
Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education

The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, or simply the Carnegie Classification, is a framework for classifying colleges and universities in the United States. It was created in 1970 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Indiana University's Center for Postsecondary Research manages the classification system with the exception of the voluntary Classification on Community Engagement which is managed by the Public Purpose Institute at Albion College.[1] The framework primarily serves educational and research purposes, where it is often important to identify groups of roughly comparable institutions.[2] The classification includes all accredited, degree-granting colleges and universities in the United States that are represented in the National Center for Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).

General description

The Carnegie Classification was created by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education in 1970. The classification was first published in 1973 with updates in 1976, 1987, 1994, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2018 and 2021.[2] To ensure continuity of the classification framework and to allow comparison across years, the 2015 Classification update retains the same structure of six parallel classifications, initially adopted in 2005.[2] The 2005 report substantially reworked the classification system, based on data from the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 school years.[3]

In 2015, the Carnegie Foundation transferred responsibility for the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education to the Center for Postsecondary Research of the Indiana University School of Education in Bloomington, Indiana.[4] The voluntary Classification on Community Engagement is managed by the Public Purpose Institute at Albion College.[1] In March 2022, the universal and elective Carnegie classifications moved to the nonprofit American Council on Education in Washington, D.C.[5]

Information used in these classifications comes primarily from IPEDS and the College Board.

Basic classification

The number of institutions in each category is indicated in parentheses.[6]

Doctorate-granting Universities

Doctorate-granting Universities are institutions that awarded at least 20 research/scholarly doctorates in 2013–14. Professional doctorates (M.D., J.D., etc.) are not included in this count but were added as a separate criterion in 2018–19. The framework further classifies these universities by their level of research activity, as measured by research expenditures, number of research doctorates awarded, number of research-focused faculty, and other factors.[7] A detailed list of schools can be found in the list of research universities in the United States.

  • Doctoral Universities – Very High Research Activity (R1) (130)
  • Doctoral Universities – High Research Activity (R2) (132)
  • Doctoral/Professional Universities (D/PU) (161)

Master's Colleges and Universities

Master's Colleges and Universities are institutions that "awarded at least 50 master's degrees in 2013–14, but fewer than 20 doctorates."[7]

  • Master's Colleges and Universities: Larger programs (M1) are larger programs that awarded at least 200 master's-level degrees (393)
  • Master's Colleges and Universities: Medium programs (M2) are medium programs that awarded 100–199 master's-level degrees (207)
  • Master's Colleges and Universities: Smaller programs (M3) are small programs that awarded 50–99 master's-level degrees (141)

Baccalaureate Colleges

Baccalaureate Colleges are institutions where "bachelor's degrees accounted for at least 10 percent of all undergraduate degrees and they awarded fewer than 50 master's degrees (2013–14-degree conferrals)."[7]

  • Baccalaureate Colleges—Arts & Sciences (249)
  • Baccalaureate Colleges—Diverse Fields (324)
  • Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges: Associates Dominant (149)
  • Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges: Mixed Baccalaureate/Associate's (259)

Associates Colleges

Associates Colleges are institutions whose highest degree is the associate degree, or bachelor's degrees account for fewer than 10 percent of all undergraduate degrees (2013–14-degree conferrals).

  • Associate's Colleges: High Transfer – High Traditional (166)
  • Associate's Colleges: High Transfer – Mixed Traditional/Nontraditional (127)
  • Associate's Colleges: High Transfer – High Nontraditional (84)
  • Associate's Colleges: Mixed Transfer/Career – High Traditional (110)
  • Associate's Colleges: Mixed Transfer/Career – Mixed Traditional/Nontraditional (102)
  • Associate's Colleges: Mixed Transfer/Career – High Nontraditional (130)
  • Associate's Colleges: High Career – High Traditional (87)
  • Associate's Colleges: High Career – Mixed Traditional/Nontraditional (123)
  • Associate's Colleges: High Career – High Nontraditional (184)

Special Focus Institutions

Special Focus Institutions were classified "based on the concentration of degrees in a single field or set of related fields, at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Institutions were determined to have a special focus with concentrations of at least 80 percent of undergraduate and graduate degrees. In some cases this percentage criterion was relaxed if an institution identified a special focus on the College Board's Annual Survey of Colleges, or if an institution's only accreditation was from a body related to the special focus categories".[7]

  • Special Focus Two-Year: Health Professions (267)
  • Special Focus Two-Year: Technical Professions (62)
  • Special Focus Two-Year: Arts and Design (41)
  • Special Focus Two-Year: Other Fields (74)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Faith-Related Institutions (310)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Medical Schools and Centers (54)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Other Health Professions Schools (261)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Engineering Schools (7)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Other Technology-Related Schools (70)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Business and Management Schools (94)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Arts, Music, and Design Schools (137)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Law Schools (36)
  • Special Focus Four-Year: Other Special Focus Institutions (36)

Tribal Colleges

Tribal Colleges are institutions that belong to the American Indian Higher Education Consortium.

Not classified

The Basic Classification omits 26 institutions.[citation needed]

Undergraduate instructional program

The Undergraduate Instructional Program classification combines (a) the ratio of Arts and sciences and professional fields (as defined in the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)) and (b) the coexistence of programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels (again using the CIP).[8]

Arts and sciences and professional fields

The framework categorizes institutions based on the proportion of undergraduate majors in arts and sciences or professional fields, based on their two-digit CIP.[8]

  • Associates Only (Assoc) only award associate degrees.
  • Associates Dominant (Assoc-Dom) award some bachelor's degrees, but award more associates's degrees.
  • Arts & Sciences Focus (A&S-F) award least 80 percent of undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences.
  • Arts & Sciences + Professions (A&S+Prof) award between 80 and 59 percent of undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences.
  • Balanced Arts & Sciences/Professions (Bal) award 41 to 59 percent of undergraduate degrees in each domain.
  • Professions + Arts & Sciences (Prof+A&S) award between 80 and 59 percent of undergraduate degrees in a professional field.
  • Professions Focus (Prof-F) award at least 80 percent of undergraduate degrees in a professional field.

Graduate coexistence

The framework categorizes institutions based on the proportion of undergraduate and graduate programs (defined by their 4-digit CIP) that coexist.[8]

  • No coexistence (NGC)—no programs coexist.
  • Some coexistence (SGC)—some graduate programs coexist with undergraduate programs but fewer than half.
  • High coexistence (HGC)—at least half of the graduate programs coexist with undergraduate programs.

Graduate instructional program

The Graduate Instructional Program classification indicates (a) if the institution awards just master's degrees or master's degrees and doctoral degrees, and (b) in what general categories they predominantly award graduate degrees. Institutions that do not award graduate degrees are not classified by this scheme.[9]

Postbaccalaureate graduate programs

Institutions that offer graduate and professional programs (such as law schools) but do not award the doctorate are classified as having Postbaccalaureate graduate programs.[9] These programs are classified by the fields in which the degrees are awarded.

  • Single postbaccalaureate (education) (S-PostBac/Ed)—only offer graduate training in education.
  • Single postbaccalaureate (business) (S-PostBac/Bus)—only offer graduate training in business.
  • Single postbaccalaureate (other field) (S-PostBac/Other)—only offer graduate training in a field other than education or business.
  • Postbaccalaureate comprehensive (PostBac-Comp)—offer graduate training in the humanities, social sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM), and one or more professional fields.
  • Postbaccalaureate, arts & sciences dominant (PostBac-A&S)—only offer graduate training in the arts and sciences.
  • Postbaccalaureate with arts & sciences (education dominant) (PostBac-A&S/Ed)—offer graduate training primarily in the arts and sciences with some training in education.
  • Postbaccalaureate with arts & sciences (business dominant) (PostBac-A&S/Bus)—offer graduate training primarily in the arts and sciences with some training in business.
  • Postbaccalaureate with arts & sciences (other dominant fields) (PostBac-A&S/Other)—offer graduate training primarily in the arts and sciences with some training in a field other than education or business.
  • Postbaccalaureate professional (education dominant) (PostBac-Prof/Ed)—offer graduate training primarily in professional fields with some training in education.
  • Postbaccalaureate professional (business dominant) (PostBac-Prof/Bus)—offer graduate training primarily in professional fields with some training in business.
  • Postbaccalaureate professional (other dominant fields) (PostBac-Prof/Other)—offer graduate training primarily in professional fields with some training in a field other than education or business.

Doctoral degree programs

Institutions that offer doctoral degrees, including medical and veterinary degrees, are classified by the field in which they award degrees.[9]

  • Single doctoral (education) (S-Doc/Ed) only award doctoral degrees in education.
  • Single doctoral (other field) (S-Doc/Other) only award doctoral degrees in a single non-education field.
  • Comprehensive doctoral with medical/veterinary (CompDoc/MedVet) (a) award doctorates in the humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields, (b) graduate or professional degrees in one or more professional fields, and (c) award medical or veterinary doctoral degrees.
  • Comprehensive doctoral (no medical/veterinary) (CompDoc/NMedVet) (a) award doctorates in the humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields, (b) graduate or professional degrees in one or more professional fields, and (c) do not award medical or veterinary doctoral degrees.
  • Doctoral, humanities/social sciences dominant (Doc/HSS) award most of their doctorates in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Doctoral, STEM dominant (Doc/STEM) award most of their doctorates in STEM fields.
  • Doctoral, professional dominant (Doc/Prof) award most of their doctorates are awarded in professional fields other than engineering.

Enrollment profile

The Enrollment Profile of institutions are classified according to (a) the level of the highest degree awarded and (b) the ratio of undergraduate to graduate students.[10]

  • Exclusively undergraduate two-year (ExU2)—students are not awarded bachelor's or higher degrees.
  • Exclusively undergraduate four-year (ExU4)—students are only awarded bachelor's degrees.
  • Very high undergraduate (VHU)—fewer than 10 percent of students are graduate students.
  • High undergraduate (HU)—more than 10 percent, but fewer than 25 percent of students are graduate students.
  • Majority undergraduate (MU)—more than 24 percent, but fewer than 50 percent of students are graduate students.
  • Majority graduate/professional (MGP)—fewer than 50 percent of students are undergraduates.
  • Exclusively graduate/professional (ExGP)—students are only awarded degrees higher than bachelor's.

Undergraduate profile

The framework classifies institutions' Undergraduate Profile according to (a) the proportion of part-time undergraduate students to full-time students, (b) the institutions selectivity in admitting undergraduate students, and (c) the percentage of students who transfer into the university.[11]

Enrollment status

The framework classifies Enrollment Status according to the ratio of part-time to full-time students (degree seeking students in four-year institutions).[12]

  • PT2: Higher part-time two-year—more than 60 percent of students at this 2-year institution are part-time.
  • Mix2: Mixed part/full-time two-year—between 39 and 60 percent of students at this 2-year institution are part-time.
  • MFT2: Medium full-time two-year—more than 60 but fewer than 91 percent of students at this 2-year institution are full-time.
  • FT2: Higher full-time two-year—more than 90 percent of students at this 2-year institution are full-time.
  • PT4: Higher part-time four-year—more than 39 percent of students at this 4-year or higher institution are part-time.
  • MFT4: Medium full-time four-year—more than 60 percent but fewer than 80 percent of students at this 4-year or higher institution are full-time.
  • FT4: Full-time four-year—more than 79 percent of students at this 4-year or higher institution are full-time.

Achievement characteristics/selectivity

Selectivity is classified according to the SAT and ACT scores of first-time first-year students. This classification only applies to four-year or higher institutions. As of the 2010 edition the criteria were as follows (http://classifications.carnegiefoundation.org/methodology/ugrad_profile.php)[11]

  • Inclusive (I)—students had a 25th percentile ACT-equivalent score below 18.
  • Selective (S)—students had a 25th percentile ACT-equivalent score from 18 to 21.
  • More Selective (MS)—students had a 25th percentile ACT-equivalent score greater than 21.

Transfer origin

Transfer origin characterizes the percentage of students who transfer to the institution, and only applies to four-year or higher institutions.[11]

  • Lower transfer-in (LTI)—fewer than 20 percent of students transfer into the institution.
  • Higher transfer-in (HTI)—more than 19 percent of students transfer into the institution.

Size and setting

Size and Setting classifies institutions according to (a) size of their student body and (b) percentage of student who reside on campus. This does not apply to exclusively graduate and professional institutions and special-focus institutions.[13]


The size of institutions is based on their full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment. FTEs are calculated by adding the number of full-time students to one-third the number of part-time students. Two-year colleges are classified using a different scale than four-year and higher institutions.[13]

  • Very small two-year (VS2)—fewer than 500 FTEs attend this two-year institution.
  • Small two-year (S2)—at least 500 but fewer than 2000 FTEs attend this two-year institution.
  • Medium two-year (M2)—at least 2000 but fewer than 5000 FTEs attend this two-year institution.
  • Large two-year (L2)—at least 5000 but fewer than 10000 FTEs attend this two-year institution.
  • Very large two-year (VL2)—10000 or more FTEs attend this two-year institution.
  • Very small four-year (VS4)—fewer than 1000 FTEs attend this four-year institution.
  • Small four-year (S4)—at least 1000 but fewer than 3000 FTEs attend this four-year institution.
  • Medium four-year (M4)—at least 3000 but fewer than 10000 FTEs attend this four-year institution.
  • Large four-year (L4)—more than 10000 FTEs attend this four-year institution.


Setting is based on the percentage of full-time undergraduates who live in institutionally-managed housing.[13] Two-year institutions are not classified by setting.[14]

  • Primarily nonresidential (NR)—fewer than 25 percent of degree-seeking undergraduates or fewer than 50 percent enrolled full-time live on campus.[13]
  • Primarily residential (R): (a)—at least 25 percent of degree-seeking undergraduates live on campus and (b) at least 50 percent but fewer than 80 percent attend full-time.
  • Highly residential (HR)—at least half of degree-seeking undergraduates live on campus and at least 80 percent attend full-time.[13]

2005 edition

In contrast to previous classifications, the 2005 classification scheme provides a "...set of multiple, parallel classifications."[15] According to Alexander C. McCormick, Senior Scholar at The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and director of the classifications project, "The five new classifications are organized around three central questions: 1) What is taught, 2) to whom, and 3) in what setting?"[16] In addition to the new classification categories, the previously used classification scheme ("Basic classification") has been revised.

The Carnegie Foundation is also developing one or more voluntary classification schemes that rely on data submitted by institutions.[15] The first focuses on outreach and community engagement, and the second on "...how institutions seek to analyze, understand, and improve undergraduate education."[16]

The Carnegie Foundation has no plans to issue printed editions of the classifications. Their has several tools that let researchers and administrators view classifications.[17]

Revisions in the basic classification

The "basic classification" is an update of the original classification scheme. In addition to changing names of some categories, the 2005 revision differs from previous editions in that it:[7]

  1. Splits Associates colleges into subcategories. This is based on the work of Stephen Katsinas, Vincent Lacey, and David Hardy at the University of Alabama and is an update of work funded in the 1990s by the Ford Foundation.
  2. Categorizes doctorate-granting institutions according to their level of research activity. This level is calculated using multiple measures, financial and otherwise.
  3. Simplifies the measurement of doctorate degrees awarded.
  4. Divides Master's colleges and universities into three categories based on the number of Master's degrees awarded.
  5. Deprecates "Liberal Arts" terminology.[need quotation to verify]
  6. Modified the criteria separating Master's and Baccalaureate institutions. Institutions formerly classified as Master's Colleges and Universities are now classified as Baccalaureate Colleges.
  7. Requires institutions to have higher levels of single-field or related-field concentration for designation as special-focus institutions and utilizes more sources of information to identify special-focus institutions.
  8. Splits the "Schools of engineering and technology" category into two categories and eliminates the "Teacher's colleges" category.
  9. Measures and classifies service academies using to the same criteria as other institutions.

Previous editions

Prior to the 2000 edition, the Carnegie Foundation categorized doctorate-granting institutions according to the amount of federal funding they received. The 2005 edition categorizes doctoral-institutions according to their research support but uses a more complex formula than used in previous editions. Despite the fact that it is no longer used by the Carnegie Foundation, the descriptor Research I is still commonly used in reference to universities with the largest research budgets, often by the institutions themselves in their promotional materials.[citation needed]

See also


  1. ^ a b Indiana University Bloomington – 2015 Carnegie Classification of more than 4,660 universities and colleges released
  2. ^ a b c "About Carnegie Classification". The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research. n.d. Retrieved June 2, 2017.
  3. ^ "Basic Classification Technical Details". Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 2005. Retrieved September 24, 2008.
  4. ^ "IU research Center to House Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education". Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. October 8, 2014. Retrieved June 2, 2017.
  5. ^ Whitford, Emma (February 9, 2022). "Carnegie Classifications Find a New Home". Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved March 17, 2022.
  6. ^ "Basic Classification Tables". Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 2005. Retrieved September 24, 2008.
  7. ^ a b c d e "Basic Classification Description". The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. Retrieved May 31, 2020.
  8. ^ a b c The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). Technical Details > Undergraduate Instructional Program.
  9. ^ a b c The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). "Technical Details > Graduate Instructional Program".
  10. ^ The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). Technical Details > Enrollment Profile Program.
  11. ^ a b c The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). Technical Details > Undergraduate Profile.
  12. ^ The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). Undergraduate Profile classification flow chart.
  13. ^ a b c d e The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). Technical Details > Size & Setting.
  14. ^ The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). Size and Setting classification flow chart.
  15. ^ a b The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education website 22 August 2008 at the Wayback Machine.
  16. ^ a b McCormick, Alexander C. (2005). A New Set of Lenses for Looking at Colleges and Universities, Carnegie Perspectives, November 2005.
  17. ^ The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (2005). Carnegie Classification FAQs: Will the classifications be available in print?.

External links

  • Official website

carnegie, classification, institutions, higher, education, simply, carnegie, classification, framework, classifying, colleges, universities, united, states, created, 1970, carnegie, foundation, advancement, teaching, indiana, university, center, postsecondary,. The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education or simply the Carnegie Classification is a framework for classifying colleges and universities in the United States It was created in 1970 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Indiana University s Center for Postsecondary Research manages the classification system with the exception of the voluntary Classification on Community Engagement which is managed by the Public Purpose Institute at Albion College 1 The framework primarily serves educational and research purposes where it is often important to identify groups of roughly comparable institutions 2 The classification includes all accredited degree granting colleges and universities in the United States that are represented in the National Center for Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System IPEDS Contents 1 General description 2 Basic classification 2 1 Doctorate granting Universities 2 2 Master s Colleges and Universities 2 3 Baccalaureate Colleges 2 4 Associates Colleges 2 5 Special Focus Institutions 2 6 Tribal Colleges 2 7 Not classified 3 Undergraduate instructional program 3 1 Arts and sciences and professional fields 3 2 Graduate coexistence 4 Graduate instructional program 4 1 Postbaccalaureate graduate programs 4 2 Doctoral degree programs 5 Enrollment profile 6 Undergraduate profile 6 1 Enrollment status 6 2 Achievement characteristics selectivity 6 3 Transfer origin 7 Size and setting 7 1 Size 7 2 Setting 8 2005 edition 8 1 Revisions in the basic classification 9 Previous editions 10 See also 11 References 12 External linksGeneral description EditThe Carnegie Classification was created by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education in 1970 The classification was first published in 1973 with updates in 1976 1987 1994 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 and 2021 2 To ensure continuity of the classification framework and to allow comparison across years the 2015 Classification update retains the same structure of six parallel classifications initially adopted in 2005 2 The 2005 report substantially reworked the classification system based on data from the 2002 2003 and 2003 2004 school years 3 In 2015 the Carnegie Foundation transferred responsibility for the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education to the Center for Postsecondary Research of the Indiana University School of Education in Bloomington Indiana 4 The voluntary Classification on Community Engagement is managed by the Public Purpose Institute at Albion College 1 In March 2022 the universal and elective Carnegie classifications moved to the nonprofit American Council on Education in Washington D C 5 Information used in these classifications comes primarily from IPEDS and the College Board Basic classification EditThe number of institutions in each category is indicated in parentheses 6 Doctorate granting Universities Edit Doctorate granting Universities are institutions that awarded at least 20 research scholarly doctorates in 2013 14 Professional doctorates M D J D etc are not included in this count but were added as a separate criterion in 2018 19 The framework further classifies these universities by their level of research activity as measured by research expenditures number of research doctorates awarded number of research focused faculty and other factors 7 A detailed list of schools can be found in the list of research universities in the United States Doctoral Universities Very High Research Activity R1 130 Doctoral Universities High Research Activity R2 132 Doctoral Professional Universities D PU 161 Master s Colleges and Universities Edit Master s university redirects here For the university located in Santa Clarita California see The Master s University Master s Colleges and Universities are institutions that awarded at least 50 master s degrees in 2013 14 but fewer than 20 doctorates 7 Master s Colleges and Universities Larger programs M1 are larger programs that awarded at least 200 master s level degrees 393 Master s Colleges and Universities Medium programs M2 are medium programs that awarded 100 199 master s level degrees 207 Master s Colleges and Universities Smaller programs M3 are small programs that awarded 50 99 master s level degrees 141 Baccalaureate Colleges Edit Baccalaureate College redirects here For other uses of Baccalaureate see Baccalaureate disambiguation Baccalaureate Colleges are institutions where bachelor s degrees accounted for at least 10 percent of all undergraduate degrees and they awarded fewer than 50 master s degrees 2013 14 degree conferrals 7 Baccalaureate Colleges Arts amp Sciences 249 Baccalaureate Colleges Diverse Fields 324 Baccalaureate Associate s Colleges Associates Dominant 149 Baccalaureate Associate s Colleges Mixed Baccalaureate Associate s 259 Associates Colleges Edit Associates Colleges are institutions whose highest degree is the associate degree or bachelor s degrees account for fewer than 10 percent of all undergraduate degrees 2013 14 degree conferrals Associate s Colleges High Transfer High Traditional 166 Associate s Colleges High Transfer Mixed Traditional Nontraditional 127 Associate s Colleges High Transfer High Nontraditional 84 Associate s Colleges Mixed Transfer Career High Traditional 110 Associate s Colleges Mixed Transfer Career Mixed Traditional Nontraditional 102 Associate s Colleges Mixed Transfer Career High Nontraditional 130 Associate s Colleges High Career High Traditional 87 Associate s Colleges High Career Mixed Traditional Nontraditional 123 Associate s Colleges High Career High Nontraditional 184 Special Focus Institutions Edit Special Focus Institutions were classified based on the concentration of degrees in a single field or set of related fields at both undergraduate and graduate levels Institutions were determined to have a special focus with concentrations of at least 80 percent of undergraduate and graduate degrees In some cases this percentage criterion was relaxed if an institution identified a special focus on the College Board s Annual Survey of Colleges or if an institution s only accreditation was from a body related to the special focus categories 7 Special Focus Two Year Health Professions 267 Special Focus Two Year Technical Professions 62 Special Focus Two Year Arts and Design 41 Special Focus Two Year Other Fields 74 Special Focus Four Year Faith Related Institutions 310 Special Focus Four Year Medical Schools and Centers 54 Special Focus Four Year Other Health Professions Schools 261 Special Focus Four Year Engineering Schools 7 Special Focus Four Year Other Technology Related Schools 70 Special Focus Four Year Business and Management Schools 94 Special Focus Four Year Arts Music and Design Schools 137 Special Focus Four Year Law Schools 36 Special Focus Four Year Other Special Focus Institutions 36 Tribal Colleges Edit Tribal Colleges are institutions that belong to the American Indian Higher Education Consortium Tribal colleges and universities Tribal 35 Not classified Edit The Basic Classification omits 26 institutions citation needed Undergraduate instructional program EditThe Undergraduate Instructional Program classification combines a the ratio of Arts and sciences and professional fields as defined in the Classification of Instructional Programs CIP and b the coexistence of programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels again using the CIP 8 Arts and sciences and professional fields Edit The framework categorizes institutions based on the proportion of undergraduate majors in arts and sciences or professional fields based on their two digit CIP 8 Associates Only Assoc only award associate degrees Associates Dominant Assoc Dom award some bachelor s degrees but award more associates s degrees Arts amp Sciences Focus A amp S F award least 80 percent of undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences Arts amp Sciences Professions A amp S Prof award between 80 and 59 percent of undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences Balanced Arts amp Sciences Professions Bal award 41 to 59 percent of undergraduate degrees in each domain Professions Arts amp Sciences Prof A amp S award between 80 and 59 percent of undergraduate degrees in a professional field Professions Focus Prof F award at least 80 percent of undergraduate degrees in a professional field Graduate coexistence Edit The framework categorizes institutions based on the proportion of undergraduate and graduate programs defined by their 4 digit CIP that coexist 8 No coexistence NGC no programs coexist Some coexistence SGC some graduate programs coexist with undergraduate programs but fewer than half High coexistence HGC at least half of the graduate programs coexist with undergraduate programs Graduate instructional program EditThe Graduate Instructional Program classification indicates a if the institution awards just master s degrees or master s degrees and doctoral degrees and b in what general categories they predominantly award graduate degrees Institutions that do not award graduate degrees are not classified by this scheme 9 Postbaccalaureate graduate programs Edit Institutions that offer graduate and professional programs such as law schools but do not award the doctorate are classified as having Postbaccalaureate graduate programs 9 These programs are classified by the fields in which the degrees are awarded Single postbaccalaureate education S PostBac Ed only offer graduate training in education Single postbaccalaureate business S PostBac Bus only offer graduate training in business Single postbaccalaureate other field S PostBac Other only offer graduate training in a field other than education or business Postbaccalaureate comprehensive PostBac Comp offer graduate training in the humanities social sciences Science Technology Engineering and Medicine STEM and one or more professional fields Postbaccalaureate arts amp sciences dominant PostBac A amp S only offer graduate training in the arts and sciences Postbaccalaureate with arts amp sciences education dominant PostBac A amp S Ed offer graduate training primarily in the arts and sciences with some training in education Postbaccalaureate with arts amp sciences business dominant PostBac A amp S Bus offer graduate training primarily in the arts and sciences with some training in business Postbaccalaureate with arts amp sciences other dominant fields PostBac A amp S Other offer graduate training primarily in the arts and sciences with some training in a field other than education or business Postbaccalaureate professional education dominant PostBac Prof Ed offer graduate training primarily in professional fields with some training in education Postbaccalaureate professional business dominant PostBac Prof Bus offer graduate training primarily in professional fields with some training in business Postbaccalaureate professional other dominant fields PostBac Prof Other offer graduate training primarily in professional fields with some training in a field other than education or business Doctoral degree programs Edit Institutions that offer doctoral degrees including medical and veterinary degrees are classified by the field in which they award degrees 9 Single doctoral education S Doc Ed only award doctoral degrees in education Single doctoral other field S Doc Other only award doctoral degrees in a single non education field Comprehensive doctoral with medical veterinary CompDoc MedVet a award doctorates in the humanities social sciences and STEM fields b graduate or professional degrees in one or more professional fields and c award medical or veterinary doctoral degrees Comprehensive doctoral no medical veterinary CompDoc NMedVet a award doctorates in the humanities social sciences and STEM fields b graduate or professional degrees in one or more professional fields and c do not award medical or veterinary doctoral degrees Doctoral humanities social sciences dominant Doc HSS award most of their doctorates in the humanities and social sciences Doctoral STEM dominant Doc STEM award most of their doctorates in STEM fields Doctoral professional dominant Doc Prof award most of their doctorates are awarded in professional fields other than engineering Enrollment profile EditThe Enrollment Profile of institutions are classified according to a the level of the highest degree awarded and b the ratio of undergraduate to graduate students 10 Exclusively undergraduate two year ExU2 students are not awarded bachelor s or higher degrees Exclusively undergraduate four year ExU4 students are only awarded bachelor s degrees Very high undergraduate VHU fewer than 10 percent of students are graduate students High undergraduate HU more than 10 percent but fewer than 25 percent of students are graduate students Majority undergraduate MU more than 24 percent but fewer than 50 percent of students are graduate students Majority graduate professional MGP fewer than 50 percent of students are undergraduates Exclusively graduate professional ExGP students are only awarded degrees higher than bachelor s Undergraduate profile EditThe framework classifies institutions Undergraduate Profile according to a the proportion of part time undergraduate students to full time students b the institutions selectivity in admitting undergraduate students and c the percentage of students who transfer into the university 11 Enrollment status Edit The framework classifies Enrollment Status according to the ratio of part time to full time students degree seeking students in four year institutions 12 PT2 Higher part time two year more than 60 percent of students at this 2 year institution are part time Mix2 Mixed part full time two year between 39 and 60 percent of students at this 2 year institution are part time MFT2 Medium full time two year more than 60 but fewer than 91 percent of students at this 2 year institution are full time FT2 Higher full time two year more than 90 percent of students at this 2 year institution are full time PT4 Higher part time four year more than 39 percent of students at this 4 year or higher institution are part time MFT4 Medium full time four year more than 60 percent but fewer than 80 percent of students at this 4 year or higher institution are full time FT4 Full time four year more than 79 percent of students at this 4 year or higher institution are full time Achievement characteristics selectivity Edit Selectivity is classified according to the SAT and ACT scores of first time first year students This classification only applies to four year or higher institutions As of the 2010 edition the criteria were as follows http classifications carnegiefoundation org methodology ugrad profile php 11 Inclusive I students had a 25th percentile ACT equivalent score below 18 Selective S students had a 25th percentile ACT equivalent score from 18 to 21 More Selective MS students had a 25th percentile ACT equivalent score greater than 21 Transfer origin Edit Transfer origin characterizes the percentage of students who transfer to the institution and only applies to four year or higher institutions 11 Lower transfer in LTI fewer than 20 percent of students transfer into the institution Higher transfer in HTI more than 19 percent of students transfer into the institution Size and setting EditSize and Setting classifies institutions according to a size of their student body and b percentage of student who reside on campus This does not apply to exclusively graduate and professional institutions and special focus institutions 13 Size Edit The size of institutions is based on their full time equivalent FTE enrollment FTEs are calculated by adding the number of full time students to one third the number of part time students Two year colleges are classified using a different scale than four year and higher institutions 13 Very small two year VS2 fewer than 500 FTEs attend this two year institution Small two year S2 at least 500 but fewer than 2000 FTEs attend this two year institution Medium two year M2 at least 2000 but fewer than 5000 FTEs attend this two year institution Large two year L2 at least 5000 but fewer than 10000 FTEs attend this two year institution Very large two year VL2 10000 or more FTEs attend this two year institution Very small four year VS4 fewer than 1000 FTEs attend this four year institution Small four year S4 at least 1000 but fewer than 3000 FTEs attend this four year institution Medium four year M4 at least 3000 but fewer than 10000 FTEs attend this four year institution Large four year L4 more than 10000 FTEs attend this four year institution Setting Edit Setting is based on the percentage of full time undergraduates who live in institutionally managed housing 13 Two year institutions are not classified by setting 14 Primarily nonresidential NR fewer than 25 percent of degree seeking undergraduates or fewer than 50 percent enrolled full time live on campus 13 Primarily residential R a at least 25 percent of degree seeking undergraduates live on campus and b at least 50 percent but fewer than 80 percent attend full time Highly residential HR at least half of degree seeking undergraduates live on campus and at least 80 percent attend full time 13 2005 edition EditIn contrast to previous classifications the 2005 classification scheme provides a set of multiple parallel classifications 15 According to Alexander C McCormick Senior Scholar at The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and director of the classifications project The five new classifications are organized around three central questions 1 What is taught 2 to whom and 3 in what setting 16 In addition to the new classification categories the previously used classification scheme Basic classification has been revised The Carnegie Foundation is also developing one or more voluntary classification schemes that rely on data submitted by institutions 15 The first focuses on outreach and community engagement and the second on how institutions seek to analyze understand and improve undergraduate education 16 The Carnegie Foundation has no plans to issue printed editions of the classifications Their website has several tools that let researchers and administrators view classifications 17 Revisions in the basic classification Edit The basic classification is an update of the original classification scheme In addition to changing names of some categories the 2005 revision differs from previous editions in that it 7 Splits Associates colleges into subcategories This is based on the work of Stephen Katsinas Vincent Lacey and David Hardy at the University of Alabama and is an update of work funded in the 1990s by the Ford Foundation Categorizes doctorate granting institutions according to their level of research activity This level is calculated using multiple measures financial and otherwise Simplifies the measurement of doctorate degrees awarded Divides Master s colleges and universities into three categories based on the number of Master s degrees awarded Deprecates Liberal Arts terminology need quotation to verify Modified the criteria separating Master s and Baccalaureate institutions Institutions formerly classified as Master s Colleges and Universities are now classified as Baccalaureate Colleges Requires institutions to have higher levels of single field or related field concentration for designation as special focus institutions and utilizes more sources of information to identify special focus institutions Splits the Schools of engineering and technology category into two categories and eliminates the Teacher s colleges category Measures and classifies service academies using to the same criteria as other institutions Previous editions EditPrior to the 2000 edition the Carnegie Foundation categorized doctorate granting institutions according to the amount of federal funding they received The 2005 edition categorizes doctoral institutions according to their research support but uses a more complex formula than used in previous editions Despite the fact that it is no longer used by the Carnegie Foundation the descriptor Research I is still commonly used in reference to universities with the largest research budgets often by the institutions themselves in their promotional materials citation needed See also EditAssociation of American Universities List of research universities in the United StatesReferences Edit a b Indiana University Bloomington 2015 Carnegie Classification of more than 4 660 universities and colleges released a b c About Carnegie Classification The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research n d Retrieved June 2 2017 Basic Classification Technical Details Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Retrieved September 24 2008 IU research Center to House Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching October 8 2014 Retrieved June 2 2017 Whitford Emma February 9 2022 Carnegie Classifications Find a New Home Inside Higher Ed Retrieved March 17 2022 Basic Classification Tables Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Retrieved September 24 2008 a b c d e Basic Classification Description The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education Retrieved May 31 2020 a b c The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Technical Details gt Undergraduate Instructional Program a b c The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Technical Details gt Graduate Instructional Program The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Technical Details gt Enrollment Profile Program a b c The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Technical Details gt Undergraduate Profile The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Undergraduate Profile classification flow chart a b c d e The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Technical Details gt Size amp Setting The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Size and Setting classification flow chart a b The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education website Archived 22 August 2008 at the Wayback Machine a b McCormick Alexander C 2005 A New Set of Lenses for Looking at Colleges and Universities Carnegie Perspectives November 2005 The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2005 Carnegie Classification FAQs Will the classifications be available in print External links EditOfficial website Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education amp oldid 1108112633, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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