
Shannon–Fano coding

In the field of data compression, Shannon–Fano coding, named after Claude Shannon and Robert Fano, is a name given to two different but related techniques for constructing a prefix code based on a set of symbols and their probabilities (estimated or measured).

  • Shannon's method chooses a prefix code where a source symbol is given the codeword length . One common way of choosing the codewords uses the binary expansion of the cumulative probabilities. This method was proposed in Shannon's "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" (1948), his article introducing the field of information theory.
  • Fano's method divides the source symbols into two sets ("0" and "1") with probabilities as close to 1/2 as possible. Then those sets are themselves divided in two, and so on, until each set contains only one symbol. The codeword for that symbol is the string of "0"s and "1"s that records which half of the divides it fell on. This method was proposed in a later technical report by Fano (1949).

Shannon–Fano codes are suboptimal in the sense that they do not always achieve the lowest possible expected codeword length, as Huffman coding does.[1] However, Shannon–Fano codes have an expected codeword length within 1 bit of optimal. Fano's method usually produces encoding with shorter expected lengths than Shannon's method. However, Shannon's method is easier to analyse theoretically.

Shannon–Fano coding should not be confused with Shannon–Fano–Elias coding (also known as Elias coding), the precursor to arithmetic coding.


Regarding the confusion in the two different codes being referred to by the same name, Krajči et al. write:[2]

Around 1948, both Claude E. Shannon (1948) and Robert M. Fano (1949) independently proposed two different source coding algorithms for an efficient description of a discrete memoryless source. Unfortunately, in spite of being different, both schemes became known under the same name Shannon–Fano coding.

There are several reasons for this mixup. For one thing, in the discussion of his coding scheme, Shannon mentions Fano’s scheme and calls it “substantially the same” (Shannon, 1948, p. 17). For another, both Shannon’s and Fano’s coding schemes are similar in the sense that they both are efficient, but suboptimal prefix-free coding schemes with a similar performance.

Shannon's (1948) method, using predefined word lengths, is called Shannon–Fano coding by Cover and Thomas,[3] Goldie and Pinch,[4] Jones and Jones,[5] and Han and Kobayashi.[6] It is called Shannon coding by Yeung.[7]

Fano's (1949) method, using binary division of probabilities, is called Shannon–Fano coding by Salomon[8] and Gupta.[9] It is called Fano coding by Krajči et al.[2]

Shannon's code: predefined word lengths

Shannon's algorithm

Shannon's method starts by deciding on the lengths of all the codewords, then picks a prefix code with those word lengths.

Given a source with probabilities   the desired codeword lengths are  . Here,   is the ceiling function, meaning the smallest integer greater than or equal to  .

Once the codeword lengths have been determined, we must choose the codewords themselves. One method is to pick codewords in order from most probable to least probable symbols, picking each codeword to be the lexicographically first word of the correct length that maintains the prefix-free property.

A second method makes use of cumulative probabilities. First, the probabilities are written in decreasing order  . Then, the cumulative probabilities are defined as


so   and so on. The codeword for symbol   is chosen to be the first   binary digits in the binary expansion of  .


This example shows the construction of a Shannon–Fano code for a small alphabet. There 5 different source symbols. Suppose 39 total symbols have been observed with the following frequencies, from which we can estimate the symbol probabilities.

Symbol A B C D E
Count 15 7 6 6 5
Probabilities 0.385 0.179 0.154 0.154 0.128

This source has entropy   bits.

For the Shannon–Fano code, we need to calculate the desired word lengths  .

Symbol A B C D E
Probabilities 0.385 0.179 0.154 0.154 0.128
  1.379 2.480 2.700 2.700 2.963
Word lengths   2 3 3 3 3

We can pick codewords in order, choosing the lexicographically first word of the correct length that maintains the prefix-free property. Clearly A gets the codeword 00. To maintain the prefix-free property, B's codeword may not start 00, so the lexicographically first available word of length 3 is 010. Continuing like this, we get the following code:

Symbol A B C D E
Probabilities 0.385 0.179 0.154 0.154 0.128
Word lengths   2 3 3 3 3
Codewords 00 010 011 100 101

Alternatively, we can use the cumulative probability method.

Symbol A B C D E
Probabilities 0.385 0.179 0.154 0.154 0.128
Cumulative probabilities 0.000 0.385 0.564 0.718 0.872
...in binary 0.00000 0.01100 0.10010 0.10110 0.11011
Word lengths   2 3 3 3 3
Codewords 00 011 100 101 110

Note that although the codewords under the two methods are different, the word lengths are the same. We have lengths of 2 bits for A, and 3 bits for B, C, D and E, giving an average length of


which is within one bit of the entropy.

Expected word length

For Shannon's method, the word lengths satisfy


Hence the expected word length satisfies


Here,   is the entropy, and Shannon's source coding theorem says that any code must have an average length of at least  . Hence we see that the Shannon–Fano code is always within one bit of the optimal expected word length.

Fano's code: binary splitting

Outline of Fano's code

In Fano's method, the symbols are arranged in order from most probable to least probable, and then divided into two sets whose total probabilities are as close as possible to being equal. All symbols then have the first digits of their codes assigned; symbols in the first set receive "0" and symbols in the second set receive "1". As long as any sets with more than one member remain, the same process is repeated on those sets, to determine successive digits of their codes. When a set has been reduced to one symbol this means the symbol's code is complete and will not form the prefix of any other symbol's code.

The algorithm produces fairly efficient variable-length encodings; when the two smaller sets produced by a partitioning are in fact of equal probability, the one bit of information used to distinguish them is used most efficiently. Unfortunately, Shannon–Fano coding does not always produce optimal prefix codes; the set of probabilities {0.35, 0.17, 0.17, 0.16, 0.15} is an example of one that will be assigned non-optimal codes by Shannon–Fano coding.

Fano's version of Shannon–Fano coding is used in the IMPLODE compression method, which is part of the ZIP file format.[10]

The Shannon–Fano tree

A Shannon–Fano tree is built according to a specification designed to define an effective code table. The actual algorithm is simple:

  1. For a given list of symbols, develop a corresponding list of probabilities or frequency counts so that each symbol’s relative frequency of occurrence is known.
  2. Sort the lists of symbols according to frequency, with the most frequently occurring symbols at the left and the least common at the right.
  3. Divide the list into two parts, with the total frequency counts of the left part being as close to the total of the right as possible.
  4. The left part of the list is assigned the binary digit 0, and the right part is assigned the digit 1. This means that the codes for the symbols in the first part will all start with 0, and the codes in the second part will all start with 1.
  5. Recursively apply the steps 3 and 4 to each of the two halves, subdividing groups and adding bits to the codes until each symbol has become a corresponding code leaf on the tree.


Shannon–Fano Algorithm

We continue with the previous example.

Symbol A B C D E
Count 15 7 6 6 5
Probabilities 0.385 0.179 0.154 0.154 0.128

All symbols are sorted by frequency, from left to right (shown in Figure a). Putting the dividing line between symbols B and C results in a total of 22 in the left group and a total of 17 in the right group. This minimizes the difference in totals between the two groups.

With this division, A and B will each have a code that starts with a 0 bit, and the C, D, and E codes will all start with a 1, as shown in Figure b. Subsequently, the left half of the tree gets a new division between A and B, which puts A on a leaf with code 00 and B on a leaf with code 01.

After four division procedures, a tree of codes results. In the final tree, the three symbols with the highest frequencies have all been assigned 2-bit codes, and two symbols with lower counts have 3-bit codes as shown table below:

Symbol A B C D E
Probabilities 0.385 0.179 0.154 0.154 0.128
First division 0 1
Second division 0 1 0 1
Third division 0 1
Codewords 00 01 10 110 111

This results in lengths of 2 bits for A, B and C and per 3 bits for D and E, giving an average length of


We see that Fano's method, with an average length of 2.28, has outperformed Shannon's method, with an average length of 2.62.

Expected word length

It is shown by Krajči et al[2] that the expected length of Fano's method has expected length bounded above by  , where   is the probability of the least common symbol.

Comparison with other coding methods

Neither Shannon–Fano algorithm is guaranteed to generate an optimal code. For this reason, Shannon–Fano codes are almost never used; Huffman coding is almost as computationally simple and produces prefix codes that always achieve the lowest possible expected code word length, under the constraints that each symbol is represented by a code formed of an integral number of bits. This is a constraint that is often unneeded, since the codes will be packed end-to-end in long sequences. If we consider groups of codes at a time, symbol-by-symbol Huffman coding is only optimal if the probabilities of the symbols are independent and are some power of a half, i.e.,  . In most situations, arithmetic coding can produce greater overall compression than either Huffman or Shannon–Fano, since it can encode in fractional numbers of bits which more closely approximate the actual information content of the symbol. However, arithmetic coding has not superseded Huffman the way that Huffman supersedes Shannon–Fano, both because arithmetic coding is more computationally expensive and because it is covered by multiple patents.[11]

Huffman coding

A few years later, David A. Huffman (1949)[12] gave a different algorithm that always produces an optimal tree for any given symbol probabilities. While Fano's Shannon–Fano tree is created by dividing from the root to the leaves, the Huffman algorithm works in the opposite direction, merging from the leaves to the root.

  1. Create a leaf node for each symbol and add it to a priority queue, using its frequency of occurrence as the priority.
  2. While there is more than one node in the queue:
    1. Remove the two nodes of lowest probability or frequency from the queue
    2. Prepend 0 and 1 respectively to any code already assigned to these nodes
    3. Create a new internal node with these two nodes as children and with probability equal to the sum of the two nodes' probabilities.
    4. Add the new node to the queue.
  3. The remaining node is the root node and the tree is complete.

Example with Huffman coding

Huffman Algorithm

We use the same frequencies as for the Shannon–Fano example above, viz:

Symbol A B C D E
Count 15 7 6 6 5
Probabilities 0.385 0.179 0.154 0.154 0.128

In this case D & E have the lowest frequencies and so are allocated 0 and 1 respectively and grouped together with a combined probability of 0.282. The lowest pair now are B and C so they're allocated 0 and 1 and grouped together with a combined probability of 0.333. This leaves BC and DE now with the lowest probabilities so 0 and 1 are prepended to their codes and they are combined. This then leaves just A and BCDE, which have 0 and 1 prepended respectively and are then combined. This leaves us with a single node and our algorithm is complete.

The code lengths for the different characters this time are 1 bit for A and 3 bits for all other characters.

Symbol A B C D E
Codewords 0 100 101 110 111

This results in the lengths of 1 bit for A and per 3 bits for B, C, D and E, giving an average length of


We see that the Huffman code has outperformed both types of Shannon–Fano code, which had expected lengths of 2.62 and 2.28.


  1. ^ Kaur, Sandeep; Singh, Sukhjeet (May 2016). (PDF). Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies. 6 (5): 5. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-12-03. Retrieved 3 December 2019.
  2. ^ a b c Stanislav Krajči, Chin-Fu Liu, Ladislav Mikeš and Stefan M. Moser (2015), "Performance analysis of Fano coding", 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT).
  3. ^ Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas (2006), Elements of Information Theory (2nd ed.), Wiley–Interscience. "Historical Notes" to Chapter 5.
  4. ^ Charles M. Goldie and Richard G. E. Pinch (1991), Communication Theory, Cambridge University Press. Section 1.6.
  5. ^ Gareth A. Jones and J. Mary Jones (2012), Information and Coding Theory (Springer). Section 3.4.
  6. ^ Te Sun Han and Kingo Kobayashi (2007), Mathematics of Information and Coding, American Mathematical Society. Subsection 3.7.1.
  7. ^ Raymond W Yeung (2002), A First Course in Information Theory, Springer. Subsection 3.2.2.
  8. ^ David Salomon (2013), Data Compression: The Complete Reference, Springer. Section 2.6.
  9. ^ Prakash C. Gupta (2006), Data Communications and Computer Networks, Phi Publishing. Subsection 1.11.5.
  10. ^ "APPNOTE.TXT - .ZIP File Format Specification". PKWARE Inc. 2007-09-28. Retrieved 2008-01-06. The Imploding algorithm is actually a combination of two distinct algorithms. The first algorithm compresses repeated byte sequences using a sliding dictionary. The second algorithm is used to compress the encoding of the sliding dictionary output, using multiple Shannon–Fano trees.
  11. ^ Ze-Nian Li; Mark S. Drew; Jiangchuan Liu (9 April 2014). Fundamentals of Multimedia. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-3-319-05290-8.
  12. ^ Huffman, D. (1952). "A Method for the Construction of Minimum-Redundancy Codes" (PDF). Proceedings of the IRE. 40 (9): 1098–1101. doi:10.1109/JRPROC.1952.273898.


  • Fano, R.M. (1949). "The transmission of information". Technical Report No. 65. Cambridge (Mass.), USA: Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT.
  • Shannon, C.E. (July 1948). "A Mathematical Theory of Communication". Bell System Technical Journal. 27: 379–423.

shannon, fano, coding, field, data, compression, named, after, claude, shannon, robert, fano, name, given, different, related, techniques, constructing, prefix, code, based, symbols, their, probabilities, estimated, measured, shannon, method, chooses, prefix, . In the field of data compression Shannon Fano coding named after Claude Shannon and Robert Fano is a name given to two different but related techniques for constructing a prefix code based on a set of symbols and their probabilities estimated or measured Shannon s method chooses a prefix code where a source symbol i displaystyle i is given the codeword length l i log 2 p i displaystyle l i lceil log 2 p i rceil One common way of choosing the codewords uses the binary expansion of the cumulative probabilities This method was proposed in Shannon s A Mathematical Theory of Communication 1948 his article introducing the field of information theory Fano s method divides the source symbols into two sets 0 and 1 with probabilities as close to 1 2 as possible Then those sets are themselves divided in two and so on until each set contains only one symbol The codeword for that symbol is the string of 0 s and 1 s that records which half of the divides it fell on This method was proposed in a later technical report by Fano 1949 Shannon Fano codes are suboptimal in the sense that they do not always achieve the lowest possible expected codeword length as Huffman coding does 1 However Shannon Fano codes have an expected codeword length within 1 bit of optimal Fano s method usually produces encoding with shorter expected lengths than Shannon s method However Shannon s method is easier to analyse theoretically Shannon Fano coding should not be confused with Shannon Fano Elias coding also known as Elias coding the precursor to arithmetic coding Contents 1 Naming 2 Shannon s code predefined word lengths 2 1 Shannon s algorithm 2 2 Example 2 3 Expected word length 3 Fano s code binary splitting 3 1 Outline of Fano s code 3 2 The Shannon Fano tree 3 3 Example 3 4 Expected word length 4 Comparison with other coding methods 4 1 Huffman coding 4 2 Example with Huffman coding 5 Notes 6 ReferencesNaming EditRegarding the confusion in the two different codes being referred to by the same name Krajci et al write 2 Around 1948 both Claude E Shannon 1948 and Robert M Fano 1949 independently proposed two different source coding algorithms for an efficient description of a discrete memoryless source Unfortunately in spite of being different both schemes became known under the same name Shannon Fano coding There are several reasons for this mixup For one thing in the discussion of his coding scheme Shannon mentions Fano s scheme and calls it substantially the same Shannon 1948 p 17 For another both Shannon s and Fano s coding schemes are similar in the sense that they both are efficient but suboptimal prefix free coding schemes with a similar performance Shannon s 1948 method using predefined word lengths is called Shannon Fano coding by Cover and Thomas 3 Goldie and Pinch 4 Jones and Jones 5 and Han and Kobayashi 6 It is called Shannon coding by Yeung 7 Fano s 1949 method using binary division of probabilities is called Shannon Fano coding by Salomon 8 and Gupta 9 It is called Fano coding by Krajci et al 2 Shannon s code predefined word lengths EditMain article Shannon coding Shannon s algorithm Edit Shannon s method starts by deciding on the lengths of all the codewords then picks a prefix code with those word lengths Given a source with probabilities p 1 p 2 p n displaystyle p 1 p 2 dots p n the desired codeword lengths are l i log 2 p i displaystyle l i lceil log 2 p i rceil Here x displaystyle lceil x rceil is the ceiling function meaning the smallest integer greater than or equal to x displaystyle x Once the codeword lengths have been determined we must choose the codewords themselves One method is to pick codewords in order from most probable to least probable symbols picking each codeword to be the lexicographically first word of the correct length that maintains the prefix free property A second method makes use of cumulative probabilities First the probabilities are written in decreasing order p 1 p 2 p n displaystyle p 1 geq p 2 geq cdots geq p n Then the cumulative probabilities are defined as c 1 0 c i j 1 i 1 p j for i 2 displaystyle c 1 0 qquad c i sum j 1 i 1 p j text for i geq 2 so c 1 0 c 2 p 1 c 3 p 1 p 2 displaystyle c 1 0 c 2 p 1 c 3 p 1 p 2 and so on The codeword for symbol i displaystyle i is chosen to be the first l i displaystyle l i binary digits in the binary expansion of c i displaystyle c i Example Edit This example shows the construction of a Shannon Fano code for a small alphabet There 5 different source symbols Suppose 39 total symbols have been observed with the following frequencies from which we can estimate the symbol probabilities Symbol A B C D ECount 15 7 6 6 5Probabilities 0 385 0 179 0 154 0 154 0 128This source has entropy H X 2 186 displaystyle H X 2 186 bits For the Shannon Fano code we need to calculate the desired word lengths l i log 2 p i displaystyle l i lceil log 2 p i rceil Symbol A B C D EProbabilities 0 385 0 179 0 154 0 154 0 128 log 2 p i displaystyle log 2 p i 1 379 2 480 2 700 2 700 2 963Word lengths log 2 p i displaystyle lceil log 2 p i rceil 2 3 3 3 3We can pick codewords in order choosing the lexicographically first word of the correct length that maintains the prefix free property Clearly A gets the codeword 00 To maintain the prefix free property B s codeword may not start 00 so the lexicographically first available word of length 3 is 010 Continuing like this we get the following code Symbol A B C D EProbabilities 0 385 0 179 0 154 0 154 0 128Word lengths log 2 p i displaystyle lceil log 2 p i rceil 2 3 3 3 3Codewords 00 010 011 100 101Alternatively we can use the cumulative probability method Symbol A B C D EProbabilities 0 385 0 179 0 154 0 154 0 128Cumulative probabilities 0 000 0 385 0 564 0 718 0 872 in binary 0 00000 0 01100 0 10010 0 10110 0 11011Word lengths log 2 p i displaystyle lceil log 2 p i rceil 2 3 3 3 3Codewords 00 011 100 101 110Note that although the codewords under the two methods are different the word lengths are the same We have lengths of 2 bits for A and 3 bits for B C D and E giving an average length of 2 bits 15 3 bits 7 6 6 5 39 symbols 2 62 bits per symbol displaystyle frac 2 text bits cdot 15 3 text bits cdot 7 6 6 5 39 text symbols approx 2 62 text bits per symbol which is within one bit of the entropy Expected word length Edit For Shannon s method the word lengths satisfy l i log 2 p i log 2 p i 1 displaystyle l i lceil log 2 p i rceil leq log 2 p i 1 Hence the expected word length satisfies E L i 1 n p i l i i 1 n p i log 2 p i 1 i 1 n p i log 2 p i i 1 n p i H X 1 displaystyle mathbb E L sum i 1 n p i l i leq sum i 1 n p i log 2 p i 1 sum i 1 n p i log 2 p i sum i 1 n p i H X 1 Here H X i 1 n p i log 2 p i displaystyle H X textstyle sum i 1 n p i log 2 p i is the entropy and Shannon s source coding theorem says that any code must have an average length of at least H X displaystyle H X Hence we see that the Shannon Fano code is always within one bit of the optimal expected word length Fano s code binary splitting EditOutline of Fano s code Edit In Fano s method the symbols are arranged in order from most probable to least probable and then divided into two sets whose total probabilities are as close as possible to being equal All symbols then have the first digits of their codes assigned symbols in the first set receive 0 and symbols in the second set receive 1 As long as any sets with more than one member remain the same process is repeated on those sets to determine successive digits of their codes When a set has been reduced to one symbol this means the symbol s code is complete and will not form the prefix of any other symbol s code The algorithm produces fairly efficient variable length encodings when the two smaller sets produced by a partitioning are in fact of equal probability the one bit of information used to distinguish them is used most efficiently Unfortunately Shannon Fano coding does not always produce optimal prefix codes the set of probabilities 0 35 0 17 0 17 0 16 0 15 is an example of one that will be assigned non optimal codes by Shannon Fano coding Fano s version of Shannon Fano coding is used in the IMPLODE compression method which is part of the ZIP file format 10 The Shannon Fano tree Edit A Shannon Fano tree is built according to a specification designed to define an effective code table The actual algorithm is simple For a given list of symbols develop a corresponding list of probabilities or frequency counts so that each symbol s relative frequency of occurrence is known Sort the lists of symbols according to frequency with the most frequently occurring symbols at the left and the least common at the right Divide the list into two parts with the total frequency counts of the left part being as close to the total of the right as possible The left part of the list is assigned the binary digit 0 and the right part is assigned the digit 1 This means that the codes for the symbols in the first part will all start with 0 and the codes in the second part will all start with 1 Recursively apply the steps 3 and 4 to each of the two halves subdividing groups and adding bits to the codes until each symbol has become a corresponding code leaf on the tree Example Edit Shannon Fano Algorithm We continue with the previous example Symbol A B C D ECount 15 7 6 6 5Probabilities 0 385 0 179 0 154 0 154 0 128All symbols are sorted by frequency from left to right shown in Figure a Putting the dividing line between symbols B and C results in a total of 22 in the left group and a total of 17 in the right group This minimizes the difference in totals between the two groups With this division A and B will each have a code that starts with a 0 bit and the C D and E codes will all start with a 1 as shown in Figure b Subsequently the left half of the tree gets a new division between A and B which puts A on a leaf with code 00 and B on a leaf with code 01 After four division procedures a tree of codes results In the final tree the three symbols with the highest frequencies have all been assigned 2 bit codes and two symbols with lower counts have 3 bit codes as shown table below Symbol A B C D EProbabilities 0 385 0 179 0 154 0 154 0 128First division 0 1Second division 0 1 0 1Third division 0 1Codewords 00 01 10 110 111This results in lengths of 2 bits for A B and C and per 3 bits for D and E giving an average length of 2 bits 15 7 6 3 bits 6 5 39 symbols 2 28 bits per symbol displaystyle frac 2 text bits cdot 15 7 6 3 text bits cdot 6 5 39 text symbols approx 2 28 text bits per symbol We see that Fano s method with an average length of 2 28 has outperformed Shannon s method with an average length of 2 62 Expected word length Edit It is shown by Krajci et al 2 that the expected length of Fano s method has expected length bounded above by E L H X 1 p min displaystyle mathbb E L leq H X 1 p text min where p min min i p i displaystyle p text min textstyle min i p i is the probability of the least common symbol Comparison with other coding methods EditNeither Shannon Fano algorithm is guaranteed to generate an optimal code For this reason Shannon Fano codes are almost never used Huffman coding is almost as computationally simple and produces prefix codes that always achieve the lowest possible expected code word length under the constraints that each symbol is represented by a code formed of an integral number of bits This is a constraint that is often unneeded since the codes will be packed end to end in long sequences If we consider groups of codes at a time symbol by symbol Huffman coding is only optimal if the probabilities of the symbols are independent and are some power of a half i e 1 2 k displaystyle textstyle 1 2 k In most situations arithmetic coding can produce greater overall compression than either Huffman or Shannon Fano since it can encode in fractional numbers of bits which more closely approximate the actual information content of the symbol However arithmetic coding has not superseded Huffman the way that Huffman supersedes Shannon Fano both because arithmetic coding is more computationally expensive and because it is covered by multiple patents 11 Huffman coding Edit Main article Huffman coding A few years later David A Huffman 1949 12 gave a different algorithm that always produces an optimal tree for any given symbol probabilities While Fano s Shannon Fano tree is created by dividing from the root to the leaves the Huffman algorithm works in the opposite direction merging from the leaves to the root Create a leaf node for each symbol and add it to a priority queue using its frequency of occurrence as the priority While there is more than one node in the queue Remove the two nodes of lowest probability or frequency from the queue Prepend 0 and 1 respectively to any code already assigned to these nodes Create a new internal node with these two nodes as children and with probability equal to the sum of the two nodes probabilities Add the new node to the queue The remaining node is the root node and the tree is complete Example with Huffman coding Edit Huffman Algorithm We use the same frequencies as for the Shannon Fano example above viz Symbol A B C D ECount 15 7 6 6 5Probabilities 0 385 0 179 0 154 0 154 0 128In this case D amp E have the lowest frequencies and so are allocated 0 and 1 respectively and grouped together with a combined probability of 0 282 The lowest pair now are B and C so they re allocated 0 and 1 and grouped together with a combined probability of 0 333 This leaves BC and DE now with the lowest probabilities so 0 and 1 are prepended to their codes and they are combined This then leaves just A and BCDE which have 0 and 1 prepended respectively and are then combined This leaves us with a single node and our algorithm is complete The code lengths for the different characters this time are 1 bit for A and 3 bits for all other characters Symbol A B C D ECodewords 0 100 101 110 111This results in the lengths of 1 bit for A and per 3 bits for B C D and E giving an average length of 1 bit 15 3 bits 7 6 6 5 39 symbols 2 23 bits per symbol displaystyle frac 1 text bit cdot 15 3 text bits cdot 7 6 6 5 39 text symbols approx 2 23 text bits per symbol We see that the Huffman code has outperformed both types of Shannon Fano code which had expected lengths of 2 62 and 2 28 Notes Edit Kaur Sandeep Singh Sukhjeet May 2016 Entropy Coding and Different Coding Techniques PDF Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies 6 5 5 Archived from the original PDF on 2019 12 03 Retrieved 3 December 2019 a b c Stanislav Krajci Chin Fu Liu Ladislav Mikes and Stefan M Moser 2015 Performance analysis of Fano coding 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT Thomas M Cover and Joy A Thomas 2006 Elements of Information Theory 2nd ed Wiley Interscience Historical Notes to Chapter 5 Charles M Goldie and Richard G E Pinch 1991 Communication Theory Cambridge University Press Section 1 6 Gareth A Jones and J Mary Jones 2012 Information and Coding Theory Springer Section 3 4 Te Sun Han and Kingo Kobayashi 2007 Mathematics of Information and Coding American Mathematical Society Subsection 3 7 1 Raymond W Yeung 2002 A First Course in Information Theory Springer Subsection 3 2 2 David Salomon 2013 Data Compression The Complete Reference Springer Section 2 6 Prakash C Gupta 2006 Data Communications and Computer Networks Phi Publishing Subsection 1 11 5 APPNOTE TXT ZIP File Format Specification PKWARE Inc 2007 09 28 Retrieved 2008 01 06 The Imploding algorithm is actually a combination of two distinct algorithms The first algorithm compresses repeated byte sequences using a sliding dictionary The second algorithm is used to compress the encoding of the sliding dictionary output using multiple Shannon Fano trees Ze Nian Li Mark S Drew Jiangchuan Liu 9 April 2014 Fundamentals of Multimedia Springer Science amp Business Media ISBN 978 3 319 05290 8 Huffman D 1952 A Method for the Construction of Minimum Redundancy Codes PDF Proceedings of the IRE 40 9 1098 1101 doi 10 1109 JRPROC 1952 273898 References EditFano R M 1949 The transmission of information Technical Report No 65 Cambridge Mass USA Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT Shannon C E July 1948 A Mathematical Theory of Communication Bell System Technical Journal 27 379 423 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Shannon Fano coding amp oldid 1147273402, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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