
Protected area

Protected areas or conservation areas are locations which receive protection because of their recognized natural, ecological or cultural values. There are several kinds of protected areas, which vary by level of protection depending on the enabling laws of each country or the regulations of the international organizations involved. Generally speaking though, protected areas are understood to be those in which human presence or at least the exploitation of natural resources (e.g. firewood, non-timber forest products, water, ...) is limited.[1]

World map with percentage of each country under protection (2005 data)[needs update]
  0–3.9% of the country is protected
  3.9–11.3% protected
  11.3–22.7% protected
  22.7–41.8% protected
  41.8–72.3% protected
  no data
Share of important terrestrial biodiversity areas under protection, as of 2018.

The term "protected area" also includes marine protected areas, the boundaries of which will include some area of ocean, and transboundary protected areas that overlap multiple countries which remove the borders inside the area for conservation and economic purposes. There are over 161,000 protected areas in the world (as of October 2010)[2] with more added daily, representing between 10 and 15 percent of the world's land surface area.[3][4][5]

As of 2016, there are 14,688 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and approximately 14.7% of the world's terrestrial and inland water areas (excluding Antarctica) are protected.[6] For waters under national jurisdiction beyond inland waters, approximately 10.2% of coastal and marine areas and 4.12% of global ocean areas are covered by marine protected areas.[6] In contrast, only 0.25% of the world's oceans beyond national jurisdiction are covered by MPAs.[6] As of December 2022, 17% of land and 10% of ocean territory were protected.[7]

In recent years, the 30 by 30 initiative has targeted to protect 30% of ocean territory and 30% of land territory worldwide by 2030; this has been adopted by the European Union in its Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, Campaign for Nature which promoted the goal during the Convention on Biodiversity's COP15 Summit[8] and the G7.[9] In December 2022, Nations have reached an agreement with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at the COP15,[10] which includes the 30 by 30 initiative.[7]

Protected areas are implemented for biodiversity conservation, often providing habitat and protection from hunting for threatened and endangered species. Protection helps maintain ecological processes that cannot survive in most intensely managed landscapes and seascapes.[11]


The definition that has been widely accepted across regional and global frameworks has been provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in its categorisation guidelines for protected areas.[12][13] The definition is as follows:[14]

A clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.

Protection of natural resources

The objective of protected areas is to conserve biodiversity and to provide a way for measuring the progress of such conservation. Protected areas will usually encompass several other zones that have been deemed important for particular conservation uses, such as Important Bird Areas (IBA) and Endemic Bird Areas (EBA), Centres of Plant Diversity (CPD), Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCA), Alliance for Zero Extinction Sites (AZE) and Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) among others. Likewise, a protected area or an entire network of protected areas may lie within a larger geographic zone that is recognised as a terrestrial or marine ecoregions (see Global 200), or a Crisis Ecoregions for example.[15] As a result, Protected Areas can encompass a broad range of governance types. A wide variety of rights-holders and stakeholders are involved in the governance and management of protected areas, including forest protected areas, such as government agencies and ministries at various levels, elected and traditional authorities, indigenous peoples and local communities, private individuals and non-profit trusts, among others.[14] Most protected-area and forest management institutions acknowledge the importance of recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, sharing the costs and benefits of protected areas and actively involving them in their governance and management.[14] This has led to the recognition of four main types of governance, defined on the basis of who holds authority, responsibility, and who can be held accountable for the key decisions for protected areas.[14] Indeed, governance of protected areas has emerged a critical factor in their success.

Subsequently, the range of natural resources that any one protected area may guard is vast. Many will be allocated primarily for species conservation whether it be flora or fauna or the relationship between them, but protected areas are similarly important for conserving sites of (indigenous) cultural importance and considerable reserves of natural resources such as;

  • Carbon stocks: Carbon emissions from deforestation account for an estimated 20% of global carbon emissions, so in protecting the worlds carbon stocks greenhouse gas emissions are reduced and longterm land cover change is prevented, which is an effective strategy in the struggle against global warming. Of all global terrestrial carbon stock, 15.2% is contained within protected areas. Protected areas in South America hold 27% of the world's carbon stock, which is the highest percentage of any country in both absolute terms and as a proportion of the total stock.[16]
  • Rainforests: 18.8% of the world's forest is covered by protected areas and sixteen of the twenty forest types have 10% or more protected area coverage. Of the 670 ecoregions with forest cover, 54% have 10% or more of their forest cover protected under IUCN Categories I – VI.[17]
  • Mountains: Nationally designated protected areas cover 14.3% of the world's mountain areas, and these mountainous protected areas made up 32.5% of the world's total terrestrial protected area coverage in 2009. Mountain protected area coverage has increased globally by 21% since 1990 and out of the 198 countries with mountain areas, 43.9% still have less than 10% of their mountain areas protected.[18]

Annual updates on each of these analyses are made in order to make comparisons to the Millennium Development Goals and several other fields of analysis are expected to be introduced in the monitoring of protected areas management effectiveness, such as freshwater and marine or coastal studies which are currently underway, and islands and drylands which are currently in planning.[19]

Protection of ecosystem services

Along with providing important stocks of natural resources, protected areas are often major sources of vital ecosystem services, unbeknownst to human society.[20] Although biodiversity is usually the main reason for constructing protected areas, the protection of biodiversity also protects the ecosystem services society enjoys.[21] Some ecosystem services include those that provide and regulate resources, support natural processes, or represent culture.[22] Provisioning services provide resources to humanity, such as fuel and water, while regulating services include carbon sequestration, climate regulation, and protection against disease.[23] Supporting ecosystem services include nutrient cycling, while cultural services are a source of aesthetic and cultural value for tourism and heritage.[23] Such services are often overlooked by humanity, due to the ecosystem from which they originate being far from urbanized areas. The contamination of ecosystem services within a designated area ultimately degrades their use for society. For example, the protection of a water body inherently protects that water body's microorganisms and their ability to adequately filter pollutants and pathogens, ultimately protecting water quality itself.[24] Therefore, the implementation of protected areas is vital to maintaining the quality and consistency of ecosystem services, ultimately allowing human society to function without the interference of human infrastructure or policies.

IUCN Protected Area Management Categories

Strict nature reserve Belianske Tatras in Slovakia

Through its World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), the IUCN has developed six Protected Area Management Categories that define protected areas according to their management objectives, which are internationally recognised by various national governments and the United Nations.[25] The categories provide international standards for defining protected areas and encourage conservation planning according to their management aims.[26]

IUCN Protected Area Management Categories:


Black Opal Spring in Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Yellowstone, the world's second official protected area (after Mongolia's Bogd Khan Mountain), was declared a protected area in 1872,[27] and it encompasses areas which are classified as both a National Park (Category II) and a Habitat Management Area (Category IV).[28]

Protected areas are cultural artifacts, and their story is entwined with that of human civilization. Protecting places and natural resources is by no means a modern concept, whether it be indigenous communities guarding sacred sites or the convention of European hunting reserves. Over 2000 years ago, royal decrees in India protected certain areas. In Europe, rich and powerful people protected hunting grounds for a thousand years. Moreover, the idea of protection of special places is universal: for example, it occurs among the communities in the Pacific ("tapu" areas) and in parts of Africa (sacred groves).

The oldest legally protected reserve recorded in history is the Main Ridge Forest Reserve, established by an ordinance dated 13 April 1776.[29] Other sources mention the 1778 approval of a protected area on then-Khan Uul, a mountain previous protected by local nomads for centuries in Mongolia, by then-ruling Qing China Tenger Tetgegch Khaan. However, the mass protected areas movement did not begin until late nineteenth-century in North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, when other countries were quick to follow suit. While the idea of protected areas spread around the world in the twentieth century, the driving force was different in different regions. Thus, in North America, protected areas were about safeguarding dramatic and sublime scenery; in Africa, the concern was with game parks; in Europe, landscape protection was more common.[30]

The designation of protected areas often also contained a political statement. In the 17th and 18th centuries, protected areas were mostly hunting grounds of rulers and thus, on the one hand, an expression of the absolute personal authority of a monarch, and on the other hand, they were concentrated in certain places and diminished with increasing spatial distance from the seat of power. In the late 19th century, modern territorial states emerged which, thanks to the transport and communication technologies of industrialisation and the closely meshed and well-connected administrative apparatus that came with it, could actually assert claims to power over large contiguous territories. The establishment of nature reserves in mostly peripheral regions thus became possible and at the same time underpinned the new state claim to power.[31]

Initially, protected areas were recognised on a national scale, differing from country to country until 1933, when an effort to reach an international consensus on the standards and terminology of protected areas took place at the International Conference for the Protection of Fauna and Flora in London.[32] At the 1962 First World Conference on National Parks in Seattle the effect the Industrial Revolution had had on the world's natural environment was acknowledged, and the need to preserve it for future generations was established.[33]

Since then, it has been an international commitment on behalf of both governments and non-government organisations to maintain the networks that hold regular revisions for the succinct categorisations that have been developed to regulate and record protected areas. In 1972, the Stockholm Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment endorsed the protection of representative examples of all major ecosystem types as a fundamental requirement of national conservation programmes. This has become a core principle of conservation biology and has remained so in recent resolutions – including the World Charter for Nature in 1982, the Rio Declaration at the Earth Summit in 1992, and the Johannesburg Declaration 2002.

Recently, the importance of protected areas has been brought to the fore at the threat of human-induced global heating and the understanding of the necessity to consume natural resources in a sustainable manner. The spectrum of benefits and values of protected areas is recognised not only ecologically, but culturally through further development in the arena of Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs). ICCAs are “natural and/or modified ecosystems containing significant bio - diversity values and ecological services, voluntarily conserved by (sedentary and mobile) indigenous and local communities, through customary laws or other effective means”. [34]

As of December 2022, 17% of land territory and 10% of ocean territory were protected. At the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference almost 200 countries, signed onto the agreement which includes protecting 30% of land and oceans by 2030 (30 by 30).[7]

Convention on Biological Diversity

In 1992, a protected area was defined in paragraph 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as "a geographically defined area which is designated or regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives." Under Article 8 of the CBD, parties who entered the treaty agreed to, among other things, "establish a system of protected areas." In 2004, the CBD’s Conference of the Parties (COP) adopted the Program of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) to further develop and promote protected areas. PoWPA’s objective was the “establishment and maintenance by 2010 for terrestrial and by 2012 for marine areas of comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative national and regional systems of protected areas that collectively, inter alia through a global network contribute to achieving the three objectives of the Convention and the 2010 target to significantly reduce the current rate of biodiversity loss.” [35] In 2010, protected areas were included in Target 11 of the CBD’s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, known as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Target 11 states:

“By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well-connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscapes.” [36]

In 2018, to complement protected areas across landscapes and seascapes, the term ‘other effective area-based conservation measures’ was defined as “a geographically defined area other than a Protected Area, which is governed and managed in ways that achieve positive and sustained long-term outcomes for the in situ conservation of biodiversity, with associated ecosystem functions and services and where applicable, cultural, spiritual, socio-economic, and other locally relevant values.” [37] Other effective area-based conservation measures complement protected areas across landscapes, seascapes, and river basins.[38] Protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures are referenced together in Target 3 of the draft Global Biodiversity Framework, which is due to be agreed at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, which will be held December 5 to 17 in Montreal, Canada. [39]


Schweizerischer National Park in the Swiss Alps is a Strict Nature Reserve (Category Ia).[40]
The Jaldapara National Park in West Bengal, India, is a Habitat Management Area (Category IV).[41]

How to manage areas protected for conservation brings up a range of challenges[5] – whether it be regarding the local population, specific ecosystems or the design of the reserve itself – and because of the many unpredicatable elements in ecology issues, each protected area requires a case-specific set of guidelines.[42]

Enforcing protected area boundaries is a costly and labour-heavy endeavour, particularly if the allocation of a new protected region places new restrictions on the use of resources by the native people which may lead to their subsequent displacement.[43] This has troubled relationships between conservationists and rural communities in many protected regions and is often why many Wildlife Reserves and National Parks face the human threat of poaching for the illegal bushmeat or trophy trades, which are resorted to as an alternative form of substinence.[5][44] Poaching has thus increased in recent years as areas with certain species are no longer easily and legally accessible.[45] This increasing threat has often led governments to enforce laws and implement new policies in order to adhere to the initial goal of protected areas, though many illegal activities are often overlooked.[46]

There is increasing pressure to take proper account of human needs when setting up protected areas and these sometimes have to be "traded off" against conservation needs. Whereas in the past governments often made decisions about protected areas and informed local people afterwards, today the emphasis is shifting towards greater discussions with stakeholders and joint decisions about how such lands should be set aside and managed. Such negotiations are never easy but usually produce stronger and longer-lasting results for both conservation and people.[47][48]

Protected areas in many cases are in close cohesion with municipalities and require specific performance management leading both to sustainability from one side and regional development from the other. Administrations of protected areas are more targeted towards the protection of nature and ecosystems while municipalities are responsible for the social and economic development of a particular local community.[49]

In some countries, protected areas can be assigned without the infrastructure and networking needed to substitute consumable resources and subtantiatively protect the area from development or misuse. The soliciting of protected areas may require regulation to the level of meeting demands for food, feed, livestock and fuel, and the legal enforcement of not only the protected area itself but also 'buffer zones' surrounding it, which may help to resist destabilisation.[50]

Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD)

Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) events are processes that change the legal status of national parks and other protected areas in both terrestrial and marine environments.[51][52] Downgrading is a decrease in legal restrictions on human activities within a protected area, downsizing is a decrease in protected area size through a legal boundary change, and degazettement is the loss of legal protection for an entire protected area.[51] Collectively, PADDD represents legal processes that temper regulations, shrink boundaries, or eliminate legal protections originally associated with establishment of a protected area.

Scientific publications have identified 3,749 enacted PADDD events in 73 countries since 1892 which have collectively impacted an area approximately the size of Mexico.[53] PADDD is a historical and contemporary phenomenon.[51] 78% of PADDD events worldwide were enacted since 2000 and governments in at least 14 countries are currently considering at least 46 PADDD proposals.[53] Proximate causes of PADDD vary widely but most PADDD events globally (62%) are related to industrial scale resource extraction and development – infrastructure, industrial agriculture, mining, oil and gas, forestry, fisheries, and industrialization.[53]

PADDD challenges the longstanding assumption that protected areas are permanent fixtures and highlights the need for decision-makers to consider protected area characteristics and the socioeconomic context in which they are situated to better ensure their permanence.[51][54]


One main concern regarding protected areas is how effectively they prevent ongoing loss of biodiversity. Multiple case studies point to positive effects on terrestrial and marine species, but the majority of protected areas are unrepresented. Limitations on protected areas include: their small size and isolation from each other (which influence the maintenance of species); their restricted role in preventing the many factors affecting biodiversity, such as climate change, invasive species, and pollution; their high costs; and their increasing conflict with human demands for nature's resources.[5][55]

Protected areas play a large role in protecting important natural ecosystems and providing essential ecosystem services such as carbon storage and flood prevention.[56][57][58]

Besides the focus on ecological effectiveness of conservation activieties, i.e. in how far certain desirable ecological benefits and targets are reached, many studies point out that also cost-effectiveness concerns should play a center role in the design and implementation of conservation activities.[59][60] In this context, different aspacts such as the type of habitats,[61] species or landscapes selected for conservation, the design of conservation contracts,[62] governance of conservation activities,[63] and payment systems[64] play important roles.

Scientists advocate that 50% of global land and seas be converted to inter-connected protected areas to sustain these benefits.[56] The Asian country Bhutan achieved this high-reaching target by reserving 51.4% of the country's area as protected areas interconnected through biological corridors.[56] Although these networks are well regulated (local communities are aware of their importance and actively contribute to their maintenance), Bhutan is currently a developing country that is undergoing infrastructure development and resource collection.[56] The country's economic progression has brought about human-wildlife conflict and increased pressure on the existence of its protected areas. In light of ongoing disputes on the topic of optimal land usage, Dorji (et al.), in a study using camera traps to detect wildlife activity, summarize the results of a nationwide survey that compares the biodiversity of Bhutan's protected areas versus that of intervening non-protected areas.

The study indicated that Bhutan's protected areas "are effectively conserving medium and large mammal species, as demonstrated through the significant difference in mammal diversity between protected areas, biological corridors, and non-protected areas with the strongest difference between protected areas and non-protected areas".[56] Protected areas had the highest levels of mammal biodiversity. This is made possible by the restriction of commercial activity and regulation of consumptive uses (firewood, timber, etc.).[56] The regulation of such practices has allowed Bhutan's protected areas to thrive with high carnivore diversity and other rare mammals such as Chinese pangolin, Indian pangolin, mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), small-toothed ferret badger, Asian small clawed otter, the tiger, dhole (Cuon alpinus), Binturong, clouded leopard and Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata).[56] Also found to be prevalent were the large herbivore species: Asiatic water buffalo Bubalus arnee, golden langur, musk deer, and Asian elephant.[56] The maintenance of these charismatic megafauna and other threatened species can be attributed to the intensity of Bhutan's management of its protected areas and its local communities’ commitment to preserving them.

By area

Prohibited activities and safety instructions at a state park in Oregon


The National Heritage List is a heritage register, a list of national heritage places deemed to be of outstanding heritage significance to Australia, established in 2003. The list includes natural and historic places, including those of cultural significance to Indigenous Australians.[65] Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) are formed by agreement with Indigenous Australians, and declared by Indigenous Australians, and form a specific class of protected area.[66][67][68]

European Union

Kuivajärvi, the Natura 2000 area in Tammela, Tavastia Proper, Finland

Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas established by the EU across all member states. It is made up of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) designated respectively under the Habitats Directive and Birds Directive. 787,767 km2 (304,159 sq mi) are designated as terrestrial sites and 251,564 km2 (97,129 sq mi) as marine sites. Overall, 18 percent of the EU land mass is designated.[69]


Protected areas of India include National parks, Wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves, reserved and protected forests, conservation and community reserves, communal forests, private protected areas and conservation areas.


O Parks, Wildlife, and Recreation is a private protected area, also known as a 'Private Reserve' predominantly managed for biodiversity conservation, protected without formal government recognition and is owned and stewarded by the O corporation International.[70] O parks plays a particularly important role in conserving critical biodiversity in a section of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor known as the Paso del Istmo, located along the 12-mile-wide isthmus between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific Ocean.

United States

As of 31 January 2008, according to the United Nations Environment Programme, the United States had a total of 6770 terrestrial nationally designated (federal) protected areas. These protected areas cover 2,607,131 km2 (1,006,619 sq mi), or 27.08 percent of the land area of the United States.[71] This is also one-tenth of the protected land area of the world.


On 21 May 2019, The Moscow Times cited a World Wildlife Fund report indicating that Russia now ranks first in the world for its amount of protected natural areas[72] with 63.3 million hectares of specially protected natural areas. However, the article did not contain a link to WWF's report and it may be based on previously gathered data.


As an area known for a high level of biodiversity, China has begun implementing various protected areas in recent years. As of the year 2017, China has nearly 10,000 to 12,000 protected areas, 80% of which are nature reserves aiming to foster biodiversity conservation.[73][21][74] These newly implemented reserves safeguard a range of ecosystems, from tropical forests to marine habitats.[75] These protected areas encompass nearly 20% of China's land area.[76]

See also


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protected, area, conservation, area, redirects, here, particular, that, term, united, kingdom, conservation, area, united, kingdom, this, article, about, protected, regions, environmental, cultural, value, protected, area, cricket, pitch, cricket, pitch, conse. Conservation area redirects here For the particular use of that term in the United Kingdom see Conservation area United Kingdom This article is about protected regions of environmental or cultural value For the protected area of a cricket pitch see Cricket pitch Protected areas or conservation areas are locations which receive protection because of their recognized natural ecological or cultural values There are several kinds of protected areas which vary by level of protection depending on the enabling laws of each country or the regulations of the international organizations involved Generally speaking though protected areas are understood to be those in which human presence or at least the exploitation of natural resources e g firewood non timber forest products water is limited 1 World map with percentage of each country under protection 2005 data needs update 0 3 9 of the country is protected 3 9 11 3 protected 11 3 22 7 protected 22 7 41 8 protected 41 8 72 3 protected no data Share of important terrestrial biodiversity areas under protection as of 2018 The term protected area also includes marine protected areas the boundaries of which will include some area of ocean and transboundary protected areas that overlap multiple countries which remove the borders inside the area for conservation and economic purposes There are over 161 000 protected areas in the world as of October 2010 2 with more added daily representing between 10 and 15 percent of the world s land surface area 3 4 5 As of 2016 there are 14 688 Marine Protected Areas MPAs and approximately 14 7 of the world s terrestrial and inland water areas excluding Antarctica are protected 6 For waters under national jurisdiction beyond inland waters approximately 10 2 of coastal and marine areas and 4 12 of global ocean areas are covered by marine protected areas 6 In contrast only 0 25 of the world s oceans beyond national jurisdiction are covered by MPAs 6 As of December 2022 17 of land and 10 of ocean territory were protected 7 In recent years the 30 by 30 initiative has targeted to protect 30 of ocean territory and 30 of land territory worldwide by 2030 this has been adopted by the European Union in its Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 Campaign for Nature which promoted the goal during the Convention on Biodiversity s COP15 Summit 8 and the G7 9 In December 2022 Nations have reached an agreement with the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at the COP15 10 which includes the 30 by 30 initiative 7 Protected areas are implemented for biodiversity conservation often providing habitat and protection from hunting for threatened and endangered species Protection helps maintain ecological processes that cannot survive in most intensely managed landscapes and seascapes 11 Contents 1 Definition 2 Protection of natural resources 3 Protection of ecosystem services 4 IUCN Protected Area Management Categories 5 History 6 Convention on Biological Diversity 7 Challenges 8 Effectiveness 9 By area 9 1 Australia 9 2 European Union 9 3 India 9 4 Nicaragua 9 5 United States 9 6 Russia 9 7 China 10 See also 11 References 12 External linksDefinition EditThe definition that has been widely accepted across regional and global frameworks has been provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN in its categorisation guidelines for protected areas 12 13 The definition is as follows 14 A clearly defined geographical space recognized dedicated and managed through legal or other effective means to achieve the long term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values Protection of natural resources EditThe objective of protected areas is to conserve biodiversity and to provide a way for measuring the progress of such conservation Protected areas will usually encompass several other zones that have been deemed important for particular conservation uses such as Important Bird Areas IBA and Endemic Bird Areas EBA Centres of Plant Diversity CPD Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas ICCA Alliance for Zero Extinction Sites AZE and Key Biodiversity Areas KBA among others Likewise a protected area or an entire network of protected areas may lie within a larger geographic zone that is recognised as a terrestrial or marine ecoregions see Global 200 or a Crisis Ecoregions for example 15 As a result Protected Areas can encompass a broad range of governance types A wide variety of rights holders and stakeholders are involved in the governance and management of protected areas including forest protected areas such as government agencies and ministries at various levels elected and traditional authorities indigenous peoples and local communities private individuals and non profit trusts among others 14 Most protected area and forest management institutions acknowledge the importance of recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities sharing the costs and benefits of protected areas and actively involving them in their governance and management 14 This has led to the recognition of four main types of governance defined on the basis of who holds authority responsibility and who can be held accountable for the key decisions for protected areas 14 Indeed governance of protected areas has emerged a critical factor in their success Subsequently the range of natural resources that any one protected area may guard is vast Many will be allocated primarily for species conservation whether it be flora or fauna or the relationship between them but protected areas are similarly important for conserving sites of indigenous cultural importance and considerable reserves of natural resources such as Carbon stocks Carbon emissions from deforestation account for an estimated 20 of global carbon emissions so in protecting the worlds carbon stocks greenhouse gas emissions are reduced and longterm land cover change is prevented which is an effective strategy in the struggle against global warming Of all global terrestrial carbon stock 15 2 is contained within protected areas Protected areas in South America hold 27 of the world s carbon stock which is the highest percentage of any country in both absolute terms and as a proportion of the total stock 16 Rainforests 18 8 of the world s forest is covered by protected areas and sixteen of the twenty forest types have 10 or more protected area coverage Of the 670 ecoregions with forest cover 54 have 10 or more of their forest cover protected under IUCN Categories I VI 17 Mountains Nationally designated protected areas cover 14 3 of the world s mountain areas and these mountainous protected areas made up 32 5 of the world s total terrestrial protected area coverage in 2009 Mountain protected area coverage has increased globally by 21 since 1990 and out of the 198 countries with mountain areas 43 9 still have less than 10 of their mountain areas protected 18 Annual updates on each of these analyses are made in order to make comparisons to the Millennium Development Goals and several other fields of analysis are expected to be introduced in the monitoring of protected areas management effectiveness such as freshwater and marine or coastal studies which are currently underway and islands and drylands which are currently in planning 19 Protection of ecosystem services EditAlong with providing important stocks of natural resources protected areas are often major sources of vital ecosystem services unbeknownst to human society 20 Although biodiversity is usually the main reason for constructing protected areas the protection of biodiversity also protects the ecosystem services society enjoys 21 Some ecosystem services include those that provide and regulate resources support natural processes or represent culture 22 Provisioning services provide resources to humanity such as fuel and water while regulating services include carbon sequestration climate regulation and protection against disease 23 Supporting ecosystem services include nutrient cycling while cultural services are a source of aesthetic and cultural value for tourism and heritage 23 Such services are often overlooked by humanity due to the ecosystem from which they originate being far from urbanized areas The contamination of ecosystem services within a designated area ultimately degrades their use for society For example the protection of a water body inherently protects that water body s microorganisms and their ability to adequately filter pollutants and pathogens ultimately protecting water quality itself 24 Therefore the implementation of protected areas is vital to maintaining the quality and consistency of ecosystem services ultimately allowing human society to function without the interference of human infrastructure or policies IUCN Protected Area Management Categories Edit Strict nature reserve Belianske Tatras in Slovakia Through its World Commission on Protected Areas WCPA the IUCN has developed six Protected Area Management Categories that define protected areas according to their management objectives which are internationally recognised by various national governments and the United Nations 25 The categories provide international standards for defining protected areas and encourage conservation planning according to their management aims 26 IUCN Protected Area Management Categories Category Ia Strict nature reserve Category Ib Wilderness Area Category II National park Category III Natural monument or Feature Category IV Habitat Species Management Area Category V Protected Landscape Seascape Category VI Protected Area with sustainable use of natural resourcesHistory Edit Black Opal Spring in Yellowstone National Park in the United States Yellowstone the world s second official protected area after Mongolia s Bogd Khan Mountain was declared a protected area in 1872 27 and it encompasses areas which are classified as both a National Park Category II and a Habitat Management Area Category IV 28 Protected areas are cultural artifacts and their story is entwined with that of human civilization Protecting places and natural resources is by no means a modern concept whether it be indigenous communities guarding sacred sites or the convention of European hunting reserves Over 2000 years ago royal decrees in India protected certain areas In Europe rich and powerful people protected hunting grounds for a thousand years Moreover the idea of protection of special places is universal for example it occurs among the communities in the Pacific tapu areas and in parts of Africa sacred groves The oldest legally protected reserve recorded in history is the Main Ridge Forest Reserve established by an ordinance dated 13 April 1776 29 Other sources mention the 1778 approval of a protected area on then Khan Uul a mountain previous protected by local nomads for centuries in Mongolia by then ruling Qing China Tenger Tetgegch Khaan However the mass protected areas movement did not begin until late nineteenth century in North America Australia New Zealand and South Africa when other countries were quick to follow suit While the idea of protected areas spread around the world in the twentieth century the driving force was different in different regions Thus in North America protected areas were about safeguarding dramatic and sublime scenery in Africa the concern was with game parks in Europe landscape protection was more common 30 The designation of protected areas often also contained a political statement In the 17th and 18th centuries protected areas were mostly hunting grounds of rulers and thus on the one hand an expression of the absolute personal authority of a monarch and on the other hand they were concentrated in certain places and diminished with increasing spatial distance from the seat of power In the late 19th century modern territorial states emerged which thanks to the transport and communication technologies of industrialisation and the closely meshed and well connected administrative apparatus that came with it could actually assert claims to power over large contiguous territories The establishment of nature reserves in mostly peripheral regions thus became possible and at the same time underpinned the new state claim to power 31 Initially protected areas were recognised on a national scale differing from country to country until 1933 when an effort to reach an international consensus on the standards and terminology of protected areas took place at the International Conference for the Protection of Fauna and Flora in London 32 At the 1962 First World Conference on National Parks in Seattle the effect the Industrial Revolution had had on the world s natural environment was acknowledged and the need to preserve it for future generations was established 33 Since then it has been an international commitment on behalf of both governments and non government organisations to maintain the networks that hold regular revisions for the succinct categorisations that have been developed to regulate and record protected areas In 1972 the Stockholm Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment endorsed the protection of representative examples of all major ecosystem types as a fundamental requirement of national conservation programmes This has become a core principle of conservation biology and has remained so in recent resolutions including the World Charter for Nature in 1982 the Rio Declaration at the Earth Summit in 1992 and the Johannesburg Declaration 2002 Recently the importance of protected areas has been brought to the fore at the threat of human induced global heating and the understanding of the necessity to consume natural resources in a sustainable manner The spectrum of benefits and values of protected areas is recognised not only ecologically but culturally through further development in the arena of Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas ICCAs ICCAs are natural and or modified ecosystems containing significant bio diversity values and ecological services voluntarily conserved by sedentary and mobile indigenous and local communities through customary laws or other effective means 34 As of December 2022 17 of land territory and 10 of ocean territory were protected At the 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference almost 200 countries signed onto the agreement which includes protecting 30 of land and oceans by 2030 30 by 30 7 Convention on Biological Diversity EditIn 1992 a protected area was defined in paragraph 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity CBD as a geographically defined area which is designated or regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives Under Article 8 of the CBD parties who entered the treaty agreed to among other things establish a system of protected areas In 2004 the CBD s Conference of the Parties COP adopted the Program of Work on Protected Areas PoWPA to further develop and promote protected areas PoWPA s objective was the establishment and maintenance by 2010 for terrestrial and by 2012 for marine areas of comprehensive effectively managed and ecologically representative national and regional systems of protected areas that collectively inter alia through a global network contribute to achieving the three objectives of the Convention and the 2010 target to significantly reduce the current rate of biodiversity loss 35 In 2010 protected areas were included in Target 11 of the CBD s Strategic Plan for Biodiversity known as the Aichi Biodiversity Targets Target 11 states By 2020 at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services are conserved through effectively and equitably managed ecologically representative and well connected systems of protected areas and other effective area based conservation measures and integrated into the wider landscapes 36 In 2018 to complement protected areas across landscapes and seascapes the term other effective area based conservation measures was defined as a geographically defined area other than a Protected Area which is governed and managed in ways that achieve positive and sustained long term outcomes for the in situ conservation of biodiversity with associated ecosystem functions and services and where applicable cultural spiritual socio economic and other locally relevant values 37 Other effective area based conservation measures complement protected areas across landscapes seascapes and river basins 38 Protected areas and other effective area based conservation measures are referenced together in Target 3 of the draft Global Biodiversity Framework which is due to be agreed at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity which will be held December 5 to 17 in Montreal Canada 39 Challenges Edit Schweizerischer National Park in the Swiss Alps is a Strict Nature Reserve Category Ia 40 The Jaldapara National Park in West Bengal India is a Habitat Management Area Category IV 41 How to manage areas protected for conservation brings up a range of challenges 5 whether it be regarding the local population specific ecosystems or the design of the reserve itself and because of the many unpredicatable elements in ecology issues each protected area requires a case specific set of guidelines 42 Enforcing protected area boundaries is a costly and labour heavy endeavour particularly if the allocation of a new protected region places new restrictions on the use of resources by the native people which may lead to their subsequent displacement 43 This has troubled relationships between conservationists and rural communities in many protected regions and is often why many Wildlife Reserves and National Parks face the human threat of poaching for the illegal bushmeat or trophy trades which are resorted to as an alternative form of substinence 5 44 Poaching has thus increased in recent years as areas with certain species are no longer easily and legally accessible 45 This increasing threat has often led governments to enforce laws and implement new policies in order to adhere to the initial goal of protected areas though many illegal activities are often overlooked 46 There is increasing pressure to take proper account of human needs when setting up protected areas and these sometimes have to be traded off against conservation needs Whereas in the past governments often made decisions about protected areas and informed local people afterwards today the emphasis is shifting towards greater discussions with stakeholders and joint decisions about how such lands should be set aside and managed Such negotiations are never easy but usually produce stronger and longer lasting results for both conservation and people 47 48 Protected areas in many cases are in close cohesion with municipalities and require specific performance management leading both to sustainability from one side and regional development from the other Administrations of protected areas are more targeted towards the protection of nature and ecosystems while municipalities are responsible for the social and economic development of a particular local community 49 In some countries protected areas can be assigned without the infrastructure and networking needed to substitute consumable resources and subtantiatively protect the area from development or misuse The soliciting of protected areas may require regulation to the level of meeting demands for food feed livestock and fuel and the legal enforcement of not only the protected area itself but also buffer zones surrounding it which may help to resist destabilisation 50 Protected area downgrading downsizing and degazettement PADDD Protected area downgrading downsizing and degazettement PADDD events are processes that change the legal status of national parks and other protected areas in both terrestrial and marine environments 51 52 Downgrading is a decrease in legal restrictions on human activities within a protected area downsizing is a decrease in protected area size through a legal boundary change and degazettement is the loss of legal protection for an entire protected area 51 Collectively PADDD represents legal processes that temper regulations shrink boundaries or eliminate legal protections originally associated with establishment of a protected area Scientific publications have identified 3 749 enacted PADDD events in 73 countries since 1892 which have collectively impacted an area approximately the size of Mexico 53 PADDD is a historical and contemporary phenomenon 51 78 of PADDD events worldwide were enacted since 2000 and governments in at least 14 countries are currently considering at least 46 PADDD proposals 53 Proximate causes of PADDD vary widely but most PADDD events globally 62 are related to industrial scale resource extraction and development infrastructure industrial agriculture mining oil and gas forestry fisheries and industrialization 53 PADDD challenges the longstanding assumption that protected areas are permanent fixtures and highlights the need for decision makers to consider protected area characteristics and the socioeconomic context in which they are situated to better ensure their permanence 51 54 Effectiveness EditOne main concern regarding protected areas is how effectively they prevent ongoing loss of biodiversity Multiple case studies point to positive effects on terrestrial and marine species but the majority of protected areas are unrepresented Limitations on protected areas include their small size and isolation from each other which influence the maintenance of species their restricted role in preventing the many factors affecting biodiversity such as climate change invasive species and pollution their high costs and their increasing conflict with human demands for nature s resources 5 55 Protected areas play a large role in protecting important natural ecosystems and providing essential ecosystem services such as carbon storage and flood prevention 56 57 58 Besides the focus on ecological effectiveness of conservation activieties i e in how far certain desirable ecological benefits and targets are reached many studies point out that also cost effectiveness concerns should play a center role in the design and implementation of conservation activities 59 60 In this context different aspacts such as the type of habitats 61 species or landscapes selected for conservation the design of conservation contracts 62 governance of conservation activities 63 and payment systems 64 play important roles Scientists advocate that 50 of global land and seas be converted to inter connected protected areas to sustain these benefits 56 The Asian country Bhutan achieved this high reaching target by reserving 51 4 of the country s area as protected areas interconnected through biological corridors 56 Although these networks are well regulated local communities are aware of their importance and actively contribute to their maintenance Bhutan is currently a developing country that is undergoing infrastructure development and resource collection 56 The country s economic progression has brought about human wildlife conflict and increased pressure on the existence of its protected areas In light of ongoing disputes on the topic of optimal land usage Dorji et al in a study using camera traps to detect wildlife activity summarize the results of a nationwide survey that compares the biodiversity of Bhutan s protected areas versus that of intervening non protected areas The study indicated that Bhutan s protected areas are effectively conserving medium and large mammal species as demonstrated through the significant difference in mammal diversity between protected areas biological corridors and non protected areas with the strongest difference between protected areas and non protected areas 56 Protected areas had the highest levels of mammal biodiversity This is made possible by the restriction of commercial activity and regulation of consumptive uses firewood timber etc 56 The regulation of such practices has allowed Bhutan s protected areas to thrive with high carnivore diversity and other rare mammals such as Chinese pangolin Indian pangolin mountain weasel Mustela altaica small toothed ferret badger Asian small clawed otter the tiger dhole Cuon alpinus Binturong clouded leopard and Tibetan fox Vulpes ferrilata 56 Also found to be prevalent were the large herbivore species Asiatic water buffalo Bubalus arnee golden langur musk deer and Asian elephant 56 The maintenance of these charismatic megafauna and other threatened species can be attributed to the intensity of Bhutan s management of its protected areas and its local communities commitment to preserving them By area Edit Prohibited activities and safety instructions at a state park in Oregon Australia Edit Main article Protected areas of Australia The National Heritage List is a heritage register a list of national heritage places deemed to be of outstanding heritage significance to Australia established in 2003 The list includes natural and historic places including those of cultural significance to Indigenous Australians 65 Indigenous Protected Areas IPAs are formed by agreement with Indigenous Australians and declared by Indigenous Australians and form a specific class of protected area 66 67 68 European Union Edit Kuivajarvi the Natura 2000 area in Tammela Tavastia Proper Finland Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas established by the EU across all member states It is made up of Special Areas of Conservation SACs and Special Protection Areas SPAs designated respectively under the Habitats Directive and Birds Directive 787 767 km2 304 159 sq mi are designated as terrestrial sites and 251 564 km2 97 129 sq mi as marine sites Overall 18 percent of the EU land mass is designated 69 India Edit Protected areas of India include National parks Wildlife sanctuaries biosphere reserves reserved and protected forests conservation and community reserves communal forests private protected areas and conservation areas Nicaragua Edit O Parks Wildlife and Recreation is a private protected area also known as a Private Reserve predominantly managed for biodiversity conservation protected without formal government recognition and is owned and stewarded by the O corporation International 70 O parks plays a particularly important role in conserving critical biodiversity in a section of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor known as the Paso del Istmo located along the 12 mile wide isthmus between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific Ocean United States Edit As of 31 January 2008 update according to the United Nations Environment Programme the United States had a total of 6770 terrestrial nationally designated federal protected areas These protected areas cover 2 607 131 km2 1 006 619 sq mi or 27 08 percent of the land area of the United States 71 This is also one tenth of the protected land area of the world Russia Edit On 21 May 2019 The Moscow Times cited a World Wildlife Fund report indicating that Russia now ranks first in the world for its amount of protected natural areas 72 with 63 3 million hectares of specially protected natural areas However the article did not contain a link to WWF s report and it may be based on previously gathered data China Edit As an area known for a high level of biodiversity China has begun implementing various protected areas in recent years As of the year 2017 China has nearly 10 000 to 12 000 protected areas 80 of which are nature reserves aiming to foster biodiversity conservation 73 21 74 These newly implemented reserves safeguard a range of ecosystems from tropical forests to marine habitats 75 These protected areas encompass nearly 20 of China s land area 76 See also EditBiodiversity hotspots Coastal Reserve Ukraine Conservation area United Kingdom urban heritage area in the UK Conservation designation Conservation refugee a person who has been forced to relocate from a conservation area Centres of Plant Diversity Climate change mitigation Preserving and enhancing carbon sinks Exclusion zone Ecotourism Forest Preserve Fossil park Historic district Indigenous and Community Conserved Area IUCN protected area categories Last of the Wild List of largest protected areas in the world Listed building Marine Protected Area National heritage site National park Nature reserve Invasive species eradication Park ranger Private protected area Poaching Rural flight Special Area of Conservation European Union Sustainable Development Goals The Georgian Group Transboundary protected area Urban heritage park Urbanization World Commission on Protected Areas World Database on Protected Areas World Heritage Site registered by UNESCO Zakaznik type of protected area in former Soviet republics Ecology portal Environment portalReferences Edit Lele Sharachchandra Wilshusen Peter Brockington Dan Seidler Reinmar Bawa Kamaljit 1 May 2010 Beyond exclusion alternative approaches to biodiversity conservation in the developing tropics Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2 1 94 100 doi 10 1016 j cosust 2010 03 006 ISSN 1877 3435 Protected Planet Archived from the original on 8 March 2015 Soutullo Alvaro 2010 Extent of the Global Network of Terrestrial Protected Areas Conservation Biology 24 2 362 363 doi 10 1111 j 1523 1739 2010 01465 x ISSN 1523 1739 PMID 20491846 S2CID 32390446 unstats Millennium Indicators Archived from the original on 27 September 2017 Retrieved 28 August 2018 a b c d Mora C Sale P 2011 Ongoing global biodiversity loss and the need to move beyond protected areas A review of the technical and practical shortcoming of protected areas on land and sea PDF Marine Ecology Progress Series 434 251 266 Bibcode 2011MEPS 434 251M doi 10 3354 meps09214 a b c Protected Planet Report 2016 PDF UNEP WCMC and IUCN Retrieved 7 February 2020 a b c Paddison Laura 19 December 2022 More than 190 countries sign landmark agreement to halt the biodiversity crisis CNN Retrieved 20 December 2022 Sign the 30x30 Petition Today Campaign for Nature G7 commits to end support for coal fired power stations this year euronews 21 May 2021 Briggs Helen 19 December 2022 COP15 Nations reach historic deal to protect nature BBC News Retrieved 19 December 2022 Dudley N ed Guidelines for Applying Protected Areas Management Categories IUCN Switzerland 2008 About IUCN 10 September 2015 Retrieved 5 August 2020 Guidelines for Applying the IUCN Protected Area Management Categories to Marine Protected Areas PDF a href Template Cite journal html title Template Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal requires journal help a b c d Borrini Feyerabend G N Dudley T Jaeger B Lassen N Pathak Broome A Phillips and T Sandwith 2013 Governance of Protected Areas From understanding to action PDF IUCN ISBN 978 2 8317 1608 4 a href Template Cite book html title Template Cite book cite book a CS1 maint multiple names authors list link Biodiversity A Z www biodiversitya z org Campbell A Miles L Lysenko I Hughes A Gibbs H Carbon Storage in Protected Areas Technical Report UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre 2008 Coad L Burgess N D Bomhard B and Besancon C Progress on the Convention on Biological Diversity s 2010 and 2012 Targets for Protected Area Coverage Looking to the Future of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas Cambridge UNEP WCMC 2009 Rodriguez Rodriguez D Bomhard B Fitzgerald C amp Blyth S How much of the world s mountain area is protected Cambridge UNEP WCMC 2009 Bomhard B Butchart S Tracking Progress Towards the CBD s Targets for Protected Area Coverage and Management Effectiveness UNEP WCMC amp BirdLife International 2010 Benetti Stefania Langemeyer Johannes 2021 Ecosystem services and justice of protected areas the case of Circeo National Park Italy Ecosystems and People Abingdon England 17 1 411 431 doi 10 1080 26395916 2021 1946155 ISSN 2639 5908 PMC 8315210 PMID 34382004 a b Xu Weihua Xiao Yi Zhang Jingjing Yang Wu Zhang Lu Hull Vanessa Wang Zhi Zheng Hua Liu Jianguo Polasky Stephen Jiang Ling 14 February 2017 Strengthening protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services in China Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 7 1601 1606 doi 10 1073 pnas 1620503114 ISSN 0027 8424 PMC 5321011 PMID 28137858 Ecosystem Services National Wildlife Federation Retrieved 26 May 2022 a b More About Ecosystem Services www fs fed us Retrieved 26 May 2022 Protecting ecosystems brings benefits to society ScienceDaily Retrieved 26 May 2022 IUCN Home 8 June 2016 Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories Published October 2008 Archived 4 June 2013 at the Wayback Machine Mongolia Sacred Mountains Bogd Khan Burkhan Khaldun Otgon Tenger Yellowstone Protected Planet Centre UNESCO World Heritage Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve UNESCO World Heritage Centre Phillips A A Short History of the International System of Protected Area Management Categories WCPA Task Force on Protected Area Categories 2007 Uekotter Frank 9 March 2020 Eine kleine Geschichte des Artenschutzes Zeitschrift der Bundeszentrale fur Politische Bildung in German bpb 11 2020 15 IUCN Home October 2008 Archived from the original on 19 March 2012 Retrieved 6 February 2016 The Worlds Protected Areas archive is 1 August 2012 Archived from the original on 1 August 2012 Retrieved 27 March 2020 Environment U N 16 September 2017 A handbook for the indigenous and community conserved areas registry UNEP UN Environment Programme Retrieved 11 December 2022 Protected Areas Articles 8 a to e Doc UNEP CBD COP DEC VII 28 20 February 2004 at para 18 Strategic Plan Future Evaluation of Progress Doc UNEP CBD COP DEC VII 30 Annex 13 April 2004 Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 Among the twenty one subsidiary targets the first two were 1 1 At least 10 of each of the world s ecological regions effectively conserved and 1 2 Areas of particular importance to biodiversity 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