
Oval (projective plane)

In projective geometry an oval is a point set in a plane that is defined by incidence properties. The standard examples are the nondegenerate conics. However, a conic is only defined in a pappian plane, whereas an oval may exist in any type of projective plane. In the literature, there are many criteria which imply that an oval is a conic, but there are many examples, both infinite and finite, of ovals in pappian planes which are not conics.

To the definition of an oval:
e: exterior (passing) line,
t: tangent,
s: secant

As mentioned, in projective geometry an oval is defined by incidence properties, but in other areas, ovals may be defined to satisfy other criteria, for instance, in differential geometry by differentiability conditions in the real plane.

The higher dimensional analog of an oval is an ovoid in a projective space.

A generalization of the oval concept is an abstract oval, which is a structure that is not necessarily embedded in a projective plane. Indeed, there exist abstract ovals which can not lie in any projective plane.

Definition of an oval edit

  1. Any line l meets Ω in at most two points, and
  2. For any point P ∈ Ω there exists exactly one tangent line t through P, i.e., t ∩ Ω = {P}.

When |l ∩ Ω| = 0 the line l is an exterior line (or passant),[1] if |l ∩ Ω| = 1 a tangent line and if |l ∩ Ω| = 2 the line is a secant line.

For finite planes (i.e. the set of points is finite) we have a more convenient characterization:[2]

  • For a finite projective plane of order n (i.e. any line contains n + 1 points) a set Ω of points is an oval if and only if |Ω| = n + 1 and no three points are collinear (on a common line).

A set of points in an affine plane satisfying the above definition is called an affine oval.

An affine oval is always a projective oval in the projective closure (adding a line at infinity) of the underlying affine plane.

An oval can also be considered as a special quadratic set.[3]

Examples edit

Conic sections edit

projective conic in inhomogeneous coordinates: parabola plus point at infinity of the axis
projective conic in inhomogeneous coordinates: hyperbola plus points at infinity of the asymptotes

In any pappian projective plane there exist nondegenerate projective conic sections and any nondegenerate projective conic section is an oval. This statement can be verified by a straightforward calculation for any of the conics (such as the parabola or hyperbola).

Non-degenerate conics are ovals with special properties:

Ovals, which are not conics edit

in the real plane
  1. If one glues one half of a circle and a half of an ellipse smoothly together, one gets a non-conic oval.
  2. If one takes the inhomogeneous representation of a conic oval as a parabola plus a point at infinity and replaces the expression x2 by x4, one gets an oval which is not a conic.
  3. If one takes the inhomogeneous representation of a conic oval as a hyperbola plus two points at infinity and replaces the expression 1/x by 1/x3, one gets an oval which is not a conic.
  4. The implicit curve x4 + y4 = 1 is a non conic oval.
in a finite plane of even order
  1. In a finite pappian plane of even order a nondegenerate conic has a nucleus (a single point through which every tangent passes), which can be exchanged with any point of the conic to obtain an oval which is not a conic.
  2. For the field K = GF(2m) with 2m elements let
For k ∈ {2,...,m − 1} and k and m coprime, the set Ω is an oval, which is not a conic.[4][5]

Further finite examples can be found here:[6]

Criteria for an oval to be a conic edit

For an oval to be a conic the oval and/or the plane has to fulfill additional conditions. Here are some results:

  1. An oval in an arbitrary projective plane, which fulfills the incidence condition of Pascal's theorem or the 5-point degeneration of it, is a nondegenerate conic.[7]
  2. If Ω is an oval in a pappian projective plane and the group of projectivities which leave Ω invariant is 3-transitive, i.e. for 2 triples A1, A2, A3 ; B1, B2, B3 of points there exists a projectivity π with π(Ai) = Bi, i = 1,2,3. In the finite case 2-transitive is sufficient.[8]
  3. An oval Ω in a pappian projective plane of characteristic ≠ 2 is a conic if and only if for any point P of a tangent there is an involutory perspectivity (symmetry) with center P which leaves Ω invariant.[9]
  4. If Ω is an oval in a finite Desarguesian[10] (pappian) projective plane of odd order, PG(2, q), then Ω is a conic (Segre's theorem, (Segre 1955)). This implies that, after a possible change of coordinates, every oval of PG(2, q) with q odd has the parametrization :

For topological ovals the following simple criteria holds:

5. Any closed oval of the complex projective plane is a conic.[11]

Further results on ovals in finite planes edit

An oval in a finite projective plane of order q is a (q + 1, 2)-arc, in other words, a set of q + 1 points, no three collinear. Ovals in the Desarguesian (pappian) projective plane PG(2, q) for q odd are just the nonsingular conics. However, ovals in PG(2, q) for q even have not yet been classified.

In an arbitrary finite projective plane of odd order q, no sets with more points than q + 1, no three of which are collinear, exist, as first pointed out by Bose in a 1947 paper on applications of this sort of mathematics to the statistical design of experiments. Furthermore, by Qvist's theorem, through any point not on an oval there pass either zero or two tangent lines of that oval.

A hyperoval (the 4 red points) in the 7 point Fano plane.

When q is even, the situation is completely different.

In this case, sets of q + 2 points, no three of which collinear, may exist in a finite projective plane of order q and they are called hyperovals; these are maximal arcs of degree 2.

Given an oval there is a unique tangent through each point, and if q is even Qvist's theorem, (Qvist (1952)) shows that all these tangents are concurrent in a point P outside the oval. Adding this point (called the nucleus of the oval or sometimes the knot) to the oval gives a hyperoval. Conversely, removing any one point from a hyperoval immediately gives an oval.

As all ovals in the even order case are contained in hyperovals, a description of the (known) hyperovals implicitly gives all (known) ovals. The ovals obtained by removing a point from a hyperoval are projectively equivalent if and only if the removed points are in the same orbit of the automorphism group of the hyperoval. There are only three small examples (in the Desarguesian planes) where the automorphism group of the hyperoval is transitive on its points (see (Korchmáros 1978)) so, in general, there are different types of ovals contained in a single hyperoval.

Desarguesian Case: PG(2,2h) edit

This is the most studied case and so the most is known about these hyperovals.

Every nonsingular conic in the projective plane, together with its nucleus, forms a hyperoval. These may be called hyperconics, but the more traditional term is regular hyperovals. For each of these sets, there is a system of coordinates such that the set is:


However, many other types of hyperovals of PG(2, q) can be found if q > 8. Hyperovals of PG(2, q) for q even have only been classified for q < 64 to date.

In PG(2,2h), h > 0, a hyperoval contains at least four points no three of which are collinear. Thus, by the Fundamental Theorem of Projective Geometry we can always assume that the points with projective coordinates (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) and (1,1,1) are contained in any hyperoval. The remaining points of the hyperoval (when h > 1) will have the form (t, f(t),1) where t ranges through the values of the finite field GF(2h) and f is a function on that field which represents a permutation and can be uniquely expressed as a polynomial of degree at most 2h - 2, i.e. it is a permutation polynomial. Notice that f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1 are forced by the assumption concerning the inclusion of the specified points. Other restrictions on f are forced by the no three points collinear condition. An f which produces a hyperoval in this way is called an o-polynomial. The following table lists all the known hyperovals (as of 2011) of PG(2,2h) by giving the o-polynomial and any restrictions on the value of h that are necessary for the displayed function to be an o-polynomial. Note that all exponents are to be taken mod(2h - 1).

Known Hyperovals in PG(2,2h) edit

Name O-Polynomial Field Restriction Reference
Hyperconic f(t) = t2 None Classical
Translation      (i,h) = 1 None (Segre 1962)
Segre f(t) = t6 h odd (Segre 1962); (Segre & Bartocci 1971)
Glynn I f(t) = t3σ+4 (see below) h odd (Glynn 1983)
Glynn II f(t) = tσ+γ (see below) h odd (Glynn 1983)
Payne f(t) = t1/6+t1/2+t5/6 h odd (Payne 1985)
Cherowitzo f(t) = tσ + tσ+2 + t3σ+4 h odd (Cherowitzo 1986); (Cherowitzo 1998)
Subiaco see a) below None (Cherowitzo et al. 1996)
Adelaide see b) below h even (Cherowitzo, O'Keefe & Penttila 2003)
Penttila-O'Keefe see c) below h = 5 (O'Keefe & Penttila 1992)
where  .

a) The Subiaco o-polynomial is given by:   whenever  , where tr is the absolute trace function of GF(2h). This o-polynomial gives rise to a unique hyperoval if   and to two inequivalent hyperovals if  .

b) To describe the Adelaide hyperovals, we will start in a slightly more general setting. Let F = GF(q) and K = GF(q2). Let   be an element of norm 1, different from 1, i.e. bq+1 = 1,  . Consider the polynomial, for  ,

f(t) = (tr(b))−1tr(bm)(t + 1) + (tr(b))−1tr((bt + bq)m)(t + tr(b)t½+ 1)1−m + t½,

where tr(x) = trK/F(x) = x + xq. When q = 2h, with h even and m = ±(q - 1)/3, the above f(t) is an o-polynomial for the Adelaide hyperoval.

c) The Penttila-O'Keefe o-polynomial is given by:

f(t) = t4 + t16 + t28 + η11(t6 + t10 + t14 + t18 + t22 + t26) + η20(t8 + t20) + η6(t12 + t24),

where η is a primitive root of GF(32) satisfying η5 = η2 + 1.

Hyperovals in PG(2, q), q even, q ≤ 64 edit

As the hyperovals in the Desarguesian planes of orders 2, 4 and 8 are all hyperconics we shall only examine the planes of orders 16, 32 and 64.

PG(2,16) edit

In (Lunelli & Sce 1958) the details of a computer search for complete arcs in small order planes carried out at the suggestion of B. Segre are given. In PG(2,16) they found a number of hyperovals which were not hyperconics. In 1975, M. Hall Jr. (Hall 1975) showed, also with considerable aid from a computer, that there were only two classes of projectively inequivalent hyperovals in this plane, the hyperconics and the hyperovals found by Lunelli and Sce. Out of the 2040 o-polynomials which give the Lunelli-Sce hyperoval, we display only one:

f(x) = x12 + x10 + η11x8 + x6 + η2x4 + η9x2,

where η is a primitive element of GF(16) satisfying η4 = η + 1.

In his 1975 paper Hall described a number of collineations of the plane which stabilized the Lunelli-Sce hyperoval, but did not show that they generated the full automorphism group of this hyperoval. (Payne & Conklin 1978) using properties of a related generalized quadrangle, showed that the automorphism group could be no larger than the group given by Hall. (Korchmáros 1978) independently gave a constructive proof of this result and also showed that in Desarguesian planes, the Lunelli-Sce hyperoval is the unique irregular hyperoval (non-hyperconic) admitting a transitive automorphism group (and that the only hyperconics admitting such a group are those of orders 2 and 4).

(O'Keefe & Penttila 1991) reproved Hall's classification result without the use of a computer. Their argument consists of finding an upper bound on the number of o-polynomials defined over GF(16) and then, by examining the possible automorphism groups of hyperovals in this plane, showing that if a hyperoval other than the known ones existed in this plane then the upper bound would be exceeded. (Brown & Cherowitzo 1991) provides a group-theoretic construction of the Lunelli-Sce hyperoval as the union of orbits of the group generated by the elations of PGU(3,4) considered as a subgroup of PGL(3,16). Also included in this paper is a discussion of some remarkable properties concerning the intersections of Lunelli-Sce hyperovals and hyperconics. In (Cherowitzo et al. 1996) it is shown that the Lunelli-Sce hyperoval is the first non-trivial member of theSubiaco family (see also (Brown & Cherowitzo 1991)). In (Cherowitzo, O'Keefe & Penttila 2003) it is shown to be the first non-trivial member of the Adelaide family.

PG(2,32) edit

Since h = 5 is odd, a number of the known families have a representative here, but due to the small size of the plane there are some spurious equivalences, in fact, each of the Glynn type hyperovals is projectively equivalent to a translation hyperoval, and the Payne hyperoval is projectively equivalent to the Subiaco hyperoval (this does not occur in larger planes). Specifically, there are three classes of (monomial type) hyperovals, the hyperconics (f(t) = t2), proper translation hyperovals (f(t) = t4) and the Segre hyperovals (f(t) = t6).[12] There are also classes corresponding to the Payne hyperovals and the Cherowitzo hyperovals (for more details see (Cherowitzo 1988). In (O'Keefe, Penttila & Praeger 1991) the collineation groups stabilizing each of these hyperovals have been determined. Note that in the original determination of the collineation group for the Payne hyperovals the case of q = 32 had to be treated separately and relied heavily on computer results. In (O'Keefe, Penttila & Praeger 1991) an alternative version of the proof is given which does not depend on computer computations.

In 1991, O'Keefe and Penttila discovered a new hyperoval in this plane by means of a detailed investigation of the divisibility properties of the orders of automorphism groups of hypothetical hyperovals (O'Keefe & Penttila 1992). One of its o-polynomials is given by:

f(x) = x4 + x16 + x28 + η11(x6 + x10 + x14 + x18 + x22 + x26) + η20(x8 + x20) + η6(x12 + x24),

where η is a primitive root of GF(32) satisfying η5 = η2 + 1. The full automorphism group of this hyperoval has order 3.

(Penttila & Royle 1994) cleverly structured an exhaustive computer search for all hyperovals in this plane. The result was that the above listing is complete, there are just six classes of hyperovals in PG(2,32).

PG(2,64) edit

By extending the ideas in (O'Keefe & Penttila 1992) to PG(2,64), (Penttila & Pinneri 1994) were able to search for hyperovals whose automorphism group admitted a collineation of order 5. They found two and showed that no other hyperoval exists in this plane that has such an automorphism. This settled affirmatively a long open question of B. Segre who wanted to know if there were any hyperovals in this plane besides the hyperconics. The hyperovals are:

f(x) = x8 + x12 + x20 + x22 + x42 + x52 + η21(x4+x10+x14+x16+x30+x38+x44+x48+x54+x56+x58+x60+x62) + η42(x2 + x6 + x26 + x28 + x32 + x36 + x40),

which has an automorphism group of order 15, and

f(x) = x24 + x30 + x62 + η21(x4 +x8+x10+x14+x16+x34+x38 +x40 +x44+x46+x52+x54+x58+x60) + η42(x6+ x12+ x18+ x20+ x26+ x32 + x36+ x42+ x48+x50),

which has an automorphism group of order 60, where η is a primitive element of GF(64) satisfying η6 = η + 1. In (Cherowitzo et al. 1996) it is shown that these are Subiaco hyperovals. By refining the computer search program, (Penttila & Royle 1994) extended the search to hyperovals admitting an automorphism of order 3, and found the hyperoval:

f(x) = x4 + x8 + x14 + x34 + x42 + x48 + x62 + η21(x6+x16 +x26+x28+x30+x32+x40+x58) + η42(x10 + x18 + x24 + x36 + x44 + x50 + x52+ x60),

which has an automorphism group of order 12 (η is a primitive element of GF(64) as above). This hyperoval is the first distinct Adelaide hyperoval.

Penttila and Royle (Penttila & Royle 1995) have shown that any other hyperoval in this plane would have to have a trivial automorphism group. This would mean that there would be many projectively equivalent copies of such a hyperoval, but general searches to date have found none, giving credence to the conjecture that there are no others in this plane.

Abstract ovals edit

Following (Bue1966), an abstract oval, also called a B-oval, of order   is a pair   where   is a set of   elements, called points, and   is a set of involutions acting on   in a sharply quasi 2-transitive way, that is, for any two   with   for  , there exists exactly one   with   and  . Any oval embedded in a projective plane of order   might be endowed with a structure of an abstract oval of the same order. The converse is, in general, not true for  ; indeed, for   there are two abstract ovals which may not be embedded in a projective plane, see (Fa1984).

When   is even, a similar construction yields abstract hyperovals, see (Po1997): an abstract hyperoval of order   is a pair   where   is a set of   elements and   is a set of fixed-point free involutions acting on   such that for any set of four distinct elements   there is exactly one   with  .

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ In the English literature this term is usually rendered in French rather than translating it as a passing line.
  2. ^ Dembowski 1968, p. 147
  3. ^ Beutelspacher & Rosenbaum 1998, p. 144
  4. ^ B. Segre: Sui k-Archi nei Piani Finiti di Caracteristica Due, Re. Math. Pures Appl. 2 (1957) pp. 289–300.
  5. ^ Dembowski 1968, p. 51
  6. ^ E. Hartmann: Planar Circle Geometries, an Introduction to Moebius-, Laguerre- and Minkowski Planes. Skript, TH Darmstadt (PDF; 891 kB), p. 45.
  7. ^ F. Buekenhout: Plans Projectifs à Ovoides Pascaliens, Arch. d. Math. Vol. XVII, 1966, pp. 89-93.
  8. ^ J. Tits: Ovoides à Translations, Rend. Mat. 21 (1962), pp. 37–59.
  9. ^ H. Mäurer: Ovoide mit Symmetrien an den Punkten einer Hyperebene, Abh. Math. Sem. Hamburg 45 (1976), pp. 237–244.
  10. ^ Every pappian plane is Desarguesian, and in the finite case the converse is also true. So, for the finite planes, either descriptor is valid, but in the literature for finite planes the term "Desarguesian" predominates.
  11. ^ Th. Buchanan: Ovale und Kegelschnitte in der komplexen projektiven Ebene, Math.-phys. Smesterberichte 26 (1979, pp. 244-260.
  12. ^ In smaller order planes these hyperovals are not distinct from hyperconics. The proof of their existence given in Segre & Bartocci (1971) utilizes linearized polynomials.

References edit

  • Beutelspacher, Albrecht; Rosenbaum, Ute (1998), Projective Geometry / from foundations to applications, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-48364-3
  • Buekenhout, F. (1966), "Études intrinsèque des ovales.", Rend. Mat. E Appl., 25 (5): 333–393, MR 0218956
  • Brown, Julia M. N.; Cherowitzo, William E. (2000), "The Lunelli-Sce hyperoval in PG(2,16)", J. Geom., 69 (1–2): 15–36, doi:10.1007/BF01237471, MR 1800454
  • Cherowitzo, William (1988), "Hyperovals in Desarguesian planes of even order", Ann. Discrete Math., Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 37: 87–94, doi:10.1016/s0167-5060(08)70228-0, ISBN 978-0-444-70369-9, MR 0931308
  • Cherowitzo, W. (1996), "Hyperovals in Desarguesian planes: an update", Discrete Math., 155 (1–3): 31–38, doi:10.1016/0012-365X(94)00367-R, MR 1401356
  • Cherowitzo, W. (1998), "α-flocks and hyperovals", Geom. Dedicata, 72 (3): 221–246, doi:10.1023/A:1005022808718, MR 1647703
  • Cherowitzo, William E.; O'Keefe, Christine M.; Penttila, Tim (2003), "A unified construction of finite geometries associated with q-clans in characteristic 2", Adv. Geom., 3 (1): 1–21, doi:10.1515/advg.2003.002, MR 1956585
  • Cherowitzo, W.; Penttila, T.; Pinneri, I.; Royle, G. F. (1996), "Flocks and ovals", Geom. Dedicata, 60 (1): 17–37, doi:10.1007/BF00150865, MR 1376478
  • Dembowski, Peter (1968), Finite geometries, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Band 44, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-61786-8, MR 0233275
  • Faina, G. (1984), "The B-ovals of order q≤8", J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 36 (3): 307–314, doi:10.1016/0097-3165(84)90038-4, MR 0744079
  • Glynn, David G. (1983), "Two new sequences of ovals in finite Desarguesian planes of even order", (Combinatorial mathematics, X) Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1036, Berlin: Springer, pp. 217–229, doi:10.1007/BFb0071521, MR 0731584
  • Hall, Marshall Jr. (1975), "Ovals in the Desarguesian plane of order 16", Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 102: 159–176, doi:10.1007/bf02410604, MR 0358552
  • Hirschfeld, J. W. P. (1998), Projective geometries over finite fields (2nd ed.), New York: The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, pp. xiv+555, ISBN 0-19-850295-8, MR 1612570
  • Korchmáros, G. (1978), "Collineation groups transitive on the points of an oval [q+2-arc] of S2,q for q even", Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena (in Italian and English), 27 (1): 89–105 (1979), MR 0551092
  • Korchmáros, G. (1991), "Old and new results on ovals in finite projective planes", (Surveys in combinatorics, 1991) London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., vol. 166, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, pp. 41–72, MR 1161460
  • Lunelli, L.; Sce, M. (1958), k-archi completi nei piani proiettivi desarguesiani di rango 8 e 16 (in Italian), Milan: Centro di Calcoli Numerici, Politecnico di Milano, p. 15, MR 0157276
  • O'Keefe, Christine M.; Penttila, Tim (1992), "A new hyperoval in PG(2,32)", J. Geom., 44 (1–2): 117–139, doi:10.1007/BF01228288, MR 1169414
  • O'Keefe, Christine M.; Penttila, Tim (1991), "Hyperovals in PG(2,16)", European Journal of Combinatorics, 12 (1): 51–59, doi:10.1016/s0195-6698(13)80007-8, MR 1087648
  • O'Keefe, Christine M.; Penttila, Tim; Praeger, Cheryl E. (1991), "Stabilisers of hyperovals in PG(2,32)", Advances in finite geometries and designs, Chelwood Gate, 1990, New York: Oxford Univ. Press, pp. 337–351, MR 1138755
  • Payne, Stanley E. (1985), "A new infinite family of generalized quadrangles", Congressus Numerantium, 49: 115–128, MR 0830735
  • Payne, Stanley E.; Conklin, James E. (1978), "An unusual generalized quadrangle of order sixteen", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 24 (1): 50–74, doi:10.1016/0097-3165(78)90044-4, MR 0462984
  • Penttila, Tim; Pinneri, Ivano (1994), "Irregular hyperovals in PG(2,64)", J. Geom., 51 (1–2): 89–100, doi:10.1007/BF01226860, MR 1298348
  • Penttila, Tim; Royle, Gordon F. (1994), "Classification of hyperovals in PG(2,32)", J. Geom., 50 (1–2): 151–158, doi:10.1007/BF01222672, MR 1280636
  • Penttila, Tim; Royle, Gordon F. (1995), "On hyperovals in small projective planes", J. Geom., 54 (1–2): 91–104, doi:10.1007/BF01222857, MR 1358279
  • Polster, B. (1997), "Abstract hyperovals and Hadamard designs", Australas. J. Combin., 16: 29–33, MR 1477516
  • Qvist, B. (1952), "Some remarks concerning curves of the second degree in a finite plane", Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae. Ser. A I. Math.-Phys., 1952 (134): 27, MR 0054977
  • Segre, Beniamino (1955), "Ovals in a finite projective plane", Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 7: 414–416, doi:10.4153/CJM-1955-045-x, ISSN 0008-414X, MR 0071034
  • Segre, Beniamino (1962), "Ovali e curve σ nei piani di Galois di caratteristica due.", Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. (8) (in Italian), 32: 785–790, MR 0149361
  • Segre, B.; Bartocci, U. (1971), "Ovali ed altre curve nei piani di Galois di caratteristica due", Acta Arithmetica (in Italian), 18: 423–449, doi:10.4064/aa-18-1-423-449, MR 0295201

External links edit

  • Bill Cherowitzo's Hyperoval Page

oval, projective, plane, projective, geometry, oval, point, plane, that, defined, incidence, properties, standard, examples, nondegenerate, conics, however, conic, only, defined, pappian, plane, whereas, oval, exist, type, projective, plane, literature, there,. In projective geometry an oval is a point set in a plane that is defined by incidence properties The standard examples are the nondegenerate conics However a conic is only defined in a pappian plane whereas an oval may exist in any type of projective plane In the literature there are many criteria which imply that an oval is a conic but there are many examples both infinite and finite of ovals in pappian planes which are not conics To the definition of an oval e exterior passing line t tangent s secantAs mentioned in projective geometry an oval is defined by incidence properties but in other areas ovals may be defined to satisfy other criteria for instance in differential geometry by differentiability conditions in the real plane The higher dimensional analog of an oval is an ovoid in a projective space A generalization of the oval concept is an abstract oval which is a structure that is not necessarily embedded in a projective plane Indeed there exist abstract ovals which can not lie in any projective plane Contents 1 Definition of an oval 2 Examples 2 1 Conic sections 2 2 Ovals which are not conics 3 Criteria for an oval to be a conic 4 Further results on ovals in finite planes 4 1 Desarguesian Case PG 2 2h 4 2 Known Hyperovals in PG 2 2h 4 3 Hyperovals in PG 2 q q even q 64 4 3 1 PG 2 16 4 3 2 PG 2 32 4 3 3 PG 2 64 5 Abstract ovals 6 See also 7 Notes 8 References 9 External linksDefinition of an oval editIn a projective plane a set W of points is called an oval if Any line l meets W in at most two points and For any point P W there exists exactly one tangent line t through P i e t W P When l W 0 the line l is an exterior line or passant 1 if l W 1 a tangent line and if l W 2 the line is a secant line For finite planes i e the set of points is finite we have a more convenient characterization 2 For a finite projective plane of order n i e any line contains n 1 points a set W of points is an oval if and only if W n 1 and no three points are collinear on a common line A set of points in an affine plane satisfying the above definition is called an affine oval An affine oval is always a projective oval in the projective closure adding a line at infinity of the underlying affine plane An oval can also be considered as a special quadratic set 3 Examples editConic sections edit nbsp projective conic in inhomogeneous coordinates parabola plus point at infinity of the axis nbsp projective conic in inhomogeneous coordinates hyperbola plus points at infinity of the asymptotesIn any pappian projective plane there exist nondegenerate projective conic sections and any nondegenerate projective conic section is an oval This statement can be verified by a straightforward calculation for any of the conics such as the parabola or hyperbola Non degenerate conics are ovals with special properties Pascal s Theorem and its various degenerations are valid There are many projectivities which leave a conic invariant Ovals which are not conics edit in the real planeIf one glues one half of a circle and a half of an ellipse smoothly together one gets a non conic oval If one takes the inhomogeneous representation of a conic oval as a parabola plus a point at infinity and replaces the expression x2 by x4 one gets an oval which is not a conic If one takes the inhomogeneous representation of a conic oval as a hyperbola plus two points at infinity and replaces the expression 1 x by 1 x3 one gets an oval which is not a conic The implicit curve x4 y4 1 is a non conic oval in a finite plane of even orderIn a finite pappian plane of even order a nondegenerate conic has a nucleus a single point through which every tangent passes which can be exchanged with any point of the conic to obtain an oval which is not a conic For the field K GF 2m with 2m elements letW x y K2 y x2k displaystyle Omega x y in K 2 y x 2 k cup infty nbsp For k 2 m 1 and k and m coprime the set W is an oval which is not a conic 4 5 dd Further finite examples can be found here 6 Criteria for an oval to be a conic editFor an oval to be a conic the oval and or the plane has to fulfill additional conditions Here are some results An oval in an arbitrary projective plane which fulfills the incidence condition of Pascal s theorem or the 5 point degeneration of it is a nondegenerate conic 7 If W is an oval in a pappian projective plane and the group of projectivities which leave W invariant is 3 transitive i e for 2 triples A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 of points there exists a projectivity p with p Ai Bi i 1 2 3 In the finite case 2 transitive is sufficient 8 An oval W in a pappian projective plane of characteristic 2 is a conic if and only if for any point P of a tangent there is an involutory perspectivity symmetry with center P which leaves W invariant 9 If W is an oval in a finite Desarguesian 10 pappian projective plane of odd order PG 2 q then W is a conic Segre s theorem Segre 1955 This implies that after a possible change of coordinates every oval of PG 2 q with q odd has the parametrization t t2 1 t GF q 0 1 0 displaystyle t t 2 1 mid t in GF q cup 0 1 0 nbsp dd For topological ovals the following simple criteria holds 5 Any closed oval of the complex projective plane is a conic 11 Further results on ovals in finite planes editAn oval in a finite projective plane of order q is a q 1 2 arc in other words a set of q 1 points no three collinear Ovals in the Desarguesian pappian projective plane PG 2 q for q odd are just the nonsingular conics However ovals in PG 2 q for q even have not yet been classified In an arbitrary finite projective plane of odd order q no sets with more points than q 1 no three of which are collinear exist as first pointed out by Bose in a 1947 paper on applications of this sort of mathematics to the statistical design of experiments Furthermore by Qvist s theorem through any point not on an oval there pass either zero or two tangent lines of that oval nbsp A hyperoval the 4 red points in the 7 point Fano plane When q is even the situation is completely different In this case sets of q 2 points no three of which collinear may exist in a finite projective plane of order q and they are called hyperovals these are maximal arcs of degree 2 Given an oval there is a unique tangent through each point and if q is even Qvist s theorem Qvist 1952 shows that all these tangents are concurrent in a point P outside the oval Adding this point called the nucleus of the oval or sometimes the knot to the oval gives a hyperoval Conversely removing any one point from a hyperoval immediately gives an oval As all ovals in the even order case are contained in hyperovals a description of the known hyperovals implicitly gives all known ovals The ovals obtained by removing a point from a hyperoval are projectively equivalent if and only if the removed points are in the same orbit of the automorphism group of the hyperoval There are only three small examples in the Desarguesian planes where the automorphism group of the hyperoval is transitive on its points see Korchmaros 1978 so in general there are different types of ovals contained in a single hyperoval Desarguesian Case PG 2 2h edit This is the most studied case and so the most is known about these hyperovals Every nonsingular conic in the projective plane together with its nucleus forms a hyperoval These may be called hyperconics but the more traditional term is regular hyperovals For each of these sets there is a system of coordinates such that the set is t t2 1 t GF q 0 1 0 1 0 0 displaystyle t t 2 1 mid t in GF q cup 0 1 0 cup 1 0 0 nbsp However many other types of hyperovals of PG 2 q can be found if q gt 8 Hyperovals of PG 2 q for q even have only been classified for q lt 64 to date In PG 2 2h h gt 0 a hyperoval contains at least four points no three of which are collinear Thus by the Fundamental Theorem of Projective Geometry we can always assume that the points with projective coordinates 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 and 1 1 1 are contained in any hyperoval The remaining points of the hyperoval when h gt 1 will have the form t f t 1 where t ranges through the values of the finite field GF 2h and f is a function on that field which represents a permutation and can be uniquely expressed as a polynomial of degree at most 2h 2 i e it is a permutation polynomial Notice that f 0 0 and f 1 1 are forced by the assumption concerning the inclusion of the specified points Other restrictions on f are forced by the no three points collinear condition An f which produces a hyperoval in this way is called an o polynomial The following table lists all the known hyperovals as of 2011 of PG 2 2h by giving the o polynomial and any restrictions on the value of h that are necessary for the displayed function to be an o polynomial Note that all exponents are to be taken mod 2h 1 Known Hyperovals in PG 2 2h edit Name O Polynomial Field Restriction ReferenceHyperconic f t t2 None ClassicalTranslation f t t2i displaystyle f t t 2 i nbsp i h 1 None Segre 1962 Segre f t t6 h odd Segre 1962 Segre amp Bartocci 1971 Glynn I f t t3s 4 see below h odd Glynn 1983 Glynn II f t ts g see below h odd Glynn 1983 Payne f t t1 6 t1 2 t5 6 h odd Payne 1985 Cherowitzo f t ts ts 2 t3s 4 h odd Cherowitzo 1986 harv error no target CITEREFCherowitzo1986 help Cherowitzo 1998 Subiaco see a below None Cherowitzo et al 1996 Adelaide see b below h even Cherowitzo O Keefe amp Penttila 2003 Penttila O Keefe see c below h 5 O Keefe amp Penttila 1992 where g4 s2 2 mod 2h 1 displaystyle gamma 4 equiv sigma 2 equiv 2 bmod 2 h 1 nbsp a The Subiaco o polynomial is given by f t d2t4 d2 1 d d2 t3 d2 1 d d2 t2 d2tt4 d2t2 1 t1 2 displaystyle f t d 2 t 4 d 2 1 d d 2 t 3 d 2 1 d d 2 t 2 d 2 t over t 4 d 2 t 2 1 t 1 2 nbsp whenever tr 1 d 1 and d GF 4 if h 2 mod4 displaystyle tr 1 d 1 hbox and d not in GF 4 hbox if h equiv 2 bmod 4 nbsp where tr is the absolute trace function of GF 2h This o polynomial gives rise to a unique hyperoval if h 2 mod4 displaystyle h not equiv 2 bmod 4 nbsp and to two inequivalent hyperovals if h 2 mod4 h gt 2 displaystyle h equiv 2 bmod 4 h gt 2 nbsp b To describe the Adelaide hyperovals we will start in a slightly more general setting Let F GF q and K GF q2 Let b K displaystyle b in K nbsp be an element of norm 1 different from 1 i e bq 1 1 b 1 displaystyle b neq 1 nbsp Consider the polynomial for t F displaystyle t in F nbsp f t tr b 1tr bm t 1 tr b 1tr bt bq m t tr b t 1 1 m t where tr x trK F x x xq When q 2h with h even and m q 1 3 the above f t is an o polynomial for the Adelaide hyperoval c The Penttila O Keefe o polynomial is given by f t t4 t16 t28 h11 t6 t10 t14 t18 t22 t26 h20 t8 t20 h6 t12 t24 where h is a primitive root of GF 32 satisfying h5 h2 1 Hyperovals in PG 2 q q even q 64 edit As the hyperovals in the Desarguesian planes of orders 2 4 and 8 are all hyperconics we shall only examine the planes of orders 16 32 and 64 PG 2 16 edit In Lunelli amp Sce 1958 the details of a computer search for complete arcs in small order planes carried out at the suggestion of B Segre are given In PG 2 16 they found a number of hyperovals which were not hyperconics In 1975 M Hall Jr Hall 1975 showed also with considerable aid from a computer that there were only two classes of projectively inequivalent hyperovals in this plane the hyperconics and the hyperovals found by Lunelli and Sce Out of the 2040 o polynomials which give the Lunelli Sce hyperoval we display only one f x x12 x10 h11x8 x6 h2x4 h9x2 where h is a primitive element of GF 16 satisfying h4 h 1 In his 1975 paper Hall described a number of collineations of the plane which stabilized the Lunelli Sce hyperoval but did not show that they generated the full automorphism group of this hyperoval Payne amp Conklin 1978 using properties of a related generalized quadrangle showed that the automorphism group could be no larger than the group given by Hall Korchmaros 1978 independently gave a constructive proof of this result and also showed that in Desarguesian planes the Lunelli Sce hyperoval is the unique irregular hyperoval non hyperconic admitting a transitive automorphism group and that the only hyperconics admitting such a group are those of orders 2 and 4 O Keefe amp Penttila 1991 reproved Hall s classification result without the use of a computer Their argument consists of finding an upper bound on the number of o polynomials defined over GF 16 and then by examining the possible automorphism groups of hyperovals in this plane showing that if a hyperoval other than the known ones existed in this plane then the upper bound would be exceeded Brown amp Cherowitzo 1991 harv error no target CITEREFBrownCherowitzo1991 help provides a group theoretic construction of the Lunelli Sce hyperoval as the union of orbits of the group generated by the elations of PGU 3 4 considered as a subgroup of PGL 3 16 Also included in this paper is a discussion of some remarkable properties concerning the intersections of Lunelli Sce hyperovals and hyperconics In Cherowitzo et al 1996 it is shown that the Lunelli Sce hyperoval is the first non trivial member of theSubiaco family see also Brown amp Cherowitzo 1991 harv error no target CITEREFBrownCherowitzo1991 help In Cherowitzo O Keefe amp Penttila 2003 it is shown to be the first non trivial member of the Adelaide family PG 2 32 edit Since h 5 is odd a number of the known families have a representative here but due to the small size of the plane there are some spurious equivalences in fact each of the Glynn type hyperovals is projectively equivalent to a translation hyperoval and the Payne hyperoval is projectively equivalent to the Subiaco hyperoval this does not occur in larger planes Specifically there are three classes of monomial type hyperovals the hyperconics f t t2 proper translation hyperovals f t t4 and the Segre hyperovals f t t6 12 There are also classes corresponding to the Payne hyperovals and the Cherowitzo hyperovals for more details see Cherowitzo 1988 In O Keefe Penttila amp Praeger 1991 the collineation groups stabilizing each of these hyperovals have been determined Note that in the original determination of the collineation group for the Payne hyperovals the case of q 32 had to be treated separately and relied heavily on computer results In O Keefe Penttila amp Praeger 1991 an alternative version of the proof is given which does not depend on computer computations In 1991 O Keefe and Penttila discovered a new hyperoval in this plane by means of a detailed investigation of the divisibility properties of the orders of automorphism groups of hypothetical hyperovals O Keefe amp Penttila 1992 One of its o polynomials is given by f x x4 x16 x28 h11 x6 x10 x14 x18 x22 x26 h20 x8 x20 h6 x12 x24 where h is a primitive root of GF 32 satisfying h5 h2 1 The full automorphism group of this hyperoval has order 3 Penttila amp Royle 1994 cleverly structured an exhaustive computer search for all hyperovals in this plane The result was that the above listing is complete there are just six classes of hyperovals in PG 2 32 PG 2 64 edit By extending the ideas in O Keefe amp Penttila 1992 to PG 2 64 Penttila amp Pinneri 1994 were able to search for hyperovals whose automorphism group admitted a collineation of order 5 They found two and showed that no other hyperoval exists in this plane that has such an automorphism This settled affirmatively a long open question of B Segre who wanted to know if there were any hyperovals in this plane besides the hyperconics The hyperovals are f x x8 x12 x20 x22 x42 x52 h21 x4 x10 x14 x16 x30 x38 x44 x48 x54 x56 x58 x60 x62 h42 x2 x6 x26 x28 x32 x36 x40 which has an automorphism group of order 15 and f x x24 x30 x62 h21 x4 x8 x10 x14 x16 x34 x38 x40 x44 x46 x52 x54 x58 x60 h42 x6 x12 x18 x20 x26 x32 x36 x42 x48 x50 which has an automorphism group of order 60 where h is a primitive element of GF 64 satisfying h6 h 1 In Cherowitzo et al 1996 it is shown that these are Subiaco hyperovals By refining the computer search program Penttila amp Royle 1994 extended the search to hyperovals admitting an automorphism of order 3 and found the hyperoval f x x4 x8 x14 x34 x42 x48 x62 h21 x6 x16 x26 x28 x30 x32 x40 x58 h42 x10 x18 x24 x36 x44 x50 x52 x60 which has an automorphism group of order 12 h is a primitive element of GF 64 as above This hyperoval is the first distinct Adelaide hyperoval Penttila and Royle Penttila amp Royle 1995 have shown that any other hyperoval in this plane would have to have a trivial automorphism group This would mean that there would be many projectively equivalent copies of such a hyperoval but general searches to date have found none giving credence to the conjecture that there are no others in this plane Abstract ovals editFollowing Bue1966 an abstract oval also called a B oval of order n displaystyle n nbsp is a pair F G displaystyle F mathfrak G nbsp where F displaystyle F nbsp is a set of n 1 displaystyle n 1 nbsp elements called points and G displaystyle mathfrak G nbsp is a set of involutions acting on F displaystyle F nbsp in a sharply quasi 2 transitive way that is for any two a1 a2 b1 b2 F displaystyle a 1 a 2 b 1 b 2 in F nbsp with ai bj displaystyle a i neq b j nbsp for i j 1 2 displaystyle i j in 1 2 nbsp there exists exactly one s G displaystyle sigma in mathfrak G nbsp with s a1 a2 displaystyle sigma a 1 a 2 nbsp and s b1 b2 displaystyle sigma b 1 b 2 nbsp Any oval embedded in a projective plane of order q displaystyle q nbsp might be endowed with a structure of an abstract oval of the same order The converse is in general not true for n 8 displaystyle n geq 8 nbsp indeed for n 8 displaystyle n 8 nbsp there are two abstract ovals which may not be embedded in a projective plane see Fa1984 When n displaystyle n nbsp is even a similar construction yields abstract hyperovals see Po1997 an abstract hyperoval of order n displaystyle n nbsp is a pair F G displaystyle F mathfrak G nbsp where F displaystyle F nbsp is a set of n 2 displaystyle n 2 nbsp elements and G displaystyle mathfrak G nbsp is a set of fixed point free involutions acting on F displaystyle F nbsp such that for any set of four distinct elements a b c d F displaystyle a b c d in F nbsp there is exactly one s G displaystyle sigma in mathfrak G nbsp with s a b s c d displaystyle sigma a b sigma c d nbsp See also editOvoid projective geometry Notes edit In the English literature this term is usually rendered in French rather than translating it as a passing line Dembowski 1968 p 147 Beutelspacher amp Rosenbaum 1998 p 144 B Segre Sui k Archi nei Piani Finiti di Caracteristica Due Re Math Pures Appl 2 1957 pp 289 300 Dembowski 1968 p 51 E Hartmann Planar Circle Geometries an Introduction to Moebius Laguerre and Minkowski Planes Skript TH Darmstadt PDF 891 kB p 45 F Buekenhout Plans Projectifs a Ovoides Pascaliens Arch d Math Vol XVII 1966 pp 89 93 J Tits Ovoides a Translations Rend Mat 21 1962 pp 37 59 H Maurer Ovoide mit Symmetrien an den Punkten einer Hyperebene Abh Math Sem Hamburg 45 1976 pp 237 244 Every pappian plane is Desarguesian and in the finite case the converse is also true So for the finite planes either descriptor is valid but in the literature for finite planes the term Desarguesian predominates Th Buchanan Ovale und Kegelschnitte in der komplexen projektiven Ebene Math phys Smesterberichte 26 1979 pp 244 260 In smaller order planes these hyperovals are not distinct from hyperconics The proof of their existence given in Segre amp Bartocci 1971 utilizes linearized polynomials References editBeutelspacher Albrecht Rosenbaum Ute 1998 Projective Geometry from foundations to applications Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 48364 3 Buekenhout F 1966 Etudes intrinseque des ovales Rend Mat E Appl 25 5 333 393 MR 0218956 Brown Julia M N Cherowitzo William E 2000 The Lunelli Sce hyperoval in PG 2 16 J Geom 69 1 2 15 36 doi 10 1007 BF01237471 MR 1800454 Cherowitzo William 1988 Hyperovals in Desarguesian planes of even order Ann Discrete Math Annals of Discrete Mathematics 37 87 94 doi 10 1016 s0167 5060 08 70228 0 ISBN 978 0 444 70369 9 MR 0931308 Cherowitzo W 1996 Hyperovals in Desarguesian planes an update Discrete Math 155 1 3 31 38 doi 10 1016 0012 365X 94 00367 R MR 1401356 Cherowitzo W 1998 a flocks and hyperovals Geom Dedicata 72 3 221 246 doi 10 1023 A 1005022808718 MR 1647703 Cherowitzo William E O Keefe Christine M Penttila Tim 2003 A unified construction of finite geometries associated with q clans in characteristic 2 Adv Geom 3 1 1 21 doi 10 1515 advg 2003 002 MR 1956585 Cherowitzo W Penttila T Pinneri I Royle G F 1996 Flocks and ovals Geom Dedicata 60 1 17 37 doi 10 1007 BF00150865 MR 1376478 Dembowski Peter 1968 Finite geometries Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete Band 44 Berlin New York Springer Verlag ISBN 3 540 61786 8 MR 0233275 Faina G 1984 The B ovals of order q 8 J Combin Theory Ser A 36 3 307 314 doi 10 1016 0097 3165 84 90038 4 MR 0744079 Glynn David G 1983 Two new sequences of ovals in finite Desarguesian planes of even order Combinatorial mathematics X Lecture Notes in Math vol 1036 Berlin Springer pp 217 229 doi 10 1007 BFb0071521 MR 0731584 Hall Marshall Jr 1975 Ovals in the Desarguesian plane of order 16 Ann Mat Pura Appl 4 102 159 176 doi 10 1007 bf02410604 MR 0358552 Hirschfeld J W P 1998 Projective geometries over finite fields 2nd ed New York The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press pp xiv 555 ISBN 0 19 850295 8 MR 1612570 Korchmaros G 1978 Collineation groups transitive on the points of an oval q 2 arc of S2 q for q even Atti Sem Mat Fis Univ Modena in Italian and English 27 1 89 105 1979 MR 0551092 Korchmaros G 1991 Old and new results on ovals in finite projective planes Surveys in combinatorics 1991 London Math Soc Lecture Note Ser vol 166 Cambridge Cambridge Univ Press pp 41 72 MR 1161460 Lunelli L Sce M 1958 k archi completi nei piani proiettivi desarguesiani di rango8e16 in Italian Milan Centro di Calcoli Numerici Politecnico di Milano p 15 MR 0157276 O Keefe Christine M Penttila Tim 1992 A new hyperoval in PG 2 32 J Geom 44 1 2 117 139 doi 10 1007 BF01228288 MR 1169414 O Keefe Christine M Penttila Tim 1991 Hyperovals in PG 2 16 European Journal of Combinatorics 12 1 51 59 doi 10 1016 s0195 6698 13 80007 8 MR 1087648 O Keefe Christine M Penttila Tim Praeger Cheryl E 1991 Stabilisers of hyperovals in PG 2 32 Advances in finite geometries and designs Chelwood Gate 1990 New York Oxford Univ Press pp 337 351 MR 1138755 Payne Stanley E 1985 A new infinite family of generalized quadrangles Congressus Numerantium 49 115 128 MR 0830735 Payne Stanley E Conklin James E 1978 An unusual generalized quadrangle of order sixteen Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 24 1 50 74 doi 10 1016 0097 3165 78 90044 4 MR 0462984 Penttila Tim Pinneri Ivano 1994 Irregular hyperovals in PG 2 64 J Geom 51 1 2 89 100 doi 10 1007 BF01226860 MR 1298348 Penttila Tim Royle Gordon F 1994 Classification of hyperovals in PG 2 32 J Geom 50 1 2 151 158 doi 10 1007 BF01222672 MR 1280636 Penttila Tim Royle Gordon F 1995 On hyperovals in small projective planes J Geom 54 1 2 91 104 doi 10 1007 BF01222857 MR 1358279 Polster B 1997 Abstract hyperovals and Hadamard designs Australas J Combin 16 29 33 MR 1477516 Qvist B 1952 Some remarks concerning curves of the second degree in a finite plane Ann Acad Sci Fennicae Ser A I Math Phys 1952 134 27 MR 0054977 Segre Beniamino 1955 Ovals in a finite projective plane Canadian Journal of Mathematics 7 414 416 doi 10 4153 CJM 1955 045 x ISSN 0008 414X MR 0071034 Segre Beniamino 1962 Ovali e curve s nei piani di Galois di caratteristica due Atti Accad Naz Lincei Rend Cl Sci Fis Mat Nat 8 in Italian 32 785 790 MR 0149361 Segre B Bartocci U 1971 Ovali ed altre curve nei piani di Galois di caratteristica due Acta Arithmetica in Italian 18 423 449 doi 10 4064 aa 18 1 423 449 MR 0295201External links editBill Cherowitzo s Hyperoval Page Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title 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