
Escape attempts and victims of the inner German border

There were numerous escape attempts and victims of the inner German border during its 45 years of existence from 1945 to 1990.

Refugee flows and escape attempts edit

Between 1945 and 1988, around 4 million East Germans migrated to the West. 3.454 million of them left between 1945 and the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. The great majority simply walked across the border or, after 1952, exited through West Berlin. After the border was fortified and the Berlin Wall was constructed, the number of illegal border crossings fell drastically. The numbers fell further as the border defenses were improved over the subsequent decades. In 1961, 8,507 people fled across the border, most of them through West Berlin. The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75% to around 2,300 per annum for the rest of the decade. The Wall changed Berlin from being one of the easiest places to cross the border, from the East, to one of the most difficult.[1] The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988. However, escapees were never more than a small minority of the total number of emigrants from East Germany. Far more people left the country after being granted official permits, by fleeing through third countries or by being ransomed to the West German government. During the 1980s, only about 1% of those who left East Germany did so by escaping across the border.[2]

East German Refugees, 1961–1988 [2]
Total Official
Escapes through
other countries
Ransomed to
West Germany
1962–70 229,652 146,129 56,970 21,105 5,448
1971–79 131,176 85,434 27,576 7,816 10,350
1980–88 203,619 150,918 36,152 2,672 13,872
Total (+ 1961) 616,066 382,481 163,815 40,100 29,670

Escapees had various motives for attempting to flee East Germany. The vast majority had an essentially economic motive: they wished to improve their living conditions and opportunities in the West. Some fled for political reasons, but many were impelled to leave by specific social and political events. The imposition of collective agriculture and the crushing of the 1953 East German uprising prompted thousands to flee to the West, as did further coercive economic restructuring in 1960. Thousands of those who fled did so to escape the clearance of their villages along the border. By the 1980s, the number of escape attempts was rising again as East Germany's economy stagnated and living conditions deteriorated.[3]

Attempts to flee across the border were carefully studied and recorded by the East German authorities to identify possible weak points. These were addressed by strengthening the fortifications in vulnerable areas. The East German Army (NVA) and the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) carried out statistical surveys to identify trends. In one example, a study was carried out by the NVA at the end of the 1970s to review attempted "border breaches" (Grenzdurchbrüche). It found that 4,956 people had attempted to escape across the border between 1 January 1974 and 30 November 1979. Of those, 3,984 people (80.4%) were arrested by the People's Police in the Sperrzone, the outer restricted zone. 205 people (4.1%) were caught at the signal fence. Within the inner security zone, the Schutzstreifen, a further 743 people (15%) were arrested by the border guards. 48 people (1%) were stopped – i.e. killed or injured – by landmines and 43 people (0.9%) by SM-70 directional mines on the border fence. A further 67 people (1.35%) were intercepted at the border fence (shot and/or arrested). The study highlighted the effectiveness of the SM-70 as a means of stopping people getting across the fence. A total of 229 people – just 4.6% of attempted escapees, representing less than one in twenty – made it across the border fence. Of these, the largest number (129, or 55% of successful escapees) succeeded in making it across the fence in unmined sectors. 89 people (39% of escapees) managed to cross both the minefields and the border fence, but just 12 people (6% of the total) succeeded in getting past the SM-70s.[4]

East German Army diagram detailing numbers of escape attempts on the inner German border, 1974–1979

Escape attempts were severely punished by the East German state. From 1953, the regime described the act of escaping as Republikflucht (literally "flight from the Republic"), by analogy with the existing military term Fahnenflucht ("desertion"). A successful escapee was not a Flüchtling ("refugee") but a Republikflüchtiger ("Republic-deserter"). Those who attempted to escape were called Sperrbrecher (literally "blockade runners" but more loosely translated as "border violators").[3] Those who helped escapees were not Fluchthelfer ("escape helpers"), the Western term, but Menschenhändler ("human traffickers").[5] Such ideologically coloured language enabled the regime to portray border crossers as little better than traitors and criminals.[6] An East German propaganda booklet published in 1955 outlined the official view of escapees:

Both from the moral standpoint as well as in terms of the interests of the whole German nation, leaving the GDR is an act of political and moral backwardness and depravity.

Those who let themselves be recruited objectively serve West German Reaction and militarism, whether they know it or not. Is it not despicable when for the sake of a few alluring job offers or other false promises about a "guaranteed future" one leaves a country in which the seed for a new and more beautiful life is sprouting, and is already showing the first fruits, for the place that favors a new war and destruction?

Is it not an act of political depravity when citizens, whether young people, workers, or members of the intelligentsia, leave and betray what our people have created through common labor in our republic to offer themselves to the American or British secret services or work for the West German factory owners, Junkers, or militarists? Does not leaving the land of progress for the morass of an historically outdated social order demonstrate political backwardness and blindness? ...

[W]orkers throughout Germany will demand punishment for those who today leave the German Democratic Republic, the strong bastion of the fight for peace, to serve the deadly enemy of the German people, the imperialists and militarists.[7]

Republikflucht became a crime in 1957, punishable by heavy fines and up to three years' imprisonment. Any act associated with an escape attempt was subject to this legislation. Those caught in the act were often tried for espionage as well and given proportionately harsher sentences.[8] More than 75,000 people – an average of more than seven people a day – were imprisoned for attempting to escape across the border, serving an average of one to two years' imprisonment.

Some of the people who tried to escape were in fact East German guards or soldiers. Some of them used military vehicles to smash through the Berlin wall.[9] Guards who attempted to escape were treated much more harshly and were on average imprisoned for five years.[10] Those who helped escapees were also subject to punishment, facing prison terms or deportation to internal exile in faraway towns. Some 50,000 East Germans suffered this fate between 1952 and 1989.[11]

Escape methods edit

Boot modified with metal hooks to enable the wearer to climb the border fence

Refugees used a variety of methods to escape across the border. The great majority crossed on foot, though some took more unusual routes. The Holzapfel family built a zipline.[12] One of the most spectacular was the balloon escape in September 1979 of eight people from two families in a home-made hot-air balloon. Their flight involved an ascent to more than 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) before landing near the West German town of Naila,[13] inspiring the 1982 film Night Crossing and the 2018 film Balloon. Other escapees relied more on physical strength and endurance. An escapee in 1987 used meat hooks to scale the border fences,[14] while in 1971 a doctor swam 45 kilometres (28 mi) across the Baltic Sea from Rostock almost to the Danish island of Lolland before he was picked up by a West German yacht.[15][16][17] Another escapee used an air mattress to escape across the Baltic in 1987.[18] Mass escapes were rare. One of the few that succeeded took place on 2 October 1961, when 53 people from the border village of Böseckendorf – a quarter of the village's population – escaped en masse, followed by another 13 inhabitants in February 1963.[19] An unusual mass escape occurred in September 1964 when 14 East Germans, including eleven children, were smuggled across the border in a refrigerated truck. They were able to escape detection by being concealed under the carcasses of slaughtered and stuffed pigs being transported to the West.[20]

Those working on or near the border were occasionally able to use their privileged access and knowledge to escape. For the border guards, this presented special dangers, as their colleagues were under orders to shoot without warning if an escape attempt was made. The dilemmas they faced were highlighted in the May 1969 defection of a soldier and a non-commissioned officer (NCO) of the Grenztruppen. When the NCO made his escape, the soldier, Jürgen Lange, decided not to shoot him. As this exposed Lange to severe punishment by his superiors for disobeying the order to shoot, Lange made his own escape ten minutes later. When he reached the West German side, Lange found that his rifle had been sabotaged by his NCO to prevent him firing in the first place.[21] Soviet soldiers also sometimes escaped across the border, though this was very rare. Only eight such defections succeeded between 1953 and 1984.[22]

The traffic was not solely one-way; thousands of people a year migrated from West Germany to East Germany. The East German press described such individuals as "west zone refugees" who were fleeing "political pressure", "growing unlawfulness", or "worsening economic conditions". Research carried out by the West German government found more prosaic reasons, such as marital problems, family estrangement, and the homesickness of those who had lived in East Germany in the past.[23] A number of Allied military personnel, including British, French, West German, and United States troops, also defected.[24] By the end of the Cold War, as many as 300 United States citizens were thought to have defected across the Iron Curtain for a variety of reasons[25] – whether to escape criminal charges, for political reasons, or because (as the St. Petersburg Times put it) "girl-hungry GIs [were tempted] with seductive sirens, who usually desert the love-lorn soldier once he is across the border." The fate of such defectors varied considerably. Some were sent straight to labour camps on charges of espionage. Others committed suicide, while a few were able to find wives and work on the eastern side of the border.[26]

Order to fire edit

From 1945 onwards, unauthorised crossers of the inner German border risked being shot by Soviet or East German border guards. The use of deadly force was termed the Schießbefehl ("order to fire" or "command to shoot"). It was formally in force as early as 1948, when regulations concerning the use of firearms on the border were promulgated. A regulation issued to East German police 27 May 1952 stipulated that "failure to obey the orders of the Border Patrol will be met by the use of arms." From the 1960s to the end of the 1980s, the border guards were given daily verbal orders (Vergatterung) to "track down, arrest or annihilate border violators." The GDR formally codified its regulations on the use of deadly force in March 1982, when the State Border Law mandated that firearms were to be used as the "maximum measure in the use of force" against individuals who "publicly attempt to break through the state border".[27] The GDR's leadership explicitly endorsed the use of deadly force. General Heinz Hoffmann, the GDR Minister of Defence, declared in August 1966 that "anyone who does not respect our border will feel the bullet." In 1974, Erich Honecker, as Chairman of the National Defense Council of East Germany, ordered: "Firearms are to be ruthlessly used in the event of attempts to break through the border, and the comrades who have successfully used their firearms are to be commended."[28]

East German border guards had a standard procedure to follow if they detected unauthorised individuals in the border zone. (Though the West Germans referred to the control strip as a "death strip", deadly force could be used at any location along the border – it did not depend on an individual's being in, or crossing, the control strip.) If the individual was less than 100 metres (330 ft) away, the border guard would first order: "Stop! Border sentry! Hands up!" ("Halt! Grenzposten! Hände hoch!") or "Stop, stand still, or I will shoot!" ("Halt! Stehenbleiben, oder ich schieße!"). If the individual was further away or on the Western side of the border fence the guard was authorised to shoot without warning. If the escapee was a fellow border guard, he could be shot immediately from any distance without prior warning. Border guards were instructed not to shoot if innocent bystanders might be hit or if the escapee had made it into West German territory, or if the line of fire was into West Germany. In practice, though, shots fired from East Germany often landed in West German territory.[29]

The border guards were under considerable pressure to obey the Schießbefehl. If they shot escapees they were rewarded with medals, bonuses, and sometimes promotion. In one typical example, the killers of one would-be escapee in East Berlin in February 1972 were rewarded by being decorated with the "Order of Merit of the Border Troops of the GDR" and a bonus of 150 marks.[30] By contrast, failure to shoot or suspicion that a shooter had deliberately missed was punished.[31]

The Schießbefehl was, not surprisingly, very controversial in the West and was singled out for criticism by the West Germans. The West German authorities established a "Central Recording Office" to record details of deaths on the border, with the ultimate aim of prosecuting the offenders. This significantly discomfited the East German authorities, who repeatedly but unsuccessfully demanded the office's closure.[32] The GDR authorities occasionally suspended the Schießbefehl on occasions when it would have been politically inconvenient to have to explain dead refugees, such as during a visit to the GDR by the French foreign minister in 1985.[27] It was also a problem for many of the East German border guards and was the motivating factor behind a number of escapes, when guards facing a crisis of confidence defected because of their unwillingness to shoot fellow citizens.[31]

Deaths on the border edit

It is not known how many people died on the inner German border or who they were, as East Germany treated such information as a closely guarded secret. But numbers have risen steadily since unification, as evidence has been gathered from East German records. Current unofficial estimates put the figure at up to 1,100 people,[33] though officially released figures give a lower count for the death toll before and after the Berlin Wall was built.

People killed crossing the East German borders before and after 13 August 1961: figures as of 2000 [34]
Before 13 August 1961 (1) After 13 August 1961 (1) Total (1) Total (2)
Inner German border 100 271 371 290
Berlin border/Wall 16 239 255 96
Baltic Sea 15 174 189 17
GDR border guards 11 16 27  –
Soviet troops 1 5 6  –
Berlin ring road  –  –  – 90
Aircraft shot down 14 3 17  –
Total 160 753 916 519

(1) Figures from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft 13. August
(2) Figures from the Zentrale Erfassungsstelle für Regierungs- und Vereinigungskriminalität

There were many ways to die on the inner German border. Some escapees were shot by the border guards, while others were killed by mines and booby-traps. A substantial number drowned while trying to cross the Baltic and the Elbe river. Some died of heart attacks during their escape attempts; in one incident, a baby died after its parents gave it sleeping pills to keep it quiet during the crossing.[35] A 2014 news report estimated that over 5,600 tried to escape via the Baltic Sea between 1961 and 1989, but fewer than 1,000 were successful.[36]

Not all of those killed on the border were attempting to escape. On 13 October 1961, Westfälische Rundschau journalist Kurt Lichtenstein was shot on the border near the village of Zicherie after he attempted to speak with East German farm workers. His death aroused condemnation across the political spectrum in West Germany; he was a former parliamentary representative of the German Communist Party.[37] The incident prompted students from Braunschweig to erect a sign on the border protesting the killing.[38] An apparent mix-up over papers at a border crossing point led to the shooting of Benito Corghi, an Italian truck driver, in August 1976. Corghi was a member of the Italian Communist Party, which denounced the killing. The episode severely embarrassed the East German government and produced an unusual apology.[39] In one notorious shooting on 1 May 1976, a former East German political prisoner, Michael Gartenschläger, who had fled to the West some years before, was ambushed and killed by a Stasi commando squad on the border near Büchen as he tried to dismantle an SM-70 anti-personnel mine. When his body was buried it was described merely as an "unknown body fished out of the water". The Stasi's after-action report, however, declared that "before he could carry out the act [of removing the mine], Gartenschläger was liquidated by security forces of the GDR".[40]

Twenty-five East German border guards died after being shot from the Western side of the border or by resisting escapees or (often accidentally) by their own colleagues.[41] The East German government described them as "victims of armed assaults and imperialist provocations against the state border of the GDR"[42] and alleged that "bandits" in the West took potshots at border guards doing their duty – a version of events that was uncorroborated by Western accounts of border incidents.

West German memorial to Helmut Kleinert, shot dead on the border on 1 August 1963.
East German memorial to border guard Waldemar Estel, killed by "imperialist agents" on 3 September 1956.

The two sides commemorated their dead in significantly different ways. Various, mostly unofficial, memorials were set up on the western side by people seeking to commemorate victims of the border. West Germans such as Michael Gartenschläger and Kurt Lichtenstein were commemorated with signs and memorials, some of which were supported by the government. After the policy of détente was initiated in the 1970s this became politically inconvenient and state support for border memorials largely ceased. The taboo in East Germany surrounding escapees meant that the great majority of deaths went unpublicised and uncommemorated. The border guards who died on the frontier were, however, portrayed as "martyrs" by the East German regime. Four stone memorials were erected in East Berlin to mark their deaths.[43] The regime named schools, barracks and other public facilities after the dead guards and used their memorials as places of pilgrimage to signify that (as a slogan put it) "their deaths are our commitment" to maintaining the border. After 1989 the memorials were vandalised, neglected and ultimately removed.[44]

Few East German escapees were commemorated in the West, not least because their identities were mostly unknown until after 1989. One notable exception was Helmut Kleinert, a 23-year-old from Quedlinburg in Saxony-Anhalt who was machine-gunned to death on 1 August 1963 as he and his 22-year-old pregnant wife attempted to cross the border near Hohegeiß in the Harz mountains.[45] A memorial dedicated to "The Unknown" was soon erected by local people on the western side of the border. When Kleinert's identity became known in the West, his name was added to the memorial. It became something of a shrine with piles of flowers and wreaths deposited by visitors. The East German regime strongly objected and erected a watchtower nearby, from which threats and communist propaganda were broadcast across the border. Ultimately, in August 1971, the memorial was replaced by a stone set 150 metres (490 ft) away and out of sight of the border.[46]

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ Keeling, Drew (2014), "Berlin Wall and Migration," Migration as a travel business
  2. ^ a b Jarausch (1994), p. 17
  3. ^ a b "The number of escapees". Grenzmuseum Eichsfeld
  4. ^ Ritter; Lapp (2007), p. 72
  5. ^ GDR Monitor, 1979
  6. ^ Nothnagle (1990), p. 31
  7. ^ Socialist Unity Party's Agitation Department, Berlin District (2001) (orig. 1955 November), "Wer die Deutsche Demokratische Republik verläßt, stellt sich auf die Seite der Kriegstreiber" ("He Who Leaves the German Democratic Republic Joins the Warmongers", In Notizbuch des Agitators ("Agitator's Notebook"); In Series: German Propaganda Archive (online) Translator Randall Bytwerk, Grand Rapids, MI: Calvin University.
  8. ^ Stokes (2000), p. 45
  9. ^ "A communist soldier made a daring escape through the Berlin Wall in an APC". 29 April 2020.
  10. ^ Hooper, John (7 August 2001). "East Germany jailed 75,000 escapers". The Guardian. Retrieved 9 August 2009.
  11. ^ "Victimized East Germans seek redress". Reuters. 11 September 1990.
  12. ^ "The Holzapfel Family – Ziplining over the Wall - Federal Ministry of Finance - Resources".
  13. ^ "Homemade balloon carries 8 to freedom". The Prescott Courier. 17 September 1979.
  14. ^ "Climber flees East Germany". Sunday Star-News. 28 August 1987.
  15. ^ "East German Doctor Swims To Freedom". St. Petersburg Times. United Press International. 4 August 1971.
  16. ^ "Planned Well and Swam to Freedom". The Deseret News. Associated Press. 3 August 1971.
  17. ^ Iken, Katja (24 July 2021). "»Kurs Nordwest. Du schaffst das. Du darfst nicht aufgeben. Es gibt kein Zurück«" ["Course northwest. You'll make it. You can't give up. There's no going back"]. Der Spiegel (in German).
  18. ^ "East German defector seventh since Saturday". The Associated Press. 3 September 1987.
  19. ^ Cramer (2008), pp. 122–123
  20. ^ "Two Families Flee From East Germany". The Times. 11 September 1964.
  21. ^ Cramer (2008), p. 184
  22. ^ "Soviet soldier flees". The Times. 13 July 1984.
  23. ^ "Escape Into East Germany Not Blocked by Wire, Mines". The Associated Press. 7 July 1963.
  24. ^ "Two Soldiers Go To E. Germany". The Times. 11 July 1959.
  25. ^ Walmer, Tracy (14 February 1990). "Wall's fall coaxes 2nd deserter back". USA Today.
  26. ^ "Why Have U.S. Army Men In Europe Defected Behind The Iron Curtain?". St. Petersburg Times. 14 June 1964.[permanent dead link]
  27. ^ a b "The Use of Firearms at the Border". Grenzmuseum Eichsfeld
  28. ^ Hertle (2007), pp. 100–101
  29. ^ Rottman (2008), p. 56
  30. ^ K.-H. W. v. Germany. European Court of Human Rights. Application no. 37201/97. Judgment on the Merits (22 March 2001)
  31. ^ a b Shears (1970), p. 84
  32. ^ Eisenhammer, John (10 February 1992). "Dossier on the dark days of Communism". The Independent.
  33. ^ "More Than 1,100 Berlin Wall Victims". Deutsche Welle. 9 August 2005. Retrieved 8 August 2009.
  34. ^ Dennis (2000), p. 100
  35. ^ Connolly, Kate (13 August 2003). "'More than 1,000 died' trying to flee East Germany". The Daily Telegraph. London. Retrieved 9 August 2009.
  36. ^ Surfboards and submarines: the secret escape of East Germans to Copenhagen
  37. ^ Cramer (2008), p. 82
  38. ^ "Bild175-P05-00002-0001". Bundesarchiv. Retrieved 9 August 2009.
  39. ^ "East Germany Apologizes For Fatal Shooting of Italian". The New York Times. 7 August 1976.
  40. ^ Mielke, Michael (6 May 2002). "Der Fall Gartenschläger". Berliner Morgenpost. Retrieved 9 August 2009.
  41. ^ Baker (2004), p. 29
  42. ^ "Sie gaben ihr Leben für ihr Vaterland". Neues Deutschland. 13–14 August 1989. p. 9.
  43. ^ Ladd (1998), p.25
  44. ^ Ladd (2004), p. 107
  45. ^ Kaminsky (2007), p.295
  46. ^ Cramer (2008), pp. 112–113

References edit

  • Durie, William (2012). The British Garrison Berlin 1945 - 1994: nowhere to go ... a pictorial historiography of the British Military occupation / presence in Berlin. Berlin: Vergangenheitsverlag (de). ISBN 978-3-86408-068-5. OCLC 978161722.
  • Baker, Frederick (2004). "The Berlin Wall". In Ganster, Paul; Lorey, David E. (eds.). Borders and border politics in a globalizing world. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-0-8420-5104-0.
  • Berdahl, Daphne (1999). Where the world ended: re-unification and identity in the German borderland. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-21477-3.
  • Buchholz, Hanns (1994). "The Inner-German Border". In Grundy-Warr, Carl (ed.). Eurasia: World Boundaries Volume 3. World Boundaries (ed. Blake, Gerald H.). London: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-08834-8.
  • Cramer, Michael (2008). German-German Border Trail. Rodingersdorf: Esterbauer. ISBN 978-3-85000-254-7.
  • Dennis, Mike (2000). The Rise and Fall of the German Democratic Republic, 1945–90. Harlow: Longman. ISBN 978-0-582-24562-4.
  • Faringdon, Hugh (1986). Confrontation: the Strategic Geography of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Books. ISBN 0-7102-0676-3.
  • Hertle, Hans-Hermann (2007). The Berlin Wall: Monument of the Cold War. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86153-463-1.
  • Jarausch, Konrad Hugo (1994). The rush to German unity. New York City: Oxford University Press US. ISBN 978-0-19-508577-8.
  • Kaminsky, Annette, ed. (2007). "Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung". Orte des Erinnerns: Gedenkzeichen, Gedenkstätten und Museen zur Diktatur in SBZ und DDR. Ch. Links Verlag. p. 295. ISBN 978-3-86153-443-3.
  • Ladd, Brian (1998). The ghosts of Berlin: confronting German history in the urban landscape. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-46762-7.
  • Ladd, Brian (2004). The companion guide to Berlin. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 978-1-900639-28-6.
  • Nothnagle, Alan L. (1990). Building the East German myth: historical mythology and youth propaganda in the German Democratic Republic. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-10946-4.
  • Ritter, Jürgen; Lapp, Peter Joachim (2007). Die Grenze: ein deutsches Bauwerk. Berlin: Ch. Links Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86153-465-5.
  • Rottman, Gordon L. (2008). The Berlin Wall and the Intra-German border 1961–89. Fortress 69. Oxford: Osprey. ISBN 978-1-84603-193-9.
  • Schweitzer, Carl Christoph (1995). Politics and government in Germany, 1944–1994: basic documents. Providence, RI: Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-1-57181-855-3.
  • Shears, David (1970). The Ugly Frontier. London: Chatto & Windus. OCLC 94402.
  • Stacy, William E. (1984). . US Army Military History Office. OCLC 53275935. Archived from the original on 2010-11-06. Retrieved 2009-10-24.
  • Stokes, Raymond G. (2000). Constructing socialism: technology and change in East Germany 1945–1990. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 978-0-8018-6391-2.

escape, attempts, victims, inner, german, border, there, were, numerous, escape, attempts, victims, inner, german, border, during, years, existence, from, 1945, 1990, contents, refugee, flows, escape, attempts, escape, methods, order, fire, deaths, border, als. There were numerous escape attempts and victims of the inner German border during its 45 years of existence from 1945 to 1990 Contents 1 Refugee flows and escape attempts 2 Escape methods 3 Order to fire 4 Deaths on the border 5 See also 6 Notes 7 ReferencesRefugee flows and escape attempts editFurther information Republikflucht Between 1945 and 1988 around 4 million East Germans migrated to the West 3 454 million of them left between 1945 and the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 The great majority simply walked across the border or after 1952 exited through West Berlin After the border was fortified and the Berlin Wall was constructed the number of illegal border crossings fell drastically The numbers fell further as the border defenses were improved over the subsequent decades In 1961 8 507 people fled across the border most of them through West Berlin The construction of the Berlin Wall that year reduced the number of escapees by 75 to around 2 300 per annum for the rest of the decade The Wall changed Berlin from being one of the easiest places to cross the border from the East to one of the most difficult 1 The number of escapees fell further to 868 per annum during the 1970s and to only 334 per annum between 1980 and 1988 However escapees were never more than a small minority of the total number of emigrants from East Germany Far more people left the country after being granted official permits by fleeing through third countries or by being ransomed to the West German government During the 1980s only about 1 of those who left East Germany did so by escaping across the border 2 East German Refugees 1961 1988 2 Total Officialpermits Escapes throughother countries Directescapes Ransomed toWest Germany1962 70 229 652 146 129 56 970 21 105 5 4481971 79 131 176 85 434 27 576 7 816 10 3501980 88 203 619 150 918 36 152 2 672 13 872Total 1961 616 066 382 481 163 815 40 100 29 670Escapees had various motives for attempting to flee East Germany The vast majority had an essentially economic motive they wished to improve their living conditions and opportunities in the West Some fled for political reasons but many were impelled to leave by specific social and political events The imposition of collective agriculture and the crushing of the 1953 East German uprising prompted thousands to flee to the West as did further coercive economic restructuring in 1960 Thousands of those who fled did so to escape the clearance of their villages along the border By the 1980s the number of escape attempts was rising again as East Germany s economy stagnated and living conditions deteriorated 3 Attempts to flee across the border were carefully studied and recorded by the East German authorities to identify possible weak points These were addressed by strengthening the fortifications in vulnerable areas The East German Army NVA and the Ministry for State Security Stasi carried out statistical surveys to identify trends In one example a study was carried out by the NVA at the end of the 1970s to review attempted border breaches Grenzdurchbruche It found that 4 956 people had attempted to escape across the border between 1 January 1974 and 30 November 1979 Of those 3 984 people 80 4 were arrested by the People s Police in the Sperrzone the outer restricted zone 205 people 4 1 were caught at the signal fence Within the inner security zone the Schutzstreifen a further 743 people 15 were arrested by the border guards 48 people 1 were stopped i e killed or injured by landmines and 43 people 0 9 by SM 70 directional mines on the border fence A further 67 people 1 35 were intercepted at the border fence shot and or arrested The study highlighted the effectiveness of the SM 70 as a means of stopping people getting across the fence A total of 229 people just 4 6 of attempted escapees representing less than one in twenty made it across the border fence Of these the largest number 129 or 55 of successful escapees succeeded in making it across the fence in unmined sectors 89 people 39 of escapees managed to cross both the minefields and the border fence but just 12 people 6 of the total succeeded in getting past the SM 70s 4 nbsp East German Army diagram detailing numbers of escape attempts on the inner German border 1974 1979 Escape attempts were severely punished by the East German state From 1953 the regime described the act of escaping as Republikflucht literally flight from the Republic by analogy with the existing military term Fahnenflucht desertion A successful escapee was not a Fluchtling refugee but a Republikfluchtiger Republic deserter Those who attempted to escape were called Sperrbrecher literally blockade runners but more loosely translated as border violators 3 Those who helped escapees were not Fluchthelfer escape helpers the Western term but Menschenhandler human traffickers 5 Such ideologically coloured language enabled the regime to portray border crossers as little better than traitors and criminals 6 An East German propaganda booklet published in 1955 outlined the official view of escapees Both from the moral standpoint as well as in terms of the interests of the whole German nation leaving the GDR is an act of political and moral backwardness and depravity Those who let themselves be recruited objectively serve West German Reaction and militarism whether they know it or not Is it not despicable when for the sake of a few alluring job offers or other false promises about a guaranteed future one leaves a country in which the seed for a new and more beautiful life is sprouting and is already showing the first fruits for the place that favors a new war and destruction Is it not an act of political depravity when citizens whether young people workers or members of the intelligentsia leave and betray what our people have created through common labor in our republic to offer themselves to the American or British secret services or work for the West German factory owners Junkers or militarists Does not leaving the land of progress for the morass of an historically outdated social order demonstrate political backwardness and blindness W orkers throughout Germany will demand punishment for those who today leave the German Democratic Republic the strong bastion of the fight for peace to serve the deadly enemy of the German people the imperialists and militarists 7 Republikflucht became a crime in 1957 punishable by heavy fines and up to three years imprisonment Any act associated with an escape attempt was subject to this legislation Those caught in the act were often tried for espionage as well and given proportionately harsher sentences 8 More than 75 000 people an average of more than seven people a day were imprisoned for attempting to escape across the border serving an average of one to two years imprisonment Some of the people who tried to escape were in fact East German guards or soldiers Some of them used military vehicles to smash through the Berlin wall 9 Guards who attempted to escape were treated much more harshly and were on average imprisoned for five years 10 Those who helped escapees were also subject to punishment facing prison terms or deportation to internal exile in faraway towns Some 50 000 East Germans suffered this fate between 1952 and 1989 11 Escape methods edit nbsp Boot modified with metal hooks to enable the wearer to climb the border fenceRefugees used a variety of methods to escape across the border The great majority crossed on foot though some took more unusual routes The Holzapfel family built a zipline 12 One of the most spectacular was the balloon escape in September 1979 of eight people from two families in a home made hot air balloon Their flight involved an ascent to more than 2 500 metres 8 200 ft before landing near the West German town of Naila 13 inspiring the 1982 film Night Crossing and the 2018 film Balloon Other escapees relied more on physical strength and endurance An escapee in 1987 used meat hooks to scale the border fences 14 while in 1971 a doctor swam 45 kilometres 28 mi across the Baltic Sea from Rostock almost to the Danish island of Lolland before he was picked up by a West German yacht 15 16 17 Another escapee used an air mattress to escape across the Baltic in 1987 18 Mass escapes were rare One of the few that succeeded took place on 2 October 1961 when 53 people from the border village of Boseckendorf a quarter of the village s population escaped en masse followed by another 13 inhabitants in February 1963 19 An unusual mass escape occurred in September 1964 when 14 East Germans including eleven children were smuggled across the border in a refrigerated truck They were able to escape detection by being concealed under the carcasses of slaughtered and stuffed pigs being transported to the West 20 Those working on or near the border were occasionally able to use their privileged access and knowledge to escape For the border guards this presented special dangers as their colleagues were under orders to shoot without warning if an escape attempt was made The dilemmas they faced were highlighted in the May 1969 defection of a soldier and a non commissioned officer NCO of the Grenztruppen When the NCO made his escape the soldier Jurgen Lange decided not to shoot him As this exposed Lange to severe punishment by his superiors for disobeying the order to shoot Lange made his own escape ten minutes later When he reached the West German side Lange found that his rifle had been sabotaged by his NCO to prevent him firing in the first place 21 Soviet soldiers also sometimes escaped across the border though this was very rare Only eight such defections succeeded between 1953 and 1984 22 The traffic was not solely one way thousands of people a year migrated from West Germany to East Germany The East German press described such individuals as west zone refugees who were fleeing political pressure growing unlawfulness or worsening economic conditions Research carried out by the West German government found more prosaic reasons such as marital problems family estrangement and the homesickness of those who had lived in East Germany in the past 23 A number of Allied military personnel including British French West German and United States troops also defected 24 By the end of the Cold War as many as 300 United States citizens were thought to have defected across the Iron Curtain for a variety of reasons 25 whether to escape criminal charges for political reasons or because as the St Petersburg Times put it girl hungry GIs were tempted with seductive sirens who usually desert the love lorn soldier once he is across the border The fate of such defectors varied considerably Some were sent straight to labour camps on charges of espionage Others committed suicide while a few were able to find wives and work on the eastern side of the border 26 Order to fire editMain article Schiessbefehl From 1945 onwards unauthorised crossers of the inner German border risked being shot by Soviet or East German border guards The use of deadly force was termed the Schiessbefehl order to fire or command to shoot It was formally in force as early as 1948 when regulations concerning the use of firearms on the border were promulgated A regulation issued to East German police 27 May 1952 stipulated that failure to obey the orders of the Border Patrol will be met by the use of arms From the 1960s to the end of the 1980s the border guards were given daily verbal orders Vergatterung to track down arrest or annihilate border violators The GDR formally codified its regulations on the use of deadly force in March 1982 when the State Border Law mandated that firearms were to be used as the maximum measure in the use of force against individuals who publicly attempt to break through the state border 27 The GDR s leadership explicitly endorsed the use of deadly force General Heinz Hoffmann the GDR Minister of Defence declared in August 1966 that anyone who does not respect our border will feel the bullet In 1974 Erich Honecker as Chairman of the National Defense Council of East Germany ordered Firearms are to be ruthlessly used in the event of attempts to break through the border and the comrades who have successfully used their firearms are to be commended 28 East German border guards had a standard procedure to follow if they detected unauthorised individuals in the border zone Though the West Germans referred to the control strip as a death strip deadly force could be used at any location along the border it did not depend on an individual s being in or crossing the control strip If the individual was less than 100 metres 330 ft away the border guard would first order Stop Border sentry Hands up Halt Grenzposten Hande hoch or Stop stand still or I will shoot Halt Stehenbleiben oder ich schiesse If the individual was further away or on the Western side of the border fence the guard was authorised to shoot without warning If the escapee was a fellow border guard he could be shot immediately from any distance without prior warning Border guards were instructed not to shoot if innocent bystanders might be hit or if the escapee had made it into West German territory or if the line of fire was into West Germany In practice though shots fired from East Germany often landed in West German territory 29 The border guards were under considerable pressure to obey the Schiessbefehl If they shot escapees they were rewarded with medals bonuses and sometimes promotion In one typical example the killers of one would be escapee in East Berlin in February 1972 were rewarded by being decorated with the Order of Merit of the Border Troops of the GDR and a bonus of 150 marks 30 By contrast failure to shoot or suspicion that a shooter had deliberately missed was punished 31 The Schiessbefehl was not surprisingly very controversial in the West and was singled out for criticism by the West Germans The West German authorities established a Central Recording Office to record details of deaths on the border with the ultimate aim of prosecuting the offenders This significantly discomfited the East German authorities who repeatedly but unsuccessfully demanded the office s closure 32 The GDR authorities occasionally suspended the Schiessbefehl on occasions when it would have been politically inconvenient to have to explain dead refugees such as during a visit to the GDR by the French foreign minister in 1985 27 It was also a problem for many of the East German border guards and was the motivating factor behind a number of escapes when guards facing a crisis of confidence defected because of their unwillingness to shoot fellow citizens 31 Deaths on the border editIt is not known how many people died on the inner German border or who they were as East Germany treated such information as a closely guarded secret But numbers have risen steadily since unification as evidence has been gathered from East German records Current unofficial estimates put the figure at up to 1 100 people 33 though officially released figures give a lower count for the death toll before and after the Berlin Wall was built People killed crossing the East German borders before and after 13 August 1961 figures as of 2000 34 Before 13 August 1961 1 After 13 August 1961 1 Total 1 Total 2 Inner German border 100 271 371 290Berlin border Wall 16 239 255 96Baltic Sea 15 174 189 17GDR border guards 11 16 27 Soviet troops 1 5 6 Berlin ring road 90Aircraft shot down 14 3 17 Total 160 753 916 519 1 Figures from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft 13 August 2 Figures from the Zentrale Erfassungsstelle fur Regierungs und Vereinigungskriminalitat There were many ways to die on the inner German border Some escapees were shot by the border guards while others were killed by mines and booby traps A substantial number drowned while trying to cross the Baltic and the Elbe river Some died of heart attacks during their escape attempts in one incident a baby died after its parents gave it sleeping pills to keep it quiet during the crossing 35 A 2014 news report estimated that over 5 600 tried to escape via the Baltic Sea between 1961 and 1989 but fewer than 1 000 were successful 36 Not all of those killed on the border were attempting to escape On 13 October 1961 Westfalische Rundschau journalist Kurt Lichtenstein was shot on the border near the village of Zicherie after he attempted to speak with East German farm workers His death aroused condemnation across the political spectrum in West Germany he was a former parliamentary representative of the German Communist Party 37 The incident prompted students from Braunschweig to erect a sign on the border protesting the killing 38 An apparent mix up over papers at a border crossing point led to the shooting of Benito Corghi an Italian truck driver in August 1976 Corghi was a member of the Italian Communist Party which denounced the killing The episode severely embarrassed the East German government and produced an unusual apology 39 In one notorious shooting on 1 May 1976 a former East German political prisoner Michael Gartenschlager who had fled to the West some years before was ambushed and killed by a Stasi commando squad on the border near Buchen as he tried to dismantle an SM 70 anti personnel mine When his body was buried it was described merely as an unknown body fished out of the water The Stasi s after action report however declared that before he could carry out the act of removing the mine Gartenschlager was liquidated by security forces of the GDR 40 Twenty five East German border guards died after being shot from the Western side of the border or by resisting escapees or often accidentally by their own colleagues 41 The East German government described them as victims of armed assaults and imperialist provocations against the state border of the GDR 42 and alleged that bandits in the West took potshots at border guards doing their duty a version of events that was uncorroborated by Western accounts of border incidents nbsp West German memorial to Helmut Kleinert shot dead on the border on 1 August 1963 nbsp East German memorial to border guard Waldemar Estel killed by imperialist agents on 3 September 1956 The two sides commemorated their dead in significantly different ways Various mostly unofficial memorials were set up on the western side by people seeking to commemorate victims of the border West Germans such as Michael Gartenschlager and Kurt Lichtenstein were commemorated with signs and memorials some of which were supported by the government After the policy of detente was initiated in the 1970s this became politically inconvenient and state support for border memorials largely ceased The taboo in East Germany surrounding escapees meant that the great majority of deaths went unpublicised and uncommemorated The border guards who died on the frontier were however portrayed as martyrs by the East German regime Four stone memorials were erected in East Berlin to mark their deaths 43 The regime named schools barracks and other public facilities after the dead guards and used their memorials as places of pilgrimage to signify that as a slogan put it their deaths are our commitment to maintaining the border After 1989 the memorials were vandalised neglected and ultimately removed 44 Few East German escapees were commemorated in the West not least because their identities were mostly unknown until after 1989 One notable exception was Helmut Kleinert a 23 year old from Quedlinburg in Saxony Anhalt who was machine gunned to death on 1 August 1963 as he and his 22 year old pregnant wife attempted to cross the border near Hohegeiss in the Harz mountains 45 A memorial dedicated to The Unknown was soon erected by local people on the western side of the border When Kleinert s identity became known in the West his name was added to the memorial It became something of a shrine with piles of flowers and wreaths deposited by visitors The East German regime strongly objected and erected a watchtower nearby from which threats and communist propaganda were broadcast across the border Ultimately in August 1971 the memorial was replaced by a stone set 150 metres 490 ft away and out of sight of the border 46 See also editBorder guards of the inner German border Crossing the inner German border Development of the inner German border Fall of the inner German border Fortifications of the inner German border List of deaths at the Berlin WallNotes edit Keeling Drew 2014 Berlin Wall and Migration Migration as a travel business a b Jarausch 1994 p 17 a b The number of escapees Grenzmuseum Eichsfeld Ritter Lapp 2007 p 72 GDR Monitor 1979 Nothnagle 1990 p 31 Socialist Unity Party s Agitation Department Berlin District 2001 orig 1955 November Wer die Deutsche Demokratische Republik verlasst stellt sich auf die Seite der Kriegstreiber He Who Leaves the German Democratic Republic Joins the Warmongers In Notizbuch des Agitators Agitator s Notebook In Series German Propaganda Archive online Translator Randall Bytwerk Grand Rapids MI Calvin University Stokes 2000 p 45 A communist soldier made a daring escape through the Berlin Wall in an APC 29 April 2020 Hooper John 7 August 2001 East Germany jailed 75 000 escapers The Guardian Retrieved 9 August 2009 Victimized East Germans seek redress Reuters 11 September 1990 The Holzapfel Family Ziplining over the Wall Federal Ministry of Finance Resources Homemade balloon carries 8 to freedom The Prescott Courier 17 September 1979 Climber flees East Germany Sunday Star News 28 August 1987 East German Doctor Swims To Freedom St Petersburg Times United Press International 4 August 1971 Planned Well and Swam to Freedom The Deseret News Associated Press 3 August 1971 Iken Katja 24 July 2021 Kurs Nordwest Du schaffst das Du darfst nicht aufgeben Es gibt kein Zuruck Course northwest You ll make it You can t give up There s no going back Der Spiegel in German East German defector seventh since Saturday The Associated Press 3 September 1987 Cramer 2008 pp 122 123 Two Families Flee From East Germany The Times 11 September 1964 Cramer 2008 p 184 Soviet soldier flees The Times 13 July 1984 Escape Into East Germany Not Blocked by Wire Mines The Associated Press 7 July 1963 Two Soldiers Go To E Germany The Times 11 July 1959 Walmer Tracy 14 February 1990 Wall s fall coaxes 2nd deserter back USA Today Why Have U S Army Men In Europe Defected Behind The Iron Curtain St Petersburg Times 14 June 1964 permanent dead link a b The Use of Firearms at the Border Grenzmuseum Eichsfeld Hertle 2007 pp 100 101 Rottman 2008 p 56 K H W v Germany European Court of Human Rights Application no 37201 97 Judgment on the Merits 22 March 2001 a b Shears 1970 p 84 Eisenhammer John 10 February 1992 Dossier on the dark days of Communism The Independent More Than 1 100 Berlin Wall Victims Deutsche Welle 9 August 2005 Retrieved 8 August 2009 Dennis 2000 p 100 Connolly Kate 13 August 2003 More than 1 000 died trying to flee East Germany The Daily Telegraph London Retrieved 9 August 2009 Surfboards and submarines the secret escape of East Germans to Copenhagen Cramer 2008 p 82 Bild175 P05 00002 0001 Bundesarchiv Retrieved 9 August 2009 East Germany Apologizes For Fatal Shooting of Italian The New York Times 7 August 1976 Mielke Michael 6 May 2002 Der Fall Gartenschlager Berliner Morgenpost Retrieved 9 August 2009 Baker 2004 p 29 Sie gaben ihr Leben fur ihr Vaterland Neues Deutschland 13 14 August 1989 p 9 Ladd 1998 p 25 Ladd 2004 p 107 Kaminsky 2007 p 295 Cramer 2008 pp 112 113References editDurie William 2012 The British Garrison Berlin 1945 1994 nowhere to go a pictorial historiography of the British Military occupation presence in Berlin Berlin Vergangenheitsverlag de ISBN 978 3 86408 068 5 OCLC 978161722 Baker Frederick 2004 The Berlin Wall In Ganster Paul Lorey David E eds Borders and border politics in a globalizing world Lanham MD Rowman amp Littlefield ISBN 978 0 8420 5104 0 Berdahl Daphne 1999 Where the world ended re unification and identity in the German borderland Berkeley CA University of California Press ISBN 0 520 21477 3 Buchholz Hanns 1994 The Inner German Border In Grundy Warr Carl ed Eurasia World Boundaries Volume 3 World Boundaries ed Blake Gerald H London Routledge ISBN 0 415 08834 8 Cramer Michael 2008 German German Border Trail Rodingersdorf Esterbauer ISBN 978 3 85000 254 7 Dennis Mike 2000 The Rise and Fall of the German Democratic Republic 1945 90 Harlow Longman ISBN 978 0 582 24562 4 Faringdon Hugh 1986 Confrontation the Strategic Geography of NATO and the Warsaw Pact London Routledge amp Kegan Paul Books ISBN 0 7102 0676 3 Hertle Hans Hermann 2007 The Berlin Wall Monument of the Cold War Berlin Ch Links Verlag ISBN 978 3 86153 463 1 Jarausch Konrad Hugo 1994 The rush to German unity New York City Oxford University Press US ISBN 978 0 19 508577 8 Kaminsky Annette ed 2007 Bundeszentrale fur Politische Bildung Orte des Erinnerns Gedenkzeichen Gedenkstatten und Museen zur Diktatur in SBZ und DDR Ch Links Verlag p 295 ISBN 978 3 86153 443 3 Ladd Brian 1998 The ghosts of Berlin confronting German history in the urban landscape Chicago University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0 226 46762 7 Ladd Brian 2004 The companion guide to Berlin Rochester NY Boydell amp Brewer ISBN 978 1 900639 28 6 Nothnagle Alan L 1990 Building the East German myth historical mythology and youth propaganda in the German Democratic Republic Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press ISBN 0 472 10946 4 Ritter Jurgen Lapp Peter Joachim 2007 Die Grenze ein deutsches Bauwerk Berlin Ch Links Verlag ISBN 978 3 86153 465 5 Rottman Gordon L 2008 The Berlin Wall and the Intra German border 1961 89 Fortress 69 Oxford Osprey ISBN 978 1 84603 193 9 Schweitzer Carl Christoph 1995 Politics and government in Germany 1944 1994 basic documents Providence RI Berghahn Books ISBN 978 1 57181 855 3 Shears David 1970 The Ugly Frontier London Chatto amp Windus OCLC 94402 Stacy William E 1984 US Army Border Operations in Germany US Army Military History Office OCLC 53275935 Archived from the original on 2010 11 06 Retrieved 2009 10 24 Stokes Raymond G 2000 Constructing socialism technology and change in East Germany 1945 1990 Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN 978 0 8018 6391 2 Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Escape attempts and victims of the inner German border amp oldid 1177980180, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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