables Employee and Dept and their semijoin:[citation needed]

More formally the semantics of the semijoin can be defined as follows:


where   is as in the definition of natural join.

The semijoin can be simulated using the natural join as follows. If   are the attribute names of  , then


Since we can simulate the natural join with the basic operators it follows that this also holds for the semijoin.

In Codd's 1970 paper, semijoin is called restriction.[2]

Antijoin (▷) edit

The antijoin, written as RS where R and S are relations,[c] is similar to the semijoin, but the result of an antijoin is only those tuples in R for which there is no tuple in S that is equal on their common attribute names.[citation needed]

For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their antijoin:

The antijoin is formally defined as follows:

RS = { t : tR ∧ ¬∃sS(Fun (ts))}


RS = { t : tR, there is no tuple s of S that satisfies Fun (ts)}

where Fun (ts) is as in the definition of natural join.

The antijoin can also be defined as the complement of the semijoin, as follows:

RS = R − RS (5)

Given this, the antijoin is sometimes called the anti-semijoin, and the antijoin operator is sometimes written as semijoin symbol with a bar above it, instead of ▷.

In the case where the relations have the same attributes (union-compatible), antijoin is the same as minus.

Division (÷) edit

The division is a binary operation that is written as R ÷ S. Division is not implemented directly in SQL. The result consists of the restrictions of tuples in R to the attribute names unique to R, i.e., in the header of R but not in the header of S, for which it holds that all their combinations with tuples in S are present in R. For an example see the tables Completed, DBProject and their division:

If DBProject contains all the tasks of the Database project, then the result of the division above contains exactly the students who have completed both of the tasks in the Database project. More formally the semantics of the division is defined as follows:

R ÷ S = { t[a1,...,an] : tR ∧ ∀sS ( (t[a1,...,an] ∪ s) ∈ R) } (6)

where {a1,...,an} is the set of attribute names unique to R and t[a1,...,an] is the restriction of t to this set. It is usually required that the attribute names in the header of S are a subset of those of R because otherwise the result of the operation will always be empty.

The simulation of the division with the basic operations is as follows. We assume that a1,...,an are the attribute names unique to R and b1,...,bm are the attribute names of S. In the first step we project R on its unique attribute names and construct all combinations with tuples in S:

T := πa1,...,an(R) × S

In the prior example, T would represent a table such that every Student (because Student is the unique key / attribute of the Completed table) is combined with every given Task. So Eugene, for instance, would have two rows, Eugene → Database1 and Eugene → Database2 in T.

EG: First, let's pretend that "Completed" has a third attribute called "grade". It's unwanted baggage here, so we must project it off always. In fact in this step we can drop "Task" from R as well; the multiply puts it back on.
T := πStudent(R) × S // This gives us every possible desired combination, including those that don't actually exist in R, and excluding others (eg Fred | compiler1, which is not a desired combination)

In the next step we subtract R from T


U := TR

In U we have the possible combinations that "could have" been in R, but weren't.

EG: Again with projections — T and R need to have identical attribute names/headers.
U := T − πStudent,Task(R) // This gives us a "what's missing" list.

So if we now take the projection on the attribute names unique to R

then we have the restrictions of the tuples in R for which not all combinations with tuples in S were present in R:

V := πa1,...,an(U)
EG: Project U down to just the attribute(s) in question (Student)
V := πStudent(U)

So what remains to be done is take the projection of R on its unique attribute names and subtract those in V:

W := πa1,...,an(R) − V
EG: W := πStudent(R) − V.

Common extensions edit

In practice the classical relational algebra described above is extended with various operations such as outer joins, aggregate functions and even transitive closure.[3]

Outer joins edit

Whereas the result of a join (or inner join) consists of tuples formed by combining matching tuples in the two operands, an outer join contains those tuples and additionally some tuples formed by extending an unmatched tuple in one of the operands by "fill" values for each of the attributes of the other operand. Outer joins are not considered part of the classical relational algebra discussed so far.[4]

The operators defined in this section assume the existence of a null value, ω, which we do not define, to be used for the fill values; in practice this corresponds to the NULL in SQL. In order to make subsequent selection operations on the resulting table meaningful, a semantic meaning needs to be assigned to nulls; in Codd's approach the propositional logic used by the selection is extended to a three-valued logic, although we elide those details in this article.

Three outer join operators are defined: left outer join, right outer join, and full outer join. (The word "outer" is sometimes omitted.)

Left outer join (⟕) edit

The left outer join is written as RS where R and S are relations.[d] The result of the left outer join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names, in addition (loosely speaking) to tuples in R that have no matching tuples in S.[citation needed]

For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their left outer join:

In the resulting relation, tuples in S which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in R take a null value, ω.

Since there are no tuples in Dept with a DeptName of Finance or Executive, ωs occur in the resulting relation where tuples in Employee have a DeptName of Finance or Executive.

Let r1, r2, ..., rn be the attributes of the relation R and let {(ω, ..., ω)} be the singleton relation on the attributes that are unique to the relation S (those that are not attributes of R). Then the left outer join can be described in terms of the natural join (and hence using basic operators) as follows:


Right outer join (⟖) edit

The right outer join behaves almost identically to the left outer join, but the roles of the tables are switched.

The right outer join of relations R and S is written as RS.[e] The result of the right outer join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names, in addition to tuples in S that have no matching tuples in R.[citation needed]

For example, consider the tables Employee and Dept and their right outer join:

In the resulting relation, tuples in R which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in S take a null value, ω.

Since there are no tuples in Employee with a DeptName of Production, ωs occur in the Name and EmpId attributes of the resulting relation where tuples in Dept had DeptName of Production.

Let s1, s2, ..., sn be the attributes of the relation S and let {(ω, ..., ω)} be the singleton relation on the attributes that are unique to the relation R (those that are not attributes of S). Then, as with the left outer join, the right outer join can be simulated using the natural join as follows:


Full outer join (⟗) edit

The outer join or full outer join in effect combines the results of the left and right outer joins.

The full outer join is written as RS where R and S are relations.[f] The result of the full outer join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names, in addition to tuples in S that have no matching tuples in R and tuples in R that have no matching tuples in S in their common attribute names.[citation needed]

For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their full outer join:

In the resulting relation, tuples in R which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in S take a null value, ω. Tuples in S which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in R also take a null value, ω.

The full outer join can be simulated using the left and right outer joins (and hence the natural join and set union) as follows:

RS = (RS) ∪ (RS)

Operations for domain computations edit

There is nothing in relational algebra introduced so far that would allow computations on the data domains (other than evaluation of propositional expressions involving equality). For example, it is not possible using only the algebra introduced so far to write an expression that would multiply the numbers from two columns, e.g. a unit price with a quantity to obtain a total price. Practical query languages have such facilities, e.g. the SQL SELECT allows arithmetic operations to define new columns in the result SELECT unit_price * quantity AS total_price FROM t, and a similar facility is provided more explicitly by Tutorial D's EXTEND keyword.[5] In database theory, this is called extended projection.[6]: 213 

Aggregation edit

Furthermore, computing various functions on a column, like the summing up of its elements, is also not possible using the relational algebra introduced so far. There are five aggregate functions that are included with most relational database systems. These operations are Sum, Count, Average, Maximum and Minimum. In relational algebra the aggregation operation over a schema (A1, A2, ... An) is written as follows:


where each Aj', 1 ≤ jk, is one of the original attributes Ai, 1 ≤ in.

The attributes preceding the g are grouping attributes, which function like a "group by" clause in SQL. Then there are an arbitrary number of aggregation functions applied to individual attributes. The operation is applied to an arbitrary relation r. The grouping attributes are optional, and if they are not supplied, the aggregation functions are applied across the entire relation to which the operation is applied.

Let's assume that we have a table named Account with three columns, namely Account_Number, Branch_Name and Balance. We wish to find the maximum balance of each branch. This is accomplished by Branch_NameGMax(Balance)(Account). To find the highest balance of all accounts regardless of branch, we could simply write GMax(Balance)(Account).

Grouping is often written as Branch_NameɣMax(Balance)(Account) instead.[6]

Transitive closure edit

Although relational algebra seems powerful enough for most practical purposes, there are some simple and natural operators on relations that cannot be expressed by relational algebra. One of them is the transitive closure of a binary relation. Given a domain D, let binary relation R be a subset of D×D. The transitive closure R+ of R is the smallest subset of D×D that contains R and satisfies the following condition:


It can be proved using the fact that there is no relational algebra expression E(R) taking R as a variable argument that produces R+.[7]

SQL however officially supports such fixpoint queries since 1999, and it had vendor-specific extensions in this direction well before that.

Use of algebraic properties for query optimization edit

Two possible query plans for the triangle query R(A, B) ⋈ S(B, C) ⋈ T(A, C); the first joins S and T first and joins the result with R, the second joins R and S first and joins the result with T

Relational database management systems often include a query optimizer which attempts to determine the most efficient way to execute a given query. Query optimizers enumerate possible query plans, estimate their cost, and pick the plan with the lowest estimated cost. If queries are represented by operators from relational algebra, the query optimizer can enumerate possible query plans by rewriting the initial query using the algebraic properties of these operators.

Queries can be represented as a tree, where

  • the internal nodes are operators,
  • leaves are relations,
  • subtrees are subexpressions.

The primary goal of the query optimizer is to transform expression trees into equivalent expression trees, where the average size of the relations yielded by subexpressions in the tree is smaller than it was before the optimization. The secondary goal is to try to form common subexpressions within a single query, or if there is more than one query being evaluated at the same time, in all of those queries. The rationale behind the second goal is that it is enough to compute common subexpressions once, and the results can be used in all queries that contain that subexpression.

Here are a set of rules that can be used in such transformations.

Selection edit

Rules about selection operators play the most important role in query optimization. Selection is an operator that very effectively decreases the number of rows in its operand, so if the selections in an expression tree are moved towards the leaves, the internal relations (yielded by subexpressions) will likely shrink.

Basic selection properties edit

Selection is idempotent (multiple applications of the same selection have no additional effect beyond the first one), and commutative (the order selections are applied in has no effect on the eventual result).


Breaking up selections with complex conditions edit

A selection whose condition is a conjunction of simpler conditions is equivalent to a sequence of selections with those same individual conditions, and selection whose condition is a disjunction is equivalent to a union of selections. These identities can be used to merge selections so that fewer selections need to be evaluated, or to split them so that the component selections may be moved or optimized separately.


Selection and cross product edit

Cross product is the costliest operator to evaluate. If the input relations have N and M rows, the result will contain   rows. Therefore, it is important to decrease the size of both operands before applying the cross product operator.

This can be effectively done if the cross product is followed by a selection operator, e.g.  . Considering the definition of join, this is the most likely case. If the cross product is not followed by a selection operator, we can try to push down a selection from higher levels of the expression tree using the other selection rules.

In the above case the condition A is broken up in to conditions B, C and D using the split rules about complex selection conditions, so that   and B contains attributes only from R, C contains attributes only from P, and D contains the part of A that contains attributes from both R and P. Note, that B, C or D are possibly empty. Then the following holds:


Selection and set operators edit

Selection is distributive over the set difference, intersection, and union operators. The following three rules are used to push selection below set operations in the expression tree. For the set difference and the intersection operators, it is possible to apply the selection operator to just one of the operands following the transformation. This can be beneficial where one of the operands is small, and the overhead of evaluating the selection operator outweighs the benefits of using a smaller relation as an operand.


Selection and projection edit

Selection commutes with projection if and only if the fields referenced in the selection condition are a subset of the fields in the projection. Performing selection before projection may be useful if the operand is a cross product or join. In other cases, if the selection condition is relatively expensive to compute, moving selection outside the projection may reduce the number of tuples which must be tested (since projection may produce fewer tuples due to the elimination of duplicates resulting from omitted fields).


Projection edit

Basic projection properties edit

Projection is idempotent, so that a series of (valid) projections is equivalent to the outermost projection.


Projection and set operators edit

Projection is distributive over set union.


Projection does not distribute over intersection and set difference. Counterexamples are given by:




where b is assumed to be distinct from b'.

Rename edit

Basic rename properties edit

Successive renames of a variable can be collapsed into a single rename. Rename operations which have no variables in common can be arbitrarily reordered with respect to one another, which can be exploited to make successive renames adjacent so that they can be collapsed.


Rename and set operators edit

Rename is distributive over set difference, union, and intersection.


Product and union edit

Cartesian product is distributive over union.


Implementations edit

The first query language to be based on Codd's algebra was Alpha, developed by Dr. Codd himself. Subsequently, ISBL was created, and this pioneering work has been acclaimed by many authorities[8] as having shown the way to make Codd's idea into a useful language. Business System 12 was a short-lived industry-strength relational DBMS that followed the ISBL example.

In 1998 Chris Date and Hugh Darwen proposed a language called Tutorial D intended for use in teaching relational database theory, and its query language also draws on ISBL's ideas. Rel is an implementation of Tutorial D.

Even the query language of SQL is loosely based on a relational algebra, though the operands in SQL (tables) are not exactly relations and several useful theorems about the relational algebra do not hold in the SQL counterpart (arguably to the detriment of optimisers and/or users). The SQL table model is a bag (multiset), rather than a set. For example, the expression   is a theorem for relational algebra on sets, but not for relational algebra on bags; for a treatment of relational algebra on bags see chapter 5 of the "Complete" textbook by Garcia-Molina, Ullman and Widom.[6]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ In Unicode, the join symbol is ⨝ (U+2A1D), and the bowtie symbol, occasionally used instead, is ⋈ (U+22C8).
  2. ^ In Unicode, the ltimes symbol is ⋉ (U+22C9). The rtimes symbol is ⋊ (U+22CA)
  3. ^ In Unicode, the Antijoin symbol is ▷ (U+25B7).
  4. ^ In Unicode, the Left outer join symbol is ⟕ (U+27D5).
  5. ^ In Unicode, the Right outer join symbol is ⟖ (U+27D6).
  6. ^ In Unicode, the Full Outer join symbol is ⟗ (U+27D7).

References edit

  1. ^ Silberschatz, Abraham; Henry F. Korth; S. Sudarshan (2020). Database system concepts (Seventh ed.). New York. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-07-802215-9. OCLC 1080554130.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  2. ^ Codd, E.F. (June 1970). "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks". Communications of the ACM. 13 (6): 377–387. doi:10.1145/362384.362685. S2CID 207549016.
  3. ^ M. Tamer Özsu; Patrick Valduriez (2011). Principles of Distributed Database Systems (3rd ed.). Springer. p. 46. ISBN 978-1-4419-8833-1.
  4. ^ Patrick O'Neil; Elizabeth O'Neil (2001). Database: Principles, Programming, and Performance, Second Edition. Morgan Kaufmann. p. 120. ISBN 978-1-55860-438-4.
  5. ^ C. J. Date (2011). SQL and Relational Theory: How to Write Accurate SQL Code. O'Reilly Media, Inc. pp. 133–135. ISBN 978-1-4493-1974-8.
  6. ^ a b c Hector Garcia-Molina; Jeffrey D. Ullman; Jennifer Widom (2009). Database systems: the complete book (2nd ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-187325-4.
  7. ^ Aho, Alfred V.; Jeffrey D. Ullman (1979). "Universality of data retrieval languages". Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages: 110–119. doi:10.1145/567752.567763. S2CID 3242505.
  8. ^ C. J. Date. "Edgar F. Codd - A.M. Turing Award Laureate". amturing.acm.org. Retrieved 2020-12-27.

Further reading edit

Practically any academic textbook on databases has a detailed treatment of the classic relational algebra.

External links edit

  • RAT. Software Relational Algebra Translator to SQL
  • Lecture Videos: Relational Algebra Processing - An introduction to how database systems process relational algebra
  • Lecture Notes: Relational Algebra – A quick tutorial to adapt SQL queries into relational algebra
  • Relational – A graphic implementation of the relational algebra
  • Query Optimization (Page deleted; Closest alternatives: Standford Query Optimization 2, Microsoft research Query Optimization in relational systems, Stanford paper: Query Optimization)This paper is an introduction into the use of the relational algebra in optimizing queries, and includes numerous citations for more in-depth study.
  • Relational Algebra System for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server
  • Pireal – An experimental educational tool for working with Relational Algebra
  • DES – An educational tool for working with Relational Algebra and other formal languages
  • RelaX - Relational Algebra Calculator (open-source software available as an online service without registration)
  • RA: A Relational Algebra Interpreter
  • Translating SQL to Relational Algebra

relational, algebra, confused, with, relation, algebra, database, theory, relational, algebra, theory, that, uses, algebraic, structures, modeling, data, defining, queries, with, well, founded, semantics, theory, introduced, edgar, codd, main, application, rel. Not to be confused with Relation algebra In database theory relational algebra is a theory that uses algebraic structures for modeling data and defining queries on it with a well founded semantics The theory was introduced by Edgar F Codd The main application of relational algebra is to provide a theoretical foundation for relational databases particularly query languages for such databases chief among which is SQL Relational databases store tabular data represented as relations Queries over relational databases often likewise return tabular data represented as relations The main purpose of relational algebra is to define operators that transform one or more input relations to an output relation Given that these operators accept relations as input and produce relations as output they can be combined and used to express complex queries that transform multiple input relations whose data are stored in the database into a single output relation the query results Unary operators accept a single relation as input Examples include operators to filter certain attributes columns or tuples rows from an input relation Binary operators accept two relations as input and combine them into a single output relation For example taking all tuples found in either relation union removing tuples from the first relation found in the second relation difference extending the tuples of the first relation with tuples in the second relation matching certain conditions and so forth Other more advanced operators can also be included where the inclusion or exclusion of certain operators gives rise to a family of algebras Contents 1 Introduction 1 1 Set operators 1 2 Projection P 1 3 Selection s 1 4 Rename r 2 Joins and join like operators 2 1 Natural join 2 2 8 join and equijoin 2 3 Semijoin and 2 4 Antijoin 2 5 Division 3 Common extensions 3 1 Outer joins 3 1 1 Left outer join 3 1 2 Right outer join 3 1 3 Full outer join 3 2 Operations for domain computations 3 2 1 Aggregation 3 3 Transitive closure 4 Use of algebraic properties for query optimization 4 1 Selection 4 1 1 Basic selection properties 4 1 2 Breaking up selections with complex conditions 4 1 3 Selection and cross product 4 1 4 Selection and set operators 4 1 5 Selection and projection 4 2 Projection 4 2 1 Basic projection properties 4 2 2 Projection and set operators 4 3 Rename 4 3 1 Basic rename properties 4 3 2 Rename and set operators 4 4 Product and union 5 Implementations 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External linksIntroduction editRelational algebra received little attention outside of pure mathematics until the publication of E F Codd s relational model of data in 1970 Codd proposed such an algebra as a basis for database query languages See section Implementations Relational algebra operates on homogeneous sets of tuples S s j 1 s j 2 s j n j 1 m displaystyle S s j1 s j2 s jn j in 1 m nbsp where we commonly interpret m to be the number of rows in a table and n to be the number of columns All entries in each column have the same type Five primitive operators of Codd s algebra are the selection the projection the Cartesian product also called the cross product or cross join the set union and the set difference Set operators edit The relational algebra uses set union set difference and Cartesian product from set theory but adds additional constraints to these operators For set union and set difference the two relations involved must be union compatible that is the two relations must have the same set of attributes Because set intersection is defined in terms of set union and set difference the two relations involved in set intersection must also be union compatible For the Cartesian product to be defined the two relations involved must have disjoint headers that is they must not have a common attribute name In addition the Cartesian product is defined differently from the one in set theory in the sense that tuples are considered to be shallow for the purposes of the operation That is the Cartesian product of a set of n tuples with a set of m tuples yields a set of flattened n m tuples whereas basic set theory would have prescribed a set of 2 tuples each containing an n tuple and an m tuple More formally R S is defined as follows R S r 1 r 2 r n s 1 s 2 s m r 1 r 2 r n R s 1 s 2 s m S displaystyle R times S r 1 r 2 dots r n s 1 s 2 dots s m r 1 r 2 dots r n in R s 1 s 2 dots s m in S nbsp The cardinality of the Cartesian product is the product of the cardinalities of its factors that is R S R S Projection P edit Main article Projection relational algebra A projection is a unary operation written as P a 1 a n R displaystyle Pi a 1 ldots a n R nbsp where a 1 a n displaystyle a 1 ldots a n nbsp is a set of attribute names The result of such projection is defined as the set that is obtained when all tuples in R are restricted to the set a 1 a n displaystyle a 1 ldots a n nbsp Note when implemented in SQL standard the default projection returns a multiset instead of a set and the P projection to eliminate duplicate data is obtained by the addition of the DISTINCT keyword Selection s edit Main article Selection relational algebra A generalized selection is a unary operation written as s f R displaystyle sigma varphi R nbsp where f is a propositional formula that consists of atoms as allowed in the normal selection and the logical operators displaystyle wedge nbsp and displaystyle lor nbsp or and displaystyle neg nbsp negation This selection selects all those tuples in R for which f holds To obtain a listing of all friends or business associates in an address book the selection might be written as s isFriend true isBusinessContact true addressBook displaystyle sigma text isFriend true lor text isBusinessContact true text addressBook nbsp The result would be a relation containing every attribute of every unique record where isFriend is true or where isBusinessContact is true Rename r edit Main article Rename relational algebra A rename is a unary operation written as r a b R displaystyle rho a b R nbsp where the result is identical to R except that the b attribute in all tuples is renamed to an a attribute This is simply used to rename the attribute of a relation or the relation itself To rename the isFriend attribute to isBusinessContact in a relation r isBusinessContact isFriend addressBook displaystyle rho text isBusinessContact isFriend text addressBook nbsp might be used There is also the r x A 1 A n R displaystyle rho x A 1 ldots A n R nbsp notation where R is renamed to x and the attributes a 1 a n displaystyle a 1 ldots a n nbsp are renamed to A 1 A n displaystyle A 1 ldots A n nbsp 1 Joins and join like operators editIt has been suggested that this section be split out into another article titled Join relational algebra Discuss March 2023 Natural join edit Natural join redirects here For the SQL implementation see Natural join SQL redirects here For the band sometimes represented by this symbol see The Armed Natural join is a binary operator that is written as R S where R and S are relations a The result of the natural join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their natural join citation needed Employee Name EmpId DeptName Harry 3415 Finance Sally 2241 Sales George 3401 Finance Harriet 2202 Sales Mary 1257 Human Resources Dept DeptName Manager Finance George Sales Harriet Production Charles Employee Dept Name EmpId DeptName Manager Harry 3415 Finance George Sally 2241 Sales Harriet George 3401 Finance George Harriet 2202 Sales Harriet Note that neither the employee named Mary nor the Production department appear in the result This can also be used to define composition of relations For example the composition of Employee and Dept is their join as shown above projected on all but the common attribute DeptName In category theory the join is precisely the fiber product The natural join is arguably one of the most important operators since it is the relational counterpart of the logical AND operator Note that if the same variable appears in each of two predicates that are connected by AND then that variable stands for the same thing and both appearances must always be substituted by the same value this is a consequence of the idempotence of the logical AND In particular natural join allows the combination of relations that are associated by a foreign key For example in the above example a foreign key probably holds from Employee DeptName to Dept DeptName and then the natural join of Employee and Dept combines all employees with their departments This works because the foreign key holds between attributes with the same name If this is not the case such as in the foreign key from Dept Manager to Employee Name then these columns must be renamed before taking the natural join Such a join is sometimes also referred to as an equijoin see 8 join More formally the semantics of the natural join are defined as follows R S r s r R s S F u n r s displaystyle R bowtie S left r cup s vert r in R land s in S land mathit Fun r cup s right nbsp 1 where Fun t is a predicate that is true for a relation t in the mathematical sense iff t is a function that is t does not map any attribute to multiple values It is usually required that R and S must have at least one common attribute but if this constraint is omitted and R and S have no common attributes then the natural join becomes exactly the Cartesian product The natural join can be simulated with Codd s primitives as follows Assume that c1 cm are the attribute names common to R and S r1 rn are the attribute names unique to R and s1 sk are the attribute names unique to S Furthermore assume that the attribute names x1 xm are neither in R nor in S In a first step the common attribute names in S can be renamed T r x 1 c 1 x m c m S r x 1 c 1 r x 2 c 2 r x m c m S displaystyle T rho x 1 c 1 ldots x m c m S rho x 1 c 1 rho x 2 c 2 ldots rho x m c m S ldots nbsp 2 Then we take the Cartesian product and select the tuples that are to be joined P s c 1 x 1 c m x m R T s c 1 x 1 s c 2 x 2 s c m x m R T displaystyle P sigma c 1 x 1 ldots c m x m R times T sigma c 1 x 1 sigma c 2 x 2 ldots sigma c m x m R times T ldots nbsp 3 Finally we take a projection to get rid of the renamed attributes U P r 1 r n c 1 c m s 1 s k P displaystyle U Pi r 1 ldots r n c 1 ldots c m s 1 ldots s k P nbsp 4 8 join and equijoin edit Consider tables Car and Boat which list models of cars and boats and their respective prices Suppose a customer wants to buy a car and a boat but she does not want to spend more money for the boat than for the car The 8 join 8 on the predicate CarPrice BoatPrice produces the flattened pairs of rows which satisfy the predicate When using a condition where the attributes are equal for example Price then the condition may be specified as Price Price or alternatively Price itself Car CarModel CarPrice CarA 20 000 CarB 30 000 CarC 50 000 Boat BoatModel BoatPrice Boat1 10 000 Boat2 40 000 Boat3 60 000 C a r B o a t C a r P r i c e B o a t P r i c e displaystyle Car bowtie Boat atop scriptstyle CarPrice geq BoatPrice nbsp CarModel CarPrice BoatModel BoatPrice CarA 20 000 Boat1 10 000 CarB 30 000 Boat1 10 000 CarC 50 000 Boat1 10 000 CarC 50 000 Boat2 40 000 In order to combine tuples from two relations where the combination condition is not simply the equality of shared attributes it is convenient to have a more general form of join operator which is the 8 join or theta join The 8 join is a binary operator that is written as R S a 8 b displaystyle R bowtie S atop a theta b nbsp or R S a 8 v displaystyle R bowtie S atop a theta v nbsp where a and b are attribute names 8 is a binary relational operator in the set lt gt y is a value constant and R and S are relations The result of this operation consists of all combinations of tuples in R and S that satisfy 8 The result of the 8 join is defined only if the headers of S and R are disjoint that is do not contain a common attribute The simulation of this operation in the fundamental operations is therefore as follows R 8 S s8 R S In case the operator 8 is the equality operator then this join is also called an equijoin Note however that a computer language that supports the natural join and selection operators does not need 8 join as well as this can be achieved by selection from the result of a natural join which degenerates to Cartesian product when there are no shared attributes In SQL implementations joining on a predicate is usually called an inner join and the on keyword allows one to specify the predicate used to filter the rows It is important to note forming the flattened Cartesian product then filtering the rows is conceptually correct but an implementation would use more sophisticated data structures to speed up the join query Semijoin and edit The left semijoin is a joining similar to the natural join and written as R S displaystyle R ltimes S nbsp where R displaystyle R nbsp and S displaystyle S nbsp are relations b The result is the set of all tuples in R displaystyle R nbsp for which there is a tuple in S displaystyle S nbsp that is equal on their common attribute names The difference from a natural join is that other columns of S displaystyle S nbsp do not appear For example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their semijoin citation needed Employee Name EmpId DeptName Harry 3415 Finance Sally 2241 Sales George 3401 Finance Harriet 2202 Production Dept DeptName Manager Sales Sally Production Harriet Employee Dept Name EmpId DeptName Sally 2241 Sales Harriet 2202 Production More formally the semantics of the semijoin can be defined as follows R S t t R s S Fun t s displaystyle R ltimes S t t in R land exists s in S operatorname Fun t cup s nbsp where Fun r displaystyle operatorname Fun r nbsp is as in the definition of natural join The semijoin can be simulated using the natural join as follows If a 1 a n displaystyle a 1 ldots a n nbsp are the attribute names of R displaystyle R nbsp thenR S P a 1 a n R S displaystyle R ltimes S Pi a 1 ldots a n R bowtie S nbsp Since we can simulate the natural join with the basic operators it follows that this also holds for the semijoin In Codd s 1970 paper semijoin is called restriction 2 Antijoin edit The antijoin written as R S where R and S are relations c is similar to the semijoin but the result of an antijoin is only those tuples in R for which there is no tuple in S that is equal on their common attribute names citation needed For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their antijoin Employee Name EmpId DeptName Harry 3415 Finance Sally 2241 Sales George 3401 Finance Harriet 2202 Production Dept DeptName Manager Sales Sally Production Harriet Employee Dept Name EmpId DeptName Harry 3415 Finance George 3401 Finance The antijoin is formally defined as follows R S t t R s S Fun t s or R S t t R there is no tuple s of S that satisfies Fun t s where Fun t s is as in the definition of natural join The antijoin can also be defined as the complement of the semijoin as follows R S R R S 5 Given this the antijoin is sometimes called the anti semijoin and the antijoin operator is sometimes written as semijoin symbol with a bar above it instead of In the case where the relations have the same attributes union compatible antijoin is the same as minus Division edit The division is a binary operation that is written as R S Division is not implemented directly in SQL The result consists of the restrictions of tuples in R to the attribute names unique to R i e in the header of R but not in the header of S for which it holds that all their combinations with tuples in S are present in R For an example see the tables Completed DBProject and their division Completed Student Task Fred Database1 Fred Database2 Fred Compiler1 Eugene Database1 Eugene Compiler1 Sarah Database1 Sarah Database2 DBProject Task Database1 Database2 Completed DBProject Student Fred SarahIf DBProject contains all the tasks of the Database project then the result of the division above contains exactly the students who have completed both of the tasks in the Database project More formally the semantics of the division is defined as follows R S t a1 an t R s S t a1 an s R 6 where a1 an is the set of attribute names unique to R and t a1 an is the restriction of t to this set It is usually required that the attribute names in the header of S are a subset of those of R because otherwise the result of the operation will always be empty The simulation of the division with the basic operations is as follows We assume that a1 an are the attribute names unique to R and b1 bm are the attribute names of S In the first step we project R on its unique attribute names and construct all combinations with tuples in S T pa1 an R S In the prior example T would represent a table such that every Student because Student is the unique key attribute of the Completed table is combined with every given Task So Eugene for instance would have two rows Eugene Database1 and Eugene Database2 in T EG First let s pretend that Completed has a third attribute called grade It s unwanted baggage here so we must project it off always In fact in this step we can drop Task from R as well the multiply puts it back on T pStudent R S This gives us every possible desired combination including those that don t actually exist in R and excluding others eg Fred compiler1 which is not a desired combination dd T Student Task Fred Database1 Fred Database2 Eugene Database1 Eugene Database2 Sarah Database1 Sarah Database2In the next step we subtract R from Trelation U T R In U we have the possible combinations that could have been in R but weren t EG Again with projections T and R need to have identical attribute names headers U T pStudent Task R This gives us a what s missing list dd T Student Task Fred Database1 Fred Database2 Eugene Database1 Eugene Database2 Sarah Database1 Sarah Database2 R a k a Completed Student Task Fred Database1 Fred Database2 Fred Compiler1 Eugene Database1 Eugene Compiler1 Sarah Database1 Sarah Database2 U aka T R aka what s missing Student Task Eugene Database2So if we now take the projection on the attribute names unique to Rthen we have the restrictions of the tuples in R for which not all combinations with tuples in S were present in R V pa1 an U EG Project U down to just the attribute s in question Student V pStudent U dd V Student Eugene So what remains to be done is take the projection of R on its unique attribute names and subtract those in V W pa1 an R VEG W pStudent R V dd pStudent R Student Fred Eugene Sarah V Student Eugene W aka pStudent R V aka desired result Student Fred SarahCommon extensions editIn practice the classical relational algebra described above is extended with various operations such as outer joins aggregate functions and even transitive closure 3 Outer joins edit See also Join SQL Outer join Whereas the result of a join or inner join consists of tuples formed by combining matching tuples in the two operands an outer join contains those tuples and additionally some tuples formed by extending an unmatched tuple in one of the operands by fill values for each of the attributes of the other operand Outer joins are not considered part of the classical relational algebra discussed so far 4 The operators defined in this section assume the existence of a null value w which we do not define to be used for the fill values in practice this corresponds to the NULL in SQL In order to make subsequent selection operations on the resulting table meaningful a semantic meaning needs to be assigned to nulls in Codd s approach the propositional logic used by the selection is extended to a three valued logic although we elide those details in this article Three outer join operators are defined left outer join right outer join and full outer join The word outer is sometimes omitted Left outer join edit The left outer join is written as R S where R and S are relations d The result of the left outer join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names in addition loosely speaking to tuples in R that have no matching tuples in S citation needed For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their left outer join Employee Name EmpId DeptName Harry 3415 Finance Sally 2241 Sales George 3401 Finance Harriet 2202 Sales Tim 1123 Executive Dept DeptName Manager Sales Harriet Production Charles Employee Dept Name EmpId DeptName Manager Harry 3415 Finance w Sally 2241 Sales Harriet George 3401 Finance w Harriet 2202 Sales Harriet Tim 1123 Executive w In the resulting relation tuples in S which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in R take a null value w Since there are no tuples in Dept with a DeptName of Finance or Executive ws occur in the resulting relation where tuples in Employee have a DeptName of Finance or Executive Let r1 r2 rn be the attributes of the relation R and let w w be the singleton relation on the attributes that are unique to the relation S those that are not attributes of R Then the left outer join can be described in terms of the natural join and hence using basic operators as follows R S R p r 1 r 2 r n R S w w displaystyle R bowtie S cup R pi r 1 r 2 dots r n R bowtie S times omega dots omega nbsp Right outer join edit The right outer join behaves almost identically to the left outer join but the roles of the tables are switched The right outer join of relations R and S is written as R S e The result of the right outer join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names in addition to tuples in S that have no matching tuples in R citation needed For example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their right outer join Employee Name EmpId DeptName Harry 3415 Finance Sally 2241 Sales George 3401 Finance Harriet 2202 Sales Tim 1123 Executive Dept DeptName Manager Sales Harriet Production Charles Employee Dept Name EmpId DeptName Manager Sally 2241 Sales Harriet Harriet 2202 Sales Harriet w w Production Charles In the resulting relation tuples in R which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in S take a null value w Since there are no tuples in Employee with a DeptName of Production ws occur in the Name and EmpId attributes of the resulting relation where tuples in Dept had DeptName of Production Let s1 s2 sn be the attributes of the relation S and let w w be the singleton relation on the attributes that are unique to the relation R those that are not attributes of S Then as with the left outer join the right outer join can be simulated using the natural join as follows R S w w S p s 1 s 2 s n R S displaystyle R bowtie S cup omega dots omega times S pi s 1 s 2 dots s n R bowtie S nbsp Full outer join edit The outer join or full outer join in effect combines the results of the left and right outer joins The full outer join is written as R S where R and S are relations f The result of the full outer join is the set of all combinations of tuples in R and S that are equal on their common attribute names in addition to tuples in S that have no matching tuples in R and tuples in R that have no matching tuples in S in their common attribute names citation needed For an example consider the tables Employee and Dept and their full outer join Employee Name EmpId DeptName Harry 3415 Finance Sally 2241 Sales George 3401 Finance Harriet 2202 Sales Tim 1123 Executive Dept DeptName Manager Sales Harriet Production Charles Employee Dept Name EmpId DeptName Manager Harry 3415 Finance w Sally 2241 Sales Harriet George 3401 Finance w Harriet 2202 Sales Harriet Tim 1123 Executive w w w Production Charles In the resulting relation tuples in R which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in S take a null value w Tuples in S which have no common values in common attribute names with tuples in R also take a null value w The full outer join can be simulated using the left and right outer joins and hence the natural join and set union as follows R S R S R S Operations for domain computations edit There is nothing in relational algebra introduced so far that would allow computations on the data domains other than evaluation of propositional expressions involving equality For example it is not possible using only the algebra introduced so far to write an expression that would multiply the numbers from two columns e g a unit price with a quantity to obtain a total price Practical query languages have such facilities e g the SQL SELECT allows arithmetic operations to define new columns in the result span class k SELECT span span class w span span class n unit price span span class w span span class o span span class w span span class n quantity span span class w span span class k AS span span class w span span class n total price span span class w span span class k FROM span span class w span span class n t span and a similar facility is provided more explicitly by Tutorial D s EXTEND keyword 5 In database theory this is called extended projection 6 213 Aggregation edit Furthermore computing various functions on a column like the summing up of its elements is also not possible using the relational algebra introduced so far There are five aggregate functions that are included with most relational database systems These operations are Sum Count Average Maximum and Minimum In relational algebra the aggregation operation over a schema A1 A2 An is written as follows G 1 G 2 G m g f 1 A 1 f 2 A 2 f k A k r displaystyle G 1 G 2 ldots G m g f 1 A 1 f 2 A 2 ldots f k A k r nbsp where each Aj 1 j k is one of the original attributes Ai 1 i n The attributes preceding the g are grouping attributes which function like a group by clause in SQL Then there are an arbitrary number of aggregation functions applied to individual attributes The operation is applied to an arbitrary relation r The grouping attributes are optional and if they are not supplied the aggregation functions are applied across the entire relation to which the operation is applied Let s assume that we have a table named Account with three columns namely Account Number Branch Name and Balance We wish to find the maximum balance of each branch This is accomplished by Branch NameGMax Balance Account To find the highest balance of all accounts regardless of branch we could simply write GMax Balance Account Grouping is often written as Branch NameɣMax Balance Account instead 6 Transitive closure edit Although relational algebra seems powerful enough for most practical purposes there are some simple and natural operators on relations that cannot be expressed by relational algebra One of them is the transitive closure of a binary relation Given a domain D let binary relation R be a subset of D D The transitive closure R of R is the smallest subset of D D that contains R and satisfies the following condition x y z x y R y z R x z R displaystyle forall x forall y forall z left x y in R wedge y z in R Rightarrow x z in R right nbsp It can be proved using the fact that there is no relational algebra expression E R taking R as a variable argument that produces R 7 SQL however officially supports such fixpoint queries since 1999 and it had vendor specific extensions in this direction well before that Use of algebraic properties for query optimization editThis section does not cite any sources Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed June 2013 Learn how and when to remove this message nbsp nbsp Two possible query plans for the triangle query R A B S B C T A C the first joins S and T first and joins the result with R the second joins R and S first and joins the result with T Relational database management systems often include a query optimizer which attempts to determine the most efficient way to execute a given query Query optimizers enumerate possible query plans estimate their cost and pick the plan with the lowest estimated cost If queries are represented by operators from relational algebra the query optimizer can enumerate possible query plans by rewriting the initial query using the algebraic properties of these operators Queries can be represented as a tree where the internal nodes are operators leaves are relations subtrees are subexpressions The primary goal of the query optimizer is to transform expression trees into equivalent expression trees where the average size of the relations yielded by subexpressions in the tree is smaller than it was before the optimization The secondary goal is to try to form common subexpressions within a single query or if there is more than one query being evaluated at the same time in all of those queries The rationale behind the second goal is that it is enough to compute common subexpressions once and the results can be used in all queries that contain that subexpression Here are a set of rules that can be used in such transformations Selection edit Rules about selection operators play the most important role in query optimization Selection is an operator that very effectively decreases the number of rows in its operand so if the selections in an expression tree are moved towards the leaves the internal relations yielded by subexpressions will likely shrink Basic selection properties edit Selection is idempotent multiple applications of the same selection have no additional effect beyond the first one and commutative the order selections are applied in has no effect on the eventual result s A R s A s A R displaystyle sigma A R sigma A sigma A R nbsp s A s B R s B s A R displaystyle sigma A sigma B R sigma B sigma A R nbsp Breaking up selections with complex conditions edit A selection whose condition is a conjunction of simpler conditions is equivalent to a sequence of selections with those same individual conditions and selection whose condition is a disjunction is equivalent to a union of selections These identities can be used to merge selections so that fewer selections need to be evaluated or to split them so that the component selections may be moved or optimized separately s A B R s A s B R s B s A R displaystyle sigma A land B R sigma A sigma B R sigma B sigma A R nbsp s A B R s A R s B R displaystyle sigma A lor B R sigma A R cup sigma B R nbsp Selection and cross product edit Cross product is the costliest operator to evaluate If the input relations have N and M rows the result will contain N M displaystyle NM nbsp rows Therefore it is important to decrease the size of both operands before applying the cross product operator This can be effectively done if the cross product is followed by a selection operator e g s A R P displaystyle sigma A R times P nbsp Considering the definition of join this is the most likely case If the cross product is not followed by a selection operator we can try to push down a selection from higher levels of the expression tree using the other selection rules In the above case the condition A is broken up in to conditions B C and D using the split rules about complex selection conditions so that A B C D displaystyle A B wedge C wedge D nbsp and B contains attributes only from R C contains attributes only from P and D contains the part of A that contains attributes from both R and P Note that B C or D are possibly empty Then the following holds s A R P s B C D R P s D s B R s C P displaystyle sigma A R times P sigma B wedge C wedge D R times P sigma D sigma B R times sigma C P nbsp Selection and set operators edit Selection is distributive over the set difference intersection and union operators The following three rules are used to push selection below set operations in the expression tree For the set difference and the intersection operators it is possible to apply the selection operator to just one of the operands following the transformation This can be beneficial where one of the operands is small and the overhead of evaluating the selection operator outweighs the benefits of using a smaller relation as an operand s A R P s A R s A P s A R P displaystyle sigma A R setminus P sigma A R setminus sigma A P sigma A R setminus P nbsp s A R P s A R s A P displaystyle sigma A R cup P sigma A R cup sigma A P nbsp s A R P s A R s A P s A R P R s A P displaystyle sigma A R cap P sigma A R cap sigma A P sigma A R cap P R cap sigma A P nbsp Selection and projection edit Selection commutes with projection if and only if the fields referenced in the selection condition are a subset of the fields in the projection Performing selection before projection may be useful if the operand is a cross product or join In other cases if the selection condition is relatively expensive to compute moving selection outside the projection may reduce the number of tuples which must be tested since projection may produce fewer tuples due to the elimination of duplicates resulting from omitted fields p a 1 a n s A R s A p a 1 a n R where fields in A a 1 a n displaystyle pi a 1 ldots a n sigma A R sigma A pi a 1 ldots a n R text where fields in A subseteq a 1 ldots a n nbsp Projection edit Basic projection properties edit Projection is idempotent so that a series of valid projections is equivalent to the outermost projection p a 1 a n p b 1 b m R p a 1 a n R where a 1 a n b 1 b m displaystyle pi a 1 ldots a n pi b 1 ldots b m R pi a 1 ldots a n R text where a 1 ldots a n subseteq b 1 ldots b m nbsp Projection and set operators edit Projection is distributive over set union p a 1 a n R P p a 1 a n R p a 1 a n P displaystyle pi a 1 ldots a n R cup P pi a 1 ldots a n R cup pi a 1 ldots a n P nbsp Projection does not distribute over intersection and set difference Counterexamples are given by p A A a B b A a B b displaystyle pi A langle A a B b rangle cap langle A a B b rangle emptyset nbsp p A A a B b p A A a B b A a displaystyle pi A langle A a B b rangle cap pi A langle A a B b rangle langle A a rangle nbsp and p A A a B b A a B b A a displaystyle pi A langle A a B b rangle setminus langle A a B b rangle langle A a rangle nbsp p A A a B b p A A a B b displaystyle pi A langle A a B b rangle setminus pi A langle A a B b rangle emptyset nbsp where b is assumed to be distinct from b Rename edit Basic rename properties edit Successive renames of a variable can be collapsed into a single rename Rename operations which have no variables in common can be arbitrarily reordered with respect to one another which can be exploited to make successive renames adjacent so that they can be collapsed r a b r b c R r a c R displaystyle rho a b rho b c R rho a c R nbsp r a b r c d R r c d r a b R displaystyle rho a b rho c d R rho c d rho a b R nbsp Rename and set operators edit Rename is distributive over set difference union and intersection r a b R P r a b R r a b P displaystyle rho a b R setminus P rho a b R setminus rho a b P nbsp r a b R P r a b R r a b P displaystyle rho a b R cup P rho a b R cup rho a b P nbsp r a b R P r a b R r a b P displaystyle rho a b R cap P rho a b R cap rho a b P nbsp Product and union edit Cartesian product is distributive over union A B A C A B C displaystyle A times B cup A times C A times B cup C nbsp Implementations editThe first query language to be based on Codd s algebra was Alpha developed by Dr Codd himself Subsequently ISBL was created and this pioneering work has been acclaimed by many authorities 8 as having shown the way to make Codd s idea into a useful language Business System 12 was a short lived industry strength relational DBMS that followed the ISBL example In 1998 Chris Date and Hugh Darwen proposed a language called Tutorial D intended for use in teaching relational database theory and its query language also draws on ISBL s ideas Rel is an implementation of Tutorial D Even the query language of SQL is loosely based on a relational algebra though the operands in SQL tables are not exactly relations and several useful theorems about the relational algebra do not hold in the SQL counterpart arguably to the detriment of optimisers and or users The SQL table model is a bag multiset rather than a set For example the expression R S T R T S T displaystyle R cup S setminus T R setminus T cup S setminus T nbsp is a theorem for relational algebra on sets but not for relational algebra on bags for a treatment of relational algebra on bags see chapter 5 of the Complete textbook by Garcia Molina Ullman and Widom 6 See also editCartesian product D4 programming language an implementation of D Database Logic of relatives Object role modeling Projection mathematics Projection relational algebra Projection set theory Relation Relation database Relation algebra Relation composition Relation construction Relational calculus Relational database Relational model Theory of relations Triadic relation Tuple relational calculus SQL Datalog Codd s theoremNotes edit In Unicode the join symbol is U 2A1D and the bowtie symbol occasionally used instead is U 22C8 In Unicode the ltimes symbol is U 22C9 The rtimes symbol is U 22CA In Unicode the Antijoin symbol is U 25B7 In Unicode the Left outer join symbol is U 27D5 In Unicode the Right outer join symbol is U 27D6 In Unicode the Full Outer join symbol is U 27D7 References edit Silberschatz Abraham Henry F Korth S Sudarshan 2020 Database system concepts Seventh ed New York p 56 ISBN 978 0 07 802215 9 OCLC 1080554130 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint location missing publisher link Codd E F June 1970 A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks Communications of the ACM 13 6 377 387 doi 10 1145 362384 362685 S2CID 207549016 M Tamer Ozsu Patrick Valduriez 2011 Principles of Distributed Database Systems 3rd ed Springer p 46 ISBN 978 1 4419 8833 1 Patrick O Neil Elizabeth O Neil 2001 Database Principles Programming and Performance Second Edition Morgan Kaufmann p 120 ISBN 978 1 55860 438 4 C J Date 2011 SQL and Relational Theory How to Write Accurate SQL Code O Reilly Media Inc pp 133 135 ISBN 978 1 4493 1974 8 a b c Hector Garcia Molina Jeffrey D Ullman Jennifer Widom 2009 Database systems the complete book 2nd ed Pearson Prentice Hall ISBN 978 0 13 187325 4 Aho Alfred V Jeffrey D Ullman 1979 Universality of data retrieval languages Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGACT SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages 110 119 doi 10 1145 567752 567763 S2CID 3242505 C J Date Edgar F Codd A M Turing Award Laureate amturing acm org Retrieved 2020 12 27 Further reading editPractically any academic textbook on databases has a detailed treatment of the classic relational algebra Imielinski T Lipski W 1984 The relational model of data and cylindric algebras Journal of Computer and System Sciences 28 80 102 doi 10 1016 0022 0000 84 90077 1 For relationship with cylindric algebras External links editThis article s use of external links may not follow Wikipedia s policies or guidelines Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links and converting useful links where appropriate into footnote references January 2017 Learn how and when to remove this message RAT Software Relational Algebra Translator to SQL Lecture Videos Relational Algebra Processing An introduction to how database systems process relational algebra Lecture Notes Relational Algebra A quick tutorial to adapt SQL queries into relational algebra Relational A graphic implementation of the relational algebra Query Optimization Page deleted Closest alternatives Standford Query Optimization 2 Microsoft research Query Optimization in relational systems Stanford paper Query Optimization This paper is an introduction into the use of the relational algebra in optimizing queries and includes numerous citations for more in depth study Relational Algebra System for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server Pireal An experimental educational tool for working with Relational Algebra DES An educational tool for working with Relational Algebra and other formal languages RelaX Relational Algebra Calculator open source software available as an online service without registration RA A Relational Algebra Interpreter Translating SQL to Relational Algebra Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Relational algebra amp oldid 1224911335 Full outer join, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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