
Multifit algorithm

The multifit algorithm is an algorithm for multiway number partitioning, originally developed for the problem of identical-machines scheduling. It was developed by Coffman, Garey and Johnson.[1] Its novelty comes from the fact that it uses an algorithm for another famous problem - the bin packing problem - as a subroutine.

The algorithm edit

The input to the algorithm is a set S of numbers, and a parameter n. The required output is a partition of S into n subsets, such that the largest subset sum (also called the makespan) is as small as possible.

The algorithm uses as a subroutine, an algorithm called first-fit-decreasing bin packing (FFD). The FFD algorithm takes as input the same set S of numbers, and a bin-capacity c. It heuristically packs numbers into bins such that the sum of numbers in each bin is at most C, aiming to use as few bins as possible. Multifit runs FFD multiple times, each time with a different capacity C, until it finds some C such that FFD with capacity C packs S into at most n bins. To find it, it uses binary search as follows.

  1. Let L := max ( sum(S) / n, max(S) ). Note, with bin-capacity smaller than L, every packing must use more than n bins.
  2. Let U := max ( 2 sum(S) / n, max(S) ). Note, with bin-capacity at least U, FFD uses at most n bins. Proof: suppose by contradiction that some input si did not fit into any of the first n bins. Clearly this is possible only if in+1. If si > C/2, then, since the inputs are ordered in descending order, the same inequality holds for all the first n+1 inputs in S. This means that sum(S) > (n+1)C/2 > n U/2, a contradiction to the definition of U. Otherwise, si ≤ C/2. So the sum of each of the first n bins is more than C/2. This again implies sum(S) > n C/2 > n U/2, contradiction.
  3. Iterate k times (where k is a precision parameter):
    • Let C := (L+U)/2. Run FFD on S with capacity C.
      • If FFD needs at most n bins, then decrease U by letting U := C.
      • If FFD needs more than n bins, then increase L by letting L := C.
  4. Finally, run FFD with capacity U. It is guaranteed to use at most n bins. Return the resulting scheduling.

Performance edit

Multifit is a constant-factor approximation algorithm. It always finds a partition in which the makespan is at most a constant factor larger than the optimal makespan. To find this constant, we must first analyze FFD. While the standard analysis of FFD considers approximation w.r.t. number of bins when the capacity is constant, here we need to analyze approximation w.r.t. capacity when the number of bins is constant. Formally, for every input size S and integer n, let   be the smallest capacity such that S can be packed into n bins of this capacity. Note that   is the value of the optimal solution to the original scheduling instance.

Let   be the smallest real number such that, for every input S, FFD with capacity   uses at most n bins.

Upper bounds edit

Coffman, Garey and Johnson prove the following upper bounds on  :[1]

  •   for n = 2;
  •   for n = 3;
  •   for n = 4,5,6,7;
  •   for all n ≥ 8.

During the MultiFit algorithm, the lower bound L is always a capacity for which it is impossible to pack S into n bins. Therefore,  . Initially, the difference   is at most sum(S) / n, which is at most  . After the MultiFit algorithm runs for k iterations, the difference shrinks k times by half, so  . Therefore,  . Therefore, the scheduling returned by MultiFit has makespan at most   times the optimal makespan. When   is sufficiently large, the approximation factor of MultiFit can be made arbitrarily close to  , which is at most 1.22.

Later papers performed a more detailed analysis of MultiFit, and proved that its approximation ratio is at most 6/5=1.2,[2] and later, at most 13/11≈1.182.[3] The original proof of this missed some cases; [4] presented a complete and simpler proof. The 13/11 cannot be improved: see lower bound below.[2]

Lower bounds edit

For n=4: the following[5] shows that  , which is tight. The inputs are 9,7,6,5,5, 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4. They can be packed into 4 bins of capacity 17 as follows:

  • 9, 4, 4
  • 7, 6, 4
  • 5, 4, 4, 4
  • 5, 4, 4, 4

But if we run FFD with bin capacity smaller than 20, then the filled bins are:

  • 9,7 [4 does not fit]
  • 6,5,5 [4 does not fit]
  • 4,4,4,4 [4 does not fit]
  • 4,4,4,4
  • 4

Note that the sum in each of the first 4 bins is 16, so we cannot put another 4 inside it. Therefore, 4 bins are not sufficient.

For n=13: the following[2] shows that  , which is tight. The inputs can be packed into 13 bins of capacity 66 as follows:

  • 40,13,13 {8 times}
  • 25,25,16 {3 times}
  • 25,24,17 {2 times}

But if we run FFD with bin capacity smaller than 66*13/11 = 78, then the filled bins are:

  • 40,25 {8 times}
  • 24, 24, 17
  • 17, 16, 16, 16
  • 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 {3 times}
  • 13

Note that the sum in each of the first 13 bins is 65, so we cannot put another 13 inside it. Therefore, 13 bins are not sufficient.

Performance with uniform machines edit

MultiFit can also be used in the more general setting called uniform-machines scheduling, where machines may have different processing speeds.[6] When there are two uniform machines, the approximation factor is  . When MultiFit is combined with the LPT algorithm, the ratio improves to  .[clarification needed]

Performance for maximizing the smallest sum edit

A dual goal to minimizing the largest sum (makespan) is maximizing the smallest sum. Deuermeyer, Friesen and Langston claim that MultiFit does not have a good approximation factor for this problem:[7]

"In the solution of the makespan problem using MULTIFIT, it is easy to construct examples where one processor is never used.[clarification needed] Such a solution is tolerable for the makespan problem, but is totally unacceptable for our problem [since the smallest sum is 0]. Modifications of MULTIFIT can be devised which would be more suitable for our problem, but we could find none which produces a better worst-case bound than that of LPT."

Proof idea edit

Minimal counterexamples edit

The upper bounds on   are proved by contradiction. For any integers pq, if  , then there exists a (p/q)-counterexample, defined as an instance S and a number n of bins such that

  • S can be packed into n bins with capacity q;
  • FFD does not manage to pack S into n bins with capacity p.

If there exists such a counterexample, then there also exists a minimal (p/q)-counterexample, which is a (p/q)-counterexample with a smallest number of items in S and a smallest number of bins n. In a minimal (p/q)-counterexample, FFD packs all items in S except the last (smallest) one into n bins with capacity p. Given a minimal (p/q)-counterexample, denote by P1,...,Pn the (incomplete) FFD packing into these n bins with capacity p, by Pn+1 the bin containing the single smallest item, and by Q1,...,Qn the (complete) optimal packing into n bins with capacity q. The following lemmas can be proved:

  • No union of k subsets from {Q1,...,Qn} is dominated by a union of k subsets from {P1,...,Pn+1} ("dominated" means that each item in the dominated subset is mapped to a weakly-larger item in the dominating subset). Otherwise we could get a smaller counterexample as follows. [1] Delete all items in the Pi. Clearly, the incomplete FFD packing now needs n-k bins, and still the smallest item (or an entire bin) remains unpacked. [2] In the optimal packing Qi, exchange each item with its dominating item. Now, the k subsets Qi are larger (probably larger than q), but all other n-k subsets are smaller (in particular, at most q). Therefore, after deleting all items in the Pi, the remaining items can be packed into at most n-k bins of size q.
  • Each of Q1,...,Qn contains at least 3 items. Otherwise we had domination and, by the previous lemma, could get a smaller counterexample. This is because [a] each Qi with a single item is dominated by the Pj that contains that item; [b] for each Qi with two items x and y, if both x and y are in the same Pj, then Qi is dominated by this Pj; [c] Suppose x≥y, x is in some Pj, and y is in some Pk to its right. This means that y did not fit into Pj. But x+y ≤ q. This means that Pj must contain some item z ≥ y. So Qi is dominated by Pj. [d] Suppose x≥y, x is in some Pj, and y is in some Pk to its left. This means that there must be a previous item z ≥ x. So Qi is dominated by Pk.
  • Each of P1,...,Pn contains at least 2 items. This is because, if some Pi contains only a single item, this implies that the last (smallest) item does not fit into it. This means that this single item must be alone in an optimal bundle, contradicting the previous lemma.
  • Let s be the size of the smallest item. Then  . Proof: Since s does not fit into the first n bundles, we have  , so  . On the other hand, since all items fit into n bins of capacity q, we have  . Subtracting the inequalities gives  .
  • The size of every item is at most  . This is because there are at least 3 items in each optimal bin (with capacity q).
  • The sum of items in every bin P1,...,Pn is larger than  ; otherwise we could add the smallest item.

5/4 Upper bound edit

From the above lemmas, it is already possible to prove a loose upper bound  . Proof. Let S, n be a minimal (5/4)-counterexample. The above lemmas imply that -

  •  . Since the optimal capacity is 4, no optimal bin can contain 4 or more items. Therefore, each optimal bin must contain at most 3 items, and the number of items is at most 3n.
  • The size of each item is at most  , and the size of each FFD bin is more than  . If some FFD bin contained only two items, its sum would be at most  ; so each FFD bin must contain at least 3 items. But this means that FFD yields exactly n bins - a contradiction.

Structure of FFD packing edit

To prove tighter bounds, one needs to take a closer look at the FFD packing of the minimal (p/q)-counterexample. The items and FFD bins P1,...,Pn are termed as follows:

  • A regular item is an item added to some bin Pi, before the next bin Pi+1 was opened. Equivalently, a regular item is an item in Pi which is at least as large as every item in every bin Pj for j>i.
  • A fallback item is an item added to some bin Pi, after the next bin Pi+1 was opened. Equivalently, a fallback item is an item in Pi which is smaller than the largest item in Pi+1.
  • A regular k-bin is a bin that contains k regular items and no fallback items.
  • A fallback k-bin is a bin that contains k regular items and some fallback items.

The following lemmas follow immediately from these definitions and the operation of FFD.

  • If k1<k2, then all k1-bins are to the left of all k2-bins. This is because all bins have the same capacity, so if more regular items fit into a bin, these items must be smaller, so they must be allocated later.
  • If Pi is a k-bin, then the sum of the k regular items in Pi is larger than  , since otherwise we could add another item before opening a new bin.
  • If Pi and Pi+1 are both k-bins, and then the sum of the k regular items in Pi is at least as large as in Pi+1 (this is because the items are ordered by decreasing size).
  • All regular k-bins are to the left of all fallback k-bins. This is because all bins have the same capacity, so if more fallback items fit into a bin, these items must be smaller, so they must be allocated later.

In a minimal counterexample, there are no regular 1-bins (since each bin contains at least 2 items), so by the above lemmas, the FFD bins P1,...,Pn are ordered by type:

  • Zero or more fallback 1-bins;
  • Then, zero or more regular 2-bins;
  • Then, zero or more fallback 2-bins;
  • Then, zero or more regular 3-bins;
  • Then, zero or more fallback 3-bins;
  • and so on.

1.22 upper bound edit

The upper bound  [1] is proved by assuming a minimal (122/100)-counterexample. Each item is given a weight based on its size and its bin in the FFD packing. The weights are determined such that the total weight in each FFD bin is at least x, and the total weight in almost each optimal bin is at most x (for some predetermined x). This implies that the number of FFD bins is at most the number of optimal bins, which contradicts the assumption that it is a counterexample.

By the lemmas above, we know that:

  • The size of the smallest item satisfies s > p-q = 22, so s = 22+D for some D>0.
  • Each optimal bin contains at most 4 items (floor(100/22)), and each FFD bin contains at most 5 items (floor(122/22)).
  • The size of every item is at most q-2s = 56-2D.
  • The sum in each FFD bin is larger than p-s = 100-D.
  • There are no 1-bins, since in a 1-bin, the size of the regular item must be at least p/2=61, while here the size of every item is less than 56.

If D>4, the size of each item is larger than 26, so each optimal bin (with capacity 100) must contain at most 3 items. Each item is smaller than 56-2D and each FFD bin has a sum larger than 100-D, so each FFD bin must contain at least 3 items. Therefore, there are at most n FFD bins - contradiction. So from now on, we assume D≤4. The items are assigned types and weights as follows.

  • The two items in each regular 2-bin except maybe the last one have a size larger than (100-D)/2 each. All such items are called type-X2, and assigned a weight of (100-D)/2. The last 2-regular bin is a special case: if both its items have a size larger than (100-D)/2, then they are type-X2 too; otherwise, they are called type-Z, and their weight equals their size.
  • The two regular items in each fallback 2-bin have a total size larger than 2*122/3; they are called type-Y2, and their weight equals their size minus D.
  • The three items in each regular 3-bin except maybe the last one have a size larger than (100-D)/3 each. All such items are called type-X3, and assigned a weight of (100-D)/3. The last 3-regular bin is a special case: if all items in it have a size larger than (100-D)/3, then they are type-X3 too; otherwise, they are called type-Z and their weight equals their size.
  • The three regular items in each fallback 3-bin have a total size larger than 3*122/4; they are called type-Y3, and their weight equals their size minus D.
  • The four items in each regular 4-bin except maybe the last one have a size larger than (100-D)/4 each. All such items are called type-X4, and assigned a weight of (100-D)/4. The last 4-regular bin is a special case: if all items in it have a size larger than (100-D)/4, then they are type-X4 too; otherwise, they are called type-Z and their weight equals their size.
  • The remaining items (including all fallback items in fallback 2-bins and 3-bins, all fallback 4-bins, and all other 5-item bins) are all called type-X5, and their weight equals 22 (if D ≤ 12/5) or (100-D)/4 (otherwise). The threshold 12/5 was computed such that the weight is always at most 22+D, so that the weight is always smaller than the size.

Note that the weight of each item is at most its size (the weight can be seen as the size "rounded down"). Still, the total weight of items in every FFD bin is at least 100-D:

  • For regular 2-bins, regular 3-bins and regular 4-bins:
    • For the non-last ones, this is immediate.
    • The last such bins contain only Z-type items, whose weight equals their size, so the total weight of these bins equals their total size, which is more than 100-D.
  • Fallback 2-bins contain two type-Y2 items with total weight larger than 2*122/3-2D, plus at least one type-X5 item with weight at least 22 (if D ≤ 12/5) or (100-D)/4 (otherwise). In both cases the total weight is more than 100-D.
  • Fallback 3-bins contain three type-Y3 items with total weight larger than 3*122/4-3D, plus at least one type-X5 item with weight at least 22. So the total weight is more than 3*122/4+22-3D = 113.5-3D ≥ 105.5-D > 100-D, since D≤4.
  • 5-item bins contain 5 items with size at least 22+D and weight at least 22, so their total weight is obviously more than 100-D.

The total weight of items in most optimal bins is at most 100-D:

  • This is clear for any optimal bin containing a type-Y2 item or a type-Y3 item, since their weight is their size minus D, the weights of other items is at most their size, and the total size of an optimal bin is at most 100.
  • For optimal bins containing only type-X2, type-X3, type-X4 and type-X5 items, it is possible to check all possible configurations (all combinations that fit into an optimal bin of size 100), and verify that the total weight in each configuration is at most 100-D.
  • Optimal bins containing type-Z items might have a total weight larger than 100-D. Since the total weight is at most 100, there is an "excess weight" of at most D for each such bin. However, the number of type-Z items is limited:
    • If D > 12/5, then there are at most 5 type-Z items (2 in the last regular 2-bin and 3 in the last regular 3-bin; the items in the last regular 4-bin are all type-X4). Therefore, the excess weight is at most 5D. Comparing the total weight of FFD vs. optimal bins yields s < 5D ≤ 20 < 22, a contradiction.
    • Otherwise, there are at most 9 type-Z items (2+3+4). Therefore, the excess weight is at most 9D. Comparing the total weight of FFD vs. optimal bins yields s < 9D ≤ 108/5 < 22, a contradiction.

13/11 upper bound edit

The upper bound  [3] is proved by assuming a minimal ((120-3d)/100)-counterexample, with some d<20/33, and deriving a contradiction.

Non-monotonicity edit

MultiFit is not monotone in the following sense: it is possible that an input decreases while the max-sum in the partition returned by MultiFit increases. As an example,[1]: Fig.4  suppose n=3 and the input numbers are:

44, 24, 24, 22, 21, 17, 8, 8, 6, 6.

FFD packs these inputs into 3 bins of capacity 60 (which is optimal):

  • 44, 8, 8;
  • 24, 24, 6, 6;
  • 22, 21, 17.

But if the "17" becomes "16", then FFD with capacity 60 needs 4 bins:

  • 44, 16;
  • 24, 24, 8;
  • 22, 21, 8, 6;
  • 6.

so MultiFit must increase the capacity, for example, to 62:

  • 44, 16;
  • 24, 24, 8, 6;
  • 22, 21, 8, 6.

This is in contrast to other number partitioning algorithms - List scheduling and Longest-processing-time-first scheduling - which are monotone.[8]

Generalization: fair allocation of chores edit

Multifit has been extended to the more general problem of maximin-share allocation of chores.[5] In this problem, S is a set of chores, and there are n agents who assign potentially different valuations to the chores. The goal is to give to each agent, a set of chores worth at most r times the maximum value in an optimal scheduling based on i's valuations. A naive approach is to let each agent in turn use the MultiFit algorithm to calculate the threshold, and then use the algorithm where each agent uses his own threshold. If this approach worked, we would get an approximation of 13/11. However, this approach fails due to the non-monotonicity of FFD.

Example edit

Here is an example.[5]: Ex.5.2  Suppose there are four agents, and they have valuations of two types:

Type A: 51 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 25 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Type B: 51 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 24 20 20 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33

Both types can partition the chores into 4 parts of total value 75. Type A:

  • 51, 12, 12
  • 27.5, 27.5, 10, 10
  • 27.5, 27.5, 10, 10
  • 25, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10

Type B:

  • 51, 24
  • 27.5, 27.5, 20
  • 27.5, 27.5, 20
  • 8.33 {9 times}

If all four agents are of the same, then FFD with threshold 75 fills the 4 optimal bins. But suppose there is one agent of type B, and the others are of type A. Then, in the first round, the agent of type B takes the bundle 51, 24 (the other agents cannot take it since for them the values are 51,25 whose sum is more than 75).In the following rounds, the following bundles are filled for the type A agents:

  • 27.5, 27.5, 12 [the sum is 67 - there is no room for another 10]
  • 27.5, 27.5, 12 [the sum is 67 - there is no room for another 10]
  • 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 [the sum is 70 - there is no room for another 10]

so the last two chores remain unallocated.

Optimal value guarantee edit

Using a more sophisticated threshold calculation, it is possible to guarantee to each agent at most 11/9≈1.22 of his optimal value if the optimal value is known, and at most 5/4≈1.25 of his optimal value (using a polynomial time algorithm) if the optimal value is not known.[5]

Using more elaborate arguments, it is possible to guarantee to each agent the same ratio of MultiFit.[9]

Implementations edit

  • Python: The prtpy package contains an implementation of multifit.

References edit

  1. ^ a b c d Coffman, Jr., E. G.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S. (1978-02-01). "An Application of Bin-Packing to Multiprocessor Scheduling". SIAM Journal on Computing. 7 (1): 1–17. doi:10.1137/0207001. ISSN 0097-5397.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ a b c Friesen, Donald K. (1984-02-01). "Tighter Bounds for the Multifit Processor Scheduling Algorithm". SIAM Journal on Computing. 13 (1): 170–181. doi:10.1137/0213013. ISSN 0097-5397.
  3. ^ a b Yue, Minyi (1990-12-01). "On the exact upper bound for the multifit processor scheduling algorithm". Annals of Operations Research. 24 (1): 233–259. doi:10.1007/BF02216826. ISSN 1572-9338. S2CID 120965788.
  4. ^ Cao, Feng (1995), Du, Ding-Zhu; Pardalos, Panos M. (eds.), "Determining the Performance Ratio of Algorithm Multifit for Scheduling", Minimax and Applications, Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications, vol. 4, Boston, MA: Springer US, pp. 79–96, doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-3557-3_5, ISBN 978-1-4613-3557-3, retrieved 2021-08-23
  5. ^ a b c d Huang, Xin; Lu, Pinyan (2021-07-18). "An Algorithmic Framework for Approximating Maximin Share Allocation of Chores". Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. EC '21. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 630–631. arXiv:1907.04505. doi:10.1145/3465456.3467555. ISBN 978-1-4503-8554-1. S2CID 195874333.
  6. ^ Burkard, R. E.; He, Y. (1998-09-01). "A note on MULTIFIT scheduling for uniform machines". Computing. 61 (3): 277–283. doi:10.1007/BF02684354. ISSN 1436-5057. S2CID 37590584.
  7. ^ Deuermeyer, Bryan L.; Friesen, Donald K.; Langston, Michael A. (June 1982). "Scheduling to Maximize the Minimum Processor Finish Time in a Multiprocessor System". SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods. 3 (2): 190–196. doi:10.1137/0603019.
  8. ^ Segal-Halevi, Erel (2021-10-17), On Monotonicity of Number-Partitioning Algorithms, arXiv:2110.08886, retrieved 2024-02-22
  9. ^ Huang, Xin; Segal-Halevi, Erel (2023-12-13), A Reduction from Chores Allocation to Job Scheduling, arXiv:2302.04581, retrieved 2024-02-22

multifit, algorithm, multifit, algorithm, algorithm, multiway, number, partitioning, originally, developed, problem, identical, machines, scheduling, developed, coffman, garey, johnson, novelty, comes, from, fact, that, uses, algorithm, another, famous, proble. The multifit algorithm is an algorithm for multiway number partitioning originally developed for the problem of identical machines scheduling It was developed by Coffman Garey and Johnson 1 Its novelty comes from the fact that it uses an algorithm for another famous problem the bin packing problem as a subroutine Contents 1 The algorithm 2 Performance 2 1 Upper bounds 2 2 Lower bounds 2 3 Performance with uniform machines 2 4 Performance for maximizing the smallest sum 3 Proof idea 3 1 Minimal counterexamples 3 2 5 4 Upper bound 3 3 Structure of FFD packing 3 4 1 22 upper bound 3 5 13 11 upper bound 4 Non monotonicity 5 Generalization fair allocation of chores 5 1 Example 5 2 Optimal value guarantee 6 Implementations 7 ReferencesThe algorithm editThe input to the algorithm is a set S of numbers and a parameter n The required output is a partition of S into n subsets such that the largest subset sum also called the makespan is as small as possible The algorithm uses as a subroutine an algorithm called first fit decreasing bin packing FFD The FFD algorithm takes as input the same set S of numbers and a bin capacity c It heuristically packs numbers into bins such that the sum of numbers in each bin is at most C aiming to use as few bins as possible Multifit runs FFD multiple times each time with a different capacity C until it finds some C such that FFD with capacity C packs S into at most n bins To find it it uses binary search as follows Let L max sum S n max S Note with bin capacity smaller than L every packing must use more than n bins Let U max 2 sum S n max S Note with bin capacity at least U FFD uses at most n bins Proof suppose by contradiction that some input si did not fit into any of the first n bins Clearly this is possible only if i n 1 If si gt C 2 then since the inputs are ordered in descending order the same inequality holds for all the first n 1 inputs in S This means that sum S gt n 1 C 2 gt n U 2 a contradiction to the definition of U Otherwise si C 2 So the sum of each of the first n bins is more than C 2 This again implies sum S gt n C 2 gt n U 2 contradiction Iterate k times where k is a precision parameter Let C L U 2 Run FFD on S with capacity C If FFD needs at most n bins then decrease U by letting U C If FFD needs more than n bins then increase L by letting L C Finally run FFD with capacity U It is guaranteed to use at most n bins Return the resulting scheduling Performance editMultifit is a constant factor approximation algorithm It always finds a partition in which the makespan is at most a constant factor larger than the optimal makespan To find this constant we must first analyze FFD While the standard analysis of FFD considers approximation w r t number of bins when the capacity is constant here we need to analyze approximation w r t capacity when the number of bins is constant Formally for every input size S and integer n let O P T S n displaystyle OPT S n nbsp be the smallest capacity such that S can be packed into n bins of this capacity Note that O P T S n displaystyle OPT S n nbsp is the value of the optimal solution to the original scheduling instance Let r n displaystyle r n nbsp be the smallest real number such that for every input S FFD with capacity r n O P T S n displaystyle r n cdot OPT S n nbsp uses at most n bins Upper bounds edit Coffman Garey and Johnson prove the following upper bounds on r n displaystyle r n nbsp 1 r n 8 7 1 14 displaystyle r n leq 8 7 approx 1 14 nbsp for n 2 r n 15 13 1 15 displaystyle r n leq 15 13 approx 1 15 nbsp for n 3 r n 20 17 1 176 displaystyle r n leq 20 17 approx 1 176 nbsp for n 4 5 6 7 r n 122 100 1 22 displaystyle r n leq 122 100 1 22 nbsp for all n 8 During the MultiFit algorithm the lower bound L is always a capacity for which it is impossible to pack S into n bins Therefore L lt r n O P T S n displaystyle L lt r n cdot OPT S n nbsp Initially the difference U L displaystyle U L nbsp is at most sum S n which is at most O P T S n displaystyle OPT S n nbsp After the MultiFit algorithm runs for k iterations the difference shrinks k times by half so U L 1 2 k O P T S n displaystyle U L leq 1 2 k cdot OPT S n nbsp Therefore U r n 1 2 k O P T S n displaystyle U leq r n 1 2 k cdot OPT S n nbsp Therefore the scheduling returned by MultiFit has makespan at most r n 1 2 k displaystyle r n 1 2 k nbsp times the optimal makespan When k displaystyle k nbsp is sufficiently large the approximation factor of MultiFit can be made arbitrarily close to r n displaystyle r n nbsp which is at most 1 22 Later papers performed a more detailed analysis of MultiFit and proved that its approximation ratio is at most 6 5 1 2 2 and later at most 13 11 1 182 3 The original proof of this missed some cases 4 presented a complete and simpler proof The 13 11 cannot be improved see lower bound below 2 Lower bounds edit For n 4 the following 5 shows that r n 20 17 displaystyle r n geq 20 17 nbsp which is tight The inputs are 9 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 They can be packed into 4 bins of capacity 17 as follows 9 4 4 7 6 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 But if we run FFD with bin capacity smaller than 20 then the filled bins are 9 7 4 does not fit 6 5 5 4 does not fit 4 4 4 4 4 does not fit 4 4 4 4 4 Note that the sum in each of the first 4 bins is 16 so we cannot put another 4 inside it Therefore 4 bins are not sufficient For n 13 the following 2 shows that r n 13 11 displaystyle r n geq 13 11 nbsp which is tight The inputs can be packed into 13 bins of capacity 66 as follows 40 13 13 8 times 25 25 16 3 times 25 24 17 2 times But if we run FFD with bin capacity smaller than 66 13 11 78 then the filled bins are 40 25 8 times 24 24 17 17 16 16 16 13 13 13 13 13 3 times 13 Note that the sum in each of the first 13 bins is 65 so we cannot put another 13 inside it Therefore 13 bins are not sufficient Performance with uniform machines edit MultiFit can also be used in the more general setting called uniform machines scheduling where machines may have different processing speeds 6 When there are two uniform machines the approximation factor is 6 2 displaystyle sqrt 6 2 nbsp When MultiFit is combined with the LPT algorithm the ratio improves to 2 1 2 displaystyle sqrt 2 1 2 nbsp clarification needed Performance for maximizing the smallest sum editA dual goal to minimizing the largest sum makespan is maximizing the smallest sum Deuermeyer Friesen and Langston claim that MultiFit does not have a good approximation factor for this problem 7 In the solution of the makespan problem using MULTIFIT it is easy to construct examples where one processor is never used clarification needed Such a solution is tolerable for the makespan problem but is totally unacceptable for our problem since the smallest sum is 0 Modifications of MULTIFIT can be devised which would be more suitable for our problem but we could find none which produces a better worst case bound than that of LPT Proof idea editMinimal counterexamples edit The upper bounds on r n displaystyle r n nbsp are proved by contradiction For any integers p q if r n gt p q displaystyle r n gt p q nbsp then there exists a p q counterexample defined as an instance S and a number n of bins such that S can be packed into n bins with capacity q FFD does not manage to pack S into n bins with capacity p If there exists such a counterexample then there also exists a minimal p q counterexample which is a p q counterexample with a smallest number of items in S and a smallest number of bins n In a minimal p q counterexample FFD packs all items in S except the last smallest one into n bins with capacity p Given a minimal p q counterexample denote by P1 Pn the incomplete FFD packing into these n bins with capacity p by Pn 1 the bin containing the single smallest item and by Q1 Qn the complete optimal packing into n bins with capacity q The following lemmas can be proved No union of k subsets from Q1 Qn is dominated by a union of k subsets from P1 Pn 1 dominated means that each item in the dominated subset is mapped to a weakly larger item in the dominating subset Otherwise we could get a smaller counterexample as follows 1 Delete all items in the Pi Clearly the incomplete FFD packing now needs n k bins and still the smallest item or an entire bin remains unpacked 2 In the optimal packing Qi exchange each item with its dominating item Now the k subsets Qi are larger probably larger than q but all other n k subsets are smaller in particular at most q Therefore after deleting all items in the Pi the remaining items can be packed into at most n k bins of size q Each of Q1 Qn contains at least 3 items Otherwise we had domination and by the previous lemma could get a smaller counterexample This is because a each Qi with a single item is dominated by the Pj that contains that item b for each Qi with two items x and y if both x and y are in the same Pj then Qi is dominated by this Pj c Suppose x y x is in some Pj and y is in some Pk to its right This means that y did not fit into Pj But x y q This means that Pj must contain some item z y So Qi is dominated by Pj d Suppose x y x is in some Pj and y is in some Pk to its left This means that there must be a previous item z x So Qi is dominated by Pk Each of P1 Pn contains at least 2 items This is because if some Pi contains only a single item this implies that the last smallest item does not fit into it This means that this single item must be alone in an optimal bundle contradicting the previous lemma Let s be the size of the smallest item Then s gt n n 1 p q displaystyle s gt frac n n 1 p q nbsp Proof Since s does not fit into the first n bundles we have s u m P i s gt p displaystyle sum P i s gt p nbsp so i 1 n s u m P i n s gt n p displaystyle sum i 1 n sum P i n cdot s gt n cdot p nbsp On the other hand since all items fit into n bins of capacity q we have i 1 n s u m P i s n q displaystyle sum i 1 n sum P i s leq n cdot q nbsp Subtracting the inequalities gives s gt n n 1 p q displaystyle s gt frac n n 1 p q nbsp The size of every item is at most q 2 s displaystyle q 2s nbsp This is because there are at least 3 items in each optimal bin with capacity q The sum of items in every bin P1 Pn is larger than p s displaystyle p s nbsp otherwise we could add the smallest item 5 4 Upper bound edit From the above lemmas it is already possible to prove a loose upper bound r n 5 4 1 25 displaystyle r n leq 5 4 1 25 nbsp Proof Let S n be a minimal 5 4 counterexample The above lemmas imply that s gt n n 1 5 4 gt 1 displaystyle s gt frac n n 1 5 4 gt 1 nbsp Since the optimal capacity is 4 no optimal bin can contain 4 or more items Therefore each optimal bin must contain at most 3 items and the number of items is at most 3n The size of each item is at most 4 2 s displaystyle 4 2s nbsp and the size of each FFD bin is more than 5 s displaystyle 5 s nbsp If some FFD bin contained only two items its sum would be at most 8 4 s 5 3 3 s s lt 5 s displaystyle 8 4s 5 3 3s s lt 5 s nbsp so each FFD bin must contain at least 3 items But this means that FFD yields exactly n bins a contradiction Structure of FFD packing edit To prove tighter bounds one needs to take a closer look at the FFD packing of the minimal p q counterexample The items and FFD bins P1 Pn are termed as follows A regular item is an item added to some bin Pi before the next bin Pi 1 was opened Equivalently a regular item is an item in Pi which is at least as large as every item in every bin Pj for j gt i A fallback item is an item added to some bin Pi after the next bin Pi 1 was opened Equivalently a fallback item is an item in Pi which is smaller than the largest item in Pi 1 A regular k bin is a bin that contains k regular items and no fallback items A fallback k bin is a bin that contains k regular items and some fallback items The following lemmas follow immediately from these definitions and the operation of FFD If k1 lt k2 then all k1 bins are to the left of all k2 bins This is because all bins have the same capacity so if more regular items fit into a bin these items must be smaller so they must be allocated later If Pi is a k bin then the sum of the k regular items in Pi is larger than k k 1 p displaystyle frac k k 1 cdot p nbsp since otherwise we could add another item before opening a new bin If Pi and Pi 1 are both k bins and then the sum of the k regular items in Pi is at least as large as in Pi 1 this is because the items are ordered by decreasing size All regular k bins are to the left of all fallback k bins This is because all bins have the same capacity so if more fallback items fit into a bin these items must be smaller so they must be allocated later In a minimal counterexample there are no regular 1 bins since each bin contains at least 2 items so by the above lemmas the FFD bins P1 Pn are ordered by type Zero or more fallback 1 bins Then zero or more regular 2 bins Then zero or more fallback 2 bins Then zero or more regular 3 bins Then zero or more fallback 3 bins and so on 1 22 upper bound edit The upper bound r n 1 22 displaystyle r n leq 1 22 nbsp 1 is proved by assuming a minimal 122 100 counterexample Each item is given a weight based on its size and its bin in the FFD packing The weights are determined such that the total weight in each FFD bin is at least x and the total weight in almost each optimal bin is at most x for some predetermined x This implies that the number of FFD bins is at most the number of optimal bins which contradicts the assumption that it is a counterexample By the lemmas above we know that The size of the smallest item satisfies s gt p q 22 so s 22 D for some D gt 0 Each optimal bin contains at most 4 items floor 100 22 and each FFD bin contains at most 5 items floor 122 22 The size of every item is at most q 2s 56 2D The sum in each FFD bin is larger than p s 100 D There are no 1 bins since in a 1 bin the size of the regular item must be at least p 2 61 while here the size of every item is less than 56 If D gt 4 the size of each item is larger than 26 so each optimal bin with capacity 100 must contain at most 3 items Each item is smaller than 56 2D and each FFD bin has a sum larger than 100 D so each FFD bin must contain at least 3 items Therefore there are at most n FFD bins contradiction So from now on we assume D 4 The items are assigned types and weights as follows The two items in each regular 2 bin except maybe the last one have a size larger than 100 D 2 each All such items are called type X2 and assigned a weight of 100 D 2 The last 2 regular bin is a special case if both its items have a size larger than 100 D 2 then they are type X2 too otherwise they are called type Z and their weight equals their size The two regular items in each fallback 2 bin have a total size larger than 2 122 3 they are called type Y2 and their weight equals their size minus D The three items in each regular 3 bin except maybe the last one have a size larger than 100 D 3 each All such items are called type X3 and assigned a weight of 100 D 3 The last 3 regular bin is a special case if all items in it have a size larger than 100 D 3 then they are type X3 too otherwise they are called type Z and their weight equals their size The three regular items in each fallback 3 bin have a total size larger than 3 122 4 they are called type Y3 and their weight equals their size minus D The four items in each regular 4 bin except maybe the last one have a size larger than 100 D 4 each All such items are called type X4 and assigned a weight of 100 D 4 The last 4 regular bin is a special case if all items in it have a size larger than 100 D 4 then they are type X4 too otherwise they are called type Z and their weight equals their size The remaining items including all fallback items in fallback 2 bins and 3 bins all fallback 4 bins and all other 5 item bins are all called type X5 and their weight equals 22 if D 12 5 or 100 D 4 otherwise The threshold 12 5 was computed such that the weight is always at most 22 D so that the weight is always smaller than the size Note that the weight of each item is at most its size the weight can be seen as the size rounded down Still the total weight of items in every FFD bin is at least 100 D For regular 2 bins regular 3 bins and regular 4 bins For the non last ones this is immediate The last such bins contain only Z type items whose weight equals their size so the total weight of these bins equals their total size which is more than 100 D Fallback 2 bins contain two type Y2 items with total weight larger than 2 122 3 2D plus at least one type X5 item with weight at least 22 if D 12 5 or 100 D 4 otherwise In both cases the total weight is more than 100 D Fallback 3 bins contain three type Y3 items with total weight larger than 3 122 4 3D plus at least one type X5 item with weight at least 22 So the total weight is more than 3 122 4 22 3D 113 5 3D 105 5 D gt 100 D since D 4 5 item bins contain 5 items with size at least 22 D and weight at least 22 so their total weight is obviously more than 100 D The total weight of items in most optimal bins is at most 100 D This is clear for any optimal bin containing a type Y2 item or a type Y3 item since their weight is their size minus D the weights of other items is at most their size and the total size of an optimal bin is at most 100 For optimal bins containing only type X2 type X3 type X4 and type X5 items it is possible to check all possible configurations all combinations that fit into an optimal bin of size 100 and verify that the total weight in each configuration is at most 100 D Optimal bins containing type Z items might have a total weight larger than 100 D Since the total weight is at most 100 there is an excess weight of at most D for each such bin However the number of type Z items is limited If D gt 12 5 then there are at most 5 type Z items 2 in the last regular 2 bin and 3 in the last regular 3 bin the items in the last regular 4 bin are all type X4 Therefore the excess weight is at most 5D Comparing the total weight of FFD vs optimal bins yields s lt 5D 20 lt 22 a contradiction Otherwise there are at most 9 type Z items 2 3 4 Therefore the excess weight is at most 9D Comparing the total weight of FFD vs optimal bins yields s lt 9D 108 5 lt 22 a contradiction 13 11 upper bound edit The upper bound r n 13 11 1 182 displaystyle r n leq 13 11 approx 1 182 nbsp 3 is proved by assuming a minimal 120 3d 100 counterexample with some d lt 20 33 and deriving a contradiction Non monotonicity editMultiFit is not monotone in the following sense it is possible that an input decreases while the max sum in the partition returned by MultiFit increases As an example 1 Fig 4 suppose n 3 and the input numbers are 44 24 24 22 21 17 8 8 6 6 FFD packs these inputs into 3 bins of capacity 60 which is optimal 44 8 8 24 24 6 6 22 21 17 But if the 17 becomes 16 then FFD with capacity 60 needs 4 bins 44 16 24 24 8 22 21 8 6 6 so MultiFit must increase the capacity for example to 62 44 16 24 24 8 6 22 21 8 6 This is in contrast to other number partitioning algorithms List scheduling and Longest processing time first scheduling which are monotone 8 Generalization fair allocation of chores editMultifit has been extended to the more general problem of maximin share allocation of chores 5 In this problem S is a set of chores and there are n agents who assign potentially different valuations to the chores The goal is to give to each agent a set of chores worth at most r times the maximum value in an optimal scheduling based on i s valuations A naive approach is to let each agent in turn use the MultiFit algorithm to calculate the threshold and then use the algorithm where each agent uses his own threshold If this approach worked we would get an approximation of 13 11 However this approach fails due to the non monotonicity of FFD Example edit Here is an example 5 Ex 5 2 Suppose there are four agents and they have valuations of two types Type A 51 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 25 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Type B 51 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 24 20 20 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 8 33 Both types can partition the chores into 4 parts of total value 75 Type A 51 12 12 27 5 27 5 10 10 27 5 27 5 10 10 25 10 10 10 10 10 Type B 51 24 27 5 27 5 20 27 5 27 5 20 8 33 9 times If all four agents are of the same then FFD with threshold 75 fills the 4 optimal bins But suppose there is one agent of type B and the others are of type A Then in the first round the agent of type B takes the bundle 51 24 the other agents cannot take it since for them the values are 51 25 whose sum is more than 75 In the following rounds the following bundles are filled for the type A agents 27 5 27 5 12 the sum is 67 there is no room for another 10 27 5 27 5 12 the sum is 67 there is no room for another 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 the sum is 70 there is no room for another 10 so the last two chores remain unallocated Optimal value guarantee edit Using a more sophisticated threshold calculation it is possible to guarantee to each agent at most 11 9 1 22 of his optimal value if the optimal value is known and at most 5 4 1 25 of his optimal value using a polynomial time algorithm if the optimal value is not known 5 Using more elaborate arguments it is possible to guarantee to each agent the same ratio of MultiFit 9 Implementations editPython The prtpy package contains an implementation of multifit References edit a b c d Coffman Jr E G Garey M R Johnson D S 1978 02 01 An Application of Bin Packing to Multiprocessor Scheduling SIAM Journal on Computing 7 1 1 17 doi 10 1137 0207001 ISSN 0097 5397 a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link a b c Friesen Donald K 1984 02 01 Tighter Bounds for the Multifit Processor Scheduling Algorithm SIAM Journal on Computing 13 1 170 181 doi 10 1137 0213013 ISSN 0097 5397 a b Yue Minyi 1990 12 01 On the exact upper bound for the multifit processor scheduling algorithm Annals of Operations Research 24 1 233 259 doi 10 1007 BF02216826 ISSN 1572 9338 S2CID 120965788 Cao Feng 1995 Du Ding Zhu Pardalos Panos M eds Determining the Performance Ratio of Algorithm Multifit for Scheduling Minimax and Applications Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications vol 4 Boston MA Springer US pp 79 96 doi 10 1007 978 1 4613 3557 3 5 ISBN 978 1 4613 3557 3 retrieved 2021 08 23 a b c d Huang Xin Lu Pinyan 2021 07 18 An Algorithmic Framework for Approximating Maximin Share Allocation of Chores Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation EC 21 New York NY USA Association for Computing Machinery pp 630 631 arXiv 1907 04505 doi 10 1145 3465456 3467555 ISBN 978 1 4503 8554 1 S2CID 195874333 Burkard R E He Y 1998 09 01 A note on MULTIFIT scheduling for uniform machines Computing 61 3 277 283 doi 10 1007 BF02684354 ISSN 1436 5057 S2CID 37590584 Deuermeyer Bryan L Friesen Donald K Langston Michael A June 1982 Scheduling to Maximize the Minimum Processor Finish Time in a Multiprocessor System SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 3 2 190 196 doi 10 1137 0603019 Segal Halevi Erel 2021 10 17 On Monotonicity of Number Partitioning Algorithms arXiv 2110 08886 retrieved 2024 02 22 Huang Xin Segal Halevi Erel 2023 12 13 A Reduction from Chores Allocation to Job Scheduling arXiv 2302 04581 retrieved 2024 02 22 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Multifit algorithm amp oldid 1220312561, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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