
Spelling in Gwoyeu Romatzyh

The spelling of Gwoyeu Romatzyh (GR) can be divided into its treatment of initials, finals and tones. GR uses contrasting unvoiced/voiced pairs of consonants to represent aspirated and unaspirated initials in Chinese: for example b and p represent IPA [p] and [pʰ]. The letters j, ch and sh represent two different series of initials: the alveolo-palatal and the retroflex sounds. Although these spellings create no ambiguity in practice, readers more familiar with Pinyin should pay particular attention to them: GR ju, for example, corresponds to Pinyin zhu, not ju (which is spelled jiu in GR).

Many of the finals in GR are similar to those used in other romanizations. Distinctive features of GR include the use of iu for the close front rounded vowel spelled ü or simply u in Pinyin. Final -y represents certain allophones of i: GR shy and sy correspond to Pinyin shi and si respectively.

The most striking feature of GR is its treatment of tones. The first tone is represented by the basic form of each syllable, the spelling being modified according to precise but complex rules for the other three tones. For example the syllable spelled ai (first tone) becomes air, ae and ay in the other tones. A neutral (unstressed) tone can optionally be indicated by preceding it with a dot or full stop: for example perng.yeou "friend".

Rhotacization, a common feature of Mandarin (especially Beijing) Chinese, is marked in GR by the suffix -l. Owing to the rather complex orthographical details, a given rhotacized form may correspond to more than one non-rhotacized syllable: for example, jiel can mean either "today" (from jin) or "chick" (from ji).

A number of frequently-occurring morphemes have abbreviated spellings in GR. The most common of these, followed by their Pinyin equivalents, are: -g (-ge), -j (-zhe), -m (-me), sh (shi) and -tz (-zi).

Basic forms edit

GR, like Pinyin, uses contrasting unvoiced/voiced pairs of consonants to represent aspirated and unaspirated sounds in Chinese. For example b and p represent IPA [p] and [pʰ] (p and p' in Wade-Giles). Another feature of GR surviving in Pinyin is the representation of words (usually of two syllables) as units: e.g. Gwoyeu rather than the Wade-Giles Kuo2-yü3.

The basic features of GR spelling are shown in the following tables of initials and finals, the latter referring to the basic T1 forms.[1] Many of the spelling features are the same as in Pinyin; differences are highlighted in the tables and discussed in detail after the second table. The rules of tonal spelling follow in a separate section.

In the tables Pinyin spellings are given only where they differ from GR, in which case they appear in (parentheses). The tables also give the pronunciation in [brackets].

Initials edit

GR differs from Pinyin
alveolo-palatal consonants (GR differs from Pinyin)
retroflex consonants (GR coincides with Pinyin)

Finals edit

/i/ /u/ /n/ /ŋ/ /ɻ/
Medial -y [ɨ]
e [ɤ]
è [ɛ]
a [a]
ei [ei]
ai [ai]
ou [ou]
au [au]
ㄠ (ao)
en [ən]
an [an]
ong [ʊŋ]
eng [əŋ]
ang [aŋ]
el [aɚ]
ㄦ (er)
/j/ i [i]
ie [je]
ia [ja]
iai [jai]
iou [jou]
ㄧㄡ (iu)
iau [jau]
ㄧㄠ (iao)
in [in]
ian [jɛn]
iong [jʊŋ]
ing [iŋ]
iang [jaŋ]
/w/ u [u]
uo/o [wo]
ua [wa]
uei [wei]
ㄨㄟ (ui)
uai [wai]
uen [wən]
ㄨㄣ (un)
uan [wan]
ueng [wəŋ]
uang [waŋ]
/ɥ/ iu [y]
ㄩ (ü)
iue [ɥe]
ㄩㄝ (üe)
iun [yn]
ㄩㄣ (ün)
iuan [ɥɛn]
ㄩㄢ (üan)
GR differs from Pinyin

Spelling edit

GR basic (T1) spellings are compared to the spelling conventions of Pinyin in the table below. A separate table, after the tonal rules, compares spellings using all four tones.

Alveolar and retroflex series edit

The letter j and the digraphs ch and sh represent two different series of sounds. When followed by i they correspond to the alveolo-palatal sounds (Pinyin j, q, and x); otherwise they correspond to the retroflex sounds (Pinyin zh, ch, and sh). In practice this feature creates no ambiguity, because the two series of consonants are in complementary distribution. Nevertheless it does make the correspondence between GR and Pinyin spellings difficult to follow. In some cases they agree (chu is the same syllable in both systems); but in other cases they differ—sometimes confusingly so (for example, GR ju, jiu and jiou correspond to Pinyin zhu, ju and jiu respectively).

This potential for confusion can be seen graphically in the table of initials, where the bold letters j, ch and sh cut across the highlighted division between alveolo-palatal and retroflex.

Other differences from Pinyin edit

GR also differs from Pinyin in its transcription of vowels and semivowels:

  • GR uses iu for the close front rounded vowel (IPA y) spelled ü or in many cases simply u in Pinyin. (The contracted Pinyin iu is written iou in GR.)
  • Final -y represents the [ɨ] allophone of i: GR shy and sy correspond to Pinyin shi and si respectively.
  • No basic forms in GR begin with w- or y-: Pinyin ying and wu are written ing and u in GR (but only in T1).

Other important GR spellings which differ from Pinyin include:

  • GR writes au for Pinyin ao (but see the rule for T3).
  • el corresponds to Pinyin er (-r being reserved to indicate T2). The most important use of -(e)l is as a rhotacization suffix.
  • GR uses ts for Pinyin c and tz for Pinyin z.
  • -uen and -uei correspond to the contracted Pinyin forms -un and -ui.
  • GR also has three letters for dialectal sounds: v (万 in extended Zhuyin), ng (兀), and gn (广).

As in Pinyin, an apostrophe is used to clarify syllable divisions. Pin'in, the GR spelling of the word "Pinyin", is itself a good example: the apostrophe shows that the compound is made up of pin + in rather than pi + nin.

Pinyin comparison: basic forms edit

The following list summarizes the differences between GR and Pinyin spelling. The list is in GR alphabetical order (click the button next to the heading to change to Pinyin order).

GR Pinyin
au ao
ch(i) q
è ê
el er
iau iao
iou iu
iu u (qu), ü
iue ue (que), üe
iuan uan (quan)
iun un (qun)
j(a,e,u,y) zh
sh(i) x
ts c
tz z
uei ui
uen un (chun)
y (final) i (zhi, ci, shi)

Tonal rules edit

Note: In this section the word "tone" is abbreviated as "T": thus T1 stands for Tone 1, or first tone, etc.

Wherever possible GR indicates tones 2, 3 and 4 by respelling the basic T1 form of the syllable, replacing a vowel with another having a similar sound (i with y, for example, or u with w). But this concise procedure cannot be applied in every case, since the syllable may not contain a suitable vowel for modification. In such cases a letter (r or h) is added or inserted instead. The precise rule to be followed in any specific case is determined by the rules given below.[2]

A colour-coded rule of thumb is given below for each tone: the same colours are used below in a list of provinces. Each rule of thumb is then amplified by a comprehensive set of rules for that tone. These codes are used in the rules:

  • V = a vowel
  • NV = a non-vowel (either a consonant or zero in the case of an initial vowel)
  • ⇏ = "but avoid forming [the specified combination]"

Pinyin equivalents are given in brackets after each set of examples. To illustrate the GR tonal rules in practice, a table comparing Pinyin and GR spellings of some Chinese provinces follows the detailed rules.

Tone 1: basic form

  • Initial sonorants (l-/m-/n-/r-): insert -h- as second letter. rheng, mha (rēng, mā)
  • Otherwise use the basic form.

Tone 2: i/u → y/w; or add -r

  • Initial sonorants: use basic form. reng, ma (réng, má)
  • NVi → NVy ( + -i if final). chyng, chyan, yng, yan, pyi (qíng, qián, yíng, yán, pí)
  • NVu → NVw ( + -u if final). chwan, wang, hwo, chwu (chuán, wáng, huó, chú)
  • Otherwise add r to vowel or diphthong. charng, bair (cháng, bái)

Tone 3: i/u → e/o; or double vowel

  • Vi or iV → Ve or eV (⇏ee). chean, bae, sheau (qiǎn, bǎi, xiǎo), but not gee
  • Vu or uV → Vo or oV (⇏oo). doan, dao, shoei (duǎn, dǎo, shuǐ), but not hoo
  • When both i and u can be found, only the first one changes, i.e. jeau, goai, sheu (jiǎo, guǎi, xǔ), not jeao, goae, sheo
  • For basic forms starting with i-/u-, change the starting i-/u- to e-/o- and add initial y-/w-. yean, woo, yeu (yǎn, wǒ, yǔ)
  • Otherwise double the (main)[3] vowel. chiing, daa, geei, huoo, goou (qǐng, dǎ, gěi, huǒ, gǒu)

Tone 4: change/double final letter; or add -h

  • Vi → Vy. day, suey (dài, suì)
  • Vu → Vw (⇏iw). daw, gow (dào, gòu), but not chiw
  • -n-nn. duann (duàn)
  • -l-ll. ell (èr)
  • -ng-nq. binq (bìng)
  • Otherwise add h. dah, chiuh, dih (dà, qù, dì)
  • For basic forms starting with i-/u-, replace initial i-/u- with y-/w-, in addition to the necessary tonal change. yaw, wuh (yào, wù)

Neutral tone (轻声 Chingsheng / qīngshēng)

A dot (usually written as a period or full stop) may be placed before neutral tone (unstressed) syllables, which appear in their original tonal spelling: perng.yeou, dih.fang (péngyou, dìfang). Y.R. Chao used this device in the first eight chapters of the Mandarin Primer, restricting it thereafter to new words on their first appearance. In A Grammar of Spoken Chinese he introduced a subscript circle (˳) to indicate an optional neutral tone, as in bujy˳daw, "don't know" (Pinyin pronunciation bùzhīdào or bùzhīdao).

GR u- and i- syllables

Any GR syllables beginning u- or i- must be T1: in T2, T3 and T4 these syllables all begin with w- or y- respectively. An example in all four tones is the following: ing, yng, yiing, yinq (Pinyin ying).

Rime table edit

The term rime, as used by linguists, is similar to rhyme. See Rime table.

Rimes in Gwoyeu Romatzyh
IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4
[ɨ] -y -yr -yy -yh [i] i yi ii
[u] u wu uu
[y] iu yu eu
[a] a ar aa ah [ja] ia ya ea
[wa] ua wa oa
[ai] ai air ae ay [jai] iai yai eai
[wai] uai wai oai
[au] au aur ao aw [jau] iau yau eau
[an] an arn aan ann [jɛn] ian yan ean
[wan] uan wan oan
[ɥɛn] iuan yuan euan
[aŋ] ang arng aang anq [jaŋ] iang yang eang
[waŋ] uang wang oang
[ɛ] è èr èè èh
[ɤ] e er ee eh [je] ie ye iee
[wo] uo wo uoo
[ɥe] iue yue eue
[ei] ei eir eei ey [wei] uei wei oei
[ou] ou our oou ow [jou] iou you eou
[ən] en ern een enn [in] in yn iin
[wən] uen wen oen
[yn] iun yun eun
[əŋ] eng erng eeng enq [iŋ] ing yng iing
[jʊŋ] iong yong eong
[aɚ] el erl eel ell

Pinyin comparison: all tones edit

This table illustrates the GR tonal rules in use by listing some Chinese provinces in both GR and Pinyin (to switch to Pinyin alphabetical order, click the button next to the heading).[4] The tonal spelling markers or "clues" are highlighted using the same colour-coding scheme as above. Note that T1 is the default tone: hence Shinjiang (Xīnjiāng), for example, is spelled using the basic form of both syllables.

GR Pinyin
Chinghae Qīnghǎi
Fwujiann Fújiàn
Goangdong Guǎngdōng
Herbeei Héběi
Hwunan Húnán
Jehjiang Zhèjiāng
Neymengguu Nèiménggǔ
Shaanshi Shǎnxī
Shanshi Shānxī
Shinjiang Xīnjiāng
Shitzanq Xīzàng
Syhchuan Sìchuān
GR tone key
Tone 1 (basic form: unmarked) Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4

Rhotacization edit

Erhua (兒化), or the rhotacized or retroflex[5] ending, is indicated in GR by -l rather than -r, which is already used as a T2 marker. The appropriate tonal modification is then applied to the basic rhotacized form: for example shell (Pinyin shìr) from the basic form shel, and deal (diǎnr) from the basic form dial.[6] In the fourth tone, certain syllables don't double the l but are instead spelled by first writing the non-rhotacized syllable in the fourth tone and then adding l: (-i/y)awl, (-i/y)owl, (-i/y/-u/w/)anql, (-i/y/w)enql, (-i/y)onql, ehl (from e’l, the basic rhotacized form of e; compare ell from el, which is both the basic rhotacized form of en, ei, and y and a basic Mandarin syllable).

Most other romanization systems preserve the underlying form, but GR transcribes the surface form as pronounced. These are the principles followed to create the basic form of a rhotacized syllable in GR:[7]

  1. -l is added to the final's basic non-rhotacized form
  2. -y becomes -e-
  3. i becomes ie-, and iu becomes iue-
  4. in becomes ie-, and iun becomes iue-; in all other cases, -n disappears without trace
  5. ing becomes ieng-
  6. final asyllabic -i (found in (i/u)ai and (u)ei) disappears
  7. with the final e, an apostrophe is added before the -l, i.e. e’l, er’l, ee’l (to separate them from el, erl, eel), except in the fourth tone, where the spelling is ehl (as this is sufficient to separate it from ell)
  8. with the finals ie and iue, an apostrophe is added in the first and second tones only, i.e. ie’l, ye’l, -ieel/yeel, -iell/yell and iue’l, yue’l, -yeuel/-euel, -iuell/yuell

Thus, the basic rhotacized final

  • el corresponds to the basic non-rhotacized finals en, ei, and -y and is also a basic Mandarin syllable
  • uel corresponds to uen and uei
  • iel corresponds to i and in; in the third and fourth tones, it also corresponds to ie
  • iuel corresponds to iu and iun; in the third and fourth tones, it also corresponds to iue
  • al corresponds to a, an, and ai
  • ial corresponds to ia, ian, and iai
  • ual corresponds to ua, uan, and uai

As a consequence, the one-to-one correspondence between GR and Pinyin is broken, since one GR rhotacized form may correspond to several Pinyin forms. For example, jiel corresponds to both jīr and jīnr (both pronounced [t͡ɕjɚ˥]), and jial corresponds to both jiār and jiānr (both pronounced [t͡ɕjaɚ̯˥]).

Tone sandhi edit

The most important manifestation of tone sandhi in Mandarin is the change of a T3 syllable to T2 when followed by another T3 syllable (T3 + T3 → T2 + T3). GR does not reflect this change in the spelling: the word for "fruit" is written shoeiguoo, even though the pronunciation is shweiguoo.[8] Four common words with more complicated tone sandhi (also ignored in the spelling) are mentioned below under Exceptions.

Abbreviations edit

A number of frequently-occurring morphemes have abbreviated spellings in GR.[9] The commonest of these, followed by their Pinyin equivalents, are:

  • -g (-ge)
  • -j (-zhe)
  • -m (-me)
occurs in sherm (shénme), jemm/tzemm (zhème) and tzeem (zěnme)
  • sh (shi)
also in compounds such as jiowsh (jiùshi), dannsh (dànshi), etc.
  • -tz (-zi)

Reduplication edit

In its original form GR used the two "spare" letters of the alphabet, v and x, to indicate reduplication. This mimicked the method by which the Japanese writing system indicates repeated Kanji characters with an iteration mark (々). In GR the letter x indicates that the preceding syllable is repeated (shieh.x = shieh.shieh, "thank you"), vx being used when the preceding two syllables are repeated (haoshuo vx! = haoshuo haoshuo! "you're too kind!").[10]

This concise but completely unphonetic, and hence unintuitive, device appears in Chao's Mandarin Primer and all W. Simon's texts (including his Chinese-English Dictionary). Eventually, however, it was silently discarded even by its inventor: in Chao's Grammar as well as his Sayable Chinese all reduplicated syllables are written out in full in their GR transcription.

Exceptions edit

The following words and characters do not follow the rules of GR:

  • The name Romatzyh (which strictly speaking should be "Luomaatzyh") follows international usage (Roma).
  • The characters 一 ("one"), 七 ("seven"), 八 ("eight"), and 不 ("no/not") are always written i, chi, ba, and bu, respectively, regardless of the tone in which they are pronounced. In other words changes due to tone sandhi are not reflected in GR.

Notes edit

  1. ^ See Chao(1948):19-24 and Chao(1968a):20-25 for tables and fuller discussion.
  2. ^ The rules are given, though in a different form, in Chao (1948): 28-30 (synopsis p 336) and Chao (1968a): 29-30 (synopsis p 847). See also Table IX in Simon,W.(1947):lviii.
  3. ^ In diphthongs the main vowel is the vowel bearing the tone mark in Pinyin.
  4. ^ For a complete list of provinces in GR, characters and "map spelling", see Simon,W.(1947): Table XV(1),c.
  5. ^ This is Chao's terminology: see Chao(1968a):46.
  6. ^ The temptation to read these examples as the English words shell and deal must be resisted.
  7. ^ For a detailed discussion of the spelling of these endings in GR, see Chao(1968a): 46-52 and Table IX in Simon,W.(1947): lix.
  8. ^ In the first eight chapters of Chao(1948) such syllables are printed in italics as a reminder to students (e.g. "shoeiguoo").
  9. ^ These and other abbreviations are listed in Chao(1968a):xxx.
  10. ^ These symbols are introduced unobtrusively in endnotes to Lessons 2 and 4 on pp 131 and 146 of Chao(1948)—the explanation of vx being further hidden in a parenthesis.

References edit

  • Preparatory Committee for the Unification of the National Language, ed. (1936). ㄍㄨㄛˊㄧㄣ ㄔㄤˊㄩㄥˋ ㄗˋㄏㄨㄟˋ 國音常用字彙 Gwoin Charngyonq Tzyhhuey [Commonly used Chinese Vocabulary] (PDF).
  • Chao, Yuen Ren (1948). Mandarin Primer: an Intensive Course in Spoken Chinese. Harvard University Press.
  • Chao, Yuen Ren (1968a). A Grammar of Spoken Chinese. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-00219-9.
  • Simon, Walter (1947). A Beginners' [sic] Chinese-English Dictionary. Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd.

spelling, gwoyeu, romatzyh, spelling, gwoyeu, romatzyh, divided, into, treatment, initials, finals, tones, uses, contrasting, unvoiced, voiced, pairs, consonants, represent, aspirated, unaspirated, initials, chinese, example, represent, letters, represent, dif. The spelling of Gwoyeu Romatzyh GR can be divided into its treatment of initials finals and tones GR uses contrasting unvoiced voiced pairs of consonants to represent aspirated and unaspirated initials in Chinese for example b and p represent IPA p and pʰ The letters j ch and sh represent two different series of initials the alveolo palatal and the retroflex sounds Although these spellings create no ambiguity in practice readers more familiar with Pinyin should pay particular attention to them GR ju for example corresponds to Pinyin zhu not ju which is spelled jiu in GR Many of the finals in GR are similar to those used in other romanizations Distinctive features of GR include the use of iu for the close front rounded vowel spelled u or simply u in Pinyin Final y represents certain allophones of i GR shy and sy correspond to Pinyin shi and si respectively The most striking feature of GR is its treatment of tones The first tone is represented by the basic form of each syllable the spelling being modified according to precise but complex rules for the other three tones For example the syllable spelled ai first tone becomes air ae and ay in the other tones A neutral unstressed tone can optionally be indicated by preceding it with a dot or full stop for example perng yeou friend Rhotacization a common feature of Mandarin especially Beijing Chinese is marked in GR by the suffix l Owing to the rather complex orthographical details a given rhotacized form may correspond to more than one non rhotacized syllable for example jiel can mean either today from jin or chick from ji A number of frequently occurring morphemes have abbreviated spellings in GR The most common of these followed by their Pinyin equivalents are g ge j zhe m me sh shi and tz zi Contents 1 Basic forms 1 1 Initials 1 2 Finals 1 3 Spelling 1 3 1 Alveolar and retroflex series 1 3 2 Other differences from Pinyin 1 4 Pinyin comparison basic forms 2 Tonal rules 2 1 Rime table 2 2 Pinyin comparison all tones 3 Rhotacization 4 Tone sandhi 5 Abbreviations 6 Reduplication 7 Exceptions 8 Notes 9 ReferencesBasic forms editGR like Pinyin uses contrasting unvoiced voiced pairs of consonants to represent aspirated and unaspirated sounds in Chinese For example b and p represent IPA p and pʰ p and p in Wade Giles Another feature of GR surviving in Pinyin is the representation of words usually of two syllables as units e g Gwoyeu rather than the Wade Giles Kuo2 yu3 The basic features of GR spelling are shown in the following tables of initials and finals the latter referring to the basic T1 forms 1 Many of the spelling features are the same as in Pinyin differences are highlighted in the tables and discussed in detail after the second table The rules of tonal spelling follow in a separate section In the tables Pinyin spellings are given only where they differ from GR in which case they appear in parentheses The tables also give the pronunciation in brackets Initials edit Labial Alveolar Retroflex Alveolo palatal VelarNasal m m ㄇ n n ㄋPlosive unaspirated b p ㄅ d t ㄉ g k ㄍaspirated p pʰ ㄆ t tʰ ㄊ k kʰ ㄎAffricate unaspirated tz ts ㄗ z j ʈʂ ㄓ zh ji tɕ ㄐaspirated ts tsʰ ㄘ c ch ʈʂʰ ㄔ chi tɕʰ ㄑ q Fricative f f ㄈ s s ㄙ sh ʂ ㄕ shi ɕ ㄒ x h x ㄏLiquid l l ㄌ r ɻ ʐ ㄖKey GR differs from Pinyin alveolo palatal consonants GR differs from Pinyin retroflex consonants GR coincides with Pinyin Finals edit Coda i u n ŋ ɻ Medial y ɨ ㄭ nbsp i e ɤ ㄜ e ɛ ㄝ a a ㄚ ei ei ㄟ ai ai ㄞ ou ou ㄡ au au ㄠ ao en en ㄣ an an ㄢ ong ʊŋ ㄨㄥ eng eŋ ㄥ ang aŋ ㄤ el aɚ ㄦ er j i i ㄧ ie je ㄧㄝ ia ja ㄧㄚ iai jai ㄧㄞ iou jou ㄧㄡ iu iau jau ㄧㄠ iao in in ㄧㄣ ian jɛn ㄧㄢ iong jʊŋ ㄩㄥ ing iŋ ㄧㄥ iang jaŋ ㄧㄤ w u u ㄨ uo o wo ㄨㄛ ua wa ㄨㄚ uei wei ㄨㄟ ui uai wai ㄨㄞ uen wen ㄨㄣ un uan wan ㄨㄢ ueng weŋ ㄨㄥ uang waŋ ㄨㄤ ɥ iu y ㄩ u iue ɥe ㄩㄝ ue iun yn ㄩㄣ un iuan ɥɛn ㄩㄢ uan Key GR differs from PinyinSpelling edit Further information Comparison of Chinese Phonetic Systems GR basic T1 spellings are compared to the spelling conventions of Pinyin in the table below A separate table after the tonal rules compares spellings using all four tones Alveolar and retroflex series edit The letter j and the digraphs ch and sh represent two different series of sounds When followed by i they correspond to the alveolo palatal sounds Pinyin j q and x otherwise they correspond to the retroflex sounds Pinyin zh ch and sh In practice this feature creates no ambiguity because the two series of consonants are in complementary distribution Nevertheless it does make the correspondence between GR and Pinyin spellings difficult to follow In some cases they agree chu is the same syllable in both systems but in other cases they differ sometimes confusingly so for example GR ju jiu and jiou correspond to Pinyin zhu ju and jiu respectively This potential for confusion can be seen graphically in the table of initials where the bold letters j ch and sh cut across the highlighted division between alveolo palatal and retroflex Other differences from Pinyin edit GR also differs from Pinyin in its transcription of vowels and semivowels GR uses iu for the close front rounded vowel IPA y spelled u or in many cases simply u in Pinyin The contracted Pinyin iu is written iou in GR Final y represents the ɨ allophone of i GR shy and sy correspond to Pinyin shi and si respectively No basic forms in GR begin with w or y Pinyin ying and wu are written ing and u in GR but only in T1 Other important GR spellings which differ from Pinyin include GR writes au for Pinyin ao but see the rule for T3 el corresponds to Pinyin er r being reserved to indicate T2 The most important use of e l is as a rhotacization suffix GR uses ts for Pinyin c and tz for Pinyin z uen and uei correspond to the contracted Pinyin forms un and ui GR also has three letters for dialectal sounds v 万 in extended Zhuyin ng 兀 and gn 广 As in Pinyin an apostrophe is used to clarify syllable divisions Pin in the GR spelling of the word Pinyin is itself a good example the apostrophe shows that the compound is made up of pin in rather than pi nin Pinyin comparison basic forms edit The following list summarizes the differences between GR and Pinyin spelling The list is in GR alphabetical order click the button next to the heading to change to Pinyin order GR Pinyinau aoch i qe eel eriau iaoiou iuiu u qu uiue ue que ueiuan uan quan iun un qun j a e u y zhsh i xts ctz zuei uiuen un chun y final i zhi ci shi Tonal rules editNote In this section the word tone is abbreviated as T thus T1 stands for Tone 1 or first tone etc Wherever possible GR indicates tones 2 3 and 4 by respelling the basic T1 form of the syllable replacing a vowel with another having a similar sound i with y for example or u with w But this concise procedure cannot be applied in every case since the syllable may not contain a suitable vowel for modification In such cases a letter r or h is added or inserted instead The precise rule to be followed in any specific case is determined by the rules given below 2 A colour coded rule of thumb is given below for each tone the same colours are used below in a list of provinces Each rule of thumb is then amplified by a comprehensive set of rules for that tone These codes are used in the rules V a vowel NV a non vowel either a consonant or zero in the case of an initial vowel but avoid forming the specified combination Pinyin equivalents are given in brackets after each set of examples To illustrate the GR tonal rules in practice a table comparing Pinyin and GR spellings of some Chinese provinces follows the detailed rules Tone 1 basic form Initial sonorants l m n r insert h as second letter rheng mha reng ma Otherwise use the basic form Tone 2 i u y w or add r Initial sonorants use basic form r eng m a reng ma NVi NVy i if final chy ng chy an y ng y an py i qing qian ying yan pi NVu NVw u if final chw an w ang hw o chw u chuan wang huo chu Otherwise add r to vowel or diphthong char ng bair chang bai Tone 3 i u e o or double vowel Vi or iV Ve or eV ee che an bae she au qiǎn bǎi xiǎo but not gee Vu or uV Vo or oV oo do an dao sho ei duǎn dǎo shuǐ but not hoo When both i and u can be found only the first one changes i e je au go ai she u jiǎo guǎi xǔ not jeao goae sheo For basic forms starting with i u change the starting i u to e o and add initial y w ye an woo ye u yǎn wǒ yǔ Otherwise double the main 3 vowel chii ng daa gee i huoo goo u qǐng dǎ gei huǒ gǒu Tone 4 change double final letter or add h Vi Vy day suey dai sui Vu Vw iw daw gow dao gou but not chiw n nn duann duan l ll ell er ng nq binq bing Otherwise add h dah chiuh dih da qu di For basic forms starting with i u replace initial i u with y w in addition to the necessary tonal change y aw w uh yao wu Neutral tone 轻声 Chingsheng qingsheng A dot usually written as a period or full stop may be placed before neutral tone unstressed syllables which appear in their original tonal spelling perng yeou dih fang pengyou difang Y R Chao used this device in the first eight chapters of the Mandarin Primer restricting it thereafter to new words on their first appearance In A Grammar of Spoken Chinese he introduced a subscript circle to indicate an optional neutral tone as in bujy daw don t know Pinyin pronunciation buzhidao or buzhidao GR u and i syllables Any GR syllables beginning u or i must be T1 in T2 T3 and T4 these syllables all begin with w or y respectively An example in all four tones is the following ing yng yiing yinq Pinyin ying Rime table edit The term rime as used by linguists is similar to rhyme See Rime table Rimes in Gwoyeu Romatzyh IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 IPA Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 ɨ y yr yy yh i i yi ii yii ih yih u u wu uu wuu uh wuh y iu yu eu yeu iuh yuh a a ar aa ah ja ia ya ea yea iah yah wa ua wa oa woa uah wah ai ai air ae ay jai iai yai eai yeai iay yay wai uai wai oai woai uay way au au aur ao aw jau iau yau eau yeau iaw yaw an an arn aan ann jɛn ian yan ean yean iann yann wan uan wan oan woan uann wann ɥɛn iuan yuan euan yeuan iuann yuann aŋ ang arng aang anq jaŋ iang yang eang yeang ianq yanq waŋ uang wang oang woang uanq wanq ɛ e er ee eh ɤ e er ee eh je ie ye iee yee ieh yeh wo uo wo uoo woo uoh woh ɥe iue yue eue yeue iueh yueh ei ei eir eei ey wei uei wei oei woei uey wey ou ou our oou ow jou iou you eou yeou iow yow en en ern een enn in in yn iin yiin inn yinn wen uen wen oen woen uenn wenn yn iun yun eun yeun iunn yunn eŋ eng erng eeng enq iŋ ing yng iing yiing inq yinq ʊŋ weŋ ong ueng orng weng oong woeng onq wenq jʊŋ iong yong eong yeong ionq yonq aɚ el erl eel ellPinyin comparison all tones edit This table illustrates the GR tonal rules in use by listing some Chinese provinces in both GR and Pinyin to switch to Pinyin alphabetical order click the button next to the heading 4 The tonal spelling markers or clues are highlighted using the same colour coding scheme as above Note that T1 is the default tone hence Shinjiang Xinjiang for example is spelled using the basic form of both syllables GR PinyinChinghae QinghǎiFw ujiann FujianGo angdong GuǎngdōngHer bee i HebeiHw un an HunanJeh jiang ZhejiangNey me ngguu NeimenggǔShaa nshi ShǎnxiShanshi ShanxiShinjiang XinjiangShitzanq XizangSyh chuan SichuanGR tone key Tone 1 basic form unmarked Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4Rhotacization editErhua 兒化 or the rhotacized or retroflex 5 ending is indicated in GR by l rather than r which is already used as a T2 marker The appropriate tonal modification is then applied to the basic rhotacized form for example shell Pinyin shir from the basic form shel and deal diǎnr from the basic form dial 6 In the fourth tone certain syllables don t double the l but are instead spelled by first writing the non rhotacized syllable in the fourth tone and then adding l i y awl i y owl i y u w anql i y w enql i y onql ehl from e l the basic rhotacized form of e compare ell from el which is both the basic rhotacized form of en ei and y and a basic Mandarin syllable Most other romanization systems preserve the underlying form but GR transcribes the surface form as pronounced These are the principles followed to create the basic form of a rhotacized syllable in GR 7 l is added to the final s basic non rhotacized form y becomes e i becomes ie and iu becomes iue in becomes ie and iun becomes iue in all other cases n disappears without trace ing becomes ieng final asyllabic i found in i u ai and u ei disappears with the final e an apostrophe is added before the l i e e l er l ee l to separate them from el erl eel except in the fourth tone where the spelling is ehl as this is sufficient to separate it from ell with the finals ie and iue an apostrophe is added in the first and second tones only i e ie l ye l ieel yeel iell yell and iue l yue l yeuel euel iuell yuellThus the basic rhotacized final el corresponds to the basic non rhotacized finals en ei and y and is also a basic Mandarin syllable uel corresponds to uen and uei iel corresponds to i and in in the third and fourth tones it also corresponds to ie iuel corresponds to iu and iun in the third and fourth tones it also corresponds to iue al corresponds to a an and ai ial corresponds to ia ian and iai ual corresponds to ua uan and uaiAs a consequence the one to one correspondence between GR and Pinyin is broken since one GR rhotacized form may correspond to several Pinyin forms For example jiel corresponds to both jir and jinr both pronounced t ɕjɚ and jial corresponds to both jiar and jianr both pronounced t ɕjaɚ Tone sandhi editThe most important manifestation of tone sandhi in Mandarin is the change of a T3 syllable to T2 when followed by another T3 syllable T3 T3 T2 T3 GR does not reflect this change in the spelling the word for fruit is written shoeiguoo even though the pronunciation is shweiguoo 8 Four common words with more complicated tone sandhi also ignored in the spelling are mentioned below under Exceptions Abbreviations editA number of frequently occurring morphemes have abbreviated spellings in GR 9 The commonest of these followed by their Pinyin equivalents are g ge j zhe m me occurs in sherm shenme jemm tzemm zheme and tzeem zenme sh shi also in compounds such as jiowsh jiushi dannsh danshi etc tz zi Reduplication editIn its original form GR used the two spare letters of the alphabet v and x to indicate reduplication This mimicked the method by which the Japanese writing system indicates repeated Kanji characters with an iteration mark 々 In GR the letter x indicates that the preceding syllable is repeated shieh x shieh shieh thank you vx being used when the preceding two syllables are repeated haoshuo vx haoshuo haoshuo you re too kind 10 This concise but completely unphonetic and hence unintuitive device appears in Chao s Mandarin Primer and all W Simon s texts including his Chinese English Dictionary Eventually however it was silently discarded even by its inventor in Chao s Grammar as well as his Sayable Chinese all reduplicated syllables are written out in full in their GR transcription Exceptions editThe following words and characters do not follow the rules of GR The name Romatzyh which strictly speaking should be Luomaatzyh follows international usage Roma The characters 一 one 七 seven 八 eight and 不 no not are always written i chi ba and bu respectively regardless of the tone in which they are pronounced In other words changes due to tone sandhi are not reflected in GR Notes edit See Chao 1948 19 24 and Chao 1968a 20 25 for tables and fuller discussion The rules are given though in a different form in Chao 1948 28 30 synopsis p 336 and Chao 1968a 29 30 synopsis p 847 See also Table IX in Simon W 1947 lviii In diphthongs the main vowel is the vowel bearing the tone mark in Pinyin For a complete list of provinces in GR characters and map spelling see Simon W 1947 Table XV 1 c This is Chao s terminology see Chao 1968a 46 The temptation to read these examples as the English words shell and deal must be resisted For a detailed discussion of the spelling of these endings in GR see Chao 1968a 46 52 and Table IX in Simon W 1947 lix In the first eight chapters of Chao 1948 such syllables are printed in italics as a reminder to students e g shoeiguoo These and other abbreviations are listed in Chao 1968a xxx These symbols are introduced unobtrusively in endnotes to Lessons 2 and 4 on pp 131 and 146 of Chao 1948 the explanation of vx being further hidden in a parenthesis References editPreparatory Committee for the Unification of the National Language ed 1936 ㄍㄨㄛˊㄧㄣ ㄔㄤˊㄩㄥˋ ㄗˋㄏㄨㄟˋ 國音常用字彙 Gwoin Charngyonq Tzyhhuey Commonly used Chinese Vocabulary PDF Chao Yuen Ren 1948 Mandarin Primer an Intensive Course in Spoken Chinese Harvard University Press Chao Yuen Ren 1968a A Grammar of Spoken Chinese University of California Press ISBN 0 520 00219 9 Simon Walter 1947 A Beginners sic Chinese English Dictionary Lund Humphries amp Co Ltd Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Spelling in Gwoyeu Romatzyh amp oldid 1200397927, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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