
Carbon footprint

A carbon footprint (or greenhouse gas footprint) is a calculated value or index that makes it possible to compare the total amount of greenhouse gases that an activity, product, company or country adds to the atmosphere. Carbon footprints are usually reported in tonnes of emissions (CO2-equivalent) per unit of comparison. Such units can be for example tonnes CO2-eq per year, per kilogram of protein for consumption, per kilometer travelled, per piece of clothing and so forth. A product's carbon footprint includes the emissions for the entire life cycle. These run from the production along the supply chain to its final consumption and disposal. Similarly an organization's carbon footprint includes the direct as well as the indirect emissions that it causes. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol that is used for carbon accounting of organizations calls these Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. There are several methodologies and online tools to calculate the carbon footprint. They depend on whether the focus is on a country, organization, product or individual person. For example, the carbon footprint of a product could help consumers decide which product to buy if they want to be climate aware. For climate change mitigation activities, the carbon footprint can help distinguish those economic activities with a high footprint from those with a low footprint. So the carbon footprint concept allows everyone to make comparisons between the climate impacts of individuals, products, companies and countries. It also helps people devise strategies and priorities for reducing the carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint can be used to compare the climate change impact of many things. The example given here is the carbon footprint (greenhouse gas emissions) of food across the supply chain caused by land use change, farm, animal feed, processing, transport, retail, packing, losses.[1]

To express a carbon footprint we usually use the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) per unit of comparison. This sums up all the greenhouse gas emissions. It includes all greenhouse gases, not just carbon dioxide. And it looks at emissions from economic activities, events, organizations and services.[2] In some definitions, only the carbon dioxide emissions are taken into account. These do not include other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide.[3]

We use various methods to calculate the carbon footprint of different entities. For organizations we commonly use the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. It includes three carbon emission scopes. Scope 1 refers to direct carbon emissions. Scope 2 and 3 refer to indirect carbon emissions. Scope 3 emissions are those indirect emissions that result from the activities of an organization but come from sources which they do not own or control.[4] For countries we can use consumption-based emissions accounting to calculate their carbon footprint for a given year. Consumption-based accounting using input-output analysis backed by super-computing makes it possible to analyse global supply chains.[5] Countries also prepare national GHG inventories for the UNFCCC.[6][7] The GHG emissions listed in those national inventories are only from activities in the country itself. We call this approach territorial-based accounting or production-based accounting. They do not take into account production of goods and services imported on behalf of residents. Consumption-based accounting does reflect emissions from goods and services imported from other countries.

Consumption-based accounting is therefore more comprehensive. This comprehensive carbon footprint reporting including Scope 3 emissions deals with gaps in current systems. Countries' GHG inventories for the UNFCCC do not include international transport.[8] Comprehensive carbon footprint reporting looks at the final demand for emissions, to where the consumption of the goods and services takes place.[9]

Definition edit

The carbon footprint explained
Comparison of the carbon footprint of protein-rich foods[1]

A 2011 article gives the following definition of carbon footprint. "A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions of a defined population, system or activity, considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population, system or activity of interest. Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent using the relevant 100-year global warming potential (GWP100)."[10]

Scientists report carbon footprints in terms of equivalents of tonnes of CO2 emissions (CO2-equivalent). They may report them per year, per person, per kilogram of protein, per kilometer travelled, and so on.

In the definition of carbon footprint, some scientists include only CO2. But more commonly they include several of the important greenhouse gases. They can compare various greenhouse gases by using carbon dioxide equivalents over a relevant time scale, like 100 years. Some organizations use the term greenhouse gas footprint or climate footprint[11] to emphasize that all greenhouse gases are included, not just carbon dioxide.

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol includes all of the most important greenhouse gases. "The standard covers the accounting and reporting of seven greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol – carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PCFs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)."[12]

In comparison, the IPCC definition of carbon footprint in 2022 covers only carbon dioxide. It defines the carbon footprint as the "measure of the exclusive total amount of emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the lifecycle stages of a product."[3]: 1796  The IPCC report's authors adopted the same definition that had been proposed in 2007 in the UK.[13] That publication included only carbon dioxide in the definition of carbon footprint. It justified this with the argument that other greenhouse gases were more difficult to quantify. This is because of their differing global warming potentials. They also stated that an inclusion of all greenhouse gases would make the carbon footprint indicator less practical.[13] But there are disadvantages to this approach. One disadvantage of not including methane is that some products or sectors that have a high methane footprint such as livestock[14] appear less harmful for the climate than they actually are.[citation needed]

Types of greenhouse gas emissions edit

Overview of Greenhouse Gas Protocol scopes and emissions across the value chain, showing upstream activities, reporting company and downstream activities.[15][16]

The greenhouse gas protocol is a set of standards for tracking greenhouse gas emissions.[17] The standards divide emissions into three scopes (Scope 1, 2 and 3) within the value chain.[18] Greenhouse gas emissions caused directly by the organization such as by burning fossil fuels are referred to as Scope 1. Emissions caused indirectly by an organization, such as by purchasing secondary energy sources like electricity, heat, cooling or steam are called Scope 2. Lastly, indirect emissions associated with upstream or downstream processes are called Scope 3.

Direct carbon emissions (Scope 1) edit

Direct or Scope 1 carbon emissions come from sources on the site that is producing a product or delivering a service.[19][20] An example for industry would be the emissions related to burning a fuel on site. On the individual level, emissions from personal vehicles or gas-burning stoves would fall under Scope 1.

Indirect carbon emissions (Scope 2 and 3) edit

Indirect carbon emissions are emissions from sources upstream or downstream from the process being studied. They are also known as Scope 2 or Scope 3 emissions.[19]

Scope 2 emissions are the indirect emissions related to purchasing electricity, heat, or steam used on site.[20] Examples of upstream carbon emissions include transportation of materials and fuels, any energy used outside of the production facility, and waste produced outside the production facility.[21] Examples of downstream carbon emissions include any end-of-life process or treatments, product and waste transportation, and emissions associated with selling the product.[22] The GHG Protocol says it is important to calculate upstream and downstream emissions. There could be some double counting. This is because upstream emissions of one person's consumption patterns could be someone else's downstream emissions

Scope 3 emissions are all other indirect emissions derived from the activities of an organization. But they are from sources they do not own or control.[4] The GHG Protocol's Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard allows companies to assess their entire value chain emissions impact and identify where to focus reduction activities.[23]

Scope 3 emission sources include emissions from suppliers and product users. These are also known as the value chain. Transportation of good, and other indirect emissions are also part of this scope.[16] In 2022 about 30% of US companies reported Scope 3 emissions.[24] The International Sustainability Standards Board is developing a recommendation to include Scope 3 emissions in all GHG reporting.[25]

Purpose and strengths edit

Are consumption-based CO₂ per capita emissions above or below the global average[26]

The current rise in global average temperature is more rapid than previous changes. It is primarily caused by humans who are burning fossil fuels.[27][28] The increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is also due to deforestation and agricultural and industrial practices. These include cement production. The two most notable greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and methane.[29] Greenhouse gas emissions, and hence humanity's carbon footprint, have been increasing during the 21st century.[30] The Paris Agreement aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions enough to limit the rise in global temperature to no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.[31][32]

The carbon footprint concept makes comparisons between the climate impacts of individuals, products, companies and countries. A carbon footprint label on products could enable consumers to choose products with a lower carbon footprint if they wanted to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts. For meat products for example, such a label could make it clear that beef has a higher carbon footprint than chicken.[1]

Understanding the size of an organization's carbon footprint makes it possible to devise a strategy to reduce it. For most businesses the vast majority of  emissions do not come from activities on site, known as Scope 1, or from energy supplied to the organization, known as Scope 2. Instead they come from Scope 3 emissions. They come from the extended upstream and downstream supply chain.[33][34] Therefore ignoring Scope 3 emissions makes it impossible to detect all emissions of importance. This will limit options for mitigation.[35] Large companies in sectors such as clothing or automobiles would need to examine more than 100,000 supply chain pathways to fully report their carbon footprints.[36]

The importance of displacement of carbon emissions has been known for some years. Scientists also call this carbon leakage.[37] The idea of carbon footprint addresses concerns of carbon leakage which the Paris Agreement does not cover. Carbon leakage occurs when importing countries outsource production to exporting countries. The outsourcing countries are often rich countries while the exporters are often low-income countries.[38] The displacement of impacts is typically from developed to developing countries.[37] Countries can make it appear that their GHG emissions are falling by moving dirty industries abroad. But when you look at their emissions from a consumption perspective they could be increasing.[39][40]

Carbon leakage and the related international trade have a range of environmental impacts. These include increased air pollution,[41] water scarcity,[42] biodiversity loss,[43] raw material usage,[44] and energy depletion.[45]

Scholars have argued in favour of using both consumption-based and production-based accounting. This helps establish shared producer and consumer responsibility.[46] Currently countries report on their annual GHG inventory to the UNFCCC based on their territorial emissions. This is known as the territorial-based approach or production-based approach.[7][6] Including consumption-based calculations in the UNFCCC reporting requirements would help close loopholes by addressing the challenge of carbon leakage.[41]

The Paris Agreement currently does not require countries to include in their national totals the GHG emissions associated with international transport. These emissions are reported separately. They are not subject to the limitation and reduction commitments of Annex 1 Parties under the Climate Convention and Kyoto Protocol.[8] The carbon footprint methodology includes GHG emissions associated with international transport. This means it assigns emissions caused by international trade to the importing country.

Underlying concepts for calculations edit

The calculation of the carbon footprint of a product, service or sector requires expert knowledge and careful examination of what is to be included. Carbon footprints can be calculated at different scales. They can apply to whole countries, cities,[47] neighborhoods and also sectors, companies and products.[48] Several free online carbon footprint calculators exist to calculate personal carbon footprints.[49][50]

Software such as the "Scope 3 Evaluator" can help companies report emissions throughout their value chain.[51] The software tools can help consultants and researchers to model global sustainability footprints. In each situation there are a number of questions that need to be answered. These include which activities are linked to which emissions, and which proportion should be attributed to which company. Software is essential for company management. But there is a need for new ways of enterprise resource planning to improve corporate sustainability performance.[52]

To achieve 95% carbon footprint coverage, it would be necessary to assess 12 million individual supply-chain contributions. This is based on analyzing 12 sectoral case studies.[53] The Scope 3 calculations can be made easier using input-output analysis. This is a technique originally developed by Nobel Prize-winning economist Wassily Leontief.[53]

Consumption-based emission accounting based on input-output analysis edit

Consumption-based vs. production-based CO₂ emissions per capita[54]
Production vs. consumption-based CO₂ emissions for the United States
Production vs. consumption-based CO₂ emissions per capita for China

Consumption-based emission accounting traces the impacts of demand for goods and services along the global supply chain to the end-consumer. It is also called consumption-based carbon accounting.[9] In contrast, a production-based approach to calculating GHG emissions is not a carbon footprint analysis. This approach is also called a territorial-based approach. The production-based approach includes only impacts physically produced in the country in question.[55] Consumption-based accounting redistributes the emissions from production-based accounting. It considers that emissions in another country are necessary for the home country's consumption bundle.[55]

Consumer-based accounting is based on input-output analysis. It is used at the highest levels for any economic research question related to environmental or social impacts.[56] Analysis of global supply chains is possible using consumption-based accounting with input-output analysis assisted by super-computing capacity.[5]

Leontief created Input-output analysis (IO) to demonstrate the relationship between consumption and production in an economy. It incorporates the entire supply chain. It uses input-output tables from countries' national accounts. It also uses international data such as UN Comtrade and Eurostat. Input-output analysis has been extended globally to multi-regional input-output analysis (MRIO). Innovations and technology enabling the analysis of billions of supply chains made this possible. Standards set by the United Nations underpin this analysis.[57]: 280  The analysis enables a Structural Path Analysis. This scans and ranks the top supply chain nodes and paths. It conveniently lists hotspots for urgent action. Input-output analysis has increased in popularity because of its ability to examine global value chains.[58][59]

Combination with life cycle analysis (LCA) edit

Life cycle analysis: The full life cycle includes a production chain (comprising supply chains, manufacture, and transport), the energy supply chain, the use phase, and the end of life (disposal, recycle) stage.

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology for assessing all environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of a commercial product, process, or service. It is not limited to the greenhouse gas emissions. It is also called life cycle analysis. It includes water pollution, air pollution, ecotoxicity and similar types of pollution. Some widely recognized procedures for LCA are included in the ISO 14000 series of environmental management standards. A standard called ISO 14040:2006 provides the framework for conducting an LCA study.[60] ISO 14060 family of standards provides further sophisticated tools. These are used to quantify, monitor, report and validate or verify GHG emissions and removals.[61]

Greenhouse gas product life cycle assessments can also comply with specifications such as Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 2050 and the GHG Protocol Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.[62][63]

An advantage of LCA is the high level of detail that can be obtained on-site or by liaising with suppliers. However, LCA has been hampered by the artificial construction of a boundary after which no further impacts of upstream suppliers are considered. This can introduce significant truncation errors. LCA has been combined with input-output analysis. This enables on-site detailed knowledge to be incorporated. IO connects to global economic databases to incorporate the entire supply chain.[64]

Critique edit

Relationship with other environmental impacts edit

A focus on carbon footprints can lead people to ignore or even exacerbate other related environmental issues of concern. These include biodiversity loss, ecotoxicity and habitat destruction. It may not be easy to measure these other human impacts on the environment with a single indicator like the carbon footprint. Consumers may think that the carbon footprint is a proxy for environmental impact. In many cases this is not correct.[65]: 222  There can even be trade-offs between reducing the carbon footprint and environmental protection goals. One example is the use of biofuel. Biofuel is a renewable energy source and can reduce the carbon footprint of energy supply. But it can also pose ecological challenges during its production. This is because it is often produced in monocultures with ample use of fertilizers and pesticides.[65]: 222  Another example is offshore wind parks. These could have unintended impacts on marine ecosystems.[65]: 223 

The carbon footprint analysis solely focuses on greenhouse gas emissions, unlike a life-cycle assessment which is much broader and looks at all environmental impacts. Therefore, it is useful to stress in communication activities that the carbon footprint is just one in a family of indicators (e.g. ecological footprint, water footprint, land footprints and material footprints), and should not be looked at in isolation.[66] In fact, the carbon footprint can be treated as one component of the ecological footprint.[67][13]

The "Sustainable Consumption and Production Hotspot Analysis Tool" (SCP-HAT) is a suitable tool to put carbon footprint analysis into a wider perspective. It includes a number of socio-economic and environmental indicators.[68][69] It offers calculations that are either consumption-based, following the carbon footprint approach, or production-based. The database of the SCP-HAT tool is underpinned by input-output analysis. This means it includes Scope 3 emissions. The IO methodology is also governed by UN standards.[57]: 280  It is based on input-output tables of countries' national accounts and international trade data such as UN Comtrade.[70] Therefore it is comparable worldwide.[69]

Shifting responsibility from corporations to individuals edit

Critics argue that the original aim of promoting the personal carbon footprint concept was to shift responsibility away from corporations and institutions and on to personal lifestyle choices.[71][72] The fossil fuel company BP ran a large advertising campaign for the personal carbon footprint in 2005 which helped popularize this concept.[71] This strategy, employed by many major fossil fuel companies, has been criticized for trying to shift the blame for negative consequences of those industries on to individual choices.[71][73]

Geoffrey Supran and Naomi Oreskes of Harvard University examined this question. They argued that concepts such as carbon footprints "hamstring us, and they put blinders on us, to the systemic nature of the climate crisis and the importance of taking collective action to address the problem".[74][75]

Differing boundaries for calculations edit

The term carbon footprint has been applied to limited calculations that do not include Scope 3 emissions or the entire supply chain. This can lead to claims of misleading customers with regards to the real carbon footprints of companies or products.[36]

Reported values edit

Greenhouse gas emissions overview edit

Annual greenhouse gas emissions per person (height of vertical bars) and per country (area of vertical bars) of the fifteen high-emitting countries.[76]

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activities intensify the greenhouse effect. This contributes to climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2), from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, is one of the most important factors in causing climate change. The largest emitters are China followed by the United States. The United States has higher emissions per capita. The main producers fueling the emissions globally are large oil and gas companies. Emissions from human activities have increased atmospheric carbon dioxide by about 50% over pre-industrial levels. The growing levels of emissions have varied, but have been consistent among all greenhouse gases. Emissions in the 2010s averaged 56 billion tons a year, higher than any decade before.[77] Total cumulative emissions from 1870 to 2017 were 425±20 GtC (1539 GtCO2) from fossil fuels and industry, and 180±60 GtC (660 GtCO2) from land use change. Land-use change, such as deforestation, caused about 31% of cumulative emissions over 1870–2017, coal 32%, oil 25%, and gas 10%.[78]

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main greenhouse gas resulting from human activities. It accounts for more than half of warming. Methane (CH4) emissions have almost the same short-term impact.[79] Nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated gases (F-gases) play a lesser role in comparison.

By products edit

Carbon footprint of EU diets by supply chain

The Carbon Trust has worked with UK manufacturers to produce "thousands of carbon footprint assessments". As of 2014 the Carbon Trust state they have measured 28,000 certifiable product carbon footprints.[80]

Food edit

Plant-based foods tend to have a lower carbon footprint than meat and dairy. In many cases a much smaller footprint. This holds true when comparing the footprint of foods in terms of their weight, protein content or calories.[1] The protein output of peas and beef provides and example. Producing 100 grams of protein from peas emits just 0.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq). To get the same amount of protein from beef, emissions would be nearly 90 times higher, at 35 kgCO2eq.[1] Only a small fraction of the carbon footprint of food comes from transport and packaging. Most of it comes from processes on the farm, or from land use change. This means the choice of what to eat has a larger potential to reduce carbon footprint than how far the food has traveled, or how much packaging it is wrapped in.[1]

By sector edit

The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report found that global GHG emissions have continued to rise across all sectors. Global consumption was the main cause. The most rapid growth was in transport and industry.[81] A key driver of global carbon emissions is affluence. The IPCC noted that the wealthiest 10% in the world contribute between about one third to one half (36%–45%) of global GHG emissions. Researcheres have previously found that affluence is the key driver of carbon emissions. It has a bigger impact than population growth. And it counters the effects of technological developments. Continued economic growth mirrors the increasing trend in material extraction and GHG emissions.[82] “Industrial emissions have been growing faster since 2000 than emissions in any other sector, driven by increased basic materials extraction and production,” the IPCC said.[83]

Transport edit

Comparison to show which form of transport has the smallest carbon footprint[84]

There can be wide variations in emissions for transport of people. This is due to various factors. They include the length of the trip, the source of electricity in the local grid and the occupancy of public transport. In the case of driving the type of vehicle and number of passengers are factors.[84] Over short to medium distances, walking or cycling are nearly always the lowest carbon way to travel. The carbon footprint of cycling one kilometer is usually in the range of 16 to 50 grams CO2eq per km. For moderate or long distances, trains nearly always have a lower carbon footprint than other options.[84]

By organization edit

Carbon accounting edit

Carbon accounting (or greenhouse gas accounting) is a framework of methods to measure and track how much greenhouse gas (GHG) an organization emits.[85] It can also be used to track projects or actions to reduce emissions in sectors such as forestry or renewable energy. Corporations, cities and other groups use these techniques to help limit climate change. Organizations will often set an emissions baseline, create targets for reducing emissions, and track progress towards them. The accounting methods enable them to do this in a more consistent and transparent manner.

The main reasons for GHG accounting are to address social responsibility concerns or meet legal requirements. Public rankings of companies, financial due diligence and potential cost savings are other reasons. GHG accounting methods can help investors better understand the climate risks of companies they invest in. Accurate accounting methods also aid corporate and community net-zero goals. Many governments around the world require various forms of reporting. There is some evidence that programs that require GHG accounting help to lower emissions.[86] Markets for buying and selling carbon credits depend on accurate measurement of emissions and emission reductions. These techniques can help to understand the impacts of specific products and services. They do this by quantifying their GHG emissions throughout their lifecycle. This encourages purchasing decisions that are environmentally friendly.

By country edit

Consumption-based CO₂ emissions per capita, 2017

CO2 emissions of countries are typically measured on the basis of production. This accounting method is sometimes referred to as territorial emissions. Countries use it when they report their emissions, and set domestic and international targets such as Nationally Determined Contributions.[7] Consumption-based emissions on the other hand are adjusted for trade. To calculate consumption-based emissions we track which goods are traded across the world. Whenever a good is imported we include all CO2 emissions that were emitted in the production of that good. Consumption-based emissions reflect the lifestyle choices of a country's citizens.[6]

According to the World Bank, the global average carbon footprint in 2014 was about 5 tonnes of CO2 per person, measured on a production bas.[87]is The EU average for 2007 was about 13.8 tonnes CO2e per person. For the USA, Luxembourg and Australia it was over 25 tonnes CO2e per person. In 2017, the average for the USA was about 20 metric tonnes CO2e per person. This is one of the highest per capita figures in the world.[88]

The footprints per capita of countries in Africa and India were well below average. Per capita emissions in India are low for its huge population. But overall the country is the third largest emitter of CO2 and fifth largest economy by nominal GDP in the world.[89] Assuming a global population of around 9–10 billion by 2050, a carbon footprint of about 2–2.5 tonnes CO2e per capita is needed to stay within a 2 °C target. These carbon footprint calculations are based on a consumption-based approach using a Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) database. This database accounts for all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the global supply chain and allocates them to the final consumer of the purchased commodities.[90]

Reducing the carbon footprint edit

Sign at demonstration: "Go vegan and cut your climate footprint by 50%"

Climate change mitigation edit

Efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of products, services and organizations help limit climate change. Such activities are called climate change mitigation.

Climate change mitigation (or decarbonisation) is action to limit climate change. This action either reduces emissions of greenhouse gases or removes those gases from the atmosphere.[91][92] The recent rise in global temperature is mostly due to emissions from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. There are various ways that mitigation can reduce emissions. These are transitioning to sustainable energy sources, conserving energy, and increasing efficiency. It is possible to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This can be done by enlarging forests, restoring wetlands and using other natural and technical processes. The name for these processes is carbon sequestration.[93]: 12 [94] Governments and companies have pledged to reduce emissions to prevent dangerous climate change. These pledges are in line with international negotiations to limit warming.

Reducing industry's carbon footprint edit

Wind farms provide energy with a fairly low carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels.

Carbon offsetting can reduce a company's overall carbon footprint by providing it with a carbon credit.[95] This compensates the company for carbon dioxide emissions by recognizing an equivalent reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Reforestation, or restocking existing forests that have previously been depleted, is an example of carbon offsetting.

A carbon footprint study can identify specific and critical areas for improvement. It uses input-output analysis and scrutinizes the entire supply chain.[57] Such an analysis could be used to eliminate the supply chains with the highest greenhouse gas emissions.

History edit

The term carbon footprint was first used in a BBC vegetarian food magazine in 1999, though the broader concept of environmental footprint had been used since at least 1979.[96]

In 2005, the large advertising campaign Ogilvy worked for the fossil fuel company BP to popularize the idea of a carbon footprint for individuals.[71][72] The campaign instructed people to calculate their personal footprints and provided ways for people to "go on a low-carbon diet".[97][98][99]

The carbon footprint is derived from the language of ecological footprinting.[13] Unlike the ecological footprint, the carbon footprint is not expressed in area-based units. William Rees wrote the first academic publication about ecological footprints in 1992.[100] Other related concepts from the 1990s are the "ecological backpack" and material input per unit of service (MIPS).[101]

Trends and similar concepts edit

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) aims to bring global, rigorous oversight to carbon footprint reporting. It was formed out of the International Financial Reporting Standards. It will require companies to report on their Scope 3 emissions.[102] The ISSB has taken on board criticisms of other initiatives in its aims for universality.[103] It consolidates the Carbon Disclosure Standards Board, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the Value Reporting Foundation. It complements the Global Reporting Initiative. It is influenced by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. As of early 2023, Great Britain and Nigeria were preparing to adopt these standards.[104]

The concept of total equivalent warming impact (TEWI) is the most used index for carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2) emissions calculation in air conditioning and refrigeration sectors by including both the direct and indirect contributions since it evaluates the emissions caused by the operating lifetime of systems.[105] The Expanded Total Equivalent Warming Impact method has been used for an accurate evaluation of refrigerators emissions.[105]

See also edit

References edit

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External links edit

  • The GHG Protocol

carbon, footprint, carbon, footprint, greenhouse, footprint, calculated, value, index, that, makes, possible, compare, total, amount, greenhouse, gases, that, activity, product, company, country, adds, atmosphere, usually, reported, tonnes, emissions, equivale. A carbon footprint or greenhouse gas footprint is a calculated value or index that makes it possible to compare the total amount of greenhouse gases that an activity product company or country adds to the atmosphere Carbon footprints are usually reported in tonnes of emissions CO2 equivalent per unit of comparison Such units can be for example tonnes CO2 eq per year per kilogram of protein for consumption per kilometer travelled per piece of clothing and so forth A product s carbon footprint includes the emissions for the entire life cycle These run from the production along the supply chain to its final consumption and disposal Similarly an organization s carbon footprint includes the direct as well as the indirect emissions that it causes The Greenhouse Gas Protocol that is used for carbon accounting of organizations calls these Scope 1 2 and 3 emissions There are several methodologies and online tools to calculate the carbon footprint They depend on whether the focus is on a country organization product or individual person For example the carbon footprint of a product could help consumers decide which product to buy if they want to be climate aware For climate change mitigation activities the carbon footprint can help distinguish those economic activities with a high footprint from those with a low footprint So the carbon footprint concept allows everyone to make comparisons between the climate impacts of individuals products companies and countries It also helps people devise strategies and priorities for reducing the carbon footprint The carbon footprint can be used to compare the climate change impact of many things The example given here is the carbon footprint greenhouse gas emissions of food across the supply chain caused by land use change farm animal feed processing transport retail packing losses 1 To express a carbon footprint we usually use the carbon dioxide equivalent CO2eq per unit of comparison This sums up all the greenhouse gas emissions It includes all greenhouse gases not just carbon dioxide And it looks at emissions from economic activities events organizations and services 2 In some definitions only the carbon dioxide emissions are taken into account These do not include other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide 3 We use various methods to calculate the carbon footprint of different entities For organizations we commonly use the Greenhouse Gas Protocol It includes three carbon emission scopes Scope 1 refers to direct carbon emissions Scope 2 and 3 refer to indirect carbon emissions Scope 3 emissions are those indirect emissions that result from the activities of an organization but come from sources which they do not own or control 4 For countries we can use consumption based emissions accounting to calculate their carbon footprint for a given year Consumption based accounting using input output analysis backed by super computing makes it possible to analyse global supply chains 5 Countries also prepare national GHG inventories for the UNFCCC 6 7 The GHG emissions listed in those national inventories are only from activities in the country itself We call this approach territorial based accounting or production based accounting They do not take into account production of goods and services imported on behalf of residents Consumption based accounting does reflect emissions from goods and services imported from other countries Consumption based accounting is therefore more comprehensive This comprehensive carbon footprint reporting including Scope 3 emissions deals with gaps in current systems Countries GHG inventories for the UNFCCC do not include international transport 8 Comprehensive carbon footprint reporting looks at the final demand for emissions to where the consumption of the goods and services takes place 9 Contents 1 Definition 2 Types of greenhouse gas emissions 2 1 Direct carbon emissions Scope 1 2 2 Indirect carbon emissions Scope 2 and 3 3 Purpose and strengths 4 Underlying concepts for calculations 4 1 Consumption based emission accounting based on input output analysis 4 2 Combination with life cycle analysis LCA 5 Critique 5 1 Relationship with other environmental impacts 5 2 Shifting responsibility from corporations to individuals 5 3 Differing boundaries for calculations 6 Reported values 6 1 Greenhouse gas emissions overview 6 2 By products 6 2 1 Food 6 3 By sector 6 3 1 Transport 6 4 By organization 6 4 1 Carbon accounting 6 5 By country 7 Reducing the carbon footprint 7 1 Climate change mitigation 7 2 Reducing industry s carbon footprint 8 History 9 Trends and similar concepts 10 See also 11 References 12 External linksDefinition edit source source source source source track track track track track track The carbon footprint explained nbsp Comparison of the carbon footprint of protein rich foods 1 A 2011 article gives the following definition of carbon footprint A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4 emissions of a defined population system or activity considering all relevant sources sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population system or activity of interest Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent using the relevant 100 year global warming potential GWP100 10 Scientists report carbon footprints in terms of equivalents of tonnes of CO2 emissions CO2 equivalent They may report them per year per person per kilogram of protein per kilometer travelled and so on In the definition of carbon footprint some scientists include only CO2 But more commonly they include several of the important greenhouse gases They can compare various greenhouse gases by using carbon dioxide equivalents over a relevant time scale like 100 years Some organizations use the term greenhouse gas footprint or climate footprint 11 to emphasize that all greenhouse gases are included not just carbon dioxide The Greenhouse Gas Protocol includes all of the most important greenhouse gases The standard covers the accounting and reporting of seven greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol carbon dioxide CO2 methane CH4 nitrous oxide N2O hydrofluorocarbons HFCs perfluorocarbons PCFs sulfur hexafluoride SF6 and nitrogen trifluoride NF3 12 In comparison the IPCC definition of carbon footprint in 2022 covers only carbon dioxide It defines the carbon footprint as the measure of the exclusive total amount of emissions of carbon dioxide CO2 that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the lifecycle stages of a product 3 1796 The IPCC report s authors adopted the same definition that had been proposed in 2007 in the UK 13 That publication included only carbon dioxide in the definition of carbon footprint It justified this with the argument that other greenhouse gases were more difficult to quantify This is because of their differing global warming potentials They also stated that an inclusion of all greenhouse gases would make the carbon footprint indicator less practical 13 But there are disadvantages to this approach One disadvantage of not including methane is that some products or sectors that have a high methane footprint such as livestock 14 appear less harmful for the climate than they actually are citation needed Types of greenhouse gas emissions editSee also Carbon accounting nbsp Overview of Greenhouse Gas Protocol scopes and emissions across the value chain showing upstream activities reporting company and downstream activities 15 16 The greenhouse gas protocol is a set of standards for tracking greenhouse gas emissions 17 The standards divide emissions into three scopes Scope 1 2 and 3 within the value chain 18 Greenhouse gas emissions caused directly by the organization such as by burning fossil fuels are referred to as Scope 1 Emissions caused indirectly by an organization such as by purchasing secondary energy sources like electricity heat cooling or steam are called Scope 2 Lastly indirect emissions associated with upstream or downstream processes are called Scope 3 Direct carbon emissions Scope 1 edit Direct or Scope 1 carbon emissions come from sources on the site that is producing a product or delivering a service 19 20 An example for industry would be the emissions related to burning a fuel on site On the individual level emissions from personal vehicles or gas burning stoves would fall under Scope 1 Indirect carbon emissions Scope 2 and 3 edit Indirect carbon emissions are emissions from sources upstream or downstream from the process being studied They are also known as Scope 2 or Scope 3 emissions 19 Scope 2 emissions are the indirect emissions related to purchasing electricity heat or steam used on site 20 Examples of upstream carbon emissions include transportation of materials and fuels any energy used outside of the production facility and waste produced outside the production facility 21 Examples of downstream carbon emissions include any end of life process or treatments product and waste transportation and emissions associated with selling the product 22 The GHG Protocol says it is important to calculate upstream and downstream emissions There could be some double counting This is because upstream emissions of one person s consumption patterns could be someone else s downstream emissionsScope 3 emissions are all other indirect emissions derived from the activities of an organization But they are from sources they do not own or control 4 The GHG Protocol s Corporate Value Chain Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standard allows companies to assess their entire value chain emissions impact and identify where to focus reduction activities 23 Scope 3 emission sources include emissions from suppliers and product users These are also known as the value chain Transportation of good and other indirect emissions are also part of this scope 16 In 2022 about 30 of US companies reported Scope 3 emissions 24 The International Sustainability Standards Board is developing a recommendation to include Scope 3 emissions in all GHG reporting 25 Purpose and strengths editSee also Carbon accounting nbsp Are consumption based CO per capita emissions above or below the global average 26 The current rise in global average temperature is more rapid than previous changes It is primarily caused by humans who are burning fossil fuels 27 28 The increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is also due to deforestation and agricultural and industrial practices These include cement production The two most notable greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and methane 29 Greenhouse gas emissions and hence humanity s carbon footprint have been increasing during the 21st century 30 The Paris Agreement aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions enough to limit the rise in global temperature to no more than 1 5 C above pre industrial levels 31 32 The carbon footprint concept makes comparisons between the climate impacts of individuals products companies and countries A carbon footprint label on products could enable consumers to choose products with a lower carbon footprint if they wanted to contribute to climate change mitigation efforts For meat products for example such a label could make it clear that beef has a higher carbon footprint than chicken 1 Understanding the size of an organization s carbon footprint makes it possible to devise a strategy to reduce it For most businesses the vast majority of emissions do not come from activities on site known as Scope 1 or from energy supplied to the organization known as Scope 2 Instead they come from Scope 3 emissions They come from the extended upstream and downstream supply chain 33 34 Therefore ignoring Scope 3 emissions makes it impossible to detect all emissions of importance This will limit options for mitigation 35 Large companies in sectors such as clothing or automobiles would need to examine more than 100 000 supply chain pathways to fully report their carbon footprints 36 The importance of displacement of carbon emissions has been known for some years Scientists also call this carbon leakage 37 The idea of carbon footprint addresses concerns of carbon leakage which the Paris Agreement does not cover Carbon leakage occurs when importing countries outsource production to exporting countries The outsourcing countries are often rich countries while the exporters are often low income countries 38 The displacement of impacts is typically from developed to developing countries 37 Countries can make it appear that their GHG emissions are falling by moving dirty industries abroad But when you look at their emissions from a consumption perspective they could be increasing 39 40 Carbon leakage and the related international trade have a range of environmental impacts These include increased air pollution 41 water scarcity 42 biodiversity loss 43 raw material usage 44 and energy depletion 45 Scholars have argued in favour of using both consumption based and production based accounting This helps establish shared producer and consumer responsibility 46 Currently countries report on their annual GHG inventory to the UNFCCC based on their territorial emissions This is known as the territorial based approach or production based approach 7 6 Including consumption based calculations in the UNFCCC reporting requirements would help close loopholes by addressing the challenge of carbon leakage 41 The Paris Agreement currently does not require countries to include in their national totals the GHG emissions associated with international transport These emissions are reported separately They are not subject to the limitation and reduction commitments of Annex 1 Parties under the Climate Convention and Kyoto Protocol 8 The carbon footprint methodology includes GHG emissions associated with international transport This means it assigns emissions caused by international trade to the importing country Underlying concepts for calculations editThe calculation of the carbon footprint of a product service or sector requires expert knowledge and careful examination of what is to be included Carbon footprints can be calculated at different scales They can apply to whole countries cities 47 neighborhoods and also sectors companies and products 48 Several free online carbon footprint calculators exist to calculate personal carbon footprints 49 50 Software such as the Scope 3 Evaluator can help companies report emissions throughout their value chain 51 The software tools can help consultants and researchers to model global sustainability footprints In each situation there are a number of questions that need to be answered These include which activities are linked to which emissions and which proportion should be attributed to which company Software is essential for company management But there is a need for new ways of enterprise resource planning to improve corporate sustainability performance 52 To achieve 95 carbon footprint coverage it would be necessary to assess 12 million individual supply chain contributions This is based on analyzing 12 sectoral case studies 53 The Scope 3 calculations can be made easier using input output analysis This is a technique originally developed by Nobel Prize winning economist Wassily Leontief 53 Consumption based emission accounting based on input output analysis edit Further information Input output model and Greenhouse gas inventory Consumption based accounting nbsp Consumption based vs production based CO emissions per capita 54 nbsp Production vs consumption based CO emissions for the United States nbsp Production vs consumption based CO emissions per capita for ChinaConsumption based emission accounting traces the impacts of demand for goods and services along the global supply chain to the end consumer It is also called consumption based carbon accounting 9 In contrast a production based approach to calculating GHG emissions is not a carbon footprint analysis This approach is also called a territorial based approach The production based approach includes only impacts physically produced in the country in question 55 Consumption based accounting redistributes the emissions from production based accounting It considers that emissions in another country are necessary for the home country s consumption bundle 55 Consumer based accounting is based on input output analysis It is used at the highest levels for any economic research question related to environmental or social impacts 56 Analysis of global supply chains is possible using consumption based accounting with input output analysis assisted by super computing capacity 5 Leontief created Input output analysis IO to demonstrate the relationship between consumption and production in an economy It incorporates the entire supply chain It uses input output tables from countries national accounts It also uses international data such as UN Comtrade and Eurostat Input output analysis has been extended globally to multi regional input output analysis MRIO Innovations and technology enabling the analysis of billions of supply chains made this possible Standards set by the United Nations underpin this analysis 57 280 The analysis enables a Structural Path Analysis This scans and ranks the top supply chain nodes and paths It conveniently lists hotspots for urgent action Input output analysis has increased in popularity because of its ability to examine global value chains 58 59 Combination with life cycle analysis LCA edit Further information Life cycle assessment nbsp Life cycle analysis The full life cycle includes a production chain comprising supply chains manufacture and transport the energy supply chain the use phase and the end of life disposal recycle stage Life cycle assessment LCA is a methodology for assessing all environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of a commercial product process or service It is not limited to the greenhouse gas emissions It is also called life cycle analysis It includes water pollution air pollution ecotoxicity and similar types of pollution Some widely recognized procedures for LCA are included in the ISO 14000 series of environmental management standards A standard called ISO 14040 2006 provides the framework for conducting an LCA study 60 ISO 14060 family of standards provides further sophisticated tools These are used to quantify monitor report and validate or verify GHG emissions and removals 61 Greenhouse gas product life cycle assessments can also comply with specifications such as Publicly Available Specification PAS 2050 and the GHG Protocol Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard 62 63 An advantage of LCA is the high level of detail that can be obtained on site or by liaising with suppliers However LCA has been hampered by the artificial construction of a boundary after which no further impacts of upstream suppliers are considered This can introduce significant truncation errors LCA has been combined with input output analysis This enables on site detailed knowledge to be incorporated IO connects to global economic databases to incorporate the entire supply chain 64 Critique editYou can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in German March 2023 Click show for important translation instructions View a machine translated version of the German article Machine translation like DeepL or Google Translate is a useful starting point for translations but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate rather than simply copy pasting machine translated text into the English Wikipedia Consider adding a topic to this template there are already 8 952 articles in the main category and specifying topic will aid in categorization Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low quality If possible verify the text with references provided in the foreign language article You must provide copyright attribution in the edit summary accompanying your translation by providing an interlanguage link to the source of your translation A model attribution edit summary is Content in this edit is translated from the existing German Wikipedia article at de CO2 Bilanz Kritik see its history for attribution You should also add the template Translated de CO2 Bilanz Kritik to the talk page For more guidance see Wikipedia Translation Relationship with other environmental impacts edit A focus on carbon footprints can lead people to ignore or even exacerbate other related environmental issues of concern These include biodiversity loss ecotoxicity and habitat destruction It may not be easy to measure these other human impacts on the environment with a single indicator like the carbon footprint Consumers may think that the carbon footprint is a proxy for environmental impact In many cases this is not correct 65 222 There can even be trade offs between reducing the carbon footprint and environmental protection goals One example is the use of biofuel Biofuel is a renewable energy source and can reduce the carbon footprint of energy supply But it can also pose ecological challenges during its production This is because it is often produced in monocultures with ample use of fertilizers and pesticides 65 222 Another example is offshore wind parks These could have unintended impacts on marine ecosystems 65 223 The carbon footprint analysis solely focuses on greenhouse gas emissions unlike a life cycle assessment which is much broader and looks at all environmental impacts Therefore it is useful to stress in communication activities that the carbon footprint is just one in a family of indicators e g ecological footprint water footprint land footprints and material footprints and should not be looked at in isolation 66 In fact the carbon footprint can be treated as one component of the ecological footprint 67 13 The Sustainable Consumption and Production Hotspot Analysis Tool SCP HAT is a suitable tool to put carbon footprint analysis into a wider perspective It includes a number of socio economic and environmental indicators 68 69 It offers calculations that are either consumption based following the carbon footprint approach or production based The database of the SCP HAT tool is underpinned by input output analysis This means it includes Scope 3 emissions The IO methodology is also governed by UN standards 57 280 It is based on input output tables of countries national accounts and international trade data such as UN Comtrade 70 Therefore it is comparable worldwide 69 Shifting responsibility from corporations to individuals edit Critics argue that the original aim of promoting the personal carbon footprint concept was to shift responsibility away from corporations and institutions and on to personal lifestyle choices 71 72 The fossil fuel company BP ran a large advertising campaign for the personal carbon footprint in 2005 which helped popularize this concept 71 This strategy employed by many major fossil fuel companies has been criticized for trying to shift the blame for negative consequences of those industries on to individual choices 71 73 Geoffrey Supran and Naomi Oreskes of Harvard University examined this question They argued that concepts such as carbon footprints hamstring us and they put blinders on us to the systemic nature of the climate crisis and the importance of taking collective action to address the problem 74 75 Differing boundaries for calculations edit The term carbon footprint has been applied to limited calculations that do not include Scope 3 emissions or the entire supply chain This can lead to claims of misleading customers with regards to the real carbon footprints of companies or products 36 Reported values editYou can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in German May 2023 Click show for important translation instructions View a machine translated version of the German article Machine translation like DeepL or Google Translate is a useful starting point for translations but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate rather than simply copy pasting machine translated text into the English Wikipedia Consider adding a topic to this template there are already 8 952 articles in the main category and specifying topic will aid in categorization Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low quality If possible verify the text with references provided in the foreign language article You must provide copyright attribution in the edit summary accompanying your translation by providing an interlanguage link to the source of your translation A model attribution edit summary is Content in this edit is translated from the existing German Wikipedia article at de CO2 Bilanz Daten und Fakten see its history for attribution You should also add the template Translated de CO2 Bilanz Daten und Fakten to the talk page For more guidance see Wikipedia Translation See also Greenhouse gas emissions Greenhouse gas emissions overview edit This section is an excerpt from Greenhouse gas emissions edit nbsp Annual greenhouse gas emissions per person height of vertical bars and per country area of vertical bars of the fifteen high emitting countries 76 Greenhouse gas GHG emissions from human activities intensify the greenhouse effect This contributes to climate change Carbon dioxide CO2 from burning fossil fuels such as coal oil and natural gas is one of the most important factors in causing climate change The largest emitters are China followed by the United States The United States has higher emissions per capita The main producers fueling the emissions globally are large oil and gas companies Emissions from human activities have increased atmospheric carbon dioxide by about 50 over pre industrial levels The growing levels of emissions have varied but have been consistent among all greenhouse gases Emissions in the 2010s averaged 56 billion tons a year higher than any decade before 77 Total cumulative emissions from 1870 to 2017 were 425 20 GtC 1539 GtCO2 from fossil fuels and industry and 180 60 GtC 660 GtCO2 from land use change Land use change such as deforestation caused about 31 of cumulative emissions over 1870 2017 coal 32 oil 25 and gas 10 78 Carbon dioxide CO2 is the main greenhouse gas resulting from human activities It accounts for more than half of warming Methane CH4 emissions have almost the same short term impact 79 Nitrous oxide N2O and fluorinated gases F gases play a lesser role in comparison By products edit nbsp Carbon footprint of EU diets by supply chainThe Carbon Trust has worked with UK manufacturers to produce thousands of carbon footprint assessments As of 2014 the Carbon Trust state they have measured 28 000 certifiable product carbon footprints 80 Food edit Plant based foods tend to have a lower carbon footprint than meat and dairy In many cases a much smaller footprint This holds true when comparing the footprint of foods in terms of their weight protein content or calories 1 The protein output of peas and beef provides and example Producing 100 grams of protein from peas emits just 0 4 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents CO2eq To get the same amount of protein from beef emissions would be nearly 90 times higher at 35 kgCO2eq 1 Only a small fraction of the carbon footprint of food comes from transport and packaging Most of it comes from processes on the farm or from land use change This means the choice of what to eat has a larger potential to reduce carbon footprint than how far the food has traveled or how much packaging it is wrapped in 1 By sector edit Main article Greenhouse gas emissions Emissions by sector The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report found that global GHG emissions have continued to rise across all sectors Global consumption was the main cause The most rapid growth was in transport and industry 81 A key driver of global carbon emissions is affluence The IPCC noted that the wealthiest 10 in the world contribute between about one third to one half 36 45 of global GHG emissions Researcheres have previously found that affluence is the key driver of carbon emissions It has a bigger impact than population growth And it counters the effects of technological developments Continued economic growth mirrors the increasing trend in material extraction and GHG emissions 82 Industrial emissions have been growing faster since 2000 than emissions in any other sector driven by increased basic materials extraction and production the IPCC said 83 Transport edit nbsp Comparison to show which form of transport has the smallest carbon footprint 84 There can be wide variations in emissions for transport of people This is due to various factors They include the length of the trip the source of electricity in the local grid and the occupancy of public transport In the case of driving the type of vehicle and number of passengers are factors 84 Over short to medium distances walking or cycling are nearly always the lowest carbon way to travel The carbon footprint of cycling one kilometer is usually in the range of 16 to 50 grams CO2eq per km For moderate or long distances trains nearly always have a lower carbon footprint than other options 84 By organization edit Carbon accounting edit This section is an excerpt from Carbon accounting edit Carbon accounting or greenhouse gas accounting is a framework of methods to measure and track how much greenhouse gas GHG an organization emits 85 It can also be used to track projects or actions to reduce emissions in sectors such as forestry or renewable energy Corporations cities and other groups use these techniques to help limit climate change Organizations will often set an emissions baseline create targets for reducing emissions and track progress towards them The accounting methods enable them to do this in a more consistent and transparent manner The main reasons for GHG accounting are to address social responsibility concerns or meet legal requirements Public rankings of companies financial due diligence and potential cost savings are other reasons GHG accounting methods can help investors better understand the climate risks of companies they invest in Accurate accounting methods also aid corporate and community net zero goals Many governments around the world require various forms of reporting There is some evidence that programs that require GHG accounting help to lower emissions 86 Markets for buying and selling carbon credits depend on accurate measurement of emissions and emission reductions These techniques can help to understand the impacts of specific products and services They do this by quantifying their GHG emissions throughout their lifecycle This encourages purchasing decisions that are environmentally friendly By country edit Main article List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita nbsp Consumption based CO emissions per capita 2017CO2 emissions of countries are typically measured on the basis of production This accounting method is sometimes referred to as territorial emissions Countries use it when they report their emissions and set domestic and international targets such as Nationally Determined Contributions 7 Consumption based emissions on the other hand are adjusted for trade To calculate consumption based emissions we track which goods are traded across the world Whenever a good is imported we include all CO2 emissions that were emitted in the production of that good Consumption based emissions reflect the lifestyle choices of a country s citizens 6 According to the World Bank the global average carbon footprint in 2014 was about 5 tonnes of CO2 per person measured on a production bas 87 is The EU average for 2007 was about 13 8 tonnes CO2e per person For the USA Luxembourg and Australia it was over 25 tonnes CO2e per person In 2017 the average for the USA was about 20 metric tonnes CO2e per person This is one of the highest per capita figures in the world 88 The footprints per capita of countries in Africa and India were well below average Per capita emissions in India are low for its huge population But overall the country is the third largest emitter of CO2 and fifth largest economy by nominal GDP in the world 89 Assuming a global population of around 9 10 billion by 2050 a carbon footprint of about 2 2 5 tonnes CO2e per capita is needed to stay within a 2 C target These carbon footprint calculations are based on a consumption based approach using a Multi Regional Input Output MRIO database This database accounts for all greenhouse gas GHG emissions in the global supply chain and allocates them to the final consumer of the purchased commodities 90 Reducing the carbon footprint editMain articles Climate change mitigation and Greenhouse gas emissions Reducing greenhouse gas emissions nbsp Sign at demonstration Go vegan and cut your climate footprint by 50 Climate change mitigation editEfforts to reduce the carbon footprint of products services and organizations help limit climate change Such activities are called climate change mitigation This section is an excerpt from Climate change mitigation edit Climate change mitigation or decarbonisation is action to limit climate change This action either reduces emissions of greenhouse gases or removes those gases from the atmosphere 91 92 The recent rise in global temperature is mostly due to emissions from burning fossil fuels such as coal oil and natural gas There are various ways that mitigation can reduce emissions These are transitioning to sustainable energy sources conserving energy and increasing efficiency It is possible to remove carbon dioxide CO2 from the atmosphere This can be done by enlarging forests restoring wetlands and using other natural and technical processes The name for these processes is carbon sequestration 93 12 94 Governments and companies have pledged to reduce emissions to prevent dangerous climate change These pledges are in line with international negotiations to limit warming Reducing industry s carbon footprint edit nbsp Wind farms provide energy with a fairly low carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels Main article Climate change mitigation Industry Carbon offsetting can reduce a company s overall carbon footprint by providing it with a carbon credit 95 This compensates the company for carbon dioxide emissions by recognizing an equivalent reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Reforestation or restocking existing forests that have previously been depleted is an example of carbon offsetting A carbon footprint study can identify specific and critical areas for improvement It uses input output analysis and scrutinizes the entire supply chain 57 Such an analysis could be used to eliminate the supply chains with the highest greenhouse gas emissions History editThe term carbon footprint was first used in a BBC vegetarian food magazine in 1999 though the broader concept of environmental footprint had been used since at least 1979 96 In 2005 the large advertising campaign Ogilvy worked for the fossil fuel company BP to popularize the idea of a carbon footprint for individuals 71 72 The campaign instructed people to calculate their personal footprints and provided ways for people to go on a low carbon diet 97 98 99 The carbon footprint is derived from the language of ecological footprinting 13 Unlike the ecological footprint the carbon footprint is not expressed in area based units William Rees wrote the first academic publication about ecological footprints in 1992 100 Other related concepts from the 1990s are the ecological backpack and material input per unit of service MIPS 101 Trends and similar concepts editThe International Sustainability Standards Board ISSB aims to bring global rigorous oversight to carbon footprint reporting It was formed out of the International Financial Reporting Standards It will require companies to report on their Scope 3 emissions 102 The ISSB has taken on board criticisms of other initiatives in its aims for universality 103 It consolidates the Carbon Disclosure Standards Board the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board and the Value Reporting Foundation It complements the Global Reporting Initiative It is influenced by the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures As of early 2023 Great Britain and Nigeria were preparing to adopt these standards 104 The concept of total equivalent warming impact TEWI is the most used index for carbon dioxide equivalent CO2 emissions calculation in air conditioning and refrigeration sectors by including both the direct and indirect contributions since it evaluates the emissions caused by the operating lifetime of systems 105 The Expanded Total Equivalent Warming Impact method has been used for an accurate evaluation of refrigerators emissions 105 See also editCarbon intensity Carbon neutrality Embedded emissions Food miles Greenhouse gas inventory Individual action on climate change Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of energy sourcesReferences edit a b c d e f You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food Focus on what you eat not whether your food is local Our World in Data Retrieved 7 July 2023 nbsp Text was copied from this source which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4 0 International License What is a carbon footprint www conservation org Retrieved 28 May 2023 a b IPCC 2022 Annex I Glossary Archived 13 March 2023 at the Wayback Machine van Diemen R J B R Matthews V Moller J S Fuglestvedt V Masson Delmotte C Mendez A Reisinger S Semenov eds In IPCC 2022 Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Archived 2 August 2022 at the Wayback Machine P R Shukla J Skea R Slade A Al Khourdajie R van Diemen D McCollum M Pathak S Some P Vyas R Fradera M Belkacemi 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