
Hymns by Dun Karm Psaila

This is a list of hyms authored by Dun Karm Psaila.

Eucharistic Hymn (T’Adoriam Ostia Divina)

Among the many religious hymns written by Dun Karm, one that became popular even abroad was "T'adoriam ostia divina"[1] or "Nadurawk ja Ħobż tas-Sema". When the International Eucharistic Congress was held in Malta in 1913, Maestro Joseph Caruana asked Dun Karm to write a hymn for the occasion. Many of the bishops present at the Congress loved the hymn, took it with them to their respective dioceses and had it translated. It has since become popular in many languages, for example, in English with the title "Host Divine, we bow in Worship" and in Spanish "Te adoramos, Hostia Divina". Dun Karm himself provided a Maltese version in 1924.

T'adoriam ostia divina Nadurawk ja Ħobż tas-Sema Host Divine, we bow in Worship
Italian Original (Dun Karm, 1913) Maltese Translation (Dun Karm, 1924) English Translation (attrib. H. St Lavin, SJ)
T'adoriam, Ostia divina,

t'adoriam, Ostia d'amor.

Tu dell'angelo il sospiro,

tu dell'uomo sei l'onor.

T'adoriam, Ostia divina,

t'adoriam, Ostia d'amor.

Nadurawk ja Ħobż tas-Sema

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Għalik l-anġli dlonk titniehed,

Inti l-hena tal-bnedmin.

Nadurawk ja Ħobż tas-Sema

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise,

Thou desire of all the angels

Glory of our humble ways.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise.

Tu dei forti la dolcezza,

tu dei deboli il vigor,

tu salute dei viventi,

tu speranza di chi muor.

T'adoriam, Ostia divina,

t'adoriam, Ostia d'amor.

Nadurawk, ja Ħobż tas-sema,

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Int is-saħħa[2] tal-qawwija,

Int il-faraġ tad-dgħajfin.[3]

Nadurawk ja Ħobż tas-Sema

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise,

To the strong Thou givest meekness

And the weak to strength dost raise.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise.

Nadurawk, ja Ħobż tas-sema,

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Inti l-qawma[4] ta’ min raqad,

Inti l-għaxja[5] tal-ħajjin.

Nadurawk ja Ħobż tas-Sema

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise,

Thou salvation of the living

Hope of those whom death dismays.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise.

Ti conosca il mondo e t'ami,

tu la gioia d'ogni cuor;

ave, o Dio nascosto e grande,

tu dei secoli il Signor.

T'adoriam, Ostia divina,

t'adoriam, Ostia d'amor.

Nadurawk, ja Ħobż tas-sema,

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin;

Jalla d-dinja tagħraf tħobbok,

Fik il-qlub huma henjin.

Nadurawk, ja Ħobż tas-sema,

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise,

May thy children know and love Thee,

For the world thy love displays.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise.

Nadurawk, ja Ħobż tas-sema,

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin,

Insellmulek, Alla moħbi,

Inti biss taħkem is-snin.

Nadurawk, ja Ħobż tas-sema,

Frott l-imħabba l-iżjed bnin.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise,

Hail, o God of hidden splendour

Lord of time through endless days.

Host Divine, we bow in worship,

Host Divine, we sing thy praise.

Maltese National Anthem (L-Innu Malti)

In 1922, Professor Mro. Robert Samut[6] composed a short melody, which was obtained a year later by Dr A.V. Laferla, Director of Primary Schools in Malta, who wanted to have an anthem composed which could be sung by students in Malta's schools as an expression of their Maltese identity. Laferla asked Dun Karm to write lyrics to fit the melody, which then became the Maltese National Anthem.

L-Innu Malti The Maltese National Anthem
Maltese original English singable translation (René M. Micallef) Simplified English translation (May Butcher)
Lil din l-art ħelwa, l-Omm li tatna isimha, (1)

Ħares, Mulej, kif dejjem Int ħarist: (2)

Ftakar li lilha bil-oħla dawl libbist. (3)

Guard, Lord, forever, as you've done erst and ceasing never,

This land whose name we received, our motherly-named Mother.

Her you have draped with a light whose grace exceeds all other.

Guard her, O Lord, as ever Thou hast guarded!

This Motherland so dear whose name we bear!

Keep her in mind, whom Thou hast made so fair!

Agħti, kbir Alla, id-dehen lil min jaħkimha, (4)

Rodd il-ħniena lis-sid, saħħa 'l-ħaddiem: (5)

Seddaq il-għaqda fil-Maltin u s-sliem. (6)

On those who govern, sovereign God, bestow understanding,

Grant wellness to those who work, largesse to those employing,

Make firm, make just all our bonds, the peace we are enjoying.

May he who rules, for wisdom be regarded!

In master mercy, strength in man increase!

Confirm us all, in unity and peace!

Morning and Evening Hymns

These hymns are frequently used in many parishes during morning and evening masses, and are used for solemnities in the Maltese translation of the Liturgy of the Hours.

L-Innu ta' Filgħodu A Hymn for the Morning
Maltese Original English Translation

(René M. Micallef, 2017)

Reġa’ sebaħ, ja Mulejja,

Agħti tiegħek dan il-jum:

Lejk nittajjar bil-ħsieb tiegħi

Kull filgħodu malli nqum.

Fix-xemx jiddi l-ġmiel ta’ wiċċek,

Inti ssebbaħ il-ħolqien;

Isellmulek l-art u s-sema

Kull filgħodu bl-ogħla lsien.

[R.] Ja Mulejja niżżik ħajr,

Għaliex int tal-ħajja s-Sid:

Fik is-setgħa, fik il-ħniena,

Int fawwara ta’ kull ġid.

Dawn again, my Lord, has broken,

May your day be but a gift,

Every morn I soar to meet you

When my thoughts to you I lift.

In the sun your face is beaming

All creation you array,

Heav'n and earth come out to greet you

With their sweetest voice, each day.

[R.] You're the Master of all life,

So I'm grateful to you, Lord.

Full of power, full of mercy,

You are goodness, gushing forth.

F’dan il-lejl li għadda fuqi

Int ħaristni, Alla ħanin;

Int wennistni minn kull biżgħa,

Warrabt minni l-ħolm ħażin.

Bħal missier f’telfa ta’ mħabba

It-taħbit ta’ qalbi smajt;

Xħitt is-saħħa ġewwa sidri

Ma’ kull nifs li jiena tajt.


You've watched over me, O God, all

Through the night which passed my way,

You have shielded me from horrors,

You have pushed bad dreams away.

As a father crazed with love, you

Heard the beatings of my heart:

You've thrust power in my bosom

Every time a breath would start.


F’dan il-jum tħallix, Mulejja,

Li jitnissel f’qalbi d-dnub;

Inti taf li l-għadu tagħna

Għandu x-xbiek dejjem minsub.

Tini l-Omm tal-Iben tiegħek

Biex tħarisni mit-tiġrib,

U tgħallimni b’imħabbitha

Kif inħaddan is-salib.


Let no evil sprout within me,

I beseech you, Lord, this day,

You know well how ill ensnares us

Setting traps along the way.

Give me your Son's mother, Mary,

So to keep me from the test,

By her love she'll also teach me

To embrace the cross, as crest.


L-Innu ta'Filgħaxija A Hymn for the Evening
Maltese Original English Translation (metric)

(René M. Micallef, 2017)

English Translation (singable)

(René M. Micallef, 2017)

Riesaq il-lejl, Mulejja,

Bil-wegħda tal-mistrieħ;

Ġa beda s-sema jħammar

Fi nżul ix-xemx sabiħ:

Dalwaqt jixirfu l-kwiekeb,

Fil-għoli tas-smewwiet;

Dalwaqt il-ħajja torqod,

Kull ħoss imut fis-skiet.

[R.] Inti, li dejjem tgħammar,

Fis-sebħ ta’ jum bla tmiem,

Fid-dlam tal-lejl ħarisna,

Xerred ġo qlubna s-sliem.

Night is approaching, O Lord,

Bearing a promise of rest.

Crimson is decking the sky

While sets the sun in the west.

Soon will the stars show their face

Filling the heavens up high,

Soon will the living retire,

Silence: when all noises die.

[R.] Thou, who the glorious dawn,

Dwellest, of nev'rending Day:

Shelter us when falls the night,

Peace in our hearts, sweetly lay.

See how the night approaches,

Boding a time of rest;

Heaven is decked in crimson

Sun ’s setting in the west.

Stars will soon make their entrance

Filling, up high, the skies,

Soon will the living slumber,

All noise is hushed, and dies.

[R.] You, Lord, indwell the daybreak,

An endless morn you fill,

Yet we know night. So keep us,

Make our hearts whole and still.

Temmejna l-jum, Mulejja,

Imqassam ħidma u serħ,

Xi waqt miksur bin-niket;

Mogħni xi waqt bil-ferħ.

Kollox mit-tieba tiegħek,

Għax int Missier ħanin,

Li trid il-ħlejjaq kollha

Bi mħabbtek biss henjin.


Our day is done, gentle Lord,

Split between labour and rest,

Fractured by sorrow, sometimes,

Sometimes with merriment blest.

All from thy bounty comes forth,

Father of mercy, above,

Who all thy creatures desirest

Joyous with naught but thy love.


See how the day is ended,

Layers of work and rest,

Shattered, at times, by sorrow,

Sometimes with pleasure blest.

Father so rich in mercy,

All things come from your trove,

You wish to see creation

Enthralled with but your love.


Ieqaf, Mulej, mal-fqajjar,

’Tih l-għata, ’tih l-għajxien,

Sabbar lil min hu mibki,

Serraħ lil min għajjien.

Iġbed bil-ħlewwa l-midneb,

Li regħxek mingħajr jedd,

Tħalli lil ħadd fil-biża’,

Tal-ħaqq imur jimtedd.


Stand by our poor brethren, Lord,

Clothe them, their sustenance give,

Comfort the crying, the tir'd

Well may they rest and may live.

Sweetly draw sinners to thee,

Though they have reddened thy face

Let no one lie down in fear,

Biding chastisement, but grace.


Sustain and clothe the needy,

Stand by them, Lord, today,

Comfort them, who are weeping,

The tir’d, with rest, repay.

Beckon the sinner, gently,

Who wronged you and his kin,

Let none lie down in anguish

A fear of doom within.


A Marian Hymn (Fil-Ħlewwa ta' Mejju)

Innu lill-Madonna (Fil-Ħlewwa ta' Mejju) A Marian Hymn
Maltese Original English Translation (René M. Micallef, 2017)
Fil-ħlewwa ta’ Mejju, Omm tagħna Marija

O kemm idoqq ħlejju dak ismek sabiħ

Kemm toħroġ qawwija dil-kelma minn qalbna

Bit-tama li talbna jagħtik l-akbar ġieħ.

[R.] Int l-għaxqa tas-sema, ix-xemx tal-ħolqien

Int l-omm ta’ min ħalqek, bik mimli kull żmien.

In May, mother Mary, a month so delightful,

Your name gently rises, its beauty rings out,

The word ushers forth from our hearts, beating strongly:

We hope so to laud you, a pray'r on our mouth.

Delight of the heavens, creation's bright star,

You fill every age, for God's mother you are.

Jekk tiftaħ fil-ġonna il-warda Maltija,

Tfakkarna o Madonna fil-lewn ta’ ħaddejk!

Jekk tidħak id-dija tal-kwiekeb irżina,

Tfakkarna o ħanina fid-dawl ta’ għajnejk!


The rose, when it blossoms, perfuming our gardens,

Evokes for us, Lady, the hew of your cheeks!

Your eyes come to mind when the stars' glow and flicker,

So pure yet so mirthful, your kind radiance leaks!


Minn dejjem bint Alla, nadifa mill-ħtija

Infrixt bħal qawsalla fuq ras il-bnedmin.

Int ftaħt o Marija l-għejun ta’ kull ħniena

Fuq l-aħwa ħosbiena, fuq l-aħwa ħatjin.


Preserved at the outset, God's daughter and sinless,

Unfurled as a rainbow on all humankind,

You've opened, o Mary, the wellsprings of mercy

For our troubled brethren, those guilty and blind.


Għalhekk ja sultana tal-ħlewwa Marija

Int biss tama tagħna, int qawwa tar-ruħ.

Bil-grazzja mimlija, kull waqt insellmulek,

Bil-ħrara ngħajtulek fis-siegħa tad-dmugħ.


That's why, dearest Mary, our Queen sweet and tender,

You sate us with hope and you shore up our soul.

We greet you, and greet you, O grace-filled; when shattered

We cry our hearts out to you: come and console.


Hymn to the Sacred Heart (Tina l-Ħlewwa)

Innu lill-Qalb ta' Ġesù (Tina l-Ħlewwa) Hymn to the Sacred Heart
Maltese Original English Translation (René M. Micallef, 2017)
Tina l-ħlewwa tal-ilsna tas-sema

Biex il-ġieħ li jixraqlek nagħtuk,

Qalb ħanina li tagħder li taħfer,

Kif ħabbejtna nixtiequ nħobbuk.

[R.] Qalb imqaddsa ta' Ġesù

Li berikt lit-tfal ċkejknin

Kebbes fina n-nar ta' mħabbtek

Żommna miegħek imħaddnin.

Make us apt, like the sweet tongues of heaven,

To deliver the praise you deserve,

Heart of mercy, condoling, forgiving,

As we're loved, may we love, may we serve.

[R.] Sacred heart of Jesus, who

blessed the children, bless us too.

With your love set us ablaze, and

Keep us all in your embrace.

Biex tifdina mill-jasar ewlieni,

ta' Missierek l-għamara ħallejt

Int li tgħaxxaq is-sema bi ġmielek,

ta' suritna fil-faqar inħbejt.


To redeem us from primordial slav'ry

You took off from your Father's abode,

You whose beauty enraptures the heavens,

in the want of our form, hid your lode.


L-aħħar qatra ta' demmek tajthielna,

Meta b'daqqa ta' lanza nifduk,

Int għallimtna tan-niket il-hena,

Int għallimtna fil-hemm inberkuk.


When the lance pierced your heart, and you gave us

The last drop of your blood as a boon,

There you fed us with sorrows' contentment,

There you taught us to bless you in doom.



  1. ^ "100 years of T'Adoriam Ostia Divina". The Malta Independent. 23 April 2013. Retrieved 1 October 2017.
  2. ^ Corrupted to "ħewwa" (kindness/meekness) in some printed editions. [1]
  3. ^ Corrupted to "Inti s-saħħa tal-fqajrin" in some printed forms. Source
  4. ^ Corrupted to "qawwa" (might, strength) in some printed versions. Source.
  5. ^ Corrupted to "għaxqa" (delight) in some printed versions. "Għaxja" is an evening meal. Source.
  6. ^ The surname is sometimes standardized as "Sammut", but the Anglicised version "Samut" is found in his published works.

hymns, karm, psaila, this, list, hyms, authored, karm, psaila, contents, eucharistic, hymn, adoriam, ostia, divina, maltese, national, anthem, innu, malti, morning, evening, hymns, marian, hymn, Ħlewwa, mejju, hymn, sacred, heart, tina, Ħlewwa, referenceseucha. This is a list of hyms authored by Dun Karm Psaila Contents 1 Eucharistic Hymn T Adoriam Ostia Divina 2 Maltese National Anthem L Innu Malti 3 Morning and Evening Hymns 4 A Marian Hymn Fil Ħlewwa ta Mejju 5 Hymn to the Sacred Heart Tina l Ħlewwa 6 ReferencesEucharistic Hymn T Adoriam Ostia Divina EditAmong the many religious hymns written by Dun Karm one that became popular even abroad was T adoriam ostia divina 1 or Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas Sema When the International Eucharistic Congress was held in Malta in 1913 Maestro Joseph Caruana asked Dun Karm to write a hymn for the occasion Many of the bishops present at the Congress loved the hymn took it with them to their respective dioceses and had it translated It has since become popular in many languages for example in English with the title Host Divine we bow in Worship and in Spanish Te adoramos Hostia Divina Dun Karm himself provided a Maltese version in 1924 T adoriam ostia divina Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas Sema Host Divine we bow in WorshipItalian Original Dun Karm 1913 Maltese Translation Dun Karm 1924 English Translation attrib H St Lavin SJ T adoriam Ostia divina t adoriam Ostia d amor Tu dell angelo il sospiro tu dell uomo sei l onor T adoriam Ostia divina t adoriam Ostia d amor Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas Sema Frott l imħabba l izjed bnin Għalik l anġli dlonk titniehed Inti l hena tal bnedmin Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas SemaFrott l imħabba l izjed bnin Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Thou desire of all the angelsGlory of our humble ways Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Tu dei forti la dolcezza tu dei deboli il vigor tu salute dei viventi tu speranza di chi muor T adoriam Ostia divina t adoriam Ostia d amor Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas sema Frott l imħabba l izjed bnin Int is saħħa 2 tal qawwija Int il faraġ tad dgħajfin 3 Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas SemaFrott l imħabba l izjed bnin Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise To the strong Thou givest meeknessAnd the weak to strength dost raise Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas sema Frott l imħabba l izjed bnin Inti l qawma 4 ta min raqad Inti l għaxja 5 tal ħajjin Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas SemaFrott l imħabba l izjed bnin Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Thou salvation of the livingHope of those whom death dismays Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Ti conosca il mondo e t ami tu la gioia d ogni cuor ave o Dio nascosto e grande tu dei secoli il Signor T adoriam Ostia divina t adoriam Ostia d amor Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas sema Frott l imħabba l izjed bnin Jalla d dinja tagħraf tħobbok Fik il qlub huma henjin Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas sema Frott l imħabba l izjed bnin Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise May thy children know and love Thee For the world thy love displays Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas sema Frott l imħabba l izjed bnin Insellmulek Alla moħbi Inti biss taħkem is snin Nadurawk ja Ħobz tas sema Frott l imħabba l izjed bnin Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Hail o God of hidden splendourLord of time through endless days Host Divine we bow in worship Host Divine we sing thy praise Maltese National Anthem L Innu Malti EditIn 1922 Professor Mro Robert Samut 6 composed a short melody which was obtained a year later by Dr A V Laferla Director of Primary Schools in Malta who wanted to have an anthem composed which could be sung by students in Malta s schools as an expression of their Maltese identity Laferla asked Dun Karm to write lyrics to fit the melody which then became the Maltese National Anthem L Innu Malti The Maltese National AnthemMaltese original English singable translation Rene M Micallef Simplified English translation May Butcher Lil din l art ħelwa l Omm li tatna isimha 1 Ħares Mulej kif dejjem Int ħarist 2 Ftakar li lilha bil oħla dawl libbist 3 Guard Lord forever as you ve done erst and ceasing never This land whose name we received our motherly named Mother Her you have draped with a light whose grace exceeds all other Guard her O Lord as ever Thou hast guarded This Motherland so dear whose name we bear Keep her in mind whom Thou hast made so fair Agħti kbir Alla id dehen lil min jaħkimha 4 Rodd il ħniena lis sid saħħa l ħaddiem 5 Seddaq il għaqda fil Maltin u s sliem 6 On those who govern sovereign God bestow understanding Grant wellness to those who work largesse to those employing Make firm make just all our bonds the peace we are enjoying May he who rules for wisdom be regarded In master mercy strength in man increase Confirm us all in unity and peace Morning and Evening Hymns EditThese hymns are frequently used in many parishes during morning and evening masses and are used for solemnities in the Maltese translation of the Liturgy of the Hours L Innu ta Filgħodu A Hymn for the MorningMaltese Original English Translation Rene M Micallef 2017 Reġa sebaħ ja Mulejja Agħti tiegħek dan il jum Lejk nittajjar bil ħsieb tiegħiKull filgħodu malli nqum Fix xemx jiddi l ġmiel ta wiċċek Inti ssebbaħ il ħolqien Isellmulek l art u s semaKull filgħodu bl ogħla lsien R Ja Mulejja nizzik ħajr Għaliex int tal ħajja s Sid Fik is setgħa fik il ħniena Int fawwara ta kull ġid Dawn again my Lord has broken May your day be but a gift Every morn I soar to meet youWhen my thoughts to you I lift In the sun your face is beamingAll creation you array Heav n and earth come out to greet youWith their sweetest voice each day R You re the Master of all life So I m grateful to you Lord Full of power full of mercy You are goodness gushing forth F dan il lejl li għadda fuqi Int ħaristni Alla ħanin Int wennistni minn kull bizgħa Warrabt minni l ħolm ħazin Bħal missier f telfa ta mħabbaIt taħbit ta qalbi smajt Xħitt is saħħa ġewwa sidriMa kull nifs li jiena tajt R You ve watched over me O God all Through the night which passed my way You have shielded me from horrors You have pushed bad dreams away As a father crazed with love youHeard the beatings of my heart You ve thrust power in my bosomEvery time a breath would start R F dan il jum tħallix Mulejja Li jitnissel f qalbi d dnub Inti taf li l għadu tagħnaGħandu x xbiek dejjem minsub Tini l Omm tal Iben tiegħekBiex tħarisni mit tiġrib U tgħallimni b imħabbithaKif inħaddan is salib R Let no evil sprout within me I beseech you Lord this day You know well how ill ensnares usSetting traps along the way Give me your Son s mother Mary So to keep me from the test By her love she ll also teach meTo embrace the cross as crest R L Innu ta Filgħaxija A Hymn for the EveningMaltese Original English Translation metric Rene M Micallef 2017 English Translation singable Rene M Micallef 2017 Riesaq il lejl Mulejja Bil wegħda tal mistrieħ Ġa beda s sema jħammarFi nzul ix xemx sabiħ Dalwaqt jixirfu l kwiekeb Fil għoli tas smewwiet Dalwaqt il ħajja torqod Kull ħoss imut fis skiet R Inti li dejjem tgħammar Fis sebħ ta jum bla tmiem Fid dlam tal lejl ħarisna Xerred ġo qlubna s sliem Night is approaching O Lord Bearing a promise of rest Crimson is decking the skyWhile sets the sun in the west Soon will the stars show their faceFilling the heavens up high Soon will the living retire Silence when all noises die R Thou who the glorious dawn Dwellest of nev rending Day Shelter us when falls the night Peace in our hearts sweetly lay See how the night approaches Boding a time of rest Heaven is decked in crimsonSun s setting in the west Stars will soon make their entranceFilling up high the skies Soon will the living slumber All noise is hushed and dies R You Lord indwell the daybreak An endless morn you fill Yet we know night So keep us Make our hearts whole and still Temmejna l jum Mulejja Imqassam ħidma u serħ Xi waqt miksur bin niket Mogħni xi waqt bil ferħ Kollox mit tieba tiegħek Għax int Missier ħanin Li trid il ħlejjaq kollhaBi mħabbtek biss henjin R Our day is done gentle Lord Split between labour and rest Fractured by sorrow sometimes Sometimes with merriment blest All from thy bounty comes forth Father of mercy above Who all thy creatures desirestJoyous with naught but thy love R See how the day is ended Layers of work and rest Shattered at times by sorrow Sometimes with pleasure blest Father so rich in mercy All things come from your trove You wish to see creationEnthralled with but your love R Ieqaf Mulej mal fqajjar Tih l għata tih l għajxien Sabbar lil min hu mibki Serraħ lil min għajjien Iġbed bil ħlewwa l midneb Li regħxek mingħajr jedd Tħalli lil ħadd fil biza Tal ħaqq imur jimtedd R Stand by our poor brethren Lord Clothe them their sustenance give Comfort the crying the tir dWell may they rest and may live Sweetly draw sinners to thee Though they have reddened thy faceLet no one lie down in fear Biding chastisement but grace R Sustain and clothe the needy Stand by them Lord today Comfort them who are weeping The tir d with rest repay Beckon the sinner gently Who wronged you and his kin Let none lie down in anguishA fear of doom within R A Marian Hymn Fil Ħlewwa ta Mejju EditInnu lill Madonna Fil Ħlewwa ta Mejju A Marian HymnMaltese Original English Translation Rene M Micallef 2017 Fil ħlewwa ta Mejju Omm tagħna Marija O kemm idoqq ħlejju dak ismek sabiħKemm toħroġ qawwija dil kelma minn qalbnaBit tama li talbna jagħtik l akbar ġieħ R Int l għaxqa tas sema ix xemx tal ħolqienInt l omm ta min ħalqek bik mimli kull zmien In May mother Mary a month so delightful Your name gently rises its beauty rings out The word ushers forth from our hearts beating strongly We hope so to laud you a pray r on our mouth Delight of the heavens creation s bright star You fill every age for God s mother you are Jekk tiftaħ fil ġonna il warda Maltija Tfakkarna o Madonna fil lewn ta ħaddejk Jekk tidħak id dija tal kwiekeb irzina Tfakkarna o ħanina fid dawl ta għajnejk R The rose when it blossoms perfuming our gardens Evokes for us Lady the hew of your cheeks Your eyes come to mind when the stars glow and flicker So pure yet so mirthful your kind radiance leaks R Minn dejjem bint Alla nadifa mill ħtija Infrixt bħal qawsalla fuq ras il bnedmin Int ftaħt o Marija l għejun ta kull ħnienaFuq l aħwa ħosbiena fuq l aħwa ħatjin R Preserved at the outset God s daughter and sinless Unfurled as a rainbow on all humankind You ve opened o Mary the wellsprings of mercyFor our troubled brethren those guilty and blind R Għalhekk ja sultana tal ħlewwa Marija Int biss tama tagħna int qawwa tar ruħ Bil grazzja mimlija kull waqt insellmulek Bil ħrara ngħajtulek fis siegħa tad dmugħ R That s why dearest Mary our Queen sweet and tender You sate us with hope and you shore up our soul We greet you and greet you O grace filled when shatteredWe cry our hearts out to you come and console R Hymn to the Sacred Heart Tina l Ħlewwa EditInnu lill Qalb ta Ġesu Tina l Ħlewwa Hymn to the Sacred HeartMaltese Original English Translation Rene M Micallef 2017 Tina l ħlewwa tal ilsna tas sema Biex il ġieħ li jixraqlek nagħtuk Qalb ħanina li tagħder li taħfer Kif ħabbejtna nixtiequ nħobbuk R Qalb imqaddsa ta ĠesuLi berikt lit tfal ċkejkninKebbes fina n nar ta mħabbtekZommna miegħek imħaddnin Make us apt like the sweet tongues of heaven To deliver the praise you deserve Heart of mercy condoling forgiving As we re loved may we love may we serve R Sacred heart of Jesus whoblessed the children bless us too With your love set us ablaze andKeep us all in your embrace Biex tifdina mill jasar ewlieni ta Missierek l għamara ħallejtInt li tgħaxxaq is sema bi ġmielek ta suritna fil faqar inħbejt R To redeem us from primordial slav ry You took off from your Father s abode You whose beauty enraptures the heavens in the want of our form hid your lode R L aħħar qatra ta demmek tajthielna Meta b daqqa ta lanza nifduk Int għallimtna tan niket il hena Int għallimtna fil hemm inberkuk R When the lance pierced your heart and you gave us The last drop of your blood as a boon There you fed us with sorrows contentment There you taught us to bless you in doom R References Edit 100 years of T Adoriam Ostia Divina The Malta Independent 23 April 2013 Retrieved 1 October 2017 Corrupted to ħewwa kindness meekness in some printed editions 1 Corrupted to Inti s saħħa tal fqajrin in some printed forms Source Corrupted to qawwa might strength in some printed versions Source Corrupted to għaxqa delight in some printed versions Għaxja is an evening meal Source The surname is sometimes standardized as Sammut but the Anglicised version Samut is found in his published works Portals Music Catholicism Malta Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Hymns by Dun Karm Psaila amp oldid 989175349, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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