
1977 Australian referendum

The 1977 Australian referendum was held on 21 May 1977. It contained four referendum questions and one non-binding plebiscite. To date, it is the most recent referendum to have been successful in Australia.

Result [1]
Question NSW Vic Qld SA WA Tas States in favour Voters in favour Result
(33) Simultaneous Elections Yes Yes No Yes No No 3:3 62.2% Not carried
(34) Senate Casual Vacancies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6:0 73.3% Carried
(35) Referendums Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6:0 77.7% Carried
(36) Retirement of Judges Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6:0 80.1% Carried

This referendum had a particularly strong "Yes" vote. All but one of the referendum questions were carried, and the only one not carried had a clear national majority, but was held back by not achieving a majority of the states. No referendum since then has been successful.[a][1]

Plebiscite [1]
  NSW Vic Qld SA WA Tas ACT NT Total voters
National Song (Song with most votes) Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair Song of Australia Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair Waltzing Matilda Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair

The four referendum questions were only voted on in the states; voters in the territories only gained the right to vote on constitutional changes as a result of the Referendums amendment passing. Voters in the territories, however, were able to vote on the plebiscite.[1]

Results in detail edit

Simultaneous Elections edit

This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum (Simultaneous Elections) § Results
Result [1]
State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against Informal
Vote % Vote %
New South Wales 3,007,511 2,774,388 1,931,775 70.71 800,331 29.29 42,282
Victoria 2,252,831 2,083,136 1,325,708 65.00 713,929 35.00 43,499
Queensland 1,241,426 1,138,842 534,968 47.51 590,942 52.49 12,932
South Australia 799,243 745,990 480,827 65.99 247,762 34.01 17,401
Western Australia 682,291 617,463 292,344 48.47 310,765 51.53 14,354
Tasmania 259,081 246,063 82,785 34.26 158,818 65.74 4,460
Total for Commonwealth 8,242,383 7,605,882 4,648,407 62.22 2,822,547 37.78 134,928
Results Obtained majority in three states and an overall majority of 1,825,860 votes. Not carried

Senate Casual Vacancies edit

This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum (Senate Casual Vacancies) § Results
Result [1]
State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against Informal
Vote % Vote %
New South Wales 3,007,511 2,774,388 2,230,218 81.62 502,171 18.38 41,999
Victoria 2,252,831 2,083,136 1,552,558 76.13 486,798 23.87 43,780
Queensland 1,241,426 1,138,842 662,732 58.86 463,165 41.14 12,945
South Australia 799,243 745,990 557,950 76.59 170,536 23.41 17,504
Western Australia 682,291 617,463 344,389 57.11 258,655 42.89 14,419
Tasmania 259,081 246,063 129,924 53.78 111,638 46.22 4,501
Total for Commonwealth 8,242,383 7,605,882 5,477,771 73.32 1,992,963 26.68 135,148
Results Obtained majority in all six states and an overall majority of 3,484,808 votes. Carried

Referendums edit

This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum (Inclusion of territories) § Results
Result [1]
State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against Informal
Vote % Vote %
New South Wales 3,007,511 2,774,388 2,292,822 83.92 439,247 16.08 42,319
Victoria 2,252,831 2,083,136 1,647,187 80.78 391,855 19.22 44,094
Queensland 1,241,426 1,138,842 670,820 59.58 455,051 40.42 12,971
South Australia 799,243 745,990 606,743 83.29 121,770 16.71 17,477
Western Australia 682,291 617,463 437,751 72.62 165,049 27.38 14,663
Tasmania 259,081 246,063 150,346 62.25 91,184 37.75 4,533
Total for Commonwealth 8,242,383 7,605,882 5,805,669 77.72 1,664,156 22.28 136,057
Results Obtained majority in all six States and an overall majority of 4,141,513 votes. Carried

Retirement of Judges edit

This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum (Retirement of Judges) § Results
Result [1]
State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against Informal
Vote % Vote %
New South Wales 3,007,511 2,774,388 2,316,999 84.84 414,070 15.16 43,319
Victoria 2,252,831 2,083,136 1,659,273 81.43 378,505 18.57 45,358
Queensland 1,241,426 1,138,842 734,183 65.24 391,227 34.76 13,432
South Australia 799,243 745,990 622,760 85.57 104,987 14.43 18,243
Western Australia 682,291 617,463 472,228 78.37 130,307 21.63 14,928
Tasmania 259,081 246,063 174,951 72.46 66,478 27.54 4,634
Total for Commonwealth 8,242,383 7,605,882 5,980,394 80.10 1,485,574 19.90 139,914
Results Obtained majority in all six States and an overall majority of 4,494,820 votes. Carried

National Song edit

This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian plebiscite (National Song) § Results

Voters were presented with the following choice: Against the background that 'GOD SAVE THE QUEEN' is the NATIONAL ANTHEM to be played on Regal and Vice Regal occasions, electors may indicate their preferences as to which of the tunes of the songs listed below they would prefer to be played on other occasions.[2]

State Electoral roll Ballots issued "God Save the Queen" "Advance Australia Fair" "The Song of Australia" "Waltzing Matilda" Informal
Vote % Vote % Vote % Vote %
New South Wales 3,007,511 2,537,805 348,885 15.32 1,169,421 51.35 121,456 5.33 637,795 28.00 260,248
Victoria 2,252,831 1,951,160 352,603 20.68 683,451 40.09 110,591 6.49 557,991 32.73 246,524
Queensland 1,241,426 1,056,804 204,453 21.38 438,929 45.90 61,234 6.40 251,609 26.31 100,579
South Australia 799,243 706,392 114,477 18.07 152,507 24.07 215,085 33.95 151,434 23.90 72,889
Western Australia 682,291 487,879 113,054 23.17 183,159 37.54 75,524 15.48 116,142 23.81 68,394
Tasmania 259,081 253,525 47,346 22.38 88,825 41.98 21,091 9.97 54,329 25.68 23,934
Australian Capital Territory 120,875 22,136 1,448 6.65 7,857 36.11 1,863 8.56 10,593 48.68 375
Northern Territory 38,209 2,951 423 14.93 1,143 40.35 413 14.58 854 30.14 118
Total for Commonwealth 8,401,467 7,069,046 1,182,689 18.78 2,725,292 43.29 607,257 9.65 1,780,747 28.28 773,061

See also edit

Notes edit

  1. ^ The 2017 Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey returned a majority of "yes" votes in all states (and thus nationally) but – not being compulsory – was not a referendum.

References edit

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Handbook of the 44th Parliament (2014) "Part 5 - Referendums and Plebiscites - Referendum results". Parliamentary Library of Australia.
  2. ^ Handbook of the 44th Parliament (2014) "Part 5 - Referendums and Plebiscites - Plebiscite results". Parliamentary Library of Australia.

Further reading edit

  • Standing Committee on Legislative and Constitutional Affairs (1997) Constitutional Change: Select sources on Constitutional change in Australia 1901–1997 5 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine. Australian Government Printing Service, Canberra.
  • Bennett, Scott (2003). Research Paper no. 11 2002–03: The Politics of Constitutional Amendment 16 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine Australian Department of the Parliamentary Library, Canberra.
  • Australian Electoral Commission (2007) Referendum Dates and Results 1906 – Present AEC, Canberra.

1977, australian, referendum, held, 1977, contained, four, referendum, questions, binding, plebiscite, date, most, recent, referendum, have, been, successful, australia, result, question, states, favour, voters, favour, result, simultaneous, elections, carried. The 1977 Australian referendum was held on 21 May 1977 It contained four referendum questions and one non binding plebiscite To date it is the most recent referendum to have been successful in Australia Result 1 Question NSW Vic Qld SA WA Tas States in favour Voters in favour Result 33 Simultaneous Elections Yes Yes No Yes No No 3 3 62 2 Not carried 34 Senate Casual Vacancies Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 0 73 3 Carried 35 Referendums Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 0 77 7 Carried 36 Retirement of Judges Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 0 80 1 CarriedThis referendum had a particularly strong Yes vote All but one of the referendum questions were carried and the only one not carried had a clear national majority but was held back by not achieving a majority of the states No referendum since then has been successful a 1 Plebiscite 1 NSW Vic Qld SA WA Tas ACT NT Total votersNational Song Song with most votes Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair Song of Australia Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia Fair Waltzing Matilda Advance Australia Fair Advance Australia FairThe four referendum questions were only voted on in the states voters in the territories only gained the right to vote on constitutional changes as a result of the Referendums amendment passing Voters in the territories however were able to vote on the plebiscite 1 Results in detail editSimultaneous Elections edit This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum Simultaneous Elections ResultsResult 1 State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against InformalVote Vote New South Wales 3 007 511 2 774 388 1 931 775 70 71 800 331 29 29 42 282Victoria 2 252 831 2 083 136 1 325 708 65 00 713 929 35 00 43 499Queensland 1 241 426 1 138 842 534 968 47 51 590 942 52 49 12 932South Australia 799 243 745 990 480 827 65 99 247 762 34 01 17 401Western Australia 682 291 617 463 292 344 48 47 310 765 51 53 14 354Tasmania 259 081 246 063 82 785 34 26 158 818 65 74 4 460Total for Commonwealth 8 242 383 7 605 882 4 648 407 62 22 2 822 547 37 78 134 928Results Obtained majority in three states and an overall majority of 1 825 860 votes Not carriedSenate Casual Vacancies edit This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum Senate Casual Vacancies ResultsResult 1 State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against InformalVote Vote New South Wales 3 007 511 2 774 388 2 230 218 81 62 502 171 18 38 41 999Victoria 2 252 831 2 083 136 1 552 558 76 13 486 798 23 87 43 780Queensland 1 241 426 1 138 842 662 732 58 86 463 165 41 14 12 945South Australia 799 243 745 990 557 950 76 59 170 536 23 41 17 504Western Australia 682 291 617 463 344 389 57 11 258 655 42 89 14 419Tasmania 259 081 246 063 129 924 53 78 111 638 46 22 4 501Total for Commonwealth 8 242 383 7 605 882 5 477 771 73 32 1 992 963 26 68 135 148Results Obtained majority in all six states and an overall majority of 3 484 808 votes CarriedReferendums edit This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum Inclusion of territories ResultsResult 1 State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against InformalVote Vote New South Wales 3 007 511 2 774 388 2 292 822 83 92 439 247 16 08 42 319Victoria 2 252 831 2 083 136 1 647 187 80 78 391 855 19 22 44 094Queensland 1 241 426 1 138 842 670 820 59 58 455 051 40 42 12 971South Australia 799 243 745 990 606 743 83 29 121 770 16 71 17 477Western Australia 682 291 617 463 437 751 72 62 165 049 27 38 14 663Tasmania 259 081 246 063 150 346 62 25 91 184 37 75 4 533Total for Commonwealth 8 242 383 7 605 882 5 805 669 77 72 1 664 156 22 28 136 057Results Obtained majority in all six States and an overall majority of 4 141 513 votes CarriedRetirement of Judges edit This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian referendum Retirement of Judges ResultsResult 1 State Electoral roll Ballots issued For Against InformalVote Vote New South Wales 3 007 511 2 774 388 2 316 999 84 84 414 070 15 16 43 319Victoria 2 252 831 2 083 136 1 659 273 81 43 378 505 18 57 45 358Queensland 1 241 426 1 138 842 734 183 65 24 391 227 34 76 13 432South Australia 799 243 745 990 622 760 85 57 104 987 14 43 18 243Western Australia 682 291 617 463 472 228 78 37 130 307 21 63 14 928Tasmania 259 081 246 063 174 951 72 46 66 478 27 54 4 634Total for Commonwealth 8 242 383 7 605 882 5 980 394 80 10 1 485 574 19 90 139 914Results Obtained majority in all six States and an overall majority of 4 494 820 votes CarriedNational Song edit This section is an excerpt from 1977 Australian plebiscite National Song ResultsVoters were presented with the following choice Against the background that GOD SAVE THE QUEEN is the NATIONAL ANTHEM to be played on Regal and Vice Regal occasions electors may indicate their preferences as to which of the tunes of the songs listed below they would prefer to be played on other occasions 2 Result State Electoral roll Ballots issued God Save the Queen Advance Australia Fair The Song of Australia Waltzing Matilda InformalVote Vote Vote Vote New South Wales 3 007 511 2 537 805 348 885 15 32 1 169 421 51 35 121 456 5 33 637 795 28 00 260 248Victoria 2 252 831 1 951 160 352 603 20 68 683 451 40 09 110 591 6 49 557 991 32 73 246 524Queensland 1 241 426 1 056 804 204 453 21 38 438 929 45 90 61 234 6 40 251 609 26 31 100 579South Australia 799 243 706 392 114 477 18 07 152 507 24 07 215 085 33 95 151 434 23 90 72 889Western Australia 682 291 487 879 113 054 23 17 183 159 37 54 75 524 15 48 116 142 23 81 68 394Tasmania 259 081 253 525 47 346 22 38 88 825 41 98 21 091 9 97 54 329 25 68 23 934Australian Capital Territory 120 875 22 136 1 448 6 65 7 857 36 11 1 863 8 56 10 593 48 68 375Northern Territory 38 209 2 951 423 14 93 1 143 40 35 413 14 58 854 30 14 118Total for Commonwealth 8 401 467 7 069 046 1 182 689 18 78 2 725 292 43 29 607 257 9 65 1 780 747 28 28 773 061See also editPolitics of Australia History of AustraliaNotes edit The 2017 Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey returned a majority of yes votes in all states and thus nationally but not being compulsory was not a referendum References edit a b c d e f g h Handbook of the 44th Parliament 2014 Part 5 Referendums and Plebiscites Referendum results Parliamentary Library of Australia Handbook of the 44th Parliament 2014 Part 5 Referendums and Plebiscites Plebiscite results Parliamentary Library of Australia Further reading editStanding Committee on Legislative and Constitutional Affairs 1997 Constitutional Change Select sources on Constitutional change in Australia 1901 1997 Archived 5 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine Australian Government Printing Service Canberra Bennett Scott 2003 Research Paper no 11 2002 03 The Politics of Constitutional Amendment Archived 16 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine Australian Department of the Parliamentary Library Canberra Australian Electoral Commission 2007 Referendum Dates and Results 1906 Present AEC Canberra Retrieved from https en wikipedia org w index php title 1977 Australian referendum amp oldid 1182436280, 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