
Standpoint theory

Standpoint theory, also known as standpoint epistemology,[1] is a foundational framework in social theory that examines how individuals' unique perspectives, shaped by their social and political experiences, influence their understanding of the world. Standpoint theory proposes that authority is rooted in individuals' personal knowledge and perspectives and the power that such authority exerts.

First originating in feminist philosophy, this theory posits that marginalized groups, situated as "outsiders within," offer valuable insights that challenge dominant perspectives and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of societal dynamics. Standpoint theory's central concept is that an individual's perspectives are shaped by their social and political experiences. The amalgamation of a person's experiences forms a standpoint—a point of view—through which that individual sees and understands the world. In response to critiques that early standpoint theory treated social perspectives as monolithic or essentialized, social theorists understand standpoints as multifaceted rather than unvarying or absolute.[2] For example, while Hispanic women may generally share some perspectives, particularly with regard to ethnicity and gender, they are not defined solely by these viewpoints; despite some common features, there is no essentially Hispanic female identity.

Standpoint theorists emphasize the utility of a naturalistic, or everyday experiential, concept of knowing (i.e., epistemology). One's standpoint (whether reflexively considered or not) shapes which concepts are intelligible, which claims are heard and understood by whom, which features of the world are perceptually salient, which reasons are understood to be relevant and forceful, and which conclusions credible.[3]

Standpoint theory supports what feminist theorist Sandra Harding calls strong objectivity, or the notion that the perspectives of marginalized and/or oppressed individuals can help to create more objective accounts of the world. Through the outsider-within phenomenon, these individuals are placed in a unique position to point to patterns of behavior that those immersed in the dominant group culture are unable to recognize.[4] Standpoint theory gives voice to the marginalized groups by allowing them to challenge the status quo as the outsider within the status quo representing the dominant position of privilege.[5]

The predominant culture in which all groups exist is not experienced in the same way by all persons or groups. The views of those who belong to groups with more social power are validated more than those in marginalized groups.[weasel words] Those in marginalized groups must learn to be bicultural, or to "pass" in the dominant culture to survive,[clarification needed] even though that perspective is not their own.[6]

History edit

First-wave standpoint theory edit

First-wave standpoint theory emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, spearheaded by feminist philosophers like Sandra Harding.[7] In Harding's 1986 book The Science Question in Feminism, she introduced the term "standpoint" to distinguish it from a generic perspective, emphasizing the requirement of political engagement. It aimed to challenge conventional notions of objectivity and neutrality in scientific inquiry by foregrounding the political engagement and lived experiences of marginalized groups, particularly women. Harding argues that the political engagement of feminists and their active focus on the lives of women allows them to have an epistemically privileged "standpoint".[2] Harding also maintained that it is the marginalized groups that ultimately provide the clearest view on the true opportunities and obstacles faced in society.[8]

Feminist standpoint theory's initial focus was in challenging the idea of scientific neutrality and objectivity from a presupposed generalized knower. This wave of standpoint theory underscored how gendered identities influence individuals' epistemic resources and capacities, impacting their access to knowledge. [9] By centering the experiences of women, first-wave standpoint theorists sought to dismantle patriarchal structures in knowledge production and highlight the epistemic privilege inherent in marginalized perspectives.

Some uses of standpoint theory have been based in Hegelian and Marxist theory,[10] such as Hegel's study of the different standpoints of slaves and masters in 1807.[11] Hegel, a German Idealist, claimed that the master-slave relationship is about people's belonging positions, and the groups affect how people receive knowledge and power.[12] Hegel's influence can be seen in some later feminist studies. For example, Nancy Hartsock examined standpoint theory by using relations between men and women. She published "The Feminist Standpoint: Developing Ground for a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism" in 1983. Hartsock used Hegel's master–slave dialectic and Marx's theory of class and capitalism as an inspiration to look into matters of sex and gender.

Second-wave standpoint theory edit

Second-wave standpoint theory evolved to encompass a broader range of social positions, including, race, social class, culture, and economic status.[13] Standpoint theory seeks to develop a particular feminist epistemology, that values the experiences of women and minorities as a source for knowledge.[14]

Prominent standpoint theorists such as Dorothy Smith, Nancy Hartsock, Donna Haraway, Sandra Harding, Alison Wylie, Lynette Hunter and Patricia Hill Collins expanded the theoretical framework, emphasizing the importance of intersectionality. Second-wave standpoint theorists and activists in the United States developed the related concept of intersectionality[15] to examine oppressions caused by the interactions between social factors such as gender, race, sexuality, and culture.[16] Intersectionality became a key concept, explaining how intersecting oppressions contribute to complex power dynamics. For example, intersectionality can explain how social factors contribute to divisions of labor in the workforce.[17] Though intersectionality was developed to consider social and philosophical issues, it has been applied in a range of academic areas[18] like higher education,[19] identity politics,[20] and geography.[21]

Third-wave standpoint theory edit

Contemporary standpoint theory continues to evolve[22] in response to shifting political, social, and economic landscapes. In the era of third-wave feminism, characterized by inclusivity and activism, standpoint theory emphasizes the importance of community and collective action. This wave highlights the voices and experiences of diverse groups, including Black women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people with disabilities. Examples include the first female and person of color Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, the global pandemic[23] and the overturning of Roe v. Wade.[24] In modern times, third-wave feminism emphasizes inclusive community and action.[25][26] This has resulted in a resurgence of feminist activism and further integration of intersecting identities, like the unique perspective of Black women and abortion rights.[27]

Standpoint theorist, Patricia Hill Collins, highlights the resonance of Standpoint Theory with Black feminist groups, in that, standpoint theory can be used as a framework for understanding Black feminist thought.[28] Standpoint theory can be a framework for understanding the oppression of Black women or what feminist theorist Catherine E. Harnois coins as the "Black women's standpoint".[29]

Key concepts edit

Generally, standpoint theory gives insight into specific circumstances only available to the members of a certain collective standpoint. According to Michael Ryan, "the idea of a collective standpoint does not imply an essential overarching characteristic but rather a sense of belonging to a group bounded by a shared experience."[30] Kristina Rolin criticizes common misunderstandings of standpoint theory that include "the assumption of essentialism that all women share the same socially grounded perspective in virtue of being women, the assumption of automatic epistemic privilege is that epistemic advantage accrues to the subordinate automatically, just in virtue of their occupying a particular social position."[31] She suggests that, on the contrary, neither assumptions are part of standpoint theory. According to standpoint theory:

  • A standpoint is a place from which human beings view the world.
  • A standpoint influences how the people adopting it socially construct the world.
  • A standpoint is a mental position from which things are viewed.
  • A standpoint is a position from which objects or principles are viewed and according to which they are compared and judged.
  • The inequalities of different social groups create differences in their standpoints.
  • All standpoints are partial; so (for example) standpoint feminism coexists with other standpoints.

Key terms edit

  1. Social location: Viewpoints and perspectives are ultimately created through the groups that we subscribe to (created by connections through race, gender, etc.).[32]
  2. Epistemology: The theory of knowledge
  3. Intersectionality: The characteristics of an individual's life, such as race and gender, that come together to create all aspects of one's identity.
  4. Matrix of domination: Societal systems put in place that support the dominant group's power.
  5. Local knowledge: Knowledge that is rooted in an individual's beliefs, experiences, along with time and place.

Applications edit

Since standpoint theory focuses on marginalized populations, it is often applied within fields that focus on these populations. Standpoint has been referenced as a concept that should be acknowledged and understood in the social work field, especially when approaching and assisting clients.[33] Social workers seek to understand the concept of positionality within dynamic systems to encourage empathy.[34][35] Many marginalized populations rely on the welfare system to survive. Those who structure the welfare system typically have never needed to utilize its services before. Standpoint theory has been presented as a method to improving the welfare system by recognizing suggestions made by those within the welfare system.[36] In Africa, standpoint theory has catalyzed a social movement where women are introduced to the radio in order to promote awareness of their experiences and hardships and to help these women heal and find closure.[37] Another example dealing with Africa is slavery and how slavery differed greatly depending on if one was the slave or the master. If there were any power relationships, there could never be a single perspective. No viewpoint could ever be complete, and there is no limit to anyone's perspective.

Asante and Davis's (1989) study of interracial encounters in the workplace found that because of different cultural perspectives, approaching organizational interactions with others with different beliefs, assumptions, and meanings often leads to miscommunication. Brenda Allen stated in her research that, "Organizational members' experiences, attitudes, and behaviors in the workplace are often influenced by race-ethnicity."[38]

Paul Adler and John Jermier suggest that management scholars should be aware of their standpoints. They write that those studying management should "consciously choose [their] standpoints and take responsibility for the impact (or lack of impact) of [their] scholarship on the world."[39]

Jermier argued that all parts of a research study – identifying the problem, theorizing research questions, gathering and analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and the knowledge produced – are there to some extent because of the researcher's standpoint. This caused him to question what standpoint to adopt in the management of scientists. To avoid falling into limitations of the status quo and certain standpoints, he said that "the view from below has greater potential to generate more complete and more objective knowledge claims." He continues to say that "if our desire is to heal the world, we will learn more about how the root mechanisms of the world work and about how things can be changed by adopting the standpoints of those people and other parts of nature that most deeply suffer its wounds."[40]

Feminist standpoint theory edit

Feminist standpoint theorists make three principal claims: (1) Knowledge is socially situated. (2) Marginalized groups are socially situated in ways that make it more possible for them to be aware of things and ask questions than it is for the non-marginalized. (3) Research, particularly that focused on power relations, should begin with the lives of the marginalized.[41]

Specifically, feminist standpoint theory is guided by four main theses: strong objectivity, the situated knowledge, epistemic advantage, and power relations.[7]

Feminist standpoint theorists such as Dorothy Smith, Patricia Hill Collins, Nancy Hartsock, and Sandra Harding claimed that certain socio-political positions occupied by women (and by extension other groups who lack social and economic privilege) can become sites of epistemic privilege and thus productive starting points for inquiry into questions about not only those who are socially and politically marginalized, but also those who, by dint of social and political privilege, occupy the positions of oppressors. This claim was specifically generated by Sandra Harding and as such, "Starting off research from women's lives will generate less partial and distorted accounts not only of women's lives but also of men’s lives and of the whole social order."[12] This practice is also quite evident when women enter into professions that are considered to be male oriented. Londa Schiebinger states, "While women now study at prestigious universities at about the same rate as men, they are rarely invited to join the faculty at top universities ... The sociologist Harriet Zuckerman has observed that 'the more prestigious the institution, the longer women wait to be promoted.' Men, generally speaking, face no such trade-off."[42]

Standpoint feminists have been concerned with these dualisms for two related reasons. First, dualisms usually imply a hierarchical relationship between the terms, elevating one and devaluing the other.[43] Also, related to this issue is the concern that these dualisms often become gendered in our culture. In this process, men are associated with one extreme and women with the other. In the case of reason and emotion, women are identified with emotion. Because our culture values emotion less than reason, women suffer from this association. Feminist critics are usually concerned with the fact that dualisms force false dichotomies (partition of a whole) onto women and men, failing to see that life is less either/or than both/and, as relational dialectics theory holds.

Indigenous standpoint theory edit

Indigenous standpoint theory is an intricate theoretical approach in how indigenous people navigate the difficulties of their experiences within spaces which contest their epistemology. Utility of this approach stems from diverse background of marginalized groups across societies and cultures whose unique experiences have been rejected and suppressed within a majoritarian intellectual knowledge production.[44] However, the analysis of these experiences is not the cycle of accumulation of stories, of lived experiences, and in turn, does not produce limitless subjective narratives to obstruct objective knowledge. Martin Nakata is the foremost propounder of indigenous standpoint theory.

Indigenous standpoint, as well as feminist theory, expect the "knower" to address their social status of privilege to those they are researching. When addressing ourselves as "knowers" into the setting, the intention is not to realign the focus, but rather to include the social relations within what we as "knowers" know. This is a matter of respect as the researcher is expected to declare who they are and on what basis they write. This "self-awareness is fundamental to the research process because it should result in a researcher role that is respectful and not disruptive, aggressive or controlling".[45]

An Indigenous "knower" does not possess a predisposed "readymade critical stance" on the world, but rather questions that must be answered before objective knowledge is obtained. Thus, this engagement enables us to create a critical Indigenous standpoint. This in itself does not determine truth; instead, it produces a range potential argument with further possible answers. The arguments established, however, still require its basis to be rational and reasonable and answer the logic and assumptions on which they were established. Thus, arguments cannot assert a claim of truth on an idea because they, the Indigenous individual, are a part of the Indigenous community as the theory would not allow to authorise themselves solely truthful on the basis of their experience. Indigenous standpoint theory is facilitated by three principles, defined by Martin Nakata.

  • Nakata's first principle states: "It would, therefore, begin from the premise that my social position is discursively constituted within and constitutive of complex set of social relations as expressed through social organization of my every day".[44] This denotes that one’s social position is established and acknowledgement of social relations within factors such as social, political, economic and cultural, impacts and influence who you are and structure your everyday life.
  • Nakata's second principle states: "This experience as a push-pull between Indigenous and non-Indigenous positions; that is, the familiar confusion with constantly being asked at any one moment to both agree and disagree with any proposition on the basis of a constrained choice between a whitefella or blackfella perspective".[44] This signifies that the position of which Indigenous people hold at the cultural interface to decide a continuous stance is recognized. Instead, reorganization for Indigenous agency should be constituted on what they know from this position. Simplistically stated, it is questioning why Indigenous people should have to choose positions instead of share what they know from both.
  • Nakata's third and last principle states: "the idea that the constant 'tensions' that this tug-of-war creates are physically experienced, and both inform as well as limit what can be said and what is to be left unsaid in every day."[44] Nakata here is describing the physical worlds of how Indigenous and non-Indigenous differ in everyday context, and how these differences can inform of limit has it might be unacceptable in western colonist society that would otherwise be acceptable with other Indigenous people.

Nakata states that these three principles allow him to forge a critical standpoint from the cultural interface and enable him to create better arguments in relation to his position within epistemologies and with other groups of "knowers". However, one cannot overturn a position one is dominant in just because of one's background due to the arguments being simplistic or misrepresented with no evidence to support itself etc.

Thus, Indigenous standpoint theory can be defined as a "method of inquiry, a process for making more intelligible 'the corpus of objectified knowledge about us' as it emerges and organizes understanding of ... lived realities".[44]

Criticisms edit

Critics argue that standpoint theory, despite challenging essentialism, relies itself on essentialism, as it focuses on the dualism of subjectivity and objectivity.[43] In regard to feminist standpoint theory: though it does dispel many false generalizations of women, it is argued that focus on social groups and social classes of women is still inherently essentialist. Generalizations across the entire female gender can be broken into smaller more specific groups pertaining to women's different social classes and cultures, but are still generalized as distinct groups, and thus marginalization still occurs. West and Turner state that Catherine O'Leary (1997) argued that although standpoint theory has helped reclaim women's experiences as suitable research topics, it contains a problematic emphasis on the universality of this experience, at the expense of differences among women's experiences.[43]

Another main criticism of Harding and Wood's standpoint theory is the credibility of strong objectivity vs. subjectivity. Standpoint theorists argue that standpoints are relative and cannot be evaluated by any absolute criteria but make the assumption that the oppressed are less biased or more impartial than the privileged.[12] This leaves open the possibility of an overbalance of power, in which the oppressed group intentionally or unintentionally becomes the oppressor. Intentional overbalance of power, or revenge, can manifest as justification for extremism and militarism, which can sometimes be seen in more extreme forms of feminism.[clarification needed]

While standpoint theory began with a critical Marxist view of social-class oppression, it developed in the 1970s and 1980s along with changes in feminist philosophy. Other groups, as of now, need to be included into the theory and a new emphasis needs to be made toward other marginalized or muted groups. When Harding and Wood created standpoint theory, they did not account for how different cultures can exist within the same social group. "Early standpoint theorists sought to understand the way in which the gendered identity of knowers affected their epistemic resources and capacities".[46]: 48  These other muted or marginalized groups have a more realistic approach to standpoint theory as they have different experiences than those that are in power and even within those muted groups differences defined by different cultures of people can have an altered standpoint. This view gives a basis to a central principle of standpoint theory—the inversion thesis. Academic Joshua St. Pierre defines the inversion thesis as giving "epistemic authority to those marginalized by systems of oppression insofar as these people are often better knowers than those who benefit from oppression. Put simply: social dispossession produces epistemic privilege."

Wylie has perhaps provided the most succinct articulation of second-wave standpoint theory. For her, a standpoint does not mark out a clearly defined territory such as "women" within which members have automatic privilege but is a rather a posture of epistemic engagement. Responding to the claim that the situated knowledge thesis reifies essentialism, Wylie argues that it is "an open (empirical) question whether such structures obtain in a given context, what form they take, and how they are internalized or embodied by individuals".[46]: 62  Identities are complex and cannot be reduced to simple binaries. Likewise, she argues that the criticism of automatic privilege falters insofar as a standpoint is never given but is achieved (St. Pierre).[46] This can be seen as an instance of moving the goalposts.

See also edit

References edit

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  3. ^ Sprague-Jones, Jessica; Sprague, Joey (2011). "The Standpoint of Art/Criticism: Cindy Sherman as Feminist Artist?". Sociological Inquiry. 81 (4): 404–430. doi:10.1111/j.1475-682X.2011.00385.x.
  4. ^ Allen, Brenda J. (1996). "Feminist Standpoint Theory: a Black Woman's Review of Organizational Socialization". Communication Studies. 47 (4): 257–271. doi:10.1080/10510979609368482.
  5. ^ Buzzanell, Patrice M. (2003). "A Feminist Standpoint Analysis of Maternity and Maternity Leave for Women with Disabilities". Women and Language. 26 (2): 53–65.
  6. ^ DeFrancisco, Victoria P. Communicating Gender Diversity: A Critical Approach. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, INC., 2007.
  7. ^ a b Gurung, Lina (22 January 2020). "Feminist Standpoint Theory: Conceptualization and Utility". Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. 14: 106–115. doi:10.3126/dsaj.v14i0.27357. Retrieved 9 April 2021.
  8. ^ Harding, Sandra (1991). Whose Science? Whose Knowledge? Thinking from Women's Lives. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 269–270.
  9. ^ "Unit 6 Standpoint Theory and Knowledge Location" (PDF). IGNOU The People’s University. Retrieved 27 April 2021.
  10. ^ Bowell, T. "Feminist Standpoint Theory". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 27 April 2021.
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  13. ^ Wallance, R. A., and A. Wolf (1995). Contemporary Sociological Theory: Continuing the classical tradition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  14. ^ McCann and Kim, Feminist Theory Reader: Local and global perspectives, 2003.
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  30. ^ Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 789.
  31. ^ Rolin, Kristina (2009). "Standpoint Theory as a Methodology for the Study of Power Relations". Hypatia. 24 (4): 218–226. doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.2009.01070.x. JSTOR 20618192. S2CID 145680567.
  32. ^ Griffin, Em (2022). A First Look at Communication Theory (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. pp. 382–396. ISBN 9781264296101.
  33. ^ Swigonski, Mary E. (1993). "Feminist Standpoint Theory and the Questions of Social Work Research". Affilia. 8 (2): 171–183. doi:10.1177/088610999300800203. S2CID 145571359.
  34. ^ Finn, Janet L.; Jacobson, Maxine (2003-01-01). "Just Practice". Journal of Social Work Education. 39 (1): 57–78. doi:10.1080/10437797.2003.10779119. ISSN 1043-7797. S2CID 141736273.
  35. ^ Segal, Elizabeth A. (2011-04-26). "Social Empathy: A Model Built on Empathy, Contextual Understanding, and Social Responsibility That Promotes Social Justice". Journal of Social Service Research. 37 (3): 266–277. doi:10.1080/01488376.2011.564040. ISSN 0148-8376. S2CID 76656353.
  36. ^ Edmonds-Cady, C (2009). "Getting to the grassroots: Feminist standpoints within the welfare movement". Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 36 (2): 11–33. doi:10.15453/0191-5096.3427. S2CID 143175771.
  37. ^ Gatua, M. W.; Patton, T. O.; Brown, M. R. (2010). "Giving voice to invisible women: "FIRE" as model of a successful women's community radio in Africa". Howard Journal of Communications. 21 (2): 164–181. doi:10.1080/10646171003727441. S2CID 145629357.
  38. ^ Allen, Brenda J. (1995). ""Diversity" and organizational communication". Journal of Applied Communication Research. 23 (2): 143–155. doi:10.1080/00909889509365420. p. 145.
  39. ^ Adler, Paul; Jermier, John (2005). "Developing a Field with More Soul: Standpoint theory and Public Policy Research for Management Scholars". Academy of Management Journal. 48 (6): 941–944. doi:10.5465/amj.2005.19573091. p. 942.
  40. ^ Jermier, John M. (1998). "Introduction: Critical Perspective on Organizational Control". Administrative Science Quarterly. 43 (2): 235–256. doi:10.2307/2393852. JSTOR 2393852.
  41. ^ Bowell, T. "Feminist Standpoint Theory". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  42. ^ Schiebinger, Londa (1999). "Has feminism changed science?". Signs. 25 (4). United States of America: Harvard University Press: 33–53. doi:10.1086/495540. PMID 17089478. S2CID 225088475.
  43. ^ a b c West, R., and H. L. Turner (2004). Communication Theory. Analysis and Application.
  44. ^ a b c d e Nakata, Martine (2007). Disciplining the Savages: Savaging the Disciplines. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press. pp. 213–216.
  45. ^ ArdiIl, Allan (2013). "Australian Sovereignty, Indigenous Standpoint Theory and Feminist Standpoint Theory". Griffith Law Review. 22 (2): 323. doi:10.1080/10383441.2013.10854778. hdl:10072/59998. S2CID 143983424.
  46. ^ a b c Wylie, Alisson (2012). "Feminist Philosophy of Science: Standpoint Matters". Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association. 86 (2): 47–76. JSTOR 43661298.

Further reading edit

  • Rouse, Joseph (November 2009). "Standpoint Theories Reconsidered". Hypatia. 24 (4): 200–209. doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.2009.01068.x. S2CID 143535721.
  • Harnois, Catherine E. (March 2010). "Race, Gender, and the Black Women's Standpoint". Sociological Forum. 25 (1): 68–85. doi:10.1111/j.1573-7861.2009.01157.x.

standpoint, theory, ideology, arguing, that, feminist, social, science, should, practiced, from, standpoint, women, standpoint, feminism, this, article, needs, additional, citations, verification, please, help, improve, this, article, adding, citations, reliab. For the ideology arguing that feminist social science should be practiced from the standpoint of women see standpoint feminism This article needs additional citations for verification Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Find sources Standpoint theory news newspapers books scholar JSTOR December 2020 Learn how and when to remove this message Standpoint theory also known as standpoint epistemology 1 is a foundational framework in social theory that examines how individuals unique perspectives shaped by their social and political experiences influence their understanding of the world Standpoint theory proposes that authority is rooted in individuals personal knowledge and perspectives and the power that such authority exerts First originating in feminist philosophy this theory posits that marginalized groups situated as outsiders within offer valuable insights that challenge dominant perspectives and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of societal dynamics Standpoint theory s central concept is that an individual s perspectives are shaped by their social and political experiences The amalgamation of a person s experiences forms a standpoint a point of view through which that individual sees and understands the world In response to critiques that early standpoint theory treated social perspectives as monolithic or essentialized social theorists understand standpoints as multifaceted rather than unvarying or absolute 2 For example while Hispanic women may generally share some perspectives particularly with regard to ethnicity and gender they are not defined solely by these viewpoints despite some common features there is no essentially Hispanic female identity Standpoint theorists emphasize the utility of a naturalistic or everyday experiential concept of knowing i e epistemology One s standpoint whether reflexively considered or not shapes which concepts are intelligible which claims are heard and understood by whom which features of the world are perceptually salient which reasons are understood to be relevant and forceful and which conclusions credible 3 Standpoint theory supports what feminist theorist Sandra Harding calls strong objectivity or the notion that the perspectives of marginalized and or oppressed individuals can help to create more objective accounts of the world Through the outsider within phenomenon these individuals are placed in a unique position to point to patterns of behavior that those immersed in the dominant group culture are unable to recognize 4 Standpoint theory gives voice to the marginalized groups by allowing them to challenge the status quo as the outsider within the status quo representing the dominant position of privilege 5 The predominant culture in which all groups exist is not experienced in the same way by all persons or groups The views of those who belong to groups with more social power are validated more than those in marginalized groups weasel words Those in marginalized groups must learn to be bicultural or to pass in the dominant culture to survive clarification needed even though that perspective is not their own 6 Contents 1 History 1 1 First wave standpoint theory 1 2 Second wave standpoint theory 1 3 Third wave standpoint theory 2 Key concepts 2 1 Key terms 3 Applications 4 Feminist standpoint theory 5 Indigenous standpoint theory 6 Criticisms 7 See also 8 References 9 Further readingHistory editFirst wave standpoint theory edit First wave standpoint theory emerged in the 1970s and 1980s spearheaded by feminist philosophers like Sandra Harding 7 In Harding s 1986 book The Science Question in Feminism she introduced the term standpoint to distinguish it from a generic perspective emphasizing the requirement of political engagement It aimed to challenge conventional notions of objectivity and neutrality in scientific inquiry by foregrounding the political engagement and lived experiences of marginalized groups particularly women Harding argues that the political engagement of feminists and their active focus on the lives of women allows them to have an epistemically privileged standpoint 2 Harding also maintained that it is the marginalized groups that ultimately provide the clearest view on the true opportunities and obstacles faced in society 8 Feminist standpoint theory s initial focus was in challenging the idea of scientific neutrality and objectivity from a presupposed generalized knower This wave of standpoint theory underscored how gendered identities influence individuals epistemic resources and capacities impacting their access to knowledge 9 By centering the experiences of women first wave standpoint theorists sought to dismantle patriarchal structures in knowledge production and highlight the epistemic privilege inherent in marginalized perspectives Some uses of standpoint theory have been based in Hegelian and Marxist theory 10 such as Hegel s study of the different standpoints of slaves and masters in 1807 11 Hegel a German Idealist claimed that the master slave relationship is about people s belonging positions and the groups affect how people receive knowledge and power 12 Hegel s influence can be seen in some later feminist studies For example Nancy Hartsock examined standpoint theory by using relations between men and women She published The Feminist Standpoint Developing Ground for a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism in 1983 Hartsock used Hegel s master slave dialectic and Marx s theory of class and capitalism as an inspiration to look into matters of sex and gender Second wave standpoint theory edit Second wave standpoint theory evolved to encompass a broader range of social positions including race social class culture and economic status 13 Standpoint theory seeks to develop a particular feminist epistemology that values the experiences of women and minorities as a source for knowledge 14 Prominent standpoint theorists such as Dorothy Smith Nancy Hartsock Donna Haraway Sandra Harding Alison Wylie Lynette Hunter and Patricia Hill Collins expanded the theoretical framework emphasizing the importance of intersectionality Second wave standpoint theorists and activists in the United States developed the related concept of intersectionality 15 to examine oppressions caused by the interactions between social factors such as gender race sexuality and culture 16 Intersectionality became a key concept explaining how intersecting oppressions contribute to complex power dynamics For example intersectionality can explain how social factors contribute to divisions of labor in the workforce 17 Though intersectionality was developed to consider social and philosophical issues it has been applied in a range of academic areas 18 like higher education 19 identity politics 20 and geography 21 Third wave standpoint theory edit Contemporary standpoint theory continues to evolve 22 in response to shifting political social and economic landscapes In the era of third wave feminism characterized by inclusivity and activism standpoint theory emphasizes the importance of community and collective action This wave highlights the voices and experiences of diverse groups including Black women LGBTQ individuals and people with disabilities Examples include the first female and person of color Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris the global pandemic 23 and the overturning of Roe v Wade 24 In modern times third wave feminism emphasizes inclusive community and action 25 26 This has resulted in a resurgence of feminist activism and further integration of intersecting identities like the unique perspective of Black women and abortion rights 27 Standpoint theorist Patricia Hill Collins highlights the resonance of Standpoint Theory with Black feminist groups in that standpoint theory can be used as a framework for understanding Black feminist thought 28 Standpoint theory can be a framework for understanding the oppression of Black women or what feminist theorist Catherine E Harnois coins as the Black women s standpoint 29 Key concepts editGenerally standpoint theory gives insight into specific circumstances only available to the members of a certain collective standpoint According to Michael Ryan the idea of a collective standpoint does not imply an essential overarching characteristic but rather a sense of belonging to a group bounded by a shared experience 30 Kristina Rolin criticizes common misunderstandings of standpoint theory that include the assumption of essentialism that all women share the same socially grounded perspective in virtue of being women the assumption of automatic epistemic privilege is that epistemic advantage accrues to the subordinate automatically just in virtue of their occupying a particular social position 31 She suggests that on the contrary neither assumptions are part of standpoint theory According to standpoint theory A standpoint is a place from which human beings view the world A standpoint influences how the people adopting it socially construct the world A standpoint is a mental position from which things are viewed A standpoint is a position from which objects or principles are viewed and according to which they are compared and judged The inequalities of different social groups create differences in their standpoints All standpoints are partial so for example standpoint feminism coexists with other standpoints Key terms edit Social location Viewpoints and perspectives are ultimately created through the groups that we subscribe to created by connections through race gender etc 32 Epistemology The theory of knowledge Intersectionality The characteristics of an individual s life such as race and gender that come together to create all aspects of one s identity Matrix of domination Societal systems put in place that support the dominant group s power Local knowledge Knowledge that is rooted in an individual s beliefs experiences along with time and place Applications editSince standpoint theory focuses on marginalized populations it is often applied within fields that focus on these populations Standpoint has been referenced as a concept that should be acknowledged and understood in the social work field especially when approaching and assisting clients 33 Social workers seek to understand the concept of positionality within dynamic systems to encourage empathy 34 35 Many marginalized populations rely on the welfare system to survive Those who structure the welfare system typically have never needed to utilize its services before Standpoint theory has been presented as a method to improving the welfare system by recognizing suggestions made by those within the welfare system 36 In Africa standpoint theory has catalyzed a social movement where women are introduced to the radio in order to promote awareness of their experiences and hardships and to help these women heal and find closure 37 Another example dealing with Africa is slavery and how slavery differed greatly depending on if one was the slave or the master If there were any power relationships there could never be a single perspective No viewpoint could ever be complete and there is no limit to anyone s perspective Asante and Davis s 1989 study of interracial encounters in the workplace found that because of different cultural perspectives approaching organizational interactions with others with different beliefs assumptions and meanings often leads to miscommunication Brenda Allen stated in her research that Organizational members experiences attitudes and behaviors in the workplace are often influenced by race ethnicity 38 Paul Adler and John Jermier suggest that management scholars should be aware of their standpoints They write that those studying management should consciously choose their standpoints and take responsibility for the impact or lack of impact of their scholarship on the world 39 Jermier argued that all parts of a research study identifying the problem theorizing research questions gathering and analyzing data drawing conclusions and the knowledge produced are there to some extent because of the researcher s standpoint This caused him to question what standpoint to adopt in the management of scientists To avoid falling into limitations of the status quo and certain standpoints he said that the view from below has greater potential to generate more complete and more objective knowledge claims He continues to say that if our desire is to heal the world we will learn more about how the root mechanisms of the world work and about how things can be changed by adopting the standpoints of those people and other parts of nature that most deeply suffer its wounds 40 Feminist standpoint theory editMain article Standpoint feminism Feminist standpoint theorists make three principal claims 1 Knowledge is socially situated 2 Marginalized groups are socially situated in ways that make it more possible for them to be aware of things and ask questions than it is for the non marginalized 3 Research particularly that focused on power relations should begin with the lives of the marginalized 41 Specifically feminist standpoint theory is guided by four main theses strong objectivity the situated knowledge epistemic advantage and power relations 7 Feminist standpoint theorists such as Dorothy Smith Patricia Hill Collins Nancy Hartsock and Sandra Harding claimed that certain socio political positions occupied by women and by extension other groups who lack social and economic privilege can become sites of epistemic privilege and thus productive starting points for inquiry into questions about not only those who are socially and politically marginalized but also those who by dint of social and political privilege occupy the positions of oppressors This claim was specifically generated by Sandra Harding and as such Starting off research from women s lives will generate less partial and distorted accounts not only of women s lives but also of men s lives and of the whole social order 12 This practice is also quite evident when women enter into professions that are considered to be male oriented Londa Schiebinger states While women now study at prestigious universities at about the same rate as men they are rarely invited to join the faculty at top universities The sociologist Harriet Zuckerman has observed that the more prestigious the institution the longer women wait to be promoted Men generally speaking face no such trade off 42 Standpoint feminists have been concerned with these dualisms for two related reasons First dualisms usually imply a hierarchical relationship between the terms elevating one and devaluing the other 43 Also related to this issue is the concern that these dualisms often become gendered in our culture In this process men are associated with one extreme and women with the other In the case of reason and emotion women are identified with emotion Because our culture values emotion less than reason women suffer from this association Feminist critics are usually concerned with the fact that dualisms force false dichotomies partition of a whole onto women and men failing to see that life is less either or than both and as relational dialectics theory holds Indigenous standpoint theory editIndigenous standpoint theory is an intricate theoretical approach in how indigenous people navigate the difficulties of their experiences within spaces which contest their epistemology Utility of this approach stems from diverse background of marginalized groups across societies and cultures whose unique experiences have been rejected and suppressed within a majoritarian intellectual knowledge production 44 However the analysis of these experiences is not the cycle of accumulation of stories of lived experiences and in turn does not produce limitless subjective narratives to obstruct objective knowledge Martin Nakata is the foremost propounder of indigenous standpoint theory Indigenous standpoint as well as feminist theory expect the knower to address their social status of privilege to those they are researching When addressing ourselves as knowers into the setting the intention is not to realign the focus but rather to include the social relations within what we as knowers know This is a matter of respect as the researcher is expected to declare who they are and on what basis they write This self awareness is fundamental to the research process because it should result in a researcher role that is respectful and not disruptive aggressive or controlling 45 An Indigenous knower does not possess a predisposed readymade critical stance on the world but rather questions that must be answered before objective knowledge is obtained Thus this engagement enables us to create a critical Indigenous standpoint This in itself does not determine truth instead it produces a range potential argument with further possible answers The arguments established however still require its basis to be rational and reasonable and answer the logic and assumptions on which they were established Thus arguments cannot assert a claim of truth on an idea because they the Indigenous individual are a part of the Indigenous community as the theory would not allow to authorise themselves solely truthful on the basis of their experience Indigenous standpoint theory is facilitated by three principles defined by Martin Nakata Nakata s first principle states It would therefore begin from the premise that my social position is discursively constituted within and constitutive of complex set of social relations as expressed through social organization of my every day 44 This denotes that one s social position is established and acknowledgement of social relations within factors such as social political economic and cultural impacts and influence who you are and structure your everyday life Nakata s second principle states This experience as a push pull between Indigenous and non Indigenous positions that is the familiar confusion with constantly being asked at any one moment to both agree and disagree with any proposition on the basis of a constrained choice between a whitefella or blackfella perspective 44 This signifies that the position of which Indigenous people hold at the cultural interface to decide a continuous stance is recognized Instead reorganization for Indigenous agency should be constituted on what they know from this position Simplistically stated it is questioning why Indigenous people should have to choose positions instead of share what they know from both Nakata s third and last principle states the idea that the constant tensions that this tug of war creates are physically experienced and both inform as well as limit what can be said and what is to be left unsaid in every day 44 Nakata here is describing the physical worlds of how Indigenous and non Indigenous differ in everyday context and how these differences can inform of limit has it might be unacceptable in western colonist society that would otherwise be acceptable with other Indigenous people Nakata states that these three principles allow him to forge a critical standpoint from the cultural interface and enable him to create better arguments in relation to his position within epistemologies and with other groups of knowers However one cannot overturn a position one is dominant in just because of one s background due to the arguments being simplistic or misrepresented with no evidence to support itself etc Thus Indigenous standpoint theory can be defined as a method of inquiry a process for making more intelligible the corpus of objectified knowledge about us as it emerges and organizes understanding of lived realities 44 Criticisms editCritics argue that standpoint theory despite challenging essentialism relies itself on essentialism as it focuses on the dualism of subjectivity and objectivity 43 In regard to feminist standpoint theory though it does dispel many false generalizations of women it is argued that focus on social groups and social classes of women is still inherently essentialist Generalizations across the entire female gender can be broken into smaller more specific groups pertaining to women s different social classes and cultures but are still generalized as distinct groups and thus marginalization still occurs West and Turner state that Catherine O Leary 1997 argued that although standpoint theory has helped reclaim women s experiences as suitable research topics it contains a problematic emphasis on the universality of this experience at the expense of differences among women s experiences 43 Another main criticism of Harding and Wood s standpoint theory is the credibility of strong objectivity vs subjectivity Standpoint theorists argue that standpoints are relative and cannot be evaluated by any absolute criteria but make the assumption that the oppressed are less biased or more impartial than the privileged 12 This leaves open the possibility of an overbalance of power in which the oppressed group intentionally or unintentionally becomes the oppressor Intentional overbalance of power or revenge can manifest as justification for extremism and militarism which can sometimes be seen in more extreme forms of feminism clarification needed While standpoint theory began with a critical Marxist view of social class oppression it developed in the 1970s and 1980s along with changes in feminist philosophy Other groups as of now need to be included into the theory and a new emphasis needs to be made toward other marginalized or muted groups When Harding and Wood created standpoint theory they did not account for how different cultures can exist within the same social group Early standpoint theorists sought to understand the way in which the gendered identity of knowers affected their epistemic resources and capacities 46 48 These other muted or marginalized groups have a more realistic approach to standpoint theory as they have different experiences than those that are in power and even within those muted groups differences defined by different cultures of people can have an altered standpoint This view gives a basis to a central principle of standpoint theory the inversion thesis Academic Joshua St Pierre defines the inversion thesis as giving epistemic authority to those marginalized by systems of oppression insofar as these people are often better knowers than those who benefit from oppression Put simply social dispossession produces epistemic privilege Wylie has perhaps provided the most succinct articulation of second wave standpoint theory For her a standpoint does not mark out a clearly defined territory such as women within which members have automatic privilege but is a rather a posture of epistemic engagement Responding to the claim that the situated knowledge thesis reifies essentialism Wylie argues that it is an open empirical question whether such structures obtain in a given context what form they take and how they are internalized or embodied by individuals 46 62 Identities are complex and cannot be reduced to simple binaries Likewise she argues that the criticism of automatic privilege falters insofar as a standpoint is never given but is achieved St Pierre 46 This can be seen as an instance of moving the goalposts See also editCo cultural communication theory Critical race theory Cultural studies Groupthink Muted group theory Perspectivism Positionality statement Quill Kukla Spiral of silence Standpoint feminismReferences edit Pohlhaus Gaile 2002 Knowing communities An investigation of Harding s standpoint epistemology Social Epistemology 16 3 283 298 doi 10 1080 0269172022000025633 S2CID 143964950 Retrieved 5 May 2021 a b Borland Elizabeth Standpoint theory Britannica Retrieved 27 April 2021 Sprague Jones Jessica Sprague Joey 2011 The Standpoint of Art Criticism Cindy Sherman as Feminist Artist Sociological Inquiry 81 4 404 430 doi 10 1111 j 1475 682X 2011 00385 x Allen Brenda J 1996 Feminist Standpoint Theory a Black Woman s Review of Organizational Socialization Communication Studies 47 4 257 271 doi 10 1080 10510979609368482 Buzzanell Patrice M 2003 A Feminist Standpoint Analysis of Maternity and Maternity Leave for Women with Disabilities Women and Language 26 2 53 65 DeFrancisco Victoria P Communicating Gender Diversity A Critical Approach Thousand Oaks Sage Publications INC 2007 a b Gurung Lina 22 January 2020 Feminist Standpoint Theory Conceptualization and Utility Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 14 106 115 doi 10 3126 dsaj v14i0 27357 Retrieved 9 April 2021 Harding Sandra 1991 Whose Science Whose Knowledge Thinking from Women s Lives Ithaca NY Cornell University Press pp 269 270 Unit 6 Standpoint Theory and Knowledge Location PDF IGNOU The People s University Retrieved 27 April 2021 Bowell T Feminist Standpoint Theory Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Retrieved 27 April 2021 Wood J T 2008 Critical feminist theories In L A Baxter amp D O Braithwaite Eds Engaging theories in interpersonal communication Multiple perspectives pp 323 334 Thousand Oaks CA Sage a b c Griffin Em 2009 A First Look at Communication Theory Standpoint Theory McGraw Hill Higher Education pp 441 453 Wallance R A and A Wolf 1995 Contemporary Sociological Theory Continuing the classical tradition Englewood Cliffs NJ Prentice Hall McCann and Kim Feminist Theory Reader Local and global perspectives 2003 Berger Michele Tracy 2009 The intersectional approach transforming the academy through race class and gender Guidroz Kathleen Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press ISBN 978 0 8078 9556 6 OCLC 500625115 Hill Collins Patricia 27 June 2016 Bilge Sirma ed Intersectionality Cambridge UK Polity Press p 29 ISBN 978 0 7456 8448 2 OCLC 923665818 Browne Irene Misra Joya August 2003 The Intersection of Gender and Race in the Labor 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00587 x ISSN 0033 0124 S2CID 143295170 Mann Susan Archer Huffman Douglas J 2005 01 01 The Decentering of Second Wave Feminism and the Rise of the Third Wave Science amp Society 69 1 56 91 doi 10 1521 siso 69 1 56 56799 ISSN 0036 8237 Faraday Fay 2021 Intersectional Feminism Racial Capitalism and the COVID 19 Pandemic University of New Brunswick Law Journal 72 222 Taylor Keeanga Yamahtta 2022 02 22 How Black Feminists Defined Abortion Rights The New Yorker Retrieved 2022 11 13 Snyder R Claire 2008 09 01 What Is Third Wave Feminism A New Directions Essay Signs Journal of Women in Culture and Society 34 1 175 196 doi 10 1086 588436 ISSN 0097 9740 S2CID 144068546 Merriman Kevin Winter 2006 The Women s Movement Today An Encyclopedia of Third Wave Feminism ProQuest 97 ProQuest 217877038 Taylor Keeanga Yamahtta 2022 02 22 How Black Feminists Defined Abortion Rights The New Yorker Retrieved 2022 11 13 Collins Patricia Hill 2003 Lott Tommy Lee Pittman John P eds Some Group Matters Intersectionality Situated Standpoints and Black Feminist Thought A Companion to African American Philosophy Blackwell retrieved 2022 11 13 Harnois Catherine E 2010 Race Gender and the Black Women s Standpoint Sociological Forum 25 1 68 85 doi 10 1111 j 1573 7861 2009 01157 x ISSN 0884 8971 JSTOR 40542541 Encyclopedia of Social Theory 789 Rolin Kristina 2009 Standpoint Theory as a Methodology for the Study of Power Relations Hypatia 24 4 218 226 doi 10 1111 j 1527 2001 2009 01070 x JSTOR 20618192 S2CID 145680567 Griffin Em 2022 A First Look at Communication Theory 11th ed New York NY McGraw Hill pp 382 396 ISBN 9781264296101 Swigonski Mary E 1993 Feminist Standpoint Theory and the Questions of Social Work Research Affilia 8 2 171 183 doi 10 1177 088610999300800203 S2CID 145571359 Finn Janet L Jacobson Maxine 2003 01 01 Just Practice Journal of Social Work Education 39 1 57 78 doi 10 1080 10437797 2003 10779119 ISSN 1043 7797 S2CID 141736273 Segal Elizabeth A 2011 04 26 Social Empathy A Model Built on Empathy Contextual Understanding and Social Responsibility That Promotes Social Justice Journal of Social Service Research 37 3 266 277 doi 10 1080 01488376 2011 564040 ISSN 0148 8376 S2CID 76656353 Edmonds Cady C 2009 Getting to the grassroots Feminist standpoints within the welfare movement Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare 36 2 11 33 doi 10 15453 0191 5096 3427 S2CID 143175771 Gatua M W Patton T O Brown M R 2010 Giving voice to invisible women FIRE as model of a successful women s community radio in Africa Howard Journal of Communications 21 2 164 181 doi 10 1080 10646171003727441 S2CID 145629357 Allen Brenda J 1995 Diversity and organizational communication Journal of Applied Communication Research 23 2 143 155 doi 10 1080 00909889509365420 p 145 Adler Paul Jermier John 2005 Developing a Field with More Soul Standpoint theory and Public Policy Research for Management Scholars Academy of Management Journal 48 6 941 944 doi 10 5465 amj 2005 19573091 p 942 Jermier John M 1998 Introduction Critical Perspective on Organizational Control Administrative Science Quarterly 43 2 235 256 doi 10 2307 2393852 JSTOR 2393852 Bowell T Feminist Standpoint Theory Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Schiebinger Londa 1999 Has feminism changed science Signs 25 4 United States of America Harvard University Press 33 53 doi 10 1086 495540 PMID 17089478 S2CID 225088475 a b c West R and H L Turner 2004 Communication Theory Analysis and Application a b c d e Nakata Martine 2007 Disciplining the Savages Savaging the Disciplines Canberra Aboriginal Studies Press pp 213 216 ArdiIl Allan 2013 Australian Sovereignty Indigenous Standpoint Theory and Feminist Standpoint Theory Griffith Law Review 22 2 323 doi 10 1080 10383441 2013 10854778 hdl 10072 59998 S2CID 143983424 a b c Wylie Alisson 2012 Feminist Philosophy of Science Standpoint Matters Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 86 2 47 76 JSTOR 43661298 Further reading editRouse Joseph November 2009 Standpoint Theories Reconsidered Hypatia 24 4 200 209 doi 10 1111 j 1527 2001 2009 01068 x S2CID 143535721 Harnois Catherine E March 2010 Race Gender and the Black Women s Standpoint Sociological Forum 25 1 68 85 doi 10 1111 j 1573 7861 2009 01157 x Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Standpoint theory amp oldid 1219257135, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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