

An ellipsoid is a surface that may be obtained from a sphere by deforming it by means of directional scalings, or more generally, of an affine transformation.

Examples of ellipsoids with equation x2/a2 + y2/b2 + z2/c2 = 1:
  • Sphere, a = b = c = 4, top;
  • Spheroid, a = b = 5, c = 3, bottom left;
  • Tri-axial ellipsoid, a = 4.5, b = 6; c = 3, bottom right

An ellipsoid is a quadric surface;  that is, a surface that may be defined as the zero set of a polynomial of degree two in three variables. Among quadric surfaces, an ellipsoid is characterized by either of the two following properties. Every planar cross section is either an ellipse, or is empty, or is reduced to a single point (this explains the name, meaning "ellipse-like"). It is bounded, which means that it may be enclosed in a sufficiently large sphere.

An ellipsoid has three pairwise perpendicular axes of symmetry which intersect at a center of symmetry, called the center of the ellipsoid. The line segments that are delimited on the axes of symmetry by the ellipsoid are called the principal axes, or simply axes of the ellipsoid. If the three axes have different lengths, the figure is a triaxial ellipsoid (rarely scalene ellipsoid), and the axes are uniquely defined.

If two of the axes have the same length, then the ellipsoid is an ellipsoid of revolution, also called a spheroid. In this case, the ellipsoid is invariant under a rotation around the third axis, and there are thus infinitely many ways of choosing the two perpendicular axes of the same length. If the third axis is shorter, the ellipsoid is an oblate spheroid; if it is longer, it is a prolate spheroid. If the three axes have the same length, the ellipsoid is a sphere.

Standard equation

The general ellipsoid, also known as triaxial ellipsoid, is a quadratic surface which is defined in Cartesian coordinates as:


where  ,   and   are the length of the semi-axes.

The points  ,   and   lie on the surface. The line segments from the origin to these points are called the principal semi-axes of the ellipsoid, because a, b, c are half the length of the principal axes. They correspond to the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis of an ellipse.

In spherical coordinate system for which  , the general ellipsoid is defined as:


where   is the polar angle and   is the azimuthal angle.

When  , the ellipsoid is a sphere.

When  , the ellipsoid is a spheroid or ellipsoid of revolution. In particular, if  , it is an oblate spheroid; if  , it is a prolate spheroid.


The ellipsoid may be parameterized in several ways, which are simpler to express when the ellipsoid axes coincide with coordinate axes. A common choice is




These parameters may be interpreted as spherical coordinates, where θ is the polar angle and φ is the azimuth angle of the point (x, y, z) of the ellipsoid.[1]

Measuring from the equator rather than a pole,




θ is the reduced latitude, parametric latitude, or eccentric anomaly and λ is azimuth or longitude.

Measuring angles directly to the surface of the ellipsoid, not to the circumscribed sphere,




γ would be geocentric latitude on the Earth, and λ is longitude. These are true spherical coordinates with the origin at the center of the ellipsoid.[citation needed]

In geodesy, the geodetic latitude is most commonly used, as the angle between the vertical and the equatorial plane, defined for a biaxial ellipsoid. For a more general triaxial ellipsoid, see ellipsoidal latitude.


The volume bounded by the ellipsoid is


In terms of the principal diameters A, B, C (where A = 2a, B = 2b, C = 2c), the volume is


This equation reduces to that of the volume of a sphere when all three elliptic radii are equal, and to that of an oblate or prolate spheroid when two of them are equal.

The volume of an ellipsoid is 2/3 the volume of a circumscribed elliptic cylinder, and π/6 the volume of the circumscribed box. The volumes of the inscribed and circumscribed boxes are respectively:


Surface area

The surface area of a general (triaxial) ellipsoid is[2][3]




and where F(φ, k) and E(φ, k) are incomplete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind respectively.[4] The surface area of this general ellipsoid can also be expressed using the RF and RD Carlson symmetric forms of the elliptic integrals by simply substituting the above formula to the respective definitions:


Unlike the expression with F(φ, k) and E(φ, k), the variant based on the Carlson symmetric integrals yields valid results for a sphere and only the axis c must be the smallest, the order between the two larger axes, a and b can be arbitrary.

The surface area of an ellipsoid of revolution (or spheroid) may be expressed in terms of elementary functions:








which, as follows from basic trigonometric identities, are equivalent expressions (i.e. the formula for Soblate can be used to calculate the surface area of a prolate ellipsoid and vice versa). In both cases e may again be identified as the eccentricity of the ellipse formed by the cross section through the symmetry axis. (See ellipse). Derivations of these results may be found in standard sources, for example Mathworld.[5]

Approximate formula


Here p ≈ 1.6075 yields a relative error of at most 1.061%;[6] a value of p = 8/5 = 1.6 is optimal for nearly spherical ellipsoids, with a relative error of at most 1.178%.

In the "flat" limit of c much smaller than a and b, the area is approximately ab, equivalent to p = log23 ≈ 1.5849625007.

Plane sections

Plane section of an ellipsoid

The intersection of a plane and a sphere is a circle (or is reduced to a single point, or is empty). Any ellipsoid is the image of the unit sphere under some affine transformation, and any plane is the image of some other plane under the same transformation. So, because affine transformations map circles to ellipses, the intersection of a plane with an ellipsoid is an ellipse or a single point, or is empty.[7] Obviously, spheroids contain circles. This is also true, but less obvious, for triaxial ellipsoids (see Circular section).

Determining the ellipse of a plane section

Plane section of an ellipsoid (see example)

Given: Ellipsoid x2/a2 + y2/b2 + z2/c2 = 1 and the plane with equation nxx + nyy + nzz = d, which have an ellipse in common.

Wanted: Three vectors f0 (center) and f1, f2 (conjugate vectors), such that the ellipse can be represented by the parametric equation


(see ellipse).

Plane section of the unit sphere (see example)

Solution: The scaling u = x/a, v = y/b, w = z/c transforms the ellipsoid onto the unit sphere u2 + v2 + w2 = 1 and the given plane onto the plane with equation


Let muu + mvv + mww = δ be the Hesse normal form of the new plane and


its unit normal vector. Hence


is the center of the intersection circle and


its radius (see diagram).

Where mw = ±1 (i.e. the plane is horizontal), let


Where mw ≠ ±1, let


In any case, the vectors e1, e2 are orthogonal, parallel to the intersection plane and have length ρ (radius of the circle). Hence the intersection circle can be described by the parametric equation


The reverse scaling (see above) transforms the unit sphere back to the ellipsoid and the vectors e0, e1, e2 are mapped onto vectors f0, f1, f2, which were wanted for the parametric representation of the intersection ellipse.

How to find the vertices and semi-axes of the ellipse is described in ellipse.

Example: The diagrams show an ellipsoid with the semi-axes a = 4, b = 5, c = 3 which is cut by the plane x + y + z = 5.

Pins-and-string construction

Pins-and-string construction of an ellipse:
|S1 S2|, length of the string (red)
Pins-and-string construction of an ellipsoid, blue: focal conics
Determination of the semi axis of the ellipsoid

The pins-and-string construction of an ellipsoid is a transfer of the idea constructing an ellipse using two pins and a string (see diagram).

A pins-and-string construction of an ellipsoid of revolution is given by the pins-and-string construction of the rotated ellipse.

The construction of points of a triaxial ellipsoid is more complicated. First ideas are due to the Scottish physicist J. C. Maxwell (1868).[8] Main investigations and the extension to quadrics was done by the German mathematician O. Staude in 1882, 1886 and 1898.[9][10][11] The description of the pins-and-string construction of ellipsoids and hyperboloids is contained in the book Geometry and the imagination written by D. Hilbert & S. Vossen,[12] too.

Steps of the construction

  1. Choose an ellipse E and a hyperbola H, which are a pair of focal conics:
    with the vertices and foci of the ellipse
    and a string (in diagram red) of length l.
  2. Pin one end of the string to vertex S1 and the other to focus F2. The string is kept tight at a point P with positive y- and z-coordinates, such that the string runs from S1 to P behind the upper part of the hyperbola (see diagram) and is free to slide on the hyperbola. The part of the string from P to F2 runs and slides in front of the ellipse. The string runs through that point of the hyperbola, for which the distance |S1 P| over any hyperbola point is at a minimum. The analogous statement on the second part of the string and the ellipse has to be true, too.
  3. Then: P is a point of the ellipsoid with equation
  4. The remaining points of the ellipsoid can be constructed by suitable changes of the string at the focal conics.


Equations for the semi-axes of the generated ellipsoid can be derived by special choices for point P:


The lower part of the diagram shows that F1 and F2 are the foci of the ellipse in the xy-plane, too. Hence, it is confocal to the given ellipse and the length of the string is l = 2rx + (ac). Solving for rx yields rx = 1/2(la + c); furthermore r2
= r2

From the upper diagram we see that S1 and S2 are the foci of the ellipse section of the ellipsoid in the xz-plane and that r2
= r2


If, conversely, a triaxial ellipsoid is given by its equation, then from the equations in step 3 one can derive the parameters a, b, l for a pins-and-string construction.

Confocal ellipsoids

If E is an ellipsoid confocal to E with the squares of its semi-axes


then from the equations of E


one finds, that the corresponding focal conics used for the pins-and-string construction have the same semi-axes a, b, c as ellipsoid E. Therefore (analogously to the foci of an ellipse) one considers the focal conics of a triaxial ellipsoid as the (infinite many) foci and calls them the focal curves of the ellipsoid.[13]

The converse statement is true, too: if one chooses a second string of length l and defines


then the equations


are valid, which means the two ellipsoids are confocal.

Limit case, ellipsoid of revolution

In case of a = c (a spheroid) one gets S1 = F1 and S2 = F2, which means that the focal ellipse degenerates to a line segment and the focal hyperbola collapses to two infinite line segments on the x-axis. The ellipsoid is rotationally symmetric around the x-axis and


Properties of the focal hyperbola

Top: 3-axial Ellipsoid with its focal hyperbola.
Bottom: parallel and central projection of the ellipsoid such that it looks like a sphere, i.e. its apparent shape is a circle
True curve
If one views an ellipsoid from an external point V of its focal hyperbola, than it seems to be a sphere, that is its apparent shape is a circle. Equivalently, the tangents of the ellipsoid containing point V are the lines of a circular cone, whose axis of rotation is the tangent line of the hyperbola at V.[14][15] If one allows the center V to disappear into infinity, one gets an orthogonal parallel projection with the corresponding asymptote of the focal hyperbola as its direction. The true curve of shape (tangent points) on the ellipsoid is not a circle.
The lower part of the diagram shows on the left a parallel projection of an ellipsoid (with semi-axes 60, 40, 30) along an asymptote and on the right a central projection with center V and main point H on the tangent of the hyperbola at point V. (H is the foot of the perpendicular from V onto the image plane.) For both projections the apparent shape is a circle. In the parallel case the image of the origin O is the circle's center; in the central case main point H is the center.
Umbilical points
The focal hyperbola intersects the ellipsoid at its four umbilical points.[16]

Property of the focal ellipse

The focal ellipse together with its inner part can be considered as the limit surface (an infinitely thin ellipsoid) of the pencil of confocal ellipsoids determined by a, b for rz → 0. For the limit case one gets


In general position

As a quadric

If v is a point and A is a real, symmetric, positive-definite matrix, then the set of points x that satisfy the equation


is an ellipsoid centered at v. The eigenvectors of A are the principal axes of the ellipsoid, and the eigenvalues of A are the reciprocals of the squares of the semi-axes: a−2, b−2 and c−2.[17]

An invertible linear transformation applied to a sphere produces an ellipsoid, which can be brought into the above standard form by a suitable rotation, a consequence of the polar decomposition (also, see spectral theorem). If the linear transformation is represented by a symmetric 3 × 3 matrix, then the eigenvectors of the matrix are orthogonal (due to the spectral theorem) and represent the directions of the axes of the ellipsoid; the lengths of the semi-axes are computed from the eigenvalues. The singular value decomposition and polar decomposition are matrix decompositions closely related to these geometric observations.

Parametric representation

ellipsoid as an affine image of the unit sphere

The key to a parametric representation of an ellipsoid in general position is the alternative definition:

An ellipsoid is an affine image of the unit sphere.

An affine transformation can be represented by a translation with a vector f0 and a regular 3 × 3 matrix A:


where f1, f2, f3 are the column vectors of matrix A.

A parametric representation of an ellipsoid in general position can be obtained by the parametric representation of a unit sphere (see above) and an affine transformation:


If the vectors f1, f2, f3 form an orthogonal system, the six points with vectors f0 ± f1,2,3 are the vertices of the ellipsoid and |f1|, |f2|, |f3| are the semi-principal axes.

A surface normal vector at point x(θ, φ) is


For any ellipsoid there exists an implicit representation F(x, y, z) = 0. If for simplicity the center of the ellipsoid is the origin, f0 = 0, the following equation describes the ellipsoid above:[18]



The ellipsoidal shape finds many practical applications:

  • Measurements obtained from MRI imaging of the prostate can be used to determine the volume of the gland using the approximation L × W × H × 0.52 (where 0.52 is an approximation for π/6)[19]

Dynamical properties

The mass of an ellipsoid of uniform density ρ is


The moments of inertia of an ellipsoid of uniform density are


For a = b = c these moments of inertia reduce to those for a sphere of uniform density.

Artist's conception of Haumea, a Jacobi-ellipsoid dwarf planet, with its two moons

Ellipsoids and cuboids rotate stably along their major or minor axes, but not along their median axis. This can be seen experimentally by throwing an eraser with some spin. In addition, moment of inertia considerations mean that rotation along the major axis is more easily perturbed than rotation along the minor axis.[20]

One practical effect of this is that scalene astronomical bodies such as Haumea generally rotate along their minor axes (as does Earth, which is merely oblate); in addition, because of tidal locking, moons in synchronous orbit such as Mimas orbit with their major axis aligned radially to their planet.

A spinning body of homogeneous self-gravitating fluid will assume the form of either a Maclaurin spheroid (oblate spheroid) or Jacobi ellipsoid (scalene ellipsoid) when in hydrostatic equilibrium, and for moderate rates of rotation. At faster rotations, non-ellipsoidal piriform or oviform shapes can be expected, but these are not stable.

Fluid dynamics

The ellipsoid is the most general shape for which it has been possible to calculate the creeping flow of fluid around the solid shape. The calculations include the force required to translate through a fluid and to rotate within it. Applications include determining the size and shape of large molecules, the sinking rate of small particles, and the swimming abilities of microorganisms.[21]

In probability and statistics

The elliptical distributions, which generalize the multivariate normal distribution and are used in finance, can be defined in terms of their density functions. When they exist, the density functions f have the structure:


where k is a scale factor, x is an n-dimensional random row vector with median vector μ (which is also the mean vector if the latter exists), Σ is a positive definite matrix which is proportional to the covariance matrix if the latter exists, and g is a function mapping from the non-negative reals to the non-negative reals giving a finite area under the curve.[22] The multivariate normal distribution is the special case in which g(z) = exp(−z/2) for quadratic form z.

Thus the density function is a scalar-to-scalar transformation of a quadric expression. Moreover, the equation for any iso-density surface states that the quadric expression equals some constant specific to that value of the density, and the iso-density surface is an ellipsoid.

In higher dimensions

A hyperellipsoid, or ellipsoid of dimension   in a Euclidean space of dimension  , is a quadric hypersurface defined by a polynomial of degree two that has a homogeneous part of degree two which is a positive definite quadratic form.

One can also define a hyperellipsoid as the image of a sphere under an invertible affine transformation. The spectral theorem can again be used to obtain a standard equation of the form


The volume of an n-dimensional hyperellipsoid can be obtained by replacing Rn by the product of the semi-axes a1a2...an in the formula for the volume of a hypersphere:


(where Γ is the gamma function).

See also


  1. ^ Kreyszig (1972, pp. 455–456)
  2. ^ F.W.J. Olver, D.W. Lozier, R.F. Boisvert, and C.W. Clark, editors, 2010, NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions (Cambridge University Press), available online at "DLMF: 19.33 Triaxial Ellipsoids". from the original on 2012-12-02. Retrieved 2012-01-08. (see next reference).
  3. ^ NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) at http://www.nist.gov 2015-06-17 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ "DLMF: 19.2 Definitions".
  5. ^ W., Weisstein, Eric. "Prolate Spheroid". mathworld.wolfram.com. from the original on 3 August 2017. Retrieved 25 March 2018.
  6. ^ Final answers 2011-09-30 at the Wayback Machine by Gerard P. Michon (2004-05-13). See Thomsen's formulas and Cantrell's comments.
  7. ^ Albert, Abraham Adrian (2016) [1949], Solid Analytic Geometry, Dover, p. 117, ISBN 978-0-486-81026-3
  8. ^ W. Böhm: Die FadenKonstruktion der Flächen zweiter Ordnung, Mathemat. Nachrichten 13, 1955, S. 151
  9. ^ Staude, O.: Ueber Fadenconstructionen des Ellipsoides. Math. Ann. 20, 147–184 (1882)
  10. ^ Staude, O.: Ueber neue Focaleigenschaften der Flächen 2. Grades. Math. Ann. 27, 253–271 (1886).
  11. ^ Staude, O.: Die algebraischen Grundlagen der Focaleigenschaften der Flächen 2. Ordnung Math. Ann. 50, 398 - 428 (1898).
  12. ^ D. Hilbert & S Cohn-Vossen: Geometry and the imagination, Chelsea New York, 1952, ISBN 0-8284-1087-9, p. 20 .
  13. ^ O. Hesse: Analytische Geometrie des Raumes, Teubner, Leipzig 1861, p. 287
  14. ^ D. Hilbert & S Cohn-Vossen: Geometry and the Imagination, p. 24
  15. ^ O. Hesse: Analytische Geometrie des Raumes, p. 301
  16. ^ W. Blaschke: Analytische Geometrie, p. 125
  17. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). (PDF) from the original on 2013-06-26. Retrieved 2013-10-12.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) pp. 17–18.
  18. ^ Computerunterstützte Darstellende und Konstruktive Geometrie. 2013-11-10 at the Wayback Machine Uni Darmstadt (PDF; 3,4 MB), S. 88.
  19. ^ Bezinque, Adam; et al. (2018). "Determination of Prostate Volume: A Comparison of Contemporary Methods". Academic Radiology. 25 (12): 1582–1587. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2018.03.014. PMID 29609953. S2CID 4621745.
  20. ^ Goldstein, H G (1980). Classical Mechanics, (2nd edition) Chapter 5.
  21. ^ Dusenbery, David B. (2009).Living at Micro Scale, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts ISBN 978-0-674-03116-6.
  22. ^ Frahm, G., Junker, M., & Szimayer, A. (2003). Elliptical copulas: applicability and limitations. Statistics & Probability Letters, 63(3), 275–286.


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ellipsoid, ellipsoid, surface, that, obtained, from, sphere, deforming, means, directional, scalings, more, generally, affine, transformation, examples, ellipsoids, with, equation, sphere, spheroid, bottom, left, axial, ellipsoid, bottom, right, ellipsoid, qua. An ellipsoid is a surface that may be obtained from a sphere by deforming it by means of directional scalings or more generally of an affine transformation Examples of ellipsoids with equation x2 a2 y2 b2 z2 c2 1 Sphere a b c 4 top Spheroid a b 5 c 3 bottom left Tri axial ellipsoid a 4 5 b 6 c 3 bottom right An ellipsoid is a quadric surface that is a surface that may be defined as the zero set of a polynomial of degree two in three variables Among quadric surfaces an ellipsoid is characterized by either of the two following properties Every planar cross section is either an ellipse or is empty or is reduced to a single point this explains the name meaning ellipse like It is bounded which means that it may be enclosed in a sufficiently large sphere An ellipsoid has three pairwise perpendicular axes of symmetry which intersect at a center of symmetry called the center of the ellipsoid The line segments that are delimited on the axes of symmetry by the ellipsoid are called the principal axes or simply axes of the ellipsoid If the three axes have different lengths the figure is a triaxial ellipsoid rarely scalene ellipsoid and the axes are uniquely defined If two of the axes have the same length then the ellipsoid is an ellipsoid of revolution also called a spheroid In this case the ellipsoid is invariant under a rotation around the third axis and there are thus infinitely many ways of choosing the two perpendicular axes of the same length If the third axis is shorter the ellipsoid is an oblate spheroid if it is longer it is a prolate spheroid If the three axes have the same length the ellipsoid is a sphere Contents 1 Standard equation 2 Parameterization 3 Volume 4 Surface area 4 1 Approximate formula 5 Plane sections 5 1 Determining the ellipse of a plane section 6 Pins and string construction 6 1 Steps of the construction 6 2 Semi axes 6 3 Converse 6 4 Confocal ellipsoids 6 5 Limit case ellipsoid of revolution 6 6 Properties of the focal hyperbola 6 7 Property of the focal ellipse 7 In general position 7 1 As a quadric 7 2 Parametric representation 8 Applications 8 1 Dynamical properties 8 2 Fluid dynamics 8 3 In probability and statistics 9 In higher dimensions 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 External linksStandard equation EditThe general ellipsoid also known as triaxial ellipsoid is a quadratic surface which is defined in Cartesian coordinates as x 2 a 2 y 2 b 2 z 2 c 2 1 displaystyle frac x 2 a 2 frac y 2 b 2 frac z 2 c 2 1 where a displaystyle a b displaystyle b and c displaystyle c are the length of the semi axes The points a 0 0 displaystyle a 0 0 0 b 0 displaystyle 0 b 0 and 0 0 c displaystyle 0 0 c lie on the surface The line segments from the origin to these points are called the principal semi axes of the ellipsoid because a b c are half the length of the principal axes They correspond to the semi major axis and semi minor axis of an ellipse In spherical coordinate system for which x y z r sin 8 cos f r sin 8 sin f r cos 8 displaystyle x y z r sin theta cos varphi r sin theta sin varphi r cos theta the general ellipsoid is defined as r 2 sin 2 8 cos 2 f a 2 r 2 sin 2 8 sin 2 f b 2 r 2 cos 2 8 c 2 1 displaystyle r 2 sin 2 theta cos 2 varphi over a 2 r 2 sin 2 theta sin 2 varphi over b 2 r 2 cos 2 theta over c 2 1 where 8 displaystyle theta is the polar angle and f displaystyle varphi is the azimuthal angle When a b c displaystyle a b c the ellipsoid is a sphere When a b c displaystyle a b neq c the ellipsoid is a spheroid or ellipsoid of revolution In particular if a b gt c displaystyle a b gt c it is an oblate spheroid if a b lt c displaystyle a b lt c it is a prolate spheroid Parameterization EditThe ellipsoid may be parameterized in several ways which are simpler to express when the ellipsoid axes coincide with coordinate axes A common choice is x a sin 8 cos f y b sin 8 sin f z c cos 8 displaystyle begin aligned x amp a sin theta cos varphi y amp b sin theta sin varphi z amp c cos theta end aligned where 0 8 p 0 f lt 2 p displaystyle 0 leq theta leq pi qquad 0 leq varphi lt 2 pi These parameters may be interpreted as spherical coordinates where 8 is the polar angle and f is the azimuth angle of the point x y z of the ellipsoid 1 Measuring from the equator rather than a pole x a cos 8 cos l y b cos 8 sin l z c sin 8 displaystyle begin aligned x amp a cos theta cos lambda y amp b cos theta sin lambda z amp c sin theta end aligned where p 2 8 p 2 0 l lt 2 p displaystyle tfrac pi 2 leq theta leq tfrac pi 2 qquad 0 leq lambda lt 2 pi 8 is the reduced latitude parametric latitude or eccentric anomaly and l is azimuth or longitude Measuring angles directly to the surface of the ellipsoid not to the circumscribed sphere x y z R cos g cos l cos g sin l sin g displaystyle begin bmatrix x y z end bmatrix R begin bmatrix cos gamma cos lambda cos gamma sin lambda sin gamma end bmatrix where R a b c c 2 b 2 cos 2 l a 2 sin 2 l cos 2 g a 2 b 2 sin 2 g p 2 g p 2 0 l lt 2 p displaystyle begin aligned R amp frac abc sqrt c 2 left b 2 cos 2 lambda a 2 sin 2 lambda right cos 2 gamma a 2 b 2 sin 2 gamma 3pt amp tfrac pi 2 leq gamma leq tfrac pi 2 qquad 0 leq lambda lt 2 pi end aligned g would be geocentric latitude on the Earth and l is longitude These are true spherical coordinates with the origin at the center of the ellipsoid citation needed In geodesy the geodetic latitude is most commonly used as the angle between the vertical and the equatorial plane defined for a biaxial ellipsoid For a more general triaxial ellipsoid see ellipsoidal latitude Volume EditThe volume bounded by the ellipsoid is V 4 3 p a b c displaystyle V tfrac 4 3 pi abc In terms of the principal diameters A B C where A 2a B 2b C 2c the volume is V p 6 A B C displaystyle V tfrac pi 6 ABC This equation reduces to that of the volume of a sphere when all three elliptic radii are equal and to that of an oblate or prolate spheroid when two of them are equal The volume of an ellipsoid is 2 3 the volume of a circumscribed elliptic cylinder and p 6 the volume of the circumscribed box The volumes of the inscribed and circumscribed boxes are respectively V inscribed 8 3 3 a b c V circumscribed 8 a b c displaystyle V text inscribed frac 8 3 sqrt 3 abc qquad V text circumscribed 8abc Surface area EditSee also Area of a geodesic polygon The surface area of a general triaxial ellipsoid is 2 3 S 2 p c 2 2 p a b sin f E f k sin 2 f F f k cos 2 f displaystyle S 2 pi c 2 frac 2 pi ab sin varphi left E varphi k sin 2 varphi F varphi k cos 2 varphi right where cos f c a k 2 a 2 b 2 c 2 b 2 a 2 c 2 a b c displaystyle cos varphi frac c a qquad k 2 frac a 2 left b 2 c 2 right b 2 left a 2 c 2 right qquad a geq b geq c and where F f k and E f k are incomplete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind respectively 4 The surface area of this general ellipsoid can also be expressed using the RF and RD Carlson symmetric forms of the elliptic integrals by simply substituting the above formula to the respective definitions S 2 p c 2 2 p a b R F c 2 a 2 c 2 b 2 1 1 3 1 c 2 a 2 1 c 2 b 2 R D c 2 a 2 c 2 b 2 1 displaystyle S 2 pi c 2 2 pi ab left R F left frac c 2 a 2 frac c 2 b 2 1 right frac 1 3 left 1 frac c 2 a 2 right left 1 frac c 2 b 2 right R D left frac c 2 a 2 frac c 2 b 2 1 right right Unlike the expression with F f k and E f k the variant based on the Carlson symmetric integrals yields valid results for a sphere and only the axis c must be the smallest the order between the two larger axes a and b can be arbitrary The surface area of an ellipsoid of revolution or spheroid may be expressed in terms of elementary functions S oblate 2 p a 2 1 c 2 e a 2 artanh e where e 2 1 c 2 a 2 and c lt a displaystyle S text oblate 2 pi a 2 left 1 frac c 2 ea 2 operatorname artanh e right qquad text where e 2 1 frac c 2 a 2 text and c lt a or S oblate 2 p a 2 1 1 e 2 e artanh e displaystyle S text oblate 2 pi a 2 left 1 frac 1 e 2 e operatorname artanh e right or S oblate 2 p a 2 p c 2 e ln 1 e 1 e displaystyle S text oblate 2 pi a 2 frac pi c 2 e ln frac 1 e 1 e and S prolate 2 p a 2 1 c a e arcsin e where e 2 1 a 2 c 2 and c gt a displaystyle S text prolate 2 pi a 2 left 1 frac c ae arcsin e right qquad text where e 2 1 frac a 2 c 2 text and c gt a which as follows from basic trigonometric identities are equivalent expressions i e the formula for Soblate can be used to calculate the surface area of a prolate ellipsoid and vice versa In both cases e may again be identified as the eccentricity of the ellipse formed by the cross section through the symmetry axis See ellipse Derivations of these results may be found in standard sources for example Mathworld 5 Approximate formula Edit S 4 p a p b p a p c p b p c p 3 p displaystyle S approx 4 pi sqrt p frac a p b p a p c p b p c p 3 Here p 1 6075 yields a relative error of at most 1 061 6 a value of p 8 5 1 6 is optimal for nearly spherical ellipsoids with a relative error of at most 1 178 In the flat limit of c much smaller than a and b the area is approximately 2pab equivalent to p log23 1 5849625007 Plane sections EditSee also Earth section Plane section of an ellipsoid The intersection of a plane and a sphere is a circle or is reduced to a single point or is empty Any ellipsoid is the image of the unit sphere under some affine transformation and any plane is the image of some other plane under the same transformation So because affine transformations map circles to ellipses the intersection of a plane with an ellipsoid is an ellipse or a single point or is empty 7 Obviously spheroids contain circles This is also true but less obvious for triaxial ellipsoids see Circular section Determining the ellipse of a plane section Edit Plane section of an ellipsoid see example Given Ellipsoid x2 a2 y2 b2 z2 c2 1 and the plane with equation nxx nyy nzz d which have an ellipse in common Wanted Three vectors f0 center and f1 f2 conjugate vectors such that the ellipse can be represented by the parametric equation x f 0 f 1 cos t f 2 sin t displaystyle mathbf x mathbf f 0 mathbf f 1 cos t mathbf f 2 sin t see ellipse Plane section of the unit sphere see example Solution The scaling u x a v y b w z c transforms the ellipsoid onto the unit sphere u2 v2 w2 1 and the given plane onto the plane with equation n x a u n y b v n z c w d displaystyle n x au n y bv n z cw d Let muu mvv mww d be the Hesse normal form of the new plane and m m u m v m w displaystyle mathbf m begin bmatrix m u m v m w end bmatrix its unit normal vector Hence e 0 d m displaystyle mathbf e 0 delta mathbf m is the center of the intersection circle and r 1 d 2 displaystyle rho sqrt 1 delta 2 its radius see diagram Where mw 1 i e the plane is horizontal let e 1 r 0 0 e 2 0 r 0 displaystyle mathbf e 1 begin bmatrix rho 0 0 end bmatrix qquad mathbf e 2 begin bmatrix 0 rho 0 end bmatrix Where mw 1 let e 1 r m u 2 m v 2 m v m u 0 e 2 m e 1 displaystyle mathbf e 1 frac rho sqrt m u 2 m v 2 begin bmatrix m v m u 0 end bmatrix qquad mathbf e 2 mathbf m times mathbf e 1 In any case the vectors e1 e2 are orthogonal parallel to the intersection plane and have length r radius of the circle Hence the intersection circle can be described by the parametric equation u e 0 e 1 cos t e 2 sin t displaystyle mathbf u mathbf e 0 mathbf e 1 cos t mathbf e 2 sin t The reverse scaling see above transforms the unit sphere back to the ellipsoid and the vectors e0 e1 e2 are mapped onto vectors f0 f1 f2 which were wanted for the parametric representation of the intersection ellipse How to find the vertices and semi axes of the ellipse is described in ellipse Example The diagrams show an ellipsoid with the semi axes a 4 b 5 c 3 which is cut by the plane x y z 5 Pins and string construction Edit Pins and string construction of an ellipse S1 S2 length of the string red Pins and string construction of an ellipsoid blue focal conics Determination of the semi axis of the ellipsoid The pins and string construction of an ellipsoid is a transfer of the idea constructing an ellipse using two pins and a string see diagram A pins and string construction of an ellipsoid of revolution is given by the pins and string construction of the rotated ellipse The construction of points of a triaxial ellipsoid is more complicated First ideas are due to the Scottish physicist J C Maxwell 1868 8 Main investigations and the extension to quadrics was done by the German mathematician O Staude in 1882 1886 and 1898 9 10 11 The description of the pins and string construction of ellipsoids and hyperboloids is contained in the book Geometry and the imagination written by D Hilbert amp S Vossen 12 too Steps of the construction Edit Choose an ellipse E and a hyperbola H which are a pair of focal conics E f a cos f b sin f 0 H ps c cosh ps 0 b sinh ps c 2 a 2 b 2 displaystyle begin aligned E varphi amp a cos varphi b sin varphi 0 H psi amp c cosh psi 0 b sinh psi quad c 2 a 2 b 2 end aligned with the vertices and foci of the ellipse S 1 a 0 0 F 1 c 0 0 F 2 c 0 0 S 2 a 0 0 displaystyle S 1 a 0 0 quad F 1 c 0 0 quad F 2 c 0 0 quad S 2 a 0 0 and a string in diagram red of length l Pin one end of the string to vertex S1 and the other to focus F2 The string is kept tight at a point P with positive y and z coordinates such that the string runs from S1 to P behind the upper part of the hyperbola see diagram and is free to slide on the hyperbola The part of the string from P to F2 runs and slides in front of the ellipse The string runs through that point of the hyperbola for which the distance S1 P over any hyperbola point is at a minimum The analogous statement on the second part of the string and the ellipse has to be true too Then P is a point of the ellipsoid with equation x 2 r x 2 y 2 r y 2 z 2 r z 2 1 r x 1 2 l a c r y r x 2 c 2 r z r x 2 a 2 displaystyle begin aligned amp frac x 2 r x 2 frac y 2 r y 2 frac z 2 r z 2 1 amp r x frac 1 2 l a c quad r y sqrt r x 2 c 2 quad r z sqrt r x 2 a 2 end aligned The remaining points of the ellipsoid can be constructed by suitable changes of the string at the focal conics Semi axes Edit Equations for the semi axes of the generated ellipsoid can be derived by special choices for point P Y 0 r y 0 Z 0 0 r z displaystyle Y 0 r y 0 quad Z 0 0 r z The lower part of the diagram shows that F1 and F2 are the foci of the ellipse in the xy plane too Hence it is confocal to the given ellipse and the length of the string is l 2rx a c Solving for rx yields rx 1 2 l a c furthermore r2y r2x c2 From the upper diagram we see that S1 and S2 are the foci of the ellipse section of the ellipsoid in the xz plane and that r2z r2x a2 Converse Edit If conversely a triaxial ellipsoid is given by its equation then from the equations in step 3 one can derive the parameters a b l for a pins and string construction Confocal ellipsoids Edit If E is an ellipsoid confocal to E with the squares of its semi axes r x 2 r x 2 l r y 2 r y 2 l r z 2 r z 2 l displaystyle overline r x 2 r x 2 lambda quad overline r y 2 r y 2 lambda quad overline r z 2 r z 2 lambda then from the equations of E r x 2 r y 2 c 2 r x 2 r z 2 a 2 r y 2 r z 2 a 2 c 2 b 2 displaystyle r x 2 r y 2 c 2 quad r x 2 r z 2 a 2 quad r y 2 r z 2 a 2 c 2 b 2 one finds that the corresponding focal conics used for the pins and string construction have the same semi axes a b c as ellipsoid E Therefore analogously to the foci of an ellipse one considers the focal conics of a triaxial ellipsoid as the infinite many foci and calls them the focal curves of the ellipsoid 13 The converse statement is true too if one chooses a second string of length l and defines l r x 2 r x 2 displaystyle lambda r x 2 overline r x 2 then the equations r y 2 r y 2 l r z 2 r z 2 l displaystyle overline r y 2 r y 2 lambda quad overline r z 2 r z 2 lambda are valid which means the two ellipsoids are confocal Limit case ellipsoid of revolution Edit In case of a c a spheroid one gets S1 F1 and S2 F2 which means that the focal ellipse degenerates to a line segment and the focal hyperbola collapses to two infinite line segments on the x axis The ellipsoid is rotationally symmetric around the x axis and r x l 2 r y r z r x 2 c 2 displaystyle r x frac l 2 quad r y r z sqrt r x 2 c 2 Properties of the focal hyperbola Edit Top 3 axial Ellipsoid with its focal hyperbola Bottom parallel and central projection of the ellipsoid such that it looks like a sphere i e its apparent shape is a circle True curve If one views an ellipsoid from an external point V of its focal hyperbola than it seems to be a sphere that is its apparent shape is a circle Equivalently the tangents of the ellipsoid containing point V are the lines of a circular cone whose axis of rotation is the tangent line of the hyperbola at V 14 15 If one allows the center V to disappear into infinity one gets an orthogonal parallel projection with the corresponding asymptote of the focal hyperbola as its direction The true curve of shape tangent points on the ellipsoid is not a circle The lower part of the diagram shows on the left a parallel projection of an ellipsoid with semi axes 60 40 30 along an asymptote and on the right a central projection with center V and main point H on the tangent of the hyperbola at point V H is the foot of the perpendicular from V onto the image plane For both projections the apparent shape is a circle In the parallel case the image of the origin O is the circle s center in the central case main point H is the center Umbilical points The focal hyperbola intersects the ellipsoid at its four umbilical points 16 Property of the focal ellipse Edit The focal ellipse together with its inner part can be considered as the limit surface an infinitely thin ellipsoid of the pencil of confocal ellipsoids determined by a b for rz 0 For the limit case one gets r x a r y b l 3 a c displaystyle r x a quad r y b quad l 3a c In general position EditAs a quadric Edit If v is a point and A is a real symmetric positive definite matrix then the set of points x that satisfy the equation x v T A x v 1 displaystyle mathbf x mathbf v mathsf T boldsymbol A mathbf x mathbf v 1 is an ellipsoid centered at v The eigenvectors of A are the principal axes of the ellipsoid and the eigenvalues of A are the reciprocals of the squares of the semi axes a 2 b 2 and c 2 17 An invertible linear transformation applied to a sphere produces an ellipsoid which can be brought into the above standard form by a suitable rotation a consequence of the polar decomposition also see spectral theorem If the linear transformation is represented by a symmetric 3 3 matrix then the eigenvectors of the matrix are orthogonal due to the spectral theorem and represent the directions of the axes of the ellipsoid the lengths of the semi axes are computed from the eigenvalues The singular value decomposition and polar decomposition are matrix decompositions closely related to these geometric observations Parametric representation Edit ellipsoid as an affine image of the unit sphere The key to a parametric representation of an ellipsoid in general position is the alternative definition An ellipsoid is an affine image of the unit sphere An affine transformation can be represented by a translation with a vector f0 and a regular 3 3 matrix A x f 0 A x f 0 x f 1 y f 2 z f 3 displaystyle mathbf x mapsto mathbf f 0 boldsymbol A mathbf x mathbf f 0 x mathbf f 1 y mathbf f 2 z mathbf f 3 where f1 f2 f3 are the column vectors of matrix A A parametric representation of an ellipsoid in general position can be obtained by the parametric representation of a unit sphere see above and an affine transformation x 8 f f 0 f 1 cos 8 cos f f 2 cos 8 sin f f 3 sin 8 p 2 lt 8 lt p 2 0 f lt 2 p displaystyle mathbf x theta varphi mathbf f 0 mathbf f 1 cos theta cos varphi mathbf f 2 cos theta sin varphi mathbf f 3 sin theta qquad tfrac pi 2 lt theta lt tfrac pi 2 quad 0 leq varphi lt 2 pi If the vectors f1 f2 f3 form an orthogonal system the six points with vectors f0 f1 2 3 are the vertices of the ellipsoid and f1 f2 f3 are the semi principal axes A surface normal vector at point x 8 f is n 8 f f 2 f 3 cos 8 cos f f 3 f 1 cos 8 sin f f 1 f 2 sin 8 displaystyle mathbf n theta varphi mathbf f 2 times mathbf f 3 cos theta cos varphi mathbf f 3 times mathbf f 1 cos theta sin varphi mathbf f 1 times mathbf f 2 sin theta For any ellipsoid there exists an implicit representation F x y z 0 If for simplicity the center of the ellipsoid is the origin f0 0 the following equation describes the ellipsoid above 18 F x y z det x f 2 f 3 2 det f 1 x f 3 2 det f 1 f 2 x 2 det f 1 f 2 f 3 2 0 displaystyle F x y z operatorname det left mathbf x mathbf f 2 mathbf f 3 right 2 operatorname det left mathbf f 1 mathbf x mathbf f 3 right 2 operatorname det left mathbf f 1 mathbf f 2 mathbf x right 2 operatorname det left mathbf f 1 mathbf f 2 mathbf f 3 right 2 0 Applications EditThe ellipsoidal shape finds many practical applications GeodesyEarth ellipsoid a mathematical figure approximating the shape of the Earth Reference ellipsoid a mathematical figure approximating the shape of planetary bodies in general MechanicsPoinsot s ellipsoid a geometrical method for visualizing the torque free motion of a rotating rigid body Lame s stress ellipsoid an alternative to Mohr s circle for the graphical representation of the stress state at a point Manipulability ellipsoid used to describe a robot s freedom of motion Jacobi ellipsoid a triaxial ellipsoid formed by a rotating fluidCrystallographyIndex ellipsoid a diagram of an ellipsoid that depicts the orientation and relative magnitude of refractive indices in a crystal Thermal ellipsoid ellipsoids used in crystallography to indicate the magnitudes and directions of the thermal vibration of atoms in crystal structures LightingEllipsoidal reflector floodlight Ellipsoidal reflector spotlightMedicineMeasurements obtained from MRI imaging of the prostate can be used to determine the volume of the gland using the approximation L W H 0 52 where 0 52 is an approximation for p 6 19 Dynamical properties Edit The mass of an ellipsoid of uniform density r is m V r 4 3 p a b c r displaystyle m V rho tfrac 4 3 pi abc rho The moments of inertia of an ellipsoid of uniform density are I x x 1 5 m b 2 c 2 I y y 1 5 m c 2 a 2 I z z 1 5 m a 2 b 2 I x y I y z I z x 0 displaystyle begin aligned I mathrm xx amp tfrac 1 5 m left b 2 c 2 right amp I mathrm yy amp tfrac 1 5 m left c 2 a 2 right amp I mathrm zz amp tfrac 1 5 m left a 2 b 2 right 3pt I mathrm xy amp I mathrm yz I mathrm zx 0 end aligned For a b c these moments of inertia reduce to those for a sphere of uniform density Artist s conception of Haumea a Jacobi ellipsoid dwarf planet with its two moons Ellipsoids and cuboids rotate stably along their major or minor axes but not along their median axis This can be seen experimentally by throwing an eraser with some spin In addition moment of inertia considerations mean that rotation along the major axis is more easily perturbed than rotation along the minor axis 20 One practical effect of this is that scalene astronomical bodies such as Haumea generally rotate along their minor axes as does Earth which is merely oblate in addition because of tidal locking moons in synchronous orbit such as Mimas orbit with their major axis aligned radially to their planet A spinning body of homogeneous self gravitating fluid will assume the form of either a Maclaurin spheroid oblate spheroid or Jacobi ellipsoid scalene ellipsoid when in hydrostatic equilibrium and for moderate rates of rotation At faster rotations non ellipsoidal piriform or oviform shapes can be expected but these are not stable Fluid dynamics Edit The ellipsoid is the most general shape for which it has been possible to calculate the creeping flow of fluid around the solid shape The calculations include the force required to translate through a fluid and to rotate within it Applications include determining the size and shape of large molecules the sinking rate of small particles and the swimming abilities of microorganisms 21 In probability and statistics Edit The elliptical distributions which generalize the multivariate normal distribution and are used in finance can be defined in terms of their density functions When they exist the density functions f have the structure f x k g x m S 1 x m T displaystyle f x k cdot g left mathbf x boldsymbol mu boldsymbol Sigma 1 mathbf x boldsymbol mu mathsf T right where k is a scale factor x is an n dimensional random row vector with median vector m which is also the mean vector if the latter exists S is a positive definite matrix which is proportional to the covariance matrix if the latter exists and g is a function mapping from the non negative reals to the non negative reals giving a finite area under the curve 22 The multivariate normal distribution is the special case in which g z exp z 2 for quadratic form z Thus the density function is a scalar to scalar transformation of a quadric expression Moreover the equation for any iso density surface states that the quadric expression equals some constant specific to that value of the density and the iso density surface is an ellipsoid In higher dimensions EditA hyperellipsoid or ellipsoid of dimension n 1 displaystyle n 1 in a Euclidean space of dimension n displaystyle n is a quadric hypersurface defined by a polynomial of degree two that has a homogeneous part of degree two which is a positive definite quadratic form One can also define a hyperellipsoid as the image of a sphere under an invertible affine transformation The spectral theorem can again be used to obtain a standard equation of the form x 1 2 a 1 2 x 2 2 a 2 2 x n 2 a n 2 1 displaystyle frac x 1 2 a 1 2 frac x 2 2 a 2 2 cdots frac x n 2 a n 2 1 The volume of an n dimensional hyperellipsoid can be obtained by replacing Rn by the product of the semi axes a1a2 an in the formula for the volume of a hypersphere V p n 2 G n 2 1 a 1 a 2 a n displaystyle V frac pi frac n 2 Gamma left frac n 2 1 right a 1 a 2 cdots a n where G is the gamma function See also EditEllipsoidal dome Ellipsoid method Ellipsoidal coordinates Elliptical distribution in statistics Flattening also called ellipticity and oblateness is a measure of the compression of a circle or sphere along a diameter to form an ellipse or an ellipsoid of revolution spheroid respectively Focaloid a shell bounded by two concentric confocal ellipsoids Geodesics on an ellipsoid Geodetic datum the gravitational Earth modeled by a best fitted ellipsoid Homoeoid a shell bounded by two concentric similar ellipsoids List of surfaces SuperellipsoidNotes Edit Kreyszig 1972 pp 455 456 F W J Olver D W Lozier R F Boisvert and C W Clark editors 2010 NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions Cambridge University Press available online at DLMF 19 33 Triaxial Ellipsoids Archived from the original on 2012 12 02 Retrieved 2012 01 08 see next reference NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology at http www nist gov Archived 2015 06 17 at the Wayback Machine DLMF 19 2 Definitions W Weisstein Eric Prolate Spheroid mathworld wolfram com Archived from the original on 3 August 2017 Retrieved 25 March 2018 Final answers Archived 2011 09 30 at the Wayback Machine by Gerard P Michon 2004 05 13 See Thomsen s formulas and Cantrell s comments Albert Abraham Adrian 2016 1949 Solid Analytic Geometry Dover p 117 ISBN 978 0 486 81026 3 W Bohm Die FadenKonstruktion der Flachen zweiter Ordnung Mathemat Nachrichten 13 1955 S 151 Staude O Ueber Fadenconstructionen des Ellipsoides Math Ann 20 147 184 1882 Staude O Ueber neue Focaleigenschaften der Flachen 2 Grades Math Ann 27 253 271 1886 Staude O Die algebraischen Grundlagen der Focaleigenschaften der Flachen 2 Ordnung Math Ann 50 398 428 1898 D Hilbert amp S Cohn Vossen Geometry and the imagination Chelsea New York 1952 ISBN 0 8284 1087 9 p 20 O Hesse Analytische Geometrie des Raumes Teubner Leipzig 1861 p 287 D Hilbert amp S Cohn Vossen Geometry and the Imagination p 24 O Hesse Analytische Geometrie des Raumes p 301 W Blaschke Analytische Geometrie p 125 Archived copy PDF Archived PDF from the original on 2013 06 26 Retrieved 2013 10 12 a href Template Cite web html title Template Cite web cite web a CS1 maint archived copy as title link pp 17 18 Computerunterstutzte Darstellende und Konstruktive Geometrie Archived 2013 11 10 at the Wayback Machine Uni Darmstadt PDF 3 4 MB S 88 Bezinque Adam et al 2018 Determination of Prostate Volume A Comparison of Contemporary Methods Academic Radiology 25 12 1582 1587 doi 10 1016 j acra 2018 03 014 PMID 29609953 S2CID 4621745 Goldstein H G 1980 Classical Mechanics 2nd edition Chapter 5 Dusenbery David B 2009 Living at Micro Scale Harvard University Press Cambridge Massachusetts ISBN 978 0 674 03116 6 Frahm G Junker M amp Szimayer A 2003 Elliptical copulas applicability and limitations Statistics amp Probability Letters 63 3 275 286 References EditKreyszig Erwin 1972 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3rd ed New York Wiley ISBN 0 471 50728 8External links Edit Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ellipsoids Ellipsoid by Jeff Bryant Wolfram Demonstrations Project 2007 Ellipsoid and Quadratic Surface MathWorld Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title Ellipsoid amp oldid 1137813400, wikipedia, wiki, book, books, library,


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