
Whooping cough

Whooping cough (/ˈhpɪŋ/), also known as pertussis or the 100-day cough, is a highly contagious, vaccine-preventable bacterial disease.[1][10] Initial symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough, but these are followed by two or three months of severe coughing fits.[1] Following a fit of coughing, a high-pitched whoop sound or gasp may occur as the person breathes in.[1] The violent coughing may last for 10 or more weeks, hence the phrase "100-day cough".[3] The cough may be so hard that it causes vomiting, rib fractures, and fatigue.[1][2] Children less than one year old may have little or no cough and instead have periods where they cannot breathe.[1] The incubation period is usually seven to ten days.[11] Disease may occur in those who have been vaccinated, but symptoms are typically milder.[1]

Whooping cough
Other namesPertussis, 100-day cough
A young boy coughing due to pertussis.
SpecialtyInfectious disease
SymptomsRunny nose, fever, cough[1]
ComplicationsVomiting, broken ribs, exhaustion[1][2]
Duration~ 10 weeks[3]
CausesBordetella pertussis (spread through the air)[4]
Diagnostic methodNasopharyngeal swab[5]
PreventionPertussis vaccine[6]
TreatmentAntibiotics (if started early)[7]
Frequency16.3 million (2015)[8]
Deaths58,700 (2015)[9]

Pertussis is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, which is spread easily through the coughs and sneezes of an infected person.[4][12] People are infectious from the start of symptoms until about three weeks into the coughing fits.[7] Diagnosis is by collecting a sample from the back of the nose and throat.[5] This sample can then be tested either by culture or by polymerase chain reaction.[5]

Prevention is mainly by vaccination with the pertussis vaccine.[6] Initial immunization is recommended between six and eight weeks of age, with four doses to be given in the first two years of life.[13] Protection from pertussis decreases over time, so additional doses of vaccine are often recommended for older children and adults.[14] Vaccination during pregnancy is highly effective at protecting the infant from pertussis during their vulnerable early months of life, and is recommended in many countries.[15] Antibiotics may be used to prevent the disease in those who have been exposed and are at risk of severe disease.[16] In those with the disease, antibiotics are useful if started within three weeks of the initial symptoms, but otherwise have little effect in most people.[7] In pregnant women and children less than one year old, antibiotics are recommended within six weeks of symptom onset.[7] Antibiotics used include erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, or trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.[7] Evidence to support interventions for the cough, other than antibiotics, is poor.[17] About 50% of infected children less than a year old require hospitalization and nearly 0.5% (1 in 200) die.[1][2]

An estimated 16.3 million people worldwide were infected in 2015.[8] Most cases occur in the developing world, and people of all ages may be affected.[6][17] In 2015, pertussis resulted in 58,700 deaths – down from 138,000 deaths in 1990.[9][18] Outbreaks of the disease were first described in the 16th century.[11] The bacterium that causes the infection was discovered in 1906.[11] The pertussis vaccine became available in the 1940s.[11]

Signs and symptoms edit

A boy with pertussis

The classic symptoms of pertussis are a paroxysmal cough, inspiratory whoop, and fainting, or vomiting after coughing.[19] The cough from pertussis has been documented to cause subconjunctival hemorrhages, rib fractures, urinary incontinence, hernias, and vertebral artery dissection.[19] Violent coughing can cause the pleura to rupture, leading to a pneumothorax. Vomiting after a coughing spell or an inspiratory whooping sound on coughing almost doubles the likelihood that the illness is pertussis. The absence of a paroxysmal cough or posttussive emesis, though, makes it almost half as likely.[19]

The illness usually starts with mild respiratory symptoms include mild coughing, sneezing, or a runny nose (known as the catarrhal stage). After one or two weeks, the coughing classically develops into uncontrollable fits, sometimes followed by a high-pitched "whoop" sound, as the person tries to inhale. About 50% of children and adults "whoop" at some point in diagnosed pertussis cases during the paroxysmal stage.

This stage usually lasts two to eight weeks, or sometimes longer. A gradual transition then occurs to the convalescent stage, which usually lasts one to four weeks. This stage is marked by a decrease in paroxysms of coughing, although paroxysms may occur with subsequent respiratory infection for many months after the onset of pertussis.[20]

Symptoms of pertussis can be variable, especially between immunized and non-immunized people. Those that are immunized can present with a more mild infection; they may only have the paroxysmal cough for a couple of weeks, and it may lack the "whooping" characteristic.[21] Although immunized people have a milder form of the infection, they can spread the disease to others who are not immune.[21]

Incubation period edit

The time between exposure and the development of symptoms is on average 7–14 days (range 6–20 days),[22] rarely as long as 42 days.[23]

Cause edit

Pertussis is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. It is an airborne disease (through droplets) that spreads easily through the coughs and sneezes of an infected person.[4]

Host species edit

Humans are the only host species of B. pertussis.[24] Outbreaks of whooping cough have been observed among chimpanzees in a zoo, and among wild gorillas; in both cases it is considered likely that the infection was acquired as a result of close contact with humans.[25][26] Several zoos have a long-standing custom of vaccinating their primates against whooping cough.[27]

Mechanism edit

After the bacteria are inhaled, they initially adhere to the ciliated epithelium in the nasopharynx. Surface proteins of B. pertussis, including filamentous hemaglutinin and pertactin, mediate attachment to the epithelium. The bacteria then multiply.[28][29] In infants, who experience more severe disease, the bacteria spread down to the lungs.[29]

The bacteria secretes a number of toxins. Tracheal cytotoxin (TCT), a fragment of peptidoglycan, kills ciliated epithelial cells in the airway and thereby inhibits the mechanism which clears the airways of mucus and debris.[30] TCT may contribute to the cough characteristic of pertussis.[31] Pertussis toxin causes lymphocytosis by an unknown mechanism. The elevated number of white blood cells leads to pulmonary hypertension, a major cause of death by pertussis.[30][29] In infants who develop encephalopathy, cerebral hemorrhage and cortical atrophy occur, likely due to hypoxia.[29]

Diagnosis edit

Gram stain of Bordetella pertussis

Based on symptoms edit

A physician's overall impression is most effective in initially making the diagnosis.[32] Single factors are much less useful.[32] In adults with a cough of less than 8 weeks, vomiting after coughing or a "whoop" is supportive.[33] If there are no bouts of coughing or there is a fever the diagnosis is unlikely.[33] In children who have a cough of less than 4 weeks vomiting after coughing is somewhat supportive but not definitive.[33]

Lab tests edit

Methods used in laboratory diagnosis include culturing of nasopharyngeal swabs on a nutrient medium (Bordet–Gengou medium), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), direct fluorescent antibody (DFA), and serological methods (e.g. complement fixation test).[34] The bacteria can be recovered from the person only during the first three weeks of illness, rendering culturing and DFA useless after this period, although PCR may have some limited usefulness for an additional three weeks.

Serology may be used for adults and adolescents who have already been infected for several weeks to determine whether antibody against pertussis toxin or another virulence factor of B. pertussis is present at high levels in the blood of the person.[35]

Differential diagnosis edit

A similar, milder disease is caused by B. parapertussis.[36]

Prevention edit

The primary method of prevention for pertussis is vaccination.[37] Evidence is insufficient to determine the effectiveness of antibiotics in those who have been exposed, but are without symptoms.[38] Preventive antibiotics, however, are still frequently used in those who have been exposed and are at high risk of severe disease (such as infants).[6]

Vaccine edit

Pertussis vaccines are effective at preventing illness[39] and are recommended for routine use by the World Health Organization[40] and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.[41] The vaccine saved an estimated half a million lives in 2002.[40]

The multicomponent acellular pertussis vaccine is 71–85% effective, with greater effectiveness against more severe strains.[39] However, despite widespread vaccination, pertussis has persisted in vaccinated populations and is today "one of the most common vaccine-preventable diseases in Western countries".[42] The 21st-century resurgences in pertussis infections is attributed to a combination of waning immunity and bacterial mutations that elude vaccines.[42][43]

Immunization does not confer lifelong immunity; a 2011 CDC study indicated that protection may only last three to six years. This covers childhood, which is the time of greatest exposure and greatest risk of death from pertussis.[19][44]

An effect of widespread immunization on society has been the shift of reported infections from children aged 1–9 years to infants, adolescents, and adults, with adolescents and adults acting as reservoirs for B. pertussis and infecting infants who have had fewer than three doses of vaccine.[45]

Infection induces incomplete natural immunity that wanes over time.[46] A 2005 study said estimates of the duration of infection-acquired immunity range from 7 to 20 years and the different results could be the result of differences in levels of circulating B. pertussis, surveillance systems, and case definitions used. The study said protective immunity after vaccination wanes after 4–12 years.[47] One study suggested that the availability of vaccine exemptions increases the number of pertussis cases.[48]

Some studies have suggested that while acellular pertussis vaccines are effective at preventing the disease, they have a limited impact on infection and transmission, meaning that vaccinated people could spread pertussis even though they may have only mild symptoms or none at all.[49][50] Pertussis infection in these persons may be asymptomatic, or present as illness ranging from a mild cough to classic pertussis with persistent cough (i.e., lasting more than 7 days). Even though the disease may be milder in older persons, those who are infected may transmit the disease to other susceptible persons, including unimmunized or incompletely immunized infants. Older persons are often found to have the first case in a household with multiple pertussis cases, and are often the source of infection for children.[20]

Treatment edit

The antibiotics erythromycin, clarithromycin, or azithromycin are typically the recommended treatment.[38] Newer macrolides are frequently recommended due to lower rates of side effects.[6] Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX) may be used in those with allergies to first-line agents or in infants who have a risk of pyloric stenosis from macrolides.[6]

A reasonable guideline is to treat people age >1 year within 3 weeks of cough onset and infants age <1 year and pregnant women within 6 weeks of cough onset. If the person is diagnosed late, antibiotics will not alter the course of the illness, and even without antibiotics, they should no longer be spreading pertussis.[6] When used early, antibiotics decrease the duration of infectiousness, and thus prevent spread.[6] Short-term antibiotics (azithromycin for 3–5 days) are as effective as long-term treatment (erythromycin 10–14 days) in eliminating B. pertussis with fewer and less severe side effects.[38]

People with pertussis are most infectious during the first two weeks following the onset of symptoms.[51]

Effective treatments of the cough associated with this condition have not been developed.[52] The use of over the counter cough medications is discouraged and has not been found helpful.[21]

Prognosis edit

Disability-adjusted life year for pertussis per 100,000 inhabitants as of 2004.
  No data
  Less than 50
  More than 550

While most healthy older children and adults fully recover, infection in newborns is particularly severe. Pertussis is fatal in an estimated 0.5% of US infants under one year of age.[53] First-year infants are also more likely to develop complications, such as: apneas (31%), pneumonia (12%), seizures (0.6%) and encephalopathy (0.15%).[53] This may be due to the ability of the bacterium to suppress the immune system.[54]

Epidemiology edit

Whooping cough deaths per million persons in 2019
  0.00 - 1.49
  1.50 - 2.99
  3.00 - 5.99
  6.00 - 9.99
  10.00 - 19.99
  20.00 - 39.99
  40.00 - 59.99
  60.00 - 99.99

Pertussis is endemic worldwide. More than 151,000 cases were reported globally during 2018.[55] However not all cases are reported or correctly diagnosed, especially in developing countries. Pertussis is one of the leading causes of vaccine-preventable deaths worldwide.[56] A study in 2017 estimated the global burden of the disease to be 24 million cases per year with 160,000 deaths among young children, with about 90% of all cases occurring in developing countries.[57][56]

Before vaccines, an average of 178,171 cases was reported in the U.S., with peaks reported every two to five years; more than 93% of reported cases occurred in children under 10 years of age. The actual incidence was likely much higher. After vaccinations were introduced in the 1940s, pertussis incidence fell dramatically to approximately 1,000 by 1976. Incidence rates have increased since 1980. In 2015, 20,762 people were reported to have been infected in the United States.[58] Pertussis is the only vaccine-preventable disease that is associated with increasing deaths in the U.S. The number of deaths increased from four in 1996 to 17 in 2001, almost all of which were infants under one year.[59] In the U.S. pertussis in adults has increased significantly since about 2004.[60]

Epidemics of the disease occur cyclically, every three to 5 years, both in areas with vaccination programs and those without.[61] Over time, immunity declines in those who have either been vaccinated or have recovered from infection.[62] In addition, infants are born who are susceptible to infection. An epidemic can occur once herd immunity reduces below decreases below a certain level.[63] It is also possible that the bacterium is evolving to evade vaccine-induced immunity.[64][61]

An epidemiologist tests blood samples for pertussis during a 2010 outbreak.

History edit

Discovery edit

B. pertussis was discovered in 1906 by Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou, who also developed the first serology and vaccine. Efforts to develop an inactivated whole-cell vaccine began soon after B. pertussis was cultured that year. In the 1920s, Louis W. Sauer developed a weak vaccine for whooping cough at Evanston Hospital (Evanston, IL). In 1925 Danish physician Thorvald Madsen was the first to test a whole-cell vaccine on a wide scale.[65] Madsen used the vaccine to control outbreaks in the Faroe Islands in the North Sea.

Vaccine edit

In 1932, an outbreak of whooping cough hit Atlanta, Georgia, prompting pediatrician Leila Denmark to begin her study of the disease. Over the next six years, her work was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and in partnership with Emory University and Eli Lilly & Company, she developed the first pertussis vaccine.[66] In 1942, American scientists Grace Eldering, Loney Gordon, and Pearl Kendrick combined the whole-cell pertussis vaccine with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids to generate the first DTP combination vaccine.[67] To minimize the frequent side effects caused by the pertussis component, Japanese scientist Yuji Sato developed an acellular vaccine consisting of purified haemagglutinins (HAs: filamentous strep throat and leukocytosis-promoting-factor HA), which are secreted by B. pertussis. Sato's acellular pertussis vaccine was used in Japan starting in 1981.[68] Later versions of the acellular vaccine in other countries consisted of additional defined components of B. pertussis and were often part of the DTaP combination vaccine.

References edit

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  59. ^ Gregory DS (August 2006). "Pertussis: a disease affecting all ages". American Family Physician. 74 (3): 420–6. PMID 16913160. from the original on 16 May 2008.
  60. ^ Kate Murphy (22 February 2005). "Enduring and Painful, Pertussis Leaps Back". The New York Times. from the original on 24 May 2013.
  61. ^ a b Bouchez V, Guiso N (October 2015). Carbonetti N (ed.). "Bordetella pertussis , B. parapertussis , vaccines and cycles of whooping cough". Pathogens and Disease. 73 (7): ftv055. doi:10.1093/femspd/ftv055. ISSN 2049-632X. PMID 26242280.
  62. ^ Burdin N, Handy LK, Plotkin SA (December 2017). "What Is Wrong with Pertussis Vaccine Immunity? The Problem of Waning Effectiveness of Pertussis Vaccines". Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. 9 (12): a029454. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a029454. ISSN 1943-0264. PMC 5710106. PMID 28289064.
  63. ^ "Facts and figures - Whooping cough". NSW Health. 15 March 2017. Retrieved 26 March 2024.
  64. ^ "Pertussis (whooping cough) - Epidemic Control Toolkit". The International Federation of Red Cross. 14 June 2022. Retrieved 26 March 2024.
  65. ^ Baker JP, Katz SL (February 2004). "Childhood vaccine development: an overview". Pediatric Research. 55 (2): 347–56. doi:10.1203/01.PDR.0000106317.36875.6A. PMID 14630981.
  66. ^ "Changing the Face of Medicine | Dr. Leila Alice Daughtry Denmark". www.nlm.nih.gov. from the original on 21 March 2015. Retrieved 3 February 2016.
  67. ^ Bannink J. "Finding aid for the Michigan women and the whooping cough vaccine collection[s]" (PDF). (PDF) from the original on 5 February 2015.
  68. ^ Sato Y, Kimura M, Fukumi H (January 1984). "Development of a pertussis component vaccine in Japan". Lancet. 1 (8369): 122–6. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(84)90061-8. PMID 6140441. S2CID 23621152.

External links edit

Wikipedia's health care articles can be viewed offline with the Medical Wikipedia app.
  • Pertussis at Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology
  • PBS NOVA – Vaccines: Calling The Shots
  • "Whooping Cough". MedlinePlus. U.S. National Library of Medicine.

whooping, cough, also, known, pertussis, cough, highly, contagious, vaccine, preventable, bacterial, disease, initial, symptoms, usually, similar, those, common, cold, with, runny, nose, fever, mild, cough, these, followed, three, months, severe, coughing, fit. Whooping cough ˈ h uː p ɪ ŋ also known as pertussis or the 100 day cough is a highly contagious vaccine preventable bacterial disease 1 10 Initial symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose fever and mild cough but these are followed by two or three months of severe coughing fits 1 Following a fit of coughing a high pitched whoop sound or gasp may occur as the person breathes in 1 The violent coughing may last for 10 or more weeks hence the phrase 100 day cough 3 The cough may be so hard that it causes vomiting rib fractures and fatigue 1 2 Children less than one year old may have little or no cough and instead have periods where they cannot breathe 1 The incubation period is usually seven to ten days 11 Disease may occur in those who have been vaccinated but symptoms are typically milder 1 Whooping coughOther namesPertussis 100 day coughA young boy coughing due to pertussis SpecialtyInfectious diseaseSymptomsRunny nose fever cough 1 ComplicationsVomiting broken ribs exhaustion 1 2 Duration 10 weeks 3 CausesBordetella pertussis spread through the air 4 Diagnostic methodNasopharyngeal swab 5 PreventionPertussis vaccine 6 TreatmentAntibiotics if started early 7 Frequency16 3 million 2015 8 Deaths58 700 2015 9 Pertussis is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis which is spread easily through the coughs and sneezes of an infected person 4 12 People are infectious from the start of symptoms until about three weeks into the coughing fits 7 Diagnosis is by collecting a sample from the back of the nose and throat 5 This sample can then be tested either by culture or by polymerase chain reaction 5 Prevention is mainly by vaccination with the pertussis vaccine 6 Initial immunization is recommended between six and eight weeks of age with four doses to be given in the first two years of life 13 Protection from pertussis decreases over time so additional doses of vaccine are often recommended for older children and adults 14 Vaccination during pregnancy is highly effective at protecting the infant from pertussis during their vulnerable early months of life and is recommended in many countries 15 Antibiotics may be used to prevent the disease in those who have been exposed and are at risk of severe disease 16 In those with the disease antibiotics are useful if started within three weeks of the initial symptoms but otherwise have little effect in most people 7 In pregnant women and children less than one year old antibiotics are recommended within six weeks of symptom onset 7 Antibiotics used include erythromycin azithromycin clarithromycin or trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole 7 Evidence to support interventions for the cough other than antibiotics is poor 17 About 50 of infected children less than a year old require hospitalization and nearly 0 5 1 in 200 die 1 2 An estimated 16 3 million people worldwide were infected in 2015 8 Most cases occur in the developing world and people of all ages may be affected 6 17 In 2015 pertussis resulted in 58 700 deaths down from 138 000 deaths in 1990 9 18 Outbreaks of the disease were first described in the 16th century 11 The bacterium that causes the infection was discovered in 1906 11 The pertussis vaccine became available in the 1940s 11 Contents 1 Signs and symptoms 1 1 Incubation period 2 Cause 2 1 Host species 3 Mechanism 4 Diagnosis 4 1 Based on symptoms 4 2 Lab tests 4 3 Differential diagnosis 5 Prevention 5 1 Vaccine 6 Treatment 7 Prognosis 8 Epidemiology 9 History 9 1 Discovery 9 2 Vaccine 10 References 11 External linksSigns and symptoms edit source source source source A boy with pertussis The classic symptoms of pertussis are a paroxysmal cough inspiratory whoop and fainting or vomiting after coughing 19 The cough from pertussis has been documented to cause subconjunctival hemorrhages rib fractures urinary incontinence hernias and vertebral artery dissection 19 Violent coughing can cause the pleura to rupture leading to a pneumothorax Vomiting after a coughing spell or an inspiratory whooping sound on coughing almost doubles the likelihood that the illness is pertussis The absence of a paroxysmal cough or posttussive emesis though makes it almost half as likely 19 The illness usually starts with mild respiratory symptoms include mild coughing sneezing or a runny nose known as the catarrhal stage After one or two weeks the coughing classically develops into uncontrollable fits sometimes followed by a high pitched whoop sound as the person tries to inhale About 50 of children and adults whoop at some point in diagnosed pertussis cases during the paroxysmal stage This stage usually lasts two to eight weeks or sometimes longer A gradual transition then occurs to the convalescent stage which usually lasts one to four weeks This stage is marked by a decrease in paroxysms of coughing although paroxysms may occur with subsequent respiratory infection for many months after the onset of pertussis 20 Symptoms of pertussis can be variable especially between immunized and non immunized people Those that are immunized can present with a more mild infection they may only have the paroxysmal cough for a couple of weeks and it may lack the whooping characteristic 21 Although immunized people have a milder form of the infection they can spread the disease to others who are not immune 21 Incubation period edit The time between exposure and the development of symptoms is on average 7 14 days range 6 20 days 22 rarely as long as 42 days 23 Cause editPertussis is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis It is an airborne disease through droplets that spreads easily through the coughs and sneezes of an infected person 4 Host species edit Humans are the only host species of B pertussis 24 Outbreaks of whooping cough have been observed among chimpanzees in a zoo and among wild gorillas in both cases it is considered likely that the infection was acquired as a result of close contact with humans 25 26 Several zoos have a long standing custom of vaccinating their primates against whooping cough 27 Mechanism editAfter the bacteria are inhaled they initially adhere to the ciliated epithelium in the nasopharynx Surface proteins of B pertussis including filamentous hemaglutinin and pertactin mediate attachment to the epithelium The bacteria then multiply 28 29 In infants who experience more severe disease the bacteria spread down to the lungs 29 The bacteria secretes a number of toxins Tracheal cytotoxin TCT a fragment of peptidoglycan kills ciliated epithelial cells in the airway and thereby inhibits the mechanism which clears the airways of mucus and debris 30 TCT may contribute to the cough characteristic of pertussis 31 Pertussis toxin causes lymphocytosis by an unknown mechanism The elevated number of white blood cells leads to pulmonary hypertension a major cause of death by pertussis 30 29 In infants who develop encephalopathy cerebral hemorrhage and cortical atrophy occur likely due to hypoxia 29 Diagnosis edit nbsp Gram stain of Bordetella pertussis Based on symptoms edit A physician s overall impression is most effective in initially making the diagnosis 32 Single factors are much less useful 32 In adults with a cough of less than 8 weeks vomiting after coughing or a whoop is supportive 33 If there are no bouts of coughing or there is a fever the diagnosis is unlikely 33 In children who have a cough of less than 4 weeks vomiting after coughing is somewhat supportive but not definitive 33 Lab tests edit Methods used in laboratory diagnosis include culturing of nasopharyngeal swabs on a nutrient medium Bordet Gengou medium polymerase chain reaction PCR direct fluorescent antibody DFA and serological methods e g complement fixation test 34 The bacteria can be recovered from the person only during the first three weeks of illness rendering culturing and DFA useless after this period although PCR may have some limited usefulness for an additional three weeks Serology may be used for adults and adolescents who have already been infected for several weeks to determine whether antibody against pertussis toxin or another virulence factor of B pertussis is present at high levels in the blood of the person 35 Differential diagnosis edit A similar milder disease is caused by B parapertussis 36 Prevention editThe primary method of prevention for pertussis is vaccination 37 Evidence is insufficient to determine the effectiveness of antibiotics in those who have been exposed but are without symptoms 38 Preventive antibiotics however are still frequently used in those who have been exposed and are at high risk of severe disease such as infants 6 Vaccine edit Pertussis vaccines are effective at preventing illness 39 and are recommended for routine use by the World Health Organization 40 and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 41 The vaccine saved an estimated half a million lives in 2002 40 The multicomponent acellular pertussis vaccine is 71 85 effective with greater effectiveness against more severe strains 39 However despite widespread vaccination pertussis has persisted in vaccinated populations and is today one of the most common vaccine preventable diseases in Western countries 42 The 21st century resurgences in pertussis infections is attributed to a combination of waning immunity and bacterial mutations that elude vaccines 42 43 Immunization does not confer lifelong immunity a 2011 CDC study indicated that protection may only last three to six years This covers childhood which is the time of greatest exposure and greatest risk of death from pertussis 19 44 An effect of widespread immunization on society has been the shift of reported infections from children aged 1 9 years to infants adolescents and adults with adolescents and adults acting as reservoirs for B pertussis and infecting infants who have had fewer than three doses of vaccine 45 Infection induces incomplete natural immunity that wanes over time 46 A 2005 study said estimates of the duration of infection acquired immunity range from 7 to 20 years and the different results could be the result of differences in levels of circulating B pertussis surveillance systems and case definitions used The study said protective immunity after vaccination wanes after 4 12 years 47 One study suggested that the availability of vaccine exemptions increases the number of pertussis cases 48 Some studies have suggested that while acellular pertussis vaccines are effective at preventing the disease they have a limited impact on infection and transmission meaning that vaccinated people could spread pertussis even though they may have only mild symptoms or none at all 49 50 Pertussis infection in these persons may be asymptomatic or present as illness ranging from a mild cough to classic pertussis with persistent cough i e lasting more than 7 days Even though the disease may be milder in older persons those who are infected may transmit the disease to other susceptible persons including unimmunized or incompletely immunized infants Older persons are often found to have the first case in a household with multiple pertussis cases and are often the source of infection for children 20 Treatment editThe antibiotics erythromycin clarithromycin or azithromycin are typically the recommended treatment 38 Newer macrolides are frequently recommended due to lower rates of side effects 6 Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole TMP SMX may be used in those with allergies to first line agents or in infants who have a risk of pyloric stenosis from macrolides 6 A reasonable guideline is to treat people age gt 1 year within 3 weeks of cough onset and infants age lt 1 year and pregnant women within 6 weeks of cough onset If the person is diagnosed late antibiotics will not alter the course of the illness and even without antibiotics they should no longer be spreading pertussis 6 When used early antibiotics decrease the duration of infectiousness and thus prevent spread 6 Short term antibiotics azithromycin for 3 5 days are as effective as long term treatment erythromycin 10 14 days in eliminating B pertussis with fewer and less severe side effects 38 People with pertussis are most infectious during the first two weeks following the onset of symptoms 51 Effective treatments of the cough associated with this condition have not been developed 52 The use of over the counter cough medications is discouraged and has not been found helpful 21 Prognosis edit nbsp Disability adjusted life year for pertussis per 100 000 inhabitants as of 2004 No data Less than 50 50 100 100 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 550 More than 550 While most healthy older children and adults fully recover infection in newborns is particularly severe Pertussis is fatal in an estimated 0 5 of US infants under one year of age 53 First year infants are also more likely to develop complications such as apneas 31 pneumonia 12 seizures 0 6 and encephalopathy 0 15 53 This may be due to the ability of the bacterium to suppress the immune system 54 Epidemiology edit nbsp Whooping cough deaths per million persons in 2019 0 00 1 49 1 50 2 99 3 00 5 99 6 00 9 99 10 00 19 99 20 00 39 99 40 00 59 99 60 00 99 99 100 Pertussis is endemic worldwide More than 151 000 cases were reported globally during 2018 55 However not all cases are reported or correctly diagnosed especially in developing countries Pertussis is one of the leading causes of vaccine preventable deaths worldwide 56 A study in 2017 estimated the global burden of the disease to be 24 million cases per year with 160 000 deaths among young children with about 90 of all cases occurring in developing countries 57 56 Before vaccines an average of 178 171 cases was reported in the U S with peaks reported every two to five years more than 93 of reported cases occurred in children under 10 years of age The actual incidence was likely much higher After vaccinations were introduced in the 1940s pertussis incidence fell dramatically to approximately 1 000 by 1976 Incidence rates have increased since 1980 In 2015 20 762 people were reported to have been infected in the United States 58 Pertussis is the only vaccine preventable disease that is associated with increasing deaths in the U S The number of deaths increased from four in 1996 to 17 in 2001 almost all of which were infants under one year 59 In the U S pertussis in adults has increased significantly since about 2004 60 Epidemics of the disease occur cyclically every three to 5 years both in areas with vaccination programs and those without 61 Over time immunity declines in those who have either been vaccinated or have recovered from infection 62 In addition infants are born who are susceptible to infection An epidemic can occur once herd immunity reduces below decreases below a certain level 63 It is also possible that the bacterium is evolving to evade vaccine induced immunity 64 61 nbsp An epidemiologist tests blood samples for pertussis during a 2010 outbreak History editDiscovery edit B pertussis was discovered in 1906 by Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou who also developed the first serology and vaccine Efforts to develop an inactivated whole cell vaccine began soon after B pertussis was cultured that year In the 1920s Louis W Sauer developed a weak vaccine for whooping cough at Evanston Hospital Evanston IL In 1925 Danish physician Thorvald Madsen was the first to test a whole cell vaccine on a wide scale 65 Madsen used the vaccine to control outbreaks in the Faroe Islands in the North Sea Vaccine edit In 1932 an outbreak of whooping cough hit Atlanta Georgia prompting pediatrician Leila Denmark to begin her study of the disease Over the next six years her work was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and in partnership with Emory University and Eli Lilly amp Company she developed the first pertussis vaccine 66 In 1942 American scientists Grace Eldering Loney Gordon and Pearl Kendrick combined the whole cell pertussis vaccine with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids to generate the first DTP combination vaccine 67 To minimize the frequent side effects caused by the pertussis component Japanese scientist Yuji Sato developed an acellular vaccine consisting of purified haemagglutinins HAs filamentous strep throat and leukocytosis promoting factor HA which are secreted by B pertussis Sato s acellular pertussis vaccine was used in Japan starting in 1981 68 Later versions of the acellular vaccine in other countries consisted of additional defined components of B pertussis and were often part of the DTaP combination vaccine References edit a b c d e f g h i Pertussis Whooping Cough Signs amp Symptoms Centers for Disease Control 4 August 2022 Retrieved 26 March 2023 a b c Pertussis Whooping Cough Complications Centers for Disease Control 4 August 2022 Retrieved 26 March 2024 a b Pertussis Whooping Cough Fast Facts cdc gov 13 February 2014 Archived from the original on 7 February 2015 Retrieved 12 February 2015 a b c Pertussis Whooping Cough Causes amp Transmission cdc gov 4 September 2014 Archived from the original on 14 February 2015 Retrieved 12 February 2015 a b c Pertussis Whooping Cough Specimen Collection cdc gov 28 August 2013 Archived from the original on 8 February 2015 Retrieved 13 February 2015 a b c d e f g h Heininger U February 2010 Update on pertussis in children Expert Review of Anti Infective Therapy 8 2 163 73 doi 10 1586 eri 09 124 PMID 20109046 S2CID 207217558 a b c d e Pertussis Whooping Cough Treatment cdc gov 28 August 2013 Archived from the original on 11 February 2015 Retrieved 13 February 2015 a b Vos T Allen C Arora M Barber RM Bhutta ZA Brown A et al October 2016 Global regional and national incidence prevalence and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries 1990 2015 a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 Lancet 388 10053 1545 1602 doi 10 1016 S0140 6736 16 31678 6 PMC 5055577 PMID 27733282 a b Wang H Naghavi M Allen C Barber RM Bhutta ZA Carter A et al October 2016 Global regional and national life expectancy all cause mortality and cause specific mortality for 249 causes of death 1980 2015 a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 Lancet 388 10053 1459 1544 doi 10 1016 s0140 6736 16 31012 1 PMC 5388903 PMID 27733281 Preventing Whooping Cough Pertussis CDC Centers for Disease Control 7 September 2022 Retrieved 21 May 2023 a b c d Atkinson W May 2012 Pertussis Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine Preventable Diseases 12th ed Public Health Foundation pp 215 230 ISBN 978 0 9832631 3 5 Archived from the original on 29 July 2017 Pertussis World Health Organization Retrieved 26 March 2024 Revised guidance on the choice of pertussis vaccines July 2014 PDF Releve Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire 89 30 337 40 July 2014 PMID 25072068 Archived PDF from the original on 13 February 2015 Pertussis vaccines WHO position paper Releve Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire 85 40 385 400 October 2010 PMID 20939150 Vygen Bonnet S Hellenbrand W Garbe E von Kries R Bogdan C Heininger U et al February 2020 Safety and effectiveness of acellular pertussis vaccination during pregnancy a systematic review BMC Infect Dis 20 1 136 doi 10 1186 s12879 020 4824 3 PMC 7020352 PMID 32054444 Pertussis Whooping Cough Prevention cdc gov 10 October 2014 Archived from the original on 8 February 2015 Retrieved 13 February 2015 a b Wang K Bettiol S Thompson MJ Roberts NW Perera R Heneghan CJ et al September 2014 Symptomatic treatment of the cough in whooping cough The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 9 CD003257 doi 10 1002 14651858 CD003257 pub5 PMC 7154224 PMID 25243777 GBD 2013 Mortality Causes of Death Collaborators January 2015 Global regional and national age sex specific all cause and cause specific mortality for 240 causes of death 1990 2013 a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 Lancet 385 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effect of nonmedical exemption law and vaccine uptake on vaccine targeted disease rates American Journal of Public Health 104 2 371 7 doi 10 2105 AJPH 2013 301538 PMC 3935668 PMID 24328666 Srugo I Benilevi D Madeb R Shapiro S Shohat T Somekh E et al October 2000 Pertussis infection in fully vaccinated children in day care centers Israel Emerging Infectious Diseases 6 5 526 9 doi 10 3201 eid0605 000512 PMC 2627963 PMID 10998384 Pertussis Vaccines WHO Position Paper PDF August 2015 Archived PDF from the original on 4 March 2016 It is plausible that in humans as in nonhuman primates asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic infections in DTaP immunized persons may result in transmission of B pertussis to others and may drive pertussis outbreaks Pertussis Whooping Cough Causes and Transmission CDC www cdc gov 1 February 2019 Retrieved 24 April 2020 Wang K Bettiol S Thompson MJ Roberts NW Perera R Heneghan CJ et al September 2014 Symptomatic treatment of the cough in whooping cough The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 9 CD003257 doi 10 1002 14651858 CD003257 pub5 PMC 7154224 PMID 25243777 a b Pertussis Complications Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Archived from the original on 14 August 2012 Retrieved 24 August 2012 Carbonetti NH March 2010 Pertussis toxin and adenylate cyclase toxin key virulence factors of Bordetella pertussis and cell biology tools Future Microbiology 5 3 455 69 doi 10 2217 fmb 09 133 PMC 2851156 PMID 20210554 Pertussis World Health Organization Retrieved 26 March 2024 a b Pertussis in Other Countries Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC Archived from the original on 12 May 2013 Retrieved 27 May 2013 Yeung KH Duclos P Nelson EA Hutubessy RC September 2017 An update of the global burden of pertussis in children younger than 5 years a modelling study The Lancet Infectious Diseases 17 9 974 980 doi 10 1016 S1473 3099 17 30390 0 ISSN 1474 4457 PMID 28623146 Pertussis Whooping Cough Surveillance Cases by Year CDC www cdc gov Archived from the original on 10 April 2017 Retrieved 10 April 2017 Gregory DS August 2006 Pertussis a disease affecting all ages American Family Physician 74 3 420 6 PMID 16913160 Archived from the original on 16 May 2008 Kate Murphy 22 February 2005 Enduring and Painful Pertussis Leaps Back The New York Times Archived from the original on 24 May 2013 a b Bouchez V Guiso N October 2015 Carbonetti N ed Bordetella pertussis B parapertussis vaccines and cycles of whooping cough Pathogens and Disease 73 7 ftv055 doi 10 1093 femspd ftv055 ISSN 2049 632X PMID 26242280 Burdin N Handy LK Plotkin SA December 2017 What Is Wrong with Pertussis Vaccine Immunity The Problem of Waning Effectiveness of Pertussis Vaccines Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 9 12 a029454 doi 10 1101 cshperspect a029454 ISSN 1943 0264 PMC 5710106 PMID 28289064 Facts and figures Whooping cough NSW Health 15 March 2017 Retrieved 26 March 2024 Pertussis whooping cough Epidemic Control Toolkit The International Federation of Red Cross 14 June 2022 Retrieved 26 March 2024 Baker JP Katz SL February 2004 Childhood vaccine development an overview Pediatric Research 55 2 347 56 doi 10 1203 01 PDR 0000106317 36875 6A PMID 14630981 Changing the Face of Medicine Dr Leila Alice Daughtry Denmark www nlm nih gov Archived from the original on 21 March 2015 Retrieved 3 February 2016 Bannink J Finding aid for the Michigan women and the whooping cough vaccine collection s PDF Archived PDF from the original on 5 February 2015 Sato Y Kimura M Fukumi H January 1984 Development of a pertussis component vaccine in Japan Lancet 1 8369 122 6 doi 10 1016 S0140 6736 84 90061 8 PMID 6140441 S2CID 23621152 External links edit nbsp Wikipedia s health care articles can be viewed offline with the Medical Wikipedia app nbsp Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pertussis Pertussis at Todar s Online Textbook of Bacteriology PBS NOVA Vaccines Calling The Shots Whooping Cough MedlinePlus U S National Library of Medicine 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