
Guillotine cutting

Guillotine cutting is the process of producing small rectangular items of fixed dimensions from a given large rectangular sheet, using only guillotine-cuts. A guillotine-cut (also called an edge-to-edge cut) is a straight bisecting line going from one edge of an existing rectangle to the opposite edge, similarly to a paper guillotine.

A guillotine cutting: an optimised sheet of smaller rectangles which can be divided intact through the correct series of bisecting end-to-end cuts.
A non-guillotine cutting: these rectangles cannot be separated by making single bisecting cuts across the plane.

Guillotine cutting is particularly common in the glass industry. Glass sheets are scored along horizontal and vertical lines, and then broken along these lines to obtain smaller panels.[1] It is also useful for cutting steel plates, cutting of wood sheets to make furniture, and cutting of cardboard into boxes.[2]

There are various optimization problems related to guillotine cutting, such as: maximize the total area of the produced pieces, or their total value; minimize the amount of waste (unused parts) of the large sheet, or the total number of sheets. They have been studied in combinatorial geometry, operations research and industrial engineering.[3]

A related but different problem is guillotine partition. In that problem, the dimensions of the small rectangles are not fixed in advance. The challenge comes from the fact that the original sheet might not be rectangular - it can be any rectilinear polygon. In particular, it might contain holes (representing defects in the raw material). The optimization goal is usually to minimize the number of small rectangles, or minimize the total length of the cuts.

Terminology and assumptions Edit

The following terms and notations are often used in the literature on guillotine cutting.

  • The large rectangle, also called the stock sheet, is the raw rectangular sheet which should be cut. It is characterized by its width W0 and height H0, which are the primary inputs to the problem
  • The small rectangles, also called items, are the required outputs of the cutting. They are characterized by their width wi and height hi and for i in 1,...,m, where m is the number of rectangles. Often, it is allowed to have several rectangles of the same dimensions; in this case, the pair of dimensions (wi,hi) is often called a type.
  • A cutting-pattern, often called just pattern, is an arrangement of small rectangles on the stock sheet. It may be given as a sequence of points (xi,yi), for i in 1,...,m, where (xi,yi) is the bottom-left coordinate of rectangle i. In such a pattern, rectangle i occupies a horizontal segment (xi, xi+wi) and a vertical segment (yi, yi+hi).
  • A build refers to constructing a new rectangle by attaching two smaller rectangles. Due to the guillotine constraint, there are only two types of builds: in a horizontal build the combined rectangle has width wi+wj and height max(hi,hj); in a vertical build the combined rectangle has width max(wi,wj) and height hi+hj. Every pattern can be represented as a recursive sequence of builds. Every recursive sequence of builds corresponds to many different patterns, which have an equivalent combinatorial structure; the set of all patterns corresponding to the same recursive-build is called a guillotine-cutting class.[4]

Some problems accept additional inputs, as explained below. The goal is to cut, from the raw rectangle, some smaller rectangles having the target dimensions. The following assumptions are often made:[2]

  • All cuts have zero width. This does not lose much generality, since if each cut has a fixed width of d>0, then the problem can be reduced to the zero-width variant by just adding d to wi and hi for i in 0,...,m.
  • The target dimensions cannot be rotated, i.e., w-by-h is not the same type as h-by-w. This does not lose much generality, since the variant in which rectangles can be rotated, can be reduced to the non-rotatable variant by adding the rotated patterns explicitly.

Checking a given pattern Edit

In the pattern verification problem, there is a cutting-pattern given as a sequence of points (xi,yi), for i in 1,...,m, where (xi,yi) is the bottom-left coordinate of rectangle i (there is a single rectangle of each target-dimension). The goal is to decide whether this pattern can be implemented using only guillotine cuts, and if so, find a sequence of such cuts.

An obvious necessary condition is that no two input rectangles overlap in both dimensions. Ben Messaoud, Chengbin and Espinouse[5] present a stronger condition, which is both necessary and sufficient. The input rectangles are ordered from left to right, such that x1 ≤ ... ≤ xm. There is a permutation p on the indices such that, with this permutation, the rectangles would be ordered from bottom to top, i.e., yp(1) ≤ ... ≤ yp(m). Given four indices i1i2 and j1j2, the set E(i1,i2,j1,j2) contains the indices of all rectangles whose bottom-left corner is in the rectangle [xi1,xi2] X [yp(j1),yp(j2)]. A cutting pattern is a guillotine pattern if and only if, for all quadruplets of indices i1i2 and j1j2, at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled for E(i1,i2,j1,j2):

  1. E(i1,i2,j1,j2) contains at most one element;
  2. The union of the horizontal segments (xi, xi+wi), over all i in E(i1,i2,j1,j2), is made up of at least two disjoint intervals;
  3. The union of the vertical segments (yi, yi+hi), over all i in E(i1,i2,j1,j2), is made up of at least two disjoint intervals.

Condition 2 implies that the rectangles in E(i1,i2,j1,j2) can be separated by a vertical cut (going between the two disjoint horizontal intervals); condition 3 implies the rectangles in E(i1,i2,j1,j2) can be separated by a horizontal cut. All conditions together imply that, if any set of adjacent rectangles contains more than one element, then they can be separated by some guillotine cut.

This condition can be checked by the following algorithm.

  • At each iteration, divide a given pattern, containing at least two rectangles, into two disjoint sub-patterns using a guillotine cut, and recurse on each sub-pattern.
  • Stop when either all subpatterns contain one rectangle (in which case the answer is "yes") or no more guillotine cuts are possible (in which case the answer is "no").

Finding a guillotine cut for a given pattern is done as follows:

  • Determine the m horizontal intervals, and order them from left to right; determine the m vertical intervals, and order them from bottom to top. This takes O(m log m) time.
  • Merge overlapping horizontal intervals, and merge overlapping vertical intervals. This takes O(m) time.
  • If, after merging, there are at least two disjoint horizontal intervals, then a vertical guillotine cut is possible; if there are at least two disjoint vertical intervals, then a horizontal cut is possible; otherwise, no cut is possible.

The ordering step is done once, and the merging step is done m-1 times. Therefore, the run-time of the entire algorithm is O(m2).

When the algorithm returns "yes", it also produces a sequence of guillotine cuts; when it returns "no", it also produces specific subsets of rectangles that cannot be separated by guillotine cuts.

The necessary and sufficient condition can be used to present the guillotine-strip-cutting problem as a mixed integer linear program.[5]: sec.5  Their model has 3n4/4 binary variables and 2n4 constraints, and is considered not practically useful.

Finding an optimal cutting-pattern Edit

These are variants of the two-dimensional cutting stock, bin packing and rectangle packing problems, where the cuts are constrained to be guillotine cuts.[6]

  • In the basic (unweighted) guillotine-cutting problem, the required output is a sequence of guillotine cuts producing pieces of the target dimensions, such that the total area of the produced pieces is maximized (equivalently, the waste from the raw rectangle is minimized).
  • In the weighted variant, for each target dimension i, there is also a value vi. The goal is then to maximize the total value of the produced pieces. The unweighted (waste-minimization) variant can be reduced to the weighted variant by letting the value of each target-dimension equal to its area (vi = hi * wi).
  • In the constrained variant, for each target-dimension i, there is an upper bound bi on the number of pieces that can be produced of that type.
    • In the doubly-constrained variant, for each target-dimension i there is both a lower bound ai and an upper bound bi on the number of produced pieces.
  • The binary variant is a constrained variant in which each target dimension must appear at most once (i.e., the upper bound is 1). This case is associated with a decision problem, where the goal is to decide whether it is possible to produce a single element of each target dimension using guillotine cuts.[4]
  • In the guillotine strip cutting problem, the large rectangle has infinite height (but a fixed width), and the goal is to cut a single rectangle of each type, such that the total material used (equivalently, the total height) is minimized. It is a variant of the two-dimensional Strip packing problem.
  • In the stock minimization problem, there is an infinite number of stock sheets of the same dimensions, and the goal is to cut all required target rectangles using the smallest possible number of sheets.[5] It is a variant of the two-dimensional bin-packing problem.[7]
  • k-staged guillotine cutting is a restricted variant of guillotine cutting where the cutting is made in at most k stages: in the first stage, only horizontal cuts are made; in the second stage, only vertical cuts are made; and so on.
    • In the 2-staged variant, a further distinction is whether all strips resulting from the first stage are cut in the same locations (called "1-group") or on two different locations (called "2-group") or in possibly different locations (called "free").[8]
  • 1-simple guillotine cutting is a restricted variant of guillotine-cutting in which each cut separates a single rectangle.
    • A 2-simple guillotine cutting is a 1-simple pattern such that each part is itself a 1-simple pattern. p-simple cutting patterns can be defined recursively.[9]

Optimization algorithms Edit

The special case in which there is only one type (i.e., all target rectangles are identical and in the same orientation) is called the guillotine pallet loading problem. Tarnowski, Terno and Scheithauer[10] present a polynomial-time algorithm for solving it.

However, when there are two or more types, all optimization problems related to guillotine cutting are NP hard. Due to its practical importance, various exact algorithms and approximation algorithms have been devised.

  • Gilmore and Gomory[11][12] presented a dynamic programming recursion for both staged and unstaged guillotine cutting. However, it was later shown[13][2] that both algorithms contained errors. Beasley[2] presented a correct dynamic programming algorithm.
  • Herz[13] and Christofides and Whitlock[14] presented tree-search procedures for unstaged guillotine cutting.
  • Masden[15] and Wang[16] presented heuristic algorithms.
  • Hiffi, M'Hallah and Saadi[6] propose an algorithm for the doubly-constrained guillotine-cutting problem. It is a bottom-up branch and bound algorithm using best-first search.
  • Clautiaux, Jouglet and Moukrim[4] propose an exact algorithm for the decision problem. Their algorithm uses a compact representation of guillotine-cutting-pattern classes, using a directed graph that they call the guillotine graph. Each arc in this graph is colored in one of two colors: "horizontal" or "vertical". Each monochromatic directed cycle in this graph corresponds to a build. By repeatedly contracting monochromatic cycles, one can recover a recursive build-sequence that represents a cutting-pattern class. Every guillotine-graph contains between m and 2m-2 arcs. A special kind of guillotine graphs called normal guillotine graphs have the interesting property of containing a unique Hamiltonian circuit. Sorting the vertices according to this circuit makes the graph a well-sorted normal guillotine graph; there is a one-to-one correspondence between such graphs and cutting-pattern classes. They then solve the optimization problem using constraint programming on the space of well-sorted normal guillotine graphs.
  • Russo, Boccia, Sforza and Sterle[8] review over 90 papers dealing with unstaged constrained guillotine-cutting (with quantity upper-bounds), both weighted and unweighted. There are two main approaches for exact solutions: dynamic programming and tree-search (branch-and-bound). The tree-search approaches are further categorized as bottom-up (starting with single rectangles and using builds to construct the entire sheet) or top-down. In all approaches, it is important to find good lower and upper bounds in order to trim the search-space efficiently. These bounds often come from solutions to related variants, e.g. unconstrained, staged, and non-guillotine variants.
  • Abou Msabah, Slimane, and Ahmed Riadh Baba-Ali. "A new guillotine placement heuristic combined with an improved genetic algorithm for the orthogonal cutting-stock problem." 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE, 2011.
  • Abou-Msabah, Slimane, Ahmed-Riadh Baba-Ali, and Basma Sager. "A Controlled Stability Genetic Algorithm With the New BLF2G Guillotine Placement Heuristic for the Orthogonal Cutting-Stock Problem." International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (IJCINI) 13, no. 4 (2019): 91-111.

Implementations Edit

  • McHale and Shah[17] wrote a Prolog program implementing an anytime algorithm: it generates approximately-optimal solutions in a given amount of time, and then improves it if the user allows more time. The program was used by a specialty paper producer, and has cut the time required for sheet layout while reducing waste.

Guillotine separation Edit

Guillotine separation is a related problem in which the input is a collection of n pairwise-disjoint convex objects in the plane, and the goal is to separate them using a sequence of guillotine cuts. Obviously it may not be possible to separate all of them. Jorge Urrutia Galicia asked[18] whether it is possible to separate a constant fraction of them, that is, whether there exists a constant c such that, in any such collection of size n, there is a subset of size cn that are guillotine-separable.

Pach and Tardos[19] proved:

  • If all objects are of a similar size, then a constant fraction of them can be separated. Formally, if all objects contain a circle of radius r and are contained in a circle of radius R, then there is a separable set of size  . Proof: construct a grid with cell size 8R by 8R. Move the grid uniformly at random. Each object is intersected by a horizontal line with probability 1/4 and with a vertical line with probability 1/4 too, so the expected number of intersected objects is  . Therefore, there exist grid-lines that intersect at most   objects. Since the area of each grid cell is   and the area of each object is at least  , each cell contains at most   objects. Pick a single object from each cell, and separate it from the other objects in the same cell. The total number of objects separated in this way is at least   A similar argument for the case of unit squares gives  
  • If the objects are straight line-segments, then in some instances, only at most   of them can be separated. Particularly, for every positive integer k, there is a family of   disjoint intervals such that at most   of them can be separated.
  • In any collection of n convex objects, at least   can be separated.
  • In any collection of n straight line segments, at least   can be separated. They conjecture that the worst case can be attained by line segments.
  • In any collection of n axes-parallel rectangles, at least   can be separated. They conjecture that   can be separated; this conjecture is still open.
  • In any collection of R-fat objects (the smallest containing disc is at most R times the largest contained disc), at least   objects can be saved, where   is a constant that depends only on R.
    • An analogous theorem is valid in higher dimensions too: the number of separable objects is  .
  • All these separable subfamilies can be constructed in time  . If the objects are polygons with N sides overall, then the separating lines can be computed in time  .

Abed, Chalermsook, Correa, Karrenbauer, Perez-Lantero, Soto and Wiese[20] proved:

  • In any collection of n axes-parallel unit squares, at least n/2 can be separated, and there are instances in which at most n/2 can be separated.
  • In any collection of n axes-parallel squares, at least n/81 can be separated.
  • In any collection of n axes-parallel squares with weights, at least 4/729 of the total weight can be separated.
  • In any collection of n axes-parallel d-dimensional cubes with weights,   of the total weight can be separated.
  • Regarding the conjecture that it is possible separate   axes-parallel rectangle, while they do not settle it, they show that, if it is correct, then it implies an O(1) approximation algorithm to the problem of maximum disjoint set of axes-parallel rectangles in time  .

Khan and Pittu[21] proved:

  • With n axes-parallel rectangles, if only   stages are allowed, then it is not possible to separate   rectangles.
  • When the rectangles are weighted, if only   stages are allowed, then it is not possible to separate   of the weight.
  • There is a simple 2-stage algorithm that separates   rectangles. The algorithm partitions the rectangles into   subsets (called "levels"), and chooses the level with the largest number of rectangles. Each level can be separated by two guillotine cuts.[21]: Thm.14  An improved algorithm can separate   rectangles.
  • In any collection of fat rectangles,   can be separated.
  • In any collection of n axes-parallel squares, at least n/40 can be separated.
  • In any collection of n axes-parallel squares with weights, at least a fraction 1/80 of the total weight can be separated.

See also:

More variants Edit

Some recently-studied variants of the problem include:

  • Guillotine-cutting in three dimensions.[22][23]
  • Guillotine-cutting when the raw rectangle may have defects, but the produced rectangles must be defect-free.[24]

References Edit

  1. ^ Tlilane, Lydia; Viaud, Quentin (2018-05-18). "Challenge ROADEF / EURO 2018 Cutting Optimization Problem Description" (PDF). Challenge ROADEF/EURO. ROADEF. Retrieved 2019-06-13.
  2. ^ a b c d Beasley, J. E. (1985-04-01). "Algorithms for Unconstrained Two-Dimensional Guillotine Cutting". Journal of the Operational Research Society. 36 (4): 297–306. doi:10.1057/jors.1985.51. ISSN 0160-5682. S2CID 58059319.
  3. ^ Gerhard Wäscher, Heike Haußner, Holger Schumann, An improved typology of cutting and packing problems, European Journal of Operational Research 183 (2007) 1109–1130, [1]
  4. ^ a b c Clautiaux, François; Jouglet, Antoine; Moukrim, Aziz (2011-10-17). "A New Graph-Theoretical Model for the Guillotine-Cutting Problem". INFORMS Journal on Computing. 25 (1): 72–86. doi:10.1287/ijoc.1110.0478. ISSN 1091-9856.
  5. ^ a b c Ben Messaoud, Said; Chu, Chengbin; Espinouse, Marie-Laure (2008-11-16). "Characterization and modelling of guillotine constraints". European Journal of Operational Research. 191 (1): 112–126. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2007.08.029. ISSN 0377-2217.
  6. ^ a b M. Hifi, R. M’Hallah and T. Saadi, Approximate and exact algorithms for the double-constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem. Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 42, Number 2 (2009), 303-326, doi:10.1007/s10589-007-9081-5
  7. ^ Carlier, Jacques; Clautiaux, François; Moukrim, Aziz (2007-08-01). "New reduction procedures and lower bounds for the two-dimensional bin packing problem with fixed orientation". Computers & Operations Research. 34 (8): 2223–2250. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2005.08.012. ISSN 0305-0548.
  8. ^ a b Russo, Mauro; Boccia, Maurizio; Sforza, Antonio; Sterle, Claudio (2020). "Constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting problem: upper-bound review and categorization". International Transactions in Operational Research. 27 (2): 794–834. doi:10.1111/itor.12687. ISSN 1475-3995. S2CID 195551953.
  9. ^ Scheithauer, Guntram (1993). "Computation of optimal φ-simple guillotine cutting patterns" (PDF). Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics. 29 (2): 115–128.
  10. ^ Tarnowski, A. G.; Terno, J.; Scheithauer, G. (1994-11-01). "A Polynomial Time Algorithm For The Guillotine Pallet Loading Problem". INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 32 (4): 275–287. doi:10.1080/03155986.1994.11732257. ISSN 0315-5986.
  11. ^ Gilmore, P. C.; Gomory, R. E. (1965-02-01). "Multistage Cutting Stock Problems of Two and More Dimensions". Operations Research. 13 (1): 94–120. doi:10.1287/opre.13.1.94. ISSN 0030-364X.
  12. ^ Gilmore, P. C.; Gomory, R. E. (1966-12-01). "The Theory and Computation of Knapsack Functions". Operations Research. 14 (6): 1045–1074. doi:10.1287/opre.14.6.1045. ISSN 0030-364X.
  13. ^ a b Herz, J. C. (September 1972). "Recursive Computational Procedure for Two-dimensional Stock Cutting". IBM Journal of Research and Development. 16 (5): 462–469. doi:10.1147/rd.165.0462. ISSN 0018-8646.
  14. ^ Christofides, Nicos; Whitlock, Charles (1977-02-01). "An Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Cutting Problems". Operations Research. 25 (1): 30–44. doi:10.1287/opre.25.1.30. ISSN 0030-364X.
  15. ^ O. B. G. Masden (1980), IMSOR working paper, Technical university of Denmark, Lyngby
  16. ^ Wang, P. Y. (1983-06-01). "Two Algorithms for Constrained Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problems". Operations Research. 31 (3): 573–586. doi:10.1287/opre.31.3.573. ISSN 0030-364X.
  17. ^ Michael L. McHale, Roshan P. Shah Cutting the Guillotine Down to Size. PC AI magazine, Volume 13, Number 1 Jan/Feb 99. http://www.amzi.com/articles/papercutter.htm
  18. ^ Problem presented at ACCOTA '96, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects of Optimization Topology and Algebra, Taxco, Mexico 1996
  19. ^ Pach, J.; Tardos, G. (2000). "Cutting Glass". Discrete and Computational Geometry. 24 (2–3): 481–496. doi:10.1007/s004540010050. ISSN 0179-5376. S2CID 1737527.
  20. ^ Abed, Fidaa; Chalermsook, Parinya; Correa, José; Karrenbauer, Andreas; Pérez-Lantero, Pablo; Soto, José A.; Wiese, Andreas (2015). On Guillotine Cutting Sequences. pp. 1–19. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.APPROX-RANDOM.2015.1. ISBN 978-3-939897-89-7.
  21. ^ a b Khan, Arindam; Pittu, Madhusudhan Reddy (2020). Byrka, Jaros\law; Meka, Raghu (eds.). "On Guillotine Separability of Squares and Rectangles". Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques (APPROX/RANDOM 2020). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik. 176: 47:1–47:22. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.APPROX/RANDOM.2020.47. ISBN 978-3-95977-164-1.
  22. ^ Martin, Mateus; Oliveira, José Fernando; Silva, Elsa; Morabito, Reinaldo; Munari, Pedro (2020-11-08). "Three-dimensional guillotine cutting problems with constrained patterns: MILP formulations and a bottom-up algorithm". Expert Systems with Applications. 168: 114257. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2020.114257. ISSN 0957-4174. S2CID 228839108.
  23. ^ Baazaoui, M.; Hanafi, S.; Kamoun, H. (2014-11-01). "A Mathematical formulation and a lower bound for the three-dimensional multiple-bin-size bin packing problem (MBSBPP): A Tunisian industrial case". 2014 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT). pp. 219–224. doi:10.1109/CoDIT.2014.6996896. ISBN 978-1-4799-6773-5. S2CID 18598442.
  24. ^ Martin, Mateus; Hokama, Pedro H. D. B.; Morabito, Reinaldo; Munari, Pedro (2020-05-02). "The constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting problem with defects: an ILP formulation, a Benders decomposition and a CP-based algorithm". International Journal of Production Research. 58 (9): 2712–2729. doi:10.1080/00207543.2019.1630773. ISSN 0020-7543. S2CID 197434029.

Abou Msabah, Slimane, and Ahmed Riadh Baba-Ali. "A new guillotine placement heuristic combined with an improved genetic algorithm for the orthogonal cutting-stock problem." 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE, 2011.

guillotine, cutting, process, producing, small, rectangular, items, fixed, dimensions, from, given, large, rectangular, sheet, using, only, guillotine, cuts, guillotine, also, called, edge, edge, straight, bisecting, line, going, from, edge, existing, rectangl. Guillotine cutting is the process of producing small rectangular items of fixed dimensions from a given large rectangular sheet using only guillotine cuts A guillotine cut also called an edge to edge cut is a straight bisecting line going from one edge of an existing rectangle to the opposite edge similarly to a paper guillotine A guillotine cutting an optimised sheet of smaller rectangles which can be divided intact through the correct series of bisecting end to end cuts A non guillotine cutting these rectangles cannot be separated by making single bisecting cuts across the plane Guillotine cutting is particularly common in the glass industry Glass sheets are scored along horizontal and vertical lines and then broken along these lines to obtain smaller panels 1 It is also useful for cutting steel plates cutting of wood sheets to make furniture and cutting of cardboard into boxes 2 There are various optimization problems related to guillotine cutting such as maximize the total area of the produced pieces or their total value minimize the amount of waste unused parts of the large sheet or the total number of sheets They have been studied in combinatorial geometry operations research and industrial engineering 3 A related but different problem is guillotine partition In that problem the dimensions of the small rectangles are not fixed in advance The challenge comes from the fact that the original sheet might not be rectangular it can be any rectilinear polygon In particular it might contain holes representing defects in the raw material The optimization goal is usually to minimize the number of small rectangles or minimize the total length of the cuts Contents 1 Terminology and assumptions 2 Checking a given pattern 3 Finding an optimal cutting pattern 3 1 Optimization algorithms 3 2 Implementations 4 Guillotine separation 5 More variants 6 ReferencesTerminology and assumptions EditThe following terms and notations are often used in the literature on guillotine cutting The large rectangle also called the stock sheet is the raw rectangular sheet which should be cut It is characterized by its width W0 and height H0 which are the primary inputs to the problem The small rectangles also called items are the required outputs of the cutting They are characterized by their width wi and height hi and for i in 1 m where m is the number of rectangles Often it is allowed to have several rectangles of the same dimensions in this case the pair of dimensions wi hi is often called a type A cutting pattern often called just pattern is an arrangement of small rectangles on the stock sheet It may be given as a sequence of points xi yi for i in 1 m where xi yi is the bottom left coordinate of rectangle i In such a pattern rectangle i occupies a horizontal segment xi xi wi and a vertical segment yi yi hi A build refers to constructing a new rectangle by attaching two smaller rectangles Due to the guillotine constraint there are only two types of builds in a horizontal build the combined rectangle has width wi wj and height max hi hj in a vertical build the combined rectangle has width max wi wj and height hi hj Every pattern can be represented as a recursive sequence of builds Every recursive sequence of builds corresponds to many different patterns which have an equivalent combinatorial structure the set of all patterns corresponding to the same recursive build is called a guillotine cutting class 4 Some problems accept additional inputs as explained below The goal is to cut from the raw rectangle some smaller rectangles having the target dimensions The following assumptions are often made 2 All cuts have zero width This does not lose much generality since if each cut has a fixed width of d gt 0 then the problem can be reduced to the zero width variant by just adding d to wi and hi for i in 0 m The target dimensions cannot be rotated i e w by h is not the same type as h by w This does not lose much generality since the variant in which rectangles can be rotated can be reduced to the non rotatable variant by adding the rotated patterns explicitly Checking a given pattern EditIn the pattern verification problem there is a cutting pattern given as a sequence of points xi yi for i in 1 m where xi yi is the bottom left coordinate of rectangle i there is a single rectangle of each target dimension The goal is to decide whether this pattern can be implemented using only guillotine cuts and if so find a sequence of such cuts An obvious necessary condition is that no two input rectangles overlap in both dimensions Ben Messaoud Chengbin and Espinouse 5 present a stronger condition which is both necessary and sufficient The input rectangles are ordered from left to right such that x1 xm There is a permutation p on the indices such that with this permutation the rectangles would be ordered from bottom to top i e yp 1 yp m Given four indices i1 i2 and j1 j2 the set E i1 i2 j1 j2 contains the indices of all rectangles whose bottom left corner is in the rectangle xi1 xi2 X yp j1 yp j2 A cutting pattern is a guillotine pattern if and only if for all quadruplets of indices i1 i2 and j1 j2 at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled for E i1 i2 j1 j2 E i1 i2 j1 j2 contains at most one element The union of the horizontal segments xi xi wi over all i in E i1 i2 j1 j2 is made up of at least two disjoint intervals The union of the vertical segments yi yi hi over all i in E i1 i2 j1 j2 is made up of at least two disjoint intervals Condition 2 implies that the rectangles in E i1 i2 j1 j2 can be separated by a vertical cut going between the two disjoint horizontal intervals condition 3 implies the rectangles in E i1 i2 j1 j2 can be separated by a horizontal cut All conditions together imply that if any set of adjacent rectangles contains more than one element then they can be separated by some guillotine cut This condition can be checked by the following algorithm At each iteration divide a given pattern containing at least two rectangles into two disjoint sub patterns using a guillotine cut and recurse on each sub pattern Stop when either all subpatterns contain one rectangle in which case the answer is yes or no more guillotine cuts are possible in which case the answer is no Finding a guillotine cut for a given pattern is done as follows Determine the m horizontal intervals and order them from left to right determine the m vertical intervals and order them from bottom to top This takes O m log m time Merge overlapping horizontal intervals and merge overlapping vertical intervals This takes O m time If after merging there are at least two disjoint horizontal intervals then a vertical guillotine cut is possible if there are at least two disjoint vertical intervals then a horizontal cut is possible otherwise no cut is possible The ordering step is done once and the merging step is done m 1 times Therefore the run time of the entire algorithm is O m2 When the algorithm returns yes it also produces a sequence of guillotine cuts when it returns no it also produces specific subsets of rectangles that cannot be separated by guillotine cuts The necessary and sufficient condition can be used to present the guillotine strip cutting problem as a mixed integer linear program 5 sec 5 Their model has 3n4 4 binary variables and 2n4 constraints and is considered not practically useful Finding an optimal cutting pattern EditThese are variants of the two dimensional cutting stock bin packing and rectangle packing problems where the cuts are constrained to be guillotine cuts 6 In the basic unweighted guillotine cutting problem the required output is a sequence of guillotine cuts producing pieces of the target dimensions such that the total area of the produced pieces is maximized equivalently the waste from the raw rectangle is minimized In the weighted variant for each target dimension i there is also a value vi The goal is then to maximize the total value of the produced pieces The unweighted waste minimization variant can be reduced to the weighted variant by letting the value of each target dimension equal to its area vi hi wi In the constrained variant for each target dimension i there is an upper bound bi on the number of pieces that can be produced of that type In the doubly constrained variant for each target dimension i there is both a lower bound ai and an upper bound bi on the number of produced pieces The binary variant is a constrained variant in which each target dimension must appear at most once i e the upper bound is 1 This case is associated with a decision problem where the goal is to decide whether it is possible to produce a single element of each target dimension using guillotine cuts 4 In the guillotine strip cutting problem the large rectangle has infinite height but a fixed width and the goal is to cut a single rectangle of each type such that the total material used equivalently the total height is minimized It is a variant of the two dimensional Strip packing problem In the stock minimization problem there is an infinite number of stock sheets of the same dimensions and the goal is to cut all required target rectangles using the smallest possible number of sheets 5 It is a variant of the two dimensional bin packing problem 7 k staged guillotine cutting is a restricted variant of guillotine cutting where the cutting is made in at most k stages in the first stage only horizontal cuts are made in the second stage only vertical cuts are made and so on In the 2 staged variant a further distinction is whether all strips resulting from the first stage are cut in the same locations called 1 group or on two different locations called 2 group or in possibly different locations called free 8 1 simple guillotine cutting is a restricted variant of guillotine cutting in which each cut separates a single rectangle A 2 simple guillotine cutting is a 1 simple pattern such that each part is itself a 1 simple pattern p simple cutting patterns can be defined recursively 9 Optimization algorithms Edit The special case in which there is only one type i e all target rectangles are identical and in the same orientation is called the guillotine pallet loading problem Tarnowski Terno and Scheithauer 10 present a polynomial time algorithm for solving it However when there are two or more types all optimization problems related to guillotine cutting are NP hard Due to its practical importance various exact algorithms and approximation algorithms have been devised Gilmore and Gomory 11 12 presented a dynamic programming recursion for both staged and unstaged guillotine cutting However it was later shown 13 2 that both algorithms contained errors Beasley 2 presented a correct dynamic programming algorithm Herz 13 and Christofides and Whitlock 14 presented tree search procedures for unstaged guillotine cutting Masden 15 and Wang 16 presented heuristic algorithms Hiffi M Hallah and Saadi 6 propose an algorithm for the doubly constrained guillotine cutting problem It is a bottom up branch and bound algorithm using best first search Clautiaux Jouglet and Moukrim 4 propose an exact algorithm for the decision problem Their algorithm uses a compact representation of guillotine cutting pattern classes using a directed graph that they call the guillotine graph Each arc in this graph is colored in one of two colors horizontal or vertical Each monochromatic directed cycle in this graph corresponds to a build By repeatedly contracting monochromatic cycles one can recover a recursive build sequence that represents a cutting pattern class Every guillotine graph contains between m and 2m 2 arcs A special kind of guillotine graphs called normal guillotine graphs have the interesting property of containing a unique Hamiltonian circuit Sorting the vertices according to this circuit makes the graph a well sorted normal guillotine graph there is a one to one correspondence between such graphs and cutting pattern classes They then solve the optimization problem using constraint programming on the space of well sorted normal guillotine graphs Russo Boccia Sforza and Sterle 8 review over 90 papers dealing with unstaged constrained guillotine cutting with quantity upper bounds both weighted and unweighted There are two main approaches for exact solutions dynamic programming and tree search branch and bound The tree search approaches are further categorized as bottom up starting with single rectangles and using builds to construct the entire sheet or top down In all approaches it is important to find good lower and upper bounds in order to trim the search space efficiently These bounds often come from solutions to related variants e g unconstrained staged and non guillotine variants Abou Msabah Slimane and Ahmed Riadh Baba Ali A new guillotine placement heuristic combined with an improved genetic algorithm for the orthogonal cutting stock problem 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IEEE 2011 Abou Msabah Slimane Ahmed Riadh Baba Ali and Basma Sager A Controlled Stability Genetic Algorithm With the New BLF2G Guillotine Placement Heuristic for the Orthogonal Cutting Stock Problem International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence IJCINI 13 no 4 2019 91 111 Implementations Edit McHale and Shah 17 wrote a Prolog program implementing an anytime algorithm it generates approximately optimal solutions in a given amount of time and then improves it if the user allows more time The program was used by a specialty paper producer and has cut the time required for sheet layout while reducing waste Guillotine separation EditGuillotine separation is a related problem in which the input is a collection of n pairwise disjoint convex objects in the plane and the goal is to separate them using a sequence of guillotine cuts Obviously it may not be possible to separate all of them Jorge Urrutia Galicia asked 18 whether it is possible to separate a constant fraction of them that is whether there exists a constant c such that in any such collection of size n there is a subset of size cn that are guillotine separable Pach and Tardos 19 proved If all objects are of a similar size then a constant fraction of them can be separated Formally if all objects contain a circle of radius r and are contained in a circle of radius R then there is a separable set of size p r 2 128 R 2 n 1 40 7 R r 2 n displaystyle frac pi r 2 128R 2 n approx frac 1 40 7 R r 2 n Proof construct a grid with cell size 8R by 8R Move the grid uniformly at random Each object is intersected by a horizontal line with probability 1 4 and with a vertical line with probability 1 4 too so the expected number of intersected objects is n 2 displaystyle n 2 Therefore there exist grid lines that intersect at most n 2 displaystyle n 2 objects Since the area of each grid cell is 8 R 2 displaystyle 8R 2 and the area of each object is at least p r 2 displaystyle pi r 2 each cell contains at most 8 R 2 p r 2 displaystyle frac 8R 2 pi r 2 objects Pick a single object from each cell and separate it from the other objects in the same cell The total number of objects separated in this way is at least n 2 8 R 2 p r 2 p r 2 128 R 2 n displaystyle frac n 2 frac 8R 2 pi r 2 frac pi r 2 128R 2 n A similar argument for the case of unit squares gives 1 27 n displaystyle frac 1 27 n If the objects are straight line segments then in some instances only at most O n log 3 2 O n 0 63 displaystyle O n log 3 2 approx O n 0 63 of them can be separated Particularly for every positive integer k there is a family of 3 k displaystyle 3 k disjoint intervals such that at most 2 k displaystyle 2 k of them can be separated In any collection of n convex objects at least W n 1 3 displaystyle Omega n 1 3 can be separated In any collection of n straight line segments at least W n 1 2 displaystyle Omega n 1 2 can be separated They conjecture that the worst case can be attained by line segments In any collection of n axes parallel rectangles at least n 2 log n displaystyle n 2 log n can be separated They conjecture that W n displaystyle Omega n can be separated this conjecture is still open In any collection of R fat objects the smallest containing disc is at most R times the largest contained disc at least n c R log n displaystyle n c R log n objects can be saved where c R displaystyle c R is a constant that depends only on R An analogous theorem is valid in higher dimensions too the number of separable objects is n c R d log n d displaystyle n c R d log n d All these separable subfamilies can be constructed in time O n log n displaystyle O n log n If the objects are polygons with N sides overall then the separating lines can be computed in time O N n log n displaystyle O N n log n Abed Chalermsook Correa Karrenbauer Perez Lantero Soto and Wiese 20 proved In any collection of n axes parallel unit squares at least n 2 can be separated and there are instances in which at most n 2 can be separated In any collection of n axes parallel squares at least n 81 can be separated In any collection of n axes parallel squares with weights at least 4 729 of the total weight can be separated In any collection of n axes parallel d dimensional cubes with weights 1 2 O d displaystyle 1 2 O d of the total weight can be separated Regarding the conjecture that it is possible separate W n displaystyle Omega n axes parallel rectangle while they do not settle it they show that if it is correct then it implies an O 1 approximation algorithm to the problem of maximum disjoint set of axes parallel rectangles in time O n 5 displaystyle O n 5 Khan and Pittu 21 proved With n axes parallel rectangles if only o log log n displaystyle o log log n stages are allowed then it is not possible to separate W n displaystyle Omega n rectangles When the rectangles are weighted if only o log n log log n displaystyle o log n log log n stages are allowed then it is not possible to separate W n displaystyle Omega n of the weight There is a simple 2 stage algorithm that separates n 1 log 2 n displaystyle n 1 log 2 n rectangles The algorithm partitions the rectangles into 1 log 2 n displaystyle 1 log 2 n subsets called levels and chooses the level with the largest number of rectangles Each level can be separated by two guillotine cuts 21 Thm 14 An improved algorithm can separate n log 3 n 2 displaystyle n log 3 n 2 rectangles In any collection of fat rectangles W n displaystyle Omega n can be separated In any collection of n axes parallel squares at least n 40 can be separated In any collection of n axes parallel squares with weights at least a fraction 1 80 of the total weight can be separated See also Geometric separator Hyperplane separation theoremMore variants EditSome recently studied variants of the problem include Guillotine cutting in three dimensions 22 23 Guillotine cutting when the raw rectangle may have defects but the produced rectangles must be defect free 24 References Edit Tlilane Lydia Viaud Quentin 2018 05 18 Challenge ROADEF EURO 2018 Cutting Optimization Problem Description PDF Challenge ROADEF EURO ROADEF Retrieved 2019 06 13 a b c d Beasley J E 1985 04 01 Algorithms for Unconstrained Two Dimensional Guillotine Cutting Journal of the Operational Research Society 36 4 297 306 doi 10 1057 jors 1985 51 ISSN 0160 5682 S2CID 58059319 Gerhard Wascher Heike Haussner Holger Schumann An improved typology of cutting and packing problems European Journal of Operational Research 183 2007 1109 1130 1 a b c Clautiaux Francois Jouglet Antoine Moukrim Aziz 2011 10 17 A New Graph Theoretical Model for the Guillotine Cutting Problem INFORMS Journal on Computing 25 1 72 86 doi 10 1287 ijoc 1110 0478 ISSN 1091 9856 a b c Ben Messaoud Said Chu Chengbin Espinouse Marie Laure 2008 11 16 Characterization and modelling of guillotine constraints European Journal of Operational Research 191 1 112 126 doi 10 1016 j ejor 2007 08 029 ISSN 0377 2217 a b M Hifi R M Hallah and T Saadi Approximate and exact algorithms for the double constrained two dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem Computational Optimization and Applications Volume 42 Number 2 2009 303 326 doi 10 1007 s10589 007 9081 5 Carlier Jacques Clautiaux Francois Moukrim Aziz 2007 08 01 New reduction procedures and lower bounds for the two dimensional bin packing problem with fixed orientation Computers amp Operations Research 34 8 2223 2250 doi 10 1016 j cor 2005 08 012 ISSN 0305 0548 a b Russo Mauro Boccia Maurizio Sforza Antonio Sterle Claudio 2020 Constrained two dimensional guillotine cutting problem upper bound review and categorization International Transactions in Operational Research 27 2 794 834 doi 10 1111 itor 12687 ISSN 1475 3995 S2CID 195551953 Scheithauer Guntram 1993 Computation of optimal f simple guillotine cutting patterns PDF Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics 29 2 115 128 Tarnowski A G Terno J Scheithauer G 1994 11 01 A Polynomial 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Cutting Stock Problems Operations Research 31 3 573 586 doi 10 1287 opre 31 3 573 ISSN 0030 364X Michael L McHale Roshan P Shah Cutting the Guillotine Down to Size PC AI magazine Volume 13 Number 1 Jan Feb 99 http www amzi com articles papercutter htm Problem presented at ACCOTA 96 Combinatorial and Computational Aspects of Optimization Topology and Algebra Taxco Mexico 1996 Pach J Tardos G 2000 Cutting Glass Discrete and Computational Geometry 24 2 3 481 496 doi 10 1007 s004540010050 ISSN 0179 5376 S2CID 1737527 Abed Fidaa Chalermsook Parinya Correa Jose Karrenbauer Andreas Perez Lantero Pablo Soto Jose A Wiese Andreas 2015 On Guillotine Cutting Sequences pp 1 19 doi 10 4230 LIPIcs APPROX RANDOM 2015 1 ISBN 978 3 939897 89 7 a b Khan Arindam Pittu Madhusudhan Reddy 2020 Byrka Jaros law Meka Raghu eds On Guillotine Separability of Squares and Rectangles Approximation Randomization and Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms and Techniques APPROX RANDOM 2020 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics LIPIcs Dagstuhl Germany Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz Zentrum fur Informatik 176 47 1 47 22 doi 10 4230 LIPIcs APPROX RANDOM 2020 47 ISBN 978 3 95977 164 1 Martin Mateus Oliveira Jose Fernando Silva Elsa Morabito Reinaldo Munari Pedro 2020 11 08 Three dimensional guillotine cutting problems with constrained patterns MILP formulations and a bottom up algorithm Expert Systems with Applications 168 114257 doi 10 1016 j eswa 2020 114257 ISSN 0957 4174 S2CID 228839108 Baazaoui M Hanafi S Kamoun H 2014 11 01 A Mathematical formulation and a lower bound for the three dimensional multiple bin size bin packing problem MBSBPP A Tunisian industrial case 2014 International Conference on Control Decision and Information Technologies CoDIT pp 219 224 doi 10 1109 CoDIT 2014 6996896 ISBN 978 1 4799 6773 5 S2CID 18598442 Martin Mateus Hokama Pedro H D B Morabito Reinaldo Munari Pedro 2020 05 02 The constrained two dimensional guillotine cutting problem with defects an ILP formulation a Benders decomposition and a CP based algorithm International Journal of Production Research 58 9 2712 2729 doi 10 1080 00207543 2019 1630773 ISSN 0020 7543 S2CID 197434029 Abou Msabah Slimane and Ahmed Riadh Baba Ali A new guillotine placement heuristic combined with an improved genetic algorithm for the orthogonal cutting stock problem 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IEEE 2011 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Guillotine cutting amp oldid 1172811647 separation, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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