
Unicorn horn

A unicorn horn, also known as an alicorn,[1] is a legendary object whose reality was accepted in Europe and Asia from the earliest recorded times. This "horn" comes from the creature known as a unicorn, also known in the Hebrew Bible as a re'em or wild ox.[2] Many healing powers and antidotal virtues were attributed to the alicorn, making it one of the most expensive and reputable remedies during the Renaissance,[3] and justifying its use in the highest circles. Beliefs related to the alicorn influenced alchemy through spagyric medicine. The horn's purificational properties were eventually put to the test in, for example, the book of Ambroise Paré, Discourse on unicorn.

The unicorn throne in Denmark.

Seen as one of the most valuable assets that a person could possess, unicorn horns were given as diplomatic gifts, and chips and dust from them could be purchased at apothecaries as universal antidotes until the 18th century. Sections of horns were later displayed in cabinets of curiosities. The horn was used to create sceptres and other royal objects, such as the unicorn throne of the Danish kings, the sceptre and imperial crown of the Austrian Empire, and the scabbard and the hilt of the sword of Charles the Bold. The legendary unicorn could never be captured alive, but its symbolic association with virginity made it the symbol of innocence and the incarnation of God's Word.

Belief in the power of the alicorn persisted until the 16th century, when the true source, the narwhal, was discovered. This marine mammal is the true bearer of the alicorn, actually an extended tooth found in the mouth of males and some females. Since then, the unicorn horn has been mentioned in fantasy works, role-playing games, and video games, which make use of its legendary symbolism.

Nature and properties edit

Around 400 BCE, the unicorn was described by Ctesias, according to Photius, as carrying a horn which princes would use to make hanaps to protect against poison. Claudius Aelianus said that drinking from this horn protects against diseases and poisons.[4] These writings influenced authors from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance: the unicorn becomes the most important and frequently mentioned fantastic animal in the West, but it was considered real. Other parts of its body were alleged to have medicinal properties, and in the 12th century abbess Hildegard of Bingen recommended an ointment against leprosy made from unicorn liver and egg yolk.[5] Wearing a unicorn leather belt was supposed to protect a person from the plague and fevers, while leather shoes of this animal prevented diseases of the feet, legs and loins.[6]

The medicinal efficacy linked to its horn and its alexipharmic powers were assumed to be true in antiquity, but were not explicitly mentioned in the West again until the 14th century. Legends about these properties were the stimulus for a flourishing trade in these chips and dust up to the mid-17th century, when their true origin became widely known. The alicorn never existed as such; it was most often narwhal teeth that were known as "unicorn horns".[7]

Water purification edit

Left panel of The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch (1503-1504), showing unicorns purifying water.

The first post-classical reference to the cleansing power of the unicorn appears in an interpretation of the Physiologus (dated perhaps to the 14th century), when reference is made to a large lake where animals congregate to drink:

But before they are assembled, the serpent comes and casts his poison into the water. Now the animals mark well the poison and do not dare to drink, and they wait for the unicorn. It comes and immediately goes into the lake, and making with his horn the sign of the cross, renders the power of the poison harmless Freeman 1983, p. 27

This theme became very popular, and in 1389 Father Johann van Hesse claimed to have seen a unicorn emerge at sunrise to decontaminate the contaminated water of the River Marah, so that the good animals could drink. Freeman 1983, p. 27 Symbolically, the snake that poisons the water is the devil and the unicorn represents Christ the Redeemer.[8] The origin of this legend seems Indian, and Greek texts report that Indian nobles drank out of unicorn horns to protect themselves from diseases and poisons.[9]

The unicorn is most often represented beside a river, lake or fountain, while animals wait for him to finish his work before drinking. This scene is common in the art of the 16th and 17th centuries.[10] Studies and translations of these drawings and stories popularized the belief that the power of the animal came from its horn, which could neutralize the poison as soon as the liquid or solid touched the alicorn piece.[9]

Medicinal properties edit

Ainkhürn, "unicorn horn", offered to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I in 1540, exhibited at Wiener Schatzkammer.

The alleged properties of the alicorn may be compared with those of the bezoar stone, another object of animal origin known to Renaissance medicine and exposed as a rarity in the cabinets of curiosities.[11]

The alicorn was assigned many medicinal properties and, over time, in addition to the purification of polluted water in nature,[12] its use was recommended against rubella, measles, fevers and pains.[13] The monks of the Parisian monasteries used to soak it in the drinking water given to lepers.[12] It was thought to act as an antidote and, in a powder form, was known to facilitate wound healing, help neutralize poisons (such as scorpion or viper venom)[14] or against the plague.[15] The horn was prepared in several ways, in solid form, or by infusion[16]

Its prophylactic function and magical power were assumed for centuries; as its trade increased, "fake" horns and false powders appeared.[17] The astronomical prices paid for alicorn reflected the belief that their imaginary virtues could cause real healing.[12]

Many works are devoted to the explanation and defence of the medicinal properties of the alicorn, including The Treaty of the Unicorn, its wonderful properties and its use (1573) by Andrea Bacci and Natural History, Hunting, Virtues, and Use of Lycorn (1624) by apothecary Laurent Catelan. Bacci probably wrote his book at the request of his patients, who were major investors in the unicorn horn trade.[18]

Display and use as antipoison edit

Three unicorn horns from the Mariakerk in Utrecht, now on display at the Rijksmuseum.

Of a twisted configuration, alicorns were traded as valuable items for many centuries: according to legend, the "horn" on display at the Musée national du Moyen Âge was a gift from the Caliph of Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid, to Charlemagne in 807.[4] It measures almost three meters.[19] An eight-foot long horn is exhibited in Bruges, Flanders.[4] In the Middle Ages, the alicorn was the most valuable asset that a prince could possess.[14] Its medicinal use was attested and revived possibly in the 13th century, when pharmacists incorporated narwhal teeth (presented as unicorn horns) in their treatments; they displayed large pieces in order to distinguish it from products of other animals, such as the ox.[20] These objects would have been exchanged up to eleven times their weight in gold.[12] Depictions of unicorns in a religious context were discouraged indirectly by the Council of Trent in 1563, despite their display in the Saint-Denis Cathedral in Paris, and St Mark's Basilica in Venice. They were often mounted on silver socles and presented as trophies that were only shown for important ceremonies.[14]

Ambroise Paré explains that alicorns were used in the court of the King of France to detect the presence of poison in food and drink: if the comestible became hot and started to smoke, then the dish was poisoned.[21] Pope Clement VII offered a unicorn horn two cubits long to King Francis I of France at the wedding of his niece Catherine de' Medici in Marseille in October 1533,[22] and the king did not ever move without a bag filled with unicorn powder.[23] Also, the Grand Inquisitor Torquemada always carried unicorn horn to protect himself from poison and murderers.[24]

References edit

  1. ^ Shepard, Odell (1930). The Lore of the Unicorn. London: Unwin and Allen. ISBN 9781437508536.
  2. ^ "re'em - Google Search". www.google.com. Retrieved 2018-03-13.
  3. ^ Faidutti 1996, p. 13
  4. ^ a b c de Tervarent 1997, pp. 281–287
  5. ^ Hildegarde de Bingen 1989, pp. 196–197
  6. ^ Lecouteux 1993, p. 45
  7. ^ Didrit, Mireille; Pujol, Raymond (September 1996). (in French). Paris: Université Paris V - Sorbonne. Archived from the original on 11 June 2008. Retrieved 21 September 2012.
  8. ^ Faidutti 1996, p. 59
  9. ^ a b Faidutti 1996, p. 39
  10. ^ Faidutti 1996, p. 61
  11. ^ Martin, Jean Hubert; Jean Guillaume and Frédéric Didier (2000). Le château d'Oiron et son cabinet de curiosités. Éditions du patrimoine, p. 131
  12. ^ a b c d Rochelandet 2003, p. 131
  13. ^ Valentini 1704, p. vol. 3, ch. 30
  14. ^ a b c Brasey 2007, pp. 259–263
  15. ^ Paré, Ambroise (1628). Les œuvres d'Ambroise Paré (in French). N. Buon. p. 812. Retrieved September 28, 2012.
  16. ^ Pomet 1696, p. 26
  17. ^ Rochelandet 2003, p. 130
  18. ^ Giblin 1991, p. 77
  19. ^ Mireille Didrit; Raymond Pujol (1996). (Master). Université Paris-V - Sorbonne. Archived from the original on 2008-06-11.
  20. ^ Buck & CESR 1973, p. 215
  21. ^ Malrieu 1987, p. 131
  22. ^ Fagnart, Laure (2009). Léonard de Vinci en France: collections et collectionneurs : XVe-XVIIe siècles (in French). L'Erma di Bretschneider. p. 161. ISBN 9788882655549.
  23. ^ Davenne 2004, p. 130
  24. ^ Lutavd 1906, pp. 197–199

Bibliography edit

Founding works on medicine and alchemy edit

  • Hildegarde de Bingen (1989). Le Livre des subtilités des créatures divines (in French). Vol. II. Paris: Millon. ISBN 2905614315.
  • Marini, Andrea (1566). Discorso contro la falsa opinione dell'Alicorno (in Italian). Venice.
  • Bacci, Andrea (1573). L'alicorno discorso dell'eccellente medico et filosofo M. Andrea Bacci: nel quale si tratta della natura dell' alicorno et delle sue virtu eccellentissime (in Italian). G. Marescotti. p. 80.
  • Paré, Ambroise (1582). Discours d'Ambroise Paré : À savoir, de la mumie, de la licorne, des venins et de la peste (in French). Paris. Retrieved September 20, 2012.[permanent dead link]
  • Paré, Ambroise (1928). Voyages et apologie suivis du Discours de la licorne (in French).
  • Pomis, David (1587). Dittionario novo hebraïco (in Italian). Venice.
  • Linocier, Geoffroy (1584). Histoire des plantes avec leurs pourtraictz, à laquelle sont adjoutées celles des simples, aromatiques, animaux à quatre pieds, oiseaux, serpens et autres bêtes venimeuses (in French). Paris. Retrieved September 20, 2012.
  • Valentine, Basil (1678). Triumphal Chariot of Antimony. Retrieved September 20, 2012.
  • Rodrigo a Castro, Esteban (1621). De Meteoris Microcosmi (in Italian). Florence.
  • Catelan, Laurent (1624). Histoire de la nature, chasse, vertus, proprietez et usage de la lycorne (in French).
  • Pomet, Pierre (1696). Histoire générale des drogues, traitant des plantes, des minéraux et des animaux (in French). Vol. II. Paris. Retrieved September 20, 2012.[permanent dead link]

Founding travel and exploration stories edit

  • Belon, Pierre (1553). Les Observations de plusieurs singularités et choses mémorables trouvées en Grèce, Asie, Judée, Égypte, Arabie et autres pays estranges, rédigées en trois livres (in French). Paris: G. Corrozet.
  • Goropius, Johannes (1569). Origines Antwerpianæ (in Dutch). Antwerp.
  • Mercator, Gérard (1607). Atlas Minor: traduction française par M. de la Popelinière (in French). Amsterdam.
  • Bartholin, Thomas (1645). De Unicornu Observationes Novæ (in Latin). Padoue. Retrieved September 20, 2012.
  • Collinson, Sir Richard (1867). The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher in Search of a Passage to Cathaia and India by the North-West, 1576-8, A.D. 1576-8. London: Hakluyt Society. p. 374. Retrieved September 20, 2012.

Founding works on zoology edit

Theses and studies edit

  • Lutavd, Auguste Joseph (1906). La médecine anecdotique, historique, littéraire (in French). Vol. 1. J. Rousset.
  • Buck, August; Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance (1973). Sciences de la Renaissance. Vol. 27 de De Pétrarque à Descartes. Vrin. ISBN 978-2-7116-0680-1.
  • Freeman, Margaret (1983). La chasse à la licorne: prestigieuse tenture française des Cloisters (in French). Lausanne: Edita. p. 247. ISBN 9782880010508.
  • Malrieu, Pierre (1987). Le bestiaire insolite: l'animal dans la tradition, le mythe, le rêve [The unusual bestiary: the animal in tradition, myth, dream]. Les Fêtes de l'irréel (in French). La Duraulié.
  • Giblin, James (1991). The truth about unicorns. Illustrated by Michael McDermott. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-022479-0.
  • Lecouteux, Claude (1993). Les monstres dans la pensée médiévale européenne: essai de présentation (in French). Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne. p. 183. ISBN 9782840500216.
  • Faidutti, Bruno (1996). Images et connaissance de la licorne: (Fin du Moyen Âge - xixe siècle) (Ph.D.) (in French). Vol. 1. Université Paris-XII. Retrieved 10 June 2009.
  • de Tervarent, Guy (1997). Attributs et symboles dans l'art profane: dictionnaire d'un langage perdu (1450-1600) (in French). Librairie Droz. p. 535. ISBN 9782600005074. Retrieved September 20, 2012.
  • Davenne, Christine (2004). Modernité du cabinet de curiosités (in French). L'Harmattan. p. 299. ISBN 9782747558600. Retrieved September 20, 2012.

Popular works edit

  • Rochelandet, Brigitte (2003). Monstres et merveilles de Franche-Comté: fées, fantômes et dragons [Monsters and wonders of Franche-Comté: fairies, ghosts and dragons]. Archives vivantes (in French). Cabedita. ISBN 978-2-88295-400-8.
  • Brasey, Édouard (2007). La Petite Encyclopédie du merveilleux [The Little Encyclopedia of the Marvelous] (in French). Paris: Éditions Le Pré aux clercs. ISBN 978-2-84228-321-6.

External links edit

  •   The dictionary definition of alicorn at Wiktionary

unicorn, horn, alicorn, redirects, here, some, literature, media, alicorn, refers, winged, unicorn, unicorn, horn, also, known, alicorn, legendary, object, whose, reality, accepted, europe, asia, from, earliest, recorded, times, this, horn, comes, from, creatu. Alicorn redirects here In some literature and media alicorn refers to a winged unicorn A unicorn horn also known as an alicorn 1 is a legendary object whose reality was accepted in Europe and Asia from the earliest recorded times This horn comes from the creature known as a unicorn also known in the Hebrew Bible as a re em or wild ox 2 Many healing powers and antidotal virtues were attributed to the alicorn making it one of the most expensive and reputable remedies during the Renaissance 3 and justifying its use in the highest circles Beliefs related to the alicorn influenced alchemy through spagyric medicine The horn s purificational properties were eventually put to the test in for example the book of Ambroise Pare Discourse on unicorn The unicorn throne in Denmark Seen as one of the most valuable assets that a person could possess unicorn horns were given as diplomatic gifts and chips and dust from them could be purchased at apothecaries as universal antidotes until the 18th century Sections of horns were later displayed in cabinets of curiosities The horn was used to create sceptres and other royal objects such as the unicorn throne of the Danish kings the sceptre and imperial crown of the Austrian Empire and the scabbard and the hilt of the sword of Charles the Bold The legendary unicorn could never be captured alive but its symbolic association with virginity made it the symbol of innocence and the incarnation of God s Word Belief in the power of the alicorn persisted until the 16th century when the true source the narwhal was discovered This marine mammal is the true bearer of the alicorn actually an extended tooth found in the mouth of males and some females Since then the unicorn horn has been mentioned in fantasy works role playing games and video games which make use of its legendary symbolism Contents 1 Nature and properties 1 1 Water purification 1 2 Medicinal properties 1 3 Display and use as antipoison 2 References 3 Bibliography 3 1 Founding works on medicine and alchemy 3 2 Founding travel and exploration stories 3 3 Founding works on zoology 3 4 Theses and studies 3 5 Popular works 4 External linksNature and properties editAround 400 BCE the unicorn was described by Ctesias according to Photius as carrying a horn which princes would use to make hanaps to protect against poison Claudius Aelianus said that drinking from this horn protects against diseases and poisons 4 These writings influenced authors from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance the unicorn becomes the most important and frequently mentioned fantastic animal in the West but it was considered real Other parts of its body were alleged to have medicinal properties and in the 12th century abbess Hildegard of Bingen recommended an ointment against leprosy made from unicorn liver and egg yolk 5 Wearing a unicorn leather belt was supposed to protect a person from the plague and fevers while leather shoes of this animal prevented diseases of the feet legs and loins 6 The medicinal efficacy linked to its horn and its alexipharmic powers were assumed to be true in antiquity but were not explicitly mentioned in the West again until the 14th century Legends about these properties were the stimulus for a flourishing trade in these chips and dust up to the mid 17th century when their true origin became widely known The alicorn never existed as such it was most often narwhal teeth that were known as unicorn horns 7 Water purification edit nbsp Left panel of The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch 1503 1504 showing unicorns purifying water The first post classical reference to the cleansing power of the unicorn appears in an interpretation of the Physiologus dated perhaps to the 14th century when reference is made to a large lake where animals congregate to drink But before they are assembled the serpent comes and casts his poison into the water Now the animals mark well the poison and do not dare to drink and they wait for the unicorn It comes and immediately goes into the lake and making with his horn the sign of the cross renders the power of the poison harmless Freeman 1983 p 27 This theme became very popular and in 1389 Father Johann van Hesse claimed to have seen a unicorn emerge at sunrise to decontaminate the contaminated water of the River Marah so that the good animals could drink Freeman 1983 p 27 Symbolically the snake that poisons the water is the devil and the unicorn represents Christ the Redeemer 8 The origin of this legend seems Indian and Greek texts report that Indian nobles drank out of unicorn horns to protect themselves from diseases and poisons 9 The unicorn is most often represented beside a river lake or fountain while animals wait for him to finish his work before drinking This scene is common in the art of the 16th and 17th centuries 10 Studies and translations of these drawings and stories popularized the belief that the power of the animal came from its horn which could neutralize the poison as soon as the liquid or solid touched the alicorn piece 9 Medicinal properties edit nbsp Ainkhurn unicorn horn offered to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I in 1540 exhibited at Wiener Schatzkammer The alleged properties of the alicorn may be compared with those of the bezoar stone another object of animal origin known to Renaissance medicine and exposed as a rarity in the cabinets of curiosities 11 The alicorn was assigned many medicinal properties and over time in addition to the purification of polluted water in nature 12 its use was recommended against rubella measles fevers and pains 13 The monks of the Parisian monasteries used to soak it in the drinking water given to lepers 12 It was thought to act as an antidote and in a powder form was known to facilitate wound healing help neutralize poisons such as scorpion or viper venom 14 or against the plague 15 The horn was prepared in several ways in solid form or by infusion 16 Its prophylactic function and magical power were assumed for centuries as its trade increased fake horns and false powders appeared 17 The astronomical prices paid for alicorn reflected the belief that their imaginary virtues could cause real healing 12 Many works are devoted to the explanation and defence of the medicinal properties of the alicorn including The Treaty of the Unicorn its wonderful properties and its use 1573 by Andrea Bacci and Natural History Hunting Virtues and Use of Lycorn 1624 by apothecary Laurent Catelan Bacci probably wrote his book at the request of his patients who were major investors in the unicorn horn trade 18 Display and use as antipoison edit nbsp Three unicorn horns from the Mariakerk in Utrecht now on display at the Rijksmuseum Of a twisted configuration alicorns were traded as valuable items for many centuries according to legend the horn on display at the Musee national du Moyen Age was a gift from the Caliph of Baghdad Harun al Rashid to Charlemagne in 807 4 It measures almost three meters 19 An eight foot long horn is exhibited in Bruges Flanders 4 In the Middle Ages the alicorn was the most valuable asset that a prince could possess 14 Its medicinal use was attested and revived possibly in the 13th century when pharmacists incorporated narwhal teeth presented as unicorn horns in their treatments they displayed large pieces in order to distinguish it from products of other animals such as the ox 20 These objects would have been exchanged up to eleven times their weight in gold 12 Depictions of unicorns in a religious context were discouraged indirectly by the Council of Trent in 1563 despite their display in the Saint Denis Cathedral in Paris and St Mark s Basilica in Venice They were often mounted on silver socles and presented as trophies that were only shown for important ceremonies 14 Ambroise Pare explains that alicorns were used in the court of the King of France to detect the presence of poison in food and drink if the comestible became hot and started to smoke then the dish was poisoned 21 Pope Clement VII offered a unicorn horn two cubits long to King Francis I of France at the wedding of his niece Catherine de Medici in Marseille in October 1533 22 and the king did not ever move without a bag filled with unicorn powder 23 Also the Grand Inquisitor Torquemada always carried unicorn horn to protect himself from poison and murderers 24 References edit Shepard Odell 1930 The Lore of the Unicorn London Unwin and Allen ISBN 9781437508536 re em Google Search www google com Retrieved 2018 03 13 Faidutti 1996 p 13 a b c de Tervarent 1997 pp 281 287 Hildegarde de Bingen 1989 pp 196 197 Lecouteux 1993 p 45 Didrit Mireille Pujol Raymond September 1996 Note de recherche d Ethnozoologie Licorne de Mer ou Licorne de Terre le Narval in French Paris Universite Paris V Sorbonne Archived from the original on 11 June 2008 Retrieved 21 September 2012 Faidutti 1996 p 59 a b Faidutti 1996 p 39 Faidutti 1996 p 61 Martin Jean Hubert Jean Guillaume and Frederic Didier 2000 Le chateau d Oiron et son cabinet de curiosites Editions du patrimoine p 131 a b c d Rochelandet 2003 p 131 Valentini 1704 p vol 3 ch 30 a b c Brasey 2007 pp 259 263 Pare Ambroise 1628 Les œuvres d Ambroise Pare in French N Buon p 812 Retrieved September 28 2012 Pomet 1696 p 26 Rochelandet 2003 p 130 Giblin 1991 p 77 Mireille Didrit Raymond Pujol 1996 Licorne de Mer ou Licorne de Terre le Narval Master Universite Paris V Sorbonne Archived from the original on 2008 06 11 Buck amp CESR 1973 p 215 Malrieu 1987 p 131 Fagnart Laure 2009 Leonard de Vinci en France collections et collectionneurs XVe XVIIe siecles in French L Erma di Bretschneider p 161 ISBN 9788882655549 Davenne 2004 p 130 Lutavd 1906 pp 197 199Bibliography editFounding works on medicine and alchemy edit Hildegarde de Bingen 1989 Le Livre des subtilites des creatures divines in French Vol II Paris Millon ISBN 2905614315 Marini Andrea 1566 Discorso contro la falsa opinione dell Alicorno in Italian Venice Bacci Andrea 1573 L alicorno discorso dell eccellente medico et filosofo M Andrea Bacci nel quale si tratta della natura dell alicorno et delle sue virtu eccellentissime in Italian G Marescotti p 80 Pare Ambroise 1582 Discours d Ambroise Pare A savoir de la mumie de la licorne des venins et de la peste in French Paris Retrieved September 20 2012 permanent dead link Pare Ambroise 1928 Voyages et apologie suivis du Discours de la licorne in French Pomis David 1587 Dittionario novo hebraico in Italian Venice Linocier Geoffroy 1584 Histoire des plantes avec leurs pourtraictz a laquelle sont adjoutees celles des simples aromatiques animaux a quatre pieds oiseaux serpens et autres betes venimeuses in French Paris Retrieved September 20 2012 Valentine Basil 1678 Triumphal Chariot of Antimony Retrieved September 20 2012 Rodrigo a Castro Esteban 1621 De Meteoris Microcosmi in Italian Florence Catelan Laurent 1624 Histoire de la nature chasse vertus proprietez et usage de la lycorne in French Pomet Pierre 1696 Histoire generale des drogues traitant des plantes des mineraux et des animaux in French Vol II Paris Retrieved September 20 2012 permanent dead link Founding travel and exploration stories edit Belon Pierre 1553 Les Observations de plusieurs singularites et choses memorables trouvees en Grece Asie Judee Egypte Arabie et autres pays estranges redigees en trois livres in French Paris G Corrozet Goropius Johannes 1569 Origines Antwerpianae in Dutch Antwerp Mercator Gerard 1607 Atlas Minor traduction francaise par M de la Popeliniere in French Amsterdam Bartholin Thomas 1645 De Unicornu Observationes Novae in Latin Padoue Retrieved September 20 2012 Collinson Sir Richard 1867 The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher in Search of a Passage to Cathaia and India by the North West 1576 8 A D 1576 8 London Hakluyt Society p 374 Retrieved September 20 2012 Founding works on zoology edit Gesner Conrad 1603 Historiae Animalium de Quadrupedibus Viviparis in Latin Frankfurt Archived from the original on August 28 2013 Retrieved September 20 2012 Aldrovandi Ulisse 1616 De Quadrupedibus Solipedibus in Italian Bologna Retrieved September 20 2012 Valentini Michael Bernhard 1704 30 Museum Museorum in Latin Vol III Frankfurt Linne Carl von 1793 Systema Naturae in Latin Brussels Theses and studies edit Lutavd Auguste Joseph 1906 La medecine anecdotique historique litteraire in French Vol 1 J Rousset Buck August Centre d etudes superieures de la Renaissance 1973 Sciences de la Renaissance Vol 27 de De Petrarque a Descartes Vrin ISBN 978 2 7116 0680 1 Freeman Margaret 1983 La chasse a la licorne prestigieuse tenture francaise des Cloisters in French Lausanne Edita p 247 ISBN 9782880010508 Malrieu Pierre 1987 Le bestiaire insolite l animal dans la tradition le mythe le reve The unusual bestiary the animal in tradition myth dream Les Fetes de l irreel in French La Duraulie Giblin James 1991 The truth about unicorns Illustrated by Michael McDermott HarperCollins ISBN 978 0 06 022479 0 Lecouteux Claude 1993 Les monstres dans la pensee medievale europeenne essai de presentation in French Paris Presses de l Universite de Paris Sorbonne p 183 ISBN 9782840500216 Faidutti Bruno 1996 Images et connaissance de la licorne Fin du Moyen Age xixe siecle Ph D in French Vol 1 Universite Paris XII Retrieved 10 June 2009 de Tervarent Guy 1997 Attributs et symboles dans l art profane dictionnaire d un langage perdu 1450 1600 in French Librairie Droz p 535 ISBN 9782600005074 Retrieved September 20 2012 Davenne Christine 2004 Modernite du cabinet de curiosites in French L Harmattan p 299 ISBN 9782747558600 Retrieved September 20 2012 Popular works edit Rochelandet Brigitte 2003 Monstres et merveilles de Franche Comte fees fantomes et dragons Monsters and wonders of Franche Comte fairies ghosts and dragons Archives vivantes in French Cabedita ISBN 978 2 88295 400 8 Brasey Edouard 2007 La Petite Encyclopedie du merveilleux The Little Encyclopedia of the Marvelous in French Paris Editions Le Pre aux clercs ISBN 978 2 84228 321 6 External links edit nbsp The dictionary definition of alicorn at Wiktionary Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Unicorn horn amp oldid 1215515506, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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