
Synchronous frame

A synchronous frame is a reference frame in which the time coordinate defines proper time for all co-moving observers. It is built by choosing some constant time hypersurface as an origin, such that has in every point a normal along the time line and a light cone with an apex in that point can be constructed; all interval elements on this hypersurface are space-like. A family of geodesics normal to this hypersurface are drawn and defined as the time coordinates with a beginning at the hypersurface. In terms of metric-tensor components , a synchronous frame is defined such that

where Such a construct, and hence, choice of synchronous frame, is always possible though it is not unique. It allows any transformation of space coordinates that does not depend on time and, additionally, a transformation brought about by the arbitrary choice of hypersurface used for this geometric construct.

Synchronization in an arbitrary frame of reference edit

Synchronization of clocks located at different space points means that events happening at different places can be measured as simultaneous if those clocks show the same times. In special relativity, the space distance element dl is defined as the intervals between two very close events that occur at the same moment of time. In general relativity this cannot be done, that is, one cannot define dl by just substituting dtdx0 = 0 in the metric. The reason for this is the different dependence between proper time   and time coordinate x0t in different points of space., i.e.,  

Figure 1. Synchronization of clocks in curved space through light signals.

To find dl in this case, time can be synchronized over two infinitesimally neighboring points in the following way (Fig. 1): Bob sends a light signal from some space point B with coordinates   to Alice who is at a very close point A with coordinates xα and then Alice immediately reflects the signal back to Bob. The time necessary for this operation (measured by Bob), multiplied by c is, obviously, the doubled distance between Alice and Bob.

The line element, with separated space and time coordinates, is:

  (eq. 1)

where a repeated Greek index within a term means summation by values 1, 2, 3. The interval between the events of signal arrival and its immediate reflection back at point A is zero (two events, arrival and reflection are happening at the same point in space and time). For light signals, the space-time interval is zero and thus setting   in the above equation, we can solve for dx0 obtaining two roots:

  (eq. 2)

which correspond to the propagation of the signal in both directions between Alice and Bob. If x0 is the moment of arrival/reflection of the signal to/from Alice in Bob's clock then, the moments of signal departure from Bob and its arrival back to Bob correspond, respectively, to x0 + dx0 (1) and x0 + dx0 (2). The thick lines on Fig. 1 are the world lines of Alice and Bob with coordinates xα and xα + dxα, respectively, while the red lines are the world lines of the signals. Fig. 1 supposes that dx0 (2) is positive and dx0 (1) is negative, which, however, is not necessarily the case: dx0 (1) and dx0 (2) may have the same sign. The fact that in the latter case the value x0 (Alice) in the moment of signal arrival at Alice's position may be less than the value x0 (Bob) in the moment of signal departure from Bob does not contain a contradiction because clocks in different points of space are not supposed to be synchronized. It is clear that the full "time" interval between departure and arrival of the signal in Bob's place is


The respective proper time interval is obtained from the above relationship by multiplication by  , and the distance dl between the two points – by additional multiplication by c/2. As a result:

  (eq. 3)

This is the required relationship that defines distance through the space coordinate elements.

It is obvious that such synchronization should be done by exchange of light signals between points. Consider again propagation of signals between infinitesimally close points A and B in Fig. 1. The clock reading in B which is simultaneous with the moment of reflection in A lies in the middle between the moments of sending and receiving the signal in B; in this moment if Alice's clock reads y0 and Bob's clock reads x0 then via Einstein Synchronization condition,


Substitute here eq. 2 to find the difference in "time" x0 between two simultaneous events occurring in infinitesimally close points as

  (eq. 4)

This relationship allows clock synchronization in any infinitesimally small space volume. By continuing such synchronization further from point A, one can synchronize clocks, that is, determine simultaneity of events along any open line. The synchronization condition can be written in another form by multiplying eq. 4 by g00 and bringing terms to the left hand side

  (eq. 5)

or, the "covariant differential" dx0 between two infinitesimally close points should be zero.

However, it is impossible, in general, to synchronize clocks along a closed contour: starting out along the contour and returning to the starting point one would obtain a Δx0 value different from zero. Thus, unambiguous synchronization of clocks over the whole space is impossible. An exception are reference frames in which all components g are zeros.

The inability to synchronize all clocks is a property of the reference frame and not of the spacetime itself. It is always possible in infinitely many ways in any gravitational field to choose the reference frame so that the three g become zeros and thus enable a complete synchronization of clocks. To this class are assigned cases where g can be made zeros by a simple change in the time coordinate which does not involve a choice of a system of objects that define the space coordinates.

In the special relativity theory, too, proper time elapses differently for clocks moving relatively to each other. In general relativity, proper time is different even in the same reference frame at different points of space. This means that the interval of proper time between two events occurring at some space point and the time interval between the events simultaneous with those at another space point are, in general, different.

Example: Uniformly rotating frame edit

Consider a rest (inertial) frame expressed in cylindrical coordinates   and time  . The interval in this frame is given by   Transforming to a uniformly rotating coordinate system   using the relation   modifies the interval to


Of course, the rotating frame is valid only for   since the frame speed would exceed speed of light beyond this radial location. The non-zero components of the metric tensor are         and   Along any open curve, the relation


can be used to synchronize clocks. However, along any closed curve, synchronization is impossible because


For instance, when  , we have


where   is the projected area of the closed curve on a plane perpendicular to the rotation axis (plus or minus sign corresponds to contour traversing in, or opposite to the rotation direction).

The proper time element in the rotating frame is given by


indicating that time slows down as we move away from the axis. Similarly the spatial element can be calculated to find


At a fixed value of   and  , the spatial element is   which upon integration over a full circle shows that the ratio of circumference of a circle to its radius is given by


which is greater than by  .

Space metric tensor edit

Eq. 3 can be rewritten in the form

  (eq. 6)


  (eq. 7)

is the three-dimensional metric tensor that determines the metric, that is, the geometrical properties of space. Equations eq. 7 give the relationships between the metric of the three-dimensional space   and the metric of the four-dimensional spacetime  .

In general, however,   depends on x0 so that   changes with time. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to integrate dl: this integral depends on the choice of world line between the two points on which it is taken. It follows that in general relativity the distance between two bodies cannot be determined in general; this distance is determined only for infinitesimally close points. Distance can be determined for finite space regions only in such reference frames in which gik does not depend on time and therefore the integral   along the space curve acquires some definite sense.

The tensor   is inverse to the contravariant 3-dimensional tensor  . Indeed, writing equation   in components, one has:

  (eqs. 8)

Determining   from the second equation and substituting it in the first proves that

  (eq. 9)

This result can be presented otherwise by saying that   are components of a contravariant 3-dimensional tensor corresponding to metric  :

  (eq. 10)

The determinants g and   composed of elements   and  , respectively, are related to each other by the simple relationship:

  (eq. 11)

In many applications, it is convenient to define a 3-dimensional vector g with covariant components

  (eq. 12)

Considering g as a vector in space with metric  , its contravariant components can be written as  . Using eq. 11 and the second of eqs. 8, it is easy to see that

  (eq. 13)

From the third of eqs. 8, it follows

  (eq. 14)

Synchronous coordinates edit

As concluded from eq. 5, the condition that allows clock synchronization in different space points is that metric tensor components g are zeros. If, in addition, g00 = 1, then the time coordinate x0 = t is the proper time in each space point (with c = 1). A reference frame that satisfies the conditions

  (eq. 15)

is called synchronous frame. The interval element in this system is given by the expression

  (eq. 16)

with the spatial metric tensor components identical (with opposite sign) to the components gαβ:

  (eq. 17)
Figure 2. A synchronous frame built with the choice of the timelike hypersurface t = const (teal color). Only one spatial coordinate x1 = x is shown. The four observers have the same proper times x0 = t which are normal to the hypersurface in their locally flat spacetimes (shown by the light cones). The unit vector n0 = u0 = 1 is shown in yellow. There are no spatial velocity components (uα = 0) so the common proper time is a geodesic line with a beginning at the hypersurface and a positive direction (red arrows).

In synchronous frame time, time lines are normal to the hypersurfaces t = const. Indeed, the unit four-vector normal to such a hypersurface ni = ∂t/∂xi has covariant components nα = 0, n0 = 1. The respective contravariant components with the conditions eq. 15 are again nα = 0, n0 = 1.

The components of the unit normal coincide with those of the four-vector ui = dxi/ds which is tangent to the world line x1, x2, x3 = const. The ui with components uα = 0, u0 = 1 automatically satisfies the geodesic equations:


since, from the conditions eq. 15, the Christoffel symbols   and   vanish identically. Therefore, in the synchronous frame the time lines are geodesics in the spacetime.

These properties can be used to construct synchronous frame in any spacetime (Fig. 2). To this end, choose some spacelike hypersurface as an origin, such that has in every point a normal along the time line (lies inside the light cone with an apex in that point); all interval elements on this hypersurface are space-like. Then draw a family of geodesics normal to this hypersurface. Choose these lines as time coordinate lines and define the time coordinate t as the length s of the geodesic measured with a beginning at the hypersurface; the result is a synchronous frame.

An analytic transformation to synchronous frame can be done with the use of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation. The principle of this method is based on the fact that particle trajectories in gravitational fields are geodesics. The Hamilton–Jacobi equation for a particle (whose mass is set equal to unity) in a gravitational field is

  (eq. 18a)

where S is the action. Its complete integral has the form:

  (eq. 18b)

Note that the complete integral contains as many arbitrary constants as the number of independent variables which in our case is  . In the above equation, these correspond to the three parameters ξα and the fourth constant A being treated as an arbitrary function of the three ξα. With such a representation for S the equations for the trajectory of the particle can be obtained by equating the derivatives ∂S/∂ξα to zero, i.e.

  (eq. 18c)

For each set of assigned values of the parameters ξα, the right sides of equations 18a-18c have definite constant values, and the world line determined by these equations is one of the possible trajectories of the particle. Choosing the quantities ξα, which are constant along the trajectory, as new space coordinates, and the quantity S as the new time coordinate, one obtains a synchronous frame; the transformation from the old coordinates to the new ones is given by equations 18b-18c. In fact, it is guaranteed that for such a transformation the time lines will be geodesics and will be normal to the hypersurfaces S = const. The latter point is obvious from the mechanical analogy: the four-vector ∂S/∂xi which is normal to the hypersurface coincides in mechanics with the four-momentum of the particle, and therefore coincides in direction with its four-velocity ui i.e. with the four-vector tangent to the trajectory. Finally the condition g00 = 1 is obviously satisfied, since the derivative −dS/ds of the action along the trajectory is the mass of the particle, which was set equal to 1; therefore |dS/ds| = 1.

The gauge conditions eq. 15 do not fix the coordinate system completely and therefore are not a fixed gauge, as the spacelike hypersurface at   can be chosen arbitrarily. One still have the freedom of performing some coordinate transformations containing four arbitrary functions depending on the three spatial variables xα, which are easily worked out in infinitesimal form:

  (eq. 18)

Here, the collections of the four old coordinates (t, xα) and four new coordinates   are denoted by the symbols x and  , respectively. The functions   together with their first derivatives are infinitesimally small quantities. After such a transformation, the four-dimensional interval takes the form:

  (eq. 19)


  (eq. 20)

In the last formula, the   are the same functions gik(x) in which x should simply be replaced by  . If one wishes to preserve the gauge eq. 15 also for the new metric tensor   in the new coordinates  , it is necessary to impose the following restrictions on the functions  :

  (eq. 21)

The solutions of these equations are:

  (eq. 22)

where f0 and fα are four arbitrary functions depending only on the spatial coordinates  .

For a more elementary geometrical explanation, consider Fig. 2. First, the synchronous time line ξ0 = t can be chosen arbitrarily (Bob's, Carol's, Dana's or any of an infinitely many observers). This makes one arbitrarily chosen function:  . Second, the initial hypersurface can be chosen in infinitely many ways. Each of these choices changes three functions: one function for each of the three spatial coordinates  . Altogether, four (= 1 + 3) functions are arbitrary.

When discussing general solutions gαβ of the field equations in synchronous gauges, it is necessary to keep in mind that the gravitational potentials gαβ contain, among all possible arbitrary functional parameters present in them, four arbitrary functions of 3-space just representing the gauge freedom and therefore of no direct physical significance.

Another problem with the synchronous frame is that caustics can occur which cause the gauge choice to break down. These problems have caused some difficulties doing cosmological perturbation theory in synchronous frame, but the problems are now well understood. Synchronous coordinates are generally considered the most efficient reference system for doing calculations, and are used in many modern cosmology codes, such as CMBFAST. They are also useful for solving theoretical problems in which a spacelike hypersurface needs to be fixed, as with spacelike singularities.

Einstein equations in synchronous frame edit

Introduction of a synchronous frame allows one to separate the operations of space and time differentiation in the Einstein field equations. To make them more concise, the notation

  (eq. 23)

is introduced for the time derivatives of the three-dimensional metric tensor; these quantities also form a three-dimensional tensor. In the synchronous frame   is proportional to the second fundamental form (shape tensor). All operations of shifting indices and covariant differentiation of the tensor   are done in three-dimensional space with the metric γαβ. This does not apply to operations of shifting indices in the space components of the four-tensors Rik, Tik. Thus Tαβ must be understood to be gβγTγα + gβ0T0α, which reduces to gβγTγα and differs in sign from γβγTγα. The sum   is the logarithmic derivative of the determinant γ ≡ |γαβ| = − g:

  (eq. 24)

Then for the complete set of Christoffel symbols   one obtains:

  (eq. 25)

where   are the three-dimensional Christoffel symbols constructed from γαβ:

  (eq. 26)

where the comma denotes partial derivative by the respective coordinate.

With the Christoffel symbols eq. 25, the components Rik = gilRlk of the Ricci tensor can be written in the form:

  (eq. 27)
  (eq. 28)
  (eq. 29)

Dots on top denote time differentiation, semicolons (";") denote covariant differentiation which in this case is performed with respect to the three-dimensional metric γαβ with three-dimensional Christoffel symbols  ,  , and Pαβ is a three-dimensional Ricci tensor constructed from  :

  (eq. 30)

It follows from eq. 27–29 that the Einstein equations   (with the components of the energy–momentum tensor T00 = −T00, Tα0 = −T, Tαβ = γβγTγα) become in a synchronous frame:

  (eq. 31)
  (eq. 32)
  (eq. 33)

A characteristic feature of the synchronous frame is that it is not stationary: the gravitational field cannot be constant in such frame. In a constant field   would become zero. But in the presence of matter the disappearance of all   would contradict eq. 31 (which has a right side different from zero). In empty space from eq. 33 follows that all Pαβ, and with them all the components of the three-dimensional curvature tensor Pαβγδ (Riemann tensor) vanish, i.e. the field vanishes entirely (in a synchronous frame with a Euclidean spatial metric the space-time is flat).

At the same time the matter filling the space cannot in general be at rest relative to the synchronous frame. This is obvious from the fact that particles of matter within which there are pressures generally move along lines that are not geodesics; the world line of a particle at rest is a time line, and thus is a geodesic in the synchronous frame. An exception is the case of dust (p = 0). Here the particles interacting with one another will move along geodesic lines; consequently, in this case the condition for a synchronous frame does not contradict the condition that it be comoving with the matter. Even in this case, in order to be able to choose a synchronously comoving frame, it is still necessary that the matter move without rotation. In the comoving frame the contravariant components of the velocity are u0 = 1, uα = 0. If the frame is also synchronous, the covariant components must satisfy u0 = 1, uα = 0, so that its four-dimensional curl must vanish:


But this tensor equation must then also be valid in any other reference frame. Thus, in a synchronous but not comoving frame the condition curl v = 0 for the three-dimensional velocity v is additionally needed. For other equations of state a similar situation can occur only in special cases when the pressure gradient vanishes in all or in certain directions.

Singularity in synchronous frame edit

Use of the synchronous frame in cosmological problems requires thorough examination of its asymptotic behaviour. In particular, it must be known if the synchronous frame can be extended to infinite time and infinite space maintaining always the unambiguous labelling of every point in terms of coordinates in this frame.

It was shown that unambiguous synchronization of clocks over the whole space is impossible because of the impossibility to synchronize clocks along a closed contour. As concerns synchronization over infinite time, let's first remind that the time lines of all observers are normal to the chosen hypersurface and in this sense are "parallel". Traditionally, the concept of parallelism is defined in Euclidean geometry to mean straight lines that are everywhere equidistant from each other but in arbitrary geometries this concept can be extended to mean lines that are geodesics. It was shown that time lines are geodesics in synchronous frame. Another, more convenient for the present purpose definition of parallel lines are those that have all or none of their points in common. Excluding the case of all points in common (obviously, the same line) one arrives to the definition of parallelism where no two time lines have a common point.

Since the time lines in a synchronous frame are geodesics, these lines are straight (the path of light) for all observers in the generating hypersurface. The spatial metric is


The determinant   of the metric tensor is the absolute value of the triple product of the row vectors in the matrix   which is also the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by the vectors  ,  , and   (i.e., the parallelepiped whose adjacent sides are the vectors  ,  , and  ).


If   turns into zero then the volume of this parallelepiped is zero. This can happen when one of the vectors lies in the plane of the other two vectors so that the parallelepiped volume transforms to the area of the base (height becomes zero), or more formally, when two of the vectors are linearly dependent. But then multiple points (the points of intersection) can be labelled in the same way, that is, the metric has a singularity.

The Landau group [1] have found that the synchronous frame necessarily forms a time singularity, that is, the time lines intersect (and, respectively, the metric tensor determinant turns to zero) in a finite time.

This is proven in the following way. The right-hand of the eq. 31, containing the stress–energy tensors of matter and electromagnetic field,


is a positive number because of the strong energy condition. This can be easily seen when written in components.

for matter
for electromagnetic field

With the above in mind, the eq. 31 is then re-written as an inequality

  (eq. 34)

with the equality pertaining to empty space.

Using the algebraic inequality


eq. 34 becomes


Dividing both sides to   and using the equality


one arrives to the inequality

 . (eq. 35)

Let, for example,   at some moment of time. Because the derivative is positive, then the ratio   decreases with decreasing time, always having a finite non-zero derivative and, therefore, it should become zero, coming from the positive side, during a finite time. In other words,   becomes  , and because  , this means that the determinant   becomes zero (according to eq. 35 not faster than  ). If, on the other hand,   initially, the same is true for increasing time.

An idea about the space at the singularity can be obtained by considering the diagonalized metric tensor. Diagonalization makes the elements of the   matrix everywhere zero except the main diagonal whose elements are the three eigenvalues   and  ; these are three real values when the discriminant of the characteristic polynomial is greater or equal to zero or one real and two complex conjugate values when the discriminant is less than zero. Then the determinant   is just the product of the three eigenvalues. If only one of these eigenvalues becomes zero, then the whole determinant is zero. Let, for example, the real eigenvalue becomes zero ( ). Then the diagonalized matrix   becomes a 2 × 2 matrix with the (generally complex conjugate) eigenvalues   on the main diagonal. But this matrix is the diagonalized metric tensor of the space where  ; therefore, the above suggests that at the singularity ( ) the space is 2-dimensional when only one eigenvalue turns to zero.

Geometrically, diagonalization is a rotation of the basis for the vectors comprising the matrix in such a way that the direction of basis vectors coincide with the direction of the eigenvectors. If   is a real symmetric matrix, the eigenvectors form an orthonormal basis defining a rectangular parallelepiped whose length, width, and height are the magnitudes of the three eigenvalues. This example is especially demonstrative in that the determinant   which is also the volume of the parallelepiped is equal to length × width × height, i.e., the product of the eigenvalues. Making the volume of the parallelepiped equal to zero, for example by equating the height to zero, leaves only one face of the parallelepiped, a 2-dimensional space, whose area is length × width. Continuing with the obliteration and equating the width to zero, one is left with a line of size length, a 1-dimensional space. Further equating the length to zero leaves only a point, a 0-dimensional space, which marks the place where the parallelepiped has been.

Figure 3.

An analogy from geometrical optics is comparison of the singularity with caustics, such as the bright pattern in Fig. 3, which shows caustics formed by a glass of water illuminated from the right side. The light rays are an analogue of the time lines of the free-falling observers localized on the synchronized hypersurface. Judging by the approximately parallel sides of the shadow contour cast by the glass, one can surmise that the light source is at a practically infinite distance from the glass (such as the sun) but this is not certain as the light source is not shown on the photo. So one can suppose that the light rays (time lines) are parallel without this being proven with certainty. The glass of water is an analogue of the Einstein equations or the agent(s) behind them that bend the time lines to form the caustics pattern (the singularity). The latter is not as simple as the face of a parallelepiped but is a complicated mix of various kinds of intersections. One can distinguish an overlap of two-, one-, or zero-dimensional spaces, i.e., intermingling of surfaces and lines, some converging to a point (cusp) such as the arrowhead formation in the centre of the caustics pattern.[2][3]

The conclusion that timelike geodesic vector fields must inevitably reach a singularity after a finite time has been reached independently by Raychaudhuri by another method that led to the Raychaudhuri equation, which is also called Landau–Raychaudhuri equation to honour both researchers.

See also edit

References edit

  1. ^ Lifshitz, Sudakov & Khalatnikov 1961.
  2. ^ Arnolʹd 1989, App. 16, Singularities of ray systems.
  3. ^ Arnolʹd 1996.

Bibliography edit

  • Landau, Lev D.; Lifshitz, Evgeny M. (1988). "§97. The synchronous reference system". Теория поля [Field Theory]. Course of Theoretical Physics (in Russian). Vol. 2 (Izd. 7., ispr ed.). Moskva: Nauka, Glav. red. fiziko-matematicheskoĭ lit-ry. ISBN 5-02-014420-7. OCLC 21793854. (English translation: Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M. (2000). "#97. The synchronous reference system". The Classical Theory of Fields. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-7506-2768-9.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link))
  • Lifshitz, Evgeny M.; Sudakov, V.V.; Khalatnikov, I.M. (1961). "Singularities of cosmological solutions of the gravitational equations.III". JETP. 40: 1847.; Physical Review Letters, 6, 311 (1961)
  • Arnolʹd, V. I. (1989). Mathematical methods of classical mechanics. Graduate texts in mathematics. Vol. 60 (2nd ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-96890-3. OCLC 18681352.
  • Arnolʹd, V. I. (1996). Особенности каустик и волновых фронтов [Singularities of caustics and wave fronts]. Library of the Mathematician (in Russian). Vol. 1. Moscow: FAZIS. ISBN 5-7036-0021-9. OCLC 43811626.
  • Carroll, Sean M. (2019). "Section 7.2". Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity (1 ed.). San Francisco: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108770385. ISBN 978-1-108-48839-6. S2CID 126323605.
  • Ma, C.-P. & Bertschinger, E. (1995). "Cosmological perturbation theory in the synchronous and conformal Newtonian gauges". Astrophysical Journal. 455: 7–25. arXiv:astro-ph/9506072. Bibcode:1995ApJ...455....7M. doi:10.1086/176550. S2CID 14570491.

synchronous, frame, synchronous, frame, reference, frame, which, time, coordinate, defines, proper, time, moving, observers, built, choosing, some, constant, time, hypersurface, origin, such, that, every, point, normal, along, time, line, light, cone, with, ap. A synchronous frame is a reference frame in which the time coordinate defines proper time for all co moving observers It is built by choosing some constant time hypersurface as an origin such that has in every point a normal along the time line and a light cone with an apex in that point can be constructed all interval elements on this hypersurface are space like A family of geodesics normal to this hypersurface are drawn and defined as the time coordinates with a beginning at the hypersurface In terms of metric tensor components g i k displaystyle g ik a synchronous frame is defined such that g 00 1 g 0 a 0 displaystyle g 00 1 quad g 0 alpha 0 where a 1 2 3 displaystyle alpha 1 2 3 Such a construct and hence choice of synchronous frame is always possible though it is not unique It allows any transformation of space coordinates that does not depend on time and additionally a transformation brought about by the arbitrary choice of hypersurface used for this geometric construct Contents 1 Synchronization in an arbitrary frame of reference 1 1 Example Uniformly rotating frame 2 Space metric tensor 3 Synchronous coordinates 4 Einstein equations in synchronous frame 5 Singularity in synchronous frame 6 See also 7 References 8 BibliographySynchronization in an arbitrary frame of reference editSynchronization of clocks located at different space points means that events happening at different places can be measured as simultaneous if those clocks show the same times In special relativity the space distance element dl is defined as the intervals between two very close events that occur at the same moment of time In general relativity this cannot be done that is one cannot define dl by just substituting dt dx0 0 in the metric The reason for this is the different dependence between proper time t displaystyle tau nbsp and time coordinate x0 t in different points of space i e c d t g 00 d x 0 displaystyle cd tau sqrt g 00 dx 0 nbsp nbsp Figure 1 Synchronization of clocks in curved space through light signals To find dl in this case time can be synchronized over two infinitesimally neighboring points in the following way Fig 1 Bob sends a light signal from some space point B with coordinates x a d x a displaystyle x alpha dx alpha nbsp to Alice who is at a very close point A with coordinates xa and then Alice immediately reflects the signal back to Bob The time necessary for this operation measured by Bob multiplied by c is obviously the doubled distance between Alice and Bob The line element with separated space and time coordinates is d s 2 g a b d x a d x b 2 g 0 a d x 0 d x a g 00 d x 0 2 displaystyle ds 2 g alpha beta dx alpha dx beta 2g 0 alpha dx 0 dx alpha g 00 left dx 0 right 2 nbsp eq 1 where a repeated Greek index within a term means summation by values 1 2 3 The interval between the events of signal arrival and its immediate reflection back at point A is zero two events arrival and reflection are happening at the same point in space and time For light signals the space time interval is zero and thus setting d s 0 displaystyle ds 0 nbsp in the above equation we can solve for dx0 obtaining two roots d x 0 1 1 g 00 g 0 a d x a g 0 a g 0 b g a b g 00 d x a d x b displaystyle dx 0 1 frac 1 g 00 left g 0 alpha dx alpha sqrt left g 0 alpha g 0 beta g alpha beta g 00 right dx alpha dx beta right nbsp d x 0 2 1 g 00 g 0 a d x a g 0 a g 0 b g a b g 00 d x a d x b displaystyle dx 0 2 frac 1 g 00 left g 0 alpha dx alpha sqrt left g 0 alpha g 0 beta g alpha beta g 00 right dx alpha dx beta right nbsp eq 2 which correspond to the propagation of the signal in both directions between Alice and Bob If x0 is the moment of arrival reflection of the signal to from Alice in Bob s clock then the moments of signal departure from Bob and its arrival back to Bob correspond respectively to x0 dx0 1 and x0 dx0 2 The thick lines on Fig 1 are the world lines of Alice and Bob with coordinates xa and xa dxa respectively while the red lines are the world lines of the signals Fig 1 supposes that dx0 2 is positive and dx0 1 is negative which however is not necessarily the case dx0 1 and dx0 2 may have the same sign The fact that in the latter case the value x0 Alice in the moment of signal arrival at Alice s position may be less than the value x0 Bob in the moment of signal departure from Bob does not contain a contradiction because clocks in different points of space are not supposed to be synchronized It is clear that the full time interval between departure and arrival of the signal in Bob s place is d x 0 2 d x 0 1 2 g 00 g 0 a g 0 b g a b g 00 d x a d x b displaystyle dx 0 2 dx 0 1 frac 2 g 00 sqrt left g 0 alpha g 0 beta g alpha beta g 00 right dx alpha dx beta nbsp The respective proper time interval is obtained from the above relationship by multiplication by g 00 c displaystyle sqrt g 00 c nbsp and the distance dl between the two points by additional multiplication by c 2 As a result d l 2 g a b g 0 a g 0 b g 00 d x a d x b displaystyle dl 2 left g alpha beta frac g 0 alpha g 0 beta g 00 right dx alpha dx beta nbsp eq 3 This is the required relationship that defines distance through the space coordinate elements It is obvious that such synchronization should be done by exchange of light signals between points Consider again propagation of signals between infinitesimally close points A and B in Fig 1 The clock reading in B which is simultaneous with the moment of reflection in A lies in the middle between the moments of sending and receiving the signal in B in this moment if Alice s clock reads y0 and Bob s clock reads x0 then via Einstein Synchronization condition y 0 x 0 d x 0 1 x 0 d x 0 2 2 x 0 1 2 d x 0 2 d x 0 1 x 0 D x 0 displaystyle y 0 frac x 0 dx 0 1 x 0 dx 0 2 2 x 0 tfrac 1 2 left dx 0 2 dx 0 1 right x 0 Delta x 0 nbsp Substitute here eq 2 to find the difference in time x0 between two simultaneous events occurring in infinitesimally close points as D x 0 g 0 a d x a g 00 g a d x a displaystyle Delta x 0 frac g 0 alpha dx alpha g 00 equiv g alpha dx alpha nbsp eq 4 This relationship allows clock synchronization in any infinitesimally small space volume By continuing such synchronization further from point A one can synchronize clocks that is determine simultaneity of events along any open line The synchronization condition can be written in another form by multiplying eq 4 by g00 and bringing terms to the left hand side D x 0 g 0 i d x i 0 displaystyle Delta x 0 g 0i dx i 0 nbsp eq 5 or the covariant differential dx0 between two infinitesimally close points should be zero However it is impossible in general to synchronize clocks along a closed contour starting out along the contour and returning to the starting point one would obtain a Dx0 value different from zero Thus unambiguous synchronization of clocks over the whole space is impossible An exception are reference frames in which all components g0a are zeros The inability to synchronize all clocks is a property of the reference frame and not of the spacetime itself It is always possible in infinitely many ways in any gravitational field to choose the reference frame so that the three g0a become zeros and thus enable a complete synchronization of clocks To this class are assigned cases where g0a can be made zeros by a simple change in the time coordinate which does not involve a choice of a system of objects that define the space coordinates In the special relativity theory too proper time elapses differently for clocks moving relatively to each other In general relativity proper time is different even in the same reference frame at different points of space This means that the interval of proper time between two events occurring at some space point and the time interval between the events simultaneous with those at another space point are in general different Example Uniformly rotating frame edit Consider a rest inertial frame expressed in cylindrical coordinates r ϕ z displaystyle r phi z nbsp and time t displaystyle t nbsp The interval in this frame is given by d s 2 c 2 d t 2 d r 2 r 2 d ϕ 2 d z 2 displaystyle ds 2 c 2 dt 2 dr 2 r 2 d phi 2 dz 2 nbsp Transforming to a uniformly rotating coordinate system r ϕ z displaystyle r phi z nbsp using the relation x 0 c t t x 1 r r x 2 ϕ ϕ W t x 3 z z displaystyle x 0 c t t x 1 r r x 2 phi phi Omega t x 3 z z nbsp modifies the interval to d s 2 c 2 W 2 r 2 d t 2 2 W r 2 d ϕ d t d r 2 r 2 d ϕ 2 d z 2 displaystyle ds 2 c 2 Omega 2 r 2 dt 2 2 Omega r 2 d phi dt dr 2 r 2 d phi 2 dz 2 nbsp Of course the rotating frame is valid only for r lt c W displaystyle r lt c Omega nbsp since the frame speed would exceed speed of light beyond this radial location The non zero components of the metric tensor are g 00 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 displaystyle g 00 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 nbsp g 02 2 W r 2 c displaystyle g 02 2 Omega r 2 c nbsp g 11 1 displaystyle g 11 1 nbsp g 22 r 2 displaystyle g 22 r 2 nbsp and g 33 1 displaystyle g 33 1 nbsp Along any open curve the relation D x 0 g 0 a g 00 d x a W r 2 c 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 d ϕ displaystyle Delta x 0 frac g 0 alpha g 00 dx alpha frac Omega r 2 c 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 d phi nbsp can be used to synchronize clocks However along any closed curve synchronization is impossible because D x 0 d ϕ W r 2 c 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 0 displaystyle oint Delta x 0 oint frac d phi Omega r 2 c 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 neq 0 nbsp For instance when W r c 1 displaystyle Omega r c ll 1 nbsp we have D x 0 W c r 2 d ϕ 2 W c S displaystyle oint Delta x 0 frac Omega c oint r 2 d phi pm frac 2 Omega c S nbsp where S displaystyle S nbsp is the projected area of the closed curve on a plane perpendicular to the rotation axis plus or minus sign corresponds to contour traversing in or opposite to the rotation direction The proper time element in the rotating frame is given by d t 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 d t 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 d t a x i s displaystyle d tau sqrt 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 dt sqrt 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 d tau mathrm axis nbsp indicating that time slows down as we move away from the axis Similarly the spatial element can be calculated to find d l d r 2 r 2 d ϕ 2 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 d z 2 1 2 displaystyle dl left dr 2 frac r 2 d phi 2 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 dz 2 right 1 2 nbsp At a fixed value of r displaystyle r nbsp and z displaystyle z nbsp the spatial element is d l 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 1 2 r d ϕ displaystyle dl 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 1 2 rd phi nbsp which upon integration over a full circle shows that the ratio of circumference of a circle to its radius is given by 2 p 1 W 2 r 2 c 2 displaystyle frac 2 pi sqrt 1 Omega 2 r 2 c 2 nbsp which is greater than by 2 p displaystyle 2 pi nbsp Space metric tensor editEq 3 can be rewritten in the form d l 2 g a b d x a d x b displaystyle dl 2 gamma alpha beta dx alpha dx beta nbsp eq 6 where g a b g a b g 0 a g 0 b g 00 displaystyle gamma alpha beta g alpha beta frac g 0 alpha g 0 beta g 00 nbsp eq 7 is the three dimensional metric tensor that determines the metric that is the geometrical properties of space Equations eq 7 give the relationships between the metric of the three dimensional space g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp and the metric of the four dimensional spacetime g i k displaystyle g ik nbsp In general however g i k displaystyle g ik nbsp depends on x0 so that g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp changes with time Therefore it doesn t make sense to integrate dl this integral depends on the choice of world line between the two points on which it is taken It follows that in general relativity the distance between two bodies cannot be determined in general this distance is determined only for infinitesimally close points Distance can be determined for finite space regions only in such reference frames in which gik does not depend on time and therefore the integral d l textstyle int dl nbsp along the space curve acquires some definite sense The tensor g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp is inverse to the contravariant 3 dimensional tensor g a b displaystyle g alpha beta nbsp Indeed writing equation g i k g k l d l i displaystyle g ik g kl delta l i nbsp in components one has g a b g b g g a 0 g 0 g d g a displaystyle g alpha beta g beta gamma g alpha 0 g 0 gamma delta gamma alpha nbsp g a b g b 0 g a 0 g 00 0 displaystyle g alpha beta g beta 0 g alpha 0 g 00 0 nbsp eqs 8 g 0 b g b 0 g 00 g 00 1 displaystyle g 0 beta g beta 0 g 00 g 00 1 nbsp Determining g a 0 displaystyle g alpha 0 nbsp from the second equation and substituting it in the first proves that g a b g b g d g a displaystyle g alpha beta gamma beta gamma delta gamma alpha nbsp eq 9 This result can be presented otherwise by saying that g a b displaystyle g alpha beta nbsp are components of a contravariant 3 dimensional tensor corresponding to metric g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp g a b g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta g alpha beta nbsp eq 10 The determinants g and g displaystyle gamma nbsp composed of elements g i k displaystyle g ik nbsp and g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp respectively are related to each other by the simple relationship g g 00 g displaystyle g g 00 gamma nbsp eq 11 In many applications it is convenient to define a 3 dimensional vector g with covariant components g a g 0 a g 00 displaystyle g alpha frac g 0 alpha g 00 nbsp eq 12 Considering g as a vector in space with metric g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp its contravariant components can be written as g a g a b g b displaystyle g alpha gamma alpha beta g beta nbsp Using eq 11 and the second of eqs 8 it is easy to see that g a g a b g b g 0 a displaystyle g alpha gamma alpha beta g beta g 0 alpha nbsp eq 13 From the third of eqs 8 it follows g 00 1 g 00 g a g a displaystyle g 00 frac 1 g 00 g alpha g alpha nbsp eq 14 Synchronous coordinates editAs concluded from eq 5 the condition that allows clock synchronization in different space points is that metric tensor components g0a are zeros If in addition g00 1 then the time coordinate x0 t is the proper time in each space point with c 1 A reference frame that satisfies the conditions g 00 1 g 0 a 0 displaystyle g 00 1 quad g 0 alpha 0 nbsp eq 15 is called synchronous frame The interval element in this system is given by the expression d s 2 d t 2 g a b d x a d x b displaystyle ds 2 dt 2 g alpha beta dx alpha dx beta nbsp eq 16 with the spatial metric tensor components identical with opposite sign to the components gab g a b g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta g alpha beta nbsp eq 17 nbsp Figure 2 A synchronous frame built with the choice of the timelike hypersurface t const teal color Only one spatial coordinate x1 x is shown The four observers have the same proper times x0 t which are normal to the hypersurface in their locally flat spacetimes shown by the light cones The unit vector n0 u0 1 is shown in yellow There are no spatial velocity components ua 0 so the common proper time is a geodesic line with a beginning at the hypersurface and a positive direction red arrows In synchronous frame time time lines are normal to the hypersurfaces t const Indeed the unit four vector normal to such a hypersurface ni t xi has covariant components na 0 n0 1 The respective contravariant components with the conditions eq 15 are again na 0 n0 1 The components of the unit normal coincide with those of the four vector ui dxi ds which is tangent to the world line x1 x2 x3 const The ui with components ua 0 u0 1 automatically satisfies the geodesic equations d u i d s G k l i u k u l G 00 i 0 displaystyle frac du i ds Gamma kl i u k u l Gamma 00 i 0 nbsp since from the conditions eq 15 the Christoffel symbols G 00 a displaystyle Gamma 00 alpha nbsp and G 00 0 displaystyle Gamma 00 0 nbsp vanish identically Therefore in the synchronous frame the time lines are geodesics in the spacetime These properties can be used to construct synchronous frame in any spacetime Fig 2 To this end choose some spacelike hypersurface as an origin such that has in every point a normal along the time line lies inside the light cone with an apex in that point all interval elements on this hypersurface are space like Then draw a family of geodesics normal to this hypersurface Choose these lines as time coordinate lines and define the time coordinate t as the length s of the geodesic measured with a beginning at the hypersurface the result is a synchronous frame An analytic transformation to synchronous frame can be done with the use of the Hamilton Jacobi equation The principle of this method is based on the fact that particle trajectories in gravitational fields are geodesics The Hamilton Jacobi equation for a particle whose mass is set equal to unity in a gravitational field is g i k S x i S x k 1 displaystyle g ik frac partial S partial x i frac partial S partial x k 1 nbsp eq 18a where S is the action Its complete integral has the form S f 3 a x i A 3 a displaystyle S f left xi alpha x i right A left xi alpha right nbsp eq 18b Note that the complete integral contains as many arbitrary constants as the number of independent variables which in our case is 4 displaystyle 4 nbsp In the above equation these correspond to the three parameters 3a and the fourth constant A being treated as an arbitrary function of the three 3a With such a representation for S the equations for the trajectory of the particle can be obtained by equating the derivatives S 3a to zero i e f 3 a A 3 a displaystyle frac partial f partial xi alpha frac partial A partial xi alpha nbsp eq 18c For each set of assigned values of the parameters 3a the right sides of equations 18a 18c have definite constant values and the world line determined by these equations is one of the possible trajectories of the particle Choosing the quantities 3a which are constant along the trajectory as new space coordinates and the quantity S as the new time coordinate one obtains a synchronous frame the transformation from the old coordinates to the new ones is given by equations 18b 18c In fact it is guaranteed that for such a transformation the time lines will be geodesics and will be normal to the hypersurfaces S const The latter point is obvious from the mechanical analogy the four vector S xi which is normal to the hypersurface coincides in mechanics with the four momentum of the particle and therefore coincides in direction with its four velocity ui i e with the four vector tangent to the trajectory Finally the condition g00 1 is obviously satisfied since the derivative dS ds of the action along the trajectory is the mass of the particle which was set equal to 1 therefore dS ds 1 The gauge conditions eq 15 do not fix the coordinate system completely and therefore are not a fixed gauge as the spacelike hypersurface at t 0 displaystyle t 0 nbsp can be chosen arbitrarily One still have the freedom of performing some coordinate transformations containing four arbitrary functions depending on the three spatial variables xa which are easily worked out in infinitesimal form x i x i 3 i x displaystyle x i tilde x i xi i tilde x nbsp eq 18 Here the collections of the four old coordinates t xa and four new coordinates t x a displaystyle tilde t tilde x alpha nbsp are denoted by the symbols x and x displaystyle tilde x nbsp respectively The functions 3 i x displaystyle xi i tilde x nbsp together with their first derivatives are infinitesimally small quantities After such a transformation the four dimensional interval takes the form d s 2 g i k x d x i d x k g i k new x d x i d x k displaystyle ds 2 g ik x dx i dx k g ik text new tilde x d tilde x i d tilde x k nbsp eq 19 where g i k new x g i k x g i l x 3 l x x k g k l x 3 l x x i g i k x x l 3 l x displaystyle g ik text new tilde x g ik tilde x g il tilde x frac partial xi l tilde x partial tilde x k g kl tilde x frac partial xi l tilde x partial tilde x i frac partial g ik tilde x partial tilde x l xi l tilde x nbsp eq 20 In the last formula the g i k x displaystyle g ik tilde x nbsp are the same functions gik x in which x should simply be replaced by x displaystyle tilde x nbsp If one wishes to preserve the gauge eq 15 also for the new metric tensor g i k new x displaystyle g ik text new tilde x nbsp in the new coordinates x displaystyle tilde x nbsp it is necessary to impose the following restrictions on the functions 3 i x displaystyle xi i acute x nbsp 3 0 x x 0 g a b x 3 b x t 3 0 x x a 0 displaystyle frac partial xi 0 tilde x partial tilde x 0 quad g alpha beta tilde x frac partial xi beta tilde x partial tilde t frac partial xi 0 tilde x partial tilde x alpha 0 nbsp eq 21 The solutions of these equations are 3 0 f 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 3 a g a b x f 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 x b d x 0 f a x 1 x 2 x 3 displaystyle xi 0 f 0 left tilde x 1 tilde x 2 tilde x 3 right quad xi alpha int g alpha beta tilde x frac partial f 0 left tilde x 1 tilde x 2 tilde x 3 right partial tilde x beta d tilde x 0 f alpha left tilde x 1 tilde x 2 tilde x 3 right nbsp eq 22 where f0 and fa are four arbitrary functions depending only on the spatial coordinates x a displaystyle tilde x alpha nbsp For a more elementary geometrical explanation consider Fig 2 First the synchronous time line 30 t can be chosen arbitrarily Bob s Carol s Dana s or any of an infinitely many observers This makes one arbitrarily chosen function 3 0 f 0 x 1 x 2 x 3 displaystyle xi 0 f 0 left tilde x 1 tilde x 2 tilde x 3 right nbsp Second the initial hypersurface can be chosen in infinitely many ways Each of these choices changes three functions one function for each of the three spatial coordinates 3 a f a x 1 x 2 x 3 displaystyle xi alpha f alpha left tilde x 1 tilde x 2 tilde x 3 right nbsp Altogether four 1 3 functions are arbitrary When discussing general solutions gab of the field equations in synchronous gauges it is necessary to keep in mind that the gravitational potentials gab contain among all possible arbitrary functional parameters present in them four arbitrary functions of 3 space just representing the gauge freedom and therefore of no direct physical significance Another problem with the synchronous frame is that caustics can occur which cause the gauge choice to break down These problems have caused some difficulties doing cosmological perturbation theory in synchronous frame but the problems are now well understood Synchronous coordinates are generally considered the most efficient reference system for doing calculations and are used in many modern cosmology codes such as CMBFAST They are also useful for solving theoretical problems in which a spacelike hypersurface needs to be fixed as with spacelike singularities Einstein equations in synchronous frame editIntroduction of a synchronous frame allows one to separate the operations of space and time differentiation in the Einstein field equations To make them more concise the notation ϰ a b g a b t displaystyle varkappa alpha beta frac partial gamma alpha beta partial t nbsp eq 23 is introduced for the time derivatives of the three dimensional metric tensor these quantities also form a three dimensional tensor In the synchronous frame ϰ a b displaystyle varkappa alpha beta nbsp is proportional to the second fundamental form shape tensor All operations of shifting indices and covariant differentiation of the tensor ϰ a b displaystyle varkappa alpha beta nbsp are done in three dimensional space with the metric gab This does not apply to operations of shifting indices in the space components of the four tensors Rik Tik Thus Tab must be understood to be gbgTga gb0T0a which reduces to gbgTga and differs in sign from gbgTga The sum ϰ a a displaystyle varkappa alpha alpha nbsp is the logarithmic derivative of the determinant g gab g ϰ a a g a b g a b t t ln g displaystyle varkappa alpha alpha gamma alpha beta frac partial gamma alpha beta partial t frac partial partial t ln gamma nbsp eq 24 Then for the complete set of Christoffel symbols G k l i displaystyle Gamma kl i nbsp one obtains G 00 0 G 00 a G 0 a 0 0 G a b 0 1 2 ϰ a b G 0 b a 1 2 ϰ b a G a b g l a b g displaystyle Gamma 00 0 Gamma 00 alpha Gamma 0 alpha 0 0 quad Gamma alpha beta 0 frac 1 2 varkappa alpha beta quad Gamma 0 beta alpha frac 1 2 varkappa beta alpha quad Gamma alpha beta gamma lambda alpha beta gamma nbsp eq 25 where l a b g displaystyle lambda alpha beta gamma nbsp are the three dimensional Christoffel symbols constructed from gab l a b g 1 2 g g m g m a b g m b b g a b m displaystyle lambda alpha beta gamma frac 1 2 gamma gamma mu left gamma mu alpha beta gamma mu beta beta gamma alpha beta mu right nbsp eq 26 where the comma denotes partial derivative by the respective coordinate With the Christoffel symbols eq 25 the components Rik gilRlk of the Ricci tensor can be written in the form R 0 0 1 2 ϰ 1 4 ϰ a b ϰ b a displaystyle R 0 0 frac 1 2 dot varkappa frac 1 4 varkappa alpha beta varkappa beta alpha nbsp eq 27 R a 0 1 2 ϰ a b b ϰ a displaystyle R alpha 0 frac 1 2 left varkappa alpha beta beta varkappa alpha right nbsp eq 28 R a b 1 2 g g ϰ a b P a b displaystyle R alpha beta frac 1 2 sqrt gamma dot left sqrt gamma varkappa alpha beta right P alpha beta nbsp eq 29 Dots on top denote time differentiation semicolons denote covariant differentiation which in this case is performed with respect to the three dimensional metric gab with three dimensional Christoffel symbols l a b g displaystyle lambda alpha beta gamma nbsp ϰ ϰ a a displaystyle varkappa equiv varkappa alpha alpha nbsp and Pab is a three dimensional Ricci tensor constructed from l a b g displaystyle lambda alpha beta gamma nbsp P a b g b g P g a P a b l a b g g l g a b g l a b g l g m m l a m g l b g m displaystyle P alpha beta gamma beta gamma P gamma alpha quad P alpha beta lambda alpha beta gamma gamma lambda gamma alpha beta gamma lambda alpha beta gamma lambda gamma mu mu lambda alpha mu gamma lambda beta gamma mu nbsp eq 30 It follows from eq 27 29 that the Einstein equations R i k 8 p k T i k 1 2 d i k T displaystyle R i k 8 pi k left T i k frac 1 2 delta i k T right nbsp with the components of the energy momentum tensor T00 T00 Ta0 T0a Tab gbgTga become in a synchronous frame R 0 0 1 2 ϰ 1 4 ϰ a b ϰ b a 8 p k T 0 0 1 2 T displaystyle R 0 0 frac 1 2 dot varkappa frac 1 4 varkappa alpha beta varkappa beta alpha 8 pi k left T 0 0 frac 1 2 T right nbsp eq 31 R a 0 1 2 ϰ a b b ϰ a 8 p k T a 0 displaystyle R alpha 0 frac 1 2 left varkappa alpha beta beta varkappa alpha right 8 pi kT alpha 0 nbsp eq 32 R a b 1 2 g g ϰ a b P a b 8 p k T a b 1 2 d a b T displaystyle R alpha beta frac 1 2 sqrt gamma dot left sqrt gamma varkappa alpha beta right P alpha beta 8 pi k left T alpha beta frac 1 2 delta alpha beta T right nbsp eq 33 A characteristic feature of the synchronous frame is that it is not stationary the gravitational field cannot be constant in such frame In a constant field ϰ a b displaystyle varkappa alpha beta nbsp would become zero But in the presence of matter the disappearance of all ϰ a b displaystyle varkappa alpha beta nbsp would contradict eq 31 which has a right side different from zero In empty space from eq 33 follows that all Pab and with them all the components of the three dimensional curvature tensor Pabgd Riemann tensor vanish i e the field vanishes entirely in a synchronous frame with a Euclidean spatial metric the space time is flat At the same time the matter filling the space cannot in general be at rest relative to the synchronous frame This is obvious from the fact that particles of matter within which there are pressures generally move along lines that are not geodesics the world line of a particle at rest is a time line and thus is a geodesic in the synchronous frame An exception is the case of dust p 0 Here the particles interacting with one another will move along geodesic lines consequently in this case the condition for a synchronous frame does not contradict the condition that it be comoving with the matter Even in this case in order to be able to choose a synchronously comoving frame it is still necessary that the matter move without rotation In the comoving frame the contravariant components of the velocity are u0 1 ua 0 If the frame is also synchronous the covariant components must satisfy u0 1 ua 0 so that its four dimensional curl must vanish u i k u k i u i x k u k x i 0 displaystyle u i k u k i equiv frac partial u i partial x k frac partial u k partial x i 0 nbsp But this tensor equation must then also be valid in any other reference frame Thus in a synchronous but not comoving frame the condition curl v 0 for the three dimensional velocity v is additionally needed For other equations of state a similar situation can occur only in special cases when the pressure gradient vanishes in all or in certain directions Singularity in synchronous frame editUse of the synchronous frame in cosmological problems requires thorough examination of its asymptotic behaviour In particular it must be known if the synchronous frame can be extended to infinite time and infinite space maintaining always the unambiguous labelling of every point in terms of coordinates in this frame It was shown that unambiguous synchronization of clocks over the whole space is impossible because of the impossibility to synchronize clocks along a closed contour As concerns synchronization over infinite time let s first remind that the time lines of all observers are normal to the chosen hypersurface and in this sense are parallel Traditionally the concept of parallelism is defined in Euclidean geometry to mean straight lines that are everywhere equidistant from each other but in arbitrary geometries this concept can be extended to mean lines that are geodesics It was shown that time lines are geodesics in synchronous frame Another more convenient for the present purpose definition of parallel lines are those that have all or none of their points in common Excluding the case of all points in common obviously the same line one arrives to the definition of parallelism where no two time lines have a common point Since the time lines in a synchronous frame are geodesics these lines are straight the path of light for all observers in the generating hypersurface The spatial metric is d l 2 g a b d x a d x b displaystyle dl 2 gamma alpha beta dx alpha dx beta nbsp The determinant g displaystyle gamma nbsp of the metric tensor is the absolute value of the triple product of the row vectors in the matrix g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp which is also the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by the vectors g 1 displaystyle vec gamma 1 nbsp g 2 displaystyle vec gamma 2 nbsp and g 3 displaystyle vec gamma 3 nbsp i e the parallelepiped whose adjacent sides are the vectors g 1 displaystyle vec gamma 1 nbsp g 2 displaystyle vec gamma 2 nbsp and g 3 displaystyle vec gamma 3 nbsp g g 1 g 2 g 3 g 11 g 12 g 13 g 21 g 22 g 23 g 31 g 32 g 33 V parallelepiped displaystyle gamma vec gamma 1 cdot vec gamma 2 times vec gamma 3 begin vmatrix gamma 11 amp gamma 12 amp gamma 13 gamma 21 amp gamma 22 amp gamma 23 gamma 31 amp gamma 32 amp gamma 33 end vmatrix V text parallelepiped nbsp If g displaystyle gamma nbsp turns into zero then the volume of this parallelepiped is zero This can happen when one of the vectors lies in the plane of the other two vectors so that the parallelepiped volume transforms to the area of the base height becomes zero or more formally when two of the vectors are linearly dependent But then multiple points the points of intersection can be labelled in the same way that is the metric has a singularity The Landau group 1 have found that the synchronous frame necessarily forms a time singularity that is the time lines intersect and respectively the metric tensor determinant turns to zero in a finite time This is proven in the following way The right hand of the eq 31 containing the stress energy tensors of matter and electromagnetic field T i k p e u i u k p d i k displaystyle T i k left p varepsilon right times u i u k p delta i k nbsp is a positive number because of the strong energy condition This can be easily seen when written in components for matter T 0 0 1 2 T 1 2 e 3 p p e v 2 1 v 2 gt 0 displaystyle T 0 0 frac 1 2 T frac 1 2 left varepsilon 3p right frac left p varepsilon right v 2 1 v 2 gt 0 nbsp for electromagnetic field T 0 T 0 0 1 2 ϵ 0 E 2 1 m 0 B 2 gt 0 displaystyle T 0 quad T 0 0 1 over 2 left epsilon 0 E 2 frac 1 mu 0 B 2 right gt 0 nbsp With the above in mind the eq 31 is then re written as an inequality R 0 0 1 2 t ϰ a a 1 4 ϰ a b ϰ b a 0 displaystyle R 0 0 frac 1 2 frac partial partial t varkappa alpha alpha frac 1 4 varkappa alpha beta varkappa beta alpha leq 0 nbsp eq 34 with the equality pertaining to empty space Using the algebraic inequality ϰ b a ϰ a b 1 3 ϰ a a 2 displaystyle varkappa beta alpha varkappa alpha beta geq frac 1 3 left varkappa alpha alpha right 2 nbsp eq 34 becomes t ϰ a a 1 6 ϰ a a 2 0 displaystyle frac partial partial t varkappa alpha alpha frac 1 6 left varkappa alpha alpha right 2 leq 0 nbsp Dividing both sides to ϰ a a 2 displaystyle left varkappa alpha alpha right 2 nbsp and using the equality 1 ϰ a a 2 t ϰ a a t 1 ϰ a a displaystyle frac 1 left varkappa alpha alpha right 2 frac partial partial t varkappa alpha alpha frac partial partial t frac 1 varkappa alpha alpha nbsp one arrives to the inequality t 1 ϰ a a 1 6 displaystyle frac partial partial t frac 1 varkappa alpha alpha geq 1 over 6 nbsp eq 35 Let for example ϰ a a gt 0 displaystyle varkappa alpha alpha gt 0 nbsp at some moment of time Because the derivative is positive then the ratio 1 ϰ a a textstyle frac 1 varkappa alpha alpha nbsp decreases with decreasing time always having a finite non zero derivative and therefore it should become zero coming from the positive side during a finite time In other words ϰ a a displaystyle varkappa alpha alpha nbsp becomes displaystyle infty nbsp and because ϰ a a ln g t displaystyle varkappa alpha alpha partial ln gamma partial t nbsp this means that the determinant g displaystyle gamma nbsp becomes zero according to eq 35 not faster than t 6 displaystyle t 6 nbsp If on the other hand ϰ a a lt 0 displaystyle varkappa alpha alpha lt 0 nbsp initially the same is true for increasing time An idea about the space at the singularity can be obtained by considering the diagonalized metric tensor Diagonalization makes the elements of the g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp matrix everywhere zero except the main diagonal whose elements are the three eigenvalues l 1 l 2 displaystyle lambda 1 lambda 2 nbsp and l 3 displaystyle lambda 3 nbsp these are three real values when the discriminant of the characteristic polynomial is greater or equal to zero or one real and two complex conjugate values when the discriminant is less than zero Then the determinant g displaystyle gamma nbsp is just the product of the three eigenvalues If only one of these eigenvalues becomes zero then the whole determinant is zero Let for example the real eigenvalue becomes zero l 1 0 displaystyle lambda 1 0 nbsp Then the diagonalized matrix g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp becomes a 2 2 matrix with the generally complex conjugate eigenvalues l 2 l 3 displaystyle lambda 2 lambda 3 nbsp on the main diagonal But this matrix is the diagonalized metric tensor of the space where g 0 displaystyle gamma 0 nbsp therefore the above suggests that at the singularity g 0 displaystyle gamma 0 nbsp the space is 2 dimensional when only one eigenvalue turns to zero Geometrically diagonalization is a rotation of the basis for the vectors comprising the matrix in such a way that the direction of basis vectors coincide with the direction of the eigenvectors If g a b displaystyle gamma alpha beta nbsp is a real symmetric matrix the eigenvectors form an orthonormal basis defining a rectangular parallelepiped whose length width and height are the magnitudes of the three eigenvalues This example is especially demonstrative in that the determinant g displaystyle gamma nbsp which is also the volume of the parallelepiped is equal to length width height i e the product of the eigenvalues Making the volume of the parallelepiped equal to zero for example by equating the height to zero leaves only one face of the parallelepiped a 2 dimensional space whose area is length width Continuing with the obliteration and equating the width to zero one is left with a line of size length a 1 dimensional space Further equating the length to zero leaves only a point a 0 dimensional space which marks the place where the parallelepiped has been nbsp Figure 3 An analogy from geometrical optics is comparison of the singularity with caustics such as the bright pattern in Fig 3 which shows caustics formed by a glass of water illuminated from the right side The light rays are an analogue of the time lines of the free falling observers localized on the synchronized hypersurface Judging by the approximately parallel sides of the shadow contour cast by the glass one can surmise that the light source is at a practically infinite distance from the glass such as the sun but this is not certain as the light source is not shown on the photo So one can suppose that the light rays time lines are parallel without this being proven with certainty The glass of water is an analogue of the Einstein equations or the agent s behind them that bend the time lines to form the caustics pattern the singularity The latter is not as simple as the face of a parallelepiped but is a complicated mix of various kinds of intersections One can distinguish an overlap of two one or zero dimensional spaces i e intermingling of surfaces and lines some converging to a point cusp such as the arrowhead formation in the centre of the caustics pattern 2 3 The conclusion that timelike geodesic vector fields must inevitably reach a singularity after a finite time has been reached independently by Raychaudhuri by another method that led to the Raychaudhuri equation which is also called Landau Raychaudhuri equation to honour both researchers See also editNormal coordinates Congruence general relativity for a derivation of the kinematical decomposition and of Raychaudhuri s equation References edit Lifshitz Sudakov amp Khalatnikov 1961 Arnolʹd 1989 App 16 Singularities of ray systems Arnolʹd 1996 Bibliography editLandau Lev D Lifshitz Evgeny M 1988 97 The synchronous reference system Teoriya polya Field Theory Course of Theoretical Physics in Russian Vol 2 Izd 7 ispr ed Moskva Nauka Glav red fiziko matematicheskoĭ lit ry ISBN 5 02 014420 7 OCLC 21793854 English translation Landau L D and Lifshitz E M 2000 97 The synchronous reference system The Classical Theory of Fields Oxford Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann ISBN 978 0 7506 2768 9 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Lifshitz Evgeny M Sudakov V V Khalatnikov I M 1961 Singularities of cosmological solutions of the gravitational equations III JETP 40 1847 Physical Review Letters 6 311 1961 Arnolʹd V I 1989 Mathematical methods of classical mechanics Graduate texts in mathematics Vol 60 2nd ed New York Springer Verlag ISBN 0 387 96890 3 OCLC 18681352 Arnolʹd V I 1996 Osobennosti kaustik i volnovyh frontov Singularities of caustics and wave fronts Library of the Mathematician in Russian Vol 1 Moscow FAZIS ISBN 5 7036 0021 9 OCLC 43811626 Carroll Sean M 2019 Section 7 2 Spacetime and Geometry An Introduction to General Relativity 1 ed San Francisco Cambridge University Press doi 10 1017 9781108770385 ISBN 978 1 108 48839 6 S2CID 126323605 Ma C P amp Bertschinger E 1995 Cosmological perturbation theory in the synchronous and conformal Newtonian gauges Astrophysical Journal 455 7 25 arXiv astro ph 9506072 Bibcode 1995ApJ 455 7M doi 10 1086 176550 S2CID 14570491 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Synchronous frame amp oldid 1194217147, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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